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Subject: DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY 73 DOCTOR WHO, JESSE AND JEREMY and David Collins and Robin the Boy Wonder and… Jeremy: Enough! CHAPTER 73 Rain pelts Collinwood in a major storm. Lightning and thunder, old friends to the mansion on the hill accompany the deluge. Voice of Grayson Hall: “A stirring in bed for one Jesse McCartney is not the kind of stirring he is used to in such a place. For this last night of June, early morning of the first of July, the boy is made frightfully aware that there are more things in heaven and earth…than were dreamt of in his dreams of the Doctor, who remains lost to him and his friend Jeremy Sumpter. The Doctor may also have his memory lost…” In Collinwood, Jesse stirred in the bed. “Doctor, no. Reverse the polarity of the neutron flow, not the other way around…Borusa said so…” Jesse stirred. He felt something. He felt something in the room. He put his face beneath the sheets again. He hoped, like some of the other phantoms of Collinwood, it would just dissipate without any trouble. Something heavy seemed to be at his feet, his ankles. From under the sheet, he could see a huge shadow, a smaller one moving behind it. The thing sat down. Jesse gulped and peered out the sheet top. He put his back down on the bed and stared. Suddenly as the lightning filled the room via the three or more stained glass windows, he saw the image. Staring back at him was a large dark colored, German Shepard canine. It sat at the foot of the bed, seemingly rising up, headfirst to leap on it. The image he was before, the large one was the dog, the smaller was its tail waving back and forth. The dog stared and watched. Jesse’s eyes widened. The sheet was wrapped under his arms and he laid there staring…the dog inadvertently opened its mouth and he could see large canine fangs and other teeth…Lightning behind illuminated the silhouette of the dog… the large patches of hair were black and brown at different parts of its body. It would be beautiful, if Jesse didn’t feel chills all over his spine and spreading out to the rest of his body… Grayson Hall Voice, “And not far from the main house, across the bat filled woods, in the Old House populated by one Barnabus Collins, Jesse’s lover Jeremy is in a semi-trance like state, painfully unaware he is grave and mortal danger, a danger which will be made painfully clear to him when his neck is bitten by one vampire, the one and the same Barnabus Collins…” Jeremy took a bath after all. When finished, he warmed himself by the fire Willie had started in the fireplace. He rubbed his hands together. He heard a strange howling in the woods. Jeremy went to the window, a large squared off one. He could not see any animal and he wondered what type of animal would make a noise like that. It had three howls and then stopped…he thought he saw a large bat outside his window…he moved back, somewhat unaffected by either wolf or bat… Willie struggled to get out of the basement cellar door. “Barnabus, let me out! You can’t do this!” Jeremy laid down in the bed, put the sheets over himself, and quickly fell asleep. A thick fog of smoke came from under the door to his room. If anyone had seen it, they’d have thought the house were on fire. That alone would be a horrid enough thing, however what it really was…was even worse than any fire. When the fog finished rolling in from under the door, it rose up and formed a figure…in the dark over the bed, in front of the light from the fireplace and the head of Barnabus Collins illuminated by bursts of lightning. The body followed, assisted by brief bouts of thunder… Barnabus stared the prone boy, who rested his head sideways on the fluffy pillow. Jeremy looked angelic. His medium length hair curled in the rain and fell to his ears…his breath…his steady rhythm of life, in and out, in and out… such life, Barnabus thought. Such grace. Such virility. He could feel the blood pumping in the youth’s veins. He could no longer control himself. He raised his hands and Jeremy turned so that his neck was an open target… Barnabus opened his mouth wide and his main fangs bared, descended to the boy’s throat…the tip of each main fang already started to draw blood on the handsome, smooth and clear neck… In Collinwood, Jesse stared at the dog and thought in the eyes, he could see the vampire starting to bite the neck of Jeremy…he knew he had to escape this dog ghost but what move should he make? He was almost stunned into making none at all. “Fuck it!” he shouted and then decided on a quieter approach, “You’re a good dog, aren’t you?” Impassively, the dog looked at him, no movement at all. Jesse began to whistle and wondered what it was he was whistling. He thought. He started to sing the Lassie theme song. Carefully, he removed his naked body from the sheets and made an effort to get out on the right side of the bed. The dog tilted its head. It looked at him. He stood up. Jesse put his hands out for the dog to stay. He moved toward the door…he rounded the bed and the dog’s gaze followed him. He saw a large note pinned to the bathroom door. Jeremy’s note. He read took it and read it. As he did, the dog moved its body to watch him. “The foolish kid…” He crumbled the note up and moved to the door, twisting his body to watch the giant German Shepard. “Bet you’re a purebred, huh, boy?” He moved to the door and opened it. The dog stood up and jumped off the bed and he flinched and turned to face the hallway beyond the open door. Could he get into the hallway and close the door before the dog could follow him…too late, it was by his side. He looked down as it waited. “You’re not mean at all, are you? I bet you’re just watching over me. You kinda look…familiar…” He took a step into the hallway. The dog followed…and there was not enough room for it to follow side by side so it moved through the wall next to the door! Jesse stared. He moved faster and it followed…he came to the small landing above the open vestibule leading to the exit of Collinwood…and standing there was something that stopped him short… A man. A ghost. A ghost of a man. Short, about 5’4 or almost 5’5. Brown hair and eyes. Pale. Jesse knew at once the man was a ghost, although any visible signs of how he died were hidden. The man spoke with a ghostly ethereal voice, “Hold it!” Jesse stopped short and took a defensive stance! In the rain, the water hitting the cliffs beneath Widow’s Hill took no notice of ghost man, dog, vampire or two lovely time lost boys… DARK SHADOWS THEME SONG…. Barnabus felt Jeremy’s young flesh against his fangs. He was about to sink his teeth in deeper when a pre-pubescent voice wracked his whole body. “Barnabus, you must not do that!” Barnabus heard it and knew, at once, who it was. He moved his teeth away from the small cuts he had made on Jeremy’s neck. He stood up fully and whirled around as the chandelier in the room shook violently and with loud sounds of jewels hitting jewels, for that is what hung from it. Barnabus looked up at it as lightning from the window illuminated his craggy face. It was followed by a burst of thunder and at the same time the fire in the fireplace died as if it never were. Suddenly, the lightning and thunder that seemed so prevalent, ended abruptly, and the power came back on, the lights came back on, and Barnabus could see the small trickle of blood on Jeremy’s bare, boyish neck. “My sweet, Sarah!” His whole body was shaken and he felt his feet bolted to the floor by the instant distress and guilt. “Sarah! My sweet, sweet, sister!” The little girl in the night clothing moved over to him from the other side of the bed, “You mustn’t, Barnabus…” Kneeling down, Barnabus opened his arms wide and Sarah went into them. “Sarah, you’ve come back to me. After all this time…all this time…” He cuddled her to his chest. Then, releasing her, he turned away. “Why have you come back? To save him?” “Barnabus,” Sarah put a small hand on his shoulder and then bursa escort bayan moved around to him, “It’s not your fault this time…I know you are good now…” “But this…” he stood up again and saw Jeremy’s neck, unburdened by clothing. Jeremy stirred a bit. “I must!” “No, Barnabus, you must not!” Sarah put her pointing finger up at him. “You are just a little girl, you don’t know what this feels like!” “I’m not just a little girl, Barnabus! I’m not!” “I want you to go! Go now!” He felt the bloodlust stir up in him again and he didn’t want Sarah around to see this, ghost or not. “Go!” “I shall not!” “Barnabus, we’re both here for you…” from the other side of the bed, Barnabus could see the ghostly outline form. It was a bride in full bridal dress. One he recognized well. “You as well!” Barnabus gasped as the ghost moved the veil up. He was half expecting to see the broken face, the mangled eye hanging, the rock damaged face of his true love, Josette. “Josette!” “Barnabus,” she smiled and moved through the bed and Jeremy to him. She put her hands on his. “I know I told you we might not see each other again. And that you were free, as am I. But this time, this time it’s different. We are here to help you.” “Who is doing this to me? Could it be Angelique?” “Angelique might be involved somehow but we do not believe she is behind this new revival of your curse, nor the stealing of Quentin’s portrait.” “You know about that as well? How can you say it is not she?” “Barnabus, you made peace with her back in 1840 when she not only lifted your curse, she also died saving you…” “Since then she has been responsible for the death of Roger Collins…” “I believe that was not intentional, however, she has repented…” Barnabus spat and turned from Josette, “Repented!” “Barnabus, there comes a time, in this world and in the next when you have to forgive and let it go…” “You know what she’s done. She was not only responsible for my curse, my mother’s death, little Sarah’s here, and your own, she know what she’s capable of…” “We know,” Sarah said, “It is not her this time…” Josette took him in her arms again, “Plus, she…she loves you, Barnabus, she always has…” “Then why hasn’t she shown herself to me, here and now, as you both have?” “That we cannot now answer…she seems to be struggling with something else…someone else…” Josette said. “As must we. We must help her…” “Help her!?!” Josette waved a hand and below, the cellar door latch, opened and Willie came pouring out, raced upstairs. “We must go, my love. More importantly than forgiving her. You must forgive yourself…” Josette kissed his cheek, he closed his eyes, and as she kissed him, her visage slowly. He remained with his eyes shut. “Forgive yourself,” Sarah said as she came to hug him and only reached as far as his waist. He opened his eyes, kneeled down and she hugged him and kissed his forehead. “Sarah!” Barnabus gasped as she vanished, repeating, “Forgive yourself…” He rose as Willie burst into the room, “Barnabus don’t!” Barnabus repeated, “Forgive myself,” a few times. He laughed at the notion. “I suppose anything is possible…” Downstairs, they could hear Julia opening the front door. She gasped. Willie figured she had seen the open cellar door, gestured in her dramatic way with her arms flung up in the air in front of her face and came racing up the steps. “Barnnnnnabusssss!” “It’s alright now,” Barnabus gasped as Julia raced into the room…her room. She always felt a twinge of jealousy whenever Josette was concerned. “Julia, I’m alright. See to him…” “This is David’s friend?” Julia looked over at Jeremy’s neck, “Barnabus, no!” “How is he?” Willie asked. “I …I don’t see the bite went deep…it’s not really a bite at all. I think your…I think you,” she looked at Barnabus, “Just barely broke the skin…” “Is he…affected?” Barnabus asked. “Hardly likely,” Julia said, “I’ll clean it and let him sleep. I mean you’ve actually bitten some people who never turned into…” “I’ve heard enough,” Barnabus turned away, “Lock me in again and don’t leave Willie alone with me…” Julia looked up, “I will. Willie, there….” “I’m sorry…” Willie said, “He used his…his powers on me again…” “There, there, Willie,” Julia stood up, “It’s alright…there’s the blood in the van and my medical kit. Would you please go and get them for me…” she held his arms, “Like a good friend that you are?” “Yes, Julia, sure, I can do that, I can.” Willie fled. Julia looked at Barnabus. She just stared. He averted his eyes. “I know this is not your fault…” “It all is,” Barnabus said, “Even now the desire to bite him, to bite you, even poor Willie…I…I want you to lock me in right now.” Julia nodded, “I will, come on.” As she lead him down the steps, she wondered, “I wonder who’s causing this, though…” “Sarah and Josette appeared to me…” “Here? Now?” “Yes, here and now. Both of them seem to think it is not Angelique…” “Yes, I have had that feeling since all this started as well…of course, she’s always the prime suspect when the curse comes back to you…” She helped him out of the room and down the long flight of steps. Jesse looked at the ghost, “Get out of my way!” “I must talk to someone…to you…” “Look bub, any other time I’d be glad to. Hell, in this house, I’m the most ghost friendly guest there is but right now my friend needs me…” Jesse started to move at the man but he grabbed both Jesse’s wrists and pushed him back, then let go. “I don’t want to hurt you…” “Solid enough,” Jesse felt each wrist with his opposite hand, “Hey, this dog here, he…he’s with me…so if you don’t want to…” Jesse looked and the dog was gone. “Great.” “I won’t hurt you.” “You already have,” Jesse rubbed his right wrist. “I must help my friend, he’s in great danger…I have to get to the Old House…if it isn’t already too late…and from what I saw…” A little girl’s hand reached up and touched Jesse’s wrist and the pain went away. Jesse jumped and turned at the same time. “Another one!? Who…who are you?” “I do not have much time. Do not worry. Your friend is all right. He’s been taken care of…” Jesse’s eyebrows went up. Sarah added, “In a good way. Please don’t worry…this one needs you more than Jeremy…” Something about the girl made Jesse believe her instantly. “You…you helped him?” “He’s safe and fine…” “But those fangs, they cut him…” “He is not infected if that is what you fear. He will not become a vampire.” Jesse studied the girl ghost. He looked into her eyes. Something about them and about her tone, the way she said what she did, made him trust her…implicitly. “Thanks, little girl. Thank you…” Jesse turned to the man and then when he looked back, Sarah was gone. “Wow. Uhm. You. What’s wrong with you?” “I need someone to talk to.” Jesse sat down, putting his feet through the bars of the handrails on the landing, letting them hang over the balcony. He patted the side of the floor next to him and the man ghost sat down on the rug… “What’s wrong?” Jesse swung his legs in a carefree manner. “I killed myself.” “Oh.” “Is that all you have to say is “oh?” “Well, what do you want me to say?” “Do you know what a loser is?” When Jesse didn’t answer, the ghost said, “Me. I’m a loser. Always was. I mean what would you know about it. Look at you. You look like a foxy guy, hot, desirable to everyone, even after they’re dead. I’m average looking, short, I was 44 when I did it…” “How?” “What?” The ghost said, clearly annoyed. “How did you do it?” “For God’s sake, that’s all anyone wants to know. How did you do it? Did you shoot yourself? Hang yourself? Stab yourself? Set yourself on…I took all the pills in my house, that’s how I did it.” “What for? What was wrong? I mean you said you were a loser…you seem pretty together to me, other than, you know, the killing yourself part…” “What was wrong? I’m gay!” “Oh, that’s all! ? You did it because nilüfer escort of that?” Jesse looked at him and stopped swinging his legs. “No,” the man said, “That was the main reason. I did because I’m lonely. I lived with my parents, had two cats, and only two friends…” “I don’t understand. Did you have a job?” “Yes. I was a teacher at a boy’s school.” “Did you molest them?” “What? NO!” The man said. “I would never do that. “You had a good job then. Then…well, I don’t get it!” “Of course you don’t. You have everything you ever wanted. You probably get guys to come to you like a magnet. I mean look at you. They…gay guys want blond, young, well built, tall, blue eyes…you’re everything I always wanted to be but couldn’t be…” Jesse became uncomfortable. “You…” he looked sideways at the man, “You’re not thinking of …of possessing me, are you?” “What? No! I just…I just want…wanted what you have. Even just a little. I mean, really look at you. Look at your life. I bet you’ve never been alone one day in your whole entire life. And the worst thing about you was that you had to come out. But of course, you came out and had sex before that, after that, during that…am I right?” “You’re a ghost,” Jesse frowned and put his hands on the bars. “You must have knowledge.” “I’m guessing at all of it. But I guess I’m right or you would have said so…” “Yes,” it was Jesse’s turn to get annoyed. “But you could have if you wanted to…” “Oh really. Would you hit this?” The man looked himself over. He wasn’t fat, wasn’t tall, wasn’t great looking but wasn’t ugly either. “No, you wouldn’t. It’s average…” “So…” “So why not find some other average guy? Listen, I’m also a virgin…” “I’m sorry.” “So am I. I wish…I dunno. I never really related well to people. I mean they …most of them, they liked me enough. Some of them even loved me. But I never really got them, you know. I never really enjoyed them. I always found them to be a lot of work. And as for my friends…well, they liked me more when I was doing things they wanted to do. But when it came time for them to do stuff I wanted to do…” “What was it you wanted to do?” The ghost had put his legs through the bars and let them hang over too but Jesse didn’t see him do that. In response to Jesse’s question, the Ghost said, “I don’t know. I never did. I mean I liked solo things. TV, movies, that kind of thing. I can’t say that some people didn’t try. I just…I just always wanted to be someone else. I wanted someone else. On top of that…I sort of dabbled in things. I bowled, I went to miniature golf, I ran track in junior high and high school for five years…people liked me but they didn’t like like me. I mean enough to really be close to me. Unless they needed something from me. I always found fantasy more exciting than them. On top of that, I was gay and had crushes all through junior and high school. I wanted two of these guys so bad. Turned out they were both dealers and one was a drug addict on top of being a dealer. I used to follow them around the hallways…isn’t that strange?” “Not really. You were gay and didn’t know how to express it. I can relate to that…” The man spat with a ghostly breath. “NO, YOU CAN’T! WHAT WOULD YOU KNOW ABOUT A LIFE LIKE THAT?” “I…I’m sorry. I guess I can’t…” “I didn’t even know I was gay. I thought it was just that I wanted to be like them, you know. Outgoing, personable. People others went to for fun and friendship. Everyone and I mean everyone flocked around these guys. I was shy for the most part, not really outgoing. Everyone or just about everyone said hello to me and was sort of fond of me but no one really…no one really wanted to be closer. And sometimes, some friends just left me high and dry for others and sometimes it was my fault. I mean I made fun of one of my friends a lot. SO much that he never wanted to be my friend again and didn’t even tell me why. He just left. I figured it out and apologized but…another friend did drugs…oh, just smoking pot at first, and he thought I wouldn’t want to be friends with him. By the time he and I figured it all out, he was then doing hard drugs. He didn’t want any part of me. Another guy got way into sports and that took up a lot of his time…I just never found myself…and on top of all of that, I had fetishes…” “Man, you did have a lot of issues,” Jesse said, “I wish I could have done something…you know,” he put his hand on the man’s leg, “…to help you.” “My family loved me and when I came out to them…” “Shit. You came out to them?!!!” “Yeah when I was like 42…I had to do that three times, come out to them three times. I told them all. Oddly enough they all took it in stride…” “What year was this, that you did all this in?” “Oh, I didn’t mention that…?” “No.” “I killed myself in August of 2007. I know what you’re thinking. There should have been a lot of help for me. I tell you there was some but mostly it was slow going and my own worst enemy was myself.” “I just…suicide. To me…you had people who loved you?” “Yeah, mom, dad, sister and her daughters, an aunt and uncle, their four children and their families…” “But it wasn’t enough, was it? You wanted a relationship, didn’t you?” “Yes,” the ghost said, “I did. And, you know, all my life before that, gay was just something not understood. Growing up in the 60s and 70s it was just taboo to my family and even my community. A small place on Long Island.” “I’m sorry. I know how some of those places can be…even in the present…I just…to do that to them. To kill yourself…it’s kinda selfish.” “I know. I knew it was when I did it but I just didn’t want to feel so hopeless any more. I just wanted the pain to go away. The thoughts came so much…to know there were gay guys out there doing stuff I just could not…and I even tried. I entered the gay world and community out there. I found a lot of mean people who seemed nice when they first met me. But many were into drugs, cheap sex…and not into me…although some guys were into me…” “There you go,” Jesse tried to cheer up. “SO why didn’t you…” “Listen. I’m sorry. I’m shallow. I really am. Would you fuck an overweight, bearded 55 year old or 60 year old who acted fem or whatever?” Jesse thought about it. He shrugged. “I guess I never had to think about stuff like that…” “Exactly my point…” the ghost smiled. “I didn’t want to either. On top of that, I was also too moral or too fearful to do anything and to keep going to those pointless bars…they were never me to begin with, bars. I hated that scene. Yet I wished I were someone who didn’t give a shit. I knew a guy out there who…came out same as I did. Only he was blond, tall, blue eyed, outgoing and very ,very good looking. He got more sex…and he never reciprocated…he never sucked a guy’s dick, never let a guy fuck his ass, nothing…he was the most self centered guy I ever knew and…” “And he was happy.” “Yes, now you’ve got it.” “And you wanted to be like him?” Jesse’s voice raised a bit on the last word. “Yes,” the ghost said and thought about it, “I supposed I did. Maybe just a little…still other guys promised stuff. There was this out group on Long Island. I went to it, and I had a hard time at first continuing to go. I just didn’t want to face this gay stuff. But when I finally went…it shut down and a guy took over who wanted to met at a bar, gay club really. I met some guys there. And they all made these promises, like we’ll get together and do stuff beyond the bar…one of them hung himself. I think maybe he and I might have been friends but I was too closeted even then…I guess. I wasn’t into him either. And I wish I was. But I would have tried to do stuff with them, I mean like social stuff. They weren’t too receptive. One of them invited me to meet some of his friends who were active in the gay community…helping the young gays…I mean boy, if you were a young gay guy coming out, you had plenty türbanlı escort of help available to you. But be like 30 to 45 and there was little to none. Then the group met again and I met some of the guys there, some new guys. They also made promises. Even got me to dance once or twice on the dance floor. Then I don’t know what happened, they just got…sorta funny…” “Could be…you were…” “Oh, I Know. I’m really negative. I think that sent people the other way. They don’t want to hear my shit. And I don’t blame them…much. I know I’m not an easy person on friends, I know that. I just wish someone would have kept trying, that’s all.” Jesse listened. “I wish…I know this might seem trite to say now, but I wish…I wish it were me.” “Thanks.” The ghost smiled. “That helps. It’s funny how all the things they tell you in school, you know like–you can be anything you want to be, or, I dunno, there’s someone out there for everyone…are all wrong. They don’t know what they are talking about.” “Did…” Jesse hesitated to ask the next question, “Did you ever get counseling…” “Over 16 years of it. And while they helped a small bit…made me a bit more functional instead of a crying depressed mess…they really didn’t know what to do to help me either. I mean really cure me or make me like myself or make me totally un-depressed. Medication helped for a time but that doesn’t make you make the steps or at least it didn’t me. Added to that, the counselors often didn’t return phone calls, didn’t hasten to make appointments for me, and didn’t really seem to care beyond my check for services…well, that’s not fair, one of them was pretty caring but still, they almost all abandoned me, too…” “What about the internet, tch?” The ghost laughed, “I set up a date once on there. It was supposed to be at a diner. The guy never showed up and I didn’t have a cell phone or portable lap top or whatever to find out until I returned home. He said he had to drive his sister someplace. I told him okay and he could set something up next time. He never did.” Jesse could feel his emotions taking over. His eyes began to well up. He felt deep compassion. “That happens. I guess people have to try again and again and again and…” “I wasn’t willing to do that. I never was. I mean I guess I felt why should I go all through all this stuff that I hated…I did join a sci fi club…met some nice guys there. But I felt beyond that, why go through this stuff when all it got me was a not very fun time and didn’t get me the results I wanted.” “I guess I never…” “No, because most things came easy to you.” “Yes, I guess so. I mean I had to work to get my career going and…even there, I had some help but…I guess I don’t think about people who aren’t like me. Aren’t as good looking. No offense.” “None taken.” “I’m sorry.” Jesse had tears in his eyes and one dripped down to his left cheek. He put his arm up to hold the back of the ghostly man but it went through him. “I…I never thought about things like that. I’m too busy I guess. Too busy being a jerk sometimes. Making fun of things, of some people…not like you. Like those jerky guards in the future that tried to cut my dick off once…and just making jokes to ease the tension I sometimes feel…traveling through time with the Doctor…well, it’s fun but it can be really, really dangerous too so I just …I don’t know, act like a smart ass sometimes…and hey, how come…I can’t feel you anymore…” “I..I don’t know,” the ghost said, “I just guess I have to concentrate more on it. Why?” “Well, I know, like you’re dead and all,” Jesse submitted, “But, I was I like was, gonna let you do me if you wanted…” The ghost man laughed, “Jesse, that’s very thoughtful of you and considerate but you…would you really?” “Yes,” Jesse put his hands up toward the man again. They went through the man’s chest. “I…I guess we…it’s pretty hard trying to do it this way. I mean it would be pretty hard…” Jesse shut his eyes. “It would just be a pity fuck, wouldn’t it?” “I…” Jesse rubbed tears from his eyes. “No. I…I really like you, mister…” The ghost seemed to be crying, also. But then he vanished from the sitting position and was standing up. “I think…I think it’s time to go. I think I’m okay now. Just chatting with you…” Jesse joined him and faced him. “What do you mean?” “It’s time I go off to the universe…you know, to Him.” “God?” “Yeah.” “Gosh.” “Yeah.” The ghost smiled and hugged Jesse, feeling him. Jesse felt the ghost as solid again. “I think it’ll be a grand adventure…” “Yeah,” Jesse said, “Leave the rest of this behind you…I think you’ll find what you want in the universe, in God…and there’s always another way…” “For me, this is it,” the ghost said, “Goodbye sweet one….I will visit you sometimes…if…if you want…” he had begun to float upwards… “Yes, of course,” Jesse smiled, “Just….” He thought about it, and wanted to finish before the ghost vanished through the ceiling and finally up and out the roof. “Just let me know when you coming…” He rubbed his elbow across his eyes to wipe away the residual tears. “Goodbye.” The ghost man rose up to the ceiling and out and was gone. “Man.” Jesse looked around, then had the urge to run down the steps. He realized, half way down, that he was still naked. He turned to retreat back to his room, to dress, to go after Jeremy. As he turned, he realized someone was standing before him. Someone in a long frilly night gown. “Oh no, not another ghost…” The redheaded Mrs. Jennifer Hart stood there, holding Freeway in her arms, her scruffy and cute little dog, “I’ve never been mistaken for a ghost. Although, I did dress up as a vampire one Halloween when I was younger…” She looked Jesse up and down. “You do realize that…” “Yeah, yeah, I’m naked,” Jesse said, almost matter of fact, “So…Uh, I’ll be going now…” “Okay,” Jennifer shook her head as the thunder seemed to subside. “Oh, uh, has Freeway been in his room with you the whole night?” “Why, yes, of course,” Jennifer looked down. “Oh my…” “I thought maybe he was in my room…” Jesse smiled. “No, no,” Jennifer looked down some more. “He’s afraid of the thunder… he was with me the whole time. I’ve just come out to see if I can get him something to eat…” “Watch yourself, though, Mrs. Hart, this house can be dangerous…things that go bump in the night…” “So I see,” Jennifer whispered. Jesse turned red. While he was far from the embarrassed type, and he was very confident of himself around males, around females, especially those a bit older then himself, he was not very prideful. “Okay, I’d better go…” “Yeah,” Jennifer whispered and nodded. She watched him turn around and walk back to his room…Jesse practically ran but didn’t want to show her he was somewhat shameful of being naked in front of her. Jennifer put her head to Freeway’s neck and snuggled the dog and laughed. “Oh, Freeway…” Jesse dressed quickly and wondered what the time was. He looked at the old clock on the dresser. It was 3:15 AM. “Holy Amityville Horror, it’s been a few hours…Jeremy…” Jesse put on David’s shorts and sneakers, no socks. He put on a T shirt that looked like it came straight from Woodstock, it being purple with a big peace sign of white on it and all sorts of designs and characters plastered around the circle that surrounded the peace sign. He didn’t care, he just fled the house as fast as he could, having grabbed a flashlight from one of the drawers. Outside, he looked up and saw the rain slowing to a small sprinkle. He didn’t care about that either. He had to get to the house to help Jeremy. He ran, sprinted across the lawn, and stopped. He shone the flashlight through the forest and once he was sure of the path he had to take, he continued his race across the woods, past the cliffs, and all the strange sounds he heard along the way. Nothing would stand in his way from getting to the Old House. Earlier, David had told he and Jeremy the way. Jesse ran, breathless to the front doorway of the Old House. Before he could even try the doorknob, the doors opened and Jeremy stood there. He looked white and ghost like…he seemed to be in a trance. “Hello, Jesse, won’t you come in…” TBC

