Metin Ve Eşi Alev

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Big Tits

Merhaba seks hikaye okuyucuları ben istdan mehmet 26 yaşında hafif kilolu bir gencim buradaki hikayelerimi okuyan metin isimli biri beni msne eklemiş 1 hafta kadar konuştuk sonra seninle görüşebilirmiyiz dedi ben tabii dedim kadıköyde bir cafede buluştuk merhaba faslından sonra iki cay söleyip oturduk sana herşeyi anlatacağım ama bu aramızda kalacak dedi bende kabul ettim. Bak arkadasım benim alet cok kücük 12 cntim karım başkasıyla birlikte olacak diye cok korkuyorum böyle bir olay olacaksa bu benim yanımda olmalı eger kabul edersen üçlü seks yapmak istiyorsuz konuşmalarından senin ne kadar dürüst biri olduğunu anladım bana güven verdin bende bu yüzden seninle konuşuyorum dedi. Bende metini dinledikten sonra kalktık evine doğru yürümeye başladık alevi daha ilk defa görecektim cok merak ediyordum nasıl bir kadın diye. Yaklaşık bir saat sonra evlerine geldikmetin kapıyı caldı hayatım bir misafirimiz var dedi ben alevi görünce şok oldum sarışın yeşil gözlü harika bir kadındı. Bu kadın bu adama nasıl katlanır dedim kendi kendime sonra alev hoşgeldin diyip elimi tuzla escort sıktı sımsacaktı elleri adı gibi alev alev yanıyordu neyse biz metinle odaya gectik alevde masayı hazırlıyordu yemek masasına gectik oturduk ben gözlerimi alevden alamıyordum bu arada benim alet sertleşmişti.Neyse yemek faslı bitti alev masayı toplamaya başladı. Bende masadan elime bişeyler mutfaga götürdüm elimdekileri bırakıp alevin arkasından gecerken durdum elimi bir anda poposuna attım kulağına cok güzelsin dedim teşekkür ederim dedi bir anda döndü elini aletime attı ne zaman kaldırdın bunu dedi bende eve girdiğimden beri hiç inmediki dedim. Elimi güğüslerine atıp biras okşadıktan sonra salona geri döndüm. Metinin yanına oturup eşin cok güzel metin mühtiş dedim gülerek evet muhteşem ama ben ona layık değilim diyip suratını astı bende metin asma yüzünü böyle bir eşin var mutlu olman lazım dedim. Sonra alev geldi tam karşımdaki koltuga oturdu bacak bacak üstüne attı bu arada etegi baldırlarına kadar acılmıştı. Artık bir an önce alevle yatmalıydım dayanamıyordum nerdeyse pantolunuma patlamak üzereydim. tuzla escort bayan Alev birden kalktı benim mutfakta işim var diyip mutfaga gitti bende metine ben artık dayanamıyorum bende gidiyorum dedim metin bana bakıp kafasıyla tamam dedi hemen fırladım yerimden alevin yanına gittim. Arkadan aleve sarılıp göğüslerini okşamaya boynunu öpmeye başladım benim alet alevin arkasını zorluyordu hemen elimi eteğine atıp beline kadar topladım elimle kilotunun üstünden poposunu okşuyordum.Patlamak üzereydim bir anda klodunu cıkarıp arkasında yerimi aldım mutfaktaki masaya domaltıp arkasını zorlmaya başladım bir kac kez denedim olmadı sonra elime bulaşık sabunu alıp ilk önce aletime sonrada alevin kara incisine sürdüm bir daha denedim bu sefer başarmıştım ucu girmişti cok acıyor ordan yapma lütfen canımı yakıyorsun diye bagırmaya başladı bu arada metin geldi bagırmasın die aletini alevin agzına verdi ben birden yükledim alevin cığlığı kulağımda yankılandı öylece içinde durdum cıkarlütfen cıkar yanıyor götüm cıkar diye bagrıyordu zaten dolu olan ben öylece içine boşalmaya başladım escort tuzla bu alevinde hoşuna gitmiş olacakki bende boşalıyorum demeye başladı aletimi götünden cıkardım ve ordaki bir beze sildim sonra alev elimden tutup yatak odasına doğru gitmeye başladık odaya girer girmez bir cırpıda soyunduk alev önümde eğilip benim aleti agzına almaya başladı bu arada metinde karısının eline vermiş oynatıyordu ben hemen alevi tutup ayaga kaldırdım yatakta 69 olduk cok tatlı bir vajinası vardı yaladıkca yalamak istiyordum bu arada alev agzıma boşalmaya başlamıştı kalkıp bacak arasında yerimi aldım ve vajinasına sürtmeye başladım hadi erkeğim sok seni içimde hissetmek istiyorum dölle beni demeye başladı bende birden yüklendim ahhhh diye bir cığlık attı cok güzel erkeğimkudurt beni sik beni doya doya sik bugün sabaha kadar seninim demeye başladı metin karısının ağzına vermiş boşalmış bize bakarak tekrar kaldırmak istiyordu ben hızlanmalarımı arttırmış içinde gelip gidiyordum yaklaşık 20 dakka içinde gidip geldim ve bütün menilerimi içine boşalttım o gün sabaha kadar siktim alevi cok güzel bir hatundu baklaım gene arayacakmı ararsa hemen giderim tadı damagımda kaldı cünküü. Bu arada istanbul civarında oturan evli,dul,eş arayan ciftler yazın bana tanışalım [email protected] ComGönderen: anelka34

