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Bir Sabah bekliyorum. Yaklaşık yarım saat otobüs bekledik durakta ama hepsi tıklım tıklım olduğu için bir türlü binemedik. En sonunda 3-5 kişilik daha yolcu alabilecek bir otobüs geldi. Gözünü açık tutan 2 erkek ve 3 kız otobüsün ön kapısına ani bir manevra yaptık. Bu 3 kızdan birisiyle hemen hemen aynı saatlerde otobüse biniyoruz ve haftada en az 3 kez karşılaşıyoruz. 22-23 yalşarında bir hatun. Kız çok güzel sayılmaz ama vücudu harika diyebilirim. Ufak ufak birbirimize bakışlar atıyoruz hergün ama bir türlü tanışmayı beceremedik. Nedendir bilmem ama sabahları aşırı bir sex isteği oluşuyor bende. Fakat o güne kadar ne kadar da sex istesem kalabalık otobüsleri hiç değerlendirmedim. Kaptan zar zor kapatabildi ön kapıyı ve kimin eli kimin cebinde belli olmadan yolculuğa başladık.Benim önümde 30 yaşını aşkın bir bayan var. Onun hemen yanında da sabahları bakıştığımız genç kız, Önümdeki bayanın yanında hafiften boşluk olmasına rağmen o boşluğa bir türlü geçmiyor ve kalçasını bana doğru yaklaştırıyor. Elimde olmadan ona sürtünmeye başladım ama birde bu sıcak yaz gününde iyice ateş basmaya başladı. Ben utancımdan onun kalçasından ne kadar kaçmaya çalışsamda bir türlü başaramadım. En sonunda bu kadar sürtünmeye benim ufaklıkta dayanamadı tabi ve sertleşmeye başladı. Artık ona dayanmak hoşuma gitmeye başlamıştı. Kadın benim ufaklığın sertleştiğini hissetmeye başladı heral de ki. Artık sadece kalçasını oynatmıyor ve ufak ufak kalçalırını hareket ettiriyordu. Bu beni iyice çileden çıkarmıştı ki. O her sabah karşılaştığımız kızın gözünü ikimizin üstünde hissettim. Ama öyle bir bakış fırlattıki bana korkmadım desem yalan olur. Önümdeki bayanın bunu istediğini nerden bilecek? Otobüste bir laf söylese rezil olacaz. Onun o bakışını gördükten sonra önümdeki bayanın oraya ilerlemeyip boş kalan yere izin isteyip geçtim. Tam iyice zevk vermeye başlayan bir sürtünmenin bittiğine kızsam mı? Yoksa kesiştiğimiz kızın bana laf söylememesine sevin semi? Otobüsün boş olan kısmına geçince o kızla yan yana geldik. Daha doğrusu onun biraz çaprazındayım. Kız bu sefer kafasını çevirip bana hafif bir tebessümle bakma başladı. Aynı şekilde bende ona. Birkaç dk. sonra busefer o her sabah bakıştığım o güzel vücutlu kız bana kalçasını yaklaştırmaya başlamaz mı? Niye yalan söyleyim bundan önceki o yarım kalan zevk hala etkisini gösterdiği için busefer hiç kaçmaya çalışmadım. Hatta o bana dokundurmaya başlayınca ben hafif onun çarprazındaki olan yerimi tam onun arkasına gelecek şekilde değiştirdim. Okadar harika bir histi ki bu anlatamam. Altında yaz günü olduğu için incecik bir kumaş pantolon vardı. Ama inanın sanki hiç pantolonu yokmuş gibi hissediyordum. Benim ufaklık 2 kalça arasına öyle bir değiyordu ki. O ise hem kalçalırını oynatıyor, hem de kalçasını arasıra sıkıp gevşetiyordu. Böylece benimki iki kalçası arasında bir sıkışıyor bir gevşiyordu. Önceden sadece belden aşağımız birbirine değerken artık bütün vücudumu ona yaslamıştım. Onun sırtını benim göğsümde hissetmek daha fazla bir tat almama neden oluyordu. Bu şekilde yaklaşık 15dk. yolculuk ettik. Daha sonra o –ŞÖFÖR BEY DURAKTA ÖN KAPIYI AÇABİLİRMİSİNİZ– diye seslenince öyle bir kötü oldum ki anlatamam. Bu denli bir zevki ve heyecanı hiçbir sex ilişkimde yaşamamıştım. Durakta kapı açıldı ve kız indi. E benim ne yapmam gerekir? Tabi ki bende peşinden indim otobüsten. Yanına gittim ve onunla tanışmak istediğimi söyledim. Kızın bana verdiği cevap aynen şuydu: —ASLINDA ÇOK HOŞ VE YAKIŞIKLI BİR ÇOCUKSUN SENİNLE TANIŞMAYI İSTERDİM AMA BEN EVLİ BİR BAYANIM. SENİ RED ETDİĞİM İÇİN KUSURA BAKMA. FAKAT SANA ŞUNU SÖYLEYİM: AÇIK ALANLARDA VE HERKESİN İÇİNDE EROTİZME BAYILIYORUM. BANA ÇOK BÜYÜK BİR ZEVK VE HEYECAN VERİYOR BU. İSTERSEN BUNDAN SONRA HER SABAH BERABER BİNERİZ OTOBÜSE AMA BENİMLE NE DURAKTA NE OTOBÜSTE NE DE BAŞKA YERDE TANIMAYACAKSIN….— Ne diyeceğimi bilemedim açıkçası onun bu lafından sonra. Sadece – Önceden haftada durakta 3 kez karşılaşıyosak artık hergün onun gelmesini bekliyorum durağa. Bulunduğumuz yer itibarıyla hergün tıklım tıklım olan otobüslere zar zor biniyoruz. ve bu sürtünme hergün oluyo. Ama artık kıza hak vermeye başladım. Eğer arkadaş olup flört yapmaya başlasaydık belki bukadar zevk alamazdık bu yaptığımızdan. İnanın butür şeyler insana normal bir seksten çok daha fazla haz veriyor.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bodrum Macerası Bölüm 4 (Dişi Panter)

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Bodrum Macerası Bölüm 4 (Dişi Panter)
“Eyvah, bir şey unuttular sanırım, geri geliyorlar!!!” dediğimde, suratı bembeyaz olmuştu. Çok hızlı bir şekilde kalkıp kıyafetlerini aldı.“ Tamam, dur sakin ol, sadece biraz heyecanlanmanı istedim, gelmiyorlar her şey yolunda” deyince yüzüme sinirli bir şekilde baktı. Böyle bir şeyin şakası bile olmazdı ama zevzekliğim tutmuştu bir kere. Kıyafetlerini giymeye başladı ve girdiğim şoktan çıkıp, “dur yapma, özür dilerim, gereksiz bir şeydi” desem de beni dinlemiyordu. Merdivenlere yönelip alt kata indiğinde peşinden gittim. “Lütfen gitme” diye direttim ama kapıyı çarpıp gitti. Öylece kalakalmıştım. Odaya çıkıp hızlı bir şekilde üzerimi giyindim. Kararımı vermiştim ve bu sefer ben onun yanına gidecektim. Aşağıya inip kapıyı açtığımda karşımda duruyordu. ”Nasıl, hangisi daha heyecanlıydı?” diyerek, yüzünde hınzır bir ifade ile gülüyordu. “Sen gerçek bir cadısın, sana en yakın zamanda bir süpürge almak lazım,” dediğimde kapıyı kapatıp boynuma sarıldı. Çok rahatlamıştım. “Sana gerçekten kızdım, hem dur bakalım daha intikamımı almadım” diye kulağıma fısıldıyor, nefesi kulağıma ılık bir meltem gibi çarpıp, teninin kokusuyla adeta başımı döndürüyordu. Heyecanım daha da artmıştı.” Seri bir şekilde merdivenleri çıkıp bu sefer zaman harcamıyor hızlıca birbirimizin kıyafetlerini çıkarıyorduk. Tamamen çıplak kaldıktan sonra beni itip yatağın üstüne fırlattı. Avını parçalayacak bir dişi panter gibi bana bakıyordu.Yatağın üzerine çıkmış, ben üzerime oturacağını sanırken ayağa kalkmıştı. İçine girmek için sabırsızlandığım manzarayı bana izletiyor, eliyle amını okşuyor ve sonra arkasını dönüp beni çıldırttığını bildiği kalçalarını elleriyle iki yana ayırıyordu.
Son olarak yüzünü dönüp üzerime oturacak gibi yapıp tekrar ayağa kalktığında ise dayanamayıp “ tamam artık gel” diye fısıldasam da bir taraftan gülüyor, bu oyunu oynamaya devam ediyordu. Beklediğim an gelmişti ve yavaş yavaş üzerime oturdu, artık kaskatı kesilmiş sikimi eline aldı ve tam için alacakken tekrar dışarıya çıkarıp iyice ıslanmış amının sularıyla üzerinde kaymaya başladı. Bir müddet sonra yine eliyle tutup içine alacakmış gibi yapıyor kafasını amının etrafında gezdiriyor ama çok az sokup yine arasına sıkıştırdığı sikimin üzerinde ileri geri kayıp duruyordu. Belli ki bu, intikamın ikinci perdesiydi ama beni çıldırttığı kadar bu durum daha da iştahımı kabartmıştı. Son olarak, dizlerini yerden kesip ayaklarının üzerine kalktı, yine kafasını içine aldığında, ”hadi ama” dedim. O ise gülerek ”şşşş konuşma, kendini bana bırak ve manzaranın tadını çıkar” deyip çok yavaş bir şekilde üzerine oturmaya başladı. O kadar ağır hareket ediyordu ki içinin ıslaklığı ve sıcaklığında ömrümden ömür gidiyordu adeta. Aletim yavaş yavaş amının derinliklerine gömülürken sonuna kadar içine girmek için sabırsızlanıyordum. Artık Funda da hızlanmaya başlamış üzerimde seri bir şekilde inip kalkıyordu.
İnlemelerimiz odanın duvarlarında yankılanıp, hoş bir melodiye dönüşüyor, bu otantik temmuz akşamında, tek vücut olan çıplak bedenlerimizin bronzluğunda kayboluyordu adeta. Tekrar dizlerinin üzerine doğru oturduğunda göğüslerini emmeye başladım, kendinden geçip çığlıklar atmaya başlayınca bu sefer benim göğüslerimi ısırıyor, sanki sevişmiyor adeta birer düşman gibi birbirimizle savaşıyorduk. Her oturup kalktığında bacaklarıma çarpan kalçalarından çıkan ritmik ses çığlıklarıyla bütünleştikçe bu anın bitmesini hiç istemiyordum.
Artık kontrolü ele alma zamanıydı. Fundayı sert bir şekilde kucağımdan indirdim ve belinden kavrayıp dizlerinin üzerinde domalttım. Manzaranın güzelliğine dayanamayıp yine kafamı kalçalarının arasına gömüp yalamaya başladım. Onu iyice yatağın kenarına çekip aşağıya indim Sonra sikimin başını amına dayadım ve birkaç saniye sürttükten sonra çok hızlı bir hareketle içine girdim. Derin bir nefes çekip “hayvansın!!” diye bağırdıkça sert darbelerle içine girip çıkıyordum, arada kafasını çevirip yüzüme şehvetli bir şekilde baktığında, onunla göz göze gelmek beni daha da kamçılıyordu. Fundanın ise nefesi iyice sıklaşmış ve sonunda çığlıklar atıp titreyerek boşalmıştı. Yüzükoyun yatağa uzandığında ben de onun üstüne uzanmıştım. Sanki orgazmı bitmemiş hala derin derin nefes alıp veriyor ben ise sikim içinden çıkmış olmasına rağmen rahat durmuyordum. Bu sefer göt deliğini zorlamaya başladım. O pozisyonda bile içine almaya çalışıyor ama acıdan kıvranıyordu. Kafası içine girince çığlık attı ama yine de durumdan memnun görünüyordu. Ben ise zorlamaya devam ediyor o gülerek altımda kıvranıyor bu sefer kaçmaya çalışıyordu. Son anda altımdan kurtuldu ve sikime saldırıp ağzına alıp boğazına kadar dayadı. Aletimi her çıkarışında gelen balgamları üzerine tükürüp eliyle dağıttı “arkama geç ve beni götümden bağırta bağırta sik” derken bile gülüyordu. Sonra önümde domaldı ve elleriyle kalçalarını ayırıp bekledi. Önce dilimle yokladıktan sonra deliği iyice kıvama gelmiş ve açılmıştı. Tüm spermlerimi akıtmak için sabırsızlandığım o dar deliğin içine yavaş yavaş kafasını soktuğumda yine kıvranmaya başlamış kalçasını sağa sola çeviriyor, acıyla karışık zevk çığlıkları atıyordu. Tamamı soktuğumda , “ohh” diye bağırmış “daha hızlı” diye bana komutlar veriyordu. O muhteşem ve dar deliğini bana siktirirken kendinden geçiyor daha sertçe içinde kaymaya devam ediyordum. Hiç beklemediğim bir anda kendini çekip sırt üstü yatağa uzandı, yüzüme bakıp “gözlerini görmek istiyorum artık” deyince bacaklarını omuzlarıma dayadı. İyice gevşemiş arka deliğine girmemle dudaklarıma yapışmam bir olmuştu. Arada bir gülüp gözlerimin içine bakıyor, oradan içime işliyordu adeta. Ben göt deliğini içinde kayboldukça ikimizde zevkten inliyorduk. O ise daha yok mu der gibi iki ayaklarını belime dolayıp kendine doğru bastırırken dayanamayıp iliklerime kadar göt deliğine patlamıştım. Günlerin verdiği birikimle içinde bir nehir gibi aktığımı hissettim. Boşalırken tüm inlemelerimi siteden duymayan kalmamıştı sanırım. Soluklarımız birbirine karışmış yine dudaklarını öpmeye başlamıştım. “Hadi içimden çık ve sırt üstü uzan, ziyan etmeyelim” dediğinde bahsi geçen şeyi anlamamıştım. Dediğini yapıp sırt üstü uzandığımda döllerin hepsini sikimin üstüne ve göbeğime akıtmaya başladı.
Tıpkı bir şelale gibi akan spermlerimin tamamını boşalttıktan sonra elleriyle üstüme dağıttı ve bu sefer yalayıp yutmaya başladı, bir damlasını bile ziyan etmeyene kadar üzerime bir krema gibi yaydığı her dölü yutmuştu. Son olarak sikimi eliyle sıkıp içeride kalanları da emerken dilini üstünde gezdiriyor ve bir anda köküne kadar ağzına alıyor inmekte olan sikim ağzının içinde yeniden büyüyordu. Bu müthiş an bittiğinde gelip yanıma uzandı ve dudaklarımdan öpmeye başladığında, dudaklarının lezzetiyle karışan döl tadı kendimi garip hissetmemi sağlamıştı. Tatlı yorgunluğun verdiği haz ile bir süre birbirimize sarılıp dinlendik. O ara telefonum çaldığında Seda aramıştı ve nasıl olduğumu soruyordu. Ben ise uyuma numarası yapmış ve nerede olduklarını sormuştum. Havaalanına yaklaşmışlardı ve ikinci bölüm için yeterince zamanımız kalmıştı.

to be continued

Diğer Bölümlerin Linkleri
1- https://xhamster.com/stories/bodrum-maceras-b-l-m1-9699157
2- https://xhamster.com/stories/bodrum-maceras-b-l-m-2-9699160
3- https://xhamster.com/stories/bodrum-maceras-b-l-m-3-9699574

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Doctor

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Nicky and I went on a 5-month college exchange program in England. He originally didn’t want to do it, but I told him I wouldn’t go without him. I wanted us to bond together, away from family customs and interference. As we got to the check-in point, Nicky wandered off and wound up in a different lodging group than me. I rarely saw him, as our groups usually did things in opposite order. The worst, however, is that by the end of the trip he had met “the girl of his dreams” and headed back to the States with her.