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Subject: Taking Down The Challenge Champs – Chapter 1 Summary: Big Brother star Paulie Calafiore makes his mark on MTV show “The Challenge” by taking down Johnny Bananas and the other big stars on the show. “And that’s how you do it!” Paulie Calafiore announced as he re-entered the Challenge house with a big smirk on his face, coming off fresh from his win in the first Daily Challenge of the show. The rest of the cast trailed in behind him sharing various looks of disappointment. Paulie winning the Daily meant that he could choose who was going into elimination tomorrow, and the last thing they wanted was for him to have control in this game. Fortunately for most of the case there was one person that Paulie was targeting above all others, Johnny Bananas, the 6-time Challenge Champion. “This is fucking bullshit man, can’t believe we let that Big Brother scrub take the win!” Johnny said angrily to his friend Leroy. The male veteran cast members had previously agreed to form an alliance and target the rookies, talking a big game about how they would easily run the house. Now they were all at the mercy of Paulie, an embarrassing position to be in. Bananas knew that he was one of Paulie’s targets so he had to think of something fast to avoid being sent into elimination. “I gotta set that clown straight and let him know what a big fucking mistake it would be to vote me in!” That night the whole cast was drunk & partying in the Challenge house, filling the rooms with the sounds of hook ups, yelling and rough-housing. Bananas was doing his usual thing playing the big alpha dog in the house, flirting with all the women and talking shit to the rookies. He was used to running the house and everyone falling in line behind him so that he could make it to the Final and win the money. This time there was one big fucking problem named Paulie that was getting in his way and he refused to let that happen. When Johnny saw the Big Brother rookie stumble off into a separate room he stopped what he was doing and followed behind. “Hey Paulie! Wait up I got somethin to say to ya!” Bananas barked through a drunken slur as he caught up to the rookie, grabbing Paulie by the arm and pushing him against the wall. Johnny had a decent size advantage over the Big Brother star, standing a few inches taller and weighing more thanks to his muscular build. “Listen I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but this is my game! So if you know what’s good for you keep my fucking name out of your mouth!” Paulie grunted as he was pushed against the wall by the Challenge Champion, looking him in the eye before shoving him backwards. “Ughh get off me bro!” the smaller man growled while walking forward until he was once again face to face with Johnny, both standing in the middle of the empty room shirtless wearing just their swim trunks. “Sorry Johnny boy but your days on top are over, this is my Challenge now. The audience is gonna have to watch their golden boy put in his place!” “What did you just say to me?!” Bananas scowled in drunken anger, unable to believe that some Big Brother rookie was talking shit to him like this. There was only one way to settle this. With a grunt Johnny charged forward, knocking Paulie back onto the floor and landing on top of him, pinning him down. “Well Big Brother bitch guess I’ll have to welcome you to the Challenge the old-fashioned way!” Johnny smirked while looking down at the smaller man before lifting his arms into the air to flex his biceps over him. He then crawled his way up Paulie’s body until his crotch was right in the Big Brother star’s face, grinding his bulge against the rookie’s nose and mouth, “That’s right Paulie be a good rookie bitch and learn to treat daddy good.” “MMphh!” Paulie groaned out, his noises muffled by Johnny’s crotch. There was no way he was going to let Bananas bring him down. Thinking fast, he brought his bursa evi olan escort head back and then slammed it forward into Johnny’s bulge hard. The bigger man grunted in pain, stumbling over to the side while holding his crotch. Paulie took the opportunity to lean forward and slam his fist into the Champion’s face knocking him over even more. He then jumped to his feet, grabbed Bananas and threw him against the wall, thrashing him all around the room until the Big Brother star gave one final shove that sent the veteran crashing down onto a side table, breaking it and collapsing in a groaning heap on the floor face-down. With a smirk Paulie jumped on top of Bananas pinning the bigger man down, using one hand to grip Johnny by the hair and the other to reign down smacks on the Challenge Champ’s big bubble butt, “Now THIS is more like it, think it’s time someone showed Mr. Golden Boy who the real alpha is!” “Ughhh” moaned Johnny on the floor, head in a daze from the alcohol and abuse, trying to process how this had happened. He underestimated Paulie and he was paying the price, squirming his muscular body around in an attempt to fling the Big Brother star off of him. Paulie’s hard spanks just made the situation even more humiliating for Bananas, “Arghhh get the fuck off me bro! You don’t know who you’re messing with arghh stop!” “Oh I think I do big boy” smirked the rookie as he reached down and yanked Bananas’ trunks off exposing his muscle glutes. *SMACK* *SMACK* Spanking the Challenge star even harder, “The one thing I’ll give you credit for Johnny, you got a nice fucking ass, about time someone put it to good use.” The bigger man’s grunts of pain were music to Paulie’s ears, it was only a matter of time before he would break. “Now Champion *SMACK* tell me who the real Challenge alpha is *SMACK*” “Mmhmmmmm” Bananas tried to bite his lips to muffle the grunts coming out with each hit to his exposed glutes. *SMACK* *SMACK* He wanted to yell for help but he couldn’t let anyone see him being humiliated like this by a rookie. Eventually the pain became so unbearable that he couldn’t fight it anymore, grunts and yelps escaping his lips. “ARGhhh fuckkk stop ARGHHHH you can’t do this to me man FUCK ARghh you gotta stop!” Johnny groaned out, his masculine voice starting to quiver and turn into whimpers, fighting the tears that were forming in his eyes. *SMACK* *SMACK* The Challenge Champ’s mind was already cracking, no one had ever made him feel so weak and helpless. Unable to take anymore, with tears running down his face Bananas sobbed, “Okay okay you’re the alpha Arghhh please just stop!” An evil grin flash across Paulie’s face from the sound of Johnny’s pathetic sobs. “There ya go big boy, was that so hard?” the Big Brother star laughed, spanking Johnny’s fat ass one more time before rising off of him to flip the Challenge Champ over onto his back. The sight of the Challenge Champion’s tear-soaked humiliated face made Paulie’s cock stir inside his trunks. With a smirk, he leaned down and ran his tongue over Bananas’ bare chest, up his abs, across his pecs until he reached the veteran’s neck. Sucking and nibbling on the skin while he worked his way up his chin before running his tongue all over Johnny’s face and lips. Paulie paused to stare Johnny in the eyes, he could see that Bananas was mesmerized and helpless. “You’re mine now Johnny boy” the Big Brother said while running his hands all over the Champ’s big pecs, leaning down to force his tongue into Johnny’s mouth, passionately making out with the bigger man. Johnny’s eyes went wide, “Mmmphhh” he groaned into the kiss, unable to believe that he was letting the rookie do this to him. He tried to tell himself to fight it but there was something about Paulie that made him want to give in. Closing his eyes he felt himself kissing the Big Brother star back, altıparmak escort their tongues wrestling in each other’s mouths. Feeling Bananas kiss back, Paulie knew that he had won and it was time to take his prize. Pulling off the kiss he smacked Johnny in the face, “Time for you to show me how much you want to be my bitch boy”. The rookie grinned as he yanked down his own trunks exposing his rock hard 9in cock, way bigger than Johnny’s. Gripping the base he brought it up to the Champion’s lips, smacking it across his face a few times. “Open up Johnny boy, I know you want this.” “Mmphhh” Bananas groaned while the big cock smacked his cheeks. His last bits of resistance were telling him to stop this but his head was too lost in a daze to think straight. He couldn’t stop staring at Paulie’s dick hovering just inches away, breathing in the musk which messed his mind up even more. Shaking his head he tried to fight it, “I’m not your bitch…I’m not your bitch..I’m not your-mMMmMPHHHH” Johnny tried to say as he found himself leaning in and parting his lips, taking the fat purple cockhead inside and slobbering all over it. “Hahaha fuck yeah big boy take it all, taste a real man’s cock!” barked Paulie from above, pushing his dick farther and farther until all 9inches were buried deep in Bananas’ mouth. Taking in the sight of Johnny Bananas, the 6x Challenge Champ, lying there with his lips stretched obscenely wide around the rookie’s cock. The broken look in the veteran’s eyes just made Paulie hornier, thrusting in and out of the bigger man’s throat. “Suck it bitch! Slut out on my dick!” “GURGGGLFF” Johnny gagged around the dick stretching his throat to the limit. Saliva dripping down his spread lips as wet, retching sounds filled the room. The Challenge Champ’s eyes glazed over while his head bobbed up and down trying to keep the pace. “MMMPHGURFLLFLF” choking even harder with each thrust. “Ohhhh fuckk yeah you were born for this bitch boy” moaned the rookie, continuing to fuck the shit out of Johnny’s big mouth until he felt himself on the verge of cumming. With a sigh, Paulie pulled his cock out, strands of saliva clinging to the veteran’s ruined lips. Bananas looked pathetic kneeling there, his proud face covered with tears and drool, eyes glazed over. “It’s time for me to break the Challenge Champion for good!” Paulie barked, shoving Bananas over until he was on all fours and bent downwards with his fat sore ass in the air. The rookie grinned while spreading Johnny’s beefy glutes and exposing his tight pink pucker. “Damn look at that Challenge pussy, by the time I’m done it’s gonna be looser than all of the other sluts on this show” Paulie smirked while lining up his big wet cock, slowly pushing forward letting it spread the Champion’s asslips wide. “Ughhh it’s not a fuckin puss-ARGHHHHH!” Johnny tried to say when he suddenly felt Paulie’s dick push inside of him. His mind went blank from the sensation, eyes rolling to the back of his head. The Big Brother’s cock sank deeper and deeper into his guts, spreading his hole wide. Bananas began to whimper from the pain and pleasure, his own smaller dick leaking, “Oh fuckkk it’s too fuckin big…you’re too fuckin big ARHHHHHH!” “That’s right bitch boy, I’m big where it fuckin counts, now take it!” Paulie growled from above, slamming in hard over and over again, destroying the veteran’s hole. “I’m gonna turn this ass into a sloppy gaping cunt Johnny” he continued to talk dirty to the bigger man, loving the sounds of Bananas’ bitchy moans and whimpers. Filled with pride knowing that he had brought this Champion down so easily. “Mmphhh I want to hear you say it again big boy, say I’m the real Champ and alpha and you’re just a muscle bitch boy for my cock!” Johnny was so lost in the heat of the moment that he could barely speak, babbling uncontrollably while Paulie bursa merkez escort wrecked his hole. Any remnants of resistance had faded and all Bananas could think about was being filled with Big Brother cock. His fat muscle ass jiggling with each thrust, “Mmmphhh oh fuckk you’re the alpha Paulie, you’re the fuckin Champion MMMphhh ughhh I’m just your bitch!” Bananas moaned like a total slut while thrusting his glutes back on Paulie’s crotch. The champion’s admission of defeat was enough to drive Paulie over the edge, “Oh fuckkk yeah gonna fill up your cunt!” he growled as his cock burst, flooding Johnny’s hole with cum. At the same time, the veteran’s own cock came as well from the relentless pounding of his prostate. Both men collapsing down in exhaustion, Paulie laying on top of Johnny’s broad sweaty back breathing deep. “Ughhh damn that’s some good Challenge pussy” the Big Brother star grinned, pulling his dick out and smacking Johnny’s ass one more time. The rookie rose to his feet, taking in the sight of Bananas laying there groaning with his stretched hole leaking cum onto the floor. “Who knows…now that you understand that you’re my bitch, I might just keep you around..” Paulie said with an evil grin before pulling up his trunks and leaving Bananas alone in the room. “Ughhhh yes…sir…” Johnny groaned out weakly, mind totally fried as he passed out on the floor, his muscular used body totally exhausted while cum leaked from his big ass. ———–The Next Day (elimination) The entire Challenge cast gathered around the Elimination arena anxiously waiting to hear Paulie’s decision about which two castmembers would be battling it out to stay in the game. They could see that the Elimination was Hall Brawl where each castmember would charge forward through a narrow hallway trying to knock each other over to get to the other side before the other person. The host of the show, TJ Lavin, appeared and began his speech about the rules of the elimination. Johnny was usually talkative during this part of the game but he was still recovering from the day before, barely able to walk straight. All he could hope for that is that the humiliating experience paid off and gave the Big Brother star a reason note to vote Johnny into the elimination. Paulie stepped forward and turned to the cast, staring down the eyes of all of the veteran men before speaking, “It was a tough decision, especially with some new developments from yesterday…” he smiled as he turned to Johnny and winked, “..But I just can’t my vote is for Bananas to face off against his best bro Leroy!” Johnny’s heart sank as he turned to Leroy, both exchanging a frustrated sigh at the fact that they had to face each other in the elimination. Trying to muster his strength Bananas stumbled to his side of the Hall Brawl, his sore ass still affecting him deeply. The disgraced Challenge Champ stared down the hall at Leroy, seeing the competitive edge in his face knowing that he wasn’t going to go easy on him. TJ sounded the whistle and both men charged forward, Johnny did his best but was too off of his game to stand a chance. Leroy crashed into him hard sending his body flying backwards until he landed in groaning crumpled heap on the ground. Another whistle blew sounding that Leroy had made it to the other side and won the elimination. “Ughhh” Johnny groaned as he slowly rose his bruised body to his feet and stared at the faces of the cast. Most of the cast was shocked that a Challenge legend like Bananas was being sent him first, but then there was Paulie standing there with a proud grin on his face. Johnny scowled seeing the Big Brother star, “Arghh you’ll pay for this Paulie!” he yelled out in defeat before turning and leaving the elimination ring in shame. “Have a nice trip home Bananas!” Paulie announced sarcastically, “I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other soon..boy.” The other male veterans stood there in confusion, not wanting to admit that the Big Brother rookie successfully making a big move like this made them nervous. Paulie smirked, he just broke the biggest Challenge Champ on this show and these other guys had no idea what they were in for…

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Doggy Style

Subject: Bare Middleton This is a fictional story I have about this up and coming British singer. Paul Middleton is a big hunky bear of a man that happens to have a silky smooth singing voice that can lull you into a nice peaceful state. And it don’t hurt that he is a big piece of hairy deliciousness. It is only fiction as I have never met, and may never meet this gorgeous beast. But I do hope you enjoy my little tale. Bare Middleton (1) I Heard Him on the Net… Being single and alone sucks. I will get that out of the way first. But its true. I have been in not a lot of relationships in my life, because unlike most gay men I actually want something serious in a relationship. Not just jump from bed to bed or man to man. So when I thought I had found someone I found interesting and had a connection with, I tried to make ot work. But as it were my luck in this field. Relationships. In other words my track record with relationships sucked. And it got to the point that I just gave up entirely. Hence my current state of single. And I guess I was okay with it as I went along with life day by day. bursa escort bayan My senses and heart dullened by the years of bad and unhappy heartbreak. “How sad and depression” I told myself once And it is kinda depressing. But like I said. I was used to the solitude. And seeing people coupled actually didn’t bother me anymore. I was once jealous of them. Gay or straight, holding hands, kissing and getting married. All that stuff that was expected, and everyone had wanted. But i stopped wanting it. That was until it all changed this passed 2 years. And thanks to Paul. “My Paul” I sigh as I think about him. Well last start 2 years 3 months and 6 days ago. Ad I have been alone for at least 5 years now. I stayed home mostly. I really had few friends. And nine I would really consider a close friend. So I would go to movies and hang out with coworkers and the few people I knew that I dared to tolerate. But mostly I stayed home and binged on Tv and listened and downloaded online music. I liked darker shows as the romantic junk was dull and just sad to me. So Sci-fi, murder mystery and anything dark görükle escort was my preferred viewing on the television. “Hmm. That’s sounds good” I would say when a new dark and even creepy new show was announced. “Gotta put that on my list.” So yeah the darker viewing stuff was great to me. And I watched it fervently. My problem was music. Now I love music. Almost all kinds of it. From classic rock to dance to weird electronic stuff and rap. I would listen to music dependent on my mood that day sometimes. One day show tunes. Yes that’s ‘soo gay’. And this was were the foolish romantic seemed to come in. Listening to the soft, mellow love songs. It was always nice, but then made me sad after it. Go Out I somehow wanted the love song to remind me that maybe it was out there. And in occasion I would watch a romantic comedy on TV. But usually it was loves songs that pulled me in. And I would even download some. “That’s nice” I would say as I pulled up a new one Then I came across this guy online. I had never heard of Mr Middleton before that day I was searching. He was a bursa escort bayan big near if a guy that was up and coming. The songs he sang online were cover tunes. Someone elses stuff. But he did such a great job on them. The big hunky looking bear that was easy in the eyes had a smooth and almost calming tone to his voice. And I immediately liked him. “Wow. The big guy can sing” I said “And he is not bad on the eyes either” “Big bear looking fellow” Yeah Paul was a hinky bear at that. Sandy colored hair and full bear beard in a tall and beefy body. I downloaded a few of the covers he did as I really liked his rendition if them. And once again, liked the way he looked. He was a handsome guy. And his soft green eyes were quickly pulling me in to him as much as his voice. So i think I was instantly smitten by Mr Middleton. “He is good looking for sure” I said to myself. I found myself looking at the videos he had over and over. Just to catch the big bear hunk in the only images I had of him. Of course as I was a gay man and liked his bear looks, I searched for him online in other that the videos I found of him singing. I figured he had to have a webpage if he was a singer. It didn’t take too long to find it. Heck he even had an Instagram page. And that’s when I gasped at my discovery on his page. “Holy fuck. He is gay!…” I shouted To be continued

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Subject: Coronation Street Boys 2 Coronation Street Boys 2 Jack is Trapped It was dusk when Ronnie Bailey just happened to notice the cute young twink Jack Webster looking furtive in the ginnel just before slipping in number 3’s back gate. Knowing no one was home at his brothers house Ronnie was puzzled, young Jack is his sometimes girl freinds nephew and as far as he knew he was a good kid, a bit gullible, but a good kid. Ronnie waited a few minutes before silently slipping into the house to see what was going on. between his dark skin, and dark clothes Ronnie was practicaly invisible in the dark house, noticing a light from up stairs coming from his nephew James’ room Ronnie crept up the stairs just in time to see a now naked Jack drop to his knees infront of an equaly naked James and start to suck on James’s rock hard 9 inch uncut ebony cock. Ronnie never thought of himself as gay or even bi, but he was fascinated by the scene playing out infront of him as the hot twink worshiped James’ cock. Thanking his own foresight to always keeping everything on his mobile on silent, he started filming the blowjob, taking care to not get James’ face while keeping Jack in full frame. Ronnie could believe it when James pulled Jack off of him lifted him up laid him on his back on the bed crawled up between his legs and slowly and steadly in one push balls deep into Jack’s ass. Jacks face still visible eyes closed and head tossed back extasy letting out a moan that was combination pain and pleasure as James’ beautiful brown muscled ass pounded him hard. Ronnie patted his thick 12inch cock through his trousers smiling to him self as he turned off his phone just as James started to scream in pleasure his ass cheeks shaking as he drove himself DEEP up Jack’s ass as he orgasmed mersin escort leaving a load deep in the kid. Ronnie had a plan . . . he silently slipped out of the house before he was caught. Jack was suprized a couple days later when he and his Dad were having lunch at the Bistro with his Aunt Debbie when Ronnie came to the table, gave Debbie a peck on the cheek, and looked right at Jack, saying to him “I’m glad you are here Mate, I’m going to look at a property and was wondering if you’d like to cum with me for some company? and I have airconditioning in my motor so would be a break for you from this heat. If that’s OK with your Dad of course” Something about Ronnie’s deep voice has always given Jack a bit of a tingle even though he didn’t know why “Can I Dad PLEASEEEEE?” Jack begged his Dad. “You sure Mate?” Kevin asked Ronnie “Jack can be a bit of a handful” Ronnie russeled Jack’s hair saying “Of course, I’ll be glad of the company” “OK then if your sure” Kevin turned to Jack and told him “You do everything Ronnie tells you OK?” Jack was bouncing in his seat with excitment. A couple hours later Jack and Ronnie showed up at the rather worn down old hotel that Debbie now owned on the premise Ronnie was checking it out for potential to turn into a boutique B&B. In reality he had no such intention, the place actualy was the most profitable of all the Hotels since they rented out rooms by the hour and other than a lot of laundry bleach really had no expenses. Ronnie just waved at the desk clerk greeting him in passing as he led Jack into the creaky old elevator that went all the way to the top floor where what was left of the formerly luxury suites were, total privacy, even worn and shabby when rented by the hour no one wanted the extra expense. escort mersin Jack sat on the edge of the bed sort of bouncing on it looking around while Ronnie went through the motions of inspecting the room. “I sent a video to your phone you might want to watch while you wait” Ronnie said, while looking at Jack to see his reaction as Jack started to watch the video of himself and James. Ronnie wasn’t disappointed as Jack started to panic asking”What is this where did you get it, please don’t show anyone else! Dad will kill me” and Jack started to cry. Ronnie sat on the bed beside Jack his weight making the bed sag and Jack fell against him. “Please” Jack begged “don’t show anyone I’ll do anything if you delete this!” “Anything?” “Yes ANYthing!!!” With that Ronnie stood up, fished his massive black uncut 12 inch fully hard cock out of his trousers placing Jack’s hand on it. It was so massive Jack couldn’t even get his hands around it. “Suck it” Ronnie moaned in a whisper . . . With tears in his eyes Jack tryed his best but the cock was just too huge he couldn’t even get the head in his mouth. While Jack was struggling Ronnie slipped out his clothes till his big massive muscled form was totaly naked in all it’s glory, Ronnie grabbed Jack under the arms and stood him up and slowly stripped his clothes off of him just like he was unwrapping a present, “Only one way out of this Jack, you do your best for me and I’ll not show the video to anyone” Ronnie then pushed Jack face down on to the bed, held him down, and started to press his huge cock into the boys pert ass. Jack was used to a big cock being fucked regularly by James, but Ronnie’s Monster was something different, Jack would have screamed except Ronnie’s massive body had him pinned into mersin escort bayan the sagging matress his weight holding him down crushing the breath out of him as he kept pushing and pushing, Jacks ass stretching to accomidate 3/4s of Ronnies cock but that last quarter . . . Ronnie got up on his knees, his huge hands grabbed Jacks hips pulling him towards him, Jack finaly able to breathe screamed as Ronnie dropped down on him driving his cock fully in his ass tearing it open. Ronnie lay on top of the boy underhim holding him in place but supporting some of his weight started to fuck the hot twink. Ronnie had a dark side he didn’t often give into, he loved the feeling of power, he loved to use all his considerable strenght to dominate when he fucked, to use an ass or cunt as he wanted, purely for his own pleasure, he put everything he had into fucking Jack harder and rougher than he ever fucked anyone, Jack’s crys turning into whimpers as he long dicked the boys no longer tight ass with his 12 inch cock, the squeaking of the old bed in time with the boy’s moans, his own grunts, and slaps of his hips against Jack, drove Ronnie to fuck the boy with everything he had. Jack lost track of time just centred on the pain filling him as he was being almost raped by the muscled man when finaly Ronnie started to roar in pleasure and dumped what seemed like a litre of cum so deep in him that he was sure he was tasting it. Ronnie lay on the boy his sweat dripping onto him while his chest heaved as he breathed coming down from the best orgasm of his life. As his cock softened while still in Jack he says to the still wimpering, crying, sobbing, boy “Oh god Jack that was unbelievable I promised not to show your Dad that video, and I will keep ‘that’ promise . . . however your ass now belongs to me to use whenever, howeverI want or I’m going to put it up on xtube and send the link to everyone in your school.” I hope this story got you off, it did me writing it. If it did please email and tell me (pictures welcome) ive

