She Set Out to Play

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She set out to play seriously this time. The girl knew she had a need, a very strong need. Her body was screaming for the attention it so richly deserved. Her breasts ached with desire the nipples standing erect in excited anticipation. She removed her clothing one item at a time stripping slowly and sensually in front of the large gold coloured mirror standing on the oak dresser by the foot of her soft king sized bed.

Her heavy breasts swung freely as she removed the black lace wisp of a bra and she caressed the full breasts slowly and sensually then lovingly attached the longish dangling gold coloured nipple clamps. She adjusted the clamps to the way she liked them; tight and pinching but not so painful she couldn’t withstand it easily. She swayed her body just the slightest bit in order to watch them swing back and forth from her protruding deep pink nipples. She loved her breasts they were so beautiful, the skin so smooth the nipples so large, dark and erect.

Her hands slid further down toward where her femaleness began to round up into a soft hairless mound. She stroked Ataşehir Escort slowly and softly, shivering at the smoothness of it, wondering in its silken simplicity. She had just stepped out of the bath and had finished her daily ritual of shaving and rubbing lotion into her supple white skin. She loved the feeling of herself when she was freshly shaven and clean. Her pussy was feeling tingly and warm and she had not even begun to touch herself. Sliding a long slender red painted fingertip down the cleft she found her swollen female centre and rubbed it lightly. She ran the fingertip over and over again so lightly as to tease.

When she was feeling fully aroused she walked over to the small brass bound trunk where she kept her toys, kneeling down gracefully she opened the clasps and lifted up the lid. The girl pawed her way through the confusion and tumble trying to find just the right toys for the play scenario she had in mind for today. Mmmm she smiled to herself withdrawing a large beautiful, but not huge, heavy latex rubber g spot dildo; she Ataşehir Escort Bayan dug a little deeper and came up with a long slim purple vibrating anal intruder with a bulbous head. She smiled widely when she found next a hand held multi-speed vibrator. Still smiling she walked back toward her bed shed prepared a place in front of the large mirror on her dresser at the foot of the bed by lying a soft fluffy large bath towel across the bed

She lightly lubricated the slim line dildo and bending over, she slowly worked it into her puckered tight hole twisting it slightly until a good couple of inches were inside her backdoor then she turned it on, the buzzing was good and was felt high up into her bowels. She simply lay enjoying it for a few moments, letting the momentum build. She then reached for the big rubber dildo, the girl was so roused, almost helpless in desire, by now that she there was no need to lubricate the rubber cock or her pussy and she slid it right in. She drove it in and out, slowly, deeply; imagining she was bound and helpless Escort Ataşehir and her lover was shoving the toy in and out of her sopping wet bald cunt.

She felt she was getting closer to her climax and so lay back gently on the bed grinding her hips desperately driving the anal vibrator in and out of her darkest passage. She put her headphones over her ears and turned the disk-man on to the highest volume. She could hear nothing but her music. She closed her eyes to simulate a blindfold, she found herself totally out of touch with every thing but her body and the sexual bombard it was undergoing. She placed the vibrator firmly on her swollen clit. She could feel the sensations build. She dreamt of a phantom lover all over her and he was taking pictures of her while she lay bound helpless and in the throws of orgasm.

And with that thought going through her mind, it happened. The waves of pleasure began at her feet and she could feel it move up and enveloping her in ecstasy. She began to buck wildly. Moaning loudly, biting her lip to stay silent she exploded into full blown orgasm, her body spasming on the bed as shock after shock after shock hit her whole being. Then she lay still, chest heaving, vibrators still buzzing, music still playing.

She felt her head phones being lifted off and a soft deep voice whispered in her ear.

“Lovely show my pet, Master is pleased!”

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Ev Arkadaşım İle Lezbiyen Seks Hikayem

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Ben Serap. ilk defa aynı cinse alakalı olduğumu üniversiteye başladığım ilk yıllarda anladım. Daha üniversiteye başlayalı 2 hafta olmuştu evde 3 kız arkadaş yaşıyorduk. Ufak iki odalı bir daire Etilerde. Kız arkadaşımı arada sırada duşta çırılçıplak görmek bana çok zevk veriyordu.Öylesine ki her defasında onlar duştayken banyoya sanki bir şey bakıyormuşum gibi girip onları seyrediyordum. Bir gün videoda bir film seyrettikten sonra konu döndü dolaştı Lezbiyen ilişkilere geldi.Evde sadece Meralle beraberdik.Ona sanki doğal bir şeymişçesine,ben .iki kadının sevişmesinin zevkli olabileceğini kabul etmesini istedim. .Bana sen nerden biliyorsun ki dediğin de kalbim sanki duracaktı.Ben şimdiye kadar böyle bir ilişkiye girmedim ama girsem ilk önce senin gibi birisiyle bunu denemek isterdim dedim. Ama yüzümün kızardığını hissediyordum.Yavaşça kalktı sen çok toysun Serap demesin mi? NEDEN ki dedim. Akıllım biz Didem`le bir kaç kere yattık. Allahım bunu size nasıl anlatayım bilemiyorum ama inanın sanki birisi başımdan aşağı kaynar bir kova su döktü.Ben safın biriymişim üçümüz aynı evde yaşadığımız halde benim o ana kadar hiç bir şeyden gaziantep escort haberim olmadı. Çok şaşırdığımı görünce yanıma yaklaştı ve bana sarıldı.Her şeyi o anda unuttum, bende ona sarıldım.İnanın bu duyguyu tam olarak burada anlatmak imkansız birsey.İnanın o an kalbim yerinden çıkabilirdi.Bende sarıldım ama hala olayın şokundayımSanki benim büyüğüm birisiymiş gibi saçlarımı okşamaya başladı. Bende onun kilerini.İçimde kıpırdamalar başladı,Tanrım bu nasıl bir duygu. Neyse lafı fazla uzatmayayım,ne olduğunu anlamadan ikimizde birbirimizin kollarının arasındaydık.Ama birden sanki fırlarcasına yataktan kalktı. Ne olduğunu şaşırdım.Hızlı adımlarla odasına gitti.Acaba yanlış ne yaptım diye düşünüyorken birden,öbür odadan SERAAPPPP diye seslendiğini duyunca oraya geçtim. Odasına girdiğimde ağzım açık kaldı.Üstü çıplaktı, Ama ondanda önemlisi altında bir pantolon vardı. Yanıma gel dedi.Yaklaştım elimi tuttu. Memelerinin üzerinde gezdirdikten sonra,Elimi hiç ummadığım bir zamanda apış arasına götürdü.Ama,,ama,,ama. Aklım yerinde çıkacak sandım.Apış arasında gezen elimi eliyle yönlendiriyordu. Ama o elime gelen sertlik neydi,diye düşünürken fermuarını öbür eliyle açtığında gözlerime inanamadım.Orasına(amına) plastikten penis takmış olduğunu gördüm.
Böyle şeyleri,bir kaç kere sex dergilerinde görmüştüm ama gerçeğini ilk defa gördüm.İnanın şu an sanki o anı tekrar yaşıyorcasına heyecanlıyım.Eliyle çenemi tutup beni dudaklarına götürdü. O kadar istekli bir şekilde öpüyordu ki .Kendimden geçtim ama aklım hep,amına taktığı şeydeydi. Böyle bir şeyi ilk defa yaşıyordum.O an yaşadığım duyguları tam olarak anlatmak için doğru kelimeleri seçmek ne kadar güç olduğunu belki siz anlayamazsınız. Uzun öpüşmelerden sonra kendimi artık tamamen ona vermeye hazırdım.Çünkü o bu işi çok iyi biliyor ve bütün olayı o yönlendiriyordu.Ama o anda .Sen küçük bir orospusun değil mi?.demesin mi.Beynimden vurulmuşa döndüm. Ağzımı açıp bir şeyler söylemek istedim.Ama onun bu beklemediğim davranışı.Beni öylesine sarstı ki cevap veremedim bir an.Ne olduğunu şaşırdım.O an yüzüme birde tokat atması bardağı taşıran son damla oldu birden kendime  geldim. Beni tekrar şaşırttıTanrım, ne yapmaya çalışıyorsun. der demez eliyle ağzımı kapattı. Sustum.O an yüksek sesle .Üstünü çıkart KALTAK. diye bağırdı.Ağzımı bile açmadan her dediğini yapıyordum. Üstümde sadece donum olmadığı halde siyah eteğim kaldı.Tam onu da çıkarmak üzere ellerimi eteğime götürdüğümde.Ellerimi tutu. Eğildi,memelerimin uç kısmını elleriyle biraz ovuşturduktan sonra ağzına götürdü. Ohhh tanrım dualarım kabul olmuştu.Öylesine bir duyguydu ki bu içimi göğüslerimden gelen bir sıcaklık kapladı.Öylesine ustaca bir emişi vardı ki.Sanki bulutların üzerindeydim.Sol elini arka tarafıma götürüp götümü okşamaya başladığında artık,dilimi ısırmamda fayda vermiyordu.Kendime hakim olamadan inlemeye başladım.Yavaşça doğrulup, sağ eliyle başımı tutup ağzımı sol memesine götürdü. Emme sırası bana gelmişti.Evet belki bebekken annemin memelerini emmişimdir ama bu öylesine değişikti ki.Ona bana verdiği gibi zevk vermek için olanca gücümle emmeye başladım. Dilimi memelerinin üzerinde onun bana yaptığı gibi gezdirmeye başladım. Arada yavaş acıtmadan yap,dedikçe onun söyledikleri doğrultusunda dilime ve dudaklarıma yön veriyordumEVET BAK ÖĞRENİYORSUN. dediğinde,sanki üniversiteyi birincilikle bitirmişçesine mutluydum.


