( : Antalya : )

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( : Antalya : )
Sevgili Günlük,

Seninle ilk defa tanışıyorum.Ve tanışmamızın şerefine,bugünü anlatacağım.Bugün sabah erkenden yola çıktım ve istikametim Antalya idi.Aracımın bakımını yaptırmak için yetkili servise gittim.Günümü çoğunu serviste geçirdikten sonra tabii gözüm bembeyaz k.çorabı giyen kızdaydı..Çok tahrik etti beni.Sonra arkadaşımı ziyaret etmek için Güllük Cad.ne geldm.Evinin otoparkına aracımı parkettim ve doğruuuuuu S******r Çarşısı Zemin Girişinden girince soldaki ilk işyerine girdim.Orada hafif tombul ama tatlı mı tatlı ve giydiği opak külotlu çorabı ile beni aşırı heyecanlandıran hanımefendiden ilk başta pentinin premier 20 shine çorabını rica ettim.Sonra doreanse marka siyah dantelli yarım tangamı aldım.

Aldıklarımı aracıma bıraktım ve arkadaşımı ziyaret ettim. Bu arada tabii içim içimi yiyor.Çünkü bir an önce en azından aldığım külotu giymek istiyorum.Tabii kendimi durduramıyor ve tangayı bi şekilde aracımdan alıp arkadaşımın tuvaletinde gizlice giyiyorum.

Herneyse bir yandan da haftaya ailem tatile gideceği için bunlar bana yetmez diyip arkadaşımdan müsade isteyip tekrardan soluğu o iş yerinde alıyorum.Hanım efendinin gülümsemesi,tatlılığı hala aklımdan gitmiyor.Tekrardan bişiler almak istiyorum dedim ve fileli siyah renkli külotlu çorap seçtim.Tabii arada zarf atıyorum.Küçük yerden geldim.Oralarda alamıyorum bu tarz şeyleri diyorum.

Bi ara opak k.çorabına iltifat edicektim ama yanlış anlaşılmaktan korktum.Sonra da yola koyuldum.Yolda hem aracı kullandım hemde aldığım çorapları poşetlerinden çıkartıp karanlıktanda yararlanarak çorapları kokladım ve yaladım.

İşte bugünüm böyleydi sevgili günlük.

Görüşmek üzere…


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les atiye 34

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les atiye 34
les atiye 34 kaldığı yerden devam yıldız esmaya baktı nasıl arkadaşının balının tadını beğendinmi diye sordu esma gülümsedi evet harika dedi gülmeye başladık sonra yıldızın telefonu çalmaya başladı yıldızza kim diye sordum yıldız meltem dedi telefona cevap verdi biraz konuştuktan sonra kapattı ne istiyor diye sorduk eve geliyormuş birşey istiyormusun diye soruyor dedi yıldız üzerini giyinmeye başlamıştı bizde gidelim dedik yıldız ya nereye gideceksiniz yukarıdaki salona geçin ben birazdan gelirim dedi sohbet eder birşeyler içeriz esmaya baktım esma olur nedersin atiye dedi tamam olur dedim ama esmanın arabası garajda dedim yıldız da sorun değil sorarsa esmaya oturuyoruz derim dedi tamam deyip yukardaki salona çıktık koltuğa oturduk esmaya baktım nasıl dı yıldız diye sordum esma gülümsedi iyidi dedi bende gülümsedim esma bana nerde kaldı yıldız gelmedi dedi meltem gelmeden ortalığı düzenliyordur dedim esma yanima yaklaşıp dadaklarımdan öpmeye başladı bende kaşılık veriyordum dilini ağzıma yılan gibi sokup ağzımın içinde oynatıyordu bende memeleri sıkıyor okşuyordum esma çeketimin fermanını indirdi bana baktı sen sütyensizmi spor yapıyorsun diye sordu evet diye cevap verdim dilimi esmanın ağzına soktum çılkınca öpüşmeye başalamıştık esma kalkıp üzeründeki elbiseyi çıkardı bana baktı yıldızın yatak odasına gecelim dedi kalktım beraber yıldızın odasına girer girmez öpüşmeye başladık öpüşerek yatağa uzandık birbirimizi okşayarak öpüşüyorduk esmanın memelerini yalamaya meme uçlarını ısırıyor esmaya acıyla zevki yaşatıyordum esma sadece inliyor harıkasn hayatım inliyordu ben baya tahrik olmuştum sert şekilde somuruyor yalıyordum yavaşca yalayarak göbek deliğine kadar indim göbek deliğini yalamaya başaladım esma altımda kıvrılıyor inliyordu bacak arasına girdim bacağını kaldırarak külotunu çıkardım ayak parmaklarından yalamaya başaldım yavaşca amcığına doğru yalıyor öpüyordum bacakalrını tam acıp önce bızırına dokunup bızırı sertleşmişti bızırıyla oynamaya başladım sadece bızırına hafif dokuşlarla dokunuyor esmanın nasıl kıvrandığını izliyordum iki parmağımla esmanın bızırını açmış iki parmağımlada bızırını sıkıyor bazende işaret parmağımı üzerinde gezdiriyordum esma lütfen atiye yala beni dayanamıyorum diyor kıvrılıyordu bızırına tükürüyor parmağımı kaymasını sağlıyordum bızırı dışarıya baya cıkmıs sert bir şekilde diklenmişti ben parmağımı hızlı sürtürmüyor esmayı deli ediyordum bazende tırnağımla dokunuyor esmanın kıvarmasını bana yallarmasını izliyor cok hoşuma gidiyordu esma ise meme uçlarını sıkıyor çeviriryordu dikleşen bızırını baş ve işeret parmağımla penisle oynar gibi oynuyordum esma kasılmaları sıklaşmıştı esmanın boşalacağı belliydi bızırına tükürüyor oynuyordum o ara içeriye yıldız girdi birşey demeden yanıma oturdu beni izlemeye başladı onanda esma kasılarak boşalmaya başladı balı akmaya başladı balı baya katıydı akıyordu yıldıza bakıp en yakın arkadışının balını yalasana dedim yıldız bana baktı başını esmanın amcığına dayadı yalamaya başladı esma titremeye başlamıştı yıldız yaladıkca esma tıtrıyor inliyordu ben esmaya yaklaşıp dudaklarında öpmeye başladım yıldız sa hala yalıyordu sonra yıldız kalkıp yanımıza uzandı esma bana baktı heycandan ölecektim dedi dudaklarıma öpücük kondurdu yıldız esmanın okadar hızlı nefes alıp verdiğini görünce hayırdır ne oldu sana öyle esma dedi esma yıldıza baktı yaşadığım zevkin tarifi yok dedi gülümsedi o anda esma yıldızın dudaklarından öpmeye başladı yıldızda karşılık vermeye başlamıştı bense ikisini izliyordum sonra kalkıp tuvalete gitim yıldızın duş aldığı yerde daha önce yıldızda bıraktığım strapon gördüm kalkıp taytımı cıkarıp strapon giydim tuvaleten çıktığımda yıldız üzerini cıkarmış yıldız domalmış esmayın memeleri yalıyordu arkasına yaklaştım poposunu okşyarak öpmeye başladım yıldız başını hafif arkaya çevirdi bana baktı tekrar esmanın memelerini yalamya başladı poposunu ayırıp amcığını yalamaya başladım yukarda aşağı yalıyor dilimi yıldızın amcığına sokup çıkarıyordum yıldız inleyerek esmanın memeleri emmiyordu doğruldum strapon yıldızın amcığına sürmeye başladım yıldız birden durakladı sonra tekrar devam etti memeleri emmeye penisin başını yıldızın amcığından içeri yavaşca soktum yıldız birden ahhhhhhh diye inledi o anda esma kalkıp bana baktı ve strapon yıldızı siktiğimi görünce gülümseyip yıldızın dudaklarına yapıştı sevişmeye başladı yıldızda kaşılık veriyor inliyor bende hızlı hızlı sikmeye başladım poposuna sert tokatlar atarak sikiyordum poposunu sıkıyor tokatlıyor poposunu kızartıyordum esma bacaklarını açıp yıldıza amcığını yalatmaya başlamıştı yıldız zevkten ve tokatlardan bazen yalıyor bazende durup inliyordu yıldızı saçlarından tutup cekerek hızlı şekilde yarrağı amcığına vuruyordum yıldız daha yüksek sesle inlemeye başlamıştı bende esmaya yıldızla 69 yapmasını söyledim biraz durdum esma yıldızın altına yattığında tekrar sikmeye başladım yarağı yıldızınn amcığına sokup içinde çeviriyordum esmada altan bızırını emiyordu daha sert tokatlamayla vurmaya başlamı poposuna yıldız inlemekten esmanın amcığını yalayamıyordu yıldızın içinde yarrağı tutup içinde hafif oynatıyordum o anda işaret parmağımı göt deliğine sokup cıkarıyordum sonra ikincisini soktum göt deliğini biraz genişlettikten sonra yarrağı amcığından cıkarıp yıldızın göt deliğine başını soktum yıldız arkaya doğru kasılarak lutfen dur oraya girme diyordu bense dinlemiyor hafif hafif içine giriyordum yıldız yalarmaya başlamış lutfen dur diyordu yarağı hızlı git gel yapıyordum esma parmağını yıldızın amcığına sokmuş bızırını yalıyordu yıldız artık dayanamıyorum diye inleyerek boşalmaya kasılmaya başlamıştı esmada altan akan balı emmiyordu bense penisi göt deliğinde cıkarıp tekrar amcığına sokup cıkarıyordum esma iştahla yalıyordu yıldız birden kendini esmanın üzerine bıraktı yarrak yıldızn amcığından cıkmıştı bende yatağın yan tarfına kendimi bıraktım yıldız nefes nefeseydi titriyordu ben doğrulup esmanın bacaklarını kaldırıp yarrağı esmanın amcığına sokmaya başladım yıldız esmanın bızırını yalamaya başlamıştı esmada inlemeye başlamıştı ben sert darbelerle yarağı esmanın amcığına vuruyor yıldızın belini tırmalıyordum sonra yıldız esmanın üzerinde doğruldu benimle öpüşmeye başladı bendi deliler gibi öpüşüyor boynumu yalıyordu somuruyordu esmanın inlemeleri artmıştı yıldız esmanın bacaklarını yukarı kadırdı yıldız bana daha sert sik esmayı diyordu bende hızlanıyordum esmanın inleme sesleri daha cok cıkıyordu daha hızl atiye diyordu beni öpüyordu esma kasılmaya başlamıştı kıvrana kıvrana boşalmaya başladı on da yarağı cıkarıp amcığını yalamaya başladım esma balı aktıkca ben yalıyor dilimi içine sokup cıkarıyor dilimi içinde oynatıyordum yıldız esmanın bacaklarını daha cok yukarı kaldırıyordu ben daha rahat yalıyordum esma ise artık dur atiye diye inliyordu esmanın amcığından başımı kaldırıp yıldızın dudaklarına yapıştım çılgınlar gibi öpüşüyor dilerimizi birbirine sürtüyorduk kendimi yatağa bıraktım yıldızda esmanın üzerinden kalkıp yanıma uzandı benle yıldız esmaya bakıyorduk esma kendine gelmesini bekliyorduk esmada doğruldu yanımıza uzandı yıldıza sarıldı bende yıldıza sarıldım öyle 15 dk kalmıştık üçümüz baya yorulmuştuk konuşamıyorduk devamı 35 te

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A Taste for Chocolate

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It was a beautiful hot sunny day in Southern California. Anna loved such days. While most people dreaded the heat she absolutely loved to sit by the pool or work in her garden in the scorching heat. Anna was so terribly excited because her daughter Alison was home on break from college. How she had missed her so.

