İlk Kez Erkek Kardesime Sikdirdim

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Slm. ben 19 yasindayim bu yazmis oldugun tamamiyle gercektir. ben bir yil oldu evleneli .esim 20 yasinda haziranda askere gitdi. istanbulda oturuyorum.ama nede olsa geceleri biraz korkuyordum. bende kirsehir den kardesim gelsin yanimda kalsin dedim kardesim.17 yasinda yakisikli biridir.ama bugune kadar hic aklimdan. ona karsi bireyler hizsetmezdim iki haftadir kardesim yanimda kaliyor nede olsa genc dedim ona bir oda verdim .orada kaliyordu. bende gunluk islerimle ugrasiyordum. aksamlari sohbet ederdik.yine boyle sohbet ediyorduk. 8.7.2005 gece saat baya ilerlemisdi. ben kardesime sordum kiz arkadasin varmi dedim .oda yok apla dedi.belki isdanbulda bulurum bir kiz diyordu. bende ona sende bekar bende bekar sayilirim dedim .enisdeyin.askerliginin bitmesine cok vardedim. oda bana evet apla ya.gunler gecmez diyordu.ben izmir escort ona hadi yatalim artik saat cok gec oldu deim ve kahdik yatmaya gitdik. gece saat. 3.30 gibi birinin bana dokundugunu gordum.gozumun araligindan bakdimki kardesim beni oksuyor.memelerimi elliyor .yalan olmasin bende takrik olmadim degil.sen daha uyumadinmi erdal dedim yavasca oda yok dedi sadece ama elleri titriyordu bunu hissetdim.bende aplan kurban olsun sana dedim .gel yanima uzan bari dedim hemen geldi usdunde bicamasi vardi. ama siki kahmisdi dislerime deyiyordu.bende cesaret alarak saclarini oksadim yanagindan opdum. o daha cesaret alip iyice yanima sokulmaya basladi.benimde canim isdiyordu. ben dedimki erdal kardesim artik .ben kiz degilim ama bu yapdiklarimiz aramisda kalsin olurmu .tabi apla kimseye dermiyim ben delimiyim diyordu.sonra izmir escort bayan bana sorular soruyordu apla enisdem nasildi dedi bende cok iyidi nasil dayanacam gelene kadar dedim .olurmu apla ben varim ya beni erkeklik den saymiyormusun dedi.sadece soyledigim sey bilmem dedim.elimi eline aldi picamasinin usdunde sikinin usdune koydu.ama allahim oneydi oyle. kazik gibi duruyordu.birtarafdan memelerimi sikiyor beni daha cok azdiriyordu. bende yavas yavas sikini oksamaya basladim.bir cirpida picamasini cikardiki.elimde kocaman bir yarak vardi kocamin sikinden hem buyuk hemde basi cok kalindi.erdal ne kadar buyuk sikin vardedim.evet apla tam 19cm dedi. artik ipler kopmusdu. eliyle basimi asagiya cekerek.yalamami isdiyordu.bende yavasca egildim dil darbeleri atiyordum sonra agzima almaya basladim.harika bir escort izmir tadi vardi..sonra o egildi amcigimi oksuyordu. kilodumu cikardi diliyle yalamaya basladi dilini iyice icine sokup cikariyordu.boyle saat sabahin 5 olmusdu . yavasca usdume cikdi sikini amcigima dayamaya basladi. gercekden harikaydi basini sokdukdan sonra birden hepsini sokdu .yavas ol erdal dedim tamam apla korma dedi .sonra sikmeye basladi beni inanin bana amcigimin dudaklari kopurmusdu.ikimizde zevk aliyorduk hem beni sikiyordu. bir yandanda enisdem gelene kadar seni ben sikerim diyordu bu beni daha cok azdiriyordu.her pozisyonda denedik.artik ikinci kocamda kardesim olmusdu.apla gelecegim demeye baslayinca. egildim agzima aldim ilik ilik bogazima bosaldi .harika tadi vardi yutdum hepsini sonra. uyuduk sabah kahdik beraber banyo yapdik artik kocam gelene kadar kardesim beni sikicek. bu satirlari sizlere yazarken kardesimde porno filim izliyor .ikimizde cekinmiyoruz hergun beraber yatiyoruz ciplak.hersey aklima gelirdi fakat kardesinim yaragini yiyecam aklima gelmezdi.Gönderen: hulya

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Teyzemle Sex

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Merhaba arkadaşlar anlatacağım olay bu sene istanbulda oldu.Bilirsiniz annenizin amca kızına teyze dersiniz ben hep Gönül teyzeyi hayal ederek mastürbasyon yapardım onların evi bizim eve çok yakındı şimdi taşındılar bir gün bizimkiler ve onların ailesi uzak bir yere misafirliğe gitmişlerdi. Ben evde tektim tv izliyordum kapı çaldı.Açtım Gönül teyzem bana “Ne yapıyorsun evde tek basına”dedi…Bende tv seyrediyorum dedim..Bana dediki birazdan bize gel evde kimse yok çay yapıcam bahçelievler escort beraber içeriz dedi ama bir şartla dedi ve ekledi gelirken duş alıp gel…Ben biraz durakladım tabii “n`olur” dedi bende tamam dedim.. 30 dk.sonra gittim kapıyı açtı oturduk bekle dedi iyi bir kıyafet giyeyim dedi 10 dk. sonra kısa bol bir etek üstünde az dekolte göğüsleri az açık bir kıyafet geldi karşıma oturdu bacak bacak üstüne attı benim gözler uçtu tabi bana dediki beni istanbul anal escort nasıl buldun dedi ben de fıstık gibisin dedim… Sonra yandaki masada bi kagıt vardı bişey yazıcam dedi sonra kalemi bilerek yere attı tam eteğinin altına gitti sonra kalemi verirmisin dedi ben eğildim kalemi almak için sonra baktım öf ne bacaklardı süt gibi 10-15 sn. durakladım baktım tabi o da anladı sonra kalemi verdim.. Ben sonra yerime oturdum arka odaya geçti bana bol istanbul türbanlı escort bir şort getirdi bunu giy rahat edersin dedi..Bende geçtim arka odaya giydim yine oturdum yerime çok yakışmış dedi oturdu yerine oturdu ama ben nerdeyse herşeyini görüyorum benim alet bi kalktı ne biçim..O da farketti ben çok utandım sonra kalktı ayağa ve benim aletin üstüne oturdu aramızda 8 cmlik mesafe var..Benim dudaklara bir yapıştı..ben dururmuyum bende öpmeye başladım sonra durdu ve bana dediki beni sik Sonra gittik yatak odasına ilk önce doyasıya öpüştük ondan sonra elbisesini çıkardım başladım memelerini yalamaya ondan sonra bunun amına bir döşedim öff.amına sokarken benimki girmedi ilk onun amı biraz dardı sonra aletimi yaladı bi soktum amına beraber boşaldık arada sırada onu sikerim …Gönderen: remzix0499