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Subject: Welcome to Gayberry – 94 Welcome to Gayberry � 94 Feel free to address any comments on this story to hoo. This is a work of fiction and is based on no real persons, living or dead. If you enjoy this or any of the wonderful stories here, I hope you will consider a donation to the Nifty Archive to keep the site going. It is a treasure!!! fty/ 94 Over at the jail, the prophet’s mood had become even more foul. He was complaining about everything. He wanted a snack so David sent the warden down to the diner but the prophet threw the food at both of them, pronouncing it inedible. He was both flirty and abusive to Mikayla in the other cell. He would flirt with her and when she responded he called her a whore. David was almost at wit’s end until the warden got him into the back room and talked him down. “He’s just an asshole” the warden said quietly to the young deputy. “He always has been and he always will be. Just stay cool. It won’t be long now till you’re done with him. He’s about to get a couple of shocks that he’ll never recover from. Remember that it’s very likely your own kid is already in his wife’s belly and you’re about to fuck her again right in front of him. He thinks his disciples are on the way to rescue him and his wife. We know what is true. We just have to stay cool and get his sorry ass over to the quarters. We’ll have plenty of reinforcements over there. I want to make sure I get a hand job from that bitch wife of his. He’s such a racist, that should make him crazy. Remember too that old P.T. Sligh is one of his worst enemies in the world after their business deal went sour. P.T. is going to witness the man’s utter humiliation. Just stay cool for a little while longer, buddy.” “Thanks, Eamon” David said, giving the handsome warden a hug. “I was letting him get under my skin. I know to keep my eye on the prize. It won’t be long before that deplorable man is out of my life for good.” The men went back out into the cell area of the building and the prophet was demanding he be allowed to shower to be fresh for his wife. “I know I’m clean from the shower earlier, I just want to feel extra fresh for my beautiful bride” the prophet said. “I can’t wait to feel her voluptuous body against my own and to shower her with kisses and to ultimately put my heir into her belly. David, I think I’d like another shower before we leave.” “There’s no time for that, sir” David said. “The sharpshooters on t he roofs around the building have been told we’ll leave at sundown. Any deviation could cause a major problem. The last thing we want is chaos. I can bring you a basin of warm water and some soap if you want to freshen up. I think it’s too risky to have you out of your cell. A surprise visit from that asshole sheriff could totally screw everything up.” “Well, I don’t like it but I guess that’ll have to do” the prophet said. “Make it a couple of basins of really warm water and plenty of soap. And send that nig over to the drug store and get me some really nice after shave. I want things to be absolutely perfect for the breeding. We’ve spent thousands on the fertility injections for my wife and she is at the absolute peak of fertility for the next few hours. I’ll finally have my heir. Do you really think I should breed her there or wait till we get back to the plane?” “Well, sir, I can guarantee you plenty of privacy at the place your wife is waiting” David said. “That will not be the case on your plane. There’ll be the disciples who are guarding your wife and a pilot and a co-pilot. They’ll all be on the plane and it’s a pretty long flight back to Arizona. The plane will not provide you any privacy and I know you don’t want to expose your wife to any embarrassment.” “Yes, she is a modest woman” the prophet said. “That is but one of her virtues and one of the reasons I chose her for my partner. You know we are sealed not just in this life but also in the eternal life. Our love and devotion transcends time and space.” David brought the basins of water and set them on the table beside the cot. He was leaving the cell when the prophet stopped him, demanding the deputy assist him in washing up. The prophet took off the white boxer shorts he had been given and stood nude in front of the deputy. His cock was flaccid and appeared quite strange looking with the very thin shaft topped by a fat cockhead, not quite covered by his foreskin. David dipped the cloth in the warm water and began to wash the prophet’s back and arms, taking care to wash under his arms. He then did his chest and tummy, skipping his private parts and moving on down to wash the man’s legs and feet. The man stood totally passive as if David were his slave and expected to do everything for him. “Sir, so you have people who do this for you at home?” the young deputy asked. “Of course I do, boy” the prophet said. “You can’t imagine how good life will be. People are at my command. At home I often have children bathe me, usually little girls but an occasional boy if he is pretty enough. We have any number of children living in the basement at any given time. We pay their parents a few dollars and they don’t care what happens to them. There is nothing like sharing a tub with several children. Feeling their smooth little bodies slipping and sliding over your own is such pleasure as you can’t imagine. There will be plenty of time for us to share that together. I may have told you that once the prophetess is carrying my heir, she will refrain from any sexual activity until six weeks after my heir is born. Pregnant women should never have intercourse. You won’t believe the wonderful life in store for you, David. I will make it happen and it will be nice to look at you instead of that tired old bucket of lard. I should have gotten rid of that fatass bastard years ago but he was loyal and I knew he’d never talk.” “Talk about what, sir?” David asked. “What could he have talked about?” “Come on, David, don’t play na�ve with me” the prophet said. “You must surely have figured out by now that I don’t have to live by the same rules all my followers do. I tell my followers that a man touching a boy is punishable by death but sometimes a boy is just too cute to leave alone. I mean, would God have created such beauty if he didn’t intend for his chosen ones to enjoy it. Nothing is off limits to us, David. You are now the second in command to a very, very powerful man. You have no idea what a lucky boy you are. Boys, girls, animals, whatever the fuck you want is yours once we are back in Arizona, my boy!” David was now washing the prophet’s private area. The prophet’s dick began to harden as David rubbed it with the warm cloth. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed what a pretty mouth you have, David” the prophet said. “I know that you’d be happy to service me but I need to save my seed for the breeding. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to that once we’re home and the prophetess is confined with child. We will have wonderful times together.” “I have your temple undergarments for you to wear, sir” David said. “I’m sorry there’s nothing else but no one will see you once we leave except the warden, myself, and your wife. You will be put in the trunk of the car for your safety as soon as it is dark and we will drive to the secure location where your wife is waiting. There are three disciples there guarding her but they can be stationed outside during the breeding if you wish, sir.” “I don’t mind disciples watching the breeding just as I don’t mind you watching” the prophet said. “You need to make sure that black warden is nowhere around. He is not even allowed to cast his eyes on my beloved wife. You make sure he is nowhere around and doesn’t look at her. But it’s fine for you and the disciples to observe. You might even learn a thing or two seeing the master at work.” “Your hand feels so good on my cock and my nuts, David” the prophet said. “I could let you do that all night. I know you want a taste of my cock don’t you, boy. Look at that whore over in the other cell watching us. She wants some of this prophet cock. She loved the taste of it like everyone does. She wanted it in her snatch too but she didn’t get it. Boy, do you want a taste of my cock?” “I do but it can wait, sir” David said. “I know you wouldn’t want that whore to see me tasting your meat.” “What does it matter?” the prophet asked. “She knows too much already. I want her put down before we leave. We can’t risk people knowing anything that happened in here. That includes what happened with Sheriff Joe and her obscene actions with me. After you put me in the car just come back in and dispatch here. I don’t care how you do it, just get it done. I don’t want that slut seeing tomorrow. That whore is really wanting to see something. Give her a little show. It’ll be her last enjoyment on the earth. Do it. Put your mouth on me while the nig is still over at the drug store. Suck my dick just a little. I can’t give you my cream cause I need to save it but let that slut see you sucking on my cock.” “Yes, sir, prophet” David said as he went to his knees before the standing prophet and engulfed the man’s thin cock into his mouth. “Fuck yeah, David” the prophet moaned as he pulled the boy’s head in and held him impaled on the cock. “What a sweet fucking mouth you have. You and I are going to have some great times together once I have my heir in my wife’s belly. I can’t believe how good your mouth feels on my cock. You know this kind of thing is forbidden to my followers. It’s important they breed to make more followers and if the cum is going in the mouth, it isn’t going where it needs to go to make me more followers. But your mouth is one of the hottest I’ve ever felt. We will have some good times together. That’s a promise, my boy.” The prophet had David stand and go and get his temple undergarments. He helped him put on the white nylon shorts that came to almost knee level and the white nylon tee shirt. “This is just for the benefit of the disciples, you know” the prophet said. “My followers are ordered to wear these even when showering or fucking. They are never to allow anyone of either gender to look upon them in their nakedness. They even have to wear these stupid fuckers when they are screwing. The masses will believe any fucking thing you tell them if you just repeat it often enough.” “I know your beautiful wife will not be wearing hers tonight” David said. “She asked me to tell you that she awaits you wearing nothing but her beautiful long hair. She was brushing it when I left.” “It is the most beautiful head of hair I have ever laid my eyes on” the prophet said. “She hasn’t cut it since she was just a child and it is so beautiful. There is nothing more erotic than seeing my gorgeous wife and partner for eternity covered by nothing except her beautiful long hair. How does my hair look? I want to look perfect for this night. I’ve waited so long and it’s finally here.” David took a comb and ran it through the prophet’s hair, making sure it was perfect. He also splashed some of the men’s fragrance the warden had brought back from the drug store. The entire jail smelled like English Leather as the prophet was finally prepared to go and breed the prophetess. “We will never forget this night, David” the prophet said. “Tonight I will breed my bride, putting my heir into her belly. Then we will return triumphant to Arizona where my disciples will gather to do my work. We will get rid of that goofball governor and I will be elected. I shall then lead the state to secede from the United States and we will establish our very own independent country and be free to write our own laws without interference. It will be a great time for all of us, my boy, and you will be at my right hand.” “I can hardly wait, sir” David said. “I join you in hoping this will be a night to remember.” Not far away at the sheriff’s home, the men were getting ready to leave. The boys had finished all their after-dinner duties and were now getting ready to head to the pool. It was a house rule that shirts and pants or shorts had to be worn at all indoor meals, while if they ate on the large patio, a towel was fine. There were teak benches all around the pool area so that clothes could be folded and left while swimming and each boy knew he was responsible for making sure his clothes got back to his room or into the laundry room. The doctor had arranged for a towel service so towels were never in short supply in the house, the pool area or the new downstairs gym and gang shower. William, who was point man on tonight’s activities, had invited Felton, the ex-husband of the prophetess and father of her child, as well as Dale Mason, a rancher who had worked for the prophet on his Arizona ranch and who had narrowly escaped with his son as well as Felton’s son. They were living on the doctor’s ranch and he had recently agreed to become the doctor’s ranch foreman at the ranch for young boys who needed a place to live. They loaded into two cars to head for the quarters as William wanted their group to arrive before the prophet arrived with David and the warden. “You know I trust our boys and I’ve come to trust the older boys but I sure do feel better with Sarge being at the house tonight” William said once they were in the car. “He seems like a good man and with all the unsettling events of late, I just feel better knowing he’s on the property.” “I understand perfectly because I felt the same way when I heard Sarge would be there” Arnold said. “He’s just a guy who inspires trust. Did you learn much about him today, Randy? Apparently he was pretty tight friends with Sergeant Carter.” “They have been best friends for years and have been through lots of stuff together” the sheriff said. “I spoke with Sergeant Carter by phone just to confirm that the man was who he said he was. I was upfront with Sarge about doing it since I realized we’d be leaving our boys with him. Just can’t be too safe.” “I’m looking forward to taking him to see our house tomorrow” Arnold said. “It’s a great old house with tons of room but it really needs some attention. If it works for Sarge, I think I’ll let him live there rent-free since he plans to fix a place up. It could work out well for both of us. What’s his nephew like?” “A genuine twenty-four carat asshole” Randy said. “What a little prick. He’s a handsome little fucker though. His late father was from Greece and the kid got the looks. Jet black hair everywhere and thick black caterpillar eyebrows. He’s got kind of olive skin and he’s a great looking boy. But he’s apparently a real asshole and I saw some of that today. What kind of boy breaks his own mother’s arm with a fucking baseball bat?” “Sounds like he’ll have his hands full but if anyone can handle it, it’s a fucking marine drill sergeant” William said. “Just watching him with the boys for the short while I was around him earlier, he seems completely attentive and caring toward the boys.” “I couldn’t agree more” Randy said. “He couldn’t have been more tender and affectionate with Dopie at the lake.” “So how did that go?” William asked. “Did Dopie finally get what he’s been wanting?” “He shore did and he handled it like a champ” Randy said. “I couldn’ta been no prouder. He took his daddy’s dick like a champ and then wanted more and got Sarge to fuck him after I did. I think the boy’s gonna be a bottom for sure.” “That’s great “Arnold said. “There’s nothing wrong with that.” “I think Sarge couldn’t believe his luck tonight, getting to be with three young boys. Apparently in the marines, an officer is expected to protect his tough guy image all the time. He told me he’s been thinkin’ how good it would feel to get fucked in the ass but he ain’t never done it cause the enlisted men might lose their respect.” “It’s a very macho culture � the marines” Arnold said. “I’ve heard from a lot of people that no officer in the Marine Corps would ever bottom except for another officer. That sure wasn’t true in the navy. Some of the biggest bottoms on a ship are the officers and the higher the rank, the more they loved spreading their legs and taking dicks.” They all enjoyed a good laugh as Randy pulled around behind the quarters to hide his car. The doctor arrived right behind them with Felton and Dale, parking in the back as well. The building looked totally deserted from the outside. They entered and the room was mostly darkened except for a blinding spotlight on the mattress in the center of the room where the prophetess was tied, totally naked and her legs spread so that she was exposed. Felton walked over to the edge of the mattress and yelled, “Surprise, bitch!!!” Once the prophetess put it together that the man was her ex-husband, she looked stunned. “What the fuck are you doing here?” she asked. “You have no business being here. What’s going on? Where is David?” “Don’t worry about David, bitch. I brought another friend of yours with me, Miriam dearest” Felton said, pulling Dale Mason into the spotlight. The prophetess looked as if she had seen a ghost. “Don’t look so shocked” Dale said with a wry smile on his face. “Yes, it’s me and I’m very much alive, as is my son. I know you sent people to kill us when you left the state to come here and try to get Alex back. I know all about that and a whole lot more. Those two sorry ass disciples have spilled their fucking guts. And it was on the news about an hour ago that the remainder of the disciples are all gone too. Apparently the bureau released tear gas and the disciples started firing. The whole place went up in a giant kaboom. ” “Get away from me!” Miriam said. “You’re a motherfucking liar! If you come any closer I’ll scream. I’ll have you arrested and you’ll be sorry.” “Give it up, bitch” Felton said. “You have no power here and you’ll never taste power again. I see that ugly swollen puss and I’ve been told mersin escort that Deputy David has planted a baby in there before your prophet got here.” “That’s a fucking lie!” she shouted. “You lie. He lies. Everybody around here lies. No man has touched me except the prophet since we were married. The prophet even revirginized me so that I would be worthy to bear his son and his heir.” “You are so full of shit, just like your asshole husband” Dale said. “The disciples hate the idea of getting their foreskins cut off and they’ll just talk and talk to keep that from happening. We’ve already heard how you and the late Sheriff Joe’s wife fucked all of the disciples that would fuck you. Did you also fuck Luke, the one you sent to torture me and my son? You had to know he was threatening your own flesh and blood as well but you didn’t care. You fucking filthy, murderous lying slut!” “You always did have nice titties, Miriam” Felton chuckled. “Them drugs must have puffed them up too cause those nipples look downright tempting. Your pussy’s a mess, but I will say those tits are looking mighty fine like they always did.” With that said, he reached out and began to fondle one of her breasts. Her response was immediate. “Ooh, Felton, that feels so good” she purred. “Don’t stop, baby. I’m so horny. These fertility drugs have me so turned on and that feels wonderful. Don’t stop doing it. Felton, you always were my first love. We could make it work again. Just you, me and our handsome son. He’s a handsome boy. We could be very happy. Just please touch my little pussy. I want to make love to you. You always had that big, beautiful cock. I’ve never met a man with a bigger cock than yours. Please just lie down here beside me. Lick my nipples and touch my puss. Please, Felton, we can be so happy. Just you, me and Alex together again like the family we were always meant to be. Just rub my pussy, baby. Please rub that pussy for me.” “I think my new buddy, Dale may want to feel of these titties” Felton said. “Come on in here, Dale and get a handful for yourself.” Dale knelt beside them and started to fondle the other breast. Now Felton and Dale were fondling them, playfully pinching her nipples and she was in heaven, moaning and gasping for breath. “Oh boys, that’s what I need.” Miriam said. “Please don’t stop. I never meant for any harm to come to you or your son, Mr. Mason. Really I didn’t . If Luke told you those things, he’s a liar. He must’ve gone rogue. That feels so good. Please don’t stop. Felton I need you inside me so badly. Not a day has gone by that I didn’t think about that big cock of yours and how good it felt in my pussy. No one has ever come close to making my cunt feel so good as when you were inside me. Please at least touch my pussy. Please.” “I do have a question for you, Miriam” Felton said as he continued to grope her tit. “Why did you cut off all your hair? It always was your best feature and when we met up at the air strip it was down below your waist. Whatever possessed you to chop it off? It does nothing for your looks.” “Well, you see, originally I had planned to get bred by the prophet tonight and leave with him on our plane. David told me the prophet had insisted I have all my hair cut off in case we got stopped at the airfield. He said anyone would recognize me by my beautiful hair. So David cut it all off this afternoon like the prophet commanded. But all that’s in the past. Felton, I really want us to be together again. Don’t worry about my hair. I can afford all the wigs I want and only the best quality. And if it’s what you want, I’ll let it grow back for you. Only for you, Felton. I don’t need anyone but you and that big cock. Undo my hands and let me just feel that marvelous meat. I really want it. I’ll tell the prophet to just leave me alone and go away if you’ll just rub that big cock up against me. Please. Please. Please.” “No can do, bitch” Felton said. “We’re all looking forward to seeing the look on your precious fucking prophet’s face when he sees his slut practically bald and spread out for the world to see her ugly, obscene cunt. I hope somebody brought popcorn.” “Felton, please, the least you can do is to release my hands so I can touch myself. I’ll let you watch me finger myself! You were always trying to get me to do that when we were married. I was selfish then. I’ll never be selfish again if you’ll just release my hands. My pussy is itching like it’s covered in a million fireants. I can’t stand it.” “This ain’t my circus and you ain’t my monkey” Felton chuckled as he and Dale moved away from the pleading woman. Doc had been checking out all the men on the wall. Young Charlie was running around trying to be helpful since he had earlier been released from his chains. “Charlie, is there anything I need to check on the men?” the doctor asked the young boy. “Well, my dad’s still oozing blood from his site where he was cut but that’s because the gauze keeps getting ripped off. I don’t think that’s a problem and I showered him down real good earlier, along with all the others except the prophetess. That disciple did some pretty good bleeding where he was cut but I added some gauze. He’s real mad cause he got cut and that other one, Luke didn’t get cut. They’re both complaining a lot about how their nuts hurt in those bands but I don’t believe their sacks are quite as swollen s they were earlier. Will Barrow don’t say much of nothing. He mostly just hangs there and cries. And P.T.’s damn near hoarse from yelling insults at the prophetess. There must’ve been a good bit of bad blood between P.T. and that woman’s husband. I drained Thor’s bladder about an hour ago so that should be okay. The Smith brothers are just being their usual irritating selves. They’re both complaining about not getting enough to eat. One of them, the preacher’s brother, tried to get me to jerk him off while I was bathing him. I told him I couldn’t do that without the sheriff’s permission and he got pretty mad but there weren’t much he could do about it.” “Charlie, you’ve done a really good job and I appreciate your help” the doctor said. “I think you’ll be getting out of here real soon and I’m very hopeful that your life will be so much better than it ever has been. If Mr. Arnold and Mr. Felton agree, you’ll be living on the ranch I’ve got for boys who need homes.” “A ranch?” Charlie asked, his eyes wide. “I always dreamed of living on a ranch. There is one thing though. I’ve been thinking about it all and I wouldn’t want to leave here without a chance to talk to Kurt so I can apologize for being involved in the attempt to shoot him. I just wouldn’t feel right about it unless I could apologize and know that he understands everything and is okay with things.” “I’m sure we can make that happen, Charlie” the doctor said. “Now before things get crazy, I brought you a nice big slice of apple pie I made. Find a quiet place and enjoy it.” “Thank you, doctor!” the boy said. “I love apple pie. Would it be all right if I gave you a hug?” “Of course it would, Charlie” the doctor said. “I love hugs from handsome boys like yourself.” They exchanged a warm hug and Charlie went to enjoy his pie as William announced the prophet could be arriving at any time now and they again cut all the lights except the bright spotlight on the prophetess and all the men went to the far side of the room where they couldn’t be seen in the darkness. Over at the jail, it was getting dark and David checked his watch and decided it was time for them to leave. David and Eamon took the prophet out the back door and loaded the prophet into the trunk of the squad car. The prophet insisted he not be handcuffed and David permitted that, knowing he and the warden could handle any situation which arose with the smaller man. Just before they left, the prophet told David to go back into the building and shoot Mikayla so she could never talk about what had happened. David told him that a gun would make too much noise and might attract unwanted attention so he took out a knife he had brought for that purpose and went back into the building, returning shortly thereafter and telling the prophet the job had been taken care of. “That sorry whore will never suck another dick or say another word” David told the prophet in a quiet, serious voice. “I knew I could count on you, boy” the prophet told his new right hand man. “Jehovah very clearly sent you here for me. You’ll never regret any of this.” “Praise be to Jehovah” David said, stifling his laughter. It was a short drive to the quarters during which Eamon lit up a cigarette. “That is one obnoxious fucking asshole” Eamon said. “It’ll be nice to see him brought down.” “It’s about time that happened” David said. “It was all I could do not to just smack him in the head but that would have ruined everything. The prophet’s got a surprise in store for him very shortly and it should all be worth it.” “That motherfucker’s got several surprises in store” the warden said. “He thinks he’s being taken to a place where he’ll breed his beautiful wife and then they’ll fly off together into a beautiful sunset. The only place he’ll be going after tonight is with me up to Statesville where he’ll spend a little time in the Hell cell. I’ve got ten of the meanest, most hung motherfuckers in the prison waiting on him and I’ve had every single one of them in chastity devices for the last ten days. He’ll be lucky to survive. Or maybe he’d be luckier if he just dies a quick death before he gets there.” “This has all been so crazy and it all happened so fast” David said. “I’ll be happy when things settle back down. I look forward to just being a deputy in a quiet little friendly town and doing my job and going home and enjoying life.” “Have you found a place to live yet?” the warden asked. “The sheriff’s invited me to move into his place” David said. “I think it’s a great situation with Arnold, William and the doctor living there with all those boys. It feels like a real family and that’s something I’ve really missed since my parents died. Plus the fact that William’s wife is pregnant and he’ll be bringing that baby there to live when it’s born. If I was really able to impregnate the prophetess, I could be bringing a baby home very shortly after William’s is born. The doctor is really excited and is already fixing up a big, fancy nursery.” “You knocked that bitch up today, David” Eamon said. “No doubt in my mind. I saw that load you shot in her and you can do another one tonight just for insurance. I know you ain’t interested in pussy but we’ll all be there to help you out. There’s not a man in this group that wouldn’t want to get his hands and his mouth on that pretty cock of yours.” “Thank you, warden” David said. “It really feels good to be supported and I still just can’t believe I may actually get to be a father.” “Enjoy the ride, son” the warden told him. “Life’s bound to throw some shit at you but never stop fighting back. Never stop. You’re as handsome a boy as I’ve ever met and you’re going to do just fine.” David was blushing as they drove up in front of the quarters. There were no other cars visible as the others had parked behind the big building. It was dead quiet there in the woods except for the sounds of the cicadas. David opened the trunk of the car and he and the warden assisted the prophet in getting out. “Get your nasty hand off me, nigger” the prophet lashed out at Eamon as he had tried to assist the man. “David, I want that uppity motherfucker shot right now. Put a bullet right into his goddamned brain.” “Prophet, that’s just too dangerous for now” David said calmly. “The last thing we want to do is attract any attention to us before you get your wife bred and we get to that airfield. I’ll take care of him once we’re out at the landing strip. He’s just a little bit dim and he doesn’t know his place.” “See that you take care of that before we leave this fucking shithole state” the prophet said. “Now does my hair still look good? I want things to be perfect.” “You look impeccable, sir” David said as he punched in the key code on the thick steel door and they heard the click indicating the lock had released. It took some time for their eyes to adjust to the change in lighting but the prophet quickly saw his beloved in the spotlight in the center of the room and went running to her side. When he got to her, he was stunned to see her naked and her legs splayed, exposing her obscenely swollen pussy and clit. Then he realized that all her hair had been cut off, leaving very little. What was left looked gapped and spotty as if she had suffered from the mange. The prophet was immediately angry and calling for young David. “What the fuck is going on here?” he asked the boy once David made it to his side. “What the fuck has happened to her beautiful hair and why in the name of Jehovah is my wife, the mother to be of my heir naked and exposed for anyone to see. That nigger better not even come close and he better avert his eyes or I’ll gouge both of the fuckers out of his head.” The prophet was furious and made even more so when David let out a laugh. “There have been a few changes in the plan, prophet” David said with a sweet smile which further infuriated Warren. “You won’t be breeding your bitch tonight. I’ve already taken care of that chore and, believe me it was a chore with the slut looking like she looks now.” The prophet was too stunned to speak. “Your bitch begged me to put it to her so I finally gave in so it looks like she’ll be bearing my baby and neither you nor she will ever see the kid. I’ll be taking the baby the minute it’s born and raising it as my own. As far as the world knows, both of you went down in a plane crash and you’re both dead. We have a little film that you’ll see in a few minutes. Your disciple Matthew is indeed dead and your other two you brought with you, Luke and Mark are both hanging on our wall in chains, along with your very good friend, P.T. Sligh.” The warden hit a switch which illuminated the wall with the eight naked men suspended by their wrists with chains attached at the wrists and ankles. P.T. was taunting the prophet now and making fun of his situation until David ordered him to stop it with a threat of immediate circumcision. “David, have you lost your fucking mind?” the prophet asked “We are going to do wonderful things once we’re back home. Just tell me this is some kind of joke and you won’t be punished. Please tell me this isn’t real, you little stupid dipshit! And what do you mean you bred my wife. She’d die before she’d let another man touch her. She would fight to the death because our union is sealed not just here on earth but for eternity.” “David’s lying to you!” Miriam started to shout. “The boy’s a dirty goddamned liar. I would never have let him touch me. I await your seed, my prophet. There is nothing and nobody I desire more than you, my prophet and my true love!” “The bitch has been begging for any dick that would come close to her!” P.T. shouted from the wall. “A few minutes ago she was begging her ex-husband to stick his big dick in her and wanting to get back with him. We ain’t been able to sleep because your fucking slut has been begging for a cock or a finger or anything to give her some relief. Your prophetess is a lowdown dick-hungry cunt, Warren! And that handsome deputy fucked the shit out of her in front of all of us this afternoon.” “Miriam, tell me this isn’t true!” the prophet begged. “Dear Jehovah, let this be some kind of horrible dream that I’m going to wake up from. I can’t stand it if this is real.” “Oh, it’s real, prophet asshole” Felton said, stepping from the shadows. The prophet recognized the big man immediately as his wife’s ex-husband and the father of her son whom he had met on the air strip. “What the fuck are you doing here?” the prophet asked. “This is where I call home these days after your boys blew up my house” Warren said. “I hadn’t even been here five minutes before your slut was begging me to fuck her, saying how she’d always loved me and my big dick and talking about how you’ve never been able to satisfy her with your skinny little toothpick dick. I watched your plane go down and it’s true the world thinks you and she and Sheriff Joe were all killed in an orange fireball and are now deep in that fucking lake. You’re finally screwed, Warren, and so is your slutty, lowdown cunt of a wife!” “He’s absolutely right” Dale Mason said as he stepped out of the darkness into the light. “This has to be some weird dream or optical illusion or something” Warren protested. “You can’t possibly be alive. We left orders before we got on the plane.” “I know you left orders for me and my son to be killed but we got the fuck out of there and we’re great. We’re living the good life on the most beautiful ranch you could imagine with Felton and his sweet son who was your own stepson and your slut’s own flesh and blood. You are about to get what you deserve for once, you worthless cocksucker! And just so you know, your precious disciples won’t be riding to your rescue. They’re all dead and we have a video of that to share with you. They were holed up in the large school building on your compound, surrounded by the Bureau. The feds used tear gas to smoke them out but they started shooting. The whole fucking place went up like a tinderbox. No survivors. All your fucking asshole disciples are dead. No rescue for you and your slut. And your buddy, the honorable governor of the state has resigned as of two hours ago. The attorney general, who was in your pocket is in jail, led away in handcuffs from his office and publicly humiliated. And your minions are rushing to turn themselves in, showing their little `P’ brands and tattoos on their buttocks, all clamoring to try to get the best deal they can. It’s over for you, even escort mersin if you were thought to be