Two years later Nicky came home. But it was like he was really not here, for along with him came his fiancée, Andrea. They spent 95% of the time in his room or out of the house. She didn’t like anything Mama cooked; her preference was packaged food. Plus, they were practically inseparable, so I couldn’t really talk with Nicky as we had in the past. But, he is my brother and he’s stuck by me the most. I love him dearly, even though he can be quite annoying.

One day, Nicky and Andrea appeared in my room to hang out a while. It was really nice of Nicky to seek me out and show he wanted to spend time with me. There we were sitting on the floor near the foot of my bed, which juts out into the room, just chatting, when all of a sudden Andrea keels over, arms clutched across her stomach, “Oh, god I’m burning. I need the doctor,” in obvious pain.

Nicky jumps up, grabbing her feet barks, “Get her arms. Get her on the bed”.

We pick her up. She’s wiggling like crazy. It’s all I can do to hang on to her as we set her across the end of my bed, Nicky on one side with her feet, I on the other.

“Hold her shoulders down,” Nicky demands.

I’m totally confused. “What are you doing? Shouldn’t we call for a doctor?”

I start to move away.

“No! Stay put. We can handle this.”

Then with a bit of calmness he adds, “stick with me, Sis. Hold her still.”

Sis? He never called me “Sis” before. Befuddled and put out at what he called me, I return to holding her shoulders.

“Hold her tight. I’m going to pull away from you, so hold her steady.”

I wrap my fingers into her armpits.

“Hurry! Nicky,” Andrea wails, “I’m on fire.”

Nicky latches on to her shorts. He looks up at me.


I nod. With a quick jerk her shorts and canlı bahis panties (was she wearing any?) are off, exposing her shaven pussy. Nicky drops to the ground, squatting at her feet as he fumbles with her clothing, untangling her limbs. All I see is the top of his head, but I can tell he’s doing something down at her feet. Andrea starts bouncing on the bed, pushing her hips up off the bed and dropping back down. I look down at her. Her arms start flailing about. Nicky jolts his head back to face me. I can’t believe what I see. He’s wearing her panties on his head like a surgical mask with the crotch across his mouth and nose.

“Anesthesia, quick!”

I have no idea – what does he expect me to do? “What?” I let out with a small laugh.

But at that moment Andrea jerks her head into my loose fitting shorts, resting an open mouth against my pantied cunt. There is sudden calmness. I find her once flailing arms at rest, with her hands on my back, fingers gently tucked in to the waistband. Her breath, warm, slows as she relaxes, dropping her mouth away from me, into a peaceful slumber.

My attention returns to Nicky. His hands under her feet, he pushes her legs up lifting her knees from the bed. They fall easily away from each other, spreading her legs wide. Her feet lightly rest on his shoulders. He is gentle, slow, and meticulous as he rests the heels of his cupped hands on her thighs, either side of her cunt. His thumbs extend downward, then gently touch the skin between her legs and lips. He lightly strokes the skin. His eyes are intently focused, he seems to be looking for something as he cocks, then tilts, his head. Thumbs move inward, touching her outer labia lips. Gently caressing them to open. I strain for a better view. They open more under his encouragement. I see pink. He relaxes a bit giving a slight nod as in understanding what he sees.

“Ahh, yes, this inflammation,” his diagnosis,” was surely caused by excessive friction, due in part by this very dry air. Just needs a bit of lubrication to set her right.”

He looks like a cow chewing its cud as his chin gyrates and his tongue whirls around in his mouth as he conjures a wad of spit. He moves his head in close to her slit, pulling the panty crotch down under his chin. His tongue slips out just enough to wet his lips, bahis siteleri then retracts. He leans in toward her opening, his tongue protrudes slightly curled around his spit wad. Ever so lightly his tongue touches her pink inner flesh. Moving slowly up and down, he leaves a trail of saliva the length of her slit. Then with steady, sensitive pressure, he gradually enters deeper. His tongue retracting periodically for a quick saliva refill, only to return to its lubricating duty. He tongues her clit for a while, then spreads more lube up and down her slit. He keeps this up until she is sopping wet. He pulls his head back for another visual inspection. Thumbs at the ready, they massage their way into her, spreading her open even wider. For being such a petite girl, she has a surprisingly large opening.

Again, a knowing look crosses Nicky’s face. “Could use a higher viscosity lube in there.”

He repositions one hand around her cunt, fingers to the right and thumb on the left, continuing to massage her open. The other hand drops down off the bed. As he stands, the fingers cupped around his balls and thumb on top at the base of his cock, oscillate open and closed, working his tool stiff. Then with great care he aims the tip at the great wet opening. Slowly, with the attention of a sensitive skilled doctor, his needle presses into her folds, up to the hilt. His hands, slip down following his fingers around her hips and under her buttocks. Here they lift her weight slightly from the bed and begin shaking her.

The cerebral chamber of this vibrating body remains lodged between my legs. I can’t help but notice the sensation, as Andrea’s nose is aligned with and pressing against my cloth-covered slit. One of her hands is shaken loose from my waist, and falls – deliberately slowly, I realize – with vibrato fingers that trickle down my butt cheek and leg. With a quick tickling dance they cross the back of my knee before ascending my inner thigh.

I tense a bit, uncertain what will happen next. This is in no way the sexual introduction I expected. Here it is, so what can I do now?

Her fingers reach my panties and stretch the elastic leg opening to gain unobstructed access to my cunt. Her tongue quickly lathers my pussy lips. Each of Nicky’s forward thrusts forces Andrea’s tongue deeper into bahis şirketleri me. I imagine for the moment it is Nicky’s cock in me. That gives me pleasure.

I look up at Nicky. His face is scrunched, his mouth opens, “ahhh,” his head tilts back. The injection is complete. All at once, faster than anything, he pulls his spent syringe out of her pussy, and he is down, opened mouth wrapped around her cunt once more.

Andrea’s hand climbs up my back, forcing me to lean forward. Her tongue glides easily in and out my saturated slit. Her lips wrap around my clit as Nicky has hers. As I lean forward, her tongue swirls around my clit followed by lips closing in, and sucking it into them. Alternating between swirling tongue and sucking lips my clit is pleasured as never before. I lean on the bed beside her, lifting my opposite foot on to the bed, opening my crotch for better access. My head is by her waist, near Nicky’s face. I inhale the aroma of her juices mixed with his as he eats it out of her.

If this is how life will be once they are married, I welcome her. I find an appreciation for her boldness to get what she wants. The thought of future loving adventures with Andrea and Nicky adds to my acceptance and welcoming of this intimate intercourse. I fill with joy and the pleasure, and in so doing, I feel the release of an orgasm. “Whooo-ey, that’s good.”

Andrea’s hands drop down, letting me go. I collapse on the bed beside her, resting a spell as Nicky tidies his patient.

Andrea puts her hands out to Nicky, “up.” He promptly pulls her up and off the bed. In a rather perky fashion she says, “Go, ask your dad to pay for our honeymoon.”

“What?” Emotions running more rampant than ever.

“Well, we did what he asked, now he’ll do what we ask, right?” She says.

“Daddy asked you to sexually assault me? That’s disgusting and disturbing. Why would he do such a thing? Why would YOU do such a thing?” I rebuke feeling used to the core.

“You know you’re his little buddy. He won’t do anything I ask unless you get something out of it, or Mama makes him,” Nicky replies. “He’s been watching you closely; wants you to have the sexual intimacy you desire with me.”

“With YOU! Yeah.”

“Nuh-ah, the only pussy Nicky gets is mine,” chides Andrea. Adding with pride and a giggle, “you enjoyed our little foray.”

“I thought you were including me in your life together; not using me just to get money.”

“Come on, Mister. Let’s wrap-up those honeymoon plans.”

I’m left alone.

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Deflowering of My Daughter Ch. 03

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


It wasn’t long before we were on our way; I asked my daughter if she’d had a good time and how she felt about the ass fuck.

She just beamed like a Cheshire cat and said the feeling was awesome and the ensuing orgasm was so intense she thought she was going to pass out.

As Tanya was recalling what we’d just experienced together she spread her legs, lifted the hem of her skirt and started rubbing her crotch through her panties, I suggested that it would be a good idea if she took her knickers off before they got soaked with her juices, so she hooked her thumbs under the waist band and removed her panties stuffing them into her handbag, she then returned her fingers to her naked snatch and continued to work them up and down the slit.

My daughter then asked me-through moans of ecstasy-how far it was to the restaurant, as she really needed to feel my cock pumping in and out of her pussy.

My dick was by now straining to get in on the action being offered me on a plate and as luck would have it we were just passing the entrance to the forestry and the barrier was open, (meaning that someone was still working) so I turned the car up onto the track and travelled a little way to an area used by the wagon drivers to check that their load of timber is safe for travelling on the road.

I stopped the car at the far end; I then phoned the restaurant from my mobile and told them we were running a bit behind schedule but to keep the table reserved for us, while I was talking on the phone Tanya had reached over to my jeans and was busy unbuckling the belt, after I’d finished on the phone I quickly removed my jeans leaving them in a heap, I told Tanya to lower the back rest of her seat into the horizontal position, which she did and without further to do I clambered across the centre console and positioned myself in between my daughter’s thighs, Tanya was already pushing my boxer shorts down to release the one eyed snake.

She then gently gripped the shaft and guided my rigid cock to her waiting wet fuck-hole, her cunt was so lubricated that I had no problem in sliding it into her, I pushed my cock the full eight inches up inside her vagina then pulled it back and every time I pushed into her she would moan, “Ohhh—- —Ohhh—–Ohhh——Oh yea—-Aggh—-yea——-f__u__ c__ k ME H –A—R—D, Uuuhhhh Uuuhhhh Uuuuhhhh Uuuuhhhh Y E A F A S T E R F A S T E R F A S T E R Aaarrrggghh Fuck your BABY GIRL, ram that cock up me, OHHHHh Y e a h h h , T h a t ‘s it keep going,”

We were going at it like wild animals and failed to notice the truck carrying it’s load of logs pull up outside.

All of a sudden there was a loud rapping on the passenger door window, which stopped me in my tracks, much to my daughter’s frustration.

I pulled my cock out of Tanya’s cunt and clambered back over to the driver’s seat and quickly pulled my pants on, as I was busying myself Tanya was raising the backrest of her seat to the vertical position.

Then came another rap on the window but as all the glass was steamed up we couldn’t see who it was so I pressed the switch to lower the window, standing outside was quite a muscular man in his mid twenties wearing a t-shirt and work jeans, he put his hands on the window frame and peered into the car, he looked me up and down and asked what we were doing parked on private property.

Before I could answer him, Tanya recognised who he was as he lived on the same estate as her and she said his name was Danny, he then realized who Tanya was so they started chatting like old pals, I could see that she kept looking at the bulge in Danny’s jeans then she asked him how his sex life was seeing that his wife was heavily pregnant, he admitted that he hadn’t had his end away for quite a some time.

My daughter then told him that she’d been left feeling frustrated and as she was still as horny as hell would he like to relieve some of the stress that he must be going through and help her out as well,

Tanya then looked at me and I suggested that it would be a good idea for Danny to wear a condom-just to be safe-and she agreed so I handed her an unopened pack of three that I always have handy in the car then I opened the drivers door and told her I was going for a walk bahis firmaları to give them a bit of privacy.

As I started walking up the track I glanced back at the car and could see that my daughter had the passenger door open and she was sitting side on with her legs outside and her head was bobbing up and down, I figured she was giving Danny a blowjob just to get him in the mood for the nitty gritty.

I continued walking up the track and thought it would be nice if I could find a vantage point above where the car was parked so that I could keep an eye on the proceedings, just then I noticed a pathway leading up through the brush in the direction where I wanted to be, I followed the path and to my delight it brought me out about 30 feet above the lay-by which meant I had a birds-eye view of the action going on below, what greeted me nearly made my eyes pop out of their sockets.