Takma penis  ile beni nasıl siktigini sitede bulunan numaradan beni arayarak sesli dinleyebilirsiniz.

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Kayın Babamla Yaşadığım Seks Hikayesi

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ismim demet 22 yaşında esmer 170 boyunda 50 kiloda evli bir kadınım, evleneli yaklaşık olarak 3 yıl olacak ve 3 yıldır kocamla aramızda pek öyle önemli bir kavga olmamıştır, aramız çok iyi ve çok huzurlu bir evliliğimiz var , aslında bu evliliğin bu derece huzurlu olması tamamen benim bazı olaylara sessiz kalmam, bilemiyorum sessizlik yerine olan biteni kocama anlatsam daha mı iyi olur, yoksa böyle devam etmek mi bizim için daha iyi, buna tam karar verebilmiş değilim,
kocamla görücü usülü evlendik, kocamı beni istemeye gelmeden daha önce hiç görmemiştim ilk defa beni istemeye geldikleri gece tanıştık, normal bir konuşma geçirdik, normal olarak havadan sudan bir sohbetti, ben bu iş olmaz diye beklerken , ertesi gün kocamın babası bize tekrar geldi, yalnız ve sadece misafir olarak öyle sohbet amaçlı bir ziyaretti bu, sürekli gözü benim üzerimde her hareketimi izliyordu , bende bu davranışını gelin olarak beni düşündüğü için sanmıştım, ama aslında öyle değilmiş,
kayın babanım bana olan ilgisini düğün gecesi öğrentim, düğün sırasında odamda beklerken birden odama girdi ve bana iltifatlar yağdırmaya başladı, çok güzel biri olduğumu , her erkeğin aklını başından alacağımı falan söyledi , hatta beker olsaymış oğlu yerine kendine alacakmış beni, aynen gaziantep escort bunları söyledi , o gece gerdeğe o şokla girdim , sürekli aklım fikrim orda olduğu için o gece olan bitenden de pek bir zevk alamamıştım,
düğünümüz oldu , gerdek gecemiş yaşandı ve herşey durulmuştu ki , iki hafta falan sonra evde kocam yokken kayın babam bize misafirliğe geldi, gelinim nasılsın , neler yapıyorsun diyerek içeri girdi , bende iyiyim baba sen nasılsın , kahve içermsin dedim ve kahve yapmak için mutfağa gittim , çok geçmeden arkamdan kayın babam da geldi ve mutfaktaki sandalyeye oturup beni izlemeye başladı,
sonra bana düğün gecesi seninle yaptığımız konuşmayı hatırlıyormusun diye sordu, yok hatırlamıyorum diye yalan söyledim , çünkü tekrar öyle bir konuşma kaldıracağımı zannetmiyorum, o hatırlamadıysan tekrarlayalım dedi ve yine bana asılmaya başladı, çok güzel biri olduğumu söylüyordu ve çok seksi bir kadın olduğumu, kocamla neler yaptığımızı, her gece yapıp yapmadığımızı, çocuk düşünüp düşünmediğimiz falan soruyordu , derken birden gerdek gecesinden konu açtı ve o gece neler yaptınız, canın çok acıdımı, acımadıysa neden acımadı, bakire değilmiydin falan filan bir sürü sapık şeylerden söz ediyordu, bense hiç ona yüzümü dönmeden kahveyle ilgileniyordum , göz ucuyla kısa bir süre bakmak istedim ne yapıyor diye,
elini sikinin üzerine koymuş hem benimle konuşuyor hem sikini okşuyordu, birden korkuyla kahveyi yere döktüm ve koşarak banyoya gidip temizlik bezini getirdim , leke daha fazla kilim de durup orda kalmasın diye biran önce temizlemem gerekiyordu ve elimdeki bezle eğilip kilimi silmeye başladım, yüzümü kayın babama dönemiyordum o yüzden arkamı döndüm ve yeri silmeye başladım, bir kaç saniye sonra arkama geçti ve kalçalarımdan tutarak yardım etmemi istermisin dedin , bende elini kalçalarımdan çekerek yok baba teşekkür ederim , ben hallederim dedim ,
ama o bir süre sonra tekrar kalçalarıma elini koydu , iki eliyle kalçalarımı tamamen kavramış okşuyor ve bırak bende yardım edeyim diyordu, ben hayır dedikçe eli birazdaha amıma yaklaşıyor ve beni birazdaha tahrik ediyordu, biliyordum yaptığımız şey çok yanlıştı ama orda bir olay çıkartmam belkide evliliğimin bitmesiydi o yüzden göz yumdum bazı şeylere ve ses çıkartmadım , ben ses çıkartmadıkça kayın babam daha sertleşiyor ve elini amıma iyice sokmaya başlıyordu,
dayanamadmı ve baba yapma artık oğlun gelecek birazdan bizi böyle görürse mahvaluruz dedim oda bana merak etme o bizim evde bir iki saate kadar gelemez , annesinin yanında dedi ve eliyle amımın üzerine adeta yağıştırmış ve okşıyordu, karşı koymaya çalıştıkça üzerime geliyordu , bir süre beni orda yeri silerken okşadı ve artık gözlerim kapanmaya başlamıştı , kendimden geçmek üzereydim ,
sonra bir anda beni yere yatırdı ve üzerime çıktı , altımdaki eteği yukarı doğru kaldırdı ve külotumu dizlerime kadara sıyırdı , ben elimden geldiği kadar karşı koymaya çalışıyordum ve baba lütfen yapma ben senin gelininim diyordum ama ben dinlemiyordu , külotumu aşşağı indirdikten sonra sikini acuvuna aldı ve baş kısmını amımın üzerinde gezdirmeye başladı , son gücümle baba lütfen içime girme, bunu yapmanı istemiyorum dedim ama onu dememle babamın içime girmesi bir olmuştu,
onu içimde hissettiğim an zaten kendimi bıraktım ve artık ne olacaksa olsun dedim , babam beni mutfakta, o kahve dökülmüş kilimin üzerinde içime defalarca girip çıktı, karşı koyamıyordum ve oda beni karşı koyamadığım için altına aldı, sanki karısını sikiyormuş gibi beni sikti, gelinini..

on dakika ya sürdü ya sürmedi , sonrası sikini çıkartıp amımın üzerine boşaldı, amımın üzeri ve kilim hep kayın babamın dölüne bulanmıştı, işini bitirip üzerimden kalktığında kulağıma yaklaşarak “seni oğlumla neden evlendirdim zannediyorsun” dedi , bu sözün sonrasında o an anlamıştım ki babamın benim içime ilk girişiydi ama son olmayacaktı..

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Uyurken Bana Dayayan Yeğenime Verdim