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Amca Kızının Ayakları

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Amcamın kızı nihan o zamanlar 16 yaşında, bense 18 yaşındaydım. Babaannemlerle bizim evimiz birbirine çok yakındı. Nihan babaannemlere gelmişti. Fakat o gece babaannemlerin başka misafirleri de olduğu için nihan bizde kaldı. Ertesi gün yine bize geldi ve bizim evin çok hoşuna gittiğini ve bizde kalacağını söyledi. Biz geceleri nihan?la aynı odayı paylaşıyorduk. Bir kaç gece sonra aynı yatağı paylaşacağımız aklımın ucundan bile geçmemişti. O gece nihan?la karşılıklı yataklarda yatıyor ve sohbet ediyorduk. Evde bizden başka herkes uyuyordu. Söz dönüp dolaşıp cinselliğe ve sekse geldi. Ben onu biraz yırtabilmek ve utangaçlığını kırmak için ona cinsellik ile ilgili sorular soruyordum. O da cevaplarını veriyordu. Ben bir yandan da ona manalı manalı bakıyor ve kur yapıyordum. Sanki ona hayranmışım gibi yapıyor ve onu kandırmaya çalışıyordum. Bir müddet sonra iyice samimi olduk. Ben konu değiştirdim ve onu korkutacak şeyler anlatmaya başladım. O ise korkmuş gibi yapıyor ve elimi tutuyordu. Bir müddet sonra daha da yakınlaştık. İkimizde yataklarımızın ucuna geldik ve kollarımızı uzatarak birbirimize ankara escort sarılmaya çalıştık. Hemen kabul etti…Artık vaktin geldiğini anlamıştım. Gayet masum bir ifadeyle isterse yanıma gelebileceğini söyledim. Hemen kabul etti. Bu teklifimi tereddütsüz kabul edişi onun da bana karşı duyarsız olmadığını gösteriyordu. Yatakta birbirimize iyice sokulmuş ve sarılmıştık. İyice yakınlaşmıştık. Aynı yastıkta yatıyorduk ve dudaklarımız birbirine çok yakındı. Nefeslerimizi hissedebiliyorduk. Derken gözgöze geldik ve ben cesaretimi toplayarak ?seni öpsem bana kızar mısın?? diye sordum. O ise kızması için bir sebep bulunmadığını söyledi. Bunun üzerine ona yaklaştım dudaklarını ateşli bir şekilde öptüm. Hoşuna gitmiş olacak ki dudaklarını bana bir daha uzattı. Bu sefer ki öpüşmemiz daha uzun sürmüştü. Ben dilimi onun ağzına sokmuş ve diline sürtmüştüm. Bir müddet öpüştükten sonra ben yavaş yavaş aşağılara inmeye başladım. Önce çenesini sonra boynunu öptüm ve omuzlarını öpmeye başladığımda beni durdurmaya çalıştı. Ona yapacaklarımızın çok zevkli olacağını ve kızlığına dokunmayacağımı söyledim. escort ankara Kabul etti. Ben ise işime geri döndüm ve üzerindeki tişörtü yavaş yavaş çıkardım. Karşıma daha henüz tam olmamış ama olduğu kadarıyla da bana yetip artacak göğüsleri çıktı. Göğüslerine eğildim ve ikisini de iyice yalayarak emdim. Göğüs uçları dilimin tesiri ile şişmişti. Sonra ellerimi alev alev yanan apışarasına indirdim. O nefis yarığa dilimi sokup…Önünü okşamaya başladığımda yerinde duramaz olmuştu. İşi fazla uzatmadan taytını ve kilotunu indirdim. Şimdi karşımda bol kıllı yarık bir am ve enfes bir göt vardı. O ise benim bir şey yapmama fırsat vermeden kafamı amına bastırmıştı. Anlaşılan lolita şeftalisine dil masajı yaptırmak istiyordu. Onu kırmak imkansızdı. Hemen nihan?ın amına yumuldum ve o nefis yarığa dilimi sokup çıkarmaya başladım. Zevkten çıldıracak hale gelmişti ve bağırmamak için ağzına yastık bastırır olmuştu. Ben amını yaladıkça boğuk boğuk inliyor ve doymak bilmiyordu. Bayağı bir süre sonra ise çığlık çığlığa orgazm oldu. Tabii çığlıkları yastık yüzünden kimseyi uyandıracak kadar sesli çıkmamıştı. Şimdi ankara escort bayan sıra bende idi. Bende çırılçıplak soyundum ve sikimi nihan?ın dudakları arasına verdim. Büyük bir iştahla yalamaya başladı. Uzun sürmedi. Fışkırarak ağzına boşaldım. Spermlerin hiçbirini ziyan etmeden yuttu. Sonra bir süre dinlendik. Ben dinlenirken onun ayak ucuna geçmiş ve ayaklarını yalamaya başlamıştım. Dilimi tabanlarında, parmaklarında ve topuklarında gezdiriyor ve iyice tadını almaya çalışıyordum. Nihan?ın ayaklarının tadı sikimi tekrar eski diriliğine kavuşturmuştu. Hemen nihan?ın arkasını döndürdüm ve onu dörtayak pozisyonuna getirerek deliğini yalamaya başladım. Dilimi götyanaklarında ve deliğinde dolaştırdıkça nihan kalçasını sağa sola sallıyordu. Deliği tükürüğümle iyice yumuşattıktan sonra arkasına yavaş yavaş abandım. İlk başta girmekte zorluk çekmeme rağmen delik daha sonra genişleyerek açıldı ve kaygan hale geldi. Yaklaşık beş dakika süren gitgellerin sonunda nihan?da bende aynı anda orgazma ulaştık ve pestil gibi yatağa yığıldık. Daha sonra giyindik. Bu güzel gece için birbirimize teşekkür ederek öpüştük ve yataklarımıza dönüp yorgun bir şekilde uykuya daldık. Ayaklarının sevilmesinden hoşlanan bayanların e-maillerini bekliyorum. Ayaklarını yalatmak isteyen ve köle arayan bayanlar bana e-mail atabilirler.Gönderen: Bukowski