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Merhaba arkadaşlar geçen yaz anneannem bize tatile gelmişti. Kendisi istanbulda oturur bizde antalyada dedem öleli yaklaşık 7-8 sene falan oluyor. Anneannem öyle çok güzel dolgun vücutlu bi kadın falan değildir. Her yerden çökmüş bi moruktur. Ama yine de onu siktim nasılmı? Şööle:..Anneannem o gün sabah beni yanağımdan öpüp uyandırdı hadi oğlum kalkta beni biraz gezdir dedi.Bende olur anneanne giyineyim geliyorum dedim.Fakat o gittikten sonra odada tekrar uyuya kalmışım uyanınca hemen kalkıp soyundum kilodumu atletimi değiştiriyordum ki kapı açıldı sen hala kalkmadınmı diye gelmiş anneannem benim mal sabah vakti alkık durumda anneanneme doğru dönük öylece kala kaldım. Sonra kapıyı kapatıp dışarı çıktı bu beni çok etkilemişti.Ama onu sikebileceğimi hiç düşünmüyordum.Kahvaltıda nereye bahçelievler escort gidelim dedim. Şöyle sessiz bir plaja götürde kimsenin olmadığı bir yerde denize gireyim dedi bende olur dedim.Onu kemerin ilersinde bir plaja götürdüm. Annemden aldığı mayoyu giymek için arabaya geçti bende çaktırmadan onu izliyordum.Yaşlı maşlıydı ama benim sikimi kaldırmıştı.mayosunu giyip yanıma geldiğinde onu tanıyamıyacaktım. Mayo götünü ve göğüslerini sıktığından olacak taş gibi bi karı olmuştu. Hemen onu kucağıma alıp şakalaşarak onu denize attım.Denizde gülüşmeye başladık. Derken hadi sahile çıkıp biraz dinlenelim dedi ve çıktık.Az ilerde iki genç sahilde sevişiyorlardı anneannem edepsizler diyesöylendi bende niye kızıyorsun sen yapamıyorsun diyemi dedim. Oda istanbul anal escort benim neyim eksikmiş papaz diye kızdı bana bende bakalım herşeyin tammı dedim onu kucağıma alıp arabanın arka tarafına yatırdım napıyorsun diye bağırıyordu ama nafile her tarafını okşamaya başladım. Dudağına bi yumuldumki karı nefessizlikten gidecekti bir yandan çırpınıyor bir yandan beni iteklemeye çalışıyordu. Mayosunun kenarını elimle açıp amını buldum yalamaya başladım bizimkinin çırpınmaları durdu sadece yapma nolur olum sen benim torunumsun diyordu. Amını yalaya yalaya iyice sulandırmıştım bizim ufaklığı çıkartıp amına soktum çok heyecanlanmışımki bir iki gitgelden sonra hemen boşaldım ama hala içimde bir arzu vardı.Yala bunu özlemedinmi diye ağzına verdim malı. ama yalamak istanbul türbanlı escort istemiyor ağzından dışarı çıkarıyordu. Bende sen bilirsin dedim arabadan telefonumu aldım bir elimde telefon bir yandan bunu soyuyordum telefonla kameraya alıyordum. İstediğimi yapmazsan bunu herkese yayarım dedim.Koca kadın ağlamaya başladı tamam dedi ver ağzıma..Önce takma dişlerini çıkardı sonra ağzına alıp somurmaya başladı. O ne emmeydi öyle şimdiye kadar kimse böyle emmemişti sikimi tertemiz etti bizim oğlanda tekrar ayağa fırladı busefer anneannemi domalttım piknik için yanımızda getirdiğimiz yağdan bunun götüne ve benim oğlana sürdümAnneannem artık kıvranmıyor sadece ağlıyordu. Sikimi götünde sürtmeye başladım biraz uğraştıktan sonra lob diye giriverdi anneannemde bastı çığlığı sus böyle yakalanmakmı istiyorsun dedim o da sustu.Götünü kanırta kanırta siktim.Nolur oğlum yeter bari önümden sik deyince götünden çıkarıp onu köpek pozisyonunda tutup tekrar amına geçirmeye başladım. Bu pozisyonda amı daha dardı hem bana hem ona zevk veriyordu amı iyice sulanmış artık ağlamanın yerini inlemeler almıştıGönderen: coşkun

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Teyzemin Kizi Dudule

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Asuman, kizda ne göt, ne meme var gördükce aziyom,azdikca 31 cekiyom.Onu sikmek icin herseyi veririm.Banyoda köyde kapinin önünde durarken sikmek istedim ama sikemedim. Sonra baska bi gün azdim, koskoca evde kimse yoktu,asumanda banyoya girecekti.Ben asagida seni beklicem diyip. Kendimi banyonun oldugu kata sakladim. Odasindan cikti Üzerinde bi Tanga esenyurt escort vardi, memisleri acik sallaniyo top top. Banyoya girdi, bende bu sirada 31 cekiyodum,dayanadim kapiya yanastim,ayak sesimi duydu;Burak senmisin desi,;bende evet dedim.Iceriye attim kendimi:o amcik daha hic sikilmemis bi amcik tam sirsiydi, tuttum kolundan attim kadıköy escort yataga,yapma Burak diye inliyodu,benim 22 cm lik azmis yarragiamina yanastirdim,yavasca girdim,inliyordu ama o`da istiyodu verdikce verdim durmadim, sonunda amina bosaldim;yala dedim saclarindan tutup yalattidim, meinimi yüzüne sicrattim onuda yaladi.Memelerinin avcılar escort arasina soktum aleti, cok istermis gibi tutup memelerini yarragi kaydirdim, sira götüne geldi üc-dört kez amina bi daha bosalip,götünede bosaldim.Ertesi gün annemgil bi daha yoklarken, Asuman yanima geldi;sik beni dedi,bu sefer onun bosalmasini istedim.Evdeki muzu alip soktum o tam sikimlik amina, durmadan bosaldi,bi ara aybasisinla bosalmasi bi yoldu amini yalamaya basldim aybassininla,meninini yuttum,cok leziz.Bahcede benimkini yalamak istedi, istedigin gibi olsun dedim,yaladi, bu bi rüya olmaliydi tam 5 kez bosaldim yüzüne sicrattim.Gönderen: sex manyagi BURAK

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Babam Ve Arkadaşo Talat -2

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Evet talat tam 10 dk durmadan yaladı beni amım şırıl şırıl akıyordu.Babam da annemin bacaklarını omuzuna almış amına köklüyordu.Müthiş bir gece başlıyordu,Talat bacaklarımdan tuttu ve sikini tek hamle ile amıma soktu müthişti babamınkinde daha kalın olduğu için amım yırtılıyordu,gitti geldi ve hızlandı gidip geliyordu yere uzandı ve beni üstüne çekti sikinin üstüne oturup kalkmaya başladım sonra Talat babama ortak gelsene esenyurt escort hep ilk sen olmıcakmıydın dedi ve götümü iki yanağını iyice ayırdı ve babama götümü ufacık kara deliğimi sundu.Babam hemen annemden çıktı ve annemin amının suyu ile ıslak sikini götüme soktu.Çok canım yanmıştı bağırdım ama hem babam hemde Talat sikmeye devam etti.Babam götüme boşaldı ve kalktı annem hemen babamınkini ağzına aldı kadıköy escort yalıyordu.Talatta benim arkama geçti götüme sokmaya başladı müthiş arka arka orgazma ulaşıyordum.Kulağıma eğildi ve annemi ellerken onları izlediğimi gördüğünü ve bu yüzden beni istediğini söyledi,bende ona dün akşam annemi sikerkenkende gördüğümü söyledim.Ve oda götüme boşaldı ve yanımdan kalktı ve annemin ağzına sikini sokmaya başladı avcılar escort ve kızın da senin gibi seks kölesi aynı annesinin kızı dedi.Sabaha kadar babam ve Talat annemi ve beni sikebilecekleri tüm deliklerimizden siktiler.Sabah babamla Talat gittikten sonra annemle ben sevişmeye başladık annem beni eliyle okşayıp parmaklarını hem amıma hemde götüme sokuyordu.Kapı çaldı ben şortumu ve tshırtımi giyip kapıyı açtım ve Talat geri gelmişti.Babamı ikna edip annemi ve beni sikmeye gelmişti.beni öyle görünce masa domalttı ve şortumu sıyırıp sikmeye başladı annene ve sana çok güzel bir gün geçirteceğim dedi ve öylede oldu.Nemi oldu daha sonra sabredin mühteşem bir geceydi ve günü anlatacağımGönderen: annesinin kızı

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Billionaire and the Sisters Ch. 07

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A note to readers: This is a long story that unfolds chapter by chapter through the eyes of two protagonists – Mark and Elsa, and as in many of my other stories involves a growing spate of horny characters. Every ten chapters or so I will provide a short summary at the start of that episode to bring new readers up to date. This story could appear in a number of genres (Loving Wives, Incest, Lesbian, Fetish, and more) depending on the chapter, but the overall theme is Group, so I have applied this moniker to all chapters. The story is still being written, yet I intend to post a new chapter every couple of days. Enjoy.

Chapter 7 – Extravagant Gifts and St. Croix Trip


Monday did not start out as well as the weekend days with Elsa and Cindy. I was up at four-thirty and immediately checked my texts and emails. I had a message from John Thornberry of my London Office that one of the deals to trade around some cash and chemical plants in other places around the world was falling apart. He needed me in London ASAP.

I went and kissed the girls goodbye, but neither woke up enough to take in that I was leaving. I put Elsa’s cellphone beside the bed, and then left for the airport. I’d arrive in London in time for drinks and dinner with the head of Royal Chemicals and his negotiating team.

As morning got underway, I talked to Sheila and Andy at the office from my trans-Atlantic flight, and then I called Elsa, giving her a wake-up call.

Elsa said in groggy tone, “Where are you? I thought you were in the other room.”

“I think the Citation is just coming up on Newfoundland, why?”

“Newfoundland!” I could visualize her suddenly sitting up in bed.

“On the way to London, and I’m not sure when I’ll make it back. One of my deals is faltering.”