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Merhaba seks hikaye okurları ben Eylül. 30 yaşında 70 kilo ağırlığında 173 boyunda dolgun kalçalara ve göğüslere sahip bir kadınım. Sizlere yeğenimle yaşadığım harika seks hikayemi anlatmak istiyorum. Yeğenim Mehmet 20 yaşında üniversite öğrencisi 1.80 boylarında yanından sevgilisi eksik olmayan kumral zamanında yüzme ve okçuluk gibi spor dalları ile uğraştığı için kaslı bir yapıya sahip bir genç. Evli olmama rağmen seks hayatım çok vasattı. Sıcak bir yaz günüydü ve Üzerimde göğüs uçlarımı belli eden bir t-shirt altımda ise şort vardı. Bir gün yeğenim Mehmet beni aradı ve birkaç günlüğüne bende kalıp kalamayacağını sordu. Kocam evde olmadığı için ne kadar isterse kalabileceğini söyledim. Mehmet üniversiteli olmasına rağmen hala onu dudaklarında öpüyorum ve her seferinde bana diklenen bir varlığı rahatlıkla hissedebiliyordum. Mehmet’le biraz sohbetten sonra eve yerleşmeye gaziantep escort başladı. Ancak yanlışlıkla çantasından prezervatif düşürdü kaptığım gibi sordum hemen. Yüzü kızardı hemen aldı elimden. Sonrasında utancından yerleşme hızını yavaşlatmış bir şekilde benden özür diledi bende önemli değil dedim. Birden o güne kadar Mehmet’e hiç bakmadığım bir gözle bakmaya başladım. Mehmet gün aralarında bana yavşamaya ve sürtünmeye başladı. Evde imkanlarımız sınırlı olduğu için gece birlikte yatmak zorunda kaldık. Yatağa yattıktan sonra biraz birbirimize bakakaldık ve uyduk benim uykum hafif olduğu için ikide bir kalkarım geceleyin uyandığım zaman Mehmet’i bana dayar halde uykuda buldum. Mehmet’in siki çok kalın ve büyüktü içimdeki tanga götümün arasına girmiş ve sikide onu bastırır halde duruyordu. Daha fazla dayanamadım şeytanın dürtüleri ve azgınlığım ile yapıştım sikine boxerını indirerek sikini yalamaya başladım boğazıma kadar rahatlıkla ulaşan ve boru kadar kalın siki çok güzel hissettiriyordu. Mehmet birden gözlerini açtı ve bana baktı bende ona baktım teyze ne yapıyorsun dedi. Daha sonra benim kafamı kaldırdı ve öpmeye başladı karşılık vermedim ve kendimi onun kollarına bıraktım. Deneyimli olduğu her halinden belliydi bende bir yandan onu soymaya başlamıştım. Mehmet’i soyunca her kadının hayali olan o güzelim karın kasları karşımda duruyordu. Bana çok güzelsin teyze hep senin hayalini kuruyordum dedi. Herhalde doğru kabloyu kesmiş olsam ki bir anda üzerimi çıkarıp göğüslerimi deli gibi sıkıp yalamaya başladı. Ben inliyordum çoktan orgazm olmuştum fakat o daha boşalmamıştı bile ön sevişme bittikten sonra çıkardı eşofmanlarımı beni domaltıp götüme şaplak atarak mıncıklamaya başladı. O beni mıncıklarken ben inlemelerime ara vermeden devam ediyordum. Mehmet Ah evet sik beni, kendi kadının gibi sik beni diyordum sonrasında tangamı çıkarıp amımı yalamaya başladı. O arada tam 3 defa orgazm olmuştum. Artık içime gir diye inliyordum. Oda peki tamam teyze giriyorum dedi bende artık bana teyze deme biz o kısmı geçtik dedim artık karı kocadan başka bir şey değiliz dedim. Mehmet daha sonra çıkardı sikini ilk değirdikten sonra tek bir hareketle tamamını soktu. Ben bir çığlık attıktan sonra çok güzel dedim. Mehmet ardında git gel yapmaya başladı. Deliler gibi sikiyordu aletinin tamamını kökledikten sonra içime boşaldı. Ağızım açık kalmıştı. Daha sonra beni tuttu ve köpek pozisyonuna getirip göt deliğime o koca sikini soktu normalde canımın acıyacağını düşünürken canımın yanmadığını fark ettim fakat ileri geri yapınca canım yanmaya başladı sonrasında git gide hızlanmaya ve beni inletmeye devam etti götüme attığı bir şaplak sonrasında seni seviyorum aşkım dedi ve boşaldı..

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A Cumdump’s Journey Pt. 04

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Chapter 4: Getting my stride

Leaving my apartment and reaching the street, I had a sense of nerves rising from my stomach. I knew what I was planning to do; what I wanted to do to forget the feeling of anger and a sort of embarrassment simmering just below the surface, but as I walked I started to have second thoughts. I’d always been reserved about sexual encounters and now from somewhere I had unleashed a suppressed desire to be fucked and to suck men whose names I didn’t even know.

The air was incredibly mild, so much so that I hadn’t even put on a jacket. Only two nights before, the first night I had gone to the woods, the night had been frosty and cold, but now it was humid and almost warm. I’d noticed the change on Saturday morning when I went jogging in the park; the trees and shrubs were green and the grass was getting longer by the day. I didn’t have the courage to go to the woods right away; especially knowing what I planned to do. Instead, I sat down at a table on the street outside a small local bar and waited for the server to come and take my order. It was just after midnight, and I reasoned I had a little time – the other two nights I hadn’t gone into the woods until much later. I ordered a beer, and sat people watching – hoping I would see who was going towards the entrance of the woods at this time of night.

One beer turned into 2 beers, which turned into two whiskeys with coke, and by the time the server came to tell me he wanted to clear the tables from the street, I could feel the tipsiness in my arms and legs as I told him I was just leaving. I stood and with an ever so slight misstep headed off down the street towards the crossing and over in the direction of the woods. In the hour I had been sitting there, instead of keeping an eye on the comings and goings I had found myself on Grindr talking to the guys close by. I had thought maybe some of them were in the woods, but the one guy I dared to ask – had seemed shocked and said he doesn’t go to that kind of place, before swiftly ending the conversation.

As I half-skipped, half-walked along the path leading into the woods, I realised the second whiskey had probably been too much and too quick. My head was floating and I was aware that I was grinning to myself. I did my best to compose myself as I moved deeper into the woods and further from the light of the street. Fortunately, the air was clear; no mist, and the full-moon allowed my eyes to adjust to my unfamiliar surroundings. I had already passed the clearing I knew from my previous encounters, but felt comfortable going further as I had jogged a few hundred metres around the area the previous morning. I saw a few men on the path, walking the other direction, and who stole glances as we passed each other. Most had their faces at least partially covered so it was difficult for me to be sure what they looked like.

I aimed for a small park that I had looped around while jogging, because I knew there were a few benches there; somewhere I could sit down and try to observe the lay of the land. As I entered the enclosed area, I looked around and could see at least 3 men seeming to stroll around aimlessly. I took a seat on a bench set back slightly surrounded by bushes. I could see out, but no one could sneak up behind me. I sat quietly and observed the goings on. I guess it was a form of mating dance I was observing. Men would approach silently, freeze then look one another up and down. Sometimes there was a short conversation, sometimes a hand would reach out and stoke a crotch. Successful matches were not that frequent.

Then I had a sense of someone closeby; I turned to see a North African man – probably Algerian – inching towards me sideways from about 6 feet away. I looked him up and down; in his late forties, hair thinning on top – he was almost but not quite bald – a belly hung over his trousers slightly and he was a little shorter than me. As I brought my eyes back down, I noticed his hand was rubbing his crotch, a slight swell becoming visible under his grey tracksuit bottoms. He was looking me in the face as he touched himself. This was not the type of guy I had in mind on the walk over here. I purposefully looked the other way and held my gaze that way, ignoring his presence. After what felt like an age, he walked away and I was alone again observing the scene.

From where I was sitting, I could make out silhouettes moving around the park, but none were close enough for me to see what type of guys were there. I knew that in my enclosure I was hidden slightly in the shadows, so none came over to me – I decided I had to get up and walk a circuit of the park, but as I was about to get up I caught a movement in the corner of my eye. I looked around; the Algerian guy was back. I was going to get up when I noticed the bottom half of his tracksuit was now pulled down revealing his significant manhood, hanging out in the fresh night air. His dick was FAT. I couldn’t take my eyes off it. He was touching it, he just stood beside me with his Ankara bayan escort very fat, but albeit short, cut cock two feet away from me at eye level. In that moment, I no longer cared that he wasn’t the type I would usually go for. I had a desperate and urgent desire to swallow cum from his cock. I reached out to touch it.

“Not here; it’s too open,” he said and immediately started off in the direction of the path. I followed without hesitation. He led us deeper in the woods to a part I hadn’t been to before. I could see from the moonlight that it was between two main paths and consisted of trees and shrubs everywhere, cut through by narrow, worn-out dirt paths. He swung around behind one of the bushes and although it was still open, he said at least no one from the main path would see us. Without exchanging any further words, I knelt down in front of him and pulled out his chode.

His dick was short, just being about a handful, but it was fat and weighty in my palm. I licked it before wrapping my lips around the head. It immediately started to swell up. I took it into my mouth and began sucking as I swayed my head back and forth. It just reached the opening of my throat, but didn’t go inside, yet the fatness of it filled my mouth and stretched my lips so that my jaw began to ache slightly almost right away. I couldn’t believe that this man, who I wouldn’t usually look twice at, could have a cock that tasted so good and filled my mouth so perfectly.

A rustling in the bushes startled me, and I stopped sucking for a moment – ready to dart away in case it was the police or someone dangerous. The Algerian didn’t seem phased, simply making a swishing sound to signal for the stranger to leave us alone. He told me to continue but I could still see a silhouette standing not far away from us – watching silently. My legs were aching a little from kneeling, so I shifted position and took the chance to take out the poppers. He waited patiently without a word while I took two long hits on the poppers and carefully put them back in my pouch. I leant forward and took the fat Arab cock into my mouth, as the poppers haze hit me and my mind floated off to its usual reverie.

“You had to suck this fat cock,” the voice inside my head began ringing out, “You NEEDED to suck this fat cock. It’s your DUTY to suck big cock.” The fantasy of it was making me hard, and yet it was no longer a fantasy; it was my reality. I knew I was only sucking this man because he had a big, fat dick, otherwise I wouldn’t haven’t gone with him. Yet, because he had a big dick I felt like he deserved for it to be sucked and he deserved to have a cumdump like me pleasure him without question. I sensed that this mindset – which previously only came out in my fantasies – was slowly taking over my thinking. The pumping of his cock was still going strong and my jaw was aching as I gradually started to become aware of my surroundings again.

“I need another hit,” I thought to myself, opening my eyes and drawing myself back from his cock. It was then that I saw that the silhouette had moved much closer to us and was only 2 feet away rubbing his crotch and breathing heavily. I took out the poppers and offered them to the Algerian, hoping it would make him cum; he took a hit and handed them back. I took two long hits as well, holding my breath – longing to glide away again and finish off the job. I took the man in my mouth. The alcohol and poppers helped me completely overcome my shyness, and instead of being embarrassed that the third man was watching me. I wanted him to see that I was a cocksucker. Even more than that, I wanted him to see me swallow this man’s cumload. I didn’t have to wait long.