I was expecting to see Danny lying on top of Tanya fucking her on the back seat of the car, but what met my eyes was even more arousing,

Danny was fucking my daughter all right and he was giving her a real good seeing to but he had her spread eagled on the bonnet with his pants around his ankles and her skirt up over her waist revealing her naked lower regions for anyone to see but by the look of total ecstasy on her beautiful face she didn’t care as she was getting a fucking good pounding from his large cock.

Suddenly he pulled his todger out and in a flash spun Tanya over so she now had her feet on the ground and was bent forward over the bonnet, Danny then positioned himself behind her and rammed his rod back up into her wet cunt and continued stuffing her full with his meat while firmly gripping her luscious hips in the doggy position,

Tanya was moaning out loud and Danny was grunting heavily as they went at it and just watching them had my own cock aching to release its jism so I pulled my zipper down and reached inside the flap of my shorts gripping the shaft I pulled my very rigid cock out and started wanking off all the time looking at the awesome action that was happening on the bonnet of my car below and it didn’t take long before I was shooting spunk all over the flora.

Tanya and Danny must have climaxed at the same time because I heard her moaning in total bliss, and when I looked down again they had finished shagging so I put my cock back in my pants and made my way down to the car.

On returning to my car Tanya was sitting back in the passenger seat chatting to Danny as though nothing had happened, I got into the driver’s seat, my daughter was entering Danny’s phone number onto her mobile (which meant this wouldn’t be the last time they would get together) Danny then told me that we would have to leave the area because he was locking the barrier behind him.

I started the engine and we said our goodbyes then we carried on to the restaurant.

It didn’t take long to arrive at the country Hotel; I eventually found a parking space as the restaurant was a very popular eatery; We walked through the Hotel foyer and into the restaurant where we were met by the head waiter; I told him that we had a table reserved and apologised for arriving late, He simply said that it was lucky I’d phoned when I did as they were having a busy night, he then guided us to our table.

The reason this place is so popular is the way it’s furnished, it has a real ‘Olde World’ feel to it with the solid oak tables laid out in private booths surrounded by high Oakwood panelling and plush seating, our table was set for two with a candle in the centre, very romantic.

We sat down opposite each other and the waiter handed us the menu then wished us ‘bon appetite’.

I scanned the menu and decided to go with the crispy half duck and to my surprise Tanya went for the same, we also decided to start with a prawn cocktail so I called for a waiter and it wasn’t long before he arrived.

The waiter was in his early twenties and looked quite fit as my daughter pointed out and when he spoke you could tell he was from France although he spoke good English,

I gave him our order and he went away to the kitchen, whilst we waited for our starters to arrive I asked Tanya how she was enjoying herself so kaçak iddaa far and she replied by saying she had had an awesome mind blowing experience and said that she loved me for it.

Then I asked her how it went with Danny, she blushed a little but said that she really enjoyed feeling his 10 inch cock fucking her, I unwittingly let it slip that it was a right turn on watching another man humping the fuck out of my daughter and especially spread-eagled on the bonnet of my car, just then I saw the waiter bringing our prawn cocktails.

After we were about three-quarters of the way through our main meal I removed my right shoe and sock (without my daughter knowing) and ran the ball of my foot up the inner side of her right boot,

As my foot touched her bare skin she jumped a little with shock but soon relaxed so I continued the movement, gliding the ball of my foot along her inner thigh and under the hem of her skirt, finally arriving at her bare crotch (as she hadn’t put her panties back on) Tanya opened her thighs a little allowing my toes access to her pussy lips and clit.

As I worked my big toe up and down her slit I asked her how she felt about trying a threesome?

She stuttered a bit but then said she’d seen some porn on the subject and wouldn’t mind trying it as long as it was with two men, then I asked her if she knew what the spit roast position was, she had an idea so I suggested we give it a go.

Tanya looked at me with a puzzled expression although she was getting really turned on by the manipulation of my toe rubbing her pussy under the table.

My daughter then asked me what I had in mind so I explained that apart from the good food the restaurant had another secret reputation involving the waiters, apparently they are willing to help out in any way they can to ensure the customers happiness!!

Tanya got the idea and said she was well up for it and wouldn’t mind involving the waiter that had served us, with that I called him over and propositioned him, He couldn’t believe his luck and said that he knew this went on but this was the first time he had been asked to perform, he then said that he was due a break and would show us where we could go to get it on.

By now I was feeling as horny as hell and Tanya was nearly beside herself with excitement, I’d stopped rubbing her pussy with my toe by now and I was putting my shoe back on when the waiter came back and asked us to follow him.

He led the way down a narrow corridor where the toilets were housed and opened a door at the end, there was a sign on the door that read ‘Private Staff Room’, we entered the room and the waiter closed and bolted the door behind us.

The room contained a table with some dirty plates on the surface and four hardback chairs positioned around it and a couple of stools, there was also a settee that had seen better days against the back wall with a sink and water boiler in the corner and a cupboard against another wall but what caught my eye -and what Tanya headed for-was an easy chair with a low back that was in the centre of the room with the back facing the door.

My daughter knelt on the cushioned chair and motioned the waiter to her, when he reached her she wasted no time in pulling the zipper down on his trousers then inserting her hand in through the opening and grasping his willy, she pulled his semi-hard cock out and pushed the skin down revealing his helmet-his cock was about 9 inches long but it must have been at least seven inches in girth-she let out a low sigh when she saw how thick it was and immediately started licking the length of his shaft which didn’t take long to become fully erect.

Tanya kept working her magic on his manhood but because of the thickness she was unable to insert it in her small mouth, as this was going on I pulled up a stool then lifted the hem of her skirt and placed it on the small of her back exposing the naked luscious cheeks of her arse which I slapped playfully, I then sat down and was confronted with the beautiful sight of my daughter’s pouting pussy, I gently pulled her labia outer lips apart with my thumbs allowing my tongue access to the pink inner lips and the entrance to her vagina and started to perform cunnilingus on her kaçak bahis by pushing my tongue into her soaking wet cunt and slurping up the juices that were oozing out.

Tanya started to grind her pussy onto my mouth as she still worked on the waiter’s cock, moaning in sheer ecstasy, we carried on with this debauchery for a while longer until my daughter couldn’t take it any longer and said she needed to feel a cock inside her pussy, so I asked the waiter if he would like to change places with me and like a flash he was by my side, I then re-positioned to Tanya’s front and unbuckled the belt on my jeans and she unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down she then pulled my boxer shorts down releasing my aching rock-hard erection.

As she was doing this, I noticed-with relief-that the waiter was rolling a condom onto his one eyed monster, then positioned himself against her ass bent his knees slightly and guided his cock to the opening of Tanya’s vagina where he started to push his thick penis up inside her wet cunt, you could see by the look on his face that he was enjoying the feel of my daughter’s tight pussy opening up for him as he slid his dick in further.

Tanya had my cock in her mouth by now and was busy moving her head up and down the shaft when the waiter started to push his monster in stretching her vagina; luckily she was well lubricated with her love fluid, he finally got the full length of his cock inside her then started to withdraw it and when it was nearly out he pushed it back in and this time it went in with ease which pushed Tanya forward nearly chocking her with my cock.

The waiter got into a rhythm as he fucked my daughter, starting off slowly and worked up to a pretty fast pumping action, Tanya was going mad sucking on my dick and feeling my balls and I must admit the sight of her being bonked by a total stranger and to have her suck my cock at the same time was out of this world-awesome.

We kept up the ‘spit roasting’ for a while until the waiter couldn’t hold it any longer and shot his load of spunk into the condom, I wasn’t far behind and as I started to shoot my spunk into her mouth. Tanya was overcome by a huge orgasm, which made her whole body shudder, and the smell of sex was heavy in the room.

When we came back to earth and regained our composure, I had already taken my cock out of Tanya’s mouth but when the waiter pulled his cock out of her stretched pussy I was amazed by the amount the condom had ballooned with the volume of spunk he had shot into it, he peeled it off and said that he hadn’t had such an extreme orgasm for a long time, he then put the full condom on the stool so that he could pull his trousers back up.

Tanya was now standing by me on wobbly legs after being fucked good and proper, the waiter told us that he still had some time left on his break so he would stay in the room while we made our way back to our table calling in on the toilets on the way past,

I arrived at the table first and it was a good ten minuets before Tanya rejoined me, we then ordered a coffee and as we were finishing the waiter reappeared so I asked him for the bill, he went away and came back a few minuets later with the bill inside a folder and on inspection I was pleasantly surprised because the waiter had given us staff discount of 30% so I paid up and as we were saying our goodbyes I slipped him a £10 tip.

The journey back to Tanya’s home was uneventful, I asked her if she had enjoyed herself and told her I felt really bad about having to leave her earlier than she was hoping.

Tanya said she would remember this day forever and she thought it couldn’t get any better than when I took her virginity that day in between the sand dunes on that private deserted beach but she’d had her eyes opened with the experiences she had just had and she had been well and truly deflowered but enjoyed every minute of being with me.

We arrived at her house and were both intrigued to see her mother’s car parked in the driveway, seeing as they were supposed to be away camping for the weekend, I asked Tanya to let me know if there was anything wrong and with that she lent over and kissed my cheek then got out of the car and went up to the house turning to blow me a kiss before disappearing through the doorway, I then drove-with a heavy heart- to my parents house where I was staying and started packing my gear ready for the journey up to Scotland the next day.

The End.

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The Devil’s Due

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It had become their ritual. Thaelor and Ryan knew the staff’s schedule by heart. Steppan the house butler would never rise before 5:30, Myron the chef would never arrive before 5:45 and the rest of the staff never got there before 6:00. Thus, 4:00 am became their magic hour. Their own little corner of Shangri La. Meeting up in the third-floor guest bathroom, the siblings would have their illicit rendezvous in peace and quiet, without the possibility of getting caught. So, it was that they finally caught up with one another. The warm water cascaded off their bodies as they became entwined in lovemaking for the first time in weeks. With Dad off in session in D.C., Sharmel on another of her spending jaunts in Europe, and their new lover Brittney at a photoshoot in Bermuda for the next 2 weeks, they were all alone. Thaelor gasped when Ryan slid into her hot pussy. She missed the girth of him filling her up. His body pinning her to the wall, his powerful hands grasping her ass. Twice, she almost allowed a scream of extasy loose when he rammed into her body, her clit rubbing perfectly over his washboard stomach.

“Oh God, I missed you.” She whispered.

“I love you too.” He replied.

Looking into her hazel eyes, Ryan’s heart jumped. The same eyes that captivated him that day when she came into his life, the ones that shifted blue when she was angry at him for pulling her hair. The same ones that glowed when with comfort when his girlfriend had been murdered and he cried in silence. The same ones that needed comfort during that fateful storm. He couldn’t believe his luck. He had found her. The love of his life. The same eyes he wanted to melt into as he grew old.

Their lips mashed together when she kissed him, masking another scream from her throat. She was loving his every inch. He felt so hard. She was so soft. Thaelor almost lost it again when he sucked the water off her engorged nipple. His tongue working wonders on the light brown areola. God he was good! Another spasm surged through her s he pumped harder and harder, deeper and deeper into her core being.

“Baby, I’m almost there.” He gasped.

“No! Please…not yet. Let me down.”

She turned to face the wall. Bracing herself with one hand, she used the other to guide him back into her soaking wet love canal, placing himself behind her. His strokes were long and insanely powerful. Again, and again he plowed her pussy, taking in the sustenance of her love.

“Ahhh….ahhhhh….Oh shit! I’m cummi….”

The sound was cut off as Ryan clamped a hand over her mouth. His other arm encircling her waist. His dick slammed, churned and stirred her closer to an explosive orgasm. Then she felt it…the all too familiar twitch that came whenever he was about to release his soul.

“Baby…I’m Cumming!” Ryan said, as softly as his words could come.

She felt it launch. Load after load of his hot, juicy cum filled her bowels as he released into extasy. This magic moment also sent her over the edge. Thaelor bucked and squirmed as her own orgasm took over. Eyes rolling back, teeth gnashing together, muscles no longer following commands. She thanked God Ryan’s powerful arms held her up. Tightly embracing her, keeping her body from hitting the floor; just as he had done with her heart. They both took a moment to compose themselves. Gather their thoughts and allow the pleasures to subside. They exchanged cleansing rituals. Ryan washed her body as she shampooed her hair. Worshipping every inch of her smooth, latte colored skin. Her face, shoulders, breasts, legs, ass, everything he loved. Standing up after he finished her feet, she looked like the woman of his dreams as she rinsed. Already the hair beginning to curl at the ends. A trait of her mixed heritage. He especially loved the scent of her hair. The shampoo she used smelled of strawberries. It was cheap, but she loved it.

She washed him too. The pangs of sexual desire reigniting as the soap and water flowed over Ryan’s hard body. His massive shoulders and arms, broad chest, expansive back, powerful legs, and bronzed feet. She salivated when she got to his cock. Though mostly limp from expelling it’s hot contents into her just moments before, it was beginning to swell again. Jumping and engorging as she touched it.

He stood her up and kissed her very soul as the water showered over them. Washing away the sweat and dirt from their bodies. Almost as if the very sin of their union flowed down the drain with everything else. Making them clean and pure once again. But they didn’t care. Their love too far gone to worry about such things anymore.

Cutting off the water, they used separate towels to dry off. They even took care to dry the shower of any left-over water. Putting on robes, they opened the door and checked the hallway for any possible onlookers who might spy them. With the landing free of any other souls, the siblings took the back staircase to their rooms, the rich carpeting masking the sounds of their naked feet. Another bahis firmaları quick kiss and they departed.

“See you later alligator.”

“After while crocodile.”

The last words between two lovers.

Thaelor stirred for a minute in her bed. By now, Ryan was sound asleep (he always fell asleep quickly….like a baby). But her mind and soul weren’t at rest. Something was off. She just knew it. For the third time, she pulled the soft comforter over her naked body and searched for sleep. This time it came. Just as she was leaving this plain of existence for the land of dreams….