Alison or Ali as Anna called her for short brought along her new college boyfriend Tyrone to visit as well. Anna found him to be quite attractive. Apparently Anna had passed along her taste for dark meat on down to her daughter. Anna had almost exclusively dated black men in her youth before falling in love with her husband Mark who was of European descent. He had stolen her heart and so she married him.

She still found black men very attractive and still fantasized about them while masturbating or making love to her husband. Of course she didn’t tell him that. Anna got to know Tyrone over a few days and really took a liking to him. She could see why Ali found him to be so appealing.

One day while her husband was away at work Anna and Ali decided to sunbathe in the backyard by the pool. Tyrone was sleeping in so mother and daughter decided to go topless. Nudity was no big deal in the family so neither istanbul escort one thought twice about or felt the least bit awkward. They had been lying out there for sometime and dozed off for a bit. They were awoken by the sound of Tyrone entering into the backyard.

Since nudity was no big deal the girls didn’t freak out. Tyrone wasn’t seeing anything he already hadn’t from Ali. Anna however was something else. For a woman of about forty her body held up just fine. He could see where Ali got her good looks and good body from.

Anna went into the kitchen to make some lemonade and Ali said she had to go use the restroom upstairs. Tyrone went with her. After a few minutes Anna had wondered what had happened to them so she headed up the stairs with a couple of glasses of lemonade. She reached Ali’s room and found the door slightly ajar. She looked in and saw Ali kneeling before Tyrone’s black monster cock sucking and stroking it for all she was worth.

She stumbled over her feet into the door causing it swing wide open and the glasses of ice cold lemonade tumbled to the floor making the carpet all squishy. That’s not all the was feeling squishy to Anna avcılar escort right now. She felt a dampness in between her legs. “I’m sorry..er..uh…” Anna was at a loss for words. “It’s okay accidents happen,” Tyrone said.

“Since you’re already on your knees why don’t you join your daughter and myself in the festivities.” Anna and Ali looked at each other stunned. Ali was about to protest but Tyrone grabbed her by the back of the head and shoved his cock back in her mouth. She dutifully continued to suck on his massive erection. Anna was torn. His cock looked simply delicious but she was married to a wonderful man and he was her daughter’s boyfriend.

She looked over his chiseled ebony body and at her lily white daughter sucking him off. She and her husband had engaged in a few threesomes before getting married but nothing like this. She knew her husband would not understand. So she would join in on the fun and never speak of this to her husband.

She crawled over next to Ali and waited for her turn. Tyrone plucked his pole out of Ali’s face and plunged in deep into Anna’s throat. He placed his hands on the back of her head and begun to literally fuck his girlfriend’s mother’s face şirinevler escort as the daughter watched in stunned amazement. Tyrone was living his ultimate three-way fantasy.

Before long he had both Anna and Ali on the bed. He fucked Ali on all fours while Anna laid beside her and masturbated furiously while watching her sweet lil’ Ali getting from the rear. The sound of flesh slapping against flesh filling the room. He grabbed onto Ali’s hips and pounded her into oblivion and she loved every second. Ali was yelling and screaming and let out a wail as she came with a vengeance.

Anna had to chuckle to herself. Like mother, like daughter she thought to herself. “Your turn mama,” Tyrone said. He spread her legs wide and plunged himself deep within her. Anna couldn’t believe how something so big could fit inside and feel so freaking’ good! Her eyes rolled to the back of her skull and she forgot all about Ali and concentrated on her pleasure.

He placed her legs over his shoulders and slammed it on home. The bed was squeaking like a hungry pig as she being fucked harder that she ever had been before. He squeezed on to her titties and held on to them for support. She was on the verge of her own orgasm as he nailed her dripping and content cunt.

She let out a wail of her own as she climaxed clutching onto the bed sheets. He yanked his meat out of her and shot several thick wads of his cum on her belly, boobs and face. She looked over at Tyrone and then over at Ali. “Your father will be home soon. Let’s get cleaned up.”

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Passionate Silence: Silence Broken

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The sign said, “SOLD.” The truck drove away. The deal was closed, the packing done, the new job lined up.

She looked at the sign as the taxicab drove her away, to the airport. This trip would be one way only. She looked back at the complex, a tear of nostalgia forming in her eye. Yes, this had been a good hideaway for her, away from a past whose chapters were now closed, distant memories. It had been a good place to find herself, to heal, and to live again.

It had been there that she had found HIM…

She turned around and settled into the back seat of the cab, thinking about all that happened in the past year—the day she moved in and had her first skinny-dip in the hot tub; the occasional date she would have over, only to find them lacking in both the bedroom and the heart; her one accidental lesbian encounter in that same hot tub; the first meeting of HIM online, and last month’s unforgettable weekend; the closing of the sale; and the packing. Yes, this was a good place, and she would miss it.


That first day there she was still not unpacked after the long day of unloading boxes, trunks, and suitcases, and she still had not found the box her clothes were in. The water had been shut off and when the last tenant had left, but the hot tub was still full, and the electric was still on. She was hot and sweaty and sticky from the day’s work, with that slight layer of cardboard dust that happens from moving dozens of boxes. So she did the logical thing, and began to play with the hot tub controls. She figured out the heating element and was able to get the water warmed up and bubbling. After about an hour, during which she inhaled a sandwich from the local deli and a cold beer chaser, then another cold beer to chase the first one, she unrolled her sleeping bag on the unmade but assembled bed. The sheets were hiding in a box somewhere, she knew, but she found the sleeping bag in that search and decided that would work just as well. Set up for bed, she stripped off her clothes and made her way, naked, down the spiral staircase to the solarium.

The bubbling water gave off a slightly steamy look as it gently gurgled. She set her clothes on the side of the tub, then slowly eased herself into the water. Immediately the warmth and wet pendik escort began to relax her, and she sank in up to her neck with a sigh. She stretched in the water, and moved around until she found a jet that bubbled directly onto her tight shoulders and neck, and she leaned into the flow, letting the hot air and warm warm water massage the knots out and cleanse her skin. Her clothes were right next to her on the edge, and when she shifted slightly to move her other shoulder to the jet, she bumped into something on the seat. Reaching down, she felt a hard, round lump with a slot in it. Unsure what it was, she felt around until she realized she could stick her finger in the slot. She did, and the slot burst open, and the jet was unstuck, sending a jet of bubbles right into her crotch. The surprise of the sudden blast made her yelp, and she reached for the edge to recover, knocking her clothes into the water. Then her senses caught up to her, and she settled back in as the bubbles massaged her in a way she had never felt before. She spread her legs wider to let the jet hit her more. The sensations of pleasure she felt were wonderful, and she shifted down a little, so that the jet was right on her smooth clit. She stayed that way, letting the air stimulate her rosebud. She arched her neck back to the edge in pleasure as her left hand found her nipple and began a stroking, while her right hand worked down her belly to the jet. She worked her clit with her hand and the jet, thoroughly awash in pleasure from both, climbing, moaning softly, until she could take no more and came with a new climax. Spent, but feeling wonderful, she fished out her clothes to dry out for the next day, then headed upstairs, crawled into her sleeping bag, and went to sleep…


A bump in the ride shook her out of her daydream and back to the present, and she found that her right hand was down her skirt, and she was absently stroking her now-pierced clit. Realizing her location, she quickly removed her hand, hoping the cabdriver hadn’t noticed. Within minutes they were at the airport. She got out, paid the cabbie with a sizable tip, checked in her luggage, and within an hour was through security and boarding.

She went to her seat on çekmeköy escort the plane and sat down. Seat 13-A. Feeling a sense of déjà vu, she ordered a rum and coke, finishing it just before they closed the doors for rollout.

The plane taxied out and she only half-listened to the safety lecture, as most passengers do, lost in her thoughts. The plane took off smoothly, soaring into the afternoon sky, and she ordered her second rum and coke. The stewardess delivered it with a smile. She looked not unlike that one girl that once bedded her…


It had been a long day with endless complaints at her job, and she found herself alone in the nightclub, getting the only thing that seemed to relax her—a strong Screwdriver and good classic club jazz. That night it was a three-piece on stage, with the piano, snare drum, and clarinet, and the noodling was superb. Maybe it was the music, maybe it was the hard day, but her usual two cocktails had grown to six, and she was feeling no pain at all. She staggered out of the club and down the street, wandering aimlessly, until she came across another bar, this one a disco, and unbeknownst to her, a place where “70s in full swing” had more than one meaning. She wandered in the door, and on to the floor, and began to simply mingle-dance to the Bee Gees, eventually working her way over to an empty table. It was there that she was found by another girl, who came over and made small talk, and as the night wore on, she found herself enjoying this girl, and in her state, said so. The girl for her part, smiled, and asked if she wanted to go to more private place in the club, where the “real” action was. She nodded, and the girl led her by the hand off the main floor to a room in the back. Once private there they began to make out, and she was so far drunk she didn’t care it was a woman kissing her, didn’t care that she was taking the girl’s clothes off, didn’t care that she was sucking her tits, or that her own were in return, and she simply followed her instincts, down the girl’s stomach and to her snatch, where she became fascinated by what she saw. This girl had a pierced clit! Intrigued, she asked about it and was told that it increased sensitivity. She decided to see just maltepe escort how much more sensitive it was and went down on the girl, enjoying her taste and scent as she licked the cunt everywhere and took that pierced clit in her mouth, sucking and nibbling, until the girl came, bucking violently on her face as her moans were drowned out by the music from the club.

When they subsided, the girl asked he if she’d like hers pierced, and still feeling no pain, she nodded. They left the club together for the girl’s apartment, and there the girl did the honors, and followed up the piercing with reciprocity from earlier, soaring in the pleasurable sensations and orgasms that shook her…


The bump of the plane touching down on the runway brought her back to the present. They had landed and were doing their rollout, followed next by the taxi to the gate. An announcement came across that there would be a delay on the luggage as a security incident was slowing all the baggage up, so she detoured into the restroom to relieve herself, then found what she wanted, the Internet café in the airport. She sat down at a terminal and logged into her email, first getting his address, then checking her email and the various social networking sites she frequented.

It was at one of these sites they had first met, first only through casual conversation, her still married in name only, and she had found him interesting. He was easy to talk to, because he understood, and his self-deprecating sense of humor charmed her. In him she saw a man who was grounded and not full of himself, yet underneath the external self-assuredness and confidence there was a softer side, a side of past wounds and experiences both good and bad, that lent a wisdom and compassion to him that he was unashamed to let out. It drew her, like a moth to a flame. They kept their conversations secret, and when the divorce was finally done, she was free, and able to really talk with him, to cope with the stress, and to hear from another man that the problem was not her but her ex. It had gone from there…

An announcement over the PA system let her know that her flight’s luggage was being unloaded. Checking to make sure she had the address written down, she logged off and headed to the baggage claim, picked up her luggage, and hailed a cab.

Almost there.


He met her at the door, and wrapped her in his arms, and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

She looked in his eyes and finally spoke.

“I’m yours.”

The silence was broken.

THE END…and the Beginning.

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Over The Years Pt. 02: Driving

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Year – mid 1990s

Here’s a story that Millie suggested I share. It happened while I was still married and was the second of two times over many years that my ex-wife exhibited not only a desire for sex but an appetite for it.