“URGHHHHH,” the Algerian grunted, making a noise for the first time since I’d started sucking. I felt him jerk back and forth uncontrollably shooting wad after wad of his this semen into my mouth. For the first time, since becoming a cocksucker in this park, I could savour the taste of his sperm in my mouth – and it tasted thick and sweet. I washed it around my mouth, feeling the stranger’s eyes watch with anticipation. When he pulled his cock out I made a very loud and deliberate gesture to show that I had swallowed every drop. Then I reached forward and licked the last drip off the Algerian’s cock head. He thanked me and stepped back, putting his junk back into his trousers.

I stayed kneeling down but leant backwards slightly to rest my back on the trunk of a tree behind me. I looked up at the stranger to see what would happen next. He was younger and better looking, a typical Parisian guy in his 30s. He had his cock out ready and put his hand behind my head to guide my mouth onto his bell-end. I took the whole length of his uncut cock into my mouth. It was around 7 inches and a good size. Quickly, his throbbing gland was pushing on the back of my throat and I wanted to deepthroat him, to feel his cock head inside my throat. I withdrew and took a hit on the poppers. This time his cock Escort bayan Ankara head passed the back of my throat and down into my oesophagus. I held him there for a moment as he moaned loudly, obviously appreciating the feeling of my throat muscles squeezing around his bell-end.

Almost immediately, I could feel his balls tense up on my chin. He brought his second hand round to the back of my head and held himself deep inside me as squirt after squirt of his watery cum shot into my mouth. He pulled out and rubbed his cummy cock over my lips and around my cheeks. My face was covered in his spunk. He asked if I had a tissue, which I swiftly handed him and he thanked me, wiping himself down and walking away. I stood up and tried to get my balance back. My legs ached and I was dizzy from the poppers. The French guy’s cum was drying on my lips. “Damn,” I thought to myself, I didn’t bring any water. I wiped my sleeve across my mouth and gradually started to feel normal again.

I felt slutty. Three different men had cum inside me that night, but I was still hungry for more.

I started walking back to the path, which was only dimly lit. I headed back to the enclosed park and did a few laps, not sure what I would find there. I realised that I was now in the dance I had observed earlier in the night; passing men, standing close enough to take them in and reading the almost imperceptible signs of whether we were compatible.

I soon realised that the men who reached out and stroked my cock were not the guys I wanted. The ones I wanted were those that stroked their own cocks and longed for me to reach out and touch them. Even then, it didn’t guarantee a match. After a few laps, I considered going home but decided I would walk back to the spot I had sucked in half an hour earlier. If nothing came of it, I would go back home.

I passed a few guys on the path but none whose face I could clearly make out. When I reached where the path split, I again followed the dirt path into the bushes and found myself standing beside the same tree; but no one was around. I turned and walked towards the path, until a tall man came powering towards me and brushed straight past. I caught only a glimpse, but he was black, bald-headed and had a large jacket on. I spun around and whispered “hey!” as loud as I could without yelling. He paused. We engaged in a short conversation and I told him I was looking for a nice cock to suck. He asked me if I knew somewhere quiet. “Follow me!” I said, leading him off to a patch of bushes I had passed while jogging the previous day.

When we arrived I turned to ask if it was OK, but before I could even open my mouth he began taking out his dick. I knelt down right away. I was relieved and excited to be presented with a large, thick, black cock which I took in my hand. It wasn’t as big a Bobby’s, but it was a nice size and I could manage it more easily. I started sucking with abandon. I felt the cock get firmer in my mouth, but it didn’t seem to grow any bigger; he had already been an impressive size with a thick vein running down the front, I couldn’t ask for more. A beautiful looking cock. I wanted to savour holding him in my mouth and take him deep into my throat for as long as he would allow me to. As his cock curved downward slightly, it was the perfect shape to deepthroat, and with a hit of poppers I took his full length in long thrusts in and out of my throat without gagging. We continued like this for only a few minutes. Until I felt him leant over and put his hand into my underwear.

The wetness I felt on my asshole told me he had licked his fingers before reaching for my ass. He stuck his finger inside without much fanfare. Then almost immediately he went for a second, “whoa,..whoa there…slow down there’s no rush,” I said, trying to get him to relax a little. “I wanna fuck, ” came the gentle reply, and he heaved me up and turned me so I was facing away from him. I put my hand on the bark of the tree in front of me and bent forward as he pulled my underwear down around my knees. He lined his cock up to my hole and applied pressure.

By now, it had been a few hours since Bobby had violently forced my pussy wide-open, and I could still feel a looseness in my rear end, but it would need a little oiling first. “Wait, wait..I have some lube,” I said, pulling out the bottle and turning to squeeze some on his wide shaft. He began rubbing it in as I took several hits of the poppers, turned around, put my hand on the tree and assumed the position he wanted me in. I felt his thick cock against my relaxed opening, and with a steady and constant pressure, he pushed inside me without pausing for me to adjust.

The discomfort was only fleeting and I knew he was fully inside – at least 8 inches deep – when I felt the warmth of his body up against my back. He took only a moment to rest. “Wow, this guy’s in a hurry!” I thought to myself. Right away he started pumping. He felt large inside me, but my pussy was well able for him Bayan escort Ankara after the fucking earlier in the evening. The slutiness that the poppers ignited in me made me feel like a sleazy whore, having a total stranger’s big, black cock fuck my hole for the second time in one night. In that moment, I wanted nothing more than to be standing there with my asshole open for a man to use it selfishly for his own pleasure – and he did, pumping me for 10 long minutes.

He pulled out all of a sudden and froze – there was someone close-by in the bushes. I begged him to continue, not caring who could be watching us, but he wouldn’t. He seemed to be spooked. Then I had a thought; my place was free. I suggested going back there where we would have privacy and it was warm. Although at first he was hesitant, he agreed to come when I explained it was only 5 minutes away.

As we walked together, we tried to make some casual small talk, discovering that we were both foreigners living in France. Me from London and him from Senegal. “How old do you think I am?” he asked in a slightly accented French, smiling broadly. “I don’t know….36?” I guessed, low-balling but only slightly to be polite. “I’m 53,” he said proudly. “Wow,” I was genuinely impressed, he looked great, his body was in good shape and his cock was long, fat and hard like a teenager. “What’s your name?” he asked me calmly, “Joey..I’m Joey..and you?” – “Abdou,” he said, “but call me Dou.”

When we got into my bedroom, he wasted no time stripping off all of his clothes and waiting for me to do the same. Then he stepped forward and kissed me on the lips. I was a little taken aback. He pushed me back so I was lying on the bed and handed me the pouch I’d been carrying. I fished out the lube and handed it up to him, as I took a hit of poppers. I looked down ginning as I took in his manly frame. From this angle his cock looked huge hanging between his legs. I imagined it being inside me, and my dick instantly went rock hard when he declared, “I wanna fuck your pussy!” I lay down on my back and let him lift my legs above my head, exposing my wet, open cunt. He took his meat in his hand and glided it without resistance into my fuckhole. I moaned deeply as the feeling of fullness sent spasms of pleasure through me.

His body was heavy on mine and my legs ached as he used his weight to hold me in place while only his hips thrusted in and out of me. Then he jostled his body to bring himself up to me so we were face to face with my body bent over double and with a forceful thrust I felt a pop deep inside my gut. I was sure he had pierced my second sphincter and the psychological ecstasy that rang through me was intense. He continued pumping and with each inward thrust I felt the deep stretch and pop invade my innards. I asked him if he could feel my colon gripping him tight. He smiled and told me he would loosen me even inside. My mind had never let my sphincters relax so much before; I was completely open, exposed at his mercy, and Dou was taking full advantage to ram his thick cock home with every thrust.

I lay back and took a large hit on the poppers. An uncontrollable desire took over me, and I wanted him to know. “Cum inside me….please! I want your cum deep inside. Oh please fuck me and cum inside.” Dou moaned and continued unabated, fucking my now sloppy hole in and out all the way. I kept moaning and concentrated on opening up for his manhood as much as I could.

The pace began to quicken, and Dou’s breathing grew heavier. I sensed he was getting close. I took another hit on the poppers and laid back to let my mind wander and drink up the feeling of his swelling meat and the reward I knew I was about to receive. Then it came. His face screwed up and his hand grabbed my ankles which were up in the air. He steadied himself and with a forceful and hard thrust pushed himself deeper than ever into my colon, past my second sphincter and well into my gut. He let out a loud moan and despite my loosened hole I could feel the throbbing of his cock as he ejaculated his sperm into me. He fell onto me with all his weight and lay there not moving, filling me up as I slowly and gratefully drifted back to earth.

When he lifted his head, I was back in reality and in the dim light of my room, I could tell now he was older than I had originally suspected. He looked good though, and was powerful and virulent. He smoked a cigarette out my window, as we chatted and I learned about his life in France. I liked him a lot, and found him really easy to talk to. After thirty minutes of chatting on the bed, he reached over and started stroking my nipples and asked if he could fuck me again.