“Anything we can do?”

“Not really. Andy and Sheila will rally the troops on this American side of the pond. In another few hours I’ll start to get the details I need to get things back on track. I love you – both.”

The girls pledged their love to me, and then told me they were going to shower and dress for work. I’d arranged that when they came out of the master bedroom suite, my butler Barnes would be there offering them breakfast. I also had made sure the limousine was waiting for them to do their bidding. I’d told them to stay at the condo anytime they wanted, but I learned that evening when I called them that they each went to their own apartments. A little part of my brain verified yet again that these girls were not gold diggers.

I met with Clive Rowland, the head of Royal Chemicals, and some of his minions for five hours Monday late-afternoon into the evening, and we picked up again on Tuesday morning for another six hours. We hammered out a new agreement that he hoped would pass muster with his Board of Directors. His Board had been the reason for the scuttling of the prior agreement.

Clive set out about two o’clock London time to walk the new agreement past enough of the Board to get an indication of yea or nay on it. He urged me to stay in town one more evening in case there were further details, and so I agreed. My week’s schedule was already in chaos, but Sheila was working to keep anything else from falling apart. She was superb in that role.

I headed over to Bond Street in Mayfair to do some shopping for my new girlfriends. I wasn’t sure what I was looking for, but I knew that by most standards it would be an expensive trip. Cindy and Elsa had reluctantly kept the diamond necklaces and tennis bracelets as well as the gowns and other clothing items I’d bought for them for the Hospital Gala. I needed some other ideas.

I found the perfect gift for each of them in an exclusive jewelry store – Rolex watches. They were beautiful, very feminine, and only $14,000 each, plus applicable taxes. Each watch was rimmed in pink gold, with twenty-four diamonds around the bezel, the diamonds at each numeral being larger than those in between. The backdrop was mother of pearl inlay. The watches were functional yet a work of art.

I walked out of the high street jewelry store about five thirty just as my cellphone rang. Clive was calling to tell me that we had been successful in this go around as far as his Board was concerned. They would formally approve the swaps, mergers, and cash trades at their regular meeting on Thursday. We were both happy executives.

Clive invited me to dinner at his club, so I accepted. Clubs in London have a special meaning unlike in the U.S. The gentlemen’s clubs started in the seventeenth century for members of aristocracy, with the area around St. James Square being the epicenter of ‘club land.’ The private clubs were and are exclusive, and one could always find companionship and get bar service regardless of time of day, unlike the regular bars. Many of the clubs today have women members as well, a recent addition and break with three hundred years of tradition.

Clive belonged to a bahis firmaları club named Annabel’s at 44 Berkeley Square. The club had morphed from several prior incarnations with other names, but it had always been exclusive and swinging. Members of the royal family belonged, and many famous people have attended or been members. Lady Gaga was one of the recent entertainers.

Dinner was posh and delightful, and with a glass of port in hand Clive led me to one of the social rooms. A fashionably attired and most attractive middle-age woman welcomed him, who fawned over him so much I thought perhaps she might be an escort. Clive asked about a friend of hers, and almost instantly another knockout of a woman came and joined us from across the room. Thus, I met Lady Vane and Dame Ross.

I don’t pretend to understand the pecking order of the British honors systems, but given the youthful age of these two women, I knew they must be extraordinary individuals. In an aside, Clive told me that Lady Linda Vane had brought honor to the empire by her solo long-distance yachting around the globe; Dame Holly Ross had started some kind of special charity that met a crying need in the country and had been personally instrumental in its growth and success over the past two decades.

The women were delightful company and flirted outrageously with us. The pair reminded me of Elsa and Cindy in how they flirted, and I resolved to be a good boy and didn’t make a pass at either of them although I could have caught a few. I did however nurse several small fantasies. I’d save those for later. We ended things about eleven-thirty, and I left, leaving Clive with his two companions.

I caught a few hours of sleep at the hotel and then in the limousine, made it to Luton Airport, north of London at about five a.m. We touched down at our own airport about eight-thirty local time, and I was in the office by nine a.m. despite rush hour traffic.

A pert young twenty-year-old brunette was situated outside my office door as I arrived. She was stunning, but looked almost as if she had just finished junior high school. I wondered if she had any brains and knew her way around the company or even what a company was. I’d run into more than one airhead in the company. Her name was Melanie Wood. I told her to call me Mark and we agreed that I could call her Melanie or Mel, a name she said she liked.

I went into my office and there on my desk carefully arranged in the middle of my desk were five sheets of paper. The pages were titled in large Helvetica type: Calls you should return, Calls that came in that you don’t need to return unless you want to, Appointments for Today and Tomorrow, Things You Should Do Today, and Interesting Things That Happened While You Were Gone. Each page had a detailed list of items.

I scanned each of the five pages. They were great and told me perhaps all of what I wondered about what had been going on for the past two days that I’d been in England or traveling. Yes, I’d been in contact with the office and talked to Sheila, but these pages were a whole different insight into what had been going on.

I shouted out my office door, “Melanie, who did these five pages on my desk?”

She scurried to my door and came about ten feet into my hallowed sanctuary with a steno pad in hand. “I did, sir.”

“Who helped you?”

“No one, sir. I mean I got the information from other people, but I organized it and put those pages together. Are they all right?” She looked worried that I’d admonish her in some way.

I studied her. “Where did you learn to do this?” I smiled to show my pleasure in what she’d done.

Mel kind of shrugged. “If I’d been out of the country for two days locked in critical negotiations in a billion dollar deal, this is what I’d want to find out when I got back to my office. Sir.”

“Melanie, two things. First, these are great; this is A+ work. I am instantly impressed with your work and qualifications, whatever they may be. Your thinking is spot on, as the British say. Second, don’t call me sir. I just came from Britain, and I am not knighted, therefore I am not Sir Mark Worthington – yet. Mark is my preferred name around the office.”

“Yes, sir … errr, Mark.” Mel gave me a crooked smile and then I waved her back to her desk. I could hear a phone ringing that she needed to get. She scurried out.

At the top of the ‘Things you should do today’ page was a bullet point that read, ‘Call Elsa and Cindy to tell them you’re home and missed them. Send flowers? Dinner?” Mel was going to go far in my office. I found out later for sure that Melanie had done similar things for Andy and Sheila while I’d been gone, helping Andy’s secretary create a similar view of things. She was very creative and had done her homework. Neither Andy nor Sheila knew of the pages she assembled for me, but neither was surprised. Melanie had asked some simple questions about my social life from them.

When Sheila came in kaçak iddaa to review things with me, I asked her about Melanie. She smiled. “I thought you might like her. She’s new with the company – three months I think. She graduated college a year or two early, but the job market sucks, so she decided to try being an executive secretary since she learned all those skills when she was an early teen. She’s smart and engaging too. She was quoting Shakespeare to me yesterday about something that happened, and she knew the play, act, and scene. She’s due to rotate back downstairs when we find you an experienced executive secretary.”

I squinted my eyes at Sheila to see if she was jerking me around, as she was prone to do; it was her way to tease me. I said curtly, “Don’t move Melanie without my permission. I’d like to see her C.V. Also, kick up her salary twenty percent. I like her too, and she’s already impressed me – a lot.”

I moved into my other meetings and calls. I did call Elsa and Cindy, and set up dinner for seven-thirty. Flowers followed, sent to their work addresses thanks to Mel’s further research and my meager knowledge of where they actually worked.

I sent the limousine to pickup the girls at each of their apartments for dinner. They brought a change of clothes for the office and a small cosmetic kit that they left in the car. They came into the restaurant looking very hot in clothes that revealed a lot of cleavage. I met them at The Geneva, an upscale European restaurant, where we had an exquisite meal and teased the daylights out of each other.

Both girls asked whether I’d gotten laid during my trip. I explained that I hadn’t, and that I thought I’d had the opportunity with Lady Vane and Dame Ross, and then I teased them telling them about how hot my new secretary was, and how I was sure that I’d be ‘doing her’ across my desk before the end of the following week.

Cindy and Elsa responded by promising me untold feminine pleasures that evening, and they asked for a photo of Melanie so they could see whether they wanted their own time with her above and beyond any satisfaction that I thought I might be able to bring her.


Our teasing with Mark took on a new flavor after his sudden trip to London to glue some big deal back together. We were now taunting each other with little fantasies about fucking other people. Upon questioning, Mark admitted he’d met a couple of hot women during the trip over drinks with his important business associate. He also talked about his new secretary.