The first time was when we were returning home from a cross country trip. It was about 1 am and we were on the road. Out of the blue she is in my lap sucking my cock. She NEVER did this and soon she had taken her clothes off and was begging me to pull over and fuck her. I obliged, she was hot for sex that night and for the life of me I didn’t know why. She was very much the dutiful wife but never initiated sex, it was always me. Well…

I had just returned from a trip back east, had to go to VA for some meetings. The flight landed in San Diego and I walked up the ramp looking for my wife who had driven down to pick me up. I was very surprised when I spotted her.

My wife was a 5 foot 4 inch blonde, never thin but at this time was probably 130 lbs, 34C bra size, wide shoulders, and practically no ass. She was shaped like a swimmer. My wife didn’t like dresses because she thought she didn’t look good in them. So she NEVER wore anything but pants unless the occasion required something more feminine or formal.

There she was in a lovely white and yellow sun dress I had bought her during a trip to Hawaii. It was the type of dress you stepped into and then buttoned in front. Her hair was in a ponytail which went about 4 inches below her shoulders. Her dress wasn’t revealing, a typical full top and a dress that went to just below her knees. She looked wonderful and I told her so when I kissed her hello.

She replied in a bubbly tone and way that was totally alien for her. As we walked she was on my right arm and leaning into me, holding my right hand with both of hers, her purse on her right shoulder. Although odd I was loving it and commented to her about it.

She whispered that she wanted to have sex as soon as we got home. This was a shock. I stopped and she held on to my arm and came around in front of me, raising up on her toes she wrapped her arms around my neck, kissed me on the lips, and then leaned to whisper in my ear that she had never wanted to make love so badly and was wet just thinking about it.

I smiled at her and said something like, “sure you are.”

She insisted she was and with that playful banter we started walking again.

After a few minutes she said she needed to use the restroom. This was much more like her; she always seemed to be peeing. She walked into the restroom and I was left to wait as the doting Husband. She reappeared a few minutes later and we began walking again.

She asked if I really didn’t believe she was wet and I told her to stop teasing me. She stopped walking and took her purse off her shoulder and held it open for me to see inside.

Right on top was a pair of panties.

She looked at me and said I should feel them.

I whispered, “You took you panties off?!” and she nodded. I reached in and felt the panties, they were wet. She closed her bag, took my arm again, and started walking. Wondering whether she had simply wet her spare pair of panties (she always carried a spare pair because, as men know, women sometimes leak) I casually rubbed my nose as if it were itching… and smelled my fingers. She wasn’t lying, I could smell her muskiness on my fingers and I told her that I hoped she was still wanting it when we got home because we had a bit of a drive to get home.

When we got to the car it was just getting dusk. I put my bags into the boot and went to open her door. I opened it and before she stepped in she turned to me and kissed me with a deep open mouthed kadıköy escort kiss. Our tongues thrashed about for a few moments and she broke the kiss and said, “God I want you so bad.” By this time I was sporting a very hard cock as well. She then sat down and as she turned to put her legs in she pulled up her dress as she looked up at me. She never shaved, only trimmed herself to keep he hair about an inch long but other than that she was completely natural. Her lovely thighs were topped with blonde hair, she smiled at me and I closed the door. Although I didn’t need the convincing I really appreciated the view.

I walked around and got in, started the car and headed out of the parking lot.

There is a great place to eat not far from the Lindbergh Field and she always loved to go there any time we were in San Diego.

I asked her if we should stop and she thought about it for a minute but said, “no, I want to fuck.” That in it’s self out of character because she didn’t swear either.

Just as we got onto Harbor Drive she slid a bit closer and leaning into me kissed my neck and lay her head on my shoulder. She casually moved her hand to feel my cock in my pants.

Now I was large but not hard, she rubbed my cock and tilted her head back to kiss my neck and drive her tongue hard into the side of my neck. She knew I really liked that. Unzipping my pants she reached in with her right hand and pulled me out. Then reached back into my pants to pull my balls out as well. I told her to hold on as I got onto I-5 and headed north. It was fairly dark now and I decided to tool along at 60 mph. I was unlikely to pass anyone and ensured I stayed behind a truck. She was stroking my cock and kissing my neck as we drove.

This was all I expected because, as I’ve mentioned, she didn’t like oral sex. She said pre-cum tasted bad to her and I knew she gagged easily. Usually the only times she’d ever even come close to giving me a blow job was when she had wine. She’d dip my cock in it and then lick and suck for a few moments and then do it again… Not the greatest of blow jobs but it was what she found acceptable. I’m not the forcible type and would never think of asking a woman to do anything she wasn’t comfortable with.

Anyway… quite unexpectedly she leaned over in front of me and licked the tip of my cock. There wasn’t much room between me and the steering wheel so I moved the seat back as far as it would go. We were on cruise control and I could still touch the brake if needed. She had her right hand cupping and fondling my balls, she didn’t move down on my cock but licked around the top and circled the head with her tongue. It felt wonderful. Then she closed her lips around the head and gently tongued my slit… then in one motion slid as far down my cock as she could. Which wasn’t really all that far. He lips were about half way down, it was all she could take without gagging. She moved back up and sucked on just the head for a moment. She began a rhythm like this, licking the head, stroking her mouth up and down and then returning to sucking the head. She was sitting mostly sideways in her seat, bent over me with her left leg curled under her.

I reached over her back and tugged at her dress. It didn’t move but she knew what I was about and shifted a bit. This allowed me to gather her dress up into the middle of her back. She was now naked from the waist down. Her right leg was down toward the passenger side, he left was bent under her and she continued to kiss and lick me. I squeezed her left ass cheek, put my index finger in her ass crack and them moved down toward her pussy. I reached üsküdar escort her asshole and she bit gently on my cock. I lingered at her asshole and pressed my finger against it. She bit harder and I heard a muffled, “uh uh”… in order to not break the mood I continued sliding my finger down. I had to be gentle here because initial entry into her vagina was sometimes painful to her regardless whether she was wet or not. I pressed my finger and it slid in. She raised up on my cock just a bit and shuddered… I stroked a few little strokes.

She began moving up and down my cock more rapidly in time with my finger fucking her. My finger left her vagina and slid across her clit, it was very slick and I gently massaged it. Then began moving back and forth from her pussy to her clit. Every time I penetrated her she would go down deeply on me. The attention she was showing my cock was having its natural effect and I was fully hard and could feel my balls beginning to demand release. On the rare occasion she’d given me a hand job she ensured she had something ready for “clean up.” I told her if she kept it up I’d be cuming soon. While still on my cock, she took her right hand from my balls and reached into her purse which was in front of her seat. She pulled out a towel… it was the same sort of hand towel she kept next to the bed for when we had sex. It was then I realized she’d had this planned all along. She simply didn’t keep hand towels in her purse.

She raised up off my cock long enough to place the towel above my cock covering my clothes, and then returned to those wonderful strokes. I had paused finger fucking her and decided that since she was so wet I’d try two fingers instead of one. During foreplay I’d sometimes try to insert more than one finger and she usually said it hurt. I kept the heel of my hand on her ass and lifted my fingers from her. Then pressing with my two middle fingers I felt her folds open to me and they slid in easily. She didn’t make the slightest move that she noticed, continuing to stroke me. I pushed them in as far as they would go and pulled her toward me. I was getting ready to cum and told her so. She must have felt the twitching in my balls because she raised her head off and began stroking my cock rapidly with her right hand. My balls exploded and I groaned with release. She kept up the stroking as I jerked.

When I was finished she licked the top of my cock and then began gathering up her towel wiping me. As she moved her ass backed up a little and I kept my two fingers inside her and wouldn’t let her move away. She laughed and asked me if I liked it. I told her it was wonderful but I wasn’t going to let her go. She replied, “who’s asking you to?” She twisted toward me and I lost contact with her pussy as her right hip turned. She positioned herself over the center console so she was laying with her head in my lap with my semi-soft cock next to her left ear. She was holding it against her head with her left hand. Her right foot was on the seat with her right knee against back of her seat… her left foot was also on the seat, her leg bent at the knee. She pulled up her skirt and smiled at me. The glow of the lights in the car really accentuated the scene. Passing car lights would illuminate the interior for a moment, the rest of the time she was bathed in blue light. I stroked her cheek and gently traced her lips with my thumb. She opened her mouth and licked it, my hand stroked her neck and I moved my hand up under her dress and bra to cup her left breast. Her nipples were sensitive when she was aroused but like her clit couldn’t take much attention before it felt painful to her. I cupped her breast and felt her tuzla escort erect nipple on my palm.

I have to again mention how completely and totally out of character this was for my wife. But, being the smart guy I didn’t complain.

Withdrawing my hand I began unbuttoning her top… fumbling a bit with one hand. She didn’t move at all to help but lay still smiling at me. I unbuttoned her down the the top of the dress and moved the sides apart until her breasts were exposed with only the bra covering them. Grasping her bra in the middle I pulled it up off of her breasts. One thing I could say for my wife was that even after a few kids her tits were great. I massaged first the left and then the right, lingering on each nipple. Her nipples were hard and erect for her, which was only ¼ inch or so. I love the feeling of flesh and slid my hand down across her belly and then back up to her breasts. I saw her wince a bit and knew that was enough attention for her tits for the moment and moved my right hand further south.

I lightly passed over her pussy to feel her right thigh and brought my hand slowly up between her legs to drag my index finger between her lips and over her clit. She was wetter than I had every felt before. Leaving the palm of my hand on her mound I used her juices to very gently manipulate her clit. Her clit was very sensitive and she sometimes complained I was too rough, even when I was being as gentle as I could. As I very slowly circled her clit she began moving her hips with me. Another thing she never did. She relaxed more and closed her eyes moving her hips with my finger and breathing deeper. Her hair was wet with juices and I slid my hand down so my palm was over her clit. I could feel her clit under my palm and she said quietly, “just like that.” As I keep my palm moving I was tracing her vaginal opening with the tip of my finger… then I slowly, but in one motion, inserted my finger into her as far as I could. Her reaction was to reach down with her right hand, putting her hand over mine. Keeping my finger in her she began to grind against my hand moving my hand as she wanted. I could tell she was close to cuming and I left her to do as she wanted.

I had never seen her like this. Ya, I’ve said that a couple times but if you had known her you’d also think, “who is this woman and what did she do with my wife?” She didn’t even masturbate, we had talked about it once and she felt it was dirty, same way she felt about oral sex.

She took hold of my right wrist with right hand and began fucking my finger. She was grinding against my hand and in the motion I managed to get two fingers into her, my two middle ones, and curled them up a bit toward the fabled g-spot. No confirmation of a g-spot but she continued grinding on my hand and soon began lifting her ass out of the seat with her legs. She let go of her dress with her left hand and moved it up to her left breast. She squeezed it gently and then slid it under her dress top to cup her right breast. I could see her struggle a bit as she squeezed her hand under her bra to get to her nipple. Then she began to cum… she held my hand firmly against her but very still… sucked in her breath, made her little squeak she does, and jerked a couple time against my hand. After a few moments had passed she put her right hand over my hand which was still between her legs with my two fingers inside her. She moved my hand around in little circles as she came down off her excitement.

She remained laying in my lap looking up at me for a while as we drove on. Eventually she sat up and put her dress back together and settled into her seat. I asked, “what got into you today?”. She replied by sliding closer to me and kissing me again saying, “I just felt sexy today.”. The rest of the drive home was quiet with me trying to think of what happened so I could repeat it. Alas, nothing came to mind other than my being gone. I thought maybe she had a lover that got her all worked up but quickly disregarded that idea as foolish.