This time he pushed me face down and put a pillow under my stomach so my hole was sticking out into the air. He had done a good job of opening me up and I decided to not take any poppers since he could now easily slip in without any help. My hole was raw and began to ache as he fucked me hard the sensation of him bottoming out made me hard and horny as I waited patiently for his second cumload of the night. I wanted him inside me and when he obliged I did my best to hold it there until the following morning. We exchanged numbers and shortly after 4am, he set off shortly to take a night bus, and I lay back on my bed satisfied with my tally for the evening.

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Yes, Auntie Julie – Part 3

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Auntie and nephew, sixty-three-year-old Julie Leyland and thirty-year-old Glenn Vernon were now lovers and they were very likely to be spending a lot of time having sex together in the future.Glenn was divorced and living on his own in a flat, and Julie was divorced and living alone in a house and it had been suggested that Glenn not renew the lease on his flat, and move in with Julie.After Glenn had spent most of Saturday plus all of Saturday night with Julie, during which they had sex four times, no date had been fixed for their next meeting but it was always going to be soon.It was soon, on Monday early evening, Glenn phoned Julie.”Hi Julie, I wondered if it was convenient if I came round to see you for a couple of hours,” said Glenn.”Of course, you don’t need to ask,” replied Julie, anxious to have her nephew’s cock between her legs again.”I thought I should, you might have a guest,” said Glenn, who knew that Julie had had male visitors in the past.”As long as you and I are a thing, you will be the only one visiting me in that way, in fact, you might be living here,” said Julie, referring to the ongoing thoughts of Glenn moving in.”That is true, see you very soon,” said Glenn.He arrived at Julie’s house within thirty minutes and auntie and nephew kissed passionately.”Are you here for the night?” asked Julie.”No, got to be at work early tomorrow, but we can have two hours or so,” replied Glenn.”Better not waste time talking then, off to my bedroom young man,” laughed Julie.They got to Julie’s bedroom and rapidly they both got naked.There had been no oral play on Saturday, but now they got into a sixty-nine Maltepe Escort with Julie on top.Julie’s head bobbed up and down on Glenn’s erection as Glenn licked and sucked Julie’s clit and sticky cunt.Neither of them intended to take the other all the way orally, but both were getting close when the sixty-nine came to a stop.Adjusting positions had Julie on her back as Glenn’s rigid penis slid into her wet snatch, and the fuck started.It did not take many thrusts for Julie, very aroused by having her cunt licked, to start cumming, her doing that had Glenn thrusting faster and Julie soon cumming again.The energetic fucking continued until Glenn tensed and spurted his cum into his auntie’s vagina.They lay getting their breath back, occasionally kissing.”I think that I could get to like this,” laughed Julie.”Yeah, me too; I am very seriously thinking of moving in,” said Glenn.”That would be wonderful,” said Julie.”I could stay Friday and Saturday nights this week if that is okay with you,” said Glenn.”That is very okay with me,” responded Julie.”I think that I will have to spank your arse for fucking your nephew though,” chuckled Glenn.”And we can order a cane off the internet for your backside if you are going to keep shagging your auntie,” said Julie.”If we get a cane, it will not only be my backside that feels it,” warned Glenn.”My backside has not felt the cane for forty-six years,” said Julie.”You have been caned before?” said Glenn, wanting to know more.”Yeah, when I was seventeen the headmistress gave me six of the best for being rude to a teacher,” remembered Maltepe Escort Bayan Julie.”Wow! did it hurt?” said Glenn.”Of course it fucking hurt, it had supposed to; your mother took great delight in telling our mum and dad that her big sister had been caned,” remembered Julie.”What did grandma and grandad say?” asked an intrigued Glenn.”Dad didn’t say anything, but mum said that maybe it would do me some good because I was getting too big for my boots,” replied Julie.”And did it do you good?” continued Glenn.”It made me horny, I know that; I looked at the cane marks on my bum in my dressing table mirror that night, and lay face down on my bed and fingered myself to a great cum,” laughed Julie.”So you will get horny when I cane you then,” said Glenn.”Very likely; we will choose a cane at the weekend,” replied Julie.They talked some more and kissed some more, and then Glenn got dressed and left. He would be back in four days and they would have a lot of time together.They spoke and texted several times during the week, then it was Friday.Glenn arrived for his weekend with Julie, and they kissed and caressed but there was no urgency to get straight down to sex.Glenn took the things upstairs that he needed for the weekend, and then he and Julie sat together on the sofa having a coffee.”I saw your mum in town on Wednesday,” said Julie, who was certainly not close to her sister.”Did you? I haven’t seen her for a week or so,” said Glenn, who got on okay with his mother, but the attempt to live under the same roof as his mum and dad when he returned to town Escort Maltepe was not good for any of them.”I told her that you and I were fucking,” said Julie, with a straight face.”Shit! you didn’t did you?” said a shocked Glenn.”Of course not, she would have gone ballistic,” laughed Julie.”I will add to your spanking for shocking me like that,” said Glenn.”Talking of spanking, shall we look on the internet and order a cane now?” said Julie.”Yes, let’s do it,” agreed Glenn.Julie got her laptop and they searched the internet for an appropriate-looking cane. They decided on one and ordered it for delivery to Julie’s house.With that task done, and after some more talking and flirting, they started to think of bed.”Do you want me to tan your arse before or after we fuck?” asked Glenn.”Decisions, decisions,” chuckled Julie, who had been thinking during the week that the prospect of a spanking from her nephew was quite a turn-on.”Yeah, so which is it?” pressed Glenn.”Spanking first; I like the idea of a good fucking whilst I have a sore arse,” replied Julie.”You will get both wishes, a sore arse and a good fucking,” said Glenn, before they got into a snogging and groping session on the sofa.With them both very aroused, they went upstairs.They both got naked and prepared for bed, although it was not anticipated that any sleeping would be done for a while.”Right, let’s make your arse sore,” said Glenn, sitting on a chair in the bedroom, his penis erect.”Where are you going to put that thing?” asked Julie, pointing at Glenn’s arousal.”In your cunt soon, but you get over my lap and we will sort it out,” replied Glenn.Julie lay over Glenn’s lap, and after some adjusting and some giggling, Glenn’s erection was positioned where it would not harm him or Julie.Glenn placed his hand on Julie’s left buttock. To make it worthwhile and hopefully enjoyable for both of them, Glenn intended to give her a thorough spanking.

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Gina Gets Creamed – the Massage

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No matter how much Gina tried to forget about it, her ass and cunt were sore. So they hadn’t fisted her. But it sure felt like whatever they shoved inside her had been more than she’d encountered before. Not that she was experienced in group fucking. Just her lousy husband who’d paid her father, married her in a quick ceremony and brought her to America. And now he was gone.

Thank God she still had her looks. Thank God boys like Joon and Larry and the others found her attractive. Fuckable, they called it. She was fuckable. Through the discomfort she smiled. And looked down at cute little Joon, sitting on the sunbed against her leg, his little cock swelling. Swelling at the thought of what he’d done to her, no doubt, what she’d let him do, what he wanted to do again. Joon, the virginal college boy who’d made her cum like a slut. And in front of her boss and the guys from work. Her parents would be appalled.

And now Larry had returned with some cream for her sore holes. If Joon was little Joon, then Larry was the gentleman, thinking of her welfare. Yet they’d both fucked her and where Joon had been small, Larry was big. He stood over her, his naked body shading her, his ample cock swinging in her face. Like he wandered around with his cock out and fucked older women every other day.

It had seemed only natural after her earlier gangbang, to pull on her thong panties and then with her breasts out, sit and talk with three nineteen year old college guys. As if she did that all the time. Fuck! As much as her cunt hurt she felt moist again just thinking about how wanton she’d been. Good Korean girls kept house Anadolu Yakası Escort and made kimchi. And good thirty four year old Korean girls like her didn’t open their legs for anyone but their husbands. They didn’t stray, they didn’t complain, but just took whatever life threw at them stoically and gratefully. And most of all, they kept their clothes on, even if they were lace thongs.

“Your cream, madame,” Larry said, laughing and waving the white tube in her face. Gina reached up to take it , but he pulled it away. She laughed too, looking from the tube waving in his hand to his cock waving in her face.

“Thank you, kind sir” she said, holding out her hand.

“Oh no,” Larry said, sitting on the daybed opposite Joon. “I will apply the cream to madame. Perhaps madame would like to open her legs for me. Joony, give me a hand.”

Gina sat silent and compliant, and let the two young men take a leg each and standing, gently pull them apart until she was lying naked on her back, her legs spreadeagled. What must I look like, she thought, thinking again that she should find her clothes and cover herself up. But it was a bit late for modesty, she thought and anyway, how would they apply the cream if she dressed.

“Cunt first, madame?” Larry said in his fake customer service voice.

“Cunt first,” she said, surprising herself at the filthy word emanating from her mouth. Cunt. Cunt. Cunt, she repeated in her head. ” Please apply the cream to my cunt.”

But before she was mentally prepared, Larry had squeezed the tube onto his hand and was applying it between her legs. The cream was cool and soothing, and she felt herself relaxing with every smooth pass of his fingers. Larry applied the cream liberally to her pussy lips before slipping his fingers between Anadolu Yakası Escort Bayan them, opening her up with the tips and squeezing more cream into the slit.