Cindy and I teased about how we might also like to fuck his new girl and do other pleasurable things to her. Cindy then talked about some hot guy in her office too, although I knew from an earlier chat with her that there was no chemistry between them. I think Mark sniffed that out too.

Mark then did something after our marvelous dinner that blew Cindy and me away. He presented each of us with a small gift as a token of his love that he’d picked up in London. He made sure we knew he’d picked each of them out personally. We each opened our little box uncertain as to what lay inside. After the wrapping paper came off, I knew it was jewelry of some kind because the store name was on the velveteen box embossed in a brass plate.

I nearly fainted. He’d bought each of us Lady Rolex wristwatches – with diamonds and platinum and pearl and other features too numerous to mention. The watches were beautiful, and from what I knew about Rolexes, they must have cost a fortune – and he bought TWO of them.

Mark put each of them on our wrists as we gushed in gratitude and expressions of love for our man. I went so far as to tell him that if he got the opportunity to do Melanie, Sheila, or anybody else, that he had a lifetime of permanent permissions slips. Cindy agreed.

Even though it was a workday the next day, we went back to Mark’s condo and made love for several hours, falling asleep in sexual exhaustion around one a.m. Cindy and I were both wearing the watches; I thought I might never take mine off. They were waterproof and hence sexproof.

I got to work about nine a.m. the next day. The sparkly watch got noticed about five minutes later by one of the secretaries. She examined the watch, did a triple take on the brand and then studied the characteristics, and then did a wild-woman super-wow freak out that let everyone in the place know that I had a wristwatch worth more than the whole friggin’ company where we all worked. Needless to say, I was embarrassed. It took a couple of hours for everyone to calm down and stop fussing over the watch my billionaire boyfriend had given me as a gift. I’m sure they thought I was doing wild sexual things to earn such a gift, and in a way they were right, but the watch had nothing to do with our sex life.

The moments at work had been awkward, and I didn’t mention the diamond necklace or the tennis bracelet either. I happened to have a rich boyfriend. I had been equally kaçak bahis impressed that he even thought to buy us anything on his trip. I had an image of Mark being totally consumed by business the entire time he wasn’t with us.

I got curious and over my lunch hour I searched on the Internet for the watch. When I found it, I was astounded with the price tag. I sat there stunned and wondering what, if anything, I should do.

I eventually texted Cindy: ‘Watch cost $14,000. Wow.’

She replied, ‘Yeah, I just looked it up too. What should we do?’

My reply, ‘Don’t lose the watch!’

We’d agreed to talk to Mark late on Friday to see if he could do anything over the weekend. When we’d had dinner, he seemed interested in doing something with us, anything, but we had no special ideas.

On the Friday afternoon call, Mark said that he planned a surprise for us. We were to go home, pack for a casual beach weekend and expect a flight on his jet. We were to bring our passports – ‘just in case.’ We were also to tell our employers that we wouldn’t be in on Monday morning. The limousine would pick us up about six-thirty on Saturday morning.

Saturday at noon, Cindy and I strolled down to the shoreline at the villa that Mark had rented for the weekend – really the rest of Saturday and all-day Sunday into Monday morning. We were on St. Croix. We’d learned on the flight down to the Caribbean that we’d leave the island about six a.m. on Monday to head home and back to work.

Mark followed us down the path to the beach. Quite purposefully, Cindy and I had put on the briefest bathing suits we had. We both had Wicked Weasel bathing suits we’d bought as a joke a few years earlier on a dare to attend a pool party. Now, they were just the right things to tease and seduce Mark.

Cindy’s suit was day-glow pink and consisted of three pieces of nearly transparent fabric – about four square-inches in a small triangle for each breast, and a two-by-three inch piece of fabric to cover her pussy. The various straps were the same vibrant color. Since Cindy was busty, the little triangles were stretched tight revealing nipples and most of her breasts. Even her areolas showed through.

My suit was a fluorescent green and was a one piece. That said it was as revealing as my sister’s. I had a similar coverage of my twat, but from there two one-inch wide straps went up over my shoulders and down my back, returning to the little rectangle of propriety by slipping under my exposed ass the way a thong did. The straps stretched a little wider across my full breasts, barely managing to cover my large areolas. Of course my nips tended to try to push through the material, especially when I thought of what I wanted to do on the beach with Mark.

There were a half-dozen large chaises down by the water. Around us were mangroves blocking the view from any other nearby homes. The beach sand was almost white it was so pure. A warm and soft southwestern breeze kissed the island.

I orchestrated the three of us on one of the large chaises with Mark in the middle. The first order of business was to slather sunscreen all over each other. Actually, Mark did Cindy and then me, touching all sorts of interesting places because our suits were so thin. We each egged him on while he was doing the other sister.

When the time came to do Mark, he suddenly found himself without a bathing suit and with two loving nearly naked females who quested after his body. His cock got lots of lotion from each of us.

Despite the presence of various sailboats a ways offshore, we roused Mark, shed our suits to join his nudity, and then had a little fuck fest right there on the private beach. We went on for about two hours, only stopping when we’d truly exhausted Mark, and even worn ourselves out resuscitating him or eating his cum out of each other while he watched and stroked his cock in anticipation of making another deposit in one of us. Finally, at the end of two hours we swam in the buff, reapplied the sunscreen, and took naps in the shade of a palm grove. We were temporarily sated.

I awoke about ninety minutes later when I heard approaching footsteps in the sand. I couldn’t do much except roll over on my stomach so that I wasn’t totally on display for whoever had decided to interrupt our recuperation.

I listened but kept my eyes closed. “Mr. Worthington, I’m sorry to interrupt, but there are several boats getting extremely close to your position.”

I heard Mark come awake. “What? Oh? Lucas? Oh! Should we move?”

Lucas spoke with authority, “We would feel better if you came up to the house. We aren’t sure of the security and you really have few places to securely hide out here.”

Mark turned to us. “Ladies, wake up. We have to move up to the house.” His voice sounded slightly strained, enough that we snapped into action.

I stretched and tried to hide my embarrassment from the bodyguard Mark often had nearby. I didn’t know where he’d come from since he hadn’t been on the plane. I learned walking up to the house that he’d come down the day before to case out the villa and surrounding area, and to clear the building of hidden cameras and bugs.

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First Timers Sara and Billy

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All through their high school senior year, Billy secretly desired Sara. Sara was everything he wasn’t. Billy was a loner. Sara was involved in many on campus clubs. Sara always made it a point to talk to Billy. Billy at first, thought the popular girl must have wanted or needed something, to be talking to him. Sara thought Billy was an old soul. Sometimes it felt like he could see into her, where others their ages didn’t see past their noses.

At graduation, one of his friends had snapped a shot of Sara hugging him. He had kept this picture in his wallet hiding, pulling it out often, wondering where she had ended up. He had stayed in the area, to help his grandparents, and was attending the local community college.

Just two weeks after fall semester started, he spied her, walking into the women’s locker room. He hung around a while to ‘run’ into her when she came out. Standing by the gates to the pool that was attached to the locker rooms he saw her again.

It was too early for a swim class she must be swimming by herself. Billy took a deep breath and went through the men’s locker room through to the pool area. Going over to the stadium seating, he spread out his class work, to look like he was there to study.

Sara saw the lanky man wander over to the concrete benches, and pull out books. She guessed he was doing some studying and went back to her lap swimming. Something nagged at her about him. Whenever she looked over the water at him he seemed to be staring her way. He was familiar to her, of that she was sure. She promised herself, as soon as she was finished with her last 10 lengths she’d go see.

Billy watched covertly as she pulled her hour glass figure out of the water, grabbing her towel and vigorously dried off. Adjusting her modest bikini, over her ample breasts and bottom, she was walking straight to him. As she got closer, her throaty laugh made him smile as always. She cried his name and jumped into his startled hug, squeezing him tight and still holding him as she started talking, asking about his summer and canlı bahis such.

Remembering that she was wet, she quickly stepped back apologizing for getting his clothes wet and proceeded to brush him with her towel as if to dry him. Billy’s body was assailed with sensations. But mainly he was thrilled she seemed so happy to see him.

Billy looked down at her upturned face, as she was remarking about how much taller he was since the last time they saw each other. She laughed and hopped up on the first step to try to be eye level with him. She succeeded in bringing her bouncy breasts closer to his face! Billy was in a trance watching them bounce and jiggle, until they were finally completely still. Sara was giggling now, pointing out how they move even more when she laughs. Billy reddened and blushed apologized, and she waved it off saying she took it as a compliment. Sara reached out and rubbed his arm gently, telling him how his red gold hair had fascinated her in school.