She bolted straight up in her bed. What the fuck was that? The sound of a woman’s scream reverberated through the house like a bomb going off. Foregoing a t-shirt, Thaelor raced to the chair where she kept her robe, put it on and ran out her door. Her flight so fast, she almost ran headlong into the chest of her brother Ryan, who was standing at the top of the stairs in his robe as well. The glint of a large handgun in his fist (where the hell did he get that?). After a split-second look, he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her downstairs. She almost fell twice as his long strides took the stairs by two. Reaching the main floor of the house, the muted sounds of sobbing could be heard coming down the hallway. His steel leading the way, Ryan moved to the sounds coming from the main floor entertainment room, his sister padding directly on his heels. Turning the corner, the siblings were shocked to find the space crowded with the workers of the house. Steppan, the house butler (and the siblings oldest and best confidant) had his arms full of Mrs. Michaels, the Head Maid of the house. They were flanked by the rest of the house staff including; Myron the Chef and Mr. Anthony the Head Grounds keeper. A few more of their subordinates (those who got there early) filled out the rest of the space.

Ryan lowered his weapon as the sibling s walked in.

“What the FUCK is going on in here?” Ryan demanded.

Steppan’s gaze toward his “adopted” son was cold. But his mouth didn’t open as Mrs. Michaels large body shook his with every sob and heave of grief.

“It’s bad.” Mr. Anthony replied. Stepping forward, he flanked Steppan and took the remote to the wall mounted television in hand. Pressing the button for sound, the machine grew louder, revealing the cause for alarm.

“….Again, in breaking news, the Authorities consisting of a combined task force of: FBI, DEA, and Homeland Security; in conjunction with State and local Law enforcement, have confirmed they have broken up a Sex Ring, that they believe is responsible for Drug and Human trafficking into the state. No less than 30 people have been arrested in connection with this ring; among those in custody at this time include the children of many movie stars and the State’s own Senator Robert Morrison. During the middle of the night, the combined forces launched a simultaneous cache of search warrants all over the state, including the party of a prominent football player, that is rumored to have been catered to by many underage sex workers.”

A collection of pictures filled the screen. Among them, in the lower right-hand corner were pictures of their siblings. No doubt about it, there were pictures of Travis and Monica.

“Oh shit.” Thaelor breathed. “This isn’t bad…it’s a fucking nightmare!!!!”

“I got to make some calls.” Replied Mr. Gannon, the Head of Security. “We’re going to talk about THAT, when I return.” He added as he stopped by Ryan’s side.

Looking at his hand, Ryan gazed upon his All-American Arms .45 caliber, hand gun. In the shock of the moment, he had forgotten all about having it in his fist. Quickly he shoved the weapon into the pocket of his robe.

“I would admonish you for your reckless tone young Master Ryan, but I’ll overlook it this time due to the gravity of the morning’s news.” Steppan said sternly. “I thought I raised you better than that type of crass and gutter talk. You too Mistress Thaelor.”

“I’m sorry Steppan, it won’t happen again. We were just taken aback by her scream.” Ryan explained as he knelt next to Steppan. The house butler had been with Ryan ever since he came home from the hospital with his mother. Steppan had always been there for him. Acting more like a father than even the “Good” Senator Morrison. A second father if ever he needed one. He hated to disappoint such a valued and trusted friend. Almost an extended member of the family.

Turning his attention to Mrs. Michaels Ryan asked; “Are you ok?!”

Mrs. Michaels had been around almost as long as Steppan. Having taken her post shortly after Ryan’s Mom passed away, she had been many things to him as well. Mainly as his medic whenever he tried to maim himself as a child. Ryan was usually the third wheel to his older siblings and they took no mercy on him. Always daring him to pull one crazy stunt after another. It helped kaçak iddaa less that he was notoriously clumsy. He probably ruined more clothes skinning one area of his body or another. None worse than when he “fell” out of the treehouse (actually Monica was having a rather “private” tea party with her best friend Claudette and had kicked him out). His fall took him all the way to the ground, scraping his back against the tree bark and shredding him like a block of the finest cheese. She didn’t care. She simply nursed him back to health and kept the secret from his father as best she could. She knew that both children would more than likely be beaten half to death by the good Senator. No sense in making a bad situation worse.

“I’m sorry to have awaken you baby.” She replied, tears streaming down her face, her eyes read and puffy. The little bit of make up she wore, ruined by her current condition. “I was just floored by seeing your sister and brother mixed up in this mess. All of you are like children to me. I have known most of you since you were in diapers, except you Ms. Thaelor…but I have grown to love you too.”

“I know.” Thaelor said. Her eyes misting over as well.

“I just can’t believe it…Travis and Monica???!! HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN??!! I refuse to believe this happened. There has too be a rational explanation. Travis and Monica aren’t those kind of people. What’s happened to my BABIES?!!!!”

Another bout of sobbing heaves came from Mrs. Michael’s soul. She was devastated. Picking her up from the couch they had been sitting on, Steppan began shouting orders to the remaining staff to get to work.

“OK people…it’s over as far as we are concerned! Get to work. Myron, get the kids their breakfast started (the situation had obviously affected him too, Ryan and Thaelor were both in their 20’s). They can’t deal with this on an empty stomach. The rest of you know what to do. No slacking off either! I want this place ship shape when I return! I’m going to take her home. There’s no way she can work like this! House keepers, this place better be SPOTLESS!!!” Turning to the siblings, he also was stern in his orders. “You two better eat everything on your plates too! Don’t have Myron cook up a huge breakfast and you pick at it like a couple of spoiled brats! Also, I recommend whatever plans you had for the day you cancel them immediately! You know full well your father will be home soon and will give you instructions from there! Lord knows you’ll need the strength!”

Ryan looked at his father figure in muted silence. He hadn’t spoken to him in such a tone since he was a little boy. As much of a hard exterior he was putting on…Steppan was in trouble too. His heart was rending apart. He was just holding up better than their maid. It wasn’t until his sister tapped him on the arm, that Ryan answered. Lowering his head to the floor, they spoke in unison.

“Yes Sir.” The stunned siblings replied.

Just as Steppan’s hard eyes left them, the brother and sister reached out and hugged their elders before they could leave the room. Even Steppan couldn’t stop the tears from flowing. As one broken heart, the adopted family all shared a moment of grief.

Breakfast for the siblings was held in pregnant silence. They both ate closed mouthed. The entire house as a matter of fact was as quiet as a tomb. The only sounds being the fans whirring overhead and the numerous vacuum cleaners and lawn equipment churning away at their respective duties.

Myron had gone all out for their breakfasts. Eggs, bacon, sausage, potatoes done 3 ways, and a gaggle of mixed fruit, to go along with their usual coffee. Ryan who normally didn’t eat a large breakfast, cleared 4 plates. His mind and soul preparing for the inevitable phone call from their father he knew was coming. It was only due to the difference in time that he hadn’t burned the phone lines already screaming, hollering, ranting and raving like a mad man already. But like the rising of the sun in the East and the changing of the tides, he and his sister knew….it was coming.

Surprisingly, the call came just after lunch. More surprising than that, Senator Robert Morrison, a man known far and wide for his volcanic temper, was smoother and quieter than a church mouse.

“Ryan are you there?” He said after he picked up the phone.

“Yeah Dad…I’m here and so is Thaelor.”

“No matter. Listen, I’m going to be stuck in session for the next few days. I can’t get there any sooner. I’ll need you to take care of this for me. Get out there to Glen-Lawson Federal Prison and find out what has happened.”

Thaelor’s face dropped. Her father never missed an opportunity to dismiss her very existence. She knew better than to hope. But one day…she just wished he would say something nice about her. Show her that he did love her…if even for a split second. The dig hadn’t been lost on Ryan either. I knew of the pain she felt with every slight. Reaching out his hand, he held hers. Hoping to take just a little kaçak bahis of the sting out of the encounter.

“Ryan, I need you act as my representative. I can’t personally be involved with this in any way, shape, form, or fashion. It would resonate terribly with my constituency. Besides, I’m busy here making policy and leading a country.”

Just then, the soft giggles of not one, but two women wafted over the line. So much for “leading a country.”

“I need you to meet a….Ms. Charlton at the prison. She’s an associate of my lawyer’s firm. Take care of this son quickly and quietly. Can I count on you?”

Ryan shook his head in disgust. “Yeah Dad…I’m your man. Anything I can pass on to your CHILDREN while I’m at it?”

There was a long silence on the line. Heavy breathing filling the airwaves.

“Don’t drop the soap.” The line went dead.

Ryan balled his fist and was about to strike the desk, when Thaelor hugged him deeply around his waist.

“Forget him.” She said lightly. “I know how YOU feel about me and that’s all that matters. Besides, we have to get ready to get to the prison.”

By the time the siblings were ready, Steppan had returned from dropping Mrs. Michaels off at home.

“You guys look stunning. ” He said as they came down the stairs. “I am so sorry if I let you down this morning. The news just rocked me. I can’t imagine what made them go and do such a horrible thing. I’m just as sure as Mrs. Michaels there is a good explanation for this.”

“I’m sure there is.” Said Thaelor, smoothing out the imagined wrinkles in her blouse.

Ryan said nothing. Dressed in his grey suit and “power” blue tie, his face was dour. Looking more like a movie super villain, than a man about to ride to a prison. Steppan would not hear it.

“Talk to me son…” he said in a soothing tone. “I can only imagine what must be going through your mind. But, I have faith in you to come out on the other side like you always have….a better man.”

“Honestly Steppan…I really don’t want to hear it. Not only am I NOT this man’s father…I’m not sure if I can defend a man and woman that I’m not too sure they DIDN’T do everything they’re accused of.”

Steppan grabbed his adopted on and shook him by the shoulders, “Look…I realize you and your siblings don’t get along. And you have a MYRIAD of reasons to not like your father. BUT…remember that no matter what, YOU are a better man. And that in this world, sometimes the ONLY thing you can count on; is family! Now go…the car I called for you guys is outside. Do the right thing and be the man AND WOMAN, I know the two of you are.”

The brother and sister duo exited the house. They were happy that the property was closed off by a huge brick gate. Upon exiting the entrance gate, they were surrounded by a sea of journalists and photographers banging shooting and yelling questions at the tinted windows of the limousine. Once they were free of the gathered throng, both siblings took a deep breath and exhaled. They really weren’t up to this mess, but there was no one else that could do what needed to be done. Even with the pep talk from his trusted confidant, Ryan was still fuming as they sped along. Sensing his aura of discontent, Thaelor tried to sooth him further.

“Ryan…please don’t look like that…it scares me. Just try to relax…for me…please?”

Ryan looked at his sister, the love of his life. He could see the fear in her eyes and decided it was better to shelve some of the anger he felt at that time. With some of the storm from his eyes gone, Thaelor laid her head on his shoulder. Thaelor felt better, feeling that the bulk of the hurricane inside her brother had dissipated. However, Ryan knew full well, it was just the eye.

The brand-new federal prison in Morrisville was huge. Yet like their driveway, the vultures of the media had descended upon the place, awaiting further news of the two new carcasses upon which they could feed. The limo slowed to a crawl as again the press banged on the limo. Once inside, the armed guards at the gate stopped any further incursions by the gathered masses. The inside of the prison was pristine, yet the noise was almost unbearable. Shouting, banging, and clanging greeted the two siblings even before the first uniformed officer did. Going through two metal detectors and having to be patted down on three separate occasions, angered Thaelor, but only added more fuel to the already infuriated Ryan.

An officer finally led them into the prison proper. Before they came to rest in the visitors lounge, the siblings were passed by a cadre of what could only be described as a pack of suited sharks. Most of their conversations centered upon words like: conduct detrimental, contracts, and “bad investments.” No doubt these were the lawyers that Travis dealt with regularly concerning his career in the NAFL. Ryan’s dark cloud returned when one of them knocked into his shoulder without the courtesy of an apology. His righteous rant was only stopped when his eyes fell upon an odd-looking woman. Short, slightly plump and dressed in a grey pin-striped suit that could’ve matched his own. Arms almost bursting at the seams with manila envelopes.

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Massage Parlor Nymphomaniac Pt. 02

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Laying on the massage table naked, I desperately wanted for Daniel to put his cock inside my mouth. He rubbed it against my face as he continued to put oil on my chest and stomach with his hands, but he did not give me the throat massage I wanted. Instead, he told me to roll over. At this point, I would have done anything he told me to do. I rolled over so quickly that I almost fell off the massage table.

His oiled hand came down on my bare ass swiftly. I yelped, not having expected that. He put his other hand over my mouth and asked me if I was ready for another slap. I shook my head to say I was and closed my eyes. His hand came down again. My yelp was stifled by the hand that covered my mouth. He poured oil onto my ass and told me to spread my cheeks. I spread, feeling the oil pour down my crack and into my asshole. He grabbed my hand and pushed two of my fingers into my ass. “Keep fingering your ass while I spank you.” he told me. As he covered my mouth still, his thumb and forefinger clamped down on my nose. With my fingers pumping inside of my ass I waited for the spanking to continue.

He started spanking me again fast and hard. bahis firmaları I tried my best not to make noise so that my employer wouldn’t hear me, nor any of our other customers. This was supposed to be a respectable establishment. What I was doing was incredibly naughty. It made it so much more exhilarating that way.

“Put your other hand back and spread your ass more. Finger your asshole with both hands.” he instructed me. I did what he said. He let me take a breath. My breathing was labored as I pushed my fingers inside of myself. I could feel myself gaping as he poured more oil on me and in my ass.

The table creaked as he climbed onto it. He reached around to my face, shoving my panties in my mouth. I could taste myself as I felt the head of his cock on the rim of my ass. It was so big, and I wasn’t sure if that I’d stretched enough, but I wanted him desperately.