Gina heard herself audibly sighing, adjusting her legs to give him better access.

“Madame is very red,” Larry said. “Perhaps madame should be more careful about what she puts in her cunt. Or what she lets other people put in her cunt. One can’t be too careful, what with so many big cocks lurking in the vicinity.”

She couldn’t help but laugh. Even Joon laughed, although he hadn’t spoken. Gina sat up just a little, keeping her legs apart. She could see Joon watching closely at where Larry was applying the cream, and then reach out to touch her. His fingers found her clit, almost expertly for a novice. The college boy held his fingers on her sweet spot, locking his eyes onto hers, expressionless, before commencing a circling motion with just his finger tips. Gina was instantly aroused.

“If madame might turn over,” Larry said, “I can apply some cream, to her ass. What is madame’s wish?”

“Yes. No…” she said. “Not yet. Just wait for Joon to finish.”

She watched for Joon to react to her bold request, but his face remained expressionless. However, eased by the cream he pushed three fingers into her cunt, smooth and quick, working them in with a rocking motion until he was inside her as far as the top knuckle. She winced. It hurt, but in the best way.

“Yes, madame. Your wish is our command. Perhaps while Master Joon is massaging inside your cunt you might like something sweet to suck on.”

Larry stood, laughing. He sounded so ridiculous that Gina laughed too, even as Joon stretched her sore and sensitive skin.

“I could find some ice maybe,” he said, “or a pineapple. Or Escort Anadolu Yakası perhaps madame would like to suck my cock.”

“Please,” Gina said. There seemed little else to do but go along with these boys. Jason, Tracey, the guys from work, and even Troy had disappeared, inside the apartment, she guessed. At least that meant Tracey wasn’t filming her like before. She was concerned at having been filmed, but also curious. What would she look like fucking on film?

Larry knelt beside her face, the tube of cream still in hand, and with the other, held his cock out to her.

“A facial first,” he said, slapping his cock against her nose and cheeks. Gina opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue, hoping to lick his uncut cock head and entice him inside.

“Madame has beautiful features,” he said. “And such white teeth. The whitest I’ve ever cum across.”

They all laughed. Even Joon, pausing in his twisting digital examination. Larry let his swinging cock cum to rest under her nose and then allowed her to take him between her lips, sucking him greedily.

“Madame is in a hurry today,” he said. “Perhaps madame has another appointment following this one. I know Master Joon is keen to practice for his oral examination.”

Gina knew that young men talked like this, especially the ones like Larry who thought they were comedians. They could say what they liked if they were going to treat her so well. Joon was arousing her with his fingers. She could feel the orgasm rising in her, much as she wanted to address Larry’s cock as well. But even as she tried to take control at least in her head, Joon, his fingers still inside her, lowered his face to her cunt and added his tongue to the massage. It pushed her even closer to the edge, her mouth bucking on Larry’s cock as she struggled to hold him fast. How many times had she orgasmed? Had it ever happened more than once before today? She raised her hips off the day bed to better engage Joon’s mouth and fingers. The nineteen year old responded with a vigorous tonguing. Somehow the pain of the previous fucking melted away as her body betrayed her again.


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Madison’s Swimsuit Malfunction

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The foundation of any good wife story is the wife. My wife, Madison, is absolutely amazing. She is that rare sort that toes the line between hot and cute. The hotness is the motivating factor in many of the stories I will write, her good looks attract much attention wherever we go, but the good looks wouldn’t be anything without her adorable personality. Madison is small, standing 5’1 with the coveted yoga-toned physique, a great perky chest that is magically too big for B cups and not quite ready for a C, and an ass that has kept me returning for more while the seven-year itch systematically crumbles love lives all around us.She has shoulder-length medium blonde hair that is almost always in a messy bun, gorgeous hazel eyes, a lightly freckled face, and a nearly permanent smile that can pull you in and melt your heart. Madison developed a love of fitness and flexibility at the onset of the 2020 pandemic, and she has really come a long way in a short time. Where she used to be small and trim; now she is small and fit. I promise the difference shows up in the Instagram likes, so it’s not just in my head.All of that is great, but it is eclipsed by Madison’s fun-loving, mischievous, kind-hearted nature. She’s the sort of person who takes the arm of whomever she is walking with, kisses her friends on the cheek for every selfie, and nearly needs to be chased off with a stick if you don’t want her to hug you. She’s bright, feisty, sexy, and perfectly lovable. There’s more to say, but I’m sure this nausea-inducing paragraph will suffice for now.I am not as aggressively affectionate as my wife, but I am also a fun-loving, young-at-heart guy with a competitive nature and a love for adventure wherever I can find it. I am tall, 6’3″ when I lie up a few inches, reasonably attractive, and as built as you can be without having the motivation to actually work out consistently. In college, they called me “Huge Hugh,” mainly in reference to my quads from years of mountain biking.These days, I’m just Hugh, the easygoing husband of the much more entertaining Madison. Our personalities sometimes get us in trouble, as we wind up competing with each other. I think that this story will serve as an excellent foundation to illustrate the push-pull in our relationship that gets us into precarious situations.Madison and I were invited to a party at one of her coworkers’ homes to celebrate the unveiling of a brand new hot tub, part of a massive deck and swimming pool project that he had been working on all spring. He had been talking about it nonstop and made everyone in their work friend group promise to come out for a Saturday evening party once it was installed. I had not spent much time with Madison’s coworkers before this other than a few game nights and cookouts, but she had grown much closer to them since their company resumed in-office work during a coronavirus lull.I am self-employed, so I wasn’t affected by the pandemic very much, but many of Madison’s friends had taken other jobs or moved away during the past year. Given her fun-loving and clingy personality, she naturally began spending more time with her work friends. They were an okay bunch, we got along well, and I was happy for Şerifali Escort a chance to check out the pool since I was thinking about taking on a similar yard renovation next summer.We were getting ready to head out to the party. I had just thrown on some board shorts and a T-shirt, and Madison was in the bathroom doing her makeup and getting dressed. I heard her laughing from where I was hanging out in the bedroom. “What’s so funny in there?” I shouted casually.”Come and see for yourself!” Madison called from the bathroom. I walked to the ensuite bathroom and saw what she was laughing about.A couple of years ago, Madison had invested in what she called her “drop jaw moment” bikini. A classic white string bikini that had undoubtedly been a bold move at the time, but now the effect was double. The top still fit perfectly, the seductively curved triangles of fabric cupping her breasts perfectly, leaving enough of her chest exposed to make holding eye contact difficult, even for her husband of seven years, but not so skimpy as to be worried about wardrobe malfunctions all night.The change was with the bikini bottoms. I guessed that shrinkage from the dryer combined with two years of dedicated gym work had teamed up to make them the wrong size altogether. She gave me a couple of spins to check out the ensemble.”What do you think? My butt has gotten a bit bigger, so I have to position the suit more towards the back, and even when I do that, it’s basically a thong now, and it barely leaves anything up front!”She was right. Practically her whole ass was on display with just a tiny triangle of white fabric at the top. The strings hung seductively over her hips and joined together in the front with another triangle of white fabric that was enough to cover the important bits but not quite enough for casual poolside socializing. It was almost like something they would wear in Playboy, not something you would typically wear around coworkers.”Wear it! I think you’ll be very popular,” I said with a wry grin.Madison laughed again and pulled at the strings of the bikini bottom.”Okay, challenge accepted,” she said, returning my smirk as she walked out of the bathroom and over to her dresser. She took out a pair of loose linen shorts and pulled them up over her swimsuit bottoms, then added a tank top to complete the outfit. I wondered if she would actually take those shorts off to swim or if she was just messing with me.I was slightly surprised by the whole situation, but this was just the kind of thing that happened. One of us would make a joke, and the other would keep pushing the bit until one of us caved. It was our brand of fun, and this was just a new way to play. We gathered the rest of our stuff, drove to a convenience store to grab some drinks for the party, and then set off for her coworker’s place.Her coworker, Phil, lived around twenty minutes away in a reasonably nice neighborhood. I liked Phil well enough. He was around my age, single, with no kids, and shared Madison’s fun-loving disposition. I knew from work stories that he was often a bit flirtatious, but that isn’t uncommon for single folks our age. Most of the people in her work friends’ Şerifali Escort Bayan group chat shared racy memes, spoke primarily in innuendo, etc. I never thought much of it, and I wasn’t above a little bit of fun as long as everyone was respectful of each other’s boundaries.Pulling up to Phil’s house, there were already a few cars in the driveway and parked on the street. We were right on time, so we headed up to the front door and rang the doorbell. Phil answered the door with a beer in his hand and greeted us enthusiastically.”Madison! Hugh! Glad you could make it, come on in!”Madison stepped in first, returning his enthusiasm by charging right in for a hug.”Phil! Your house is so nice, why didn’t you invite us over sooner?” she chirped up at him.Phil wrapped one arm around her, returning the hug while stumbling back and holding the beer away to avoid spilling it.”Jeez, don’t break my ribs,” Phil chuckled. “I wanted to wait until the place was done before I had guests over. You’re the last ones to arrive, let me show you around, and then we will get some food going!”Madison peeled herself off Phil and took a few steps into the foyer. Phil shook my hand, and we set off to see the place.His house was very nice. It wasn’t huge, maybe two or three bedrooms, but it had been renovated very tastefully. Phil was a handy guy and probably did most of the work himself. While the inside was nice, the yard was absolutely wild. Phil had about a quarter acre of land, and most of that was taken up by a massive deck that stepped down to a stone patio with an in-ground swimming pool. A neat standalone shack housed a large hot tub, as promised. It was the kind of mismanaged extravagance that appealed to all bachelors his age.Most of Madison’s team was hanging out on the deck, and they greeted us warmly. Madison set off to do her round of hugs and hellos while Phil showed me around the yard. Taking an inventory of everyone there, I saw Phil, Tom, Peter, Lena, Cal, Mark, and a few other coworkers whom I hadn’t met but maybe once or twice in passing. Larry, their supervisor and beloved father figure in their posse, couldn’t make it today but asked them to send photos from the party since the whole team was together.Tom started grilling some burgers and brats as Phil bombarded me with pool, patio, and hot tub specs that meant almost nothing to me, but he was excited, so I mirrored his enthusiasm. Pretty soon, we were all hanging out together on the deck, enjoying food and knocking back a few beers. It was a great hangout spot; we all agreed it would be the summer base of operations.With everyone fed and with absolutely no respect for the one-hour-before-swimming rule, we all decided to hit the pool. Most everyone was in their suits already, minus Madison. Most of the guys and I went ahead and jumped in, Lena, one of Madison’s closest friends from work, had brought her camera to take a few photos, so she just put her feet in the water. She had a photography side business and was actually pretty good.Madison stood by the pool’s edge and slowly stripped off her tank, revealing her white string bikini top. It was doing a great job showing off her fantastic Escort Şerifali body, even with the shorts still on. She was met with a few cheers from the guys in the pool, which she graciously accepted with a smile and a twirl. Once the first set of hollers calmed down, she shot me a playful grin, dipping her thumbs into her waistband. A jolt of excitement and hesitation went through me, as I didn’t know if she was really planning on showcasing the daring bottoms around the people she saw at work every day.”Oooh, hold on, babe,” Lena shouted from her seat at the opposite edge of the pool. She drew her camera up to take a photo. Madison struck a dramatic pose, thrusting her chest out and using her thumbs to pull down the front of her shorts seductively. Everyone cheered and laughed while Lena snapped a few photos. Maddie did look quite striking in the evening sunlight, the golden hour beams making her look much more tan than usual and accentuating her toned stomach and perfect B-cup tits.Now done with the runway, she met my eyes again, slowly lowering her shorts. Just as her bikini bottoms were coming into view, she changed her pace, squatting down and quickly stepping out of them and diving straight into the pool. I heard a few groans from the guys who were expecting the poolside striptease to continue, but everyone got back into the spirit of things and started swimming or wading around while making light conversation. Madison swam and splashed around in the water between conversations with her coworkers.I noticed a few of her coworkers struggling to keep their eyes off her tits while they conversed, but she mostly kept her bottom half underwater, so the tiny bottoms weren’t the major distraction they otherwise would be.The sun was setting quickly, and a few people decided to head home. Madison and Lena were the only girls left, and I knew most of the guys that stayed. There were maybe ten people left, all part of her tight-knit friend group at work, so I imagined we would all hang out reasonably late into the night. Phil decided it was time to move to the hot tub, so he climbed out of the pool and went to get it ready.Madison made her way to get out of the pool, and Lena called for her to strike another pose while she came up the ladder. Madison obliged, dramatically hoisting herself up the final step out of the water, thrusting her chest forward, throwing her hair back, and striking a surprisingly sultry facial expression. Lena had flipped the camera flash on and snapped the pic. As she pulled herself out of the water, the guys were treated with an insanely good view of her ass. Her white bikini bottoms were barely more than a thong, and whistles and cries of oh-my-god rang out. Madison laughed and quickly scampered over to grab a towel, and I don’t think an eye left her the whole short trot.All in all, it wasn’t as big a tease as I was expecting. Her coworkers in the pool got an eyeful but only for a few seconds. We all followed Phil and Madison’s lead and got out of the pool to dry off and grab some more drinks while Phil prepped the hot tub. Madison and I sat together on a lounger for a bit, relaxing in the evening heat and enjoying some cheap beers. It was almost dark then, and some automatic exterior lights flicked on to bathe the deck, patio, and hot tub shack in a comfortable glow. Right on cue with the lighting, Phil announced that the hot tub was ready to rock. Everyone excitedly made their way towards the sound of whirring jets and bubbles.