Billy stood and took off his shirt, showing her it was allover. He couldn’t believe what he was doing, but he figured he might as well go for it. The workouts had been worth it as she gasped seeing his nicely toned body. Sara’s face beamed! Billy its like your golden! Running her fingers lightly over the short fur on his chest, making sure to make contact with his nipples, stepping forward she ran her face on his chest enjoying the feel of it tickling her. Billy shut his eyes leaned his head back and groaned at the contact, his mind reeling.

Sara snaked her hands up to Billy’s neck and on her tippy toes pulled his face down to hers. She huskily asked him if he was seeing anyone, and when he replied no, she answered good into his mouth as they shared their first kiss. Billy was rock hard and they both knew it. Cupping her round ass in his big hands, he dragged her up closer to him.

His erection was huge! Sara was very pleasantly surprised; it seemed to press into her whole torso. Sara told Billy that maybe they should sit down since they were going to need to bahis siteleri cool off and get to their classes soon. Classes were, the last thing he was wanting to get to. Sara said they had all night and then who knows for that, so he could just be patient for the rest of the day, she would promise to make it worth the wait.

Billy nuzzling her ear told her he had been waiting for a long time to feel and kiss her. Cupping his face she showered him with light kisses ending on his mouth again. He tasted like spiced cake. She thought she could kiss him for days.

They made plans to meet up again there at the pool, at 8pm after his last class was finished, and she’d be done with her night laps. Kissing again they said their goodbyes and both left.

Billy spent his day in a haze. After leaving her, he went directly to a stall in the locker room and quickly unloaded his aching balls. He couldn’t believe his luck. Berating himself for not having made a move sooner. Well all he could do now is make up for lost time. Two more times during the day he had to relieve himself. He wanted to last a long time with her later. He was so nervous he barely ate anything.

Sara was on cloud 9. As she washed herself in the communal showers there in the locker room, she was alone and brought herself off quickly and violently, her legs were shaking and weak as she flooded them with her cum. She had always wondered about Billy, figuring the strong silent one must have a girlfriend. Having just turned 18, what a way to celebrate! Eager through her classes, she was soaked the remainder of the day.

Slipping into her suit at 6:45 that night she wanted it to be 8pm already! The deep pool was being worked on and so was missing a good 3 feet of water, so she used the shallow pool to do her exercises.

As usual at night she unlocked the combination lock on the controls, and shut off all the pool lights, and the bleacher lights. The night security guard and she were old friends, so he knew that meant she was doing laps.

Standing after a set to bahis şirketleri catch her breath, she saw Billy come out of the locker room. He stopped short, since the lights were off, but Sara called to him and explained. Stopping at the bench where her towel was, he shucked all his clothes and turned to her in the buff. She openly admired his lean form, and the menacing half hard thickness bobbing as he walked.

Sitting on the side of the pool to get used to the slightly cool temperature water, Sara swam over to him. Tugging her bottom off she wrung them out over his bulge saying fair is fair. Turning around she scooped up her almost waist long hair and gave Billy her back so he could untie her top. Pulling it off he wrung it out over her as she stood and he got his first frontal fully nude image of her. His cock jumped at the sight of her large areola and hard dark nipples.

Sliding into the pool he hugged her to him and she automatically wrapped her arms and legs around him. His erection bobbed between them like a buoy. Kissing him she let go of his neck and placed both her hands around his member. She told him to go to his knees under water so he’d be a little shorter for a sec. Rising up she impaled herself on him, only getting the first 3 or 4 inches into her tight sheath. Wrapping her limbs around him again he stood and pulled her down onto him with a handful of thrusts completely claimed her throbbing heat. Sara was sobbing. Billy froze scared he had injured her. Sara explained that it was the first time she had been so stretched and full. Looking into his eyes she told him it was the best pain shed ever felt. Dipping his head he sucked a nipple into his mouth and slowly started rocking his hips. Taking her cue from him she moved in the opposite direction of him circling his hips her clit was trapped against his hair and being unsheathed by every move they made. She whispered into his neck that she was close, and taking her mouth again he moaned his response. Faster they ground their bodies together until with a low growl into her neck he erupted into her grasping cunt. Throwing her head back she let out a howl as her orgasm shook through her body. Still hard and inside her, she still convulsing on him he whispered his own confession. She now owned his virginity.

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Doe Eyes

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Henry was desperate. It had been a long car ride with his boyfriend, Jack, and he hadn’t been allowed to stop and run into a bathroom at any point in the past four hours. They had gone through a few fast food drive throughs, but every time Jack assured Henry, “Just hold it, baby. We’ll be there soon,” and gave him more and more water to drink. By the time they pulled into the driveway, Henry was putting all of his effort into clenching his abdominal muscles, shifting position in his seat, trying to keep his breathing under control.

“Oh thank God,” Henry rejoiced when Jack put the car in park, and reached immediately for the door handle. He pulled, ready for the car door to swing open and usher him into the most satisfying piss of his lifetime, but it didn’t even budge. He jiggled the handle, pushing the whole of his weight against the door, but still nothing happened.

Henry had wide-set eyes. They were big and wet like like a doe’s eyes, and Jack loved how stupid they made Henry look when he turned to look at Jack with a panicked expression.

“What’s wrong?” Jack asked, though he knew perfectly well.

“Can you unlock the door?” Jack regarded Henry with mild amusement, and Henry squirmed under his gaze. He was always turned on when Jack looked at him like that- like he had never seen anyone so stupid in his life. Something about the cold slant of Jack’s eyebrows made any instance of eye contact a powerful physical experience.

“What’s the rush?” Jack moved his hand to Henry’s thigh. His legs were pressed tightly güvenilir canlı bahis siteleri together and Jack could feel the tension in his muscles when he gave his thigh a gentle squeeze, “Is there something you need to do?” His hand moved to Henry’s lower abdomen, pushing ever so slightly against it.

“Ah!” Henry responded immediately, mashing his thighs together forcefully and wrinkling his brow, “I-” He struggled to speak when Jack gave another gentle push, “I really have to pee. Please let me out of the car.”

“Aw, dumb baby. You can’t even hold your pee?” Jack removed his hand from Henry’s stomach, eliciting a strangled noise of relief, and rubbed his thigh again. Henry crossed his legs to try and hold it in. Henry was blushing, and Jack loved to see him so embarrassed.

“Please,” Henry whined. He was ashamed to admit it, but his cock was straining against his pants. Something about the pressure on his bladder, combined with the humiliation of looking so desperate in front of Jack, made him squirm with arousal.

“Uncross your legs,” Jack commanded, and Henry did so slowly. It took every ounce of his control to keep his legs open without wetting himself. Jack’s eyes combed over Henry, who sat under his gaze with flushed skin, stomach tight, every muscle clenched to keep from embarrassing himself even further. “Look at you…” Jack smiled and ran his hand firmly over the crotch of Henry’s pants, making his hips twitch towards the contact. “Does this turn you on?”

Henry didn’t want to respond, güvenilir illegal bahis siteleri but he couldn’t look away. He felt like his body was in a state of tense suspension – too strained to move, too clenched to breathe, and too dumb to answer the question. Jack squeezed his bulge and he let out a shaky gasp. “Use your words,” Jack commanded.

“Yes.” Henry drew and exhaled another unsteady breath as Jack continued to rub his crotch, “sir.” Jack smiled,

“Aw, you know I love it when you call me that.” At this point, Henry could no longer bear to keep his legs open. He crossed them again and squeezed his eyes shut, wincing from the growing pain in his bladder. Henry knew he was moments away from bursting, and Jack watched a tear or two well up behind his dark eyelashes. “Hey,” Jack reprimanded, forcing Henry’s legs apart again, “I told you to uncross your legs.”

“Please sir,” Henry shuddered. Every word was a challenge, “I need to go.”

“Then do it, you fucking idiot.”

With those harsh words, Jack placed one hand on Henry’s abdomen and began pushing firmly. Henry’s muscles tensed in response, still trying to hold back the flow, but they quickly failed and a sad trickle began to leak from Henry’s urethra. He gasped and squirmed under Jack’s hand, and the trickle grew to a steady flow of piss. A wet spot formed in his jeans, then grew. His skin flushed a deep red. The urine made trails down Henry’s leg, and the sound of it dripping onto the car’s interior made him shudder with arousal and güvenilir bahis şirketleri shame. Henry’s mind was elsewhere. His eyes were soft, fluttering with relief, and his breathing was shaky and deep.