alive. It’s over and done, you worthless piece of shit son of a bitch and I’m smiling.” The room was suddenly plunged into darkness and the sound of a film was heard. Suddenly a video was projected onto the wall across from where the prisoners were confined. It showed the airfield with the prophet’s plane taking off and the voice of a national news anchor was underneath explaining that it was the plane of the Prophet Warren Jeff taking off from a North Carolina landing strip with his wife and his head of security onboard. As the plane climbed into the air above the massive lake, a massive orange fireball exploded in the sky, making it clear that anyone on board was now dead. “What the fuck? Warren sputtered, stunned at the footage. “What in the living fuck have you people done?” “Shut up, there’s more” William said as he stepped forward, the video continuing. The video now showed the large wooden schoolhouse on the Jeff compound in Arizona, surrounded by ABI agents with guns drawn, firing canisters of teargas into the school. It showed gunfire coming from the school, followed by a massive explosion which obliterated the building. It then showed photos of the individual disciples whose bodies were being identified. As it continued, it showed people lined up at court houses, turning themselves in and the arrest of the state attorney general. The final shot was of the governor or Arizona tendering his own resignation as his weeping wife and four children stood beside him. The prophet was very clearly in a state of shock, his mouth gaped open. He was trying to absorb it all but was simply unable to do so. “Goddammit, Warren, how could you allow this to happen, you incompetent asshole?” his wife screamed. “We had everything and you fucking blew it all!” “It was you who just had to prove your power over your fucking ex-husband by playing the custody battle over your little bastard!” the prophet screamed back at her. “If you’d just sent the little dipshit back to his asshole of a father, none of this would’ve happened. But no, you just had to fucking win!” Felton stepped up to the edge of the mattress and landed a fist squarely into the prophet’s right cheek, knocking him to the floor. “You don’t talk about my son like that” Felton said. “Get up and I’ll whip your fucking sorry ass.” Dale calmed Felton down, having him stand down as the prophet attempted to stand up, his face now bloody from the attack. “Did you really try to fuck those men today?” the prophet asked his wife. “Did you really let this traitorous little pansy of a muscleboy breed you, Miriam? Fucking answer me!” “No, no, no, they’re all liars” she protested. “They’re all a pack of liars. Not a word they’ve said is true. They all want me but I want only you or at least that’s what I wanted until a few minutes ago. Now I don’t know. I don’t know what I want now.” “They’re not liars” the disciple Mark shouted from his place on the wall. “Luke and I witnessed it, prophet. She fucking betrayed you. She’s been begging for a dick or a finger to relieve her. She’s a slut who doesn’t care about you at all. The truth is she’s been sneaking around with Sheriff Joe’s wife and fucking all of us disciples when you and Sheriff Joe were out of town. She ordered us to come and fuck both of them. The slut threatened all of us if we didn’t do as we were told. She’s never been what she seemed.” “He’s speaking the truth” Disciple Luke joined in. “They both sneaked around and were getting fucked by all of the disciples and God only knows who else anytime your backs were turned. And she was begging her ex-husband and Dale Mason to fuck her earlier just like she bred that young deputy. She was begging him to keep it in her long enough for her to have an orgasm but he denied her that. We saw it with our own eyes.” “Listen to your disciples, you fucking asshole” P.T. chuckled. “Your wife’s a slutty whore who’s already knocked up with Deputy David’s spawn. You’re a hopeless loser. That’s all you’ve ever been and all you ever will be. What your little pussyboy disciples didn’t tell you was that after that handsome deputy bred your bitch, he pulled out and some big-dicked nigger man shoved his big cock up her asshole!” Warren fell to the floor, his body wracked with sobs as Miriam continued to cry and maintain that all were liars except for her. The video had ended with footage of the Arizona governor resigning and the attorney general being frog-marched out of the capitol building. The final scene of the video showed hundreds of citizens outside the capitol setting fire to a large banner with the large red letters, “MAGA” on it. “Prophet, David said quietly to the still stunned prophet, “looks like your `Make Arizona Great Again’ bullshit is over and done. Tough titty said the kitty!” Somehow those word got all the men except the prophet tickled and they all had a good laugh at Warren’s and his wife’s expense as they watched the huge banner go up in smoke. “Nooooo! Please, Jehovah, this can’t be real!” the prophet shouted, now on his knees on the mattress beside his naked, bald wife. “Please, Jehovah, wake me from this nightmare. This cannot be real! I beg you, Lord God Jehovah, wake me from this terrible nightmare. Please wake me and restore me, Lord!” “Oh it’s real all right” David said. “And the evening hasn’t really begun yet. I’m going to turn things over to Mr. William Walker, Gayberry resident and head of the Governor’s Task Force on Corruption for the great state of North Carolina. He’ll keep us on track as best he can.” The little group gave Will a brief round of applause as he stepped over beside the mattress into the spotlight. “To begin tonight’s program I’d like to introduce our Gayberry doctor to do some procedures which we need to get out of the way” Will said. “All of us know him merely as Doc, yet he is one of our most beloved citizens and an excellent advocate for children in our community. He has recently donated a beautiful large ranch to be used for boys who need a loving and safe environment to grow up and thrive in. This man is an invaluable treasure and I am indeed privileged to call him my friend.” Doc stepped into the spotlight. “I believe our sheriff and young Charlie have taken our two visiting disciples off the wall and are leading them over to our altar table as we speak” the doctor said. “They are moving rather slowly. That’s what happens when you’re suspended in chains with your arms stretched over your head and your ankles secured to the floor with your feet wide apart. These two guests are from Arizona and they came here with the prophet and his wife. They were captured patrolling a lake property near here with automatic rifles, hunting down some of our citizens, including our young boys. Their buddy, Mark was mercifully shot and killed but we managed to capture these two guests and have had them in captivity since the night of the great landing strip incident. It is common knowledge now, thanks to information from Mr. Dale Mason, that the prophet declared all males who have been circumcised as infidels and he encouraged the killing of same. It is our supposition that this is because the wife of the prophet was once married to a gentleman with a very large, circumcised penis. It turns out that the prophet’s wife was raised a Jew and she insisted on her first husband being cut before they married and had their son circumcised within days of his birth. We have heard that the woman begged this man to take her back earlier today, saying she had never met a man with such a large, beautiful penis. We suspect that somehow the prophet found out about the endowment of her previous husband and was theretofore very jealous of men with larger penises than he which would include, I am sure, the majority of boys over the age of five. ” That got a big laugh from all present, save the prophet, his wife, and the two disciples who were now at the altar table. William had David assist the prophet from the floor where he sat, still stunned beyond words. “David is putting shock collars on the prophet and his wife so that we can be sure they obey any commands we give them. They are collars with the maximum voltage which exceeds any legal limits” the doctor explained, “and any shock longer than ten seconds may cause fatal arrhythmias of the heart. The shock is powerful and painful so it is nothing to be trifled with. Now David is going to untie Mrs. Jeffers’ hands and they will remain free as long as she doesn’t start touching her own privates. That is not allowed and will result in an activation of the shock collar.” “We wanna see the asshole’s wife get fucked by her big dicked ex-husband!” P.T. shouted loudly, bringing raucous laughter. “Be patient, Mr. Sligh” William said. “There’s plenty to come.” They now had Mark the disciple on his back on the altar table under the bright lights. David drug the prophet in so that his face was inches from the disciple’s hairy private parts. “You will see, prophet that your disciple Mark has gauze around the end of his penis where he was already circumcised. David, if you’ll remove the gauze please.” The boy roughly removed the dried, bloody gauze as Mark began to scream and beg him to stop. Charlie and the sheriff each had a shoulder, holding him down on the table. The warden was at his feet, rendering his legs immobile. “Goddammit, please stop!” Mark screamed s the bloody tip of his cock became visible.”Please, prophet make them stop! Please!” “If you’d done your fucking job better, none of us would even be here!” the prophet shouted back at the young man. “Both of you are worthless pieces of shit who couldn’t do your simple fucking jobs just like the idiots who just blew themselves up on hat fucking film. I’ve been surrounded by fucking idiots. Nothing but worthless fucking idiots.” “We were trying to protect you and now you’ve proven you were never fucking worth it!” Mark screamed at the man. “Mark was circumcised a short time ago but we found he still has plenty of foreskin so we are going to perform another circumcision taking more of his excess skin” the doctor said. “No!” the boy screamed. “Please don’t. I already can’t stand the pain. I can’t take it! Please. Say a word for me, prophet! I beg you to stop this. Summon the power of Jehovah the way you have always said you were capable of doing. Put a stop to this now! Please! I am begging you to stop this!” “Like I said before, none of this would be happening if you had just done your job in protecting us” the prophet said. “As I see it, you deserve this.” “Nooooo!” the boy screamed as the doctor stepped into the light with his gleaming silver scalpel and pulled the bloody skin down over the cockhead and began to cut. Mark was screaming at the top of his lungs and begging them to stop and release him from their grasp. “Please note this procedure is being done with no anesthesia and no local deadening agents” the doctor said. “We all have Reverend Smith and his cronies to thank for starting this practice in our community and both Mr. Print Sr. and Mr. Barrow have already undergone their procedures without anesthesia. Mr. Print is the older gentleman on the wall and Mr. Barrow is the hairy monkey who does nothing but cry all the time at the very end.” The doctor slowly took off more of Mark’s foreskin as the boy continued to scream in excruciating pain. “Prophet, have you lost a little weight?” the doctor asked. “I’m thinking you may need some nourishment. David, open his mouth, please. I think the prophet might enjoy a bit of foreskin. He should find it particularly tasty as the donor is now one of the infidels the prophet has condemned.” The prophet looked terrified at this but the men around him laughed at the expression on his face as David forced his jaws open, the doctor dropped the foreskin in his mouth, then forced his mouth closed and pinched his nostrils closed until he swallowed the gift. Once it was swallowed, the man began to retch, trying to vomit the meat up but he was threatened by William with the use of the shock collar so his retching subsided. Then they all heard the buzz associated with a collar being activated. They all looked at the prophetess who was fingering her obscenely large clit violently, trying to bring herself quickly to an orgasm. The collar activated and her arms dropped to her sides, all the muscles in her body going rigid. The shock lasted for four seconds and at the end she was unconscious, sprawled on the mattress. “Charlie, if you’ll throw a little water on the prophetess, it should wake her up pretty fast” the doctor said. “And a little on Mark too. He’s white as a sheet and about to pass out. We don’t want him to miss a second of this.” “Goddammit, please stop this fucking nightmare” pleaded the prophet. “We’ve done nothing to deserve this!” “You fuckers have done everything to deserve this and a thousand times fucking more” Dale Mason said, getting in the prophet’s face. “You and your cunty wife sent Luke to torment me, my son and your own stepson for months on end. Holding a gun in my mouth and to the heads of the boys if I didn’t satisfy every perverse desire the motherfucker could imagine. I know about the children you stuck your dick in while your slut held them down, those babies screaming all the while you plundered their innocence. So don’t start that shit with me about how you don’t fucking deserve any of this. You deserve every second of it and more. And you need to get out of those silly magical fucking undergarments. They just make you look more ridiculous than you already are.” That said, the man grabbed the neck of the nylon undershirt and ripped it off him, exposing the prophet’s scrawny, hairy chest and belly. He then took the torn fabric and stuffed it into the prophet’s mouth as the other men applauded. “Very well said, Mr. Mason” the doctor said. “And now we have another circumcision to perform. Looks like it’s disciple Luke’s turn to get cut.” They already had Mark off the table and now Luke was in the position Mark had occupied a few minutes earlier. “Please don’t do this” Luke begged. “I wouldn’t have done any of the stuff I did if it hadn’t been for the prophet and his wife. They are completely to blame. None of it was my idea. I had no choice in any of it. Have some mercy on me. I can`t take the pain. I don’t want to be an infidel, cast forever from Jehovah. Please don’t do this. Prophet, please speak for me. Please do something.” “You failed me just like Mark did” the prophet said coldly, his mouth dry from the undergarment he had managed to spit out.”Why should I do anything to help you after you failed us so dismally? Give me one good reason.” “Because I served you loyally, sir” Luke said. “I served you both unquestioningly and did whatever I was told.” “Does that loyalty include the lies both of you were spouting about how my wife slutted around fucking every man in Arizona while my back was turned?” the prophet asked. “He’s a goddamned liar” the prophetess shouted, now revived from her electric shock ordeal. “He’s a liar like the rest of these motherfuckers are. They’re all a bunch of cunts just trying to make me look bad. I hope Jehovah strikes down every one of the heathen motherfuckers with a great lightning bolt from the sky.” “Miriam, you need to watch your language” Warren said. “It’s unbecoming for a prophetess to use such language. Even if the words are true � and they are � we cannot risk the wrath of Jehovah being directed our way.”” “Don’t tell me what to do, motherfucker!” the woman shouted, turning on her husband. “Where were you and Jehovah while I was tied down here with my pussy on fire like a million ants were crawling on me and inside my cunt? Where the fuck were you? Fucking answer me that! Where the fuck were you all this fucking time and now you’re up my ass for cutting my hair after you told that deputy to cut it all off to help us escape!! You’re a piece of worthless shit no better than any of the rest of them! Oh hell no, you were too busy murdering our Sheriff Joe, the only man who would have given his own life to protect us, you stupid, cowardly shithead!” “Let’s settle down a bit, please” the doctor said calmly. “It’s time for disciple Luke to have his circumcision performed. I’m not going to do this one but I’m turning the scalpel over to my friend, Dale Mason, who was vilely tormented by disciple Luke.” “Fuck no you don’t, you motherfucker!” Luke screamed as he tried in vain to break free from the men holding him down. The warden released his legs for a brief second, taking the time to deliver a stunning gut punch which knocked the wind out of the bound disciple momentarily. Before long he was again shouting, struggling, pleading and begging them not to touch him. “This sure is a nice piece of meat on you, Luke” Dale said with a smile. “I hope my hand doesn’t slip and cut it off completely but it won’t make much difference because you and your buddy will soon have no balls at all. Those bands are taking care of that even as we speak. I wonder if you have enough testosterone left in your system to get that pretty uncut cock of yours hard one more time. I think I’ll give it a go.” Dale leaned in and began to suck the handsome man’s cock in front of all the spectators. The prophet and his wife appeared stunned that a man would behave in such a way in front of other men. But Luke’s cock came to attention, standing up straight and proud from his thick patch of pubes. Dale stroked his hairy thighs as he sucked on the cock. “You are no longer my disciple!” the prophet screamed at the young disciple. “No disciple of mine would allow himself to be made an infidel or to be publicly shamed by having another man put his mouth upon him! You mersin escort bayan are no longer a disciple of mine!” “Why don’t you tell me what the fuck to do to stop it, prophet!” the man screamed. “Can’t you fucking see I’m being held down by very strong men and am powerless to stop anything? Are you fucking blind or just crazy? You’re the one who always said you held the power of Jehovah to move mountains or to do anything in the world. If you have the power you say you have, you can fucking stop all of this shit!” “Why should I call on the power of Jehovah to benefit men who have betrayed me?” the prophet asked arrogantly. “Stop it now!” Luke demanded without response. “Don’t fucking do this! This is fucking humiliating. Please, just go ahead and kill me. I can’t ever come back from this humiliation. Please.” Instead of stopping Dale asked the wardent o spread the man’s hairy legs further apart as he got between his legs and continued sucking his cock while he inserted a finger into the man’s hairy hole and began to fingerfuck him vigorously. Both the prophet and his wife had their eyes glued to the scene unfolding in front of them as did everyone else in the room. The prophet’s skinny dick was forming a tent in the thin fabric of his temple undershorts which was undeniable. Dale Mason was a handsome, masculine man � a real `man’s man’ who was now sucking the dick of another man without embarrassment or shame. “Fingerfuck that boy!” William shouted in encouragement. “He likes that finger in his hole. I think he loves it. Give him another one” Dale Mason quickly added his middle finger to his index finger as he continued fingerfucking the man while slurping wetly on his now hard meat. Charlie and the sheriff were continuing to hold Luke down at his shoulders and the sheriff encouraged Charlie to lean in and give the disciple a kiss. Charlie did so, giving him a wet, passionate kiss which Luke returned, carried away by the pleasant sensations Dale was giving him below the waist. Charlie broke the kiss and Luke began to gasp and moan that he was about to climax. “Awww fuck all you motherfuckers!” he shouted as Dale continued to suck and violently fingerfuck him. “Fuck yeah, Dale, you cocksucker! You’re the best cocksucker on this motherfucking planet. I’m cum…” Dale suddenly took his mouth off the man’s penis and jerked his fingers out of the hole, slamming him in the nuts with his fist and continuing to beat the man in his bound nuts. Luke began to cry, scream and curse all at once, his impending climax ruined and the pain in his balls excruciating. Dale got his face as close as possible to Luke’s and spit in his mouth as he laughed at the sobbing man. “You stupid motherfucker! Dale chuckled. “You thought I was so addicted to your cock I couldn’t resist it? I just wanted all of them, especially the prophet and his slut, how much you loved getting things stuffed in your butthole. You’re a fag and you always have been. And that very nice cock of yours will now be worthless with no balls to make it work. I hope you enjoyed that blowjob because it’s very likely the last one you’ll ever get.” Luke was sobbing and begging as the prophetess noted the tent in her husband’s temple undergarment. “Why is your cock hard watching a fag suck another man’s cock, you asshole?” the prophetess screeched. “My husband appears to be some kind of fag, getting hard watching all that perverted shit. You worthless piece of shit!” she screamed at the prophet. “Settle down, now” the doctor said, trying to regain control. “We have a procedure here. Disciple Luke is about t get his pretty pecker cut by a man he put through hell. Go ahead, Dale.” Luke screamed and struggled but the warden had his legs firmly pinned to the altar table and the sheriff and Charlie had his chest pinned. “Here goes, boys” Dale said as he stretched the long foreskin between his thumb and his index finger, pulling it painfully as far as it would stretch while Luke sobbed and pleaded for him to stop. As the scalpel cut into the skin, a blood-curdling scream came from the restrained disciple, which continued as Dale very slowly ran the scalpel around the skin, stooping just before it was severed. “Almost done, good buddy” Dale said to the screaming, struggling man. “With one more cut, the foreskin was severed and Dale dropped it into the man’s screaming mouth, forcefully closing his jaws and pinching his nostrils closed until it was gone. “All right” William said. “I hope we’re all enjoying our evening as much as I am. I want the prophet to get up here and stand beside me, please. The prophet needs no introduction even to those who had not met him before this evening began. I am told he had quite a good time in the Gayberry jail. I hear that the prophet enjoyed a nice juicy blowjob and a good fingerfucking from another gentleman in the jail.” “That’s a lie!” the prophet screamed. “It was some whore that was in the cell next to me. It was some blonde slut.” “You let a whore suck you off, you philandering son of a bitch?” his wife screamed. “While I’m locked up here with my pussy burning up and itching off for some relief and you let some bitch in jail suck your goddamned dick? If I ever get my hands free, I’ll strangle you, you lying piece of shit!” “Settle down, Mrs. Jeff” William said, getting Randy to hold her back. “It was not a whore. It was a rather unfortunate associate of Preacher Smith, one of the gentlemen on the wall over there who’s had very little to say this evening. It was his associate, Mr. Michael Hunt who recently underwent an unintended castration and is now hoping to have gender reassignment surgery. So it was not a whore. It was a man who is without a set of testicles.” “David, you motherfucker!” the prophet shouted. “You let a man put his mouth on my cock! I’ll get you for this if it’s the last thing I ever do.” “Don’t be so upset, prophet” David said with a smile. “He also put his fingers in your hole and you were begging for more just like Disciple Luke was a few minutes ago. Not to mention the little incident just before we came here where you shoved your cock in my own mouth.” “You fucking piece of garbage!” Miriam shouted at her husband. “I fucking hate you. I hope you die a painful, long death in agony. I despise you and I hope I never fucking see you again.” “I think it’s time for the prophet to get a little closer to one of his old friends” William said. “The asshole on the wall is also my father-in-law, who tried to have me and my two young sons killed and who is an old business partner of the prophet. Since it is likely this will be the last time these two men meet in this life, I think some show of affection is appropriate. Since the prophet is more mobile, we’ll just walk over to where P.T. is. Remember the shock collar on your neck, prophet.” The prophet glared at William as he took his elbow and led him to a position standing directly in front of P.T., who was naked and chained to the wall, totally exposed and vulnerable. “I think it might be nice of you, prophet, if you gave your old buddy a goodbye dick licking” William said. “You mean you expect me to put that asshole’s cock in my mouth?” the prophet asked. “Never. I’d rather die first.” “That can be arranged” William said with a smile, activating the prophet’s shock collar and sending the man’s entire body into spasms, followed by his collapse on the floor. Charlie was nearby to throw water on him and revive him. It only took about a minute and he was again conscious. “You want more of that or you want to lick your old buddy’s dick?” William asked with a smile. “Please, no more of that electricity” the prophet begged. “I can’t take it!” “You have an option” William said, looking first at the shock collar control, then at P.T.’s flaccid, hairy uncut meat. William reached out his hand and took his father-in-law’s respectably sized, uncut, flaccid cock in his hand and retracted the foreskin, revealing a fat, pink cockhead. He then moved the foreskin back and forth several times, causing the cock to thicken and elongate, coming to life in his son-in-law’s hand. “Keep that up son and you’ll have your own paw-in-law hard enough for you to suck on. I always thought you had more interest in my meat than in my daughter’s pussy.” “P.T., I have no interest at all in you at this point” William said. “There was a time I found you to be a very virile and sexy man but now you’re just another powerless joker hanging on a wall in the middle of fucking nowhere. But I bet you’d like to see your old buddy with a mouthful of your meat, wouldn’t you?” “Goddamned right I’d like that” P.T. said. “He got weak kneed and cost me millions of fucking dollars. We’d have had a corner on the human trafficking market if he hadn’t gone cold on it.” “Get down on your knees, Warren and suck your old buddy’s cock” William ordered the prophet. “Looks like his old cock is getting nice and hard and ready for you to feast on. Hit those motherfucking knees right now or feel the heat!” The prophet sobbed as he went to his knees and gingerly took the tumescent cock into his mouth. He retched at first but William warned him he wouldn’t hesitate to use the collar so the prophet began to suck on his meat. “P.T. was loving the sight of his old business rival whom he felt had screwed him out of millions of dollars, being forced to suck his cock. P.T.’s cock had gotten completely hard and he was beginning to make some pre-cum. He had always been a very virile man and being without pussy had been tough on him. As he started to breathe faster and make pre-cum, William ordered the prophet to take his mouth off P.T.’s cock and to move to the man next to him, the brother of Preacher Smith, Jack Smith. He ordered the prophet to kneel and suck on Jack and the prophet did so, terrified of being shocked again. It took no time for Jack to get hard as he had also been a very active man sexually outside these walls. Once Jack was hard and enjoying the blow job, William ordered the prophet to move to Preacher Smith and kneel. The prophet did as instructed, taking the preacher’s cock into his mouth and getting it slick and hard. Once the preacher was hard and getting close, William ordered the prophet to stop sucking and stand up. It was very clear the prophet was turned on as his cock was tenting his thin, nylon underpants in a very clear manner. While William had the prophet sucking cock, the sheriff and Eamon had fixed a couple of orange juice and vodkas for young David and had gotten them in him. They had the handsome deputy’s shirt off and were kissing on him and tweaking his nipples. Then Eamon went to his knees and took the boy’s pants off, revealing a big bulge in his tight white jockey shorts. William walked the prophet back over to the center of the room where all this was happening. “David, are you enjoying tonight?” William asked him. “I sure am” the boy said, very slightly slurring his words and grinning. “The sheriff and the warden and I have enjoyed some cocktails and I’m not used to drinking alcohol. I’m feeling pretty good.” “Are you about ready to dump another load in the prophet’s slut to make sure you’ve got her good and knocked up?” “I sure am” the handsome young man said. “How would you like for the prophet to suck on you a little to get it good and slicked up before you fuck the slut?” “Heck, I’d like that a whole lot” the boy said with a smile. “You know, the prophet has made me the head of his whole security operation out in Arizona. He says I can have anything and everything I want. But I don’t think I want anything he has except to borrow his wife’s pussy long enough to put me a baby up in there.” “Hit your knees and pull his shorts down” William ordered the prophet. “Please don’t do this, David!” the prophet begged, tears streaming down his face. “I was going to give you everything you could’ve ever wanted.” “You don’t have everything I ever wanted” David said softly. “The only thing I really, really want is a kid so I can be a great father like all of these guys are. You can’t give me that but your wife can and I intend to take advantage of that opportunity.” He then gave the prophet a gleaming smile as the man went to his knees and slid the boy’s tight white jockey briefs down his thick, smooth, muscular legs. At a nod from William, the prophet took the boy’s thick, uncut meat into his mouth and began to suck. The boy hardened quickly. When he was completely erect, William ordered him to stop and they led the boy to the mattress where the prophetess was greedily slurping on Felton’s and Dale’s cocks. She had obviously been given a couple of drinks because she was now totally uninhibited and loving the cocks of her ex-husband and the man she had tormented. “Look at your slut going to town on those cocks, prophet” William said loudly with a laugh. “You certainly know how to choose a wife. She likes sucking dicks almost as much as you do. I bet she couldn’t even feel that skinny little cock of yours after having a piece of meat like Felton’s inside of that pussy.” All the men were laughing at the sobbing prophet as Felton and Dale moved the prophetess to the center of the mattress and continued to face fuck her while young David got between her knees and slid his dick right into her wet snatch. As David entered the prophetess, she gasped with pleasure. But her pleasure was short-lived as Felton and Dale began to distract her by torturing both her tender, swollen breasts, preventing her from concentrating on the dick inside her. They pinched and bit her nipples, while both continued to jack their hard dicks. It was something to watch as they tortured the woman David was breeding and her husband stood helpless by, sobbing his heart out. William and Randy now had their cocks out, beating their meat while watching the sexy scene unfold. Randy had invited young Charlie to join the fun and he was now on his knees sucking William off as Eamon slowly stroked his monster black cock and watched the festivities. The prophetess was screaming at Dale and Felton to stop hurting her which was preventing her from even getting close to an orgasm. William, Arnold, Dale, Eamon, Randy were all shouting encouragements at David as he continued to pump his fat cock into the woman while Felton and Dale continued to fuck her mouth and torture her titties. Eamon took off all his clothes, revealing his big black cock and knelt on the mattress as he began to lick David’s tight pink manhole.” “Get that dimwit nigger away from there!” the prophet began to shout. “He ougn’t be that close to a white pussy! I ain’t having it!” “What the fuck do you think you’re going to do about it?” the warden asked as he went back to licking the boy’s pink, wet, twitching hole. “That dimwit happens to be the warden of the state’s largest prison and has a seat on the governor’s anticorruption task force” William said. “He also has the ear of the governor and is one of the most powerful men in the state, black or white!” The prophet was stunned to hear those words and continued to sob as he watched his wife being bred and tortured. He knew now he had been duped and outwitted. Eamon stopped licking the boy just long enough to whisper something to David, just loudly enough so that Dale and Felton could also hear. In one move, David withdrew his penis from Miriam and they all flipped her onto her back, bringing her knees over her head and exposing her snatch as David reentered her with his hard cock and Dale and Felton resumed face fucking her and torturing her to the point where she could not achieve any pleasure from the fuck she had been begging for. David was plowing his cock into her as if he were doing a push up, all of his weight on his hands and his toes, deep stroking his penis into the wet snatch and totally exposing her winking brown asshole to everyone. Dale and Felton continued to torture her nipples and both were now using one hand to jack their cocks right in front of the protesting prophetess’ face. Charlie was on his knees now sucking both Randy and William in an alternating manner while beating his young teen cock and Eamon was kneeling beside young David, teasing his hole with his long, brown finger. The prophet had a very obvious hardon but was on his knees sobbing and begging them to stop all of it. Dale and Felton shot their loads first their cream exploding onto the cheeks, chin and head of the prophetess. The two men stopped torturing the titties of the prophetess long enough to exchange a slow, wet kiss as they shot their loads onto the face of the woman being roughly fucked. Seeing that seemed to trigger young David as he began to groan and shout that he was close and he began to pump his beautiful rounded butt even harder. Randy, William and Charlie all moved around to the head of the prophetess and all came with close proximity, shooting their loads on her face, adding to the loads left by Felton and Dale. Young David had deposited yet another load of his cream into the fertile bitch and the warden helped him roll off her as he moved behind her and without warning, shoved his huge black cock all the way into the woman’s previously virgin butthole. She screamed louder than any of the previous shouts they had heard as the thick, long cock entered her and continued to wail even as she was split apart at her very middle. The prophet screamed when he realized what had happened and jumped on the back of the warden, pounding him and trying to pull him off of his wife. But none of that had any effect at all on the tall, strong warden who continued to pound his thick meat in and out of the wailing woman. Randy and William pulled the prophet off the warden and forced him to his knees, his face only inches from his wife’s now bleeding bottom. He was forced to watch his worst nightmare come true � his beautiful wife, who was to have given him an heir, being violently buttfucked by a big black cock after begging the handsome young deputy he had trusted to fuck her and put a baby inside her. Things couldn’t possibly get worse for the prophet. Or could they?