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Bi Wedding Party

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Ever find your self in a cab, heading for an unknown destination and not really knowing why? Sitting there, watching people’s faces pass the windows and trying to find that one point in time that made you say yes to the faceless name on the screen. Made you listen to that tightening in your stomach. Made you obey that nervousness and push onward.

It was like that for me. Stifling a feeling of dread for the erotic sense of anticipation. I couldn’t figure out when the actual moment of realization was, but I was able to remember the first time I ever acted on it. It was the previous year, November. A wedding in Los Angeles, held at a small church with the reception at the pool of a crystal white hotel hanging off the Hollywood Hills. The wedding itself was notable, only in that it was fast and quick and painless. Getting everyone to the reception that they desperately wanted to be a part of anyway.

It couldn’t have been better. Cool enough for a jacket, but not so cool as required more. A smooth clear night that left the pool un-rippled and gave the guests incentive to drink a bit more. A bit more to leave shirts unbuttoned and let eyes linger a bit longer than possible. Eyes that caught the attention of others and made introductions that would never have been made under normal circumstances.

And that is how I met them. They were at the bar, a youngish couple in their late thirties. Just enough tan to show they got out, but not so much to say they lived at the beach. In shape and attractive – a pair that may not have caught my eye if they were in another place. But they did, and that is how it started. And somewhere in there, between the drinks and the party and the cake a nerve was struck that made us all laugh our way into their room for a nightcap after the party wound down.

The door was opened and we fell into the room. Lis ran to throw the balcony open while Jan opened the mini-bar and proceeded to make drinks from whatever was available and to usher me outside. And there, fourteen floors up Ankara bayan escort and overlooking a city of lights was Lis, her top open to the world below as a breeze rippled her hair. I was floored. I couldn’t move. I could only stare at her through the vodka tonics and smile. She looked at me and laughed. Her finger motioned me to her as she spoke. “It’s okay, we swing.” She shrugged and turned back to the city below. “I hope you don’t mind. We just though you’d enjoy joining us.”

“No, no. It’s fine. I do. I just…” My voice was cut by Jan’s. “But you’re not sure about us.” He thrust a drink in my hand as Lis took a step to me. She put her hand on my face and turned me to her. Her lips pressed against mine as my arm wrapped around her and my lips were parted by her tongue. It only took a moment as my own began to wrap around hers in a sinuous dance where everything else vanished except for that one point of contact.

And then I came back. My jacket was being removed and my tie was loosened. I think I even laughed as Jan helped me out of my clothes, my own hands being too occupied with Lis’. It was as if servants were helping the two of us undress for some ritual intercourse. It was beyond just sex, allowing us to both focus on pleasures. When we came together, it wasn’t through the separation of clothing, but the warmth of flesh on flesh; the soft press of her breasts against my body; the smooth curve of her hips; the touch of her fingers as they ran feather light over my sex. I was in all the way, ready and willing to go further.

I pressed even further into her, watching her husband slowly slide her thong over her hips and down her feet. Felt as her hands grabbed the elastic of my underwear to slide them over my own hips. Only to be replaced by his fingers as he removed them the rest of the way. I thought nothing of stepping out of them as my staff rose passed his face. Perhaps I should have, but I didn’t. I merely though of more, of finding a way to feed my desire. Escort bayan Ankara Her lips were now on my nipples and I watched as he slid out of his clothes to move behind her and caress the tan lines of her rear. Her hands were now fully stroking myself, moving below me. Her mouth was licking, sucking, pulling at my nipples. Between watching and feeling her, I was watching him. Watching his penis press against the flesh of her ass, watching his finger roam over her back, watching the dark nipples of his chest sway behind her. It was intoxicating. I had never seen a nude man in such a situation. It was not longer gay or straight or bisexual, it just was. It was sexy and sensual and erotic as I had never seen it. And when she kneeled down to take me into her mouth, and his fingers reached out to my nipples, I smiled at the added sensation. And when his fingers tightened, I gasped.

If it weren’t for her fingers holding me back, the night would have ended then. But, they weren’t about to allow that. They wanted more. I felt his tongue on my nipples as his hands were removed and her mouth continued its caressing of my sex. Her fingers wrapped firmly at the base of my penis to prevent me from erupting. And I was carried to a place I had never been with my eyes closed and my head thrown back.

I truly don’t remember going back to their room, but somewhere in the moment we ended up at their bed in a mass of bodies. She was on her back as I watched him slowly slide into her. His staff glistened from her pleasures – her sex folding and unfolding with every stroke. I watched my own member working into her mouth as she gasped between thrusts. It was too much for me when I reached to the nub of pleasure that I knew was there, just below the spray of neatly trimmed fur. I felt it just barely rearing up when I placed a finger on it, but the response was instant. Her body seemed to tense and hold itself up for a moment in time before crumbling onto the white sheets of the bed. Her breath stopped Bayan escort Ankara and her mouth opened and I knew where she was. Her body wracked with spasms between the circles I was making with my fingers and the slow, steady thrusts of his movements.