Never did find out.

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Only After Dark

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Big Tits

I typed the last correction into the computer. “Run,” I mumbled as I keyed in the command. “That bug was a cast iron bitch to find and fix.”

The computer digested the command and the database popped up exactly as it should. I saved my work and quietly gave a fist pump. Another two hours of overtime tonight, but it was worth it – we needed that database to be functional.

I gathered my things and started to head out. I figured I’d be the last one in the office. But to my surprise, Anne, the owner’s PA, was still present.

“Heading out, Mark?”

“Yep. What are you still doing here, Anne?”

“Secretary stuff. PA is a bullshit title: we’re still secretaries, they just changed the name of the position. Normally I’m here almost as long as you – I haven’t gotten home before 8:30 in a month.”

“Do you at least get paid OT?”

“Yes, but that doesn’t help much when my husband accuses me of staying late to have an affair. I think he’s punishing me: we used to have sex three times a week and he hasn’t so much as given me a lustful glance in 3 months.”

Not something I had to consider, as I hadn’t been romantically involved with anyone since college. Being a programmer took up all my time, and being single and living in a small apartment, it didn’t bother me when I had to stay late. Besides, I loved the challenge of my job.

“I’m afraid I don’t have any advice for you there, Anne.”

“I wouldn’t take it if you did, Mark. I did show him my last six pay slips with the increased hours. He told me anyone could fake a pay slip.”

“Sorry. Well, guess I’d better head out.”

A week later, Anne and I were again the last ones in the office. Anne had a deep scowl on her face.

“I’m getting sick and tired of being accused of cheating without actually getting any action. I think I’ll show that bastard.”


“You’re free tonight, aren’t you?”

I istanbul escort looked at my watch. Only 6:45, which for me was quite early.

“I didn’t have any plans.”

“You have some now, Mark. Your place is really close, right?”

“A 3-minute drive.”

“I’ll follow you there. You are going to give me what my husband used to. Since he won’t, I have to get it from somewhere.”

I’d never seen Anne look this angry.


10 minutes later, we had reached my place, made a pit stop, and stripped. Anne was in her mid forties, about 10 years older than me, and still looked very well maintained. Five-foot-seven, slim, toned, small but firm breasts, washboard-flat stomach, perfect rear.

“I work out for an hour every morning before coming to work.”

That answered my unspoken question. I was scrawny (didn’t exercise at all) and was starting to develop a paunch. I couldn’t dream of getting a woman as nice as Anne. Her husband must be a total idiot to deliberately ignore her. I said as much.

“You flatter me, Mark. I suppose familiarity breeds contempt. He sees me every day, so he doesn’t realize how good I look.”

I gave her a smile in response.

“Okay. Let’s not waste time. I have about an hour before I have to dress and leave.” With that, Anne leaned forward and thrust her breasts in my face.

I tentatively gave her cleavage a kiss. Anne grabbed my head and moved my mouth to her nipple. I suckled it with enthusiasm, even if my technique wasn’t great.

“Use your tongue, Mark. Make little circles.”

She moved my mouth to her other nipple, and I tried to follow her instructions.

“That’s better.” Anne punctuated this with a slight moan. “Now try very gently taking it between your teeth.”

I did so, focusing on the very gentle part. Anne shivered slightly.

“I avcılar escort don’t suppose you’ve gone down on a woman.”

I had, but it was years ago. I told Anne as much.

“I hope you’re a quick study.” She lay on her back with her legs spread and helped position me properly.

“Start by licking along my slit.”

I licked along it a few times. Anne’s juices started to leak out a little.

“See if you can find my clit.” With her hands helping guide my face to the proper location, I did find a small nub.

“Lick it, very softly, flickering your tongue a bit.”

I obediently did so. After about two minutes of experimentation, I found a motion that Anne really liked. I stayed with that motion until Anne’s legs locked around my head and she gushed her juices onto my face.

“How long since you last climaxed, Mark?”

I actually had to think about that one for a few seconds. I’d been getting so much OT that I hadn’t even had time to watch porn and jerk off in awhile.

“About… six weeks or so?”

“Then you won’t last 3 strokes if I fuck you. Let me take the edge off first.”

She wrapped her hand around my erect pole and began stroking it, gently but quickly, while her other hand teased my balls. By my watch, it took exactly ninety-six seconds for her to pump a load of sperm out of me, and a big load at that. With one hand, she kept stroking me, and with the other, she grabbed the top sheet of the bed and cleaned the sperm off my skin with it.

“I had an oophorectomy five years ago, so I can’t get pregnant.”

“What part of the body is your oofers?”

“You know nothing about anything except computers. That would be my ovaries, you moron. Now shut up and let me ride your cock.”

I stopped talking at once. Because Anne had continued to stroke me after my cumshot, my pole had never gotten soft. şirinevler escort She lifted her body up, then lowered her box onto my rod.


“You think that feels good? Try this.”

Anne placed her hands on my chest and began sliding up and down. Every time she slid down, she squeezed my pole with her pussy muscles.


“Forget what it feels like, Mark?”

“My girlfriend in college didn’t do that.”

Anne keps sliding up and down steadily, establishing a rhythm. I just lay still, enjoying it. Except for my hips, which seemed to start moving on their own, matching Anne. She climaxed again, but kept right on going.

“Go ahead and fill me up, Mark.”

I continued to move with her. Now she was more actively tightening her box around me on every downstroke, as if she was trying to milk more cum from me. I quivered beneath her and gasped. She increased her speed and I felt my orgasm hit. She continued to milk me with her pussy until my cock began softening and stopped squirting.

“Very nice, Mark. Exactly what I needed.”

Anne climbed off the bed. How she still had energy, I didn’t know. I lay still, feeling spent.

“I have 10 minutes before I have to leave. Enough time to freshen up and dress.”

“That was wonderful, Anne. Thank you.”

“I enjoyed it.”

“No good-night kiss?”

“I’m never going to kiss you, Mark. You’re here to fulfill my sexual needs as long as my fool of a husband keeps ignoring me. Kissing implies a romantic interest. But as long as he does keep ignoring me, how does three times a week sound?”

“I sure as heck won’t say no. By the way, do you have any single friends who, um, need companionship?”

“Of course I do. My friend Kathy is also an engineer. You’d get along well with her. And as soon as my husband gets his head out of his ass and I no longer need to rely on you to give me orgasms, I’ll give you her information and you can go on actual dates and start courting her.”

“Thanks again, Anne.”

Five minutes later, she emerged from my washroom, quickly put back on her clothes, and gave me a wave.

“See you at work tomorrow.”

She slipped away, and I heard the front door open and then close.

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One Last Winter Snow Ch. 02

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The drive back to the restaurant was a slow, cautious one after the night in the snow bank. They both agreed it was amazing that neither of them were hurt or suffered from the cold. As she went over the events in her mind, her face began to blanch, and then became suffused with color.

She savored the memory his touch and his taste, and when he glanced over at her, the blush on her cheeks quickly spread to her hairline. When she met his eyes, he knew exactly what she was thinking about and his own body reacted to pictures in his mind’s eye.

Shaking his head, he firmly put his mind back on his driving, ever mindful that the danger was still at hand, and she was still his responsibility.

The trooper led the way in his SUV, and he followed the SUV’s tracks to stay on the road. It was snowing again, lightly for now, but the promise of heavier snow was very much present. He was concentrating on the drive, and she was concentrating on him.

As she stared at his profile, she again thought about the night before, stuck in that snow bank. It had been a dangerous situation, but she never really felt threatened. She knew he would take care of her, and he had. He spent the night watching over her, keeping her warm and safe. She looked at his hands on the steering wheel, guiding the truck with confidence and experience, and thought of how those same hands had caressed her last night, so very gently and lovingly. His lips, now pursed in concentration, had kissed her and tasted her skin, until she had let go of her feelings and reveled in the sensations he was building in her.

She knew in that instant that snowstorms were now her most favorite weather phenomenon. She would never be able to look at snow the same again, not without thinking of last night. Just the thought warmed her all over, all over again.

He held tightly onto the steering wheel and tried to concentrate on the road. It was increasingly hard to do, as he felt her eyes on him. His mind wandered back to last night, to the silence and cold that had enveloped them as they tried to stay warm. He recalled the smell of her hair, the softness of her skin, and the taste of her lips. He had to drag his thoughts back to the road, before they turned to the feelings of her hand and mouth on him, because he was reacting to his thoughts just as he had to her last night. The blush caused by his thoughts slowly crept up his neck to his face, and she wondered just what he might be thinking, knowing full well that his thoughts followed the same path her’s had taken.

He startled her when he began to speak, “I am sorry about last night” he said. “I didn’t….” and then stopped speaking when she laid her hand on his arm.

“Please, if you are going to apologize for getting stuck, don’t. It wasn’t your fault.” Then taking a deep breath, she continued; “If you are going to apologize for what happened in the back seat, DON”T YOU DARE!!!”

He quickly turned his head to look at her, and decided against apologizing for anything, because of the look on her face. It was at once excited and hurt, almost sad, and yet so beautiful, that he almost bit his tongue to keep from uttering anything that would cause that look again.

She took another deep breath, and tried to explain it to him. He really did look confused! “I am a grown woman, perfectly capable of making decisions for myself. I was with you last night because I wanted to be. Damn the storm! I have no regrets about how I feel about you or when I am with you.” As she stopped to take another deep breath, his face melted into a smile that took that breath away. “I wouldn’t change a thing about last night” she said in a small voice, “except maybe for the temperature. A few degrees warmer would have been nice.”

The sound of his laughter filled the truck when he threw his head back, delighted with her proclamation. This was going better then he had ever dared to imagine! He turned to look at her, and watched the expression on her face change from embarrassment to relief to happiness. Suddenly, it was as if the sun had appeared from behind the snow clouds, and was shining in her eyes.

As they reached the restaurant where they met last night, they realized they hadn’t gone as far as they thought. He waved to the trooper, saluting him as thanks for the help. As the trooper drove off, their eyes scanned the parking lot. They spotted a large mound of snow and knew her car was buried under it. It would take a lot of digging and melting to even find the roof and wheels!

He parked the truck and climbed out. He trudged his way around to the passenger side door and had to break the ice around the handle to open it. Giving her his hand, he helped her down, sliding his arm around her waist to help her keep her balance. When she was steady on her feet, he took her hand and led her back through his tracks around the front of the truck, then proceeded to forge through the mounds of snow to the front door. The snow was pristine white, untouched by man, and it was a shame to mar the silent beauty of it, but they couldn’t just stand outside!

As he opened the door and let her pass in front of him, bakırköy escort the wonderful smells of breakfast reached his nose. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee and the smell of bacon, eggs and biscuits and gravy were almost more then he could bear. The waitress looked up and smiled at them, beckoning them with her head to come on in. As they took off their coats and sat down in the same booth as last night, she approached them with the coffee pot in one hand, and two breakfast plates in the other.

While they ate hungrily, she stood by with the coffee pot, ready to refill the cups as soon as they were half empty. He finally asked her how she knew they were coming back and she explained. “The weather can turn really fast around here. Since we are in the middle, between the big cities, the troopers use our place as a staging area when it gets bad. I have a scanner in the back, so I heard when Sam called the station to report he found you. He said he was bringing you here, so I started cooking!”

Breakfast never tasted so good! The coffee flowed freely and it didn’t take long until they were both satisfied and warm down to their toes. They looked at each other, waiting for the waitress to clear the table, before trying to discuss what was to be done next.