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Big Tits

Subject: Premiership Lads Part 281 Part 281: Dom-inant There was a birthday party in the relaxation lounge of the Premiership training campus, but a sensibly sober one: the Everton players were in tense anticipation of hosting Newcastle tomorrow night, all of them hoping for a significant win that could start to protect them from looming historic relegation. The lack of alcoholic drinks and the nervous professional mood made for muted celebrations as the Liverpudlian club toasted orange juice and healthy buffet food to their celebrated forward – and the birthday boy, 25-year-old Dominic Calvert-Lewin, was one of many young men in the hastily decorated R he wrapped one of his bare brown arms across his broad chest to hug himself, sipping lukewarm OJ and tuning into the bland conversation of his tense teammates. Tottenham import Dele Alle was leading the chat, arguing with Richarlison and Rondon about some inane dispute about a new sports car they were criticising. At Dominic’s slightly looming presence, the men shifted their attention to his birthday, jokily asking him what wild plans he had for the night after they soon clocked off. It had been a fairly intense Thursday of training for the day before a game, but their newish coach was taking no chances and wanted to end the Magpies’ run of good luck since January. DCL played along with the banter, shrugging his big shoulders and smirking mysteriously, teasing them pointlessly with the names of a few Liverpool nightclubs, then just bursting out laughing at his stupid chatter – the men all grinned and chuckled, equally aware that it would be a routine dull night in at each of their suburban mansions or city-centre apartments, awaiting tomorrow’s warm-ups and then the late evening clash itself. `Nah, I’m sure Calv here has some tricks up his sleeve,’ guessed Alle, waving his tumbler of juice this way as if it was loaded with the most expensive scotch, `look at that smirk, the big fucker is definitely having a secret party when he gets back to his place!’ The former Hotspur grinned this way and leaned back against the window-frame, giving him challenging eyes to continue the joking about. Mildly depressed by the sporting reality, Dom just rolled his eyes and made a face of mock outrage. `Oh, you got me there, buddy, it’s gonna be a crazy one Chez Calvert-Lewin, that’s for sure…!’ `Coke and strippers,’ quipped another of the Everton players wistfully, leaning in next to Dele, with a plateful of miniature sausage rolls clutched in his hands. `Summat like that,’ Dominic chuckled back. `Never mind coke,’ Ben Godfrey remarked, elbowing Jonjoe Kenny in the side as they all laughed at the image, `you’ll be in enough trouble with Big Frank if he catches you scoffing all that pastry, JJ!’ Someone else chimed in playfully: `Yeah, Kenny will be out another fuckin’ loan deal if he gets a wee pot belly going on, haha!’ The working-class local lad scowled but laughed, stuffing another mini snack in his mouth and then rubbing pastry flakes away from his patchy facial hair. `Right,’ Calvert-Lewin said, noticing that a couple more squad members had drifted over to join the informal clique, `if you MUST know…’ He swung out one of his long muscular arms and grabbed the nearest of the two footballers about the shoulder – `If you must know,’ he repeated, `it’s a night of online gaming with lover-boy here and a cheeky takeaway – and if anybody tells Fat Frank about THAT, I’ll break their legs in the morning, eh…!’ He laughed coarsely, shaking playfully at the shorter guy beside him, and turning to beam his handsome white-toothed smile at his closest friend at Everton. The other guys, the loose circle of tracksuited fellas, were all laughing happily at the joke at their grumpy new manager, happy to share some scorn at the strictness and ferocity that Lampard had brought into the Toffees’ lives – but also happy to throw banter and ridicule at the long-time bromance between these two young Everton stars… The subject of the casual joke, however, looked less impressed. Gripping his shoulder and turning to him, Dominic glanced briefly at Tom Davies’ face, and saw a tight little scowl on his thin features, making him start regretfully – but the unhappiness was momentary and then Davies was shrugging his hand away and throwing his own joke into the mix. `Didn’t I hear Kenny promising coke and strippers?’ the 23-year-old defender demanded impatiently. `I think I might have to stand this prick up and go to Jonjoe’s flat instead.’ Davies sniggered and crossed his arms with no sign of the momentary annoyance that had flashed in his blue eyes. And instantly the coarser banter was picked up by the others, Jonjoe guffawing through a mouthful of sausage roll, while Dele and Ben demanded to know how many grams of the white stuff he had on his person right now. Dominic, who’d been very briefly startled to see his bestie glare at him like that, stood for a moment with a strange awkwardness about him, and then relaxed back into the muted fun of the party, knocking back the last of his drink and sighing at the lack of alcoholic burn it left in his throat. Coke and strippers, he thought longingly – if only! Or champagne and couture, a part of him longed for. He was increasingly a man of expensive and bougie tastes and he was hoping to get a swanky night out for some of his pals as soon as an opportunity presented itself, some glamorous remedy for tonight’s professional duty and sensible decisions. He enjoyed the contradictions of his masculine appearance and profession with his open-minded appetite for fashion and photography, and had always taken the mild banter of his Everton and England allies with the broad-shouldered security of a 6ft2 stud and goal machine. He was far too secure in himself to ever worry about the jokes and whisperings that his modelling side-hustles and poseur online antics might attract – zero fucks given. It was one of the main things that made he and Davies such close mates, a pair of male fashionistas who were as happy in experimental designer looks as the classic trackies and shin pads of their day-jobs. Dom and Tom were pretty much best mates, and the jokes about their closeness were an absolute regular feature of laddish joking at Everton, always had been – DCL found himself enjoying them a little bit, because he was glad to be so relaxed and unbothered in the face of such humour, a badge of honour for the way he had always guarded his mate’s private truth. It was several years now since Davies had confided and come out to him, and he would always protect his brotherly teammate from the slightest scorn or suspicion on that matter, even if he often focused his efforts on convincing the other player that 2022 was the time when a gay footballer should at last be able to live authentically. Tom was a pretty shy guy by footballer standards, though, and that suggestion was ALWAYS met with derision. `You can’t possibly understand,’ the Scouser would tell him frustratedly each time he hinted at the matter, and then swiftly change the subject. He wasn’t exactly socially equipped to break such new ground and put himself in that vulnerable position, and so Dom was tasked with complicity in his secret, and he would never do anything to harm that – except occasionally playing up to the banter that surrounded their bromance at the football club. After all, he reasoned, it would be WEIRDER if he didn’t, and got all offended or touchy around the topic… Right? Playing up to it was the best way to protect Tom’s sexuality, surely! With that at the back of his mind, Dominic didn’t give another moment’s thought to his own little joke there, or the moment of disapproval it had earned from his bestie. Instead, he focused on enjoying what remained of the so-called party, making time to chat gratefully with support staff and be his charming self with the many background members of club life who had gathered here to help wish him happy 25th. Despite the lack of booze, the mood was a bit more relaxed and jovial when he was invited across to blow out some candles and cut a cake which had been decorated to look a bit like him and his flowing curls of dark afro hair. The footballer made a short speech in his soft Sheffield accent, bringing the little gathering to its natural climax and conclusion – he was then taken in for a hug and back-pat from the stern-faced gaffer. The lads here had all been excited by the advent of Frank Lampard, expecting the Chelsea legend to lead an immediate upturn in their League fortunes… Well, THAT had certainly not happened, and worse, Lamps had turned out to be a very severe chieftain for the failing team, and it was unusual for him to show any such affection or warmth towards a squad player like this. But here he was, patting him on the bicep and gripping one of his hands in an almost fatherly grip, meeting his eyes respectfully. `I’m hearing a lot of jokes,’ grunted the former Chelsea player and manager, `but I know you’re a sensible fella, Lewin – get an early tonight and stick to your meal plan, please. You can celebrate your birthday properly when we’re out of the fucking danger zone, okay?’ Dominic blinked and smiled at this rather blunt approach. `Yes boss,’ he said quickly and sincerely, returning the handshake and nodding for his manager. `You know me – football first, everything else second.’ Frank gave him a heavy look, holding his hand a few seconds longer than was necessary, one of his worn hands lingering against the smooth brown skin of his upper arm. `Yes,’ Lamps said slowly, `it sure seems that way.’ For a slow moment, it did seem like the new Everton chief was going to say more, something a bit more kind and friendly as it had initially seemed, but nope – he just nodded a few times and then backed away from him, turning to glare disapprovingly at the straggly queue of Everton footballers who were trying to nab a thick slice of the sugary birthday cake. The little tableau made Dominic smirk knowingly, but decided he would try and avoid having to eat any of the sweet treat himself. It was funny: when Lampard had been enthroned at Stamford Bridge to complete his legacy, the general impression amongst the Premiership fraternity had been that such an ambitious young manager would create a fun and refreshing dynamic for players. Yes, Frank’s fine list at Chelsea had been pretty infamous, but he seemed to have such strong relationships with his favoured players there, and the Everton guys had expected to build similar bonds. But nope… Lampard was quite distant and austere. Maybe that was just the relegation battle conditions here, Dom thought, or maybe mersin escort the ex-player had learned his lesson through some particular experiences at Chelsea? Weird. After securing himself an embarrassingly thick wedge of cake secreted in tupperware (he would try and palm it off on family tomorrow), Dominic fetched his tracksuit jacket from the back of a seat and did a quick round of goodbye hugs and effusive thanks, then looked for a sight of his pal Tom. He found Davis engaged in quiet conversation with another of the recent newbies, Man Utd signing Donny van de Beek – the two blondes were seated by the kitchenette area, and the Dutchman seemed to be showing the other lad family photos from the Nederlands on his smartphone. With his easy confidence, Dom cut into their conversation with a little wave and lean. `Heading off?’ he asked lightly, flashing an apologetic smile at the Old Trafford reject. `We were having a chat,’ came the slightly sour remark of Scouser Tom. Dom glanced surprisedly at him. `Oh yeah, sorry, just-‘ `It is okay,’ van de Beek was immediately insisting, putting away his phone with that mildly adorable apology that he always wore on his boyish face. `I was boring Thomas here with too many pictures of…’ `I didn’t mean to-‘ began Calvert-Lewin hesitantly. `Oh, DCL here is too big-time to wait for people to finish talking,’ Tom was saying dryly to their fellow player, rolling his eyes and slapping his hands on his knees. `But yeah, I guess it is time to head off, isn’t it?’ He got up from the seat, whilst Donny looked a bit bewildered, and Dominic straightened up awkwardly. `I’ll go get my things,’ the local midfielder announced in a strained voice, and marched away. This left Dom standing with a lost expression on his good-looking face, whilst Donny also got up and shrugged mildly at him. `Everyone is one edge,’ the January signing said sagaciously. `Tomorrow night means a lot.’ He smiled vaguely, looking as on edge as anyone else here – the Dutchman still had much to prove after his failed United seasons and his escape route here, after all. He left Dominic alone, and the striker pondered Tom’s funny mood quietly. In the car park, Dominic found himself asking an unexpected and embarrassing question. `You’re sure you wanna hang out tonight?’ the tall football stud asked over the roof of his mate’s car, not quite making eye contact with the player on the other side. Tom had not said a word to him since they left the dwindling soiree and made their way across the damp twilit training campus to the car. `That’s still the plan, isn’t it?’ Davies barked back, but weakly. `Well. Yeah. Just – you don’t seem… in the mood?’ `It’s your birthday,’ the 23-year-old said sullenly. `Yep,’ Dom agreed, `but if you’re a bit tired or stressed, then we don’t have to-‘ `Don’t you want to?’ the midfielder interrupted. Weirdly, he now sounded a bit nervous and needy, rather than the coldness he had exuded before. He flashed his bright blue eyes this way and ran fingers through the delicate blond curls of his shaggy hair. `Er…’ `Course I want to!’ chimed Calvert-Lewin with slightly forced enthusiasm, confused by this mood between them. `I was just saying… Forget it, I didn’t mean anything. Been looking forward to tonight, feel like we hardly ever hang out just us two these days. Come on.’ He cleared his throat and let himself into the car, happy to try and put aside the odd looks and little spat they’d run into just now next to Donny. The atmosphere between them in the car was immediately warmer and more normal: Tom swearing at Liverpool traffic and distractedly jabbing at buttons to skip through a well-worn Spotify playlist; Dom singing along badly and tunelessly drumming long thick fingers against the dashboard. And yet still… The image returned to him of Tom’s scowling face at his side, his body tensing against Dom’s arm, when he dared to joke about `lover boy’ and their evening plans in front of all those other lads. Huh. By the time they were parking up in the underground facilities beneath Tom’s elite apartment block overlooking the Mersey docks, DCL felt confident-yet-guilty enough to risk spoiling the mood. He was a big communicator and he valued his friendships dearly, he wasn’t somebody to let things slide and allow problems to go unchecked. So at the same time as unclipping his seatbelt and watching Tom turn off the music, he leaned that way a little and spoke up in a warm Yorkshire-accented voice. `Did I piss you off back there, matey?’ The Scouse lad didn’t respond immediately. Tom quietly switched off the bluetooth connection on his smartphone and slid it into a zip pocket of his tracksuit, then looked this way, shrugged. `Maybe,’ he said evasively, `but it hardly matters. We’re here now, and we’ve got battlefields to conquer and 13-year-old online gaming addicts to destroy…’ `Yeah but mate,’ Calvert-Lewin sighed, `I can’t be having you pissed off at me, not you. What’s up? Hold on a sec, will ya?’ He reached over to rest his hand a little on Tom’s forearm but the limb was tugged away from him, worrying him more. `Mate?’ He advanced cautiously onto the topic: `It were just a little joke, y’know, nothing new – everyone loves to poke fun of our being so close, so makes sense to just laugh with `em and…’ `Yeah yeah,’ Davies crackled dismissively. `Well, maybe I don’t find it so funny any more.’ `Okay,’ he said reasonably, `I’m sorry I-‘ `It’s just not as funny a joke to me as it is to you, yeah?’ the midfielder snapped, not looking at him. `Fuck’s sake.’ `Tom,’ he said gently. `I didn’t mean anything by it, you know I’m not homophobic-‘ `Oh I know THAT,’ grunted the other man. `Eh?’ Dom murmured at him, reaching for his sleeve again. `What the fuck, mate? What’s wrong?’ His hand was pushed away and then they were both emerging from the car, Tom slamming the door to the driver’s seat a bit unnecessarily. Their eyes met over the roof of the car, just as they had failed to in the Everton car park. Dominic looked beseechingly at his close pal, quite confused. `It’s easy to shrug off gay jokes when you aren’t gay, that’s all I’m saying,’ sighed Tom heavily with a bit more openness, but then glaring nervously about the empty underground car park as if a Daily Mail journalist could be hiding behind the nearest Porsche. He pushed the car keys into his other pocket and fiddled with his hair-band again, blushing. Domnic fell respectfully quiet and followed him into the elevator before saying any more. `You know I love and accept you,’ he said for the hundredth time to his bestie, `and that you being gay makes fuck all difference to me, right? I really didn’t mean to hurt you by playing along, I just thought it was a thing we did. I’m sorry. I won’t talk like that ever again, not if it’s offensive for you, okay? You’re my bro, Davies.’ He stared pleadingly at his mate in the cramped lift, half-consciously weaponising his large puppy dog eyes and charming features. `You know all that, right, Tommy? You know I’m not like those other yobs?’ Davies stared oddly at him and then took long thoughtful blinks, looking like he was feeling a lot of different emotions at once. `I know those things,’ he said eventually, the lift whoosihing up its shaft towards his penthouse, but then his tone shifted sharply – `But it’s not like you’re ALWAYS so fucking respectful, is it?’ he demanded with an acidic edge to his strong Liverpool accent. Dom paused and gawped. `What? When? You mean at the party just now?’ `Not that,’ Tom said with a grimace, `I mean that time when you-‘ But he trailed off, biting his lip, and the lift doors opened. One of the football star’s neighbours was waiting there on the landing with her child, and the Scouser boy switched immediately into friendly and upbeat, making brief small talk with her before parting ways and letting them into the half of the top floor that he owned. They were inside his flat now, and a penny had dropped for Dominic. `You mean that time we…’ he started in a slow awkward voice. `Don’t,’ Davies told him warningly. The 23-year-old lad was marching on through the open plan space, turning on lamps and yelping at a voice activated speaker to put the same playlist back on for them. As he fussed, dumping his phone and keys and firing up the giant TV screen on the wall, Dominic just stood in the entranceway, a fresh little pang of guilt overcoming him. `That was ages ago,’ the England striker said distantly. Tom froze where he was, in the centre of the living area, and shot him a filthy look at this. `Right,’ he said abruptly, `ages ago and so it doesn’t exist, yeah? I mean, you weren’t exactly the supportive and respectful ally that afternoon, were you mate?’ He paused, and his expression showed a little regret at what he was saying, but then he charged on, finished the thought: `I felt so fucking used and embarrassed that day, y’know. I still feel it a bit now, to be honest, and it’s just shit, Dom. So… yeah. That’s that.’ `Mate,’ sighed the older sportsman gently, taking a couple of slow steps into the main apartment, stuffing large hands into the pockets of his trackies. `I just never realised…’ Tom looked at him, but without the brief iciness. Worse – he just looked sad, deflated. It made Dom’s stomach lurch and he grimaced more at his own forgetful arrogance. `Look, it doesn’t matter,’ Davies hissed quietly, turning away and starting to dredge remote controllers from their box and activating the console. `It really doesn’t. It’s just one of those things. I should never have said owt, lad.’ `But…’ `Please, leave it.’ A long pause from Dominic. `I am sorry,’ he said, and left it verbally at that. He stared regretfully at the 5ft11 midfielder and his loose mop of pale blond hair. For a few painful moments, he was thinking of a day a year or two ago, and a coach ride to an away game on the other side of the city – he’d been all fired up, hadn’t he, for some reason, and stupidly horny before the game they were about to play. He pictured the way his friend’s arm had leaned over the coach seat and felt for him in his tight grey trackies. He could see himself, stiff in posture and phallus, and then the spreading wet stain in the nylon where he’d finished, the pair of them breathy and sweat-sheened on the busy team bus. And not once had the pair of close friends ever discussed that hand-job in the time since. Never. `We still doing takeaway food, then?’ cut in Tom with an artificial cheeriness to his voice. Dom drifted back to the present day, rocking a bit on the heels, and nodding his big head slowly to the question. `Sure,’ he said weakly. escort mersin `I could murder a Thai.’ The evening progressed as normal – repeated rounds of the online shoot-em-up, heavy bowls of ordered food from a favourite place nearby, background tunes – except for one thing: the usually rapid and free-ranging conversation of the two teammates was stilted and patchy, exposing long gaps where neither lad really looked at or communicated with the other. When they spoke, it was bright and cheery, but like a hollow impression of their usual repartee. Heavy rain was lashing the windows when Dominic took a tray of empty dishes and dirty cutlery through to the partitioned kitchen of his friend’s flat. His cheeks and brow felt hot and his skin felt itchy. For a second he thought he was unwell, but then he reminded himself that the discomfort was just guilt. He couldn’t stop thinking about this new arrogant and disrespectful version of himself from Tom’s perspective, and it made him sick. It had seemed such a minor thing, what had happened that time. Just a little bit of a laugh, a one-off acknowledgement of what one of them was into, and yet… Dominic pushed both large hands against a worktop and closed his hot eyes, stretching out his back and leg muscles, and letting out a long grunting breath. (It wasn’t as if that coach encounter with Tom was the only time stuff like that had happened for him, was it…? But those moments too had been pushed back in the corners of his psyche, dismissed as boisterous excesses, nothing meaningful or transgressive.) He opened the Smeg fridge and helped himself to a cold bottle of beer. He stood drinking it on his own for a moment then opened a second of them and walked back through. Tom, slouched at one end of the long sofa that had divided him, looked up in mild shock. `You’re drinking,’ he commented quietly, his pale hands still clutching the remote control. Dominic shrugged. `I needed one. That okay?’ `Mi casa su casa,’ muttered Davies, eyeing him uncertainly, `but… tomorrow?’ `Just needed one,’ Dom grunted back at him, holding out one long arm to offer the other. Tom seemed to stare at it and not really respond, but then he was putting down the remote and coming this way, scampering across the airy room in his loose grey joggers and white t-shirt that he’d swapped his official Everton kit for; Dominic remained in his, the dull colours clinging to the muscled reaches of his 6ft2 physique. `This is shit,’ Calvert-Lewin announced quietly. Tom started slightly, taking and sipping the beer. `Well, gee thanks. I’m sorry I’m not the best birthday company, matey, but-‘ `Not spending time with you,’ Dom snapped, his voice a bit gravelly. `You know I don’t mean that.’ He huffed out a sigh. `I feel shit about upsetting you like that. I mean, today, and y’know, back then when…’ `Forget it,’ Davies urged him in a quiet groan of dismay. He sipped more beer and then toyed with his hair, finding an elastic bobble in a pocket and tying it back in a knot over his thin elfin features. `Look, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have been so dramatic – all’s good. You’re my best mate. I know that. Everything you said earlier is true, and you know I value your friendship too, we’re like brothers, so…’ `But it really bothered you, me calling you lover boy?’ `Well… dunno if I’d say REALLY bothered…’ `You LOOKED bothered.’ `Okay, okay, I was a bit pissed off, yeah, but… Look, Dom… It’s just not the same, is it? I mean, I’m not upset when people joke it, cos I know it doesn’t bother you, and I know people don’t really know my secret, it’s just that…’ `So other people can make the joke but I can’t?’ Dom demanded, surprised at how angry his own question came out. He was only a little taller than Tom but significantly broader and he felt like his body language was stupidly threaterning, so he pulled back and tried to relax. `That seems fucked up,’ he added sourly, in spite of himself. `Well,’ grumbled his friend, `those other lads haven’t made me wank them off, for fuck’s sake!’ He’d gone bright red in his pert cheeks. His sapphire eyes were mortified. Dom cringed at the words and the memory of it. `God, I was just… er… I mean…’ `It doesn’t matter,’ Tom insisted unconvincingly. `Just summat that happened. I guess we were both a bit giddy that day. I can’t even remember what the fucking match was, none of it matters. And it’s not like you MADE me, I fucking did it, it’s just-‘ `We shouldn’t have messed around like that,’ Dom said dimly, cursing his own forceful mood then. `I shouldn’t have pressured you, taken advantage… totally uncool, right?’ `Oh god it’s not like I didn’t want to,’ the Scouse midfielder grunted dismissively. Dom stared at him with a sudden shift in his thoughts, though the new mood was one he couldn’t put a name to. He just wrapped his pink lips about the neck of the beer bottle and took a long swig. He backed off from his friend. Next to them, the TV screen still blared with filler music from an options menu of the video game. The room smelt of the lemongrass in their thai curries. The beer was going to his head already – another silly idea. Matchday tomorrow. Fuck. He went through to the kitchen, going to pour out the last of the small bottle into the sink. Tom followed him at a slight distance. `Let’s pretend it never happened,’ he heard his mate say quietly, drifting in after him, and Dom looked over his shoulder at him – the slight nervous figure of the blond-haired Liverpudlian lad. There was always something just a little androgynous about the elfin young man and his fine features, his mane of pale gold. `What, pretend you never made me cum?’ DCL demanded back in a brash voice that surprised him again. He was taken aback by his own bluntness and unfairness there, and he cringed again, and leaned back with his hands behind him on the worktop. Tom stared at him, still pink-cheeked, alarmed. Dominic groaned at his own choice of words and shifted his weight from foot to foot. `Sorry-‘ `Fuck’s sake,’ Tom muttered now, and some of the cold edge was returning to his voice and face, just as he’d grew annoyed earlier at the party. He almost looked like he was squaring up for a fight for a moment, but the obviously weaker lad made no move to start one; he just shook his fists at his side and then rubbed one palm over his pink face. `That was a real dick thing to say,’ he pointed out with controlled anger. `And I can’t make innocent jokes any more cos of it,’ Dominic jabbed at him, `just cos I let you touch my DICK!’ – grabbing himself firmly in the front of his close-fitting tracksuit bottoms as he said it, stepping forward from the kitchen counter. He loomed over his friend again, aware of his superior height and build, and their eyes met. He held onto his own crotch and glowered with mixed feelings at his best mate. `You just said it was what you wanted anyway…!’ Davies returned his stare, looking uncomfortable. `I didn’t mean it like that.’ Calvert-Lewin took a long deep breath. `Didn’t you?’ And now the two Everton players stood face to face in moody silence in the understated chic of Tom’s penthouse kitchen, and the music chimed weakly from the main room. Dom’s breaths were slow and heavy and Tom’s face was beetroot against the thin colour of his knotted back hair. Tom’s bright blue eyes then shifted, glancing downwards, and Dom looked down too – he saw his own strong hand gripping at the front of his tracky bottoms, holding himself pointlessly there, gripping his own manhood through the nylon. A few more moments, a few more heavy breaths. `Get on your knees,’ Dominic whispered. Pause. `W-what?’ `You heard me, mate.’ `Dom…’ `Come on,’ he growled. A long tense pause, and then – `What the fuck?’ And Tom was backing away from him, shaking his head, exiting the kitchen and swearing loudly some more. Dom lunged after him with a couple of long strides, suddenly panicked by the electric tension in the air and the swelling in his crotch. He grabbed Tom by the wrist on the way into the lounge. `Sorry, sorry – I went too far. That was-‘ `Geroff,’ grumbled Davies, shaking away from him and glaring at him now. `I won’t be fucking mocked like this! You’re such a stupid big prick-tease, Dom! You’ve been like this for MONTHS, ever since that day…! As if you don’t know how much I fucking fancy you?! As if it isn’t obvious every fucking day? Jesus! Get off me, lad, back off…’ `Fancy me?’ `Oh piss off, like it’s big news to you, you arrogant prick… you’re all talk! Fucking tease!’ Dominic grabbed at him properly, taking hold of both arms, moving towards him with such force that they both staggered a bit and almost ended up on the wooden floor. Between them, they caught balance, but still Dom was holding his forearms and staring into his face. He felt gripped by a new energy, and it was much more than the unfinished beer he’d drank minutes ago. Dom spoke again, and with the same forceful tone that he’d briefly found back there in the kitchen. `Get in your bedroom now,’ he ordered his friend, and he found he meant every word of it. `Get in there, mate.’ Tom stared at him, red cheeks and wide eyes and pursed lips, but… but… he didn’t swear back at him or rail against this, or shout more accusations or resentments. He just slid away from him, lip trembling, and then glanced beyond the sofas to the half-open doors that led through into the big master bedroom of this bachelor pad. Quivering, Davies stared that way and then back at him. His face was full of questions. `No more teasing,’ Dom heard himself growl. `No more fucking jokes and banter.’ `No,’ Tom murmured. `What instead?’ `Just action,’ Dom grunted, moving through the encounter as if following a script he didn’t know he’d learned. Without saying any more or really thinking about it, he grabbed at the bottom of his Everton training t-shirt and peeled it up and off, baring every toned caramel muscle of his long torso. He saw the shock and awe on his pal’s face. `Get in there,’ he commanded again, his voice deep and impressive. `Now.’ In Tom’s bedroom, they didn’t switch on a light, but some lamp glow leaked in through the open door that brought them into it. Neither lad said another word from `Now’ on, communication reduced to stares in the shadow and the power of touch. Tom seemed to struggle to get out of his white t-shirt for a moment but Dom grabbed it for him, dragging it off his body and then manhandling the pale white skin of his lean muscles. With shoving touches, Dom guided him back until he was falling onto the big low bed, and then he was sliding down on top of him, both shirtless. mersin escort bayan He didn’t quite know what he was doing, but he did it anyway – bringing their faces close and teasing his pal with near kisses, their mouths never quite meeting, but their chests and tummies rubbing, and then more, their crotches rustling together in the darkness. Aware of his own weight and strength, Dominic pinned the other lad down, finding and gripping his hands and just rubbing over him, pulling both of their bodies further onto the bed and letting out raspy deep breaths. He could feel Davies trembling, almost fearfully, so he slowed down, stopped moving, just pinned him there and held their bodies together. His own body felt so much more powerful and heated, Tom’s body feeling shaky and cold. But it would warm up, trapped beneath his own muscles. He breathed on the skin of his friend’s neck and held him still for several long moments, then shifted to look him in the eye. `I’m going to kiss you,’ he said, his voice barely audible. Tom nodded his head once, and then their lips were touching. He thought about how much the Scouser had perhaps wanted this for the years of their friendship. After all, it was easier to consider that proposition than to dare ask himself if he’d ever subconsciously wanted it too. But the kiss didn’t last long. Tom’s hand had wriggled out of his grip and was rubbing the front of his trackies. His Everton trackies. Just like that afternoon on the coach, jerking his weighty piece through the layers and wanking him off in the risky bus environment as he’d demanded. That had been before Dominic pushed his cock into Jordan Pickford’s mouth to shut the smug Mackem up in the showers. Fuck, had that even really happened?! On top of the other lad, Dominic began to grind his body onto him, propping himself up but still pinning Tom down. He trapped Tom’s hand between their bodies and rubbed his crotch over it, pressing his growing hardness into it. His breaths were needy gasps, and Tom’s were the faintest whispering noises. He stared into those beautiful blue eyes, wide and needy, and knew what had to come next. Up onto his knees. Bed creaking. Thumbs pushed into the elastic of his trackies and the undies below. Pushing down and forward. Thick brown cock and heavy full bollocks freed of their prison. Dom reached one hand for the headboard to balance his kneeling form, then used the other to angle Tom’s face, and pressed his big erection down until it was inside that hot wet mouth. Oh, yes. The Everton striker lifted and angled his own powerful body, then began. With downward strokes, he fucked the eager moist mouth, pushing more and more of his thick black cock into the white boy’s mouth, gagging and choking him with it, fucking his mouth and making the bed rock and rattle beneath them. He kept going for many minutes, pausing every now and then to let Tom catch his breath, but never fully, the cock still buried in his wet mouth, balls resting over his chin. And then Dom pulled back, rising up a bit more. He straddled the gasping blondie, whose mouth drooled saliva, and whose eyes searched needily for him in the gloom. Dom held his cock at the base, letting it dangle tantalisingly over that open mouth and flickering tongue, but not quite giving it to him. He just wanked himself slowly instead, breathing deeply, and smelling their shared excitement in the musty bedroom air. `You want this big black cock?’ Calvert-Lewin whispered into the intimacy. `Always have,’ whined Davies. `Oh, god.’ `Tell me how much you want it,’ Dom demanded, his hand gripping so tightly at the headboard that it hurt. `Tell me, fucker.’ `I’ve wanted it since the day we met,’ drooled the midfielder. `Oh shit, mate, I’m so sorry-‘ `Don’t be sorry, just SUCK IT…’ He pushed it down and in, re-entering that hungry gob. Dom squatted lower on him and pulled Tom’s head up a bit more so it was more comfortable for them both. He pushed deeper and made the lad gag, and then relaxed and let him really attend to it with his tongue and lips. It felt so fucking good. His hand grasped and stroked at Tom’s head and hair, loosening it from its knot and getting a good grip there so he could control and guide his face more in fellating him. The bed creaked. The bigger man groaned, the blonde sub choked. Dominic stared down at him thoughtfully, another semi-conscious imperative pushing him to take even more tonight. His breathing was more and more laboured with a mixture of dominant pleasure and wary anxiety. But he edged to the side, steadying himself, and took hold of his wet cock again. Below, Tom gasped and sighed and stared at him. `Keep going,’ the Scouser whispered in his rattling local accent. `I’m going to fuck you properly,’ Dominic announced, before he even knew that he needed to. Tom stared at him wonderingly. `Really?’ he pretty much squeaked. `Get up, bend over,’ the dominant striker snapped. Their bodies shifted rapidly in the darkness. Davies was clearly eager and obedient. As much as the striker needed to dominate, his friend seemed to crave the submission. Still, the movements were clumsy and rushed. Dom didn’t quite know what he was doing, had never gone THIS far. He grabbed and pushed at Tom’s body, dragging down his joggers and boxers but allowing Tom’s shaky hands to help him. At the same time, he spat repeatedly down onto his palm and onto his cock. Would this be lube enough? He had Davies bent over the bed at the side, positioned obediently for him with his lean white arse in the air. Dom spat again, right onto the top of that crack, and he massaged at the bony cheeks with each large hand, and prodded the damp tip of his monster cock between them. This was really happening, then. `Tell me how much you want it,’ the Everton forward growled into the moody darkness. Tom’s reply was so stammering and breathy that he couldn’t really make out any words but `please’ and `yes’. Rushing and impatient, Dominic tried to slide into him, used to cunt. But his thick cock just poked stupidly and bluntly between those smooth cheeks, making him frustrated and silly. Tom gasped and whimpered, then reached behind and began to finger himself a little. Dom took the helpful instruction quickly, pushing Tom’s shaky hands aside and moving one of his own thick brown fingers down to do the work. It was deeply satisfying, he realised, way more than he could have imagined, to insert one chunky digit inside his friend’s hole, to feel that intimate heat in there. He stood hesitantly beside the bed and fingered Tom Davies in the arse, pushing his digit in and out of that insane tightness, starting to think his cock might never go in there. Tom made wordless gasps and whimpers and pushed his arse back and higher. Dom’s own cock leaked a little pre-cum, and he used it to add more lube to his exploring finger, then tried a second. It was mad how quickly the ring loosened for him, how much this beautiful blond angel opened up to let him in. Tom groaned more loudly now, and his words were a bit clearer. `Please fuck me,’ he begged. `I’ve dreamed of it. For years. Oh please.’ Dom couldn’t find the words to respond, partly from lusty excitement, partly from hesitant fear of what any of this could mean. But he tried again with his cock, and found Tom’s wet hole more welcoming than before. Now he put one strong hand to the lad’s hip, and with the other he grabbed a big twist of blond hair, treating him like a slutty girl. And then the majestic 6ft2 Sheffield fashionista made the bed rock and groan, entering and humping his footballer mate. He fucked Tom rabidly into the bed, pounding at him from behind, getting all of his meat in there, making a wet cunt of him. Tom gasped and groaned, more begging and devotion. `YES, YES MATE, PLEASE FUCK ME, OHHHH’ – Dom loved to hear it, loved the rattling hiss of his accent, loved hearing his friend need him like that. He loved the power of it, just as he’d loved being wanked off on the bus, or pissing on Pickford’s dirty face. He fucked and fucked, letting go of the hair and holding both hands at Tom’s sides to steady his shaky arching body. The bed rocked and even shifted a few inches over the floorboards, unable to withstand the force of Dominic’s motion. It might have lasted a few minutes or two hours, he couldn’t be sure, but at some point the sensations got too much for him. That made him panic a bit, unsure if he could cum inside his friend or not. He wanted to, but it felt wrong, until- `SHOOT IN ME,’ whined Tom’s screeching desire, `FILL ME UP…!’ Oh, right. Yes. Dominic unloaded, creaming inside the wet tightness of his friend’s arse, holding him so tightly that his fingers and thumbs left bruises on the alabaster skin. Dominic had been lying awake for some time, staring at the ceiling and listening to the soft rise and fall of his friend’s breath. But Davies was waking now, and fluttering his eyes open with flickers of those white-blond lashes. Dom glanced at him but said nothing, just going back to staring at the ceiling. He was on his back in the big bed, nothing but his socks on, and a slight tangle of duvet covering parts of his lengthy brown body. Tom was in the same state of address, but more of his lean white body was exposed. Already, red marks and a little purpleish marbling showed where Dom had handled him too roughly. Glances brought this to Dominic’s attention and made him feel weird. Queasy, guilty. Excited. He eventually allowed his eyes to connect with his friend’s blue gaze. They stared at each other for a while, together but apart, both breathing shallowly. `You’re okay?’ the striker murmured in the bedroom gloom. Somewhere in the background, video game music could still be heard on a low volume. `Erm,’ was all Tom said awkwardly back to him. But he shifted a bit closer, pulling a little of the bedding to cover more of himself. Dom looked back at the ceiling, as if some clarity and answer could lie up there on the bland plaster. He felt Tom’s hand and then arm creep onto his tummy and then around to his other side, taking him in a nervous embrace from the side; the lad’s fine face rested in against his shoulder and pec, nestling on the sweat-pricked golden-brown skin. `Is this okay?’ Davies whispered warily. In answer, Dom lifted and curled in one of his loose muscular arms, closing it about Tom’s upper body and locking him there at his side. It was all the `yes’ he could offer. For a few moments, he thought idly about how the other lad was STILL trembling like a baby deer… and then it dawned on him that this wasn’t true. Tom was fatigued and still. The vibrating body shake was his own nervous tremor, soothed by the cuddle from his friend. Fuck. `Happy birthday, mate,’ Tom Davies whispered uncertainly from where his head rested on one pectoral muscle. `Thanks,’ Dominic Calvert-Lewin grunted awkwardly back, holding him tightly at his side.