He moved my hands out of the way, pushing my wrists up toward my shoulders. The head of his cock was at the entrance to my asshole. He pushed forward, and grunted as the tip went in. I squealed through my panties, but he shushed me. Very, very slowly he came kaçak iddaa forward. The penetration what’s painful but pleasant. I moaned with anticipation as he continued. He kept his hold on my wrists as he inched in. Suddenly he pulled back, almost all the way out. I gasped in surprise and discomfort, nearly inhaling my panties. I began choking on them. He reached his right hand up, thrusting into my ass as he pulled my panties out of my mouth. It felt painfully beautiful and I screamed without meaning to. In an instant his hand was in my mouth, replacing my panties. He shushed me again. With his left hand, he wrapped his forearm around my chest and held onto my right shoulder as he burrowed further into my ass. He pumped into me slowly and deeply, choking off my moans with his fingers at the back of my throat, holding me as still as could be. His pleasure was my pleasure. He took his pleasure and played with my breath for quite a while.

I’ve been with many clients over the years. None have ever owned me so thoroughly as Daniel did, and none so quickly. I believed I finally found a man who could reign me in. Being tamed by him, at least temporarily, kaçak bahis was a joy unlike anything I’ve ever known.

He stopped pleasing himself in my ass before he came. As he pulled out of my ass, there was a wet sucking sound, and a shock went through me. For once I managed not to yelp or moan. He got off the table and told me to get off as well. On instinct I kneeled before him and I waited for his command. I yearned for his command.

He walked toward me, cock in hand. His balls were at the same level as my mouth. “Lick my balls.” he told me. I licked him from the bottom up, from left to right and back again. He did not tell me to stop, so I continued doing that. I licked him from top to bottom, right to left, and back again. I looked up to make sure I was doing what he wanted. He had a grin on his face. ” Stay there.” he said, and walked toward the sink. I stayed in my kneeling position as I watched him lather and rinse his cock. The size of it was still stunning to me. It seemed unbelievable, though the throbbing in my ass certainly made it believable. He was smiling as he came back to me.

“Are you ready for me to stretch out your mouth and throat, too?” he asked, but gave me no time to reply before grabbing me by my hair, slapping my mouth, and popping the head of his cock into it. “You look ready enough.” he told me, and I agreed.

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A massage and a makeover. What a perfect birthday present. When you woke up this morning, your lover gave you a certificate for your present. You had expected the same old presents. Hell, he even gave you a kitchen appliance one year. Not this year. This year you will be pampered. What to do first.

You decide on the massage first, so you can have your nails and makeup fresh to thank your lover later. You are ushered into a locker room to prepare for your massage. As you pull off your blouse, you notice someone in the room. I walk up to you and you instinctively pull your blouse to your breasts to cover up. “Hi, my name is Sean. I’ll be taking care of you today.” You can’t help but notice how I am looking at you. I hand you a large, baby blue towel. “Once you get undressed, put this on and meet me in the next room.”

You sit down and begin to wonder how this happened. You thought a woman would tend you to. Doubts begin to set in about your willingness to take advantage of this portion of your present. Thoughts race through your mind until you decide that anyone working here is a professional and does this all the time. You stand up once again and continue to undress. You are glad you wore your white lace blouse, not because it looks great caressing your large breasts, but because it fastens in the front. As you unclasp your bra, your breasts hang ever so slightly. A testament to your workout regimen. A 22-year-old woman would be proud of these firm breasts.

You unzip the zipper on the side of your skirt and lower it down you silky legs. You decide to leave your white, French cut, lace panties on as a barrier between you and temptation. You wrap the large towel around yourself, covering your body from your armpits to your upper thighs. Damn, this towel is long, but not very wide. You were hoping for more coverage.

Time for your massage. You enter the next room to the sight of my smile. You were too stunned to notice what I look like when we met in the locker room. You judge me to be just taller than your 5 feet 11 inches. Weight lifter. Short brown hair and hazel eyes that seem to have flecks of green and gold sparkling in the fluorescent light. Traveling down my body, you notice I am casually dressed in a gold tank top and loose fitting dark blue shorts. You can’t help but notice the front of my shorts seem to be well developed also. My tan legs are large and muscular and I have an athletic looking ass. “Too bad.” you think to yourself, “This guy is obviously wrapped up in himself.”

“Please make yourself comfortable on my table. I’m just finishing up my preparations.” Looking at the table, you wonder which way you are supposed to lie down. Should you lay with your head close to me or facing away?

Modesty prevails and you lie with your feet toward me. You jump at the feel of the towel being pulled from your back. “Sorry, I can’t massage you with this on.” You relax and let me pull the towel from under your arms. As I open the back of the towel, I say, “I see we have a modest woman here.” You had completely forgotten you still had your panties on.

You feel my hands at the waistband. “I’m afraid I must insist on removing these, even though they are VERY pretty.” You laugh to yourself. Here is a man you just met literally minutes ago removing your panties and you are letting him. You ease your hips up slightly, just enough to allow me to slide the fabric over your thighs. When your panties reach your knees, I lift your knees one at a time, pulling your panties free from your luscious bahis firmaları body. Then you feel and soft smack on your ass and wonder if your ass cheeks are as red as the cheeks on your face. As a consolation, I drape a towel over your ass. You secretly wonder if I enjoyed the view.

You start out with your arms clutched tightly to your sides, the better to keep your breasts from spilling out to your sides. Once again you feel a gentle tug, this time on your hands, pulling them above your head. You feel your breasts slide out from beneath your body. Before you can get embarrassed, you feel my hands on your left arm. I moisten your skin with warm oil, stroking your arm gently, then more firmly. You forget about your exposure and begin to enjoy the sensations of my strong hands on your flesh.

I place your hand on my shoulder and stroke your arm from wrist to shoulder. Slowly up your arm, you notice very little friction against your skin. You wonder how my hands could be so firm and yet so gentle. For the first time you feel a stirring beneath your towel.

I place your left hand down, still over your head and pull both your wrists gently. You feel a slight stretch in your arms and ribs. Then you feel your right hand go to my shoulder for a similar treatment. You allow yourself the pleasure of enjoying the strength of my shoulder without trying to make it obvious. You happen to look up to see me smiling at the sensation.

“Close your eyes and relax. Let me do all the work.”

After caressing your arms, I once again stretch your arms and place them at your sides. You feel me leave your side and you look up quickly to see me get more oil. “How can I make you feel good if you won’t relax?”

You lie your head down again and wonder what I must think of you. Your thoughts go away at the touch of my hands on your shoulders. Softly, I rub the oil into your skin, preparing it for my ministrations.

Starting at your shoulders, I run my hands down the middle of your back to the edge of your towel. Pulling my hands back, I rub the scented oil up your rib cage. You feel my little fingers on the sides of your breasts. Only your arms being at your sides keep me from caressing your breasts fully.

Back to your shoulders, I knead the tired muscles into submission. I put my hands down your back, pressing harder, more firmly than before. Spreading my fingers, I once again stroke the trail up your ribcage. I repeat this several times before I break contact once again. This time, you keep your eyes closed and prepare for whatever comes next.

You hear a slight whirring sound. You instantly think of the vibrator you keep in your underwear drawer. Before you can look up again, you feel a warm vibration on your shoulders. “Mmmmmmmmm, that feels wonderful”, you think to yourself. Or at least you think it was to yourself. You look to my face to see if there is any indication that your moan escaped your lips.

Seeing no surprise registered on my face, you close your eyes once again. Down your spine travels the soothing motion of the hand vibrator. Reaching the towel, my hand travels from side to side massaging your lower back. You think about how sexy that feels and notice moisture building within yourself.

“Damn! I hope he can’t smell that”, you think. “Maybe the smell of the oil will cover it up.” I turn off the vibrator and notice a frown on your face.

“Don’t worry, I’m not done with the toy.” Did you hear an emphasis on the word “Toy”? Couldn’t be.

I travel down kaçak iddaa to your feet and you feel me lift your foot to my chest. I reach over to oil my hands again and you feel my hot breath on your foot. Starting at your feet, I stroke your ankles and calves with the warm oil. You notice my touch is gentler on your calves than on your back. I release that foot and pick up the other one, continuing my gentle strokes. Once I finish with your calves, I place your leg on the other side of my body so your legs straddle my hips. If I were to pull on your feet, your wetness would bump up against the bulge in my shorts. You feel so vulnerable, but so excited at the same time. I place my re-oiled hands on the backs of your thighs. Stroking your thighs up to the point of your towel, then back again.

After the first couple of strokes, I begin to explore the insides of your thighs. This time when you moan, you know I hear it, but it feels too good to care. Up and down, back and inside, my hands generate heat not only on your legs, but also between them. You concentrate on not lifting your hips so as not to give away the excitement the massage is generating within you.

You hear that familiar buzz once again. “Oh, my Gawd!” You think you keep that exclamation to yourself. Traveling up the backs of your thighs with the hand vibrator doesn’t seem to heighten your excitement more than it already is, but then I apply it to your inner thighs. You instinctively jump at the sensation of the vibration that close to your pussy. I stroke back up the backs of your thighs, this time exploring under the edge of your towel. Down the inside of your thighs once again. With each stroke up your thighs, I explore further under your towel until the only purpose of the towel is to keep your beautiful ass from my gaze. You solve that by reaching up to the towel and pulling it off.

“If he’s going to feel my ass”, you think, “He might as well see what he’s doing.”

My hands pull your cheeks slightly apart each time I stroke your ass. I travel closer and closer to your pussy with each stroke back down your inner thighs. You drop all pretenses of propriety and moan audibly. Your hips lift slightly, but noticeably. Just that quick, I stop. “What’s going on?” you ask.

“Relax. I’m not done with you yet.”

Lightly stroking your back once again, I move to your side. I pull your far arm over your head, then stroke your back again. “MMMMmmmm” you moan again. You feel my arms at your side as I clutch the side of your towel. I quickly pull the towel up and toward me, flipping your body smoothly to lying on your back. “There!” You think, “I’m totally exposed to a total stranger.” You are thankful for the time you invest in keeping your body in shape. This time, I don’t start at your shoulders. I stroke your flat stomach, pausing each time just short of your mons. Dew is building on your closely cropped pussy hair as a testament to the pleasure you are deriving from my hands.

I become bolder and begin to oil your breasts. Starting from the outside, I make smaller and smaller circles around your large breasts to meet at each nipple. Your nipples are harder than they have ever been. I gently pull on each one. Again you moan audibly. “May I?” I ask. “Please”, you respond in a breathy moan. I place my lips to your nipple and lightly flick my tongue to the sensitive little eraser. For the first time, you initiate contact with me by placing your hand to the back of my head, running your fingers through my hair and pulling my head toward kaçak bahis your breast. I switch to your other nipple. You notice my hand begins to travel down your stomach to the juncture of your legs. I continue sucking, but I touch your pussy and you yelp. It doesn’t take long for you to begin to rock your hips up and down to a sensual rhythm. I rub your slit up and down and begin to circle your clit.

“Oh, Sean!”

I lift my head from your breast and kiss my way down your stomach. Pulling my finger from your pussy, I put it into my mouth as I circle around the table to stop when I reach the point between your legs. I pull your legs until your ass reaches the edge of the table. At that point, you feel my tongue on your outer lips. You lift your knees up into the air, pulling back on the backs of your thighs. All the better to eat you with. I pull your lips apart and run my tongue into your pussy. Once my tongue enters your pussy, I take one finger up to pull the skin above your clit back. Moving my head up, I flick my tongue on the tip of your clit. You take your hands from behind your knees and place them on the back of my head.

“Don’t stop.” I continue to flick my tongue on your clit and put my fingers on each side to further excite you. I put my lips on your clit and suck the tiny bud. As I do, you press my face into your pussy harder. I shake my head from side to side.

“Gawd, Sean! That feels sooooo good!” I release my grip on your clit and say, “I’m still not done.”

I put my hands on the back of your knees and push your knees to your breasts. I then run my tongue from your clit, down your slit to your ass. Circling your hole, I spread your cheeks apart. “OOOOOOoooooohhhh!” “I told you I wasn’t done.” I place my thumb on your clit and continue to lick your ass.

You feel the buildup of an impending orgasm in your pussy and moan again. You start bucking your hips and pull my head forcefully into your body.

“Fuck! Eat my ass Sean!” I try my best to accommodate, but your ass is moving too rapidly. As your reach your climax, I sink my finger deep into your pussy to feel your contractions. You close your knees together and hump my finger hard. “Ooo, ooo, ooo!” You squeal. Finally, you relax as spread your legs. “Fuck me now, Sean.”

I pull down my shorts and you smile. “I knew I would be happy with the size of that bulge.”

I stroke the tip of my cock up and down your dripping pussy before driving it home in one stroke. “Sean, My Gawd, Sean!” I stroke quickly, then slowly. In and out, then side by side. Fucking and teasing.

You reach your fingers to your clit. “Fuck me hard!”

I begin to stroke long and hard until my cock seems to be at the edge of your pussy. Long and hard, plunging into the depths of your wetness. Pushing your knees back once again, I stroke even deeper. Then I pull out too far and my cock finds the entrance of your other hole. Because you are so relaxed, my cock slides in easily. “Don’t stop! Fuck my ass!” You cry.

The combination of my cock in your ass and your fingers on your clit drive your too another huge orgasm. “Come with me Sean!”

You feel my hips pound against your ass until I begin to give you my seed. I drive to the bottom of your ass as I squirt my juices deep into your ass. You come even harder than your did the first time. “OH! OH! OH!” You say.

“Damn, that was great!” I say, wiping the sweat from my brow. A drop escapes my forehead to land on your pussy.

“Now I’m REALLY relaxed. That was the best massage I’ve ever had. Can I make an appointment for next week?” “Sure, the next one is on me. I hope literally.”

As you rise from the table, you wonder if you have the energy to get that makeover after all.

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Massage Choices in Houston Ch. 03

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Ok, so this is the third and possibly last section of this series. I have delayed a while, but that has only added more stories from my third location choice. I am not saying that this place is third amongst my choices, it is more like that there are three distinct types of places, depending on what I am looking for at the moment. This is the third one I am describing.

I have stated the details in the other sections of this story that you can (often) determine if a massage place is full service by the price. However my story is full of exceptions to the rule. My first place was very cheap, $40. This would typically mean that you pay the door fee, and the masseuse would demand more money to give you your happy ending. But My Spa didn’t to that. They charged the cheap price, got you naked for a table shower, but didn’t give a happy ending or ask for more money.