He held her hands and said solemnly, “We will never get your car out of the parking lot. Even if we could dig it out, I don’t think it would start without a jump. It may be several days before you can drive it home.”

“I have never been one to fret over what I can’t change,” she said, “so I am not going to start worrying about that just now. What I do want to know is where we are going to sleep until this snow lets up. I didn’t bring any extra clothes, because this wasn’t planned as an overnight date.”

The waitress returned with the coffee pot in time to hear the last part of the conversation. “I don’t mean to interrupt, but I have a couple of spare rooms out back. This used to be a small roadside motel, before the owner shut it down. It isn’t fancy, but it is warm and clean. I keep it that way, just in case. I will be happy to make up a room for you, if that’s ok?”

The relief in their eyes was enough of an answer for her. “You just sit tight for a few more minutes, and I’ll get a room ready.” When she saw the blush creeping up her neck, the waitress leaned over and said, “I’ll get two rooms ready, and you can take your pick, ok?”

Smiling shyly, she said “Thank you, for everything. We would really be out in the cold without you!” and glancing at her name tag, added “Dora.”

Dora said “Don’t mention it!” and laughed as she walked toward the kitchen and the back door. Seeing the looks passing between the two at the table had warmed her heart, and she was glad she could help.

He took her hands again, and started to apologize, but had second thoughts about it. Instead he said, “If I have to be stranded somewhere, I am glad I am stranded with you.” The look in his eyes was so sincere that she blushed again, and squeezed his hands. She said, quietly “I never thought I would say this, but I am enjoying being stranded, because of you. This has been quite an adventure!” The look in her eyes told him it wasn’t over yet, either!

Just as he had when they first met, he raised her hand and kissed her palm, pressing her hand against his cheek. Tilting her head slightly, she gave him that Mona Lisa smile and his heart melted again.

Dora returned a few minutes later, and found them sitting on the same side of the booth, his arm around her and her head resting on his shoulder. She was almost asleep, and he gently roused her enough to put her coat on and walk to the back door. Dora led them to one of the rooms in the little motel, opened the door for them, and he escorted her in. He took her coat off and laid it on the chair by the door, sat her on the edge of the bed and took her boots off. Reaching behind her, he pulled the bedspread back and helped her into bed. He snugged the blanket up around her neck and leaned down, kissing her forehead. She sighed, and snuggled down into the comfortable bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

He stood and watched her for a few minutes, to make sure she was all right. He felt an overwhelming sense of tenderness wash over him, something he had not felt in many years. He was grateful for the feelings she was arousing in him, thankful that she was melting his heart after so many years. He was actually feeling very happy, snowbound in the middle of nowhere.

Dora had handed him two keys when she left, one for this room and one for next door. There was also a door connecting the two rooms, and he made sure it was unlocked from this side before he left. He closed the door quietly and trudged through to snow to the next room. Opening the door, he looked around. He hadn’t had time in the other room, but he noticed some details in this one.

As Dora had said, it was clean and warm. The sheets were fresh; the towels were clean and smelled great. He opened the connecting door a crack, just to check on her. She was sleeping soundly, exhausted from the long beşiktaş escort night in the cold. He closed the door silently, and looked across the room. The bed looked so inviting; he had to lie down for just a few minutes……

When he opened his eyes, it was almost dark in the room. Glancing at his watch, he realized he had slept for hours, needing the sleep as much as she did. Before he turned the lamp on, he laid his head back on the pillow and thought of the beautiful woman next door. He let his mind wander; her hair, her eyes, the feel of her skin. He could still taste her on his lips and he closed his eyes to savor that sweet taste as he licked his lips. His thoughts were taking him somewhere he wasn’t sure she was ready to go yet, so he sat up on the bed and reached for the lamp.

His eyes became accustomed to the light slowly, as he blinked from the brightness. He looked around the room again, taking in the rest of the details he missed when he first entered. There were silk flowers on the dresser, an obvious concession to the winter weather, but a nice touch just he same. There was a small TV hanging from the ceiling, but it wasn’t plugged in. The remote was on the bedside table, in a holder that was screwed down.

He got up from the bed and crossed to the connecting door once more. He pushed it open and found himself looking at an empty bed. He was startled at first, and pushed the door open farther. He was relieved to see the bathroom light on and he could hear her humming through the bathroom door. He heard water splashing and assumed she was taking a bath. The picture in his mind was a tantalizing one and he backed out of the room before he could get caught. He didn’t want her to think he was spying on her.

In the tub, she was surrounded by bubbles. Dora had left a basket of bubble bath, soaps and shampoo on the counter for her. Her red hair was piled on top her head and she was reclining against a rolled up towel under her neck. She raised her leg and watched the water and bubbles run down from her foot. She felt wonderful! Her nap had refreshed her more then she expected, and now she was totally relaxed and happy.

Her mind flashed to the man next door. When she woke up, she set about exploring her room. She discovered the connecting door and had turned the knob to find it unlocked. He was stretched out on the bed, his shirt untucked and rumpled, his belt hanging from a hanger on the coat rack. His hat was in the chair and his boots kicked half under the bed. He had obviously been as tired as she was!

Returning to her own room, she closed the door quietly and headed for the bathroom. Dora had left her a robe to put on, with instruction to take a hot bath and relax while her clothes were washed. She left them in the basket by the door, and Dora picked them up and took them to the main house.

The water began to cool and her bubbles were disappearing fast. She stood up in the tub and reached for one of the big fluffy towels left for her. She slowly dried herself off, loving the feel of the soft towel on her skin, and the lovely smell it was wrapping around her. She heard the water come on next door, and knew he was up too. A plan began to formulate as she let her hair down and she quickly finished in the bathroom. She donned the robe to keep warm and headed for the connecting door.

He was singing in the shower when she entered the room and she stopped to listen for a minute. He wasn’t bad but he certainly wasn’t the next American Idol!! His choice of songs caught her attention and she smiled. He was singing “I Can Love You Like That”, or at least attempting to, and she took it to be a sign. She jumped on the bed, grabbed the remote and turned the TV on. She turned the lamp off and the volume down on the TV. The effect was subdued lighting without sound and was almost romantic.

She remembered some candles that Dora had included in the basket for her and ran to get them. She lit one and put it on the dresser; the other went on the table next to the bed. The fragrance wafted through the room and added to the ambience. She was quite pleased with the over all affect.

She heard him stop singing and turn the water off. Quickly, she arranged herself on the bed, the remote in hand and turned the sound up just a little. She was completely covered by the robe, and her hair was spread out over the pillows. The whole arrangement made a very fetching picture.

Tying the towel around his waist, he opened the bathroom door. He was surprised to find the lights off and it took a moment for his eyes to adjust to the dark. He stopped short when he saw the TV on, then noticed the candles burning with soft flames. His eyes traveled around the room, coming to rest on her, reclining on the bed. His eyes lit up and a slow smile spread across his face.

She returned the slow smile as she watched the bulge growing under the towel. He didn’t try to hide his reaction to seeing her there, although he did blush a little. She patted the bed beside her and he moved to sit next to her. Their eyes locked and the sparks began to fly. She sat up beylikdüzü escort and leaned toward him, her gaze never shifting from his eyes. She gently pressed her lips to his and watched his eyes close as he wrapped his arms around her. The gently kiss seemed to last forever but was over too soon.

He stood up and, taking her hands, raised her to her knees on the bed. When she was steady, he took her face in his hands and kissed her again. He tasted her lips, tracing their outline with his tongue before sliding it into her mouth. She leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist and sucked his tongue softly. He moaned and put his right arm around her, crushing her to his chest. With his left hand moving to the back of her head and his right arm around her, he lowered her onto the bed.

His kisses were like magic and she couldn’t get enough of them. What started out gently soon became filled with passion. He kissed her eyes, the tip of her nose, her forehead then her mouth again as his body took over. He kissed her ear and down her neck as her hands roamed over his back, the muscles rippling under her fingers as he moved. He kissed the pulse above her collar bone after pushing the robe out of the way. His tongue and lips felt like fire on her skin and she was melting.

Her robe was still tied and it resisted being pushed out of the way. It became a treasure hunt; his hand pulling at the shoulder of the robe while his lips and tongue sought the treasure beneath. When the robe finally relented, she arched her back and his hand cupped her breast, bring it to his lips. His tongue circled her nipple before he closed his lips over it and she moaned softly. He swirled his tongue around the nipple in his mouth, savoring the taste and feel of her skin. Her fingers curled in his hair, holding his head to her; the other hand moved down his arm and covered the hand cupping her flesh.

He raised his head and looked down at her. The site before him was magnificent. Her breasts were heaving, as she took shallow breaths. Her skin was pink from his beard rubbing against it and her nipple was peaked, begging for more. He could not remember when he had been so aroused or wanted a woman so much. Yet he felt a tenderness for her that almost scared him. He was hesitant to continue; he didn’t want to take advantage of her if this was not what she wanted. This was a totally new feeling for him and he was not quite sure what to do next.

She saw the look in his eyes and answered the question for him. She reached down between them and covered his ridged manhood with her hand. She rubbed him up and down over the towel and pulled his head back up to kiss his lips again. She licked his lips with the tip of her tongue and slipped it into his mouth. The hesitation he felt vanished as he gathered her into his arms again, throwing one leg over hers. She used the hand between them to untie the towel, remove it and drop it to the floor. She then untied her robe and let it fall open.

He grabbed the cuff of the sleeve and held it as she pulled her arm out. He dropped the sleeve and ran his hand down over her hip and thigh. He marveled at the softness of her skin, the rounded curves and muscles. She threw her arm around his shoulder with enough momentum to push him to his back with her on top of him. She shook off the other arm of the robe and let it drop. He felt the weight of her breasts on his chest, her nipples poking into his flesh. She kissed him; very slowly but thoroughly, then pushed herself up on her arms and pulled her knees up on either side of him. Her hair was hanging over his face and chest as she rose, tickling him and hiding her face.

He stared at her. She took his breath away. With great deliberance, he reached up with both hands and covered her breasts, taking the bulk of the weight in his palms and his fingers splayed over the top. He kneaded them gently as she arched her back and leaned into his hands. She was sitting on his lap, with his manhood poking up between them, as he lay there. With one heave, he sat up and buried his face between her breasts, kissing first one, then the other, sucking and swirling them with his tongue, each in turn. She ran her fingers through his hair, then down over his shoulders, holding on to them so she could throw her head back without falling.

She reached between them and wrapped her fingers around his swollen rod, feeling the moisture seeping from the tip. She slid her hand up and down several times, ran her fingertip over the tip, then brought it to her lips. Looking him in the eyes, she licked her finger and sighed, sending him over the edge. In one swift movement, he turned her over, back down on the bed, still between her legs. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down on top of her, kissing him passionately. He felt her pull her knees up and found himself poised for ecstasy. He did not hesitate this time, but thrust into her, burying himself inside her with one push. She locked her legs around him, and held him there, then slowly rotated her hips against him. He began a steady, slow thrust into her, each thrust bringing him closer to exploding. As his passion accelerated, his pace quickened into short hard thrusts. He looked at her face, watched the expressions change and knew she was on the verge of an orgasm. He controlled himself until he felt her muscles tighten around him, and when her breath caught and she moaned, he let himself go.