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Subject: Premiership Lads part 87: The Blackmailer Part eighty-seven: The Blackmailer Jesse Lingard watched with a hesitant smile on his face as the new online bank account loaded up on the tablet screen in his hands. A pixelated picture of his finances rolled into view and his smile widened on his curling lips. The 27-year-old footballer slowly put down the device on the garden table in front of him and allowed himself a villain-ish snigger of triumph knowing that the second payments from both men had just landed in this secret account. He sat back in the comfortable garden seat and brought his hands up behind his head in a relaxed posture, listening to the morning birdsong in the nearby trees, amplified by the silent South Manchester roads beyond them. Fully smug, he swung his legs up and rested bare heels on the edge of the wooden table, then sighed to himself. As if it had really worked. Jesse had harboured his suspicions for some time, since Christmas really. It had begun when he grew bored of dancing his arse off on a pill at Manchester United’s Christmas party. Drifting from the dancefloor in such of a hot lone female to work his `magic’ on, the sprightly midfielder had seen an odd thing: young Dan James bursting out of a disabled loo with a panicked look on his cheeky face, scampering away like he’d just seen a ghost. Seeing the usually cheery junior player so alarmed had broken into Lingard’s party mood and left him wandering vaguely after the other lad. Dan had been in quite some hurry though, so he’d failed to catch up with him. But as Jesse lingered at the top landing of the stairs down from the party venue, he’d looked back and seen both Shaw and Maguire stood talking near the facilities — had they just emerged from the same bathroom? Since Jesse didn’t have either big Harry or pretty boy Luke down as big drug-takers, his suspicions had been aroused. Well, mainly just his suspicions. But he’d been drunk and high and not particularly inclined to trust his own judgement, so he’d largely dismissed the thought the next day and over much of the festive period. But as the season picked up in spring, there had been so many odd little moments. Shared looks he’d noted across the training ground or meeting room, on coaches to away games; little shared looks that were clearly meant to be secret and unseen but Jesse, always alert and curious, picked up on. And then, more oddly than anything, that had stopped. There had been little phases where anyone with open eyes and ears could tell that United’s powerful new captain and its sulky handsome left-back were not communicating AT ALL. It had been those little suspected frosts that piqued Jesse’s interest more than whatever secret the other men shared. He’d tried to investigate, but subtlety had never been his sharpest skill. When he tried to speak to James one day in January, it went badly. The usually cheerful honorary Welshman had been sullen and almost aggressive. `What have you heard? What have people been saying?’ the short speedy player had snarled at him in a quiet passage at Old Trafford before one game. They almost came to blows, but Lingard had backed off and made a silly joke of the whole thing. THAT was his sharpest skill. Around the same time, he’d noticed sour looks and mood swings from the team’s resident teenage brats, both kids who he slightly resented as the peak of his own career seemed to edge by him without the promised glory or accolades. He’d avoided surly Brandon Williams altogether; it was just as easy to believe that moody local’s anger at Maguire was based on fuck all. Mason Greenwood had interested him more, and like Dan, he’d tried to gently question him. `Stay away from the big twat,’ Greenwood had muttered to him one evening, but refused to say more. At that point, Jesse had got excited; he’d felt surer than ever that something was going on. Something taboo and exciting and scandalous… something potentially profitable? He’d thought he might slowly pump more from the handsome teenage goal machine, but then something had changed. Like James, he’d seen Greenwood stalking moodily around the training ground and distancing himself from the lads; but then Mason had entirely cheered up overnight, it seemed, and become unreachable. Nowadays, Jesse had noted, the speedy striker seemed utterly inseparable from Williams, and there was a conspiratorial air about the two young buddies that it felt awkward to try and interfere with. By the time the lads were in Spain during the Premiership winter break, Jesse had burned with nosy interest. He had engineered the Scott McTominay incident with one goal in mind: to test Harry Maguire’s sexuality, and to figure out what the fuck was Luke Shaw’s problem. It had been fun but inconclusive. He’d been amazed to see Big Harry so dominant and aroused, but what did that prove? It was a laddish dare, and surprising fellas like Fernandes and Pereira had got as involved as anyone else! There had been one element of that seedy group session that had become concrete for Lingard and his suspicions, though: Luke Shaw had been intensely jealous throughout. At one point, Jesse and Luke had been quite close, but since that evening in Marbella, he could see the snarl on that pretty face every time he came anywhere near… Jesse bounced from his seat, overcome with energy. An outdoors workout before the sun got any hotter, THAT was what he needed. Months of embittered speculation had come to nothing, he supposed, until the ridiculous mishap in online technology. All through the group zoom call, he’d wondered if he was imagining the little silences and thoughtful stares into the camera from Harry and Luke. When he logged off and sat alone at his computer, tipsy but awake, the thought had plagued him. So of course he’d re-entered the call, of course big dumb Harry hadn’t thought to lock it or move to another call. And so Jesse had seen what he’d seen. And hit record. And now the men were his. Financially, apart from anything else, though who knew how he could exploit these two United cornerstones once they were all back to work and the season was resumed, in whatever form that took? But first, the money; so much money! Jesse didn’t need the money, not by any means, but he fucking loved to see it and fantasise about how he would be treating himself now he’d rinsed blackmail cash from two equally rich Premiership lads. Not that the money was his main motivation, he admitted silently to himself, grinned bashfully, then pushed the thought away. Workout, he reminded himself. Time for a workout. Forty-five minutes later, Jesse Lingard gleamed with sweat. He had quickly had to abandon his training top, overheated and keen to see the progress on his defined six-pack. He ended his challenging back garden circuit with a series of crunches and V-sits, unable to stop vainly inspecting the sweat sheen on his abs as he mersin escort worked his stomach muscles and built his already good core strength. He huffed out a victorious `Fuck yeh!’ as he reached the end of the last set of reps, then collapsed back against the fitness mat and stretched out his aching limbs of lean brown-skinned muscle. Jesse lay there awhile, letting his body recover, bringing both hands to rub sweat from his sticky face. He’d pushed himself hard with rounds of HIIT and ball skills and now, he decided, deserved a lazy day on the sofa binge-watching some of his fave TV shows. Perhaps a spot of online shopping with his full new bank account, too; he’d had his eye on a big jacuzzi for this lovely rear garden, that would be perfect for isolation evenings… He heard a car and paused. Not unusual in itself; the world hadn’t quite shut down overnight. But it was the loud growl of a more flashy sports car and it didn’t sound like it came from the main road beyond the thick trees. He propped himself up on elbows and heard another noise — the slam of a car door — and realised it most definitely came from around the corner of his big detached red-brick house. Jesse was just frowning at who the hell his visitor might be when the figure came sweeping around the corner and paused halfway across the lawn towards him. Jesse pushed down on the grass to flip himself up on his back, tottering to an anxious standing position with his eyes on the visitor. He felt exposed in just his skimpy running shorts and long white socks, his bare torso glistening under the mid-morning sunshine. He held his arms awkwardly at his sides and stared in bemusement at the sudden arrival and his grim facial expression. `Long time no see, kid,’ grunted Jamie Vardy in his familiar Sheffield drawl. `Yeh,’ Jesse returned in a low, cautious voice, `this is… a surprise.’ Vardy was wearing short shorts himself, similar Nike running ones that left a lot of his lean pale legs on show, and a baggy sports sweatshirt on the top half as he took a few more steps forward, moving with that faux-Oasis cock swagger that he always did. Lingard continued to stare at him, totally bewildered and wondering if this was part of some absurd dream. `We need to talk, Jesse lad,’ Jamie said simply. He was looking around, seemed to be scoping out the house and its garden. His expression was odd: shifty, aggressive, secretive. `I don’t think anyone is supposed to be receiving visitors,’ Jesse pointed out slowly. He was beginning to suspect this call was far from social. He looked his former teammate up and down and glanced about for his discarded shirt, feeling more exposed than vain now about his lithe muscular body on show and the beady, calculating eyes of the Leicester champion standing opposite him. `Anyone else in the house?’ snapped Jamie bluntly. `Few family members,’ Jesse muttered back, unsure what the question meant or why he was complying. `What the fuck, Jamie…?’ `Where can we talk?’ the older man demanded simply, taking another step forward. Jesse watched him, unnerved. Both men glanced at the house checking for faces at the window — Vardy with a grim determination and almost aggressive posture, Lingard with a self-conscious excitement at what he suspected might be about to happen. He nodded then to the nearest doorway, wide open to the house’s double garage, and shrugged. `In there, if we must,’ he grumbled. `What the hell is this about…?’ Jamie strode on in through the double-doors, ignoring him. It was open because this was where Jesse stored all his fitness equipment, raided for his private circuit. He glanced back at the mat and props on the lawn, and his phone and tablet on the table next to his breakfast dishes, then back up at the windows of his house. Nobody seemed to be up and about at the moment. He followed the Leicester striker into the cool low space of the garages and pulled the doors shut behind him, experiencing a tingle of nervous excitement laced with fear. `You remember your Leicester days, eh lad?’ Vardy asked, pausing in the centre of the cluttered space. He’d stopped beyond the mass of fitness and gaming equipment that littered the first half of the garages, signs of Jesse’s decadent and addictive spending, and reached one of the two slick sports cars parked in the far half. He’d just been fantasising last night about what motor he’d be buying next, perhaps using Luke’s hard-earned money. Lingard slowly followed him towards the centre. `I do,’ he said vaguely. `Bits of it, anyway.’ Jamie turned to face him and he had a sneering smile on his face. `Quite a loan spell for you, huh.’ `Jamie,’ Jesse murmured, `I dunno why you’re bringing all that up, it was…’ `On your knees, bitch.’ The striker’s voice was steely and authoritative, and it whipped 27-year-old Lingard back to much earlier in his career, to those strange alien days on loan to Leicester City when he was only a youth. He thought back to that first hotel room fumble, high on coke, sharing that one bed with too many confused and excited blokes. Vardy, Nugent, Smith, Blyth, Drinkwater… `Sorry?’ he mumbled, not in the cheeky confidence of the 27-year-old United mainstay, but the nervous squeak of the 20-year-old loanee. `I don’t think I need to repeat myself, do you?’ Jamie Vardy lifted up the front of his baggy grey sweatshirt a little and began undoing the little knot of waist-cord at the front of his dark runner’s shorts. A flash of tight six-pack between the waist of the shorts and the lifted hem of the jumper. Jesse looked back up to his face, the tight sneer of superiority on his mouth and in his eyes. The 33-year-old man was only very slightly taller, no less lean and compact physically; yet he was still a powerful, intimidating sexual presence. A lot of late-night memories from that season were milling in Jesse’s brain. His knees buckled and he sank down to the concrete floor of the garage, keeping his eyes trained on Vardy’s, relaxing his own sweaty frame into a crouching position whilst the other man leaned casually back against the side of his own flashy red sports car. `I haven’t sucked cock in years,’ Jesse murmured. In his head it was a protest, an argument; it came out sounding like a weak apology, a hungry whimper. He reached forward and took the sides of those shorts in hand, still holding the steely gaze above, and Jamie’s semi was out and his balls hanging. Jesse breathed them in and let his eyes slip down to the prize in front of him, remembering how good it could taste. `You were always so nervous back then, but you did a good job.’ `Jamie, buddy, I’m straight…’ `Like fuck you are. Eat it.’ Jesse crouched there in total confusion; where had this come from? He’d barely had any contact with the man since those wild Leicester nights, though in many a dark night on his own he’d let his mind wander back to escort mersin it. Especially that first time, so many dicks to grab at, big sexy Nugent and the other young lads Vardy had persuaded into experimenting… In his sweaty skimpy shorts, Lingard’s cock twitched and rose against the fabric. `Come on,’ Jamie snapped impatiently, `I’ve driven a long way for this. Open your gob.’ Jesse opened up and leaned forward and licked the tip of Jamie’s prick, then took more of it into his out-of-practice mouth, then all of it. He sighed and sniffed in the manly odour of the guy’s crotch, pushing his lips around the stiffening member and stroking his hands up and down the tensed thighs. Vardy was soon fully hard, his modest but ferociously hard cock pushing against Jesse’s tongue and the roof of his mouth. Mmm. `Remember that time I made you lick my boots?’ muttered Vardy. `Yes sir,’ Lingard whispered, again in the voice of a much younger self. He was back there in the dirty changing rooms of Leicester City on his last appearance of that loan season, and staring up at the near-naked figure of his on-and-off master, wearing only his dirty boots from the victorious match… No, he was in his own garage full of expensive shit that his Man Utd wages had bought him, and he was NOT that needy confused kid! He pulled away, spat cock-flavoured spit out on the floor beside him, and began to get up. `Fuck this,’ he muttered, `what the hell are you doing here?’ Jamie snarled, grabbed his hand, pushed it against his own dick so that Jesse was holding it in his palm if not his mouth. Then the other guy, always surprisingly strong for his height and build, spun them around and pinned Jesse’s body back against the side of his overpriced car, smearing his workout sweat against its pristine metalwork. Vardy stood against him, thrusting his dick in and out of his curled hand, and holding him by his bare, sweaty shoulders. `You’ve been causing a spot of trouble, youngster,’ the seasoned striker growled. Jesse blinked in realisation, trembling against the cool metal of the car. `This is about… those two?!’ `Harry and I have a lot of history at Leicester, he’s a mate,’ Vardy said sharply. Jesse stared at him in surprise, though the connection felt obvious. `This is nowt to do with you,’ he blurted, and was pushed back more firmly into the car. `You should be fuckin’ careful, Jamie Vardy, or they won’t be the only people I’ve got footage of, and…’ `Don’t threaten me, prick.’ At the same time, Vardy pushed his hand away and began jerking his own dick, squeezing precum out of the bulging pink tip. Jesse’s hand hovered nearby, released but impatient to return to this supposed punishment. The men stood close by, enclosed in the sweaty odour of Jesse’s body and the cool dark of the garage. `There’s CCTV in here and-` `You think I give a fuck?’ Vardy snapped. `You can’t threaten me, boy. I own you.’ `That was a LONG time ago…’ `But it feels like yesterday, don’t it? Look at you. Creaming your shirts just being near me. I can see that tentpole. You dirty fucker. You’re almost cumming just having me breathe on ya. God, how much you squealed when I eventually got a finger in your hole…’ `Sir,’ groaned Jesse weakly. He didn’t even know what he was begging for. Escape, or…? `Like you say though,’ Jamie grunted then, `it was a long time ago.’ He backed off, released his harsh grip, casually stroked his own hard-on as they stood facing each other. `I’ve had much better head since then, let me tell you that. You were pathetic.’ `Oh sir,’ murmured Lingard, ashamed of the erection straining the limited material of his running shorts. He grimaced. He thought about the time he’d had Vardy spunk twice over his face in a toilet cubicle at the Walkers Stadium, minutes before a big game. He’d meant to be on the starting line-up but he’d been late, washing the man’s dribbling cum off his face and hair and then finishing himself off in a urinal because he’d been so excited; the manager had been furious and it had cost Jesse several follow-up matches sitting out on all the action. His love for Jamie’s prick had dominated that loan season far more than his footballing talents, he’d always known it. `You need to leave those two alone,’ snapped Vardy. `Now get on your knees.’ Jesse sank down willingly, and Jamie thrust forward. Oh god. He found himself on his haunches with his back and neck pressed to the side of his car, Jamie’s hips working to fuck his slippery lips now as he’d once done behind a skip in the car park of a Leicester pub. So many memories. He gripped onto the tight smooth muscle of his master’s backside and tried his best not to gag on the thrusting meat in his gob, eyes watering with the effort of it. He knew the paintwork of the vehicle behind him was being stained and smeared with his own sweaty marks, he tried not to care. His vanity extended to every vehicle he owned, but right now this dirty feast was all that mattered. `Get up,’ Vardy demanded suddenly, pulling away. Jesse’s mouth felt empty without his master’s prick. He used Vardy’s hips to pull himself up, his body shaking with a mixture of fear and complete arousal. Then he was being turned around. His torso pushed forward over the bonnet of the sports car with rough energy, and his shorts tugged down at the back. He felt Vardy part his strong sweaty glutes and shove a finger into his hole unceremoniously. `Oh sir,’ he whined, `ohh….’ Internally, he wondered how soundproofed the garage actually was. `Knew you wanted this, you dirty slut.’ `Yes, sir, so much…’ `Take it then, relax your hole, you little bitch.’ `Yes sir!’ `Dirty little prick…’ `Fuck me sir. Please, fuck me. I wanna feel your cock…’ The two fingers pushed and pulled at his ring and he groaned wildly, embarrassed by his sluttish pleading but knowing how true it was. Back then, he’d been too scared to suggest going that far, unsure how much the dominant striker was willing to try; but he’d been fucked a couple of times since then, before he’d tried to move away from the bi fun, and he knew he could take it. But Jamie’s fingers were removed from his hole and now the Leicester player was just lightly spanking his beside and laughing. `No,’ Jamie said, `you don’t get that pleasure today, you blackmailing little fuck.’ `Sir…’ Jesse felt his sweat-damp body slide off the bonnet and he almost fell to the concrete floor, but he righted himself and swung onto his knees, which were sore from grazing the hard surface. He couldn’t stop himself reaching down to take his own dick in hand, turning round to find Jamie’s crotch in front of him and the powerful striker jerking himself furiously with his cock aimed right at his face. As he wanked, Jamie pushed one hand at Jesse’s face; he slid the two fingers that had been up his hole into his mouth for him to lick, and gave his prick mersin escort bayan a left-handed stroke. Jesse lapped and sighed and gasped and wanked himself until he was spurting silvery-white cum down his hand and his thighs and onto the floor. `Feed me,’ he gasped at the dominant bloke. `Feed me your…’ As he asked for it, it came. Jamie growled his orgasm and his load spilled against Jesse’s face and neck and, he noticed a minute or two later, in globby streaks over the red paintwork behind him. He swayed on his knees and caught his breath. Holy fuck, he thought, am I really still so subservient…? `You’re a right little slut, aren’t you?’ Vardy demanded, rubbing at his red cock and taking a step back. `I did wonder if you’d moved on in seven years or whatever, but… seems not. You cock-hungry little bastard.’ Jesse could hardly deny it. He pulled an arm against his face but it just mingled his own cooling sweat with the sticky load. He climbed unsteadily to his feet and panted. `Just like old times,’ he groaned playfully, recovering form the shock of his own desire. `This ends today,’ Vardy threatened. `You leave Harry Maguire alone, you little cocksucker.’ Jesse rubbed at his face again, more successfully, let his head clear. Then he burst out laughing, and focused his eyes on the confused scowl on Vardy’s face. Lingard relaxed his shoulders and arms, stretched out his muscles, licked his lips. `You think cumming on my face is gonna stop me making a profit from this fucked up situation, old man?’ he asked quietly. Jamie paused, clearly unsettled that the narrative in his head wasn’t quite playing out. The two men stared at one another, and Lingard laughed again. No, he told himself, you aren’t quite the same bitch you were at 19 or 20. He let out a long satisfied sigh, scraped some spare cum from his chin, and licked it gently off his own fingertip. `You still taste good,’ he cooed. `Harry is a good guy,’ Jamie said, not without a hint of reluctance in his tone. Hmm, what had gone on between those two former best pals…? Jesse shrugged. `Is he? Not sure his poor fiancée would agree if she knew. Nor the average United fan.’ He nodded his head gently across the garage, and let Jamie’s eyes follow. A small security camera sat up against the ceiling, trained on the expensive vehicles behind Lingard’s back. He saw the twitch of panic in Jamie’s threatening expression. `Yes,’ Jesse sighed, `that’s how it is, Leicester. That’s how it fucking is.’ `I told you,’ Jamie snapped, not convincingly, `I don’t fuckin’ care.’ `You don’t care if the world sees you finger a lad?’ Jesse asked. `What about you?’ Jamie spat. `You want your fans to see you treated like a slut?’ Jesse laughed complacently. `Would it look consensual, do you think, on that cam up there…?’ `What?’ demanded Vardy furiously. `Are you for fucking real, kid…?’ Jesse pulled away from him, stretching and rolling his neck, cracking his knuckles and pacing across the cluttered garage until there was a safe distance between them. He pulled his shorts up more comfortably, covering his limp dick and chubby backside. He could see the change in arrogant Vardy now, the alpha male cowed and uncertain. `Like I said, it ain’t just Maguire who needs to be careful now,’ Lingard told him coldly. `I have the footage I have. I can do what I like. You pricks need to watch your mouths. I’m the one in control now.’ `What do you want?’ growled Vardy angrily. `What the fuck is this about? Just money?’ `The money is good,’ Jesse admitted. He took a step back seeing the violent gesturing of his visitor, but took comfort in the watchful CCTV. Jamie didn’t need to know that it was just a fucking decoy, hooked up to nothing. He stopped himself form bursting out laughing at the reality of his own empty threats here. `But it isn’t what I’m really after, you know…’ `Then what is? What the hell are you playing at, Lings…? You’ve changed.’ `I grew up, Vardy. Sorry about that.’ Jamie was red-faced in his anger as he pushed his cock into his shorts and adjusted his ruffled sweatshirt into place. He kept looking at the little wall-mounted camera, and at the sweat and spunk smears on the car. He took a threatening step back towards Jesse. `What will it take?’ he demanded loudly. `What will it take for you to back the fuck off and leave my mate alone?’ Jesse paused, unsure how much to admit now. Should he tell Jamie about the first time he’d met Harry Maguire on a flight to an away England match? How his dick had throbbed and twitched in his trackies when faced with such a tall, commanding figure in the seat beside him? How he’d watched him piss at a communal urinal later that evening and had to wank himself silly in his hotel bathroom thinking about it? Should he tell him about watching Maguire in the pool during the 2018 world cup, his shorts tight about his mighty thighs as he rode an inflatable unicorn into playful battle? How he’d sneaked off to a quiet corner after that session and fingered his own arse-hole whilst sniffing some discarded socks of the mighty Yorkshireman…? Should he tell Jamie about the night he’d embarrassed himself in a shared hotel room with Harry Maguire, dropping hint after hint about a mutual wank or something but being totally ignored by the dense giant? How he’d lain awake, cock straining at his PJs, listening to the man snore and almost sneaked under his bedding to touch his mighty snake in secret? Should he tell him about the moment Harry signed for Manchester United, how he’d woken up from his only ever adult wet dream and found his bedding soaked with his own semen? The nervous glances he’d given the big strong defender in the changing rooms during their first training sessions and matches together, hoping desperately that- No. No he couldn’t tell him all of that, but perhaps now was finally time to get what he wanted. `Lings,’ snapped Vardy impatiently, `just fucking tell me. I thought I could talk sense into you by reminding you what a little bitch you are, but I see you’re… Well. You’re even more of a cunt than I always thought.’ He snarled. `This isn’t my fight. I’m just trying to help a mate. You can’t keep blackmailing them, Jesse. It’s ridiculous.’ `It’s working,’ he pointed out coldly. `But thanks for the snack, sexy.’ `What do we need to do?’ Jamie asked and this time it was his Sheffield voice that sounded pleading and submissive. It burst out before Jesse could really work out how to say it. His heart was going crazy in his chest and the smell and taste of the first man he’d experimented with was driving him wild with a lust that his orgasm had done nothing to quench. He lunged forward as he spoke, waving a hand dramatically at his forbidden visitor. `Harry Maguire,’ he yelped. `I want Harry fucking Maguire. I want his cock. I want his arse. I’m going to fuck Harry Maguire and make him mine.’ He was shaking with passion as he said it, losing control of his voice and his body language; Jamie reeled back in surprise at the ferocity of the demands. `Tell Harry he’s going to submit to me, or I’m going to leak the zoom video tomorrow night.’