My second place is Heaven. They charged $80. They (almost) never offered full service, and never pushed for a large tip. But they gave a great massage, and often got topless, and always gave a quality happy ending.

My third place is Sunshine. It screams full service in two ways. It is in a really crappy strip mall where half of the stores are out of business. And it only asks $60 for a massage. This is not typically enough for a place that will give you a happy ending. It is more typical of a low door price which comes with higher prices for extras. My Spa was an exception to this rule, by not asking for more money and not offering any services…

I will go through my last visit to Sunshine, but honestly this visit was only slightly better than many other visits.

When you enter you are in a very drab foyer. The other two locations are very professional up front. This place is not. You enter the lobby and are only met with two empty chairs and a receptionist desk that has never been used. There is also a door bell and a steel gate with a little hand written tag asking you to ring.

When you ring – I have been here ten times and this has never failed – a stunning Chinese girl, in a sexy outfit, meets you and invites you in. I will walk you through my last visit.

I wrote about this in my story “Another Transsexual Massage”, where I explained that the Transsexual massage I set up was cancelled, so I went to my favorite full service spa. I said it was a story for another day, and today is the day.

I was upset that my Trans massage was cancelled, and I was horny. So I went to Sunshine.

I rang the doorbell, and a stunning woman answered. I never got her name, but here’s the story.

She was about 4’8″ tall at the most. She had long black hair that reached half of the way down her very slim, but curvy body. She was wearing a slinky white dress with a plunging scoop neckline that showed off her D cup tits very well. She was stunning, just bahis firmaları stunning.

She took me down a long hall with a number of doors, to room
. She opened the door and let me in. She came in with me and asked me to get comfortable, so I started to take my clothes off. I was hoping she would stay with me, and maybe help. But when I got about half way done, and she asked me if I wanted to start with a table shower. I said yes, and she left to get the shower ready. I stripped and sat on the massage bed and waited for her to return. I sat on the edge of the massage table, with no towel covering me, since there was none left in the room.

When she came back, she entered the room without knocking, walked up to me and stood in between my knees, half way to my exposed cock. She started running her hands down my chest to the base of my cock and asked if I wanted to follow her to the table shower room.

This took a minute or so, and the interaction with my cock got it standing up. I took the towel she offered me and followed her 4 doors down the hall to the table shower room.

I entered the room, and the contrast to the rest of the place is shocking. The lights are very bright, and the room is very stark. There is a table with a plastic cover in the middle of a ceramic tiled room and a hose. She immediately took away my towel and left me standing there naked. I had to stand there for a couple of minutes while she warmed up the water, and went through the motions to sanitizing the table.

When she was done, she walked to me with a big smile on her face. She reached out for my hand to walk me across the room to lay on the table. However, at the last second she reached for my cock instead of my hand. We stood there a moment while she played with my stiffening cock, in order for her to have something sturdier to hold onto.

Once she had a good hold on me she led me to the table and had me lay on my stomach. Once laying down, she hosed me down with the warm water. It really felt relaxing. Once I was wet down, she took a soapy loofa and started washing me down.

She would soap me with the loofa, and spread the soap with her bare hand. She started on my ass. The loofa spread the soap, and her bare hand got very up close and personal. She actually cleaned my asshole to the entire depth of her index finger, I almost jumped off the table.

After finishing my ass, she worked her way efficiently down one leg, and back up the other. When she got back to my ass, she slipped her hand under and massaged my balls. Then she slipped her had under further and stroked my stiff cock.

After this she moved to my back and arms. Once complete, she washed the soap off with the sprayer, and had me roll over. When I rolled over, she giggled and made it look like she was surprised that I was hard. She grabbed my cock with kaçak iddaa one of her soapy hands, and alternated between my balls and my taint with the other.

She gave me long slow strokes for about a minute. She would start at the base, and work her way up. When she got to the top, she would give short strokes to the head, and then she would repeat. She did this for at least a minute, and I was afraid that I would cum before we finished the shower.

Sensing that I was about to blow, she moved on and quickly washed the remainder of my body, and then rinsed me down. Once rinsed, she had me stand so she could rinse me again. She has the shower head in one hand, and my cock in the other. She guided me by my cock to rotate around to fully rinse me.

Once she was complete, she stood right in front of me and started toweling me off. She started with my face. When she got to my waist, she kneeled down. Now my cock was practically poking her in the eye. She used the towel and dried off my cock with very soft strokes. Once my cock was dry, she wrapped the towel around my ass, pulled me forward, and took my dick right into her mouth. I have been here a number of times, no other masseuse ever did this.

Once she had my ass dry, and my complete attention, she wrapped the towel around me and led me back to the massage room. This time she held my hand…

We got to the room and I laid down on the bed, and put my face in the donut hole.

The massage started just like the shower, with my ass. She didn’t insert any fingers, but she played with my asshole a lot. It is like bolts of electricity every time she touched it. After getting my attention, she started with a halfway decent massage. The massages here are not high quality, they are typically passable. She was above average.

The massage went for about twenty minutes, with occasional reach under to keep my dick at attention. When the twenty minutes were done, she had me roll over.

Once on my back, she asked me if there were any other services I needed. This is where you both have to be careful not to solicit sex for money, incase either of you are a cop. I stated that I was looking for other services.

She asked “Which services?”

I responded, “Any ones that you offer.” She then told me I had to pay her for these before we proceed. I got up and walked across the room to get my wallet. I counted out the money and handed it to her. I have to say that I like this part of the process. Walking around the room naked, while she is dressed is a thrill to me.

I gave her the cash, and she left the room. I sat on the edge of the massage table, and waited, with my hard cock pointing towards the door, awaiting her return. After two minutes she came back in and walked up to me and stood close, directly between my knees. She grabs my cock, and played with it a bit. kaçak bahis I wrapped my hands around her and brought her in for a hug. I then started to feel her up over her dress. Her tits felt great.

At this point, she took a step back and in one swift motion she lifted her dress off. I helped her take her bra off and unleash her wonderful tits. Looking at them I assumed they were implants. Since they were so large and she was petite. But they felt so soft, and the nipples were very sensitive. If they were fake, they certainly didn’t feel that way.

As I am feeling her up, she starts playing with my cock again. After a minute she takes a step back, and slides her thong off. Now she is just wearing her high heels – which she kept on.

She stood there for a minute, and I was just amazed how hot she was. Not quite five feet tall, long hair flawless skin, beautiful tits slim waist and a completely shaved pussy.

She had me lay down on my back and she climbed up between my legs. She slipped a condom in her mouth and proceeded to put it on me while she gave me a great blow job. Between everything she did in the shower room, and up to now, I was close to cuming many times here. But I had to hold out until I fucked her. Finally she climbed on, lined up my dick to her pussy and started riding me. She rode me slow for a minute, and then picked up the pace. Another minute or two she was riding me harder than I could ever remember.

She was so young and tight. Being on the bottom I had her tits alternating between my hands and my mouth. For her part she seemed way into it. The view and feel from below was so incredible that I was about to finish in record time.

I had to prolong this for a bit, so I grabbed her hips and slowed her down to a stop. Now she is sitting perched above me while I am balls deep. It was at this point I asked if we could switch positions, so I could get on top. I was looking for both a pause in the action so I could back off from the edge, and to be able to control the tempo so I could last longer.

She wasn’t happy with this, she made a face like she was a little disappointed, but she relented. She was so small and light that I kept my cock deep in her, while I sat up and swung her onto her back.

At this point I started kissing and sucking her tits while I slowly started fucking her. She was less animated for the next three or four minutes, but I was able to fuck her for three or four additional minutes. If I hadn’t switched we would have finished already.

I was out of breath when I finally came, and practically collapsed on her. I was spent.

She rolled me off, and cleaned me up. She came back up for a minute or two of cuddling, and then she had me get up, and she helped me get dressed. Finally when I was dressed, she put her dress back on and walked me out. It was mind blowing. This may have been my best experience at Sunshine, but honestly. It was only marginally better than typical. All the girls are beautiful and they all will fuck you without complications or exorbitant extra payments.

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The Dark Room Ch. 03

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Hey, it’s Nikki here. The Dark Room has always been one of my favourite stories and for a long time I felt bad that I’d left it hanging. I’ve finally done something about it. Some 8 years after I originally published this story on Literotica, you can now read the final instalment.

I hope you enjoy it and I certainly hope that the continuity works as it picks up immediately after Chapter 2. If you haven’t read the first 2 parts, do yourself a favour and start there.

licks and kisses,



All characters in this story are 18 years or older.


“Are you serious?” Dave asked. His voice faltered nervously.

“We’ll yeah, I mean it was so hot Dad. I loved the plug in my bum and seeing how wide Sarah stretched herself was awesome.”

“Just when I thought my little girl couldn’t get any kinkier,” Dave mused aloud.

“So is that a yes?”

“Yes,” Dave replied. She returned the smile that spread across his face as he adjusted his rock hard cock.

Jo smiled and quickly pulled at his boxers. She dragged them down so that his big cock was exposed, ready to play with. She seized it in one hand and lowered her mouth over the tip and sucked noisily.

She heard him groan as she worked his cock. She wrapped a hand around the shaft and pumped it to enhance the pleasure.

“If you do that too much, I’ll explode before I get anywhere near your bum,” he moaned.

“Well we can’t have that!” Jo exclaimed, and ceased immediately.

“Maybe I didn’t quite think that through,” he laughed.

“So where do you want to do this? I don’t really want to do it here on the couch,” Jo said to her father.

“Your bed?” Dave suggested.

“Mine? Not yours? Mine is only a single.”

“Yes, but there’s something extra sexy about the thought of fucking you in your bed,” Dave told her.

“Ok, my bed it is then.”

Jo stood up and made her way from the room. She glanced back over her shoulder with a ‘follow me’ look on her face. She giggled when her father leapt up with a start once he managed to drag his gaze away from her panty-clad bottom. Jo sprawled out on her bed and as her father caught up with her, stretched luxuriously so that her hard little nipples thrust against her white t-shirt.

“Come to tuck me in Daddy?” She purred at her father.

“Maybe a good night kiss?” Dave replied and advanced on the bed.

Jo held out her arms for a hug, just like she used to do when she was little. Dave sat on the edge of the bed and bent his head to hers. It was a very different kiss from any goodnight kiss they’d shared when Jo was little. Their tongues entwined together and played in each other’s mouths. Dave rested his hand on Jo’s hip and stroked her lightly. His fingers found their way under the t-shirt to connect directly with her skin.

Jo moaned into the kiss. Her nipples tightened further and she took great delight in the sensation. She slowly reclined back to the bed and her father followed her to maintain the kiss. He had to adjust his position and soon lay beside her, his generous cock rock hard and pressed against his daughter’s thigh.

“Did I do this to you Daddy?” Jo teased and slipped a hand between their bodies to grasp his erection.

“You know you did,” he grinned.

Jo felt her father’s firm hand slip up over her ribs to close over her breast. She thrust it at him. She loved the way his palm grazed lightly over her nipple. He pinched it between thumb and finger harder with each repetition. She gave a little squeal when she couldn’t take any more.

“I’m all wet Daddy,” she cooed at him and ground her soaked panties against herself.

“And what would you like to do about that?” Dave asked.

“Kiss it goodnight…”

Jo gave her father a big smile as he climbed on top of her. He kissed her again before he slid down the narrow bed. He paused to lick and suck each of her nipples through her t-shirt before he moved further south. He hovered with his pursed lips over her panty-clad mound and looked up to meet her gaze. Gently he pressed his lips to the panties covering her pussy. Jo sighed.

“Goodnight little pussy.”

“Not there Daddy, here,” Jo said as if she coached him.

She showed him with her finger that she wanted his kiss right on the wet patch that was so evident in the red material of her panties. Dave breathed in the aroma of his daughter’s pleasure and then placed a kiss exactly where she’d asked for it.

“Don’t tease me, lick me,” she demanded.

Dave ran his tongue over the crotch of her panties before Jo grabbed them and pulled them aside to reveal her wet lips.


She felt him slip his tongue between her slick lips and run up her slit and back down again. He thrust it into her tight hole and wiggled it about. Jo ran a hand through her father’s hair and wordlessly voiced her pleasure. His finger began to pleasure her as well. It slid into her pussy as his tongue moved to concentrate on her clit. She held her panties to one side of her pussy, head back in the throes of pleasure. Her father’s tongue felt so good between her bahis firmaları legs. She wanted to feel his cock in her butt, but what he was doing at that moment felt too good to stop him. So she didn’t. It seemed that the seed she’d planted in his mind had taken route though. His finger slid from her pussy and slipped down and around her puckered anus. Jo squirmed and wriggled on the bed as the finger teased at her tight little butt hole. She pushed back at it, wanting to feel it penetrate her. She gasped when her father did exactly that. He pushed his finger into her tight ring. The combination of his finger in her bum and his tongue on her clitoris was enough to cause her to orgasm.

Her body convulsed and she threw her head back. She felt the muscles of her pussy spasm and contract. Her sphincter clenched around his finger. She could only imagine how good it would feel when it was his cock buried in her.

When she’d recovered a little she opened her eyes and watched as he quickly discarded his boxers and moved between her legs. She felt his cock poke at her wet pussy. She flinched at the contact, her pussy still sensitive as she enjoyed the last pleasure of her orgasm. She gasped out loud as he thrust his cock into her pussy and drove it deep inside. He thrust urgently in and out. It felt intense and Jo instinctively pushed back to match him. She purred as he repeatedly drove his cock inside her and stretched her lips around its girth.

Again she thought about the fact that she really wanted to try and take it in her bum but again struggled to ask him to stop. His cock felt too good in her pussy. If he came, so be it. He’d just have to do the right thing and get it up again for her!

Just as she thought it she felt him pull out. He gasped and panted from the rapid, energetic effort.

He almost looked apologetic and Jo sighed when he stopped.

“Sorry, but I didn’t want to finish just yet. I want to feel your tight little butt from the inside.”