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Older Eyes

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


The water is hot, almost too hot, as it cascades over her naked body. The glorious ritual of bathing is taking a new form. She wants to be as perfect as she can be-for him. Her nipples are erect and as she shaves her underarms she smears the minted shave cream over her large breasts. Pinching, rubbing, eyes closed, she imagines what his mouth will feel like sucking, tugging and biting the hardened peaks. Her hand moves between her thighs, lathering her pussy. She is breathing harder now as the razor moves from her ass cheeks to just below her clit, making her bare. She loves the feel of her partially shaved lips and envisions his tongue slowly flicking over her swollen clit. A dampness forms between her legs but it is not from the water. A soft moan escapes her slightly parted lips as she inserts one finger. Her head falls back as she begins to move her finger in and out of her cunt; simulating what he will do with his hard cock. She is so close to release now and she massages her clit with her free hand. Finger fucking herself and tweaking her clit she climaxes and falls against the shower wall, legs shaking. She can feel her hot wet fluid on her fingers. Composing herself by breathing deep, she concludes her bathing. She gets dressed, takes one final look in the mirror and heads out the door.

She is shaking. Is it nerves or is it the thought of meeting an almost stranger. Almost because they have shared a few emails, each one getting a little more sexual – spicy- as he would say. They are both married, he has done this before; she has not. The idea of being with another man is enthralling. It sets her belly on fire. Eric Clapton is singing to her as she follows the directions to the site of their first tryst. She has no idea what he looks like or how old he is, she never asked. She only has directions and a room number. Her heart thuds. Her hands sweat. Every nerve in her body is drawn taught, like a guitar string. If strummed correctly, she cantillates a glorious melody.

She pulls into the motel parking lot. Inhaling deeply, she parks and walks to the door. Hesitantly she knocks. He is older, much older than she expected possibly late 50’s early 60’s. His hair is gray, longer than most men his age would wear it. He has a middle aged body, fuller in the chest, thicker in his mid section. He has facial hair, it is a menagerie of gray and white but his lips look so soft and kissable. She looks into his line etched eyes. They are kadıköy escort sexy, soulful and there is mischief in them. He is not “cute”; he is not dreamy. He is attractive and there is a raw sexual aura about him. She is instantly drawn to him. When he speaks his voice is both calming and carnal.

The way he looks at her makes her feel so beautiful, so alluring, and so wanton. She is very captivated by him though she is edgy. His coy smile and twinkling eyes reflect an afternoon full of promise. They chat for a while and she gets up to pee. He takes the bed down as she uses the bathroom. The top buttons of his shirt are undone; fringes of chest hair are visible. He has kicked off his shoes and is settled on the bed. At first she is a little stunned that he has taken it upon himself to unmake the bed and move things along.

She is shaking so hard inside and the dew is building in her cunt. She walks over and leans down to kiss him. It is infectious, inviting, arousing as their lips meet and their tongues begins a slow languid dance. She bites his lips and pulls a little. He deepens the kiss. Her breathing is turning into a rhythmic pant as she learns his mouth. She begins to unbutton his shirt, one button at a time until she has it open to his waist. His chest is sublime; a perfect mixture of hair and skin. Her hands explore- touching, stroking, and brushing his skin. Her mouth moves to his shoulder, kissing and licking. She tastes her way down his arm to his fingers. Her tongue circles his palm while her free hand pinches his nipples. Drawing one finger into her mouth she begins to suck and tease- giving him a preview of what she will do to his cock.

She works her way back to his shoulder and begins a mouthy decent down his chest. She licks, kisses and gently pulls on his chest hair with her teeth. She finds his hardened peak and sucks it into her mouth. His body jumps as a moan escapes from him.

She becomes bolder now and strokes his inner thighs as she continues her oral assault on his magnificent torso. He separates his legs and she runs hand over his member, feeling it grow with each stroke. His clothes are in the way but when she suggests he undress, he turns it around and tells her to undress. She undoes her zipper and sheds her jacket, leaving her in a lace push up bra. Her large tits are slightly overflowing and her nipples are aroused enough üsküdar escort to leave a pucker in the smooth fabric. She reaches behind, unhooks her bra and frees her boobs. Together they remove the rest of their cloths and move to the middle of the bed.

They are facing each other on their sides as their hands begin to caress each others body. She is beginning to get lost in his touch and her mind is starting to whirl. He sucks one of her nipples into his mouth. She vibrates from her core. He strokes her hip, her ass, and works his hand between her legs. She needs him to touch her, to feel her. He moves his hand between her wet lips, opening her slit. She is burning and unknowingly begins to gyrate, meeting his strokes. He finds her button- it is already swollen- and rubs, first gently then harder and harder until she is panting. Her pussy is dripping droplets of cum and the pressure building inside her is intense. He shoves two fingers into her cunt and she bucks. She pumps her hips and reaches down to finger her clit as he fucks her harder and faster. Three fingers, then four, he drives them harder and faster; over and over until she is writhing. Meeting his thrusts, she spills her cum onto his fingers. He pushes his fingers into her mouth forcing her to taste herself on him. She sucks his fingers dry.

He grabs her hair and pulls her head to his cock. She is hungry and in one motion takes it into her mouth. Her lips move down his shaft in a quick stroke making his body jerk. He lessens his grip on his hair; spreads his legs for her. She pulls her lips back up his cock and blows on it. Looking into his eye, those eyes that are so compelling, she licks his navel and kisses her way down the hair trail to his dick. She moves between his thighs and licks them as her hand finds his balls. She gently squeezes as her mouth moves to find his erect cock. Her mouth finds the head and she runs her tongue around it. She closes her lips and slowly moves down his shaft, swallowing it all until she reaches the base. She moves back up, keeping her lips tight around him she uses her tongue to lick as well. Over and over she repeats this- sometimes gently using her teeth, sometimes sucking harder until he moves his hips and fucks her face.

Her hand explores his balls and his ass. She begins to suck harder and faster inserting a finger into his ass. Her finger begins to pump, matching the velocity of her mouth. tuzla escort She sucks his cock and fingers his ass. He is breathing hard, moaning, fists in her hair, holding her head so she takes him deep as he shoots his hot cum down her throat. His cock becomes flaccid in her mouth but she does not release it. Once in a while she flicks her tongue over the tip just to feel him shiver a bit. He tastes delicious.

She releases his cock and rolls him over. She whispers in his ear that she needs him to fuck her. She bites his shoulders hard; leaving a slight mark, then places gentle kisses on him. He rolls to his side and reaches for her. He invites her to move up closer to him so he can fondle her tits, suck her nipples. He sucks her nipples so hard she cries out as they become stiff and rigid. He pushes her on to her stomach and spreads her legs. He oils his fingers. She is on all fours now and without warning he shoves 4 fingers into her cunt, hard and holds them there. She screams as it is both pleasurable and slightly painful. He separates his fingers inside her, stretching her pussy. Slowly he withdraws and gently strokes her hips in small circular movements. She quiets her breathing. He is talking softly to her, stroking her gently. 4 fingers again smash into her and she screams, but he keeps moving them in and out, each time driving them in harder, pounding against her pubic bone until she is fucking his hand and the screams are moans of pleasure. She is begging him to make her cum.

His nails rake down her back, his fingers are fucking her and his mouth is close to her ear demanding her to cum for him. She gushes her juice and it squirts on his hands and down her legs. He smears it on her cunt lips and asshole. He moves close behind her, she can feel his hard cock pressing against her ass. He takes his cock in his hand and in one fluid motion slides it into her tight ass. She tosses her head back as she lets a primal sound escape. She cries as his cock moves in and out of her asshole. She’s meeting his stokes and grinds her ass against his groin each time his cock slides deep in her hole. They begin to rock back and forth, harder, faster, meeting each other as they ride each other to the point of abandon aphrodisia. They climax together as he explodes filling her ass with his jism. Collapsing, they fall face down onto the bed. Time has ceased.

He walks naked to the bathroom; leaving the door open, pees and showers. He sits on the bed to dry off. She closes the bathroom door and showers. He’s dressed when she exits the bath. His eyes never leave her as she dresses. He watches her every move- how she pulls on her jeans, hooks her bra, brushes her hair. Those eyes, his eyes, eyes filled with intelligence and desire, etched with passion… will I ever see them again.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Office Antics

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


I hate working late. Stupid 9 to 5 job is supposed to end at 5! Why did I ever take up a white collar job? Screw the money, office work sucks. I don’t care if they’ve given me my own office; everyone here gets their own office! Admittedly this should only take another 30-45 minutes before I can go home and be with you. I can’t wait. Ah well, time to go back to work.

*Knock* *Knock*

I don’t know who this would be. Most of the other people have already left the office. “Come in.” I continue to work listening to the sound of the door closing and being locked as footsteps approach my desk.

“Hi hon!”

I look up from my work to see you standing there at the side of my desk. You’re dressed in office clothes: a white button down blouse, a short black skirt, and black stockings encased in pumps. I stare at your smiling face.

“Hey! Why are you here? I’ll be home in about an hour. What are you doing here?”

You step around the desk some more so you are right next to my chair.

“I couldn’t wait for you.”

“Hon, I have to finish this. I know you want me home and trust me I want to go home as fast as possible, but I have work.”

“I know,” you saying while lean over the chair slightly, “But couldn’t wait that long.”

You smile at me and kiss me. I break the kiss knowing that the more involved I get, the longer I’ll be here.

“I’m sorry, I can’t. I got to finish this. It won’t be that long.”

“And neither will I,” you say cutting me off.

You reach your hand down and lay your palm in my crotch. You begin to gently rub the bulge there.

“It’ll just be a quickie.”

I try to stay focused.

“Hon,” I stammer.

“Come on!” you plead.

“I need this. And, from what I’m sensing, so do you.”

My cock is beginning to get hard under your hand movements.

“Please,” you say, reaching your hand up to my zipper.

You slowly begin to pull it down and I make no motion to stop you.

“You’ve had a long day and deserve some relaxation.”


I can’t respond. You have already fished my cock out and are stroking my semi-erect organ.

“It’ll be quick?”

I ask, trying to demonstrate some sort of control of the situation. You step so you are straddling my left leg. You reach down to the hem of your skirt and tantalizing begin to raise it. The moments pass like hours as I watch your stocking encased legs become more visible. I love the way your legs look like that, wrapped in the tight black material; stretched and taunt like the calves and thighs beneath them. I notice that your stocking becomes a solid black and my eyes widen as the creamy flesh of your thigh is exposed. My eyes follow the garter line up your thigh, tracing the contour of your delicious skin. My eyes bulge out of my skull as I next see the red teddiete you are wearing underneath your sexy clothes. My cock twitches in your hand with excitement. You hold your skirt up to your belly so I can see your crotch. The red material hugging your smooth stomach and pulling up into those bald, moist pussy lips. I can smell your sex. You release my cock and use that hand to unsnap the buttons covering your pussy.

“Feel it,” you command while returning your hand to my now rock hard cock.

I tentatively reach forward. I bring my hand to your inner thigh and slowly let my fingers wander further up. I watch your head reel back as I reach your moist hole. I can feel the cum already covering your lips and I rub them, working the cum into your flesh. I listen to you breathe as I slowly sink my finger in.

“You are really wet.”

You bring your head back and stare into my eyes.

“So, a quickie then?”

I nod and your smile grows ten times. You release my cock and spin around. You bend over slightly as I turn my chair more out from the desk; my hard cock standing straight up. You reach behind you and grasp it. Slowly, you begin to sit down in my lamp, guiding my cock to your waiting slit. But you stop when the head touches your lips. You begin to rub it around, getting it wet. You then bring it up to your clit and rub the head in a circle over your hard bud.