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Subject: Premiership Lads part 184: First Date Part 184: First Date He’d spent a long time picking the shirt that clung firmly to the muscled slopes of his upper body; a designer number of subtly coloured stripes that hugged his shoulders and biceps and was just tight enough for the button down front to strain a little against the lean strength of his chest and tummy as he shifted from foot to foot on the East London roadside, waiting for her. She, when she showed up, was tanned to a delightful shade of Tango that reminded him a little of home, of the hair-rollers and bottle bronze of Liverpool Saturday nights. But her voice when she spoke was pure Essex, teetering out of her taxi and across to him on six-inch heels, batting weighty lashes and giggling coyly at his footballing fame. Ross Barkley snapped into the most quietly gentlemanlike manners he could, offering a sturdy arm for her support and steering her in towards the glassy front of the restaurant, asking her about the journey from her shared house in the eastern suburbs, mumbling apologetically that he didn’t really know how good the restaurant was but a few guys at Chelsea had recommended it to him and he’d been meaning to try it for ages and and and and. First date nerves! This was both weird and typical for him. He was obsessed with being inarticulate and clunky, but he’d always considered himself fairly relaxed when it came to female attention; clearly been single too long after things went tits up earlier this year, he scolded himself, leading the way into the restaurant foyer and trying to be attentive to what she was telling him. He briefly checked himself out in a mirrored wall, checking that the shirt didn’t look stupidly overtight (did it? how could you tell? Did he look a total poser?) and that the blue jeans and grey-white trainers kept the look chilled rather than fancy-pants. But she’d dressed up a fair bit, hadn’t she? Fancy shoes and this slip of a dress that showed off all her best assets, hair done up and nails as decorated as a war hero. He grinned uncertainly at her as they waited for the hostess to deal with them and take them to the table he’d conscientiously booked online a couple of days ago, when the `blind date’ was first set up. It had come from Mason Mount, of all people, although the lass herself was just a friend of a friend of a friend; Ross didn’t think he’d been particularly mopey or self-absorbed since the return from summer and the club’s first game of the season, a win over Liverpool at the weekend. But his younger pal seemed to worry about him and that was sweet — the girl in question was a cousin of someone Declan Rice knew at West Ham. Yep, he thought a little sourly, here I am with my younger teammate’s boyfriend’s mate’s cousin, like some desperate old bachelor being thrown patronising scraps by the loved-up pals on the edge of my life… fuck! The Scouse footballer chided himself for this cynicism, straightening up and showing her a toothy smile as they made their way across to the romantic corner table reserved for them, a tall thin waiter chatting happily at them about tonight’s specials and making the Essex girl giggle pitchily at his remark about how many famous faces had been in here for date night over the last month, never mind Chelsea midfielders. Must be positive, Ross told himself, this is a good idea. It had been months since he caught his bird cheating with his teammate, months since he’d walked out on that long serious relationship and languished on the spare beds of his few London mates. This would be fun and nice, didn’t have to be serious, it was just what he needed; just like the boozy ruins of the summer holiday had been, at the time, just what he needed. But now he needed to get himself back in the game, put his face out there, meet new people, do normal things like this… NORMAL, he reminded himself a little frustratedly, trying to reassure himself that his wandering attention and fiery lusts of the past nine months were cooling and calming. Things were good, he repeated to himself, as he had been for the past two weeks of quiet evenings in his new solo apartment, trying to feel optimistic and excited about his place in the Chelsea midfield and the fact that the transfer window was almost over and Lampard hadn’t flogged him to some less prestigious rival. Nor had his dalliances with the manager or other lads haunted him too much, except for a few cheeky grins from Mount and Pulisic now and then at training, or the occasional intense stare across the training ground from new boy Werner. `So Ross,’ the girl across from him cooed, spreading her menu flat and tapping her multicoloured false nails across its rigid surface, `tell me more about you, hun — what made you move down to London from Leeds?’ `Liverpool,’ he corrected in a soft low voice, opening up his own menu. `Oh, hehe, my bad — I am soooo rubbish with accents, babe,’ she chuckled, grinning flirtatiously at him across the narrow space of their table. `Liverpool, yeh, of course, of course… and how long have you played for Crystal Palace, again…?’ Barkley looked at her with a loose uncertain expression on the bronzed rugged slopes of his face, then saw the complete lack of sarcasm or irony in her pretty eyes and mouth, and he just quietly closed his mouth. `Oh, a few years,’ he mumbled. `Shall we get some drinks ordered, eh…?’ Only a few streets away, somebody else was waiting for a very different first date, a very different blind date. Another Premiership footballer paced on the roadside with a pronounced anxiety in his equally athletic 6ft2 posture, a thin loose jacket draped over his simple outfit of dark tshirt and skinny chinos, but a baseball cap pulled over his head with the brim as low as was practical to do so. He hovered on the street corner, hands balled into fists and pushed into the jacket pockets, kicking his suede shoes loosely at a bollard on the edge of the road and looking repeatedly up to scan up and down the quiet dark Shoreditch road. In one pocket of the jacket his fist closed about the cool metallic lump of his smartphone, and he resisted the urge to take it out and check the app, to check the messages, to second- and third-guess every detail of tonight’s risqué plan. It had taken Eric Dier so many years to risk downloading it, never mind using it. In his mind’s eye, he saw its lurid logo bright and clear, that impish yellow form against a brown-black background that blurred with the night shadows of the London alleyways gaping nearby. But download it he had; well, it had been quite a tense couple of weeks since Iceland and Denmark, hadn’t it? He’d meant what he said to his captain and his ex, Harry Kane, but playing well on the same pitch as the man who had trod on his heart cost him mentally and emotionally — especially on a weekend like this one where big Kane was being lauded left, right and centre for his skills, feeding four assists to Son and then claiming a final goal all of his own. Tottenham was abuzz with high praise for the golden-footed striker — even with the return of Gareth Bale looming on the edge of training sessions this week, to the awe and bewilderment of all — and it pushed Eric to the edge of his patient tolerance and his affectionate respect for the guy he would once have done anything for. But truth be told, this had been coming all summer. Dier had really thrown himself into more platonic and wholesome socialising in his summer break, enjoying time with Iberian teammates in and around boats on the Med, hopping from coast to island and prioritising his wellness and peace. He’d thrown himself into another app too, launching his little business project for a restaurant recommending social media service, a touch of entrepreneurship with a couple of old friends that had become the perfect distraction on those quiet wistful evenings in the summer and the settling autumn. But it wasn’t his new business project that burned at the hand in his left pocket and made him eventually pull the phone out and load up the apps menu. He opened Grindr with an embarrassed little grimace and looked at his own `profile’ square: the anodyne and anonymous little picture of his own six-pack, so modest and boastful at the same time. `Single masc bloke, 26′ was the only info it came, except for an ominous `Discreet’ selected from the other options. He stopped staring at his own silly square (lost as it was in a grid of more garish selfies and utterly demanding profile names, from `Need bumming, 21′ to `Fisting NOW plz, 54′) and dragged up the message page to check that he was at the right address agreed with his… well, his date, though the word sounded so odd and formal and challenging. Dier had explored his bisexuality with relative abandon in these bold years of his footballing 20s. The tall muscular defensive midfielder, more or less initiated by that one clumsy laugh with his captain Rooney once upon a time, had dabbled here and there and never overly worried, until he found himself truly entangled with another England captain, sucking off Harry Kane on his kitchen floor and declaring his love for him weeks after the Russian World Cup. In the roughly two-year span of that intense affair, he never would have used the word `date’ for any of the hot encounters with handsome Harry, or the shared hotel rooms on football away trips, the stolen weekends away two or three times; `date’ had never crossed his or Harry’s lips except perhaps once as a joke, a joke that made them both feel awkward and guilty. But the guy on the app had called it a date, the guy on… Grindr. Maybe he was joking too, maybe `date’ was way too 20th century for this, for meeting up with `Closeted Guy, 35′. But you couldn’t really read tone on dating apps, could you? Dating apps! Dating. Hah. The 26-year-old closed the app and his phone and stared bravely about him, fixing his eyes on passing solitary figures that broke up the procession of hand-in-hand couples or small groups drifting through the trendy London neighbourhood. Sick of staring out for his faceless paramour — they had shared a lot of pics this week but not faces, the guy had been so shockingly understanding when Dier made that barrier clear, agreed to it without question or protest — he stared up at the rising towers of the City instead, and began to give in to panic. What did he even know about this bloke beyond a few carefully lit pics of his body and vague details about the pressures of his working schedule (what did he do, again?), and how safe really was it to meet up like this and reveal himself? He’d described the cap and its logo, that was the plan — the fella would recognise the headwear and would be wearing a beanie himself with another distinct logo on it. Eric’s was actually, stupidly, a Spurs cap, but from years ago, a piece of retro merch that few would connect with the modern team or his own identity — still, he thought with a scowl, there was some Premiership vanity in his choice of prop. The panic got the better of him. He swept the stupid cap from his head, crushing its curved form in his right hand, and shooting his beady eyes up and down the road, then over at the quiet bar they were supposed to be entering together for a drink — chosen for its low light, carefully spaced booths, reputedly discreet staffing. Dier walked away from it in a hurry, the thin jacket flapping about him and the unnecessary layer of clothing making his neck and pits bead with fresh sweat in the settling humidity of the late summer night. He didn’t risk looking back, terrified he would see the somehow recognisable physique and headwear of `Closeted Guy, 35′ somewhere on the street corner after all, and be forced by some inescapable destiny to go through with what he’d been anticipating all week. He’d kinda assumed she’d know a thing or two about football, through her family connection to some young West Ham coach, but her area of expertise seemed to lie somewhere between Made in Chelsea (she had been convinced that Barkley’s actual mersin escort football club would mean he knew a load of West London socialites and heiresses, and gutted when this wasn’t the case) and Hello magazine (grilling him on which footballers’ weddings he’d attended and whether he actually knew any of the more famous WAGs of the scene). It wasn’t going well. He was being quiet and moody, but he wasn’t 100% sure she was noticing. She was chatty, which in theory he liked, but he struggled to follow or contribute to her running commentary on people in the restaurant who she potentially recognised from Instagram or Snapchat or some reality show he’d never actually heard of. He made his way through a procession of expensive cocktails and did his best to look politely interested and not painfully bored. He didn’t feel very interested or attracted, though he knew she was theoretically his type and a pretty standout looker. Perhaps, he thought with dull self-critical honesty, he should be charming his way into her monologue and just thinking about tonight — he didn’t have to marry the bird, he just needed to enjoy himself, and make sure she enjoyed herself too. Right? And he had a spacious new apartment on the outskirts of London to christen, hah… He stared blandly into the dregs of his last martini, unable to work up even the laddish bravado of a potential shag that he knew should be occupying him right now. Now she was going on about a bloke outside the window who she thought looked like a potential paparazzi and maybe he’d still be there when they picked up the bill and moved on somewhere else for a follow-up drink — maybe he’d get a photo of them and if he did, where do you suppose it would get published, if anywhere, what do you think babe? Ross stared impassively at the vague figure drifting across the window, who could be a paparazzi or a Big Issue seller for all he knew, and just shrugged his shoulders. `I don’t think I’ll be able to go on to a bar,’ he blurted out, the first time he’d spoken in about ten minutes now. `Oh, babe…?’ `Early start,’ he grunted quietly. `Sorry — I mean, dinner was lush, right, and… Er, I’ll get us another round here, will I? One more here and then we’ll get you back in a taxi, okay? Sorry hun, just…’ `Oh my god,’ she was saying, not looking at him, staring across the long restaurant instead towards a couple who were speaking to the hostess and trying to get a last-minute table, `is that who I think it is?! And with HIM? Oh my god I HAVE to text the girls, Ryan, just let me…’ Barkley sighed and pushed his chair away from the table a little with both hands. `I’ll get us a last drink and sort the bill,’ he said, an offer that met no negotiation or polite questioning, just `Isn’t it table service here?’ He ignored that and left their table, striding around the corner and towards the long bar area at the far end of the restaurant, darker and even more intimate than the cute distanced tables at which well-heeled couples were making their way through the admittedly delicious menu of modern tapas dishes. The bar was quiet but for a solitary man at the far end on a stool, and Barkley sidled across the long serving space, patting one hand against the smooth dark stone of it, in no rush to get back to the table and find out which Z-list celebrities had been eyed at the restaurant entrance. He paused halfway down the bar and planted his elbows against the countertop, stretching his body out and waiting to catch the barman’s attention. He glanced briefly at the other bloke at the bar then had to do a double take as he recognised the furred square of his jaw and the deep-set consternation of his eyes. `Well, this is weird,’ Ross grunted, just loud enough to catch his attention. `Are we on a sweaty Mykonos beach or do you just turn up everywhere I go…?’ Eric Dier shot him a cautious, defensive look, then the frown on his big face softened in recognition. A half-smile played on his lips and he lifted the short glass of Old Fashioned in salute. `Bloody hell, Barkley, this IS odd,’ the Spurs player chuckled in his more well-spoken southern accent. `You aren’t following me, are you…?’ The tall Scouser bridled but laughed. `Other way round, more like,’ he muttered back. `Er — drinking on your own tonight, mate…?’ `Hmm? Oh, er-` A very short and well-disguised pause, just enough to show some discomfort or effort at building a story. `I am now, sure — was having dinner with some pals but they had to head off sooner than expected. You know how it is. So just a little bit of class here to end my night before I catch a train to mine.’ He took a demonstrative sip of his drink as if to prove all of this, smiling a little uncomfortably this way and shifting positions on the high barstool. `Right,’ Ross murmured back, distracted as he was suddenly faced with the barman. He couldn’t help but stare thoughtfully at the other 26-year-old England player and think about how odd it was to run into him unexpectedly for the second time in such a short period; inevitably, his thoughts ran beyond that, to his little retreat in Dier’s leftover hotel room, and what it had led him to discover. But faced with the handsome honesty of the Spurs man’s face and bulk and the knowledge of what a straightforward ordinary bloke he was, that seedy suspicion felt silly and tangential. `I’m here on a date,’ Barkley found himself muttering with another sidelong glance, then turning to address his order to the cocktail waiter. He looked back at Dier once this was done, seeing a flash of curiosity or annoyance — something, anyway — in his deep-set blue eyes. `Just a silly blind date,’ he added in a distant mumble, `dunno if it’ll go anywhere, she is kinda hot though… heh…’ His laddish chuckle fell flat, Eric just staring thoughtfully back at him — either jealous that he was out with female company or offering some judgment on his veiled misogyny. `Well, enjoy,’ Dier told him, raising his glass one last time. Barkley nodded, staring back at him for a few seconds — picturing the vivid gay porn that had lingered on the TV system of the man’s hotel room after he departed Mykonos for London and left Ross to hide out in his suite, away from the Maguire scandal — then left the bar to walk slowly back to his table, so slowly in fact that the final pair of pretty little cocktails got there before him, and his date for the night was already artfully photographing them for her Instagram feed. By the time he was in the station takeaway, staring down his options and willing the elderly Asian bloke behind the counter not to recognise him and make a fuss, Eric had convinced himself that he’d made the right call tonight: the meet-up had been a foolish idea, a reckless plan, a stupid venture. Imagine the exposure and scandal if it had gone wrong! Nah, he had definitely done the right thing scampering off just before the agreed time and being nowhere near that street corner in a stupid giveaway baseball cap, for fuck’s sake. In the bar, cooling off alone and squirming when spotted by someone he knew, his mind had tossed from right to wrong, debating whether he should open the app and send a message to the guy apologising. Rearranging. Pleading? But nah, he’d deleted it five minutes ago on the walk into Liverpool Street Station, ridding his phone of the sordid gay dating app as he strolled into the lofty commuter station and its harsh electric lights. And now he was nabbing a small cheap burger and chips from an independent takeaway in a corner of the quiet station, seeking comfort and reassurance in low-quality grease far away from the meal he’d planned to take this guy for in a quiet little steakhouse if the initial drinks went well. He’d definitely done the right thing. He was sure. It was just a bit sad and embarrassing to be in here when the night was potentially still young, with just a quiet train ride north through the city to his own suburban palace. He stared thoughtlessly at the fuzzy pixelated pictograms of the takeaway menu while he waited for his value meal, pleased that the place was so empty tonight. Pandemic curfews and reduced nightlife had their advantages when you didn’t particularly want to be witnessed out and about, he supposed. When the food came, he didn’t even leave the little joint. Its greasy smell and buzzing light fittings were part of its anonymous charm as he slumped on the short windowseat to pluck salty fries and stuff them in his mouth, his inner food snob recoiling at the snack as he stared out through faintly dirty windows onto the concourse and- Fuck, how bizarre — him again? A few feet from the takeaway window he spied Ross Barkley yet again, the big Chelsea brute squinting up at a departure board and swaying in vague circles on his own, his recognisable laddish profile standing out like a beacon in the bright desolation of the city station. Eric stared through the grimy glass at him, pushing a couple more thin chips into his mouth and crunching tastelessly on them — then lifting his hand to the window and rapping his knuckles quietly at it, unsure if he was that keen on being noticed and joined. Except that when his little knock made no impact on the footballer bloke out in the brighter light, he rapped his knuckles again more firmly, and lifted the hand in a faint wave when the guy half-turned. In he came, his thick pale brows lifted in surprise, leaning about the doorway and matching Eric’s expression of vague amusement. `Er, wanna chip?’ the Spurs defender offered with an edge of laughter to his voice. `May as well feed you if you’re gonna follow me everywhere, Barks.’ Minutes later, they had left the greasy smell of the takeaway shop behind and were seated at one of the empty metallic tables outside a closed-down coffee shop, taking it in turns to glance up at the departure board while sharing cooling French fries and roughly torn halves of a cheeseburger. `That place were fancy,’ the Liverpudlian grumbled, `but the portions were fuckin’ teeny…’ He looked embarrassed as he wolfed down on half of Dier’s dinner, but Eric just smiled fondly at the appetite of a hardworking athlete and nodded consolingly. He had a big thing for fancy new restaurants but he also loved massive meaty portions (no jokes intended). He’d been irritated to see Ross in the bar, really, feeling outed and invaded on his night of doubt and regret. But here in the crackling quiet of the train station with a delayed journey home, the familiarity of the player, a guy who matched him in so many ways — physically, age, experience, Premiership status — was an unexpected comfort. Just as it had been pleasantly odd to bump into him at the end of his Mediterranean travels this summer, it was kinda sweet and entertaining to find him here in the City of London, bemoaning a bad date and seeming in no rush to catch his own train in the opposite direction across the capital. And somehow Barkley’s vague complaints about his own bachelorhood loosened Dier’s thoughts, though he was carefully self-censoring in what he said. `Being dumped is shit,’ he admitted at one point, poking a final French fry into the smeared sachet of ketchup, thinking about how similar he and the Chelsea lad’s predicaments actually sounded now. `I wasn’t actually dumped,’ the other 26-year-old muttered a little defensively. `No,’ he conceded, `but… well, it hurts bad when people treat you like that. When women screw you over,’ he added with more deliberate gendering, emphasising the lie a little too much. `Still,’ Ross was pointing out to him, waving a crust of burger bun in a slightly drunken lecture, `we’re better off free men with no ball and chains holding us back — that’s what I reckon, lad.’ He was slurring just a little. `Free and happy, that’s my motto this season, free an’ happy… hah…’ Eric nodded his square head unconvincingly, thinking about how excited he’d been by the prospect of the meet-up he’d fled from. He felt a strong urge to confide that in Ross too, as well as what he’d escort mersin told him about his latest `partner’ ending things for dumb selfish reasons and then fucking someone else as soon as the opportunity arose. He found himself tuning out and not really listening to the generic laddish nonsense the other lad, tipsier than him, was spouting. He thought about the app he’d deleted and how the thread of chat over the past few days had been wiped away with it, how he’d tossed away that sweet online interaction that could have… could have what? You did nowt but chat about being stressed and share some show-off pics of your muscles, he told himself sternly, let it go! He realised Ross had stopped talking, was looking at him funny; slouched slightly around the round metallic table from him, chewing on the last of the burger, a little bit of sauce or grease down one side of his blunt stubbled chin. The front buttons of his shirt strained just below the neck, it seemed like he’d picked it out to show off his biceps for tonight’s lady friend — Eric idled on the thought that she had been sent off in a taxi and the Scouse hunk had perhaps passed up on the opportunity for a one night stand, definitely not what he might have guessed about his old England teammate. He lifted his eyes to meet Ross’s, a little bewildered by the way the other sportsman now looked at him, something suspicious or pressing in his gaze. `What?’ Eric demanded edgily but quietly, shifting in his squeaking metal seat, pushing at the scraps and packaging of their low-nutrition supper, better for being shared out here in the cavern of the station. `What’s that look for?’ he asked, forcing out a laugh but wincing a little bit under the penetrating stare of the suddenly intense lad. `Nowt,’ Ross grumbled back. `Er, okay,’ Eric muttered. `You’re pissed, buddy.’ `Yeah,’ Barkley growled, looking away, stretching his body so that the shirt clung more and the spaces between each button stretched, `pissed and kinda horny, hah…’ He sat back in his chair and slapped the thighs of his tight-fitting jeans, looking away, almost posing for Dier’s enjoyment in a way, his 6ft2 figure stretched and angled and spread. `Shouldn’t have put that annoying girl in a taxi then, should you,’ the Spurs heartthrob told him dismissively, bunching the rubbish on the table together between both hands, glancing down to stop himself from more fully admiring the physique of Chelsea’s attacker. `Nah, she’s long gone,’ the Scouser was mumbling as Eric pulled the scraps together and looked about for a bin, then, `but you’re still here, ain’t ya, pretty boy…?’ Dier paused halfway out of his seat, holding the rubbish together in both hands, squaring his broad shoulders and staring across at the loosely posed muscles of the other experienced footballer. He blinked twice and then saw Barkley twitch his head this way and give him another funny look; less thoughtful and penetrating this time, more defiant and provocative. Silently, the Spurs defender got up and moved a few yards away to drop their rubbish in a bin, wiping greasy palms down the sleeves of an expensive summer jacket, instantly thrown and confused. And excited. When he turned around, Ross had got up from the table to, a stiff awkwardness in his posture, that same deliberate posing as when he was sitting, his chest puffed up and his arms held unnaturally back to show off the curves and bumps of his physique. He was looking this way but not quite making eye contact. Dier waited for him to say something — anything — hovering by the bin and turning over the possibly joking and insignificant remark for meaning. `Yeah,’ he said quietly, just above a whisper, `I’m here, buddy.’ Barkley gave a simple nod at this confirmation. `Sound.’ Then, jerking his thick neck and rugged head a little. `I’m going to the loos. You comin’, lad…?’ Barkley moved with authority and urgency, his suspicion all but confirmed and his late-night greed all-consuming. He strutted down the inactive escalator into the basement public lavatories of the station, strolling through the dead turnstile without inserting a coin, then glancing once behind him to check that his fellow Premier League hero was rapidly following with his hands in his pockets and an uncertain frown on his rugged public schoolboy face. The tipsy and horny Scouser swaggered into the mens’, and opted for the middle cubicle, elbowing its door open and pushing his way in, enjoying the tinny background noise of station announcements above, as if the vague nightlife of the station was some safe cover for what he needed to happen now. The posh boy was with him in seconds, joining him in the cramped cubicle and dragging the door shut behind him. Barkley felt his person harden, the same dismissive brutishness with which he had enjoyed Christian Pulisic when he needed to — aware of his own thuggish attractions and his enviable masculinity, but disinterested in connection or intimacy. He felt one of Dier’s hands move for his crotch and he just pressed his back and buttocks to the wall to make this easier, opening his body and lifting his tight-shirted arms so that the other man could reach in and really grab at the front of his tight denims, where his cock and balls felt sensitive in the tightness of his undies and jeans. `That feels good in there,’ Eric muttered at him. `Bet it does,’ he grunted back, non-committal. `Let me get it out,’ hissed his fellow England player. `Go for it,’ he said almost disinterestedly. Eric was fumbling at his belt buckle now, pressing close to him, a solid figure of height and muscle that really filled the cubicle beside him; the oddness of this, his size and strength, struck Ross for a moment, but only a moment (because his jeans were being dragged open and the swollen front of his black briefs being stroked), the fact that Ross had largely dabbled with men who he perceived as somehow beta to his alpha, slighter or younger… well, perhaps not Frank, really, or even Ruben, but… Eric Dier was no Mason Mount. No Christian Pulisic. No Harvey fucking Elliott. `Fuck,’ purred the Cheltenham fella, coddling the contents of his briefs and stroking one of his elbows and biceps with the other hand, leaning in close so that Ross actually had to shut his eyes to calm down and not feel too jarred or freaked by the tight space and the sheer physicality of the man he’d lured down here on his seedy suspicions. Who was now handling his bulge and chuckling softly and undoing the bottom two buttons of his shirt so he could rub his knuckles very gently at one rung of his hard browned abs. `On yer knees,’ Barkley grunted quickly, an edge of panic to his commanding tone. `Like that, is it…?’ `Aye,’ he hissed. `It is, lad. Get… down…’ He grabbed at his neck and shoulder, pushing, glad and relieved when the big strong body of the other footballer seemed to fold and descend at his touch and his voice, allowing him to roll his head back against the wall and close his eyes, focusing instead on the raw physicality of it: the peel back of his CK waistband and the exposure of his fat sweaty semi, the cool tickle of breath down its shaft then the soft rub of manly lips. He had to try quite hard to keep in a long moan of delight as his dick was mouthed and nuzzled and freed more fully from the briefs — maybe it had been too long since he was touched down there, his good behaviour around his Chelsea teammates had certainly equalled a `dry spell’ of sorts since the summer and his ill-judged toilet encounter with Calum Chambers. Fuck’s sake, another toilet cubicle in another world, how the hell was he here making that dumb yobbish mistake all over again…? But what was happening down there was hard to quite think of as a mistake: the mixture of strength and softness in the way those lips took in his straining dick, every inch of its length and girth, caressing a tongue at the sensitivity of his head and rolling back the skin. The hands that stroked at his hips and his waistline and cupped his clammy balls. The purring laddish breaths in between each stroke and touch, the way his lower half was being pushed assertively back into the wall whilst pure pleasure was delivered to his long thick hard-on, moment after moment. Hopefully the public loos were actually very empty, because the next few moans of response were more difficult to contain and quieten. They escaped from his pursed lips and made his thick throat tremble and pulse, little pricks of sweat around the temples of his short fade cut. He didn’t dare reach down and stroke at the man’s short hair, he just reached his arms out to the left and right, reaching for door and wall for support as his tall athletic body surrounded to oral heaven. This guy was good, he dared to think, he knew what he was doing, he felt so… so… Words escaped Ross, there were no words for this. He had a fair few cocktails in him but he felt HIGH like he’d popped a pill or something, the sensations in his crotch and rippling through his body were just so fucking ecstatic and elevating. This was nothing like he’d experienced before, some corner of his brain noted melodramatically, and another little corner wanted to shout this out and announce it, but no — that was unsafe and unwise, just grunt and breathe, just focus on… on getting… on getting closer to… oh… oh yeh… oh fuck… He was tingly and numb with drink and hadn’t thought it would happen so fast, but the strong wet mouth around his erection was working him mercilessly to the obvious conclusion. He felt his body tighten, his muscular butt and back pressing into the wall, his arms stretching so much that the top button pinged open on his shirt so that only two central ones held it together over his torso now. And he let out a looooong sigh of completion and… ohhhh… the tongue lapped luxuriously at the end of his prick as he jazzed, surely tasting every salty drop of that long overdue load that had been in his heavy balls since the weekend, ohhhh…. Eric swallowed greedily, thrilled by the rich taste of it on his tongue and the roof of his mouth, the first cum he’d swallowed in a while. When he pulled back, streaks of it still oozed from the huge cock of the brutish Scouser and he pushed his tongue over the pink-red head to lap up more of it, not wanting to waste a drop of delicious Mersey juice. He kissed the tip of Barkley’s stiff member almost lovingly, as excited by his own prowess as by the proportions of the tool he’d unleashed and satisfied. But then he swayed back on his haunches and used the nearby toilet lid to hoist himself upwards, rising to his feet with cum sticky on his bottom lip, a hot flush in his bearded cheeks, his whole tall broad body throbbing with the seedy release of this risky public encounter. He laughed a little to see the ecstatic innocence of his friend’s face, his mouth a perfect `O’ and his eyes half-closed with distant enjoyment. He grabbed at his arms tightly and pulled close, so excited by the physique of this uber-manly footballer who he’d seen fight his way across so many pitches and batter his way through any tackle. He felt Barkley’s body sag with passive exhaustion, wanted to hold him tight in a cuddle; instinctively, he angled his face forward, the two of them neck-and-neck in height, but as he reached for the kiss, Ross jerked away, frowning and flinching a little. `Come on,’ he purred at him, licking the excess cum of his lower lip in case that was the issue, `give us a kiss…’ But Ross pulled away a bit more firmly, as much as the space allowed, and he was not forceful. Instead, he pulled at the zip and button of his skinny chinos and reached into the cotton trunks beneath, unleashing the similarly well-endowed meat that had throbbed and stretched at two layers while he hunched on the cubicle floor and serviced the other man. He took his own thickness gladly in his right and growled hopefully again at the other man, lips close to his ear. `Come on, your turn,’ he encouraged quietly, half-joking mersin escort bayan but needy, `only fair, Barks…’ Again, that twisted frown on those veiny rugged features, face pulling away from his with an awkward twist of his body, making Dier heave a sigh of frustration. `Just grab it?’ he muttered. `I ain’t into that,’ the man he’d just noshed off told him frostily, wriggling against him a bit but not actually pushing him away. `But thanks…’ Dier couldn’t stop himself. His cock absolutely stung with its own stiffness and the fact it had gone untouched for a number of moody lonely evenings since the season resumed, often too tired from training to even touch himself. He gritted his teeth, squeezed his prick, and jerked it back and forth, his shoulders and other arm pressing forward against the other lad’s body as they hunched into each other in the tight space of the cubicle. Again he angled his head against Ross, aimed his mouth for a kiss, failed as Ross turned a cheek on him and there was just a soft graze of beard and stubble instead… But he jerked himself, he had to, he had to release that tension. He could still taste the rich sweetness of the big guy’s spunk in his mouth, feel the wilting thickness of his cock jutting into his wrist, the tip wet and sticky with saliva and seed… Dier couldn’t stop himself, pulling rapidly back and forth on his own aching nob and then hitting the same wave of intense rapid pleasure that he’d so neatly delivered: he was cumming, firing off his spunk and gasping loudly into the face of the man he’d pleasured, their breath mingling in the claustrophobia. `Fuck,’ he heard Ross mutter in raspy drawling Scouse, `fuckkk mate… my jeans…’ Eric looked down with slow dazed blinks, consumed by pleasure, seeing the gooey whiteness of his own liquid on the bright blue denim and its pretentious jagged rips; his seed spewed down the front left leg of Barkley’s jeans, making him yelp and push back quite physically as if in a rush to get away. Dier once again couldn’t help himself: he twisted his face in towards the other guy, resisting a shove of his strong arms, and pushed his lips in to meet his in a fleeting kiss that tasted of cheeseburger and chips, but in a nice way. Then he was pulling apologetically back, squeezing at his hard cock and allowing last globs of his seed to fall between their close feet, hopefully avoiding his own suede shoes and the pale expensive-looking trainers of the other guy. `Oi,’ grunted Barkley, `back off, will ya, I need to go…’ A rattle of the cubicle door and a brushing of their bodies. Chest to chest, dick brushing dick, knuckles clashing as they put themselves away and did up their flies. And then they were staggering out of the cubicle and into the cool dank space of the lavatories, Eric grinning contentedly as he shot cautious looks about: no witnesses, no trouble. He laughed into the echoing space, doing up his top button and pushing the door shut behind him, staggering into open space and towards the long wall of sinks, about to call some teasing compliment at the other footballer — about his heavy load, about his huge dick and balls, about the beautiful manly smell of his body up close, or… But nah — Ross Barkley had bolted, skipping a wash of the hands and mounting the turnstile in one leap, a flash of his thick legs and bulbous arse shooting up the inactive escalator and back up to the concourse, while Dier paused next to the sinks and slowly, dizzily, inspected his clothes for spilled semen or evidence of his naughtiness. He grinned coyly at his handsome bearded reflection and knocked on a hot top, squirting pink soap into his dirty palms and washing away the sin. Another man sat on a train out of that station, heading east of the city towards the London suburb on the edge of Essex where he lived with his wife and sons. Slumped back in quiet defeat at a wasted night, the man had his feet up on the opposite seating, in open and irritable defiance of a sign plastered over the window. He silently watched the platforms and vaulting arches of Liverpool Street Station disappear as his train got into motion, staring out from beneath the brim of an unseasonal beanie hat pulled over his neatly parted brown hair — both for discretion and for the agreed recognition of the guy he’d wasted days messaging. The man sat there, resting back in his seat, almost the only person on this rattling carriage, and stared at the mobile phone in his lap, the stupid fucking app open riskily on its screen. Shortly before he’d reached his platform and boarded his train out of central London, he’d gone to check the message thread again and see if there’d been any response to his `hey — where r u?’ and `hey — did something happen?’ and finally `u taking the piss m8???’ Instead of finding the apologies or explanations or sneering dismissal (all options had played through his mind tonight), he’d found himself `ghosted’, as the kids say these days. The lad, who he’d wasted several private hours messaging and taking awkward bathroom selfies for this week, had disappeared completely from the pretty anonymous world of the app. So much about it had suited him, so much had appealed about `Single masc bloke, 26′ — even if he’d immediately regretted lying about his age, edging it down from 39 to 35 just to impress and endear the hot lad whose pics of his muscular torso (and more intimate parts) had thrilled him in his most secret moments. He’d been relieved when the other `discreet’ fella insisted that no face pics could be shared on there, had agreed readily to THAT. The guy had seemed kinda sweet and interesting, especially compared to standard Grindr fare; how many times had he downloaded and re-downloaded the apps over the quiet safe years of his marriage, always on the verge of exploring feelings left on a shelf back in his early 20s…? Ross sat on the edge of the bed, his body still recovering from the athletic performance with which he had announced his return to this familiar Kensington flat. She snored gently in her comfortable position at the other side of the bed — THEIR bed — drugged with the physical satisfaction that he knew he could give her, that had dragged him here to his former home instead of getting off two stops later and making his way to the new loft conversion he’d bought at the end of summer. He turned his naked upper body and stared with mingled regret and optimism at the figure of his ex-girlfriend (current girlfriend, again? Hard to guess) lying there beside him, and thought about her betrayal of him with that prick of a teammate, in his own bed! Yet he’d never been able to work up much anger, just sadness — he’d never admit to her how unfaithful he’d been too, he’d just tried to avoid accusing her or blaming her, just sidled out of their doomed relationship and into his summer of gloomy bachelorhood. But now he’d come back and fucked her, and enjoyed it. Enjoyed the normality of it, the sense of slipping back to this time last year, the need of both their bodies and the familiarity of how they interlocked. He was still tingling with drunkenness and he himself hadn’t managed to reach a second orgasm so soon after what happened in the station toilets, but he’d pumped her and fingered her to three or four squealing climaxes before she slept. Did he regret it? Even as he asked himself the question, hunched on the side of the bed with his thick legs set apart and his feet digging into the soft rug below, he wasn’t sure what the ambiguous question in his mind meant: did he regret crawling back to his ex for a night of make-up fucking that had drained and numbed him to everything else, or did he regret the seedy and forceful encounter before that, the action that had brewing since he first began to doubt Dier’s sexuality? He didn’t know, and he didn’t really want to think about it. But on cue, somewhere among his heaped clothing on the bedroom floor, his phone buzzed with a late night message, and he knew who it would be from. Eric had spent the entire train journey and short taxi ride home composing and then deleting messages: to Harry Kane, the golden-footed hunk who he loved and wanted to spend time alone with again, like they had in Russia and for so many months afterwards; to Harry Kane, the treacherous bastard who had spurned him then let some rough scally tup him in an Icelandic hotel as if nothing between them had ever meant a thing. He’d composed so many almost messages to both versions of his ex-lover that he’d failed to send a thing, which was probably for the best, and he’d been glad not to waste the energy or bitterness or doomed hope on that prick, who for all he knew was curled up with another man instead of the wife he had supposedly chucked Dier for. But once he’d stripped off and downed two pints of cold water, crawling into the master bedroom of his large suburban home, Eric did grasp for his phone again, and thumb in another message, much lighter in tone than the appeals and tirades he’d held back from sending to Kane. Blearily, he scanned his word and hit send: `so funny seeing u again 2night, chief, and always happy to share a burger and fries lol — let me know if u wanna do it again sometime, wink wink’. Send. Nervous titter. Yawn. Sleep. And on the eastern fringe of the big city, his snubbed Grindr date walked the last steps up to the front door of his mansion-like property in a cute village about to be swallowed by urban expansion. He turned his key quietly in the lock and let himself in, recalling the fictional press conference that had held him on in Fulham tonight and delayed his commute back out here for a more typical weeknight with his wife. He’d deleted his app too on the walk from station to house; it made sense, he had felt stressed and nervous every time he opened it this week, whether at home or in the car or in his office at the Fulham training ground. He just couldn’t risk the wife seeing it. The 39-year-old Englishman slid off the silly beanie, decorated with the crest of his old club, Charlton Atheltic, the first of several contracts that had taken him everywhere from Chelsea to Newcastle to West Ham. He stared at the lined handsomeness of his ageing face in the hall mirror and tidied the neat gentlemanly parting of his thick brown hair, frowning judgmentally at himself and thinking vain thoughts about his age and the slight lie he’d pushed on his Grindr profile all week. Twat. He allowed himself a moment of indulgent disappointment. He’d expected a few cool drinks tonight with a guy whose patter entertained and interested him, maybe a bite of food somewhere trendy but discreet. Instead he’d wandered Shoreditch and Spitalfields alone and sat in a late-night coffee bar getting jittery on cappuccinos, then ate dinner alone in a chain restaurant beside the station. And now he was home, about to crawl guiltily into the marital bed with Carly having gained nothing from his dodgy night out after work. All these years of resistance as a professional footballer player and then coach, now manager; all these years of denying himself what that early one-off experience had led him to desire. And then once every few years he would seek it online, on chatrooms or stupid apps, and still… even then… he’d rob himself. Not this time, he’d thought — that 26-year-old and his beautiful body had lured him to a point where he would really have met. Really have talked. Really have tried things. He’d even dared to hope that the guy would understand his position — his status, his marriage, his profile. His dilemma. But it wasn’t to be, he concluded wistfully. Kicking off his smart trainers and checking the door was double-locked, the former England and Premiership player mounted the stairs and headed up to his wife. Scott Parker had failed once again to exercise the burning curiosity that had lingered in the background of his public success and happy family life, and perhaps that was for the best; tomorrow he would just have to wake up and go on being the respectable husband and manager, and not `Closeted Guy, 35′. ‘Writer guy’ – Premiership Lads on Nifty fty//gay/celebrity/premiership-lads/ Amazon Wishlist here if you wanna say thanks LOL

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anlatacagım bu olay 14 agustos 2014 te antalya tekirovada bir otelde oldu… 15 yıllık evliyim eşimin fizigi halen ilk günkü gibi yolda yürürken erkekler tarafından süzülmesi hoşuma gidiyor tabiki bu zamanla bende eşimi bir başaksı nasıl siker diye merak oldu yatak fantezim artık karımı iki kişi sikerkendi karım bundan sexs sırasında hoşlanıyor ama boşalınca veya normal zamanda aklından bile gecirme diyordu.bu yıl erken rezarvosyondan antalya tekirovada bir otelde yer ayırttırdık niyetim otelde ki garsonlardan birine karımı siktirecektim bunu kafaya koydugum icin eczacı arkadaşımdan (bana iyi bir uyku ilacı vermesini eşimi otelde uyutup capkınlıga kacacagımı söyledim)sagolsun ayarladı ve verdi nihayet oteldeki 3.günümüz ve ben bardaki garsonu gözüme kestirmiştim akşam yemeginden sonra eşime barda takılmayı teklif ettim (fazla icmez)beni kırmadı kabul etti ben rakı eşim bira söyledi niyetim birasına ilacı atıp uykusu gelip erkenden odaya cıkmak sonrada garsunu bir bahane ile cagırmaktı karıma istersen makyajını tazele canım dedim ve lavobaya gitmesini saglagım anda ilacı biranın icine attım cok az köpürdü ama eşim anlamadı bile bu arada 30 yaşlarında birinin karımı kacamak bakışlarla süzdügünü farkettim karım daha bira bitmeden sanki başım agrıyor demeye başlamıştı bende 1 er kadeh icer kalkarız dedim ama karım resmen artık esnemeye başladı ben karıma bir bira söyleyip lavobaya gittim 5 dk sonra geri döndüğümde karımın yanında 2 tane garson ve onu kesen bey vardı karım başını zor tutuyordu ben sakin olun eşim alkole fazla dayanamaz odasına cıkartır yatırım dedigimde adını hakan oldugunu söyleyen bey isterseniz size asansöre kadar yardım edebilirim dediginde hemen teşşekür edip kabul ettim asansöre geldigimizde eşim artık kendinden gecmişti hakan beye odamıza kadar yardım ederse cok memnun olacagımı söyledim bu arada hakan bey resmen karımı belinden kavramıştı odamızın kapısına geldigimize ben kapıyı acarken karım tamamen hakan beyin ellerindeydi içeriye gecip hakan bey zahmet olacak ama yatagına uzatalım dedim ve bu arada kapıyı kapatmıştım neyse karım artık yataktaydı ve baygın bir şekilde uyuyordu hakan beye cok teşekkür ettim ama üzerini cıkartısam daha rahat uyur eşim deyip yardım istedim o anda adamın bakışlarını görmeliydiniz ben eşimin kot pantolonun düğmesini cözüp hakan beyden ayaklarından cekmesini istedim ve bu arada bilerek eşimin kilotunu sıyırdım hakan bey bakışlarını kacırmaya calıştı nihayet eşim artık kilot ve sütyenle kalmıştı her şey yolunda gidiyordu hakan bey eşime bakıyordu karım oldugunu fizigini nasıl buldugunu sordumtitrek bir sesle sadece süper yaaa dedi ve ben istersen dokunup okşayabilirsin dedigimde tamamen şaşırmıştıben 2 dakika içinde asıl niyetimin ne oldugunu acıkladım ve hakan bey rahalamıştı eşimi tamamen soyup direk amını yalamaya başlamıştı bende mini bardaki votkayı acıp birer kadeh doldurdum ve bir sigara yaktım ben izin vermeden asla sokma dedim sadece sev dedim hakan bey karımın her yerini yalıyordu karımsa hiç bir şeyden habersiz uyuyordu sigaram bitince yanlarına gittim ve hakan beyin sikini elime alıp okşadım bir 5 dk kadar oral yaptım ve artık karımı sikebilirsin dedim aradan 2 saat gecmişti hakan bey 3. postaya sikini kaldırmış bense karımın götünü kremliyordum zaten alışık olan karım zorlanmadan aldı saat 4 olmuştu hakan beye teşekkür edip odadan ugurladım inanılmaz bir geceydi sabah 11 gibi eşim kendine gelmişti ne oldu akşam yaa dediginde bende sarhoş oldun aşkım bende seni odaya cıkardım sabah kadar siktim dedigimde bana koluma sert bir cimdik atarak insan ne yapar eder uyandırır dedi bilseki onu kimin siktigini ….. bunu tekrar yapacagım ama nasıl ve ne zaman bilmiyorum…[

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Gizli Hayatlar – Yazlık Hayatı

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Gizli Hayatlar – Yazlık Hayatı
Merhaba. Adım Tarık. Şu an 38 yaşındayım. Yaşadığım olay 20’li yaşlarıma dayanıyor. O dönem üniversiteye başlamış ilk sınıfı bitirmiştim. Kafam rahattı. Annemle Babamın maddi durumları oldukça iyi olduğundan bir eksiğim yoktu. Bütün tatili yazlıkta geçiriyordum. Artık büyüdüğüm için ailem kendileri takılıyor bana karışmıyorlardı. Yan evde de Serdar isimli arkadaşım oturuyordu. Hafta içi annesiyleydi, hafta sonu babası da gelirdi. Onların durumu bizden kat kat iyiydi. Babası Bmw marka bir arabayı yazlıkta bırakırdı. Biraz eski modeldi ama çok ekmeğini yemiştik. Tahmin edileceği üzere o yaşlarda her erkeğin yaptığı gibi olabildiğince skor peşinde koşuyorduk.