Jack pressed harder. The sight of Henry’s mouth opening as his head fell back made his cock twitch. He savored the movements in Henry’s abdomen, the little moans and whines he let out under his breath. It was like an orgasm in slow motion, and his disgust at the sight and smell of Henry’s urine only fed his arousal. He loved watching someone so beautiful being reduced to a whining, squirmy baby, then to something even less than that. Jack could see that Henry’s mind was blank, occupied only by his relief, and he wanted to drink in Henry’s stupidity.

As Henry reached the end of his stream, now only trickling out a few sporadic bursts of urine, he felt the pressure of Jack’s hand on his stomach grow painful. He found himself unable to form words, so he grabbed Jack’s wrist, and Jack responded by asking “All done?”

Henry nodded. He slid back in his seat, feeling how his pants and underwear squished when he moved. They were completely soaked through, and the warmth of the liquid made his head spin. He couldn’t help but rub his hand over his crotch a few times, bringing his hand to his face afterward. He inhaled deeply, savoring the smell of his own piss, and even began licking his hand clean of it.

“Messy baby,” Jack said, and Henry’s eyes finally opened again. Henry saw his boyfriend sitting in the driver’s seat, his cock hard and eyes trained on Henry’s face. Henry pulled his finger out of his mouth with a wet “pop” and ground his crotch briefly against the edge of the seat. Henry gave Jack a smile, glancing down at his cock then back up again, and licked his lips.

His big, stupid doe eyes pleaded for more touch.

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First Time with a Man

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When I was 19 I lived near a large city park. I’d frequently go there to walk and enjoy the outdoors. The park had extensive grounds, paths, secluded woods, and a golf course. One weekday afternoon I was on a usual walk-about and I met an older guy, probably in his mid-thirties. I was on one path, he on another and we came abreast as our paths merged. Our meeting was completely coincidental. We greeted each other, began walking and talking until we came to a small bridge which would only accommodate one person at a time. We stopped, still talking, and during a lull in the conversation, he said, a “would you like a blow job?”

My initial reaction was shock. Even though I had a girl friend at the time, I was rather innocent in the ways of the world and I uttered and stuttered, ‘no, I don’t think so.” I don’t know what I expected him to do after I refused his offer but he just remained there and continued talking with me and after a another couple of minutes, he asked if I wanted to reconsider his offer.

Although I was still a little taken aback, I was less shocked than I’d originally been and I heard myself say, “well, maybe I do”. He immediately said, “let’s go somewhere more secluded,” and he began walking quickly through the woods to a path that was smaller, less travelled, and much more overgrown and secluded. He walked so quickly I had to hurry to keep up and we had to duck and weave through the woods.

He stopped and I joined him in the small clearing. Not wasting any time at all, he got to his knees , unzipped my trousers, pulled down my underwear and started stroking my cock I was almost shaking with anticipation, excitement, trepidation. It was my very first surprise BJ from anyone, not to mention another man and, and especially a man I’d just met in a park and followed, without hesitation, to one of the most remote sections of the park. I was thrilled and a little scared.

He pulled on me and said, and I’ll never forget the short conversation we had before he got started. Him on his knees, me with my pants and underwear around canlı bahis my ankles. As he stroked me he looked up and said, “you have a beautiful cock”. I responded with an idiotic “Thank You,” as he continued to pull on me. I asked if he did this kind of thing often and he said “occasionally, but I never get this lucky”. I was thinking the same thing as he put my cock in his mouth.

My girlfriend and I were pretty new to sex. We fucked as much as possible but we both lived with our parents, worked and had little time to linger over long, sexy blow jobs and we were novices anyway. This man was an expert.

He took my cock all the way into his mouth and gave me a BJ that I still think of today. I remember putting my hands on his shoulders holding on to him as he did his thing. I was a little unsteady. Once he started he never slowed until I shot my juice in his mouth. Even then, he never hesitated and swallowed and continued sucking me until I was spent.

As he got up, he helped me with my trousers and said, “you must do well with the girls, you really do have a lovely cock…I could suck on it all day”. I was still in a state of surprise and apprehension. It had all happened very quickly and I really didn’t know how to move on from this point so I kind of just stood there a little stupidly saying nothing.

He started rubbing his cock through his pants and said, “do you mind if I jack off?” Still a little shell shocked, I said, “no.” He lowered his pants, took out his cock and began to pull on it. This was my first up-close-and-personal look at another man’s cock. Although I’d seen a dick here and there in high school gym showers and changing rooms at public pools, I’d never thought of men sexually and certainly hadn’t seen a cock up close. At the time I really had nothing to compare it to but with a little experience, I now know he had a beautiful cock himself. Straight, long, meaty and perfectly proportioned. If I saw it now I’d probably beg him to allow me to love on it.

I watched him as he pulled on his cock and he said, “would you bahis siteleri mind playing with my nipples?” I was still a little stupified but said, “sure,” as he lifted his shirt. I moved closer to him and put my hand up his shirt, playing with his nipples. We were very close and I was watching him slowly pull on himself. It was an arresting sight. He looked at me and asked if I wanted to touch him and I nodded. I moved my hand to him, taking his rigid dick in my hand. I pulled on him for a few moments, looking at it as I massaged him, feeling the hardness and the soft flesh. Quite an exciting sensation, and he must he known how excited I was. After a couple more moments, he said, “go ahead.”

I didn’t even think about it, I just got to my knees, scooted closer, pulled on it some more, and opened my mouth and put my lips around it. This was the first ever for me and I didn’t know what I was doing. I’m sure he’d had better bjs but he was gracious and patient. He coaxed and encouraged me to lick it, to lick the head, to suck and fondle his sac, to alternately take it as deep as I could and then bob up and down on it. He quietly admonished me to use lips and tongue and to watch my teeth, slowly rocking his hips toward me, gently fucking my face. I was enjoying all the sensations and he moaned and whispered, “yes baby, yes baby,” over and over. Soon I felt his hand on the back of my head and he took his cock in his other hand and began stroking. I was uncertain what to do now but I just wanted to do to him what he’d done to me. He guided my motions, pumping his hips and pushing my head. I could tell he was going to cum in my mouth but I never thought of trying to pull away. He’d taken my cum in his mouth and didn’t hesitate to swallow so I assumed that was the minimum expectation and I never gave it a second thought. Soon he was gasping. I felt him grab my head with both of his hands as he pushed his hips into my face. I gagged and I felt him cum in my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed as he twitched and gasped and he held my head close as he continued to spasm and bahis şirketleri pump his hips with quick, short jerks as he emptied his cock in my mouth. Slowly, his urgency slackened, his moaning subsided, and he let go of my head. I continued to suck him as the last quivers of his orgasm shook him and tasted the last drops of his sperm. When I felt his cock begin to grow soft in my mouth I backed off. When I did, I was almost spent myself. I was still on my knees drooling and my eyes were watering.

Now I really felt like I was out of sorts. I was still on my knees as he straightened his clothes. He helped me up and asked if it was my first time. I told him it was. He smiled and said, “my, my, I sure hope I see you again,” and with that, he walked down the path. My eyes were still watering from being gagged, I had the taste of his cum in my mouth and I wasn’t really sure how I felt about all that had happened .

I left the park and picked up my gf from her job at the store where she worked. I never told her about my first cock sucking experience. Although I never consciously or actively sought it out, within a few months I’d had mutual oral sex with four other men. All of them older and all of them one-off things. Looking back on it there must have been some vibe I was giving out that allowed likeminded men to identify me as a willing participant, I guess Gaydar is an actual thing. If it is a real thing, mine was non-functioning. Even so, other men seemed to pick-up on my willingness with some frequency.

Looking back on my first time I wish I’d been more aggressive, involved, present in the moment, etc…Although I’m no expert, I have been with a a few men. I was with several before I got married, and now that I’m single, I’ve been with a few during the past couple of years. However, when I feel a desire to be with a man, I think of him first. He was patient and slow, but he was also insistent when I finally got around to being a cocksucker. I think of him holding my head as he fucked my mouth and pumped his juice into me and I can still see his hard cock inches from my face. It is one of my favorite sexual memories. I looked for him from time to time in the park but never saw him again. More’s the pity. I would have liked to perfect my technique on his beautiful cock.

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“Sorry. Do you mind if I squeeze in here?” he asked.

“Oh, no,” she replied scooting over to make room. “I’ve never seen this many people at a Little League game before, have you?”

“No. But this actually the first time I’ve watched one in years so I really don’t have anything to compare it to,” he told her.

“Is your son playing?” she asked, sure he was old enough to have a son that age.