You bring my cock back to your pussy and slowly begin to slide down it. I gasp as the head enters your warm enfolds. You get about one-third in and then you begin to move up and down just this third; letting your juices run down my cock. Suddenly, you slide down the entire length. Both of gasp as you take me all the way. I wrap my hands around your tummy and hold you still for a second, letting my cock twitch inside your shaking pussy. Your skirt has flopped down, covering our crotches. When we calm down, I release you. You begin to ride me; setting a modest pace. You lean back to kiss me as you wrap your arm around my neck. I reach up with my hands and allow them to explore your chest as your tongue explores me mouth. I cup your breasts through your blouse and begin to squeeze them. I hear you moan in my mouth. I undo the top few buttons, enough to work my hands inside. I palm bakırköy escort your encased breasts, rubbing your hard nipples with the center of my palm. I love the feeling of this material.

You break our kiss so you can lean forward more. This also causes you to increase the pace. I look over your shoulder; the rep top part of the teddiete contrasted against the white of your shirt is so erotic. I use the silky material to rub the tips of your nipples, hearing you moan as I do so. I can feel you quicken your pace, enjoying the stimulation. I slide my hands down to your hips to help you with the stroke, bringing you farther up before slamming you back down into my lap. Both of us are approaching orgasm.

*Knock* *Knock*

“Hey! You in there?”

I hear a voice from outside call.

*Knock* *Knock*


I hear the call again. Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck! Not now! Why are you knocking now?!? I begin to slow down your movements, pulling you closer to me so you can’t move as much or as fast.

“Ignore it,”

I hear you say, noticing that we’ve slowed down.

“I can’t. I have to answer it.”

“Hon, please. I’m so close.”

“So am I, but I have to.”

“Just a little more. Please! Can’t you feel how close I am?”

Of course I can.

“I need to cum!”

So do I, but not now.

“I’ll be right there,” I call, ending the debate.

“Fuck! Where I am supposed to go?”

You angrily ask as I push you up from me.

“I dunno,” I frantically reply while zipping up my pants.

I watch you straighten out your skirt and shirt as I head over to the door.

“We’ll finish this later. Just hide under the desk.”


“Just do it. Please? I promise, we’ll finish later.”

“We better,” you say and I can hear all the frustration in your voice.

I watch you crawl under the desk before I open the door.

“Tom! What a pleasant surprise.”

Tom walks into my office as I quickly hurry back to my chair and roll close to the desk; hoping that he didn’t see the huge tent in my pants.

“What’s going on? Why was your door locked?”

“Oh, I must have done it accidentally when I came back from the bathroom. So…..why are you still here? I mean, I’m just finishing up some work,”

I say while holding up some papers to emphasize the point.

I feel you shift underneath the desk. I quickly look down to see if you’re all right. I see you on your knees smiling up at me with a certain devilish twinkle in your eye. I don’t think I like where this is going.

“Oh, you know. Just finishing up some work myself.”

I feel your hand on my zipper. No, I definitely don’t like where this is going. But I can’t stop you. I can’t just swat your hand away. What the hell would that look like to my senior; the guy who kind of is my boss or the go-between guy between me and my actual boss.

“Actually, I was just on my last set of papers.”

I feel you begin to lower my zipper.

“Good,” I say a little loud.

I was trying to cover up the sound, but I think I just came off like a teenager whose voice is cracking. I feel you fishing around in my pants, trying to work my hard cock out through the opening.

“I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

I feel you expose my cock as you slowly stroke it.


I gulp.

“Well, afterwards to do you want to go out and get some drinks or something?”

I notice Tom look over at the clock to check the time. I use this opportunity to look down at you with a look in my eyes that says, “Please?”

But there you are, with your mouth mere millimeters from my cock and all you do is flash your eyes up at me. I know that look and I can read your mind, “Revenge!”

I feel your mouth sink over my cock.

“No,” I say cracking my voice slightly as you engulf the head, “I don’t think I can.”

Tom looks at me.

“Dinner with my girlfriend. We’re going out tonight after I finish this stuff so I can’t.”

“Oh, okay.”

Thank G-d! Now leave Tom, leave. Let this punishment end.

“So, did you catch that Devils game last night?”

Fuck! I feel you sliding your mouth down the shaft.

“Yeah I did. Great game. They won 3-2 in the last few minutes,” I say quickly, trying to hurry myself through this conversation.

“Yeah, but I felt their enforcers weren’t doing that well.”

I feel you reach bottom, the head of my cock is tickling the back of your throat.

“I mean, they could…..”

Blah blah blah. I can’t concentrate right now, Tom. All I can do is nod. I feel you licking your juices off my cock.

“And that second goal…..”

You nose buried in my pubic hair.

“They shouldn’t be playing that style……”

Your tongue licking the underside of my shaft.

“And I think they need to get a better farm system….”

Your lips sliding up and down over the head.

“Of course, they’ll still make the playoffs…..”

The tip of your tongue sliding over the hole beşiktaş escort at the tip of my cock.

“Who is their competition? Seriously!”

I shudder. I can’t take it any longer.

“No, I agree, Tom. Look I really have to finish this stuff. You mind?”

Tom begins to rise.

“No, no. I should probably go anyway. Well, I’m the only other person here, so if you need anything, end of the hall buddy.”

Tom walks to the door.

“Oh, and lock up when you’re done.”

He turns to leave, but I call out to stop him,

“Tom, since your right there, can you do a friend a favor?”

Tom reaches down and locks the door. Finally he’s gone. I pull my chair back a foot or two, pulling my cock out of your warm wet mouth with a pop.


“Thank G-d he finally left,” you say while walking forward to me on your knees.

“No kidding,” I say.

But you cut me off, “Now we can get back to business.”

As you finish the last word, you dive down and swallow my whole length. I gasp, feeling the back of your throat again. You begin to bob your head up and down, using your hand to jerk off the bottom section. I put my hand on the back of your head as you quicken your pace. I push your head further down. You remove your hand so you can take as much of me as you can. I feel your tongue sliding along the shaft. With my hand on your head, you bob up and down.

“Oh G-d hon! That feels so good!”

At those words, you begin to move faster.

“Yeah! Faster!”

And you comply. Your mouth rising to the tip of the head and then plunging back down. I can feel my cock beginning to twitch inside your waiting mouth.

“Suck it harder!”

I feel you instantly tighten your lips, increasing the suction, pulling more on my cock. I use the hand on your head to maintain pace. I think I might even push and pull your head faster as I get closer to orgasm. I love the feeling of your lips when you do this, when you are fucking me with your face. Your mouth feels better than your pussy sometimes when you suck me off this way. It’s so tight and you’re moving so fast; plus your pussy doesn’t have a tongue. I don’t want you to lick the head, I don’t want you to swirl your tongue around the shaft; right now all I need is for you to use your mouth like you would your pussy.

I clench my teeth and my eyes. Your tongue is pushing against the shaft, increasing the pressure on my cock as you slide up and down it. I can feel my balls tightening. With instinct, you reach down and begin to fondle them, feeling them tighten and pull up towards my body. I can feel the pressure building in them as your hot little hand gently rolls them. Briefly, I wonder I your fingertips will be able to feel the cum being squeezed out of them, if your lips and/or tongue will feel the cum racing through my cock, if your cheeks can feel the head bulging before it unleashes a torrent of cum? And then the thinking stops as the event occurs. No more wondering because now it is happening. I feel it surge through my body as I shove your head down on my cock, holding you there for a second as I begin to erupt inside your mouth, shooting hot sticky cum down your throat. After the first jet or two I relax my hand and you begin to move your head. Still swallowing, you use your mouth to tickle the nerves in my cock, licking the tip to coax out more cum, causing my cock to spasm and electricity to shoot up my spine. Finally, the hand on your head goes limp and you know that I’m completely spent. A big smile appears on my face as I feel my body glow.

You stand up and lean over my limp body.

“You seemed to enjoy that.”

“Oh and I think you will enjoy what you’re about to get,” I say suddenly rising.

A surge of energy rushes through my body as I pick you up and sit you on the edge of my desk. I spread your legs wide and I lean in to kiss you.

“A promise is a promise,” I say before dropping down to my knees.

I stare at your still exposed pussy. I notice that it is still wet. But I feel that you deserve similar treatment to how you teased and tortured me. Fair is fair? I lean forward and kiss the top of your stocking. I suck on the flesh and lick it with my tongue. I follow your garter line up your thigh, tasting the warm flesh. I can feel the hot moisture of your pussy as I kiss the area in between your leg and your torso. I kiss up to your pussy, so close that the corner of my lip gently pushes against your right pussy lip. But I kiss upwards, making an arch over your pussy. But a close arch. So close that a few millimeters down and I would have been kissing your clit. I reach the other thigh and begin to lick this gorgeous leg.

I make my way down to the top of your stocking. I lick all around it, covering the entire curve of your thigh. I look up to see you are supporting yourself with your arms behind you. I move back to my central target. I bring my mouth in close. So close that I decide to pant onto your damp slit. I watch your lips begin to open more; the thought beylikdüzü escort of pleasure to come has open them to invitation. I stick my tongue out. I use the tip to barely lick the topmost part of your pussy lips; just barely touching you. I can hear the little noises you are making and I know that this is driving you wild. I slowly begin to lick more of your lips, but not very much. Finally, I lay my tongue flat and lick you from bottom to top. I hear you moan with minor relief.

But then I go back to just barely touching you. Licking you several times but barely touching the tip of my tongue to your pussy. After five strokes of this, I again lick you from bottom to top with a broad stroke. I repeat the earlier five strokes before licking you again with a broad one, this time letting the tip of my tongue quickly tease your clit. I begin to lightly rub each pussy lip with my tongue. Coasting down one and then up the other. After several times of this, I quickly plunge my tongue into your pussy, swirl it around and remove it. I go back to coating your lips with the saliva from my tongue. Not like they need it, I can see the cum starting to drip out your hungry hole.

I push my tongue back in. I slowly circle it around, tasting your walls. I put the thumb of my hand on your clit and rub it gently. I stop my tongue and continue the motions on your clit. Then I stop my hand and just lick you. Giving you one but depriving you of the other. I then remove both and decide it is now time to really begin the teasing.

I lean forward and pant on your clit. As I do this, I slowly bring my finger to your pussy lips. I begin to gently rub them with the tip of my finger. I move my finger to the top of your hole. As I slowly push it inside you, I slowly bring my mouth down onto your clit. I feel your walls quake around my finger. I push it all the way in as my mouth sinks around your clit. I begin to suck on your clit as my finger begins to slide in and out of your pussy. I add a second finger.

Once both are inside, I begin to swirl them around. My tongue begins to circle your clit, following my fingers. I feel you getting ready; all that earlier action must have left you quite horny and ready to go, eh? I can feel your walls begin to tighten and I know that I can bring you to orgasm soon. So, I shove my fingers up to your G-spot. I let the tips of them rest on it as I reposition my tongue so the tip rests on top of your clit. As I push down with my fingers, my tongue pushes down on your clit. I begin to move them in unison as I hear your moans get louder. I slowly increase the pace. I can feel your walls getting tighter. I begin to slide my fingers in and out of you to give you more stimulation. I can feel how close you are. I listen to your breathing and I can sense the effect I’m having on you. I know that if I just keep sliding my fingers quickly in and out of your tight pussy, if I keep pushing them into the center of your G-spot, and if I keep pushing down on your clit with my tongue, you will come in seconds. I watch your chest rise and fall. I feel your thighs tighten. I hear you begin to scream.