Neyse, günler böyle geçerken bir gün aynı sokağımızdaki bir pansiyonun sahibi İzmir’den gelecek misafirlerinin olduğunu, otobüsün şehir merkezinde indirdiğini saatten dolayı araç bulamayacaklarını, o yüzden bizim almamızı rica etti. Ailelerimizi iyi tanıdığından Serdar’ın annesi tamam dedi. Biz de mecburen sabahın köründe yola çıktık. Gelenler abla kardeş orta yaşlı iki bayandı. Allahım teyzeleri şöförlük yapıyoruz diye söyleniyorduk. Neyse sabahın köründe durakta dikilip beklemeye başlamıştık. Bir 15 dakika sonra otobüs gelmişti. Biz iki tane teyze beklerken şaşkınlığa uğramıştık. Gelenler orta yaşlı ama gayet hoş iki kadındı. Yola koyulduğumuz zaman büyük olanın isminin Meral olduğunu 45 yaşında ve bir bankada şef olduğunu, Meleğin ise kendi sigorta acentesi olduğunu 42 yaşında olduğunu öğrendik. Abla kardeş bir tatil yapmaya karar vermişler, çocuklarıyla eşlerini evde bırakmışlardı. İkimiz de Melek ile Meral’i çok beğenmiştik ama haddimizi aşmamıştık. Netice de bizden çok büyüktüler, fena rezillik çıkardı. Sokağa varınca eşyalarını da çıkarmalarına yardım edip daha erken olduğu için eve geçicektik ama Meral abla kahvaltı yapabileceğimiz bir yer olup olmadığını sordu. Sabah daha erken olduğu için açık yer yoktu. İsterlerse bizim evde kahvaltı yapabileceğimizi söyledim. Serdar’ın annesi daha uyuyordu. Evleri müsait değildi. Yaşımız daha küçük olduğu için çekinmeden tamam dediler. Asılacak halimiz de yoktu zaten. Biraz sonra benim evde buluşmak için sözleştik. Onlar bir duş alıp geliceklerdi, yol yorgunluğu vardı. Serdar’ı bakkala yollayıp eve geçtim. Bir taraftan kendime kızıyordum, hem şöförlük yap hem aşçılık. Birazdan Serdar gelmişti. Çeneni tutmadın iş çıkardın diye kızıyordu. Birazdan Melek’le Meral abla geldiğinde sofra hazırdı bile. Geldiklerinde plaj kıyafetlerini giymişlerdi bile. Meral abla askılı mini bir elbise, Melek abla mini bir sort ile askılı body giymişti. İkisinin de bikini giydiği belliydi. İçimden neyse bari 31 malzemesi çıkar diyordum. Olgun kadınları severdim ama o güne kadar yattığım en üst yaş grubu 33-34 civarıydı. Onda da kadın resmen yatağa atmıştı. Kendimi riske atmaya niyetim yoktu. Kahvaltı faslı baya sürmüştü, sohbet keyifli gidiyordu. Burada ne yapılır, nereye gidilir her şeyi soruyorlardı. 15 gün buradaydılar. Siz bizi güzel yerlere götürün hesaplar bizden diyordu Meral abla. İşimize de gelirdi. Bazı mekanlar sap almıyordu. Onlar sayesinde girebilirdik. Kahvaltıdan sonra beraber denize gitmiştik. Denize gittiğimizde daha kalabalık değildi, hemen denize girmek istediler. Üstlerini çıkardıkları zaman ikisinin vücudunun 18’lik kızlara taş çıkartır olduğunu görünce şaşırmıştık doğrusu. Kendilerini iyi bakmışlardı. Meral abla siyah, ufak sayılabilecek bir bikini giymişti. Melek abla ise beyazlı mavili bir bikini giymişti. O daha sportifti. Meral abla biraz balık etli sayılırdı. Ama tam benim tipimdi. Sıska kadınları oldum bittim sevmezdim. Evinden uzak, kontrol eden kocalarının baskısı olmadan ikisi de oldukça rahattı doğrusu. Suda şakalar yapılıyordu, oldukça rahattık. Suyun içinde ıslak bedenleri çok seksi görünüyordu. Eğer yerlerinde yaşıtım bir kız olsa çoktan soyunma kabinlerine çekicektim. Denizde biraz takıldıktan sonra Meral abla bana göz kırparak çıkalım, yoruldum dedi.
Serdar’ la Melek Ablayı denizde bırakarak çıktık. Yanmıyım, güneş kremi sürer misin diyince Allah dedim tabi. Aşırıya kaçmadan sırtını ve bacaklarını güzelce yağladım. Arada parmak uçlarım kalçalarını da yağladı. Sikim tavan yapmıştı ama çaktırmadım. Denize bakınca Serdarla Melek ablanın görüş mesafemden çıktığını fark ettim. Geldikleri zaman Serdar’ın keyfi yerindeydi. O da aynı tarifeyi uygulayıp Melek ablayı güzelce yağladı. O da aşırıya kaçmadı ama bu bile bizi azdırmak için yetmişti. Deniz faslı akşama kadar sürmüş, olağan üstü bir şey olmamıştı. Akşam evimize gitmiştik. Yemeği Serdar’larda yerdim genelde. Annesi beni de çağırırdı muhakkak. Annemle iyi arkadaştılar. Akşam için Meral ablalarla bir şey konuşmamıştık. İlk gün yorgundurlar, çıkmazlar diye düşünüyorduk. Yemekten sonra biz dışarı çıkıp turlamaya başlamıştık.Yarım saat sağda solda dolaştıktan sonra caddede Onlara rastlamıştık. Biraz dolaşalım diye çıkmşlardı. Meral çiçekli yazlık bir elbise giymişti. Melek ise dar bir kotla body giymişti. Fizikleri hakikaten iyiydi. Sakin bir yerde bir şeyler içmek istediklerini söyleyince limanda bir kafeye gittik. İkisi de sağlam içiyordu, muhabbet güzeldi doğrusu. Alkolün etkisiyle ufak tefek dokunuşlar yapıyordum ama abartmıyorduk. Gece baya geç vakitte eve dönmüştük. Döndüğümüzde Serdar’ın annesi Mine abla ön terasta oturuyordu. Sarışın, yeşil gözlü hoş bir kadındı ama aklıma bugüne kadar onunla ilgili kötü bir şey gelmemişti. Hiç bizi gezdiren yok diyip takılmış, Serdar’la birlikte eve girmişlerdi. Ben de eve girince bir duş alıp hemen yatmıştım.

Sabah telefonumun çalmasıyla uyanmıştım. Arayan Meral ablaydı. Serdar’ı kaldır gel, kahvaltıyı biz de yapalım diyordu. Tamam diyip Serdar’ı aradım. Sen git ben geliyorum diyince duş alıp çıktım evden. Evlerine gittiğimde Melek abla açmıştı kapıyı. Üstünde kırmızı bir bikini üstü, altında da beyaz bir şort vardı. Siyah kısa saçlarıyla çok seksi duruyordu. Ablasının aksine esmerdi. Ablası ise kumral renkli gözlüydü. Dün bikiniyle görmüştüm ama evde görünce bir tuhaf olmuştum. Meral duşta çıkar şimdi demişti. Tamam diyip yardım etmeye başlamıştım, sofraya kahvaltılıkları götürüyordum. Meleğin göğüsleri oldukça seksiydi. Gözlerim sürekli kayıyor, O ise dert etmiyordu. Minik şortuyla da kalçaları çok davetkar duruyordu. Sıcaktan şikayet ediyordu. Ev hakikaten çok sıcaktı, klima olmayışı evi cehenneme çeviriyordu. Birazdan Meral abla duştan çıkmıştı. Tahminimin aksine giyinmemiş, kısa bir havluya sarınmıştı. Memelerinin yarısı açıktaydı, havlunun bitimi ise poposunun hemen altındaydı. O’nu öyle görmek sikimi kaldırmıştı. Mayo şortumdan belli oluyordu, Meral abla ise bıyık altından gülmüştü halime. Melek ben de bir duş alıyım yandım diyip banyoya girmişti. O ara Serdar gelmiş Meral ablayı sadece mayoyla görünce O da aleti dikmişti. Melek ablo da banyodan çıktığında giyinmemiş, havluya sarınıvermişti. Çok sıcak çıkarken giyinirim demişti. Biz kafayı yemek üzereydik. Ben artık bizleri azdırma niyetinde olduklarını düşünmeye başlamıştım. Ama bir adım atmaya korkuyordum açıkçası. Kahvaltı boyunca sikim inmemişti. Serdar da aynıydı eminim. Karşılıklı oturuyorduk, arada havlular kayıyor göğüsleri açılıyordu. Acele etmeden düzeltiyorlardı. Bugün sakin bir yere gitmek istediklerini söylediler. Plaj öğleden sonra çok kalabalık oluyordu. Rahat edememişlerdi. Arabayla gidilebilecek bildiğimiz bir iki yer söyledik, birinde karar kıldık. Tamam diyip giyinmeye gittiler. Melek abla odadan çıkıp beni çağırmıştı. Kırmızı bikinisini giymişti. Meral ablan çıkmadan yağlanmak istiyor, cildi haşlanmasın diyince odaya girmiştim. Melek abla aynı şeyi Serdar’dan istemişti. Meral abla yatağa yüz üstü uzanmış beni bekliyordu. Beyaz bir bikini altı vardı sadece ve tanga gibiydi. Üstü çıplaktı. Canım açık tenliyim biliyorsun, gitmeden sürüniyim. Yoksa çok canım yanıyor demişti. Melek de sürünsin ki orada uğraşmayalım demişti. Yağı elime sürerken ellerim titriyordu resmen. Nereden başlıyım deyince ayaklarımdan başla demişti. Yavaşça ayak topuklarından yağlamaya başladım. Acele etmiyordum. . Melek abla da kendi yatağına uzanmıştı. Askıları çöz istersen, daha rahat olur diyordu Serdar’a. Artık niyeti bozmuştum. Bunlar kaşınıyordu. Yoklama çekmenin zamanıydı. Masajla karışık güneş yağını sürüyordum. Serdar da aynı şekilde başlamıştı. Melek ablanın bikinisi de tanga gibiydi. Kalçaları adamı delirtiyordu. Bacakları yavaşça okşamayla karışık yağlıyordum. Serdar’da benimle aynı hızla gidiyordu.Kalçalarına geldiğimde başparmağımla amına dokunmya başlamıştım ama abartmıyordum. Yan tarafta aynı moddaydı. Herkes halinden memnundu.Meleğin de Meralin de sesi çıkmıyordu.İki elimle Meralin kalçalarını avuçladım iyice. Biraz sıktıktan sonra sırtına ilerledim. Sırtını yağlarken yanlardan göğüslerini de okşuyordum. O anda kalçalarının üstüne oturmuş sikimi kalçalarının arasına bastırıyordum. Serdar da aynı şekilde devam ediyordu. Neden sonra Meral kafasını kaldırıp bu kadar yeterli. Siz arabayı getirin, biz de hazırlanıp gelelim diyince kalktık. Siklerimiz hazır oldaydı ama bu saatten sonra saklamaya gerek yoktu. Ben markete gidip içecek yiyecek bir şeyler alıp geldim. O ara Serdar arabayı getirmiş, Meralla Melek de inmişti. Arabaya binip Serdarla favorimiz olan bir yere gittik. Dışarıdan gelenler pek bilmezdi. Hafta içi de kimse olmazdı. Ormanlık alanda bir kamp yerine gidip arabayı park ettik. Ormanın içinden giden bir yolla inilen bir koydu burası. Dışarıdan gözükmezdi. İnerken bile aşağısı ağaçlardan görünmüyordu. Tam sote yerdi. Aşağı inince yerleşip üstümüzü çıkardık. Abla kardeş yağın etkisiyle pırıl pırıl parlıyor, minicik bikinilerinin içinde çok seksi duruyorlardı. Meralin beyaz bikinisi beni benden almıştı. Altı tanga tarzı, üstü askısız oldukça seksiydi. Melek de kırmızı bikinisinin içinde alev almıştı resmen. Serinlemek için hemen denize dalmıştık. Su oldukça soğuktu. Hesapta ısıtmak için Merala arkadan sarılmıştım, sikim mayoyu delip içine girecekti neredeyse. Melekle Serdar açılmışlardı. İleride ufak bir kayalık vardı. Yüzmesi 15 dakika sürerdi. Oraya kadar gittiler. Herkes için biraz mahremiyet gerekliydi. Suda şakalaşmaya başlamıştık. Artık pervasızca her yerini mıncıklıyordum Meralin. O da şikayet etmiyordu. Kazayla olmuş gibi sikimi avuçlamıştı üstüne. Denizden çıkalım diyip elinden tutup çıkarmıştım Merali. Beyaz bikinisi ıslanınca iyice transparan olmuş, meme uçlarının kabardığı belli oluyordu. Sikim iyice kalkmış, özgürlüğünü ilan etmek istiyordu. Meral tecrübeli ve istekli bir kadındı. Şortuma bakıp bence rahata kavuştur istersen deyince şortumun iplerini çözüp çıkarttım hemen. Meral gülerek elini uzatıp sıvazladı önce. Büyüklüğü iyiymiş dedi. Meralin dudaklarına yapıştım artık dayanamayıp. Oldukça ateşli öpüyordu. Örtünün üzerine yuvarlanmıştık resmen. Halimize gülüyorduk. Neden sonra Meral ben de özgürlük istiyorum diyip zaten bir şey gizlemeyen bikinisi çıkartıverdi. Ateşli bir şekilde öpüşmeye başlamıştık. İşlerin buraya varacağını hiç düşünmemiştim. Meralin yağlı vücudunda ellerim geziniyor, Meralde sikimi sıvazlıyordu. Benimki iyice kalkmış, damarları felaket şişmişti. Patlamak üzereydi. Meral bunu ziyan etmemek lazım diyip hiç oralla uğraşmadan üstüme oturarak sikimi tamamen içine almıştı. Gerçekten de olayın verdiği heyecanın etkisiyle çok geçmeden Meralin içine boşalmıştım. Nefes nefese kalmıştım. Meralde üstüme yığılmıştı, nefes nefeseydik. Ooo hayırlı işler sesini duyunca Melekle Serdar’ı tamamen unuttuğumuzu fark etmiştim. Onlar da sarmaş dolaştı. Serdar da ilk postayı kayalıkta atmıştı. Onlar da çıplak bir şekilde uzandılar yanımıza. Biraz soluklanınca temizlenmek için suya girdik hepimiz. Giyinmeye gerek görmemiştik. Hepimiz acıkmıştık. Birer bira sandviç yapınca kendimize gelmiştik. Bizim siklerimiz tekrardan kalkmıştı. Karnımız da doyunca Serdarla birbirimize baktık. Tekrardan Meralin dudaklarına yapışmıştım. Acelem yoktu. İlki çok çabuk olmuştu. Bu sefer uzun tutmak istiyordum. Meralin boynu, omuzları her tarafını sömürdükten sonra başından beri aklımı alan göğüslerini yumuldum. Ortam müsait olduğu için ikisi de kendilerini tutmuyor, çığlığı basıyorlardı. Resmen ikisinin göğüsleri de kıpkırmızı olmuştu. Merali yere yatırıp amını yalamaya başladım. Tüm tanıdığım kadınlar gibi kendisine oral yapılmasını çok seviyordu. Bızırını emiyor, dilimi içine sokabildiğim kadar sokuyordum. Yana baktığım da ise Melekle Serdar 69 yapmış, birbirlerine oral yapıyorlardı. Acelem yoktu, Meralin ağzına vericektim nasılsa. Kıvama getirmem daha önemliydi. Küçük deliğini yalamaya başladığım zaman ağzından bir inilti koptu Meralin. Buradan bile zevk alıyordu. Gördüğüm kadarıyla götten sikilmişti daha önce. Bu hoşuma gitmişti. Anal seksi oldum olası severdim. Meral iyice zevke gelmişti. Bacaklarını omzuma alarak yavaşça başını soktum, gözlerine bakarak beklemeye başladım. Kalçalarımdan tutarak tamamını içine aldı. Gülerek pompalamaya başladım. Yağdan ve terlemiş vücutlarımızın etkisiyle şak şak sesler geliyordu. Melek de Serdar’ın üstüne oturmuş, gözlerini kapamış sikilmenin zevkini çıkarıyordu. Merali bir süre böyle siktikten sonra içinden çıkıp önümde dolmalttım. Kalçaları şahaneydi, tam istediğim gibi kasıklarıma oturan cinstendi. Bir hamlede içine sokup sertçe sikmeye başladım. İyice keyfim yerine gelmişti. En sevdiğim pozisyonda sikiyordum Merali. Serdar da aynı şekilde Meleği domaltmış kalçalarına tokatlar atıyordu. Meralin göt deliğine orta parmağımı sokunca ufak bir çığlık attı ama itiraz etmedi. Deliği zaten müsaitti, biraz da parmaklarımla genişlettikten sonra küçük deliğine sikimi yasladım. Yeterince ıslaktı sikim, yavaşça içine girmeye başladım. Tamamını sokana kadar hareketsiz bekledi. Sonra benle beraber ritmik bir şekilde git gele başladı. Götünün içi de amının içi gibi sıcaktı. Kasıklarımın kalçalarına çarpma sesi koyda yankılanıyordu resmen. Artık iyice dolmuştum, Meralin de zevk çığlıkları kopunca kendimi tutmayı bırakıp daracık götünün içine boşalmaya başladım. Bilen bilir, göt sikmek adamın iliğini kemiğini boşaltır. Tamamen sikim boşalınca Meralin içinden çıkıp kendimi kenara attım. Meral de yüzü koyun kalmıştı öylece. Yana baktığım da Melek ile Serdar da sevişmenin verdiği yorgunlukla atmışlardı kendilerini yere. Her halde on beş dakika falan kimse yerinden kalkmamıştı. Kalkınca denize girdim tekrar. Soğuk suyu üstüme çarparken sırtıma bir el dokununca arkamı döndüm, gelen Melekti. Anlaşılan eş değişmeye karar vermişlerdi. Hiç konuşmadan öpüşmeye başladık. Meleğin vücudu daha sert, sportif bir vücuttu. Bulunduğumuz yer dizimize geliyordu, Melek eliyle sikimi sıvazladıktan sonra eğilip saksoya başladı. Daha Meralin ağzına verememiştim, kardeşine nasip olmuştu. Plaja baktığım zaman ise Serdar yere uzanmış, Meral de O’ na sakso çekiyordu. Kıskanmıştım açıkçası. Melek dehşet emiyordu, taşakklarımı da ihmal etmiyordu. Ayakta durmaktan yorulmuştum. Meleği kaldırıp kıyıya getirdim iyiyce. Kumların üstüne yatırıp amına bir hamlede köküne kadar soktum. Sırılsıklamdı zaten, soksam kolumu da alırdı her halde. Dalgaların ritmine uymuş içine girip çıkıyordum. Ablasından daha dardı, sikimi iyice sarmıştı. Şaşırtıcı bir şekilde çabuk gelmişti. O ara kafamı kaldırdığım da Meral Serdar’in üstündeydi. Serdar Merali kendine çekmiş, ateşlice öpüyor bir taraftan da alttan hızlıca pompalıyordu. 3. posta olduğu için ikimiz de kolay gelmiycektik. Meral’in götü iyice havaya dikilmişti. Meleğe bakınca ne düşündüğümü anlamıştı. Bana sik sürtüğün götünü diyince ikiletmedim. Elimi tükürükleyip iyice sıvazladım sikimi. Serdar geldiğimi görmüş, ne yapacağımı anlamıştı. Ben pozisyonumu alınca Merali belinden tutup sabitlemişti. Meral dönüp bakınca hayr demeye kalmamış sikimi götüne sokmuştum. İki azman iki deliğini birden doldurunca Meral çığlığı basmıştı. Kimse duymayacağı için sıkıntı yoktu. Evde olsa çevreden duyan olabilirdi. Biraz alışmasını bekledikten sonra ritmik bir şekilde Merali iki deliğinden sikmeye başladık. Meral hala küfrediyordu bize. Daha önce hiç bir hatunu tost yapmamıştım o yüzden dehşet zevk alıyordum. Serdar bir süre sonra bana göz kırpınca değişmek istediğini anlamıştım. Meralin götünden çıkıp hızlıca kucağıma almış, amını sikmeye başlamıştım. Meral ne olduğunu anlayamadan Serdar götüne girmişti. Tüm gücümüzle pompalıyordum. O sırada Melek gelerek taşaklarımı yalamaya başladı, ara sıra da Serdar’a dil atıyordu sanırım ara verdiği zamanlarda. Ortak geliyorum deyince Serdar devam ben de demişti. Meral in kaç kere geldiği belli değildi zaten. İkimiz aynı anda deliklerini doldurmaya başladık. Meralin pestili çıkmış üstüme kendini bırakmıştı. Hepimiz biraz uzandıktan sonra artık havanın kararmaya başladığını fark ettik. Akşamcılar gelebilirdi birazdan. Üstümüzü toparlayıp ayrıldık oradan.

Kalan süre boyunca ilişkimiz aynı şekilde devam etti. Evim müsait olduğu için ya bizde, ya da fantaziyi sevdikleri için koy benzeri yerlerde sevişiyorduk. 15 gün şahane geçmişti. İzmir’e geri uğurlarken üzülmüştük açıkçası. Bu iki olgun kadınla hayatımızın en seks dolu tatilini yapmıştık. Serdar’ın annesi Mine teyze durumu anlamıştı muhtemelen. Villalar yan yanaydı ve sevişme sesleri açık havada Onların eve geliyordu. Açık açık dememiş ama laf çarpmıştı bir kaç kez. Sanki kıskanmış gibi bir havası vardı ama bana öyle geldi herhalde demiştim. Bize yakıştıramadı her halde kendimizin iki katı yaşında kadınlarla birlikte olmamızı diye düşünmüştüm.

Meralle Melek gittikten sonra Mine Teyzede bazı değişiklikler görmeye başlamıştım. Daha dekolte kıyafetler tercih ediyor, mini etek veya şort giydiğini sıklıkla görüyordum. Kadınsı bir kıskançlık yaptığını düşünüyor, kendince ben daha güzelim mesajı vermeye çalışıyor gibiydi. Gerçekten güzel bir kadındı ama hiç o gözle görmemiştim. Ama bu aralar ilgimi çekmeye başlamıştı. Tabi ki bir asılma durumum olamazdı. Serdar beni öldürürdü muhtemelen. O ara Serdar’ın babası Ahmet amca ortağıyla fuar için yurtdışına çıkacaktı. Serdar ile Mine teyzeyi İstanbul’a çağırdı. Serdar işde durucak, Mine teyze de ona baksındı. Mine teyze Sürpriz yapıp gitmedi. Koca adam, bir hafta idare eder demişti. Serdar giderken arabayı bırakmıştı. Bir şey olursa takıl sen demişti. İşime gelmişti hani. Serdar’ı sabahtan yollamıştık. Mine teyze dönüşte kahvaltıya çağırmıştı. Her zaman gittiğim evdi, çekinmeden gittim. Gittiğim zaman Mine teyze üstünü değişmişti. Askılı enine mavi çizgili beyaz bir elbise giymişti. Balık etli bir kadın olduğu için daha kilolu göstermişti ama çok seksi durmuştu bence. Dekoltesi baya iyiydi. Sütyeninin desenleri bile belliydi. İçine giydiği iç çamaşırı gayet belliydi. Elbise muhtemelen daha zayıf zamanlarına aitti muhtemelen. Baya dardı çünkü. Böyle giyindiğini hiç görmemiştim. Ancak Ahmet amca gelince bu tarz giyinirdi. Oldukça göz banyosu yapmıştım, özellikle çayımı tazelerken iri memelerini cömertçe sergiliyor, şortumun içinde sikimin isyan etmesine sebep oluyordu. Kahvaltı faslı bitince sofrayı beraber toplamaya başladık. Mutfak biraz dardı ve girip çıkarken ufak temaslar oluyordu. Mine teyze özellikle temaslar olsun diye uğraşıyordu sanki. Yok canım diyordum içimden. Neticede 10 yaşından beri tanıyordum Mine teyzeyi. Ortalığı toplayınca ben kaçtım hemen. Üstümü değişip denize gittim hemen. Deniz iyi gelirdi ancak. Bir süre takıldıktan sonra eve döndüm. Döndüğümde Mine teyze balkonda kahve içiyordu, davet etti. Duş alıp dinlenicem biraz diyince akşam limana gidelim, balık yeriz hem de değişiklik olur teklifinde bulundu. Tamam demiştim. Evde olmaktan daha iyiydi bence. Akşam almaya gittiğimde gözlerim açılmıştı doğrusu. Yeşil bir elbise giymiş, dehşet olmuştu. Dekolte, mini bir elbiseydi. Sarı saçları ve yeşil gözleriyle afet olmuştu. Arabanın kapısını tutarken iç çamaşırının kırmızı olduğunu fark etmiştim. İster istemez sikim kalkmıştı. O da farkındaydı. Balıkçı müzikhol tarzıydı. Eğlenceli mekandı doğrusu. Müziğin ritmiyle Mine teyze pistin tozunu atmıştı. Gecenin sonuna soğru slow müzikler çalınca aklımı başımdan alan bir dans yapmıştık. İri göğüslerini göğüslerime yaslıyor, nefesini boynuma veriyordu. Ben de ister istemez sikimi göbeğine yaslamıştım. Masaya dönerken sağ elimle kalçasına hafiften dokunmuştum alkolün etkisiyle. Gülümsemişti dönerek. Allahım aklıma mukayyet ol diye geçiriyordum içimden. Gecenin kalanı ne getiricekti merakla bekliyordum.

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