The man sort of raised his eyebrows then said, “No. I…I was just driving by and decided to stop and watch. I used to love baseball. In fact, I pretty much lived for it until high school.”

“Did you get tired of playing or something?” she asked before hollering, “Come on, Teddy! Strike him out!”

“No, not really,” he told her. “I was a pitcher and my elbow started hurting my junior year, but the real reason was discovering how much more I liked girls than baseball.”

The girl, or maybe young woman sitting next to him, laughed in an understanding way.

“Ah. I see. So girls were your downfall, huh?” she said in a humorous way.

“It was…an equitable trade,” the older man said with a faint smile. “As much as I loved playing baseball, I found that I liked girls a whole lot more.”

“And you couldn’t do both?” she asked still being very nice.

“I tend to be a bit obsessive about the things I like. Baseballs, girls, work, exercise. When I commit to something I kind of go hog wild.”

“Strike three!” the umpire called loudly.

“Atta boy, Teddy! Keep mowin’ ’em down!” she yelled.

He wasn’t sure how old the girl next to him was, but he was very sure she couldn’t possibly be the mother of a Little Leaguer. These boys (and two girls) looked be around 10 or 12 although he wasn’t sure about that, either. Regardless, it seemed very unlikely she could have even a ten-year old child.

“I take it you know the pitcher,” he said not wanting to ask if she could somehow be his mother.

“Yeah, that’s my little brother, Teddy,” she told him.

“He’s got a smooth motion and a pretty good fastball,” the man told her.

“I guess in at least one sense, my brother is like you used to be. He lives for baseball. In fact, it’s about the only thing he enjoys these days.”

The man squinted and looked at the boy on the mound and could tell he was fairly overweight as he once was, and he also was pretty sure the boy’s teeth protruded the way his once had.

He noticed the girl was glaring at the kids on the other team’s bench. They were chanting something, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. It sounded like ‘huck, huck, huck,’ or maybe ‘yuck’ but he couldn’t quite understand.

“Kids can be so cruel,” he heard her say. “I can’t understand why their coach let’s them get away with that.”

“What are they saying?” he asked.

“They’re making fun of my brother because of his teeth. They’re calling him ‘buck’ for bucked teeth, and it kills me because he’s so sensitive about it now,” she said still glaring at the other team. “There’s no way we can afford braces, but if I could, I’d get them for him tomorrow.”

“Then he and I have something else in common. My teeth were even worse when I was his age,” he told her. “I was nicknamed ‘Bucky Beaver’ from elementary school on and got razzed about it pretty much every day until the start of my senior year.”

She turned and looked at him then said, “Your teeth are perfect. You had to have had braces.”

“I did. I wore them for two years,” he told her. “I was also um…pretty heavy…and I took a lot of ribbing for that, too. You know. Fatty, fatty, two by four and a whole lot worse.”

She looked at him again then said, “That’s really hard to believe. I mean, you’re well…you’re a very nice-looking man who doesn’t seem to have an ounce of fat anywhere.”

“Oh, thanks,” he said modestly. “I owe a lot to my my parents, my orthodontist, and a wrestling coach who took a personal interest in me. I guess I owe the Navy the rest of the credit.”

His comment about the Navy went right past her.

“I wish I knew what to do for Teddy,” the girl said. “It just breaks my heart to see him hurting like this. He’s such a nice kid, but the teasing is relentless. This was the one place where he could come and forget about it, and now we’re getting this…crap…here, too. It just makes me so…angry.”

“I take it your parents aren’t here?” he asked.

“Um…no,” she said quietly. “They were both killed in a drunk-driving accident last year.”

“I’m so sorry,” the man said with utter sincerity. “I really am.”

“Thank you. I’m handling it okay now, but Teddy is still really struggling with it and then this…mess…gets piled on top of it. It’s just so unfair, you know?”

“Would you save my place?” he asked politely.

“You gotta use the restroom already?” she teased.

“I’ll be right back,” he said after smiling at her comment.

Lloyd Mullens was 43, and although that might seem ancient to a girl her age, he wasn’t old enough to need to take Flo Max or anything like bahis firmaları it. Still, it made him chuckle to think he was old enough for someone to even joke about it. She was obviously teasing, and that was fine, but more importantly she’d made him laugh, and he honestly couldn’t remember the last time he had.

The girl wasn’t model-beautiful, but she was very cute with a lean, lithe body and short, dark hair, with the brightest blue eyes he could ever remember seeing. Adding to her appeal she seemed like a genuinely pleasant person. If she was raising her little brother on her own she was also more than likely very responsible, as well. The fact that she could maintain a sense of humor through the tragedy of losing her parents on top of all that was one more huge plus in her favor.

He stood up then slowly walked around the back of the bleachers then made his way to the other side of the field. He opened the metal gate then walked right into the other team’s dugout and stood next to their coach.

“Can I help you with something, buddy?” the younger man said with a heavy dose of attitude when he saw Mullens standing next to him.

“Yes, you could. I’d like to ask you to tell your players not to pick on the other team’s pitcher for something he can’t help.”

“If you don’t get the hell out of my dugout on your own, you’re going to need help getting out,” the coach hissed.

Lloyd ignored the threat then said just as calmly, “I’m asking you nicely, coach. It’s okay to pick on something he can control, but his teeth aren’t one of them. So please ask your kids to stop, okay?”

The coach, who looked to be around 30 or so, and who was rather well built, turned toward the visitor who was a couple of inches taller and obviously quite a few years older than him, but at least equally well built if not more so.

He put his finger in Lloyd’s chest and began pushing as he spat, “Are you fucking hard of hearing, asshole?”

“Please don’t swear around these kids,” Lloyd said quietly and calmly.

“And what are you gonna fucking do it about it, asshole? Huh? That little buck-toothed-fat fuck out there pitching for the other team needs to toughen up. It’s snowflakes like you trying to coddle him that are chickifying this country I spent four years in the Army protecting—something pissants like you wouldn’t understand!”

“The Army? I see. That explains a lot. I only spent a few years in the Navy so….”

“Oh, okay. A fucking squid. That fits. Too afraid to join the real military, huh?” the coach spat.

Teddy’s sister was watching intently, and along with everyone else, heard every word the coach said as it gradually grew quieter by the second. Her body tensed up when the coach pulled his finger back and went to jab Lloyd in the chest.

As he did he said, “So squid boy—take a hike!”

“Um, I’m also asking you nicely not to touch me again, okay?” Lloyd said with utter calm.

“You are one dumbass squid. Get lost, shit for brains!” the coach said as he drew his hand back to jab Lloyd in the chest again.

Before she could figure out what was going on, the coach’s hand went from Lloyd’s chest down to his side, and his face was screwed up in sheer agony.

It looked like his hand was pinned against leg, but if it was she couldn’t see how as Lloyd appeared to be standing there doing nothing.

In fact, the coach’s wrist was indeed being held in place and bent back to the point where it was very close to breaking, and Lloyd was doing the holding.

He held it there and said very quietly, “Don’t cry out like a little girl or I’ll break it. Nod if you understand.”

The coach nodded 2-3 times quickly and kept quiet.

“Very good. Now tell your kids to stop calling him names. Please.”

The coach had never been in that kind of pain before in his life, and although he wanted to say or do something else, all he did was grit his teeth and holler out, “Okay. Knock off the comments about their pitcher.”

Every eye in the dugout was now on them, but even the kids sitting right next to them couldn’t tell what was going on or figure out why their coach looked like he was about to cry.

“Thank you,” Lloyd said. “And please don’t let me hear you use profanity around these kids again, okay?”

He waited until the coach nodded then said, “Give me your word.”

“Okay! Okay!” he said as Lloyd increased the pressure ever so slightly.

“Well, that was easy,” he said with a smile. “Thank you for doing the right thing, and you have yourself a nice day—coach.”

He released the pressure, tipped his hat to the younger man, smiled, then walked away.

As Lloyd did so, the coach stood there massaging his wrist which was obviously still in pain as he stared at the man who’d just humiliated him in public although no one else really knew what had happened. The other side of the field erupted in applause as Lloyd made his way back to where he’d been sitting. He didn’t acknowledge the clapping or even look at anyone as he took his seat.

“What kaçak iddaa in the world did you just do?” the boy’s sister asked, her eyes opened wide in disbelief.

“I politely asked him to stop the name calling, but he needed a little…persuasion,” he told her calmly.

“That guy is the biggest….” she leaned in close then said quietly, “dick…in this entire league. No one can stand him. I don’t know what you just did, but thank you.”