“Daddy wants it dirty,” Jo teased him. “Go on then, put your cock in my bum Dad.”

She rolled over onto her hands and knees and thrust her butt back and into the air, to present him with a perfectly tempting target.

“God, maybe I should have cum, I don’t know that I’ll last long enough to really appreciate this!” Dave moaned and she grinned back over her shoulder to see him survey her tush.

Jo reached back and ran her finger over her anus to tease him further. She sensed his urgency. He knelt behind her and his cock speared back into her pussy. She felt it slide out and he wiped it down over her anus. She cooed in pleasure as his slick shaft brushed over her asshole. He pushed back into her pussy and then, when he withdrew a second time; she felt the head of his cock poke at her anus.

“Oh yeah Dad, push it in,” Jo encouraged him.

Dave pushed firmly and watched as her anus stretched slowly around the bulbous head of his cock. He felt Jo push back. He leaned forward slightly and she pushed back again. She used her movements to control the rate of his penetration.

“Fuck, it’s so fucking big,” she exclaimed as the head disappeared inside. “Go slow Dad.”

Dave held himself still and allowed Jo to determine when to push back. He saw his cock start to slip again and then with a gasp, Jo pulled forward and he popped out.

“I need lube Dad. Its too dry.”

Dave bounced off of her bed and fetched some from his room. He returned and stood beside the bed. He squeezed Lube over his cock, and then stroked it up and down to ensure the whole shaft was coated.

“It turns you on knowing this is going in my arse, doesn’t it?” Jo asked him.

“It sure does. Does it turn you on too?”

“So much!” Jo replied with a grin.

Dave returned to his position behind her and rubbed some lube on her anus. When he was happy he again pushed his cock up her back passage.

With ample lubrication things progressed a little quicker. Jo still controlled the pace, but Dave now saw his cock slide deeper, each inch slowly swallowed by her delectable ass.

When he was half inside her, he felt Jo begin to rock back and forth and his cock would slide out before she pushed back and took more inside. Dave couldn’t believe how good it felt in her tight hole. He didn’t last long at all.

He came in a rush. Jo had barely rocked for a few moments when he lost control and cried out and erupted.

Jo squealed with delight as she felt the warm semen spurt deep into her anus. She worked her clit with her fingers and rubbed it expertly until she came, just as her father’s cock went soft enough to slip out. She felt cum ooze from her butt hole and dribble down over her bare pussy lips as she collapsed on the bed. She shuddered with pleasure.

“That was amazing,” Dave whispered in her ear as he knelt beside her bed.

“Thanks Dad, now I’ll always know that yours was the first cock in my bum,” she told him happily.


Dave was surprised by the late night knock on the door. He hurriedly pulled his pants on, conscious of his erection. He minimised the window on his computer to hide the kaçak iddaa porn and made his way to the door. He pulled the curtain aside so that he could peek through the window to see who was there. He was surprised to see that it was Allison. She gave him a nervous smile through the window. He opened the door.

“Hi Mr. Johns.”

“Hello Allison, I’m sorry but Jo isn’t home. She went to Sarah’s for the night.”

“I know.”

“Oh,” he said, suddenly curious as to why she would be there.

“Yeah, I came to see you.”

“Me?” he asked lamely. He surveyed her body. She wore a tight pair of black yoga pants and a cropped white t-shirt that both bared her belly and did nothing to disguise the lack of a bra. The look did nothing to deflate his already aroused cock.

“Can I come in?”

“Sure.” Dave stepped aside and let Allison walk into the entry hall. Once she’d moved past him, he closed the door and then led her to the living room.

“Would you like a drink?”

“Sure, thanks.”

“Water, coke …”

“Vodka?” Allison asked hopefully.


“Yeah, I’d really like some thanks.” He studied her for a moment and noticed that her makeup wasn’t really at its usual standard. It wasn’t that it was bad, it was just that he was used to seeing her perfectly made up. It showed signs of having been hastily applied.

“Is something wrong Allison?” He asked belatedly and mentally kicked himself for not having spotted it immediately.

“Um, kind of,” she replied a little hesitantly. Her eyes began to glisten with moisture as tears threatened her.

“Let’s get you that drink, then we’ll talk about it.” As he stood in front of her, he noticed her glance at his crotch. His erection was far from fully subsided and in his haste to answer the door he hadn’t put underwear on. His track pants didn’t exactly hide his state of arousal.

“Lemonade with the vodka?” he asked.

“That would be great, thanks.”

Dave poured himself a scotch and then brought it out with Allison’s drink. He passed her the vodka and sat opposite her on the couch.

“So, what’s up Allison?”

“I don’t quite know how to start. Maybe I shouldn’t even mention it.”

“Do your parents need to know that you’re safe? Do they know you are here?”

“They’re away, so no and no. I’ve been with my brother all week and we’re just fighting all the time.” Allison didn’t mention that it was because she wanted to fuck him and he wasn’t letting her.

“Is he causing you problems?”

“Not really, its just the fights. I think we need a break from each other. I’m sure once Mum and Dad come home we’ll be back to normal, but I just needed to get out of the house.”

“Do I need to let him know you’re here?”

“No, he thinks I’ve gone to Sarah’s and if he wants me he’ll text me anyway.”

“Ok, just so long as you’re sure.”

“I am. Could I stay here for a couple of days? Mum and Dad will be back soon anyway.”

“Sure you can Allison. I’m sure Jo won’t object to one of her best friends staying for a few days.” Allison smiled at him, clearly relieved by the answer.

“I um, have some things in the car. I didn’t want to seem too presumptuous …”

“It’s fine, let’s go get them.” Dave followed her out to her car and tried hard not to fixate on her gorgeous butt as he followed her. He wasn’t very successful. They came back in and Dave told her to set her things in Jo’s room. Given she wasn’t home anyway it was the easiest solution for the first night.

“So was I interrupting anything?” Allison asked when they’d both sat back on the couch with their drinks.

“No I was just finishing up some work. You can turn the telly on if you like. I’ll just shut down my computer and then join you if there’s something worthwhile on.” He passed the remote to Allison and left the room. When he returned, she was sitting watching an episode of NCIS Los Angeles. Dave joined her on the couch and was surprised when she immediately snuggled closer to him.

“Thanks so much for letting me stay Mr. Johns.”

“No trouble Allison.”

As the episode played on Allison gradually moved around on the couch. Before long she was curled up alongside her teacher but with her head on his thigh. Dave was all too conscious of her body and his cock hardened again. He struggled to find somewhere to put his left hand and after resting it on the back of the couch for a while, settled it on her hip. She appeared to sigh with contentment when he did so. She moved her left hand so that it was beneath her head and resting on his thigh. Dave couldn’t help but think about how close her fingertips were to his rock hard cock.

Dave struggled to focus on the TV. He wondered if Allison had really fought with her brother or whether she had just used it as a ruse given her knowledge that Jo wasn’t home. The thought kind of appealed to him, that she might want him badly enough to go to such effort. His hand slipped from her hip to her waist and made contact with her wonderfully soft, smooth skin.

Allison shifted a little and her hand moved from beneath her head to very deliberately kaçak bahis grab Dave’s cock. She squeezed and massaged it gently. She did no more than that, just periodically gave it a reminder, a bit of pressure. Dave suppressed a moan as he glanced down to watch Allison’s hand on his cock. It felt great. He wished he had the guts to rip his pants off and demand that she suck him, but something held him back. He still felt he needed her initiation of any sexual act to justify it; no matter everything that had transpired in the dark room.

Allison wriggled a little. Her hand released Dave’s cock and he quickly took his hand from her waist and moved it to her breast. Dave squeezed. He didn’t think he’d ever tire of feeling an eighteen-year-old girl’s firm but supple breast. Allison’s hard nipple pushed against his palm. She squeezed his cock again and started to stroke it.

The TV show ended and Allison rolled onto her back. She looked up at Dave, his cock now pressed against the back of her head. He saw her smile as his fingers teased her nipple.

“I’ve always wanted to do you with the lights on Mr. Johns.”

She moved quickly. Dave suddenly found himself with the young girl between his legs, tugging at his pants as she knelt before him. He lifted his butt and they were quickly pushed down around his ankles. He watched as Allison grabbed his cock and then sucked it deep into her mouth. It was a hungry, desperate suck. Her head bobbed rapidly up and down.

Dave had been aroused for hours and could barely take the intensity of her blowjob. Allison captured the head of his cock and sucked at it with her lips. She pulled back until he was released from her mouth with an audible ‘pop’. Dave reached down and took Allison’s wrists to pull her up to him. She went willingly and he moved her until she sat astride him. He took her face in his hands and kissed her.

The kiss was hard and passionate. It burned with the desire that had been building. Allison ground down on his rock hard cock and Dave’s hand went to her perfect, pert tits. He pulled her t-shirt off and resumed their kiss as his hand delighted in the feel of her breast.

His kiss travelled from her mouth to her neck. Allison threw her head back and whipped her long blonde hair out of the way as she offered her neck as if to a predatory vampire. Dave kissed and nibbled at her tender flesh and slowly descended. He kissed and sucked but resisted the temptation to mark and claim her with his mouth. He found her breast and drew her nipple deep into its warmth and flicked his tongue across the wonderfully hard nipple. He captured it in his teeth and pulled it gently, then harder as her pleasured moans encouraged him.

“Fuck me, fuck me hard … Daddy,” She purred in his ear, trying out the sound of it again as she ground against him and circled her hips.

Dave relinquished the breast he sucked and allowed Allison to stand. She grabbed the waistband of her yoga pants and started to pull them down. He watched her as she flicked a mischievous grin at him and then turned and slid them over her butt, bent forward, knees locked straight. She slowly slid them to her ankles.

Dave relished the view. He loved the way she slowly revealed her hairless lips as they peeked from between her thighs, her bubbly little butt an irresistible target. Before she could stand or change position he swatted her right buttock. It was playful but hard enough to sting a bit.

Allison yelped in surprise and nearly fell, but Dave caught her by the hips and steadied her. He slapped her other buttock.

“Ow,” Allison complained. She didn’t protest though. He saw her wiggle her butt at him instead and administered two more swats. Then she quickly discarded her pants and turned to face him again. She had said she wanted him to fuck her hard, but didn’t give him the chance. She straddled him again. She grabbed his cock and guided it into her pussy. Allison sighed and Dave groaned. In a couple of quick movements she had impaled herself on his rock hard member.

“Fuck your cock is amazing,” Allison cooed as she began to ride up and down on his shaft.

“And your pussy is to die for,” Dave growled. He took her nipples in his fingers and pulled.

“It feels so good Daddy.”

“You feel incredible on my cock baby.”

Alison plunged her tongue into her teacher’s mouth and kissed him hard. He felt her work her body on him the whole time. They fucked like that for a while before Allison insisted that it was time to get fucked from behind.

She dismounted and turned to kneel on the couch, arms over on the back. Dave stood behind her and enjoyed the view. He ran his hand over a tight butt cheek then teased her with a finger. He slid it over her slick pussy lips. He spread her butt cheeks with his other hand and ran his finger up and over her anus to give it the briefest tickle.

Dave knelt behind her and used both hands to part her again. He drove his tongue into her pussy and licked and lapped. Allison cried out in pleasure. She told him just how much she enjoyed his oral attentions. He tongue-fucked her until she begged him to bury his cock in her. Dave gave her a final, long lick up her slit. He swirled his tongue around her puckered little anus and was rewarded with a squeal of delight. He then stood with his throbbing cock poised to impale her.

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Martha in America Ch. 05

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She nodded slightly and then closed her eyes as she relaxed. When it started, all warm on my chest, she opened her eyes again and looked down at me, snorting once, and then rocking her hips a little, but of course, she couldn’t move her stream much. I lowered my face into it, letting it play on both sides briefly before I turned my face up to it and caught it in my mouth, all warm and inoffensive tasting, moving my face towards her pussy as I held her ass, and she spread her knees when she understood that I wanted to have my mouth right on it, snorting again, giving a last pulse to it as it petered out to a dribble and stopped, as my tongue lapped over where it had been flowing and she held my head to her for a few moments and let us both enjoy what I was doing.

Then she urged me to get up, still holding my head as I did, and then looked at me with a snort and another wry smile and murmured:

“We like anything – everything. ‘Smussig,’ … what’s the English word for that? Wanting to do something like that?”

“Um-hmm,” I agreed and smiled as I slid my hands up to her still wet breasts:

“… ‘smussig?’ … probably that’s ‘smutty,’ but ‘raunchy’ is probably the word I would use: something sexy, but a little beyond the normal.”

Martha nodded with a smile in agreement as I thought to explain it better:

“Smutty is dirty, a derogatory word. Raunchy is just something others might not want to do.”

Martha nodded again with a grin and agreed:

“Yeah, that’s it – ‘raunchy.’ I had heard it somewhere, but didn’t know what it meant.”

She grinned again and added:

“Like wanting to kiss someone who just did that,” and she did – we did – both of us snickering a little as our tongues explored in each other’s mouth.

“Raunchy,” she said again, and I agreed:

“Real nice and raunchy.”

she snickered with a nod, and then turned and leaned down to turn on the water.

After our shower, that was accompanied by more snickers, and my shaving, we dried ourselves, and Martha snickered again and said:

“Now no one will know.”

“But I will still want to,” I rejoined, and she nodded and replied:

“That’s nice to know; me too.”

Then I snickered and suggested:

“You could try it at home, before a date. Get your brother to do it and then see if your friend acted different, more reserved, less eager.”

Martha laughed and replied:

“Only, maybe, if I wanted to break up with him, – Hmm! – … if it worked. But I don’t know about getting my brother to do it; … we’d have to sort of work up to it, … like we did …” “That could be fun, too,” I replied with a grin.

Martha just nodded with a smile and hung up her towel and started to wipe the bathmat around with her foot as I hung up mine, thinking that we had to be sure that we remembered to get my shaving things back to my bathroom.