Jan and I shared the same smiles as we acknowledged what we were doing not even an inch from each others flesh. Even when his hand moved up to take over the small circles I was making. Nudging my own hand closer to his cock. Urging me to touch him. And I did. I placed my fingers on his member. Lightly at first, feeling the hard softness of his staff. Relishing the motion and the firmness. Moving my fingers to envelope him completely and hold him firmly. Even Lis moved up to her elbows to watch as I let him fuck my hand before entering her with each stroke.

I don’t know what made me do it, but when I bent over to taste the two of them it seemed the most natural thing to do. To taste, to savour, to let his manhood fill my mouth as it pulled completely out of her, leaving his pleasures up to me. I shuffled slightly, bending over onto the bed in an almost 69 next to Lis. My mouth working on its own, taking the pace from his continued thrusts, knowing that now I was truly sucking him. I could feel every part of my lips stretch around him, follow the vein on his shaft, follow the smooth widening of the mushroom head of his cock. I felt him move and tighten and shift as my mouth continued past him, holding him with my fingers, giving to him the pleasure I so enjoyed on myself.

I rolled onto my back, my own hand moving to caress his balls as he took over the pace, pushing his wet member into my mouth, pulling it back again. Feeling the expanded sac lay against my cheek as his own hand began to caress my own. I could feel his wife’s mouth be replaced by his as he maneuvered over me. Her fingers sliding lower to probe into me.

From there it never lessened. It was no longer three people having sex. It was one. It was one long lust for pleasures and releases and temptations and trials and experiences. And at that moment, I knew it wouldn’t stop. It might subside as I found my ground, but it would never ever stop. And that is how I found myself in a cab, heading to an unknown apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side to experiment with a married man I had never met.

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The Office Whore – Part 54

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Chad Stephens was having a hell of a day. Meetings filled his morning and after lunch he was dealing with contracts and paperwork that practically made his eyes bleed. He was exhausted, but it would all be worth it. At the end of the day, he would have four days off and intended to use at least a portion of each of those days using the sex dungeon that was finally set up in his new house. Located on the third floor, it was very different from his previous dungeon in his old cabin. Part of that had been Reina’s influence. Oh, it still reeked of decadence, but also had a more playful feel to it. She had managed to add a very sensual component to their sex life.That he had managed to fall in love with a woman who not only tolerated his need for kink, but embraced it, still seemed like a dream. And while she was no push over in the business world, having proven herself a major asset in his firm, she was all the right kinds of submissive when it came to his needs.After they had spent time setting up the dungeon together, Chad had added a few surprises. He hoped she would approve and enjoy them. But if not, the fact that she was excited about breaking in their new bondage furniture would be plenty satisfying for him.One thing he was sure of, Reina had been having to take the reins lately in keeping their relationship steady and he wanted to change that dynamic. She was a strong woman, but he knew her well enough to know that most of the time she preferred to be dominated by him. He’d been floundering a bit in that regard and had allowed himself to fall prey to some of his previous bad habits recently. She deserved better than that. That’s why they were taking a four-day weekend to work on finding their center again. And had both agreed some time in the new dungeon was very much overdue.With an hour left in the workday, Chad sent Reina a text.Time for you to go home and prepare yourself to be my slut. Reina smiled and sent a text back.Yes, Sir. Chad’s cock twitched. He could hardly wait to get his hands on his Office Whore wife.Reina got home and showered quickly. She did her makeup and hair Ümraniye Escort and put on a red pair of heels and the new collar he had purchased for her. Then she went downstairs and waited in the chair in the living room until she heard Chad pull into the garage. Wanting to surprise him, she got on her knees and put her hands behind her back, lowering her chin to her chest.Chad walked into the room and his jaw nearly dropped to the floor. She was exquisite. And she was all his. He walked up to her, lifted her chin, and looked into her beautiful blue eyes, “Do you wish to please your Master?”“Yes, Sir,” she whispered.“Louder, slut, I can’t hear you,” he admonished.For a split second, he worried he’d come across too harshly and ruined the moment. But he grinned when she looked at him with lust in her eyes and repeated much louder, “Yes, my Sir, I want to please my Master.”He refused to spoil things by asking her if she was sure. How could he dominate her if he expressed any doubt that she really wanted this?As if reading his mind, she added, “Please my Sir, let me show you I am worthy of serving you. Let me satisfy your need to own me and use me for your pleasure. I trust you.”Love and lust flooded his senses. The words, “I trust you,” were all he needed to hear to assure him that she felt safe and that she desired this as much as he did. She could be both his wife and his submissive little slut. She could be his lover and his Office Whore. She was perfect.He attached the leash to her collar and said, “Follow me, slut. I have waited all day for this.”Reina rose to her feet, lowered her eyes again, and followed Chad up to the third floor. She was so aroused, that by the time they reached the door to the dungeon, her nipples were hard, and her slit glistened with desire. She’d been waiting all day for this too.He led her into the dungeon room and watched her eyes grow as large as saucers. He grinned decadently, “I’ve added a few things, I think you will find them exciting.”The few added things were a king size depot dungeon bed and a suspended cage. He realized Ümraniye Escort Bayan both items might be intimidating, especially since he had kept them a surprise. But the shock on her face quickly turned to lust, and he knew he’d chosen well. He smiled and turned her face up to his again, “You please me greatly. My need to dominate you excites you doesn’t it?”“Yes, Sir. Just as my need to be submissive to you makes your cock hard,” she purred.“You’re not wrong, but I’m going to need to spank you for speaking so boldly to your Master,” he decided, using this as a segue to get their evening started.“Yes, Sir. As you wish,” she said meekly, turning her eyes downward again.“I do wish, very much. And you’re right, my cock is hard. It’s like fucking steel. I want to ram it into that hot little cunt of yours and make you cum while I shoot my seed deep inside you,” he said, never taking his eyes off her body. “But you’ll need to earn that, my sweet slut.”Desire raced down Reina’s spine causing her bare sex to swell, “I will please you, my Sir, and earn your cock in my pussy.”He guided her to the new spanking bench and said, “kneel on it and bend over, my little Office Whore. You’ve been teasing your boss at work again and now it’s time for your boss to show you that he owns you. It’s time to make your creamy white ass bright red.”She did as he commanded and kept perfectly still while he fastened the straps. Once she was secured, however, she began to struggle, “No, please, Master, I promise to be good.”His heart raced; she knew he would get even more turned on if she struggled. What a gift she was giving him. Not just her body, but her trust. Her knowledge of his needs, combined with her desire to fulfill them, was humbling. So, yes, he’d take his pleasure from her, but he’d give her pleasure ten-fold in return. There was simply no woman on earth that could ever make him as happy as Reina did.He picked up the paddle and said, “Count them off for me, slut.” Then he brought down the paddle onto her left ass cheek.SMACK!“One,” Reina counted.SMACK!“Two,” she Escort Ümraniye said, her voice hitching a little as the paddle connected with the other cheek.SMACK!“Three.”SMACK!“Four.”SMACK!“Five.”SMACK!“Six,” Reina was quivering as she counted.SMACK!“Seven.”SMACK!“Eight.”“Just two more, my slutty little whore,” Chad said, as he rubbed a hand over both sides of her ass.SMACK!“Nine.”SMACK!“Ten, thank you Master,” Reina said, as he rubbed her bright red ass with a gentle touch.He leaned over near the side of her face and said, “You’re such a good girl.”“Thank you, Sir,” she answered.It took all of his willpower to not take out his cock and enter her now. He wanted her so damn much! But it hardly seemed fair to either one of them to give in to his lusty need this soon. So instead, he traded the paddle for a flogger and repeated the process. And she counted and thanked him again.He released her from the bench and led her to the dungeon bed. It was formidable to say the least. It included top crossbars, top rail hoops and additional restraint hoops. Chad had gone with the king size so that if they were ever too tired to move after some intense play, they would be comfortable sleeping there as well.“Get on the bed, my slut. I’m going to play with you and use you. If you earn it, I will fuck that pretty little pussy of yours tonight. But not until after you’ve given me some cock worship with that delectable mouth and throat of yours,” Chad explained.Reina simply nodded. She didn’t realize, until the second round of spanking with the flogger, just how much she had been craving this. Her body ached with need and her pussy was soaking wet after the session on the bench.As Chad attached each restraint to her wrists and ankles, he noticed how wet she was with her legs spread wide open for him. “You’re dripping, you lusty little whore. You need this as much as I do, don’t you? Maybe even more than I do, huh?” he asked rhetorically. It wasn’t a question that needed answering. The nipples that stood hard as pencil erasers and the juices running out of her cunt made it obvious.“You’re not just my Office Whore, are you? You’re my bedroom slut and my dungeon sex slave, aren’t you?” he asked as she nodded. “I’m going to leave your eyes uncovered. I want you to be able to look up at the mirror and see what I’m doing to you between your legs that you have spread open like a dirty little whore.”

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