And then I stop. I pull my fingers out and I lift my tongue up. I wait. I see you look down at me and smile.

“So, we’re playing this game?” your eyes ask me.

Before I respond in any way I shove my fingers back into you. I hear you gasp as I go back to stroking and licking you. I begin to not just thrust into you, but I rub your G-spot now in circles as I push into it. My tongue does the same and moves in circles over your clit as it pushes down on it. Maybe it’s because you were so close before, but I can feel you getting tight once again. I might have to wait longer next time. Or maybe I should slow down my fingers? They are fucking you pretty fast. No, a second round at this speed will be fine. And by the way your body is responding, I can see you don’t mind either.

In fact, you seem to like the fact that I am hitting dead center of your G-spot and rubbing that really sensitive area a few times before sliding down your canal. I maintain this pace, letting your body do the work. The stimulation is there and I know you are enjoying it; my cum covered hand tells me so. I maintain this pace and these actions, feeling you get close to orgasm a second time. I can feel your pussy start to convulse. I hear your rapid breathing. I move even faster to tempt you further down the path. I watch your head fly back as you ready yourself for………………….not having an orgasm.

I remove everything from you. You whip your head back down to me.

“Enough is enough,” you seem to be saying.

But before you can even say anything, my lips lock around your clit and begin to suck hard on it. Now, I know you know how this game is played, even though you seem to quite often forget the rules. I guess we’ll just have to keep going until you remember them. This time I suck hard on your clit and let my tongue lick all around it. My fingers fly in and out of you. I want you to get close again and fast as possible. The more times you almost cum, the more you will want to. Maybe then you might remember the rules. Then again, maybe I should stop circling my tongue around your clit so fast so you can divert some brain power to trying to remember them. Still, these rules are kind of innate. When you want to cum, tell me.

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No Reason To Sleep

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Saturday is our normal “date night.” You know, the week is done and we can go out to dinner or a movie and not have to worry about getting up the next morning. It’s also a night where we can just relax with each other doing something besides our every night normal routine.

We had discovered that the local comedy club was hosting one of the comics from the Last Comic Standing reality program so along with another couple (T what cons?

From there we talked about other topics sexual, clothing optional beaches, another couple we both knew that was into swinging selectively and all of the good natured teasing that went with it.

(No folks, there is no foursome in this story… just hang with me here for a couple of more paragraphs and I promise there will be some sex)

I should mention that D had a just to the knee skirt on tonight so as she sat across from me on the deck I had a great view of her lovely legs as well as her lace panties every time she parted them. She knew it too and for a while, she was teasing me with the view.

And it wasn’t just her legs that looked good. The top she had on did nothing to hide the fact that she really does have gorgeous breasts and the candles and torches on the deck gave her a very sensual lighting. I think the best description was that she looked infinitely edible.

By the time we stopped drinking anything but water, it was close to 1 a.m. and we headed home for what I thought would be some cuddling and spooning together before falling asleep for the night.

Silly me… because she definitely had other plans.

We got back to the apartment and after feeding and explaining things to our cat, (you know how cats look at you when you leave them for 7 – 8 hours without a snack) I climbed into bed and waited for her to join me.

The perfume she took the time to put on should have been a dead giveaway. Then again, it wasn’t all that long before she pulled back the sheet and slid down to take me into her mouth, and at that point I definitely knew that it wasn’t time for sleep.

There wasn’t much gentleness in her sucking. It was more like she was telling me I want you hard and ready…. NOW! And if I still wasn’t sure, then when she reached to the nightstand to pull out her bullet vibe I absolutely knew that she was ready to play.

She was already wet when she moved up to straddle my hips and guide me inside. Her hips raised and lowered a couple of times before I heard the sound of the vibe start buzzing and when she lifted up this time, I helped her place the bullet in between us directly on her clit.

The extra stimulation from the vibe means that she doesn’t have to move nearly as much to stimulate her clit and frankly, I like having her just kind of hovering on top of me. I can play with her nipples which is a great turn on for both of us and can also enjoy the feeling of being deep inside of her and feeling the way her pussy responds as she gets closer and closer to climaxing…… which she did less than a minute after we got the vibrator in place.

And it wasn’t just once; it was multiple times once she got started. She kartal escort had two while she was leaning back with her hands on my thighs and then 2 or 3 more when she lay down on my chest and we kissed. Her hips never stopped moving and if I hadn’t been covering her mouth with mine, her moans would surely have wakened the entire complex.

I heard her say something that sounded like “turn it off,” and once I figured out what she wanted, turned off the vibe and helped her to climb off of me and lay back on the bed.

It didn’t bother me that I had been kind of close to cumming and never did. I had been tired when I climbed into bed and the prospect of another half or so of serious sexual activity sounds like fun only if you know you have the energy to do so… wrong answer according to her.

We cleaned up and cuddled for a couple of minutes and then damned if she didn’t slide back down and take me in her mouth again. It was only a couple of minutes before I told her to get up on her knees.

I grabbed the oil from the nightstand and the other vibrator in the drawer (an egg if you really needed to know) and then moved in behind her.

I poured some of oil on my hand and while I was coating and stroking my shaft a couple of times I heard the other vibe start buzzing again. She had already moved it back to her clit and was holding it there with one hand.

I slid easily back inside of her and started a slow paced, long strokes rhythm in and out of her.

Inside I could feel her clasping at the head of my cock as I moved back and forth and when I changed the angle a little bit she started matching my movements in with her own thrusting back at me.

Thank god for a solid bed frame because we were quickly both moving with more intensity until she once again started cumming.

I grabbed her hips and pulled her tight to me until the climax finished and then once again started stroking my full length in and out.

All too soon she came again so I decided to switch tactics.

I turned the control dial of the other vibe (I know, you wondered when I was going to get to it) and laid the silver egg in between her ass cheeks. Neither of us is into anal sex but having the vibe in the proximity of her ass is enough to really set her off and it was doing that tonight.

“Take the vibe off your clit” I told her.

She did, so now what she was feeling was the long, slow, in and out movement of my cock inside of her and the egg vibrating between her ass.

I counted silently half a dozen strokes and told her to put the vibe back on her clit.

Her pussy tightened up around me the instant the vibe made contact with her clit and now the game began.

I let her keep the vibe there for a few seconds of every minute so she never had it there long enough for her to cum but at the same time it took her very close to the edge. And the one time she didn’t remove it; I spanked her and told her that if she didn’t listen I would take it away.

She listened……

For the next several minutes she followed my cues and pacing and as I got bostancı escort closer and closer to reaching my own climax, I kept increasing the level of vibration of the other vibe, the one that was now deep between the globes of her ass because my thumb was holding it there.

She was moaning non stop now and when I got to the edge of cumming I told her for the last time to put the vibe back.

The combination of my cock starting to cum and having deprived her from climaxing for so long put her over the edge as well when the vibe was back on her clit. It was hard to hold onto her, even with both hands on her hips now as she shook and pounded her hips against me, climax after climax rolling over her.

I’m not sure what she screamed into the pillow but it sounded like… (well you know what it sounds like) and we stayed locked together like that until I reached down and took the vibe from her hand, then turned off the second one as well.

I didn’t want to pull out of her so I stayed where I was, running my fingertips down her back and then up along her sides, blowing some cool air onto her back.

It wasn’t until she kind of slithered to stretch onto her stomach that I finally moved out of her and got off the bed to go get a warm cloth and some cool water.

I left her the cloth and on my way to the kitchen, there sits the cat in the middle of the hall looking at me like “are you two about done yet?”

“This floor ain’t the best for sleeping on you know; I want my corner of the bed back.”

I told him to deal with it…. and got a bottle of water out of the fridge, dinking about half of it before bringing it back to the bedroom for her.

End of the story you’re asking?


She drank the other half the bottle and got up to use the bathroom. I made an attempt at getting the sheets and comforter back on the bed.

She came back to the bed, lay on her side facing me and said “why don’t you get the other toy out of the drawer.”

I kid you not.

Folks, I’m 50, been hard off and on for the last hour and a half, had a fair amount of alcohol in the last 6 hours and just had a great cum about 10 minutes ago….. And it’s now after 3 in the morning.

Yes, I reached over and got her other toy out of the drawer.

So where was I? Oh yes.

She reached for the toy and rather than letting her have it, I told her to just lie back and once more let me take care of her pleasure.

Her idea of laying back included her hands squeezing and massaging her breasts while I teased between her lips with the tip of the toy. I could tell from how easily it was sliding that we weren’t going to need any other lube than what her excited state was producing.

Every so often I would let the vibe slide all the way up to her clit and thoroughly enjoyed the way that she thrust her hips at it, trying to maintain the brief contact I was allowing her.

Massaging her breasts had progressed to her gently pulling at and pinching her nipples and knowing that she is pretty much hotwired from her nipples to between her legs, used maltepe escort that moment to gently slide the head of the fake cock inside of her.

She moaned once and didn’t need to tell me that she wanted more inside of her, so I turned up the speed slightly and began to work its length further and further inside with each stroke.

There were minutes where I left the vibe buried inside and would suck on the nipple closest to me, and other periods of time where I was stroking the toy almost completely in and out of her, varying the angle to make sure that I wasn’t missing any of her hot spots.

She was close to cumming again and I decided to see if the pacing and denial of completion that had worked earlier tonight would have the same effect now.

“Hold it back babe,” I told her.

“You can get close but I don’t want you to cum until I let you finish.”

“Ok, but it’s hard not to cum….. I’ll try,” she half moaned in response.

I could feel her pussy squeezing hard around the toy, almost squeezing it out each time I stopped the inward pressure. I knew she was ready.

“Count with me,” I told her.

“You can cum on 3.”

Her head was on my arm and with my lips near her ear we counted the numbers, seconds in between each, and on 3, held the vibe steady inside of her and just let the climax overtake her.

Covering her mouth with mine, I was able to smother the scream that followed and when I felt her body relax slightly from coming off the high of the climax I said to her “I’m going to count to 5 this time.”

If she had wanted to stop she would have said so. She gets into a zone like this at times where the first cum is just that, the first.

It’s like an appetizer.

I lowered my mouth to a nipple and said “one.”

At the same time I changed the angle that the vibe was sliding in and out so that the tip was pushing against the top of her canal and I could feel her start vibrating when I left the nipple long enough to say “two.”

By four one of her legs was twitching almost non-stop and to her credit, she held back her release until I said “five,” and covered her mouth with mine once again.

How do you describe a woman overcome with physical pleasure?

Her body was shaking, she was moaning loudly, trying to take my tongue inside of her mouth as deep as the toy was inside of her. The gate had been opened. She was cumming now every time I slid the toy back inside of her and now the pace of slowly pulling it out and working it back in was intended to let her ride the crest of each of those mini-climaxes that she was experiencing.

I don’t know for sure how long we stayed like this, but eventually I did turn off the vibe, leaving it inside of her, wrapped my arms around her and kissed her forehead softly.

She was still moving a bit erratically but the deep shudders had passed a few minutes later. When her breathing slowed as well I removed the toy and rolled her onto her back to try to make her comfortable.

Some gentle cleaning, cool water and some quiet laughter between us and we were ready to call it a … ……morning?

It seems that my personal version of the energizer bunny had finally had enough.

I had too but as I drifted off to sleep, feeling her head on my shoulder and one leg draped across mine, I was thinking about what else we could do the next time we felt like staying up late and playing with toys.

DB 7/22/2007

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