We got dressed in her room. “No tie,” she said, and then we were on our way. She held my hand in the elevator, but then understood that we shouldn’t when going past the man at the desk and also on the street and then suggested, herself, as we walked north, that she could introduce me as a student from Colombia, if we met anyone she knew. I liked that – her perspicuity – and then asked teasingly:

“And where did you meet me?”

She grinned at me and then thought for a moment and replied:

“I went up to Colombia on my day off once, and you just happened along.”

“Did you?”

“Not really,” Martha replied with another grin, and then we crossed 86th Street, and she led me to a little restaurant named “Christiania”.

Martha explained that that had been the name of Oslo when Norway was ruled by the Danes and later until after Norway separated from Sweden.

It was a neat, simple place, and apparently frequented mainly by Norwegians, older immigrants and younger ones, or maybe just visitors to New York. The waiter greeted Martha in Norwegian, with a glance at me, and she said something in reply, and then we were sitting at one of the table, soon with bottles of Norwegian beer, and ordered our meal. She did, I agreeing to have whatever she wanted. She said it was a salmon soup, “or maybe a stew.” While we waited for it, an older man came over, apparently recognizing Martha, and introduced himself in an strong accent as he sat down:

“I’m Oystein. Where did you meet Martha?”

“At Colombia,” I replied, thankful for her suggestion.

“Oh,” he replied: “… very good university. You study there?”

I confirmed that I did, and Martha said something in Norwegian. Oystein nodded as he started to get up and said:

“We try to watch out for our young Norwegian girls. Don’t want them to be getting in trouble. The big city, you understand.”

Martha glanced at me with a wry smile, as I nodded to Oystein, and she replied:

“Thank you. I wouldn’t have brought him here unless I thought he was nice.”

Oystein nodded and returned to his two friends as bahis firmaları Martha winked at me. And then they were talking as Martha whispered: “I expected something like that.”

Then our soup came, a hearty soup, a whole meal, and very good, although different from anything I had ever had – and better than fiskeboller. We chatted easily, and had another beer, and then Martha wanted to pay. I offered again to do so, but she insisted, which made me feel funny, but the waiter didn’t seem surprised as she spoke to him in Norwegian, and then we were back on the street, holding hands, exchanging clasps as I thanked her for the meal, first in English, but then remembering to say “Takk for maten,” and she clasped my hand again and replied “Vel bekomme.” And in a few minutes we were back at our apartment, no longer holding hands as we greeted the man at the desk.

In the elevator, when she took my hand again, I wondered if the deskman would mention to my parents that we had been out together – but only for dinner – and then thinking that I could tell them that we had gone out instead of eating in.

Then we were back in the apartment, snickering a little again as we looked at each other after closing the door. Was she also wondering if we were just going to get undressed and do it again?

“We could do something else,” she suggested with a smile, as though she had read my thoughts.

“Um-hmm,” I agreed, although it occurred to me to reply that we wouldn’t “get to Christmas” if we did, but it was a good idea, and I added:

“Yeah, we played backgammon and Scrabble … my sister and I.”

Martha snorted again but only said:

“I never played either, but I bet you can teach me how, … too,” and smirked at me.

I nodded with a smirk of my own and then snickered and said:

“But you may not be able to learn as fast.” She snickered too, and remarked:

“Maybe not, but then I can have something to tell that we did.”

“Me too,” I agreed, and we and found the games in a cupboard in the library.

“Backgammon or Scrabble?” I asked.

“Backgammon; we play Scrabble at home in Norwegian.”

So I set up the backgammon board and tried to explain the rules to her. And then we played a game with my helping her, and she learned fairly quickly, grinning with delight when she could send one of my pieces off the board.

When the game was over, we decided to have a beer, and she jumped up and went to get them, pleasantly surprising me when she returned with them in glasses, not that I would have objected to drinking from a can in the library, but it seemed more appropriate, and I appreciated that she felt the same way. After we skaaled, we set up the board again and had another sip, and it suddenly occurred to me that we could make it more interesting by combining it with strip poker: taking off a piece of clothing for each piece sent off the board.

When I explained my idea to her, she just grinned and nodded, but then scowled and remarked: “That gives you an advantage,” and thought for a moment and explained: “I’ve only got five pieces – with my sandals – and you have …” and she thought again: “… eight, with shoes and socks.” So we agreed that my footwear would come off in pairs, and started the second game.

When she had the first chance to send one of my pieces off, she asked if she had the choice of what I had to take off, but I replied that she didn’t. It would be a risky move for her, but she took it, and I took off my shoes. Of course, I had to get the piece back on the board again, but I was lucky and could also send off the piece that she had just risked. For a moment, she fingered the buttons of her dress as she grinned at me, undoing a couple, but then took off one of her sandals. Then for a couple of turns, we protected our single pieces, and she got hers back in play, but then she had to leave one of her uncovered, but I couldn’t remove it, but she couldn’t protect it, and with my next turn I did send it off, risking two unprotected pieces, but by then we both understood that winning the game was less important. She grinned at me again and then pulled up the skirt of her dress and slid her hand up under it behind her back and with a little difficulty unhooked her bra, and then with some more difficulty managed to slip the straps through the sleeves of her dress and over her elbows and hands, and finally pulled it out the opened neck of her dress, grinning at me all the while. “La dolce Vita?” I asked. “Um-hmm,” she agreed with another grin.

Then it was her turn, and she got her piece back on the board, but couldn’t send off one of my pieces. We had another sip of beer. I threw my dice and then she grinned when she recognized that I couldn’t send off one of her pieces and also could not protect my other piece. She had the good luck to send it off. I took off my shirt. The next couple of turns we played safe, covering our single pieces and trying to advance, but then when it was her turn again, after throwing her dice, she grinned kaçak iddaa at me and moved so that four pieces of her pieces could be sent off.

“That wasn’t very sensible,” I remarked as I threw my own dice.

Martha just grinned, and waited for me to move, taking off her other sandal as I sent off one of her pieces, and then snickering as she waited for me to remove another one, leaving two of mine then exposed. She undid another button of her dress, but then smiled impishly and reached under the skirt of it with both hands, leaning forward enough to shift her weight onto her feet for a moment as she slipped her panties down past her hips and sat down again and slid them down her thighs and over her knees and let them drop to her feet, and then picked them up and smiled at me.

She managed to get her pieces back on the board, removing one of mine, and I took off my socks, and with my move, I could have removed one of her pieces, but didn’t. She had already undone another button in anticipation that I would, leaving her shirtwaist dress open almost to her waist. My move had exposed even more of my pieces, so she couldn’t avoid sending off at least one of them, and then grinned and snickered and removed a second one. I had to take of my slacks and choose between my t-shirt and underpants. I teased her by taking of my underpants, stretching the hem of my t-shirt down to cover myself, and then tucking it under my sex as I sat down again.

She snickered, and we both had a drink of our beers with another skaal, and then I threw my dice, a luckless double that didn’t let me play my pieces back on the board. She grinned and threw her dice, playing two pieces back on the board, but leaving two unprotected, and grinned at me again, waiting for me to throw mine. I had to play my pieces back onto the board, and had to remove one of hers, but she looked pleased, smiling at me as she pulled her skirt up from under her hips and then pulled her dress up over her head., smirking at me as she held it by the shoulders and shook it and then laid it aside.

She smiled at me in her nakedness, her light pink nipples nicely aroused. They really were perfect – on her – I thought as I sat up straighter and let my t-shirt slip up from my sex, sharing in her nakedness. She glanced down at him, and he stirred, and then I found my glass and offered:

“Here’s looking at you, skaal.”

She looked at me and raised hers and responded as her eyes dropped for a moment:

“And at you, skaal,” and we both drank and then looked in each other’s eyes again.

She set down her glass and threw her dice, managing to get her piece back on the board but not to remove one of mine. But with my turn, I could send off another one of hers, leaving two more of mine exposed.

“What do I do now?” she asked.

“Just let me enjoying looking at you,” I replied, appreciating that her nipples had tightened again. She smiled and threw her dice and was able to remove two of my pieces, and grinned and said:

“One for your undershirt and one for looking at you.”

I took off my t-shirt, and she was looking at me – looking at him. It must have been a very warm look; he felt it …, and she chuckled softly and then asked:

“And what do we do now?”

“Finish the game.”

“Do we have to?” … I can think of something better.”

“Me too,” I agreed, wondering what form her reply would have.

She looked at me with a smile and then a smirk and said:

“I haven’t had any dessert yet.”

“Me neither,” I agreed, thinking that I could have anticipated her response.

“Later, for you; I want mine right now,” and she glanced up at me: “… and here. … And then you can have yours … anyway you want it.”

I chuckled with a nod as she got up and came around the end of the table, and moved my chair around towards her as she dropped to her knees on the carpet. “Um-hmm,” she replied as she stared at him, and he was already looking forward to being able to offer her her dessert, and so was I as I spread my knees.

“No, on the table; I want to be raunchy,” and she glanced up at me with a smirk:

“… do something maybe others wouldn’t enjoy.”

I snorted with a chuckle and nod and started to get up.

“But you think I will,” I remarked as I sat on the edge of the table, pushing the backgammon board aside. “Um-hmm,” she agreed with a snicker as she moved on her knees towards me, adding: “And I will too,” glancing up at me with a smirk, and then she was looking at him again as I spread my knees.

“Smussig,” she murmured to herself as she lowered her head, licking my balls, licking all over and around them as I watched her. Then she opened her mouth and sucked on one, and then took a breath and opened her mouth wider and sucked on it again, harder, as she pressed her face against me, and it slipped into her mouth. “Uhn,” we both agreed, and then her tongue caressed it as she sucked again, her lips holding it in her mouth. “Uhnnnn,” she hummed, buzzing kaçak bahis on it, and glanced up at me with smiling eyes. Then after a moment more that way, humming and licking, she released it and with her hand helped to get the other one in her mouth, treating it the same way as she chuckled in her throat, and I could feel her breath in my hair as she sucked and licked, holding it as closely in her mouth as she could.

“Mmmm, that feels good,” I encouraged her, and she nodded slightly with a responding “uhn-hnnn” that I could feel more than hear, as I wondered what she was going to do next.

While she still sucked and licked my ball, her hands slid under my thighs, urging me to raise them. Did she want to do that, I thought – raunchy/ “smussig”? – as I leaned back on my elbows and drew my thighs up. She let it slip from her mouth, and I felt her tongue licking behind my balls, down further. Yes, she did! Her tongue slid down further, sliding over my asshole, up and down over it – tantalizing, feeling good. “Um-hmm,” I encouraged her again and saw the top of her head nod as she continued, and then her tongue was probing in it, probing as hard as it could! “Uhnnn!” I responded in a reflex, and it probed again. Yes, the tip of her tongue pressing in it, moving. She was raunchy! Nice and raunchy!

“Unnn! Oooh, … that feels good too. Maybe a little like when my tongue is in you.”

She nodded, and her mouth was all around it, sucking as her tongue probed. And then her tongue slid back up and up over my balls as she raised her head, and it slid up the back of my stiff cock as she looked up at me, and then said:

“I hope so, … and now that it feels like when you’re in me.”

She drew him towards her, having to pull hard to get him where she could get him in her mouth. I sat back up again to make it easier for her, and then it was feeling like when it was in her pussy as her tongue moved on him, and then she began to suck and nod her head, fucking him with her mouth, her head bobbing up and down as she held him to the roof of her mouth with her tongue.

“Oh yes, fuck me, suck me with your raunchy mouth,” I whispered: “… that is so good, like in your cunt, … your tight sweet cunt. I want to suck your tongue for that, kiss your raunchy, ass-licking mouth.”

“Uhn-hnnn,” she buzzed on my cock with a nod that broke the rhythm of her cock-sucking.

“You’re going to make me come in your mouth, … make me give you all ‘that white stuff’, all the crème from my éclair, all the sauce for your ‘fiskeboller’.”

“Uhn-hnn,” she agreed, and he was about too, feeling like he could give her a helping of each.

“And then I’m going to eat your pussy/cunt, … and lick your sweet asshole like you did, … even better, … maybe do even more, … as raunchy as can be …”

“Uhnnn!” He started to come, before I could finish what I was saying. My hips jerked as he came again. “Uhnn!” I gasped again: “Yes! … Fucking white stuff! Uhnn! Crème and sauce! Uhnn! … All in your mouth. Uhnn! … Uhnn!”

I held her head still, my cock twitching as she licked it, and then she just held it.

“God, you do that good!” I sighed: “… just so fucking, cock-sucking good.”

She nodded, and I continued:

“I hope it makes your pussy all moist and warm, wanting to have it in it.”

She nodded again with a deep hum in her throat, still holding him, but then she let him slip from her mouth and looked up at me.

“Um-hmm, … it wants it real good, real fucking good. …. I want it real fucking, raunchy good, … every way you can do it,” and she stood up and reached for my beer glass.

I nodded with a little snort and smile, wondering if she was referring to what I had said before as she drank. I reached across the table for her glass and finished it. She emptied mine then, and I reached out with my feet and drew her to me, setting down the glass and holding her breasts. She raised them up with a smile as I said:

“I will, but first I want to kiss your raunchy, cock-sucking mouth,” and did, holding my lips together till she forced her tongue between them with a snicker, making me think that she also was thinking about what she had done before that.

“Like that, too,” I murmured, and she nodded slightly.

“In the kitchen,” I murmured against her lips: “I’m going to make you come all over the place.”

“Um-hmm,” she agreed with a pleased hum and thrust her tongue into my mouth again.

We grabbed our glasses and went to the kitchen. Martha immediately got the rubber out of the table drawer and then hopped up on the table with a snicker.

We really were raunchy, I thought as I looked at her pussy and lowered my face to it, kissing and licking her pubic hair, and then dropping to my knees. She dropped back on the table so that she could draw her thighs up even further, rolling her hips up to my mouth as she held them.

And then I was eating her pussy, and not just her pussy, as she held her knees up to her breasts. My tongue and then my mouth was all over her, between her cunt and her asshole, back and forth, probing equally in both, and she was enjoying it, encouraging me when she felt my tongue on her asshole:

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