“My pleasure,” he replied. “We all need a little help now then, right?”

Neither of them spoke for several minutes then Lloyd leaned over and said, “You know, your brother is doing really well, but if he could throw a curveball, no one could touch him.”

“And if bullfrogs had wings….” she said with a smile. “I don’t know much about baseball and I certainly can’t teach him anything like that. If I could, I’d be happy to show him how, but….”

“I could have him throwing curve balls for strikes in half an hour,” he told her.

It was obvious to her he wasn’t bragging, he was just making a statement of fact.

“Would you…do that?” she asked not sure if he was really serious.

“Sure. I’d be happy to,” he told her.

“I know Teddy would love to learn how to throw a curveball. There’s one other Little League pitcher who’s a year older who can, and Teddy thinks he walks on water. If he could do that, too….”

“It’s not that hard. Really. I learned how in just a few minutes, and the next game I pitched, I threw a no-hitter.”

That too, was just a statement of fact.

Lloyd smiled as he remembered one kid after another chopping at the first curve balls any of them had ever seen and striking out one after the other. Seventeen out the 18 opposing batters struck out while one lucky player had weakly grounded a ball to short. Since then a pitch count had been instituted, and no one Teddy’s age could throw more than 75 in one day. It was still hypothetically possible to throw a complete game if the pitcher threw four or less balls to each batter during the six-inning game, but that was a very tough thing to do.

“I’d give anything to see my brother’s face after something like that. He’s such a sweet boy and he’s smart, too. He does really well in school, but this bullying and teasing stuff is killing him there, and it’s affecting him here now, too. So if you would do that for him, I’d be very grateful.”

“I will. Just let me know when and where,” Lloyd told her.

She sat there for a few seconds then looked back over at him and said, “Listen. Um…well, since I don’t know how else to pay you back for what you just did, we all…I mean, some of us parents or whatever….we go out for pizza after the game with the kids. You probably don’t want to hang out with a bunch of kids or with me…but I’d be happy to buy you a slice.”

The look on her face and the tone of her voice told him she was genuinely thankful, and Lloyd was touched by her kindness and generosity as well as her obvious level of maturity. He had nowhere to go and nothing to do and thought it might be kind of nice to be around other people for a change. After all, he’d stopped to watch as a way to try and begin reintegrating himself back into society so…why not?

“I like kids so that’s not the issue,” he told her.

He smiled at her then said, “I’m just wondering if an attractive young woman your age wants to hang out with a guy who, you know, has to run to the restroom all the time.”

The girl laughed loudly and apologized for her previous comment.

“I was totally kidding. You know that, right?” she said.

“I was pretty sure,” he told her. “But I am getting up there in years so….”

The girl laughed again then said, “I’m Shelby, by the way. Shelby Claypool.”

She offered him her hand so he shook it and replied, “Lloyd Mullens.”

“Nice to meet you, Lloyd,” she said as she shook his hand firmly.

She was smiling happily then glanced down and saw a wedding ring.

“Oh, I um…I didn’t know you were married. I wasn’t, you know, flirting or asking you out or anything. I just wanted to….”

Lloyd laughed politely then told her, “I knew exactly what you meant, Shelby. Besides, no cute girl your age is gonna flirt or ask a guy my age out on a date so…no problem.”

Shelby sighed loudly then said, “It has nothing to do with age. The truth is I don’t ask anyone out.”

She paused for a moment then said, “Or…get asked out for that matter. I’m not complaining, mind you. I just don’t have time to date. It’s hard enough just finding the time to get to Teddy’s games let alone have any kind of meaningful relationship.”

She smiled at him then said, “Maybe someday, right?”

“He’s lucky to have a sister who cares about him so much,” Lloyd told her.

“Yeah, I really do love that kid. I’d do anything to take away his pain,” she said forlornly.

Neither of them said much the rest of the game, but Lloyd found himself cheering for Teddy and his team and each time he struck a batter kaçak bahis out, he and Shelby gave each other a high five.

When it ended, the score was 4-1 with Teddy’s team, the Lions, winning the game. The only run the other team scored was after a walk and then two errors in a row. Teddy only gave up two hits during the five innings he pitched and only walked two batters.

“I’ll just wait here, okay?” Lloyd said when Shelby went to collect her brother.

“Nice game, stud muffin!” she said offering him a high five.

He returned it but didn’t say anything. He did hug her back when she put her arm around him, and Lloyd heard someone call out, “Look at the little mama’s boy!”

Shelby shot the kid a dirty look but didn’t address the comment. Instead she told him she had someone she wanted him to meet.

“Who is it?” he asked as she led toward a rather large man in a ball cap sitting in the bleachers.

“Teddy? This is my new friend, Mr. Mullens. Lloyd, this is my brother, Teddy.”

Lloyd offered his hand and Teddy shook it but didn’t look at him.

“Is he your boyfriend or something?” the boy asked looking up as his sister.

“What? No! He’s just a nice man who’s going to go have pizza with us—if that’s okay,” she said her arm around his shoulders.

“I guess,” Teddy replied.

Shelby leaned down then said, “Lloyd used to be a pitcher, and he wants to show you how to throw a curve.”

Suddenly the boy’s eyes lit up, and he looked at the man now standing in front of him and said, “For reals?”

Lloyd smiled but didn’t laugh as he said, “Yep. For reals.”

“Cool!” Teddy said smiling for the first time revealing a set of protruding teeth that reminded Lloyd of his when he was that age.

His parents hadn’t had much money, and he’d put up with an ungodly amount of teasing for as long as he could remember. And like Teddy, he’d been more than a few pounds overweight. And also just like the boy standing in front of him, Lloyd had been a decent pitcher and a very good student, his two redeeming graces. The connection he felt was both strong and immediate.

“So I guess I’ll just follow you then?” Lloyd suggested.

“Sounds good. I’ve got the little blue car right over there,” she said pointing to a Ford Fiesta that looked like it might have been blue in the distant past.

“Okay. I’m in the black truck over there,” he said pointing to a 2016 Toyota Tundra with a V8 engine and four-wheel drive he’d rarely driven until retiring from the Navy two months ago.

Teddy looked over and saw the rig with tinted windows and the extended cab and said, “That is so beast! Can I ride with Mr. Mullens, Shell? Please???”

“It’s okay with me,” Lloyd said as he saw the boy forget about his teeth and smile happily again.

“Oh, I don’t know,” she said. “I mean, I do know him, but I don’t really….know him, know him.”

“I understand. I wouldn’t let my son ride with a stranger, either,” Lloyd said as Teddy’s smile disappeared. “But…I could give you both a ride.”

“Can we? Can we, Shell? His truck is so cool!”

She looked over at her own car then said, “I don’t suppose anyone is going to try and steal that piece of junk.”

She turned to Lloyd and said, “Well, if you really don’t mind…I guess we could do that.”

Teddy immediately hollered, “Shotgun!” causing the adults to laugh.

Lloyd opened the passenger doors then helped Shelby step up—way up—into the back but let Teddy pull himself into the front leather seats.

“Awesome!” he said as he checked out the entire cab while Lloyd walked around.

“I’ve had it for almost two years now but don’t even have 5,000 miles on it,” he said as he started it up.

“Gee, I drive that much in 2-3 months,” Shelby said.

“Do you just sit home all day and let your wife take care of you?” she teased politely.

She was smiling happily as she said it so Lloyd smiled back. He didn’t feel like explaining why that wasn’t case.

“Naw. I just retired from the military and I was gone quite a bit,” he told her instead. “Now I’m just trying to figure out what I want to do when I grow up.”

Shelby laughed politely while Teddy got even more excited.

“Cool! What were you in? Did you drive a tank or fly jets or anything?” Teddy asked as he fastened his seat belt.

“No, nothing that cool,” Lloyd told him. “I was in the Navy and I was an enlisted guy so no jets. But I did ride on a lot of helicopters. Does that count?”

“You did?” the boy said no in awe of the man sitting next to him.

“Yes, I did. I even parachuted out of a few planes but never flew one.”

As they pulled out of the parking lot Teddy asked, “Have you every seen the movie Navy SEALS?”

“I have,” Lloyd told him. What he didn’t say was that he’d been a Navy SEAL for 25 years and that the movie was hard to watch because it was so far from the truth in too many areas. It was great for anyone who didn’t know how a SEAL team functioned, but it was too nothing but cheap entertainment for anyone who did.

“That movie was awesome! It was better than Predator or any Terminator movie or Top Gun or….”

“Teddy’s watched pretty much every action movie ever made—several times,” Shelby explained.

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