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Gelecekteki Eşim

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MRb ben çorumdan A…. bu olay 1 hafta önce yaşndı. çıktığım kızla geziyordk tel.i çaldı annesiymiş evden çıkmş dedi gexmeye devam ettk gidebilirmiym diye ordu tabi dedim sende beni evin önüne kadar götürebilirsin dedi kabul ettm bursa escort kapınn önüne gelince sana Kahve verim gel dedi annen gelirse dedim gelmez meraklanma dedi tmm dedim girdk odasına falan baktm yatağına yattı güzelmiyim sence dedi bursa escort bayan elbette ddm sexy miyim dedi bakalm dedim ve hemen üstüne atladm yavaş ol bende bunu istiom dedi hemen soyundu ben dururmuyum dururum tabi heycandan escort bursa napcamı şaşırdm bekliyodum beni yatırdı o soydu beni yalamaya başladı 2 dk. falan yaladı sonra ben amını yalamaya başladım sonra geliyom dedim yavaş yavaş başını sokmaya başladım sonra hepsi girince inlemeye başladı o inledikçe hem korkuyo hemde zevke geliyodum soktum soktum ve soktum çok zevkli bişi dedim evet aşkım dedi bundan sonra her hafta yapalım dedi OK dedim ve şimdi Jigalo kadar tecrübeliyim

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Onun da hoşuna gitmiş

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Serdar benim ortaokul yıllarından arkadaşımdı. Ortaokul yıllarından sonra arkadaşlığımızı koparmayıp daha da ilerletmiştik. Ben serdarın evlerine çok sık uğruyordum. Ailece görüştüğümüz için de bir kaç kez onlarda kalmıştım. O günlerden birinde tuvalete gitmek için kalktığımda serdarın annesi ve babasının mutfakta seviştiklerini gördüm. Çok etkilenmiş ve o günden sonra serdarın annesi canan teyze için fanteziler kurmaya başlamıştım. O sıralar 15 yaşlarındaydım.Canan teyze 38 yaşında uzun boylu bakımlı bir kadındı. Fiziği genç kızlara taş çıkartacak kadar güzel ve benzersizdi. Özellikle kalçaları bir insanı baştan çıkarmak için yeterliydi. Bir gün serdar ile buluşmak için serdarlara gitmiştim. Serdar işinin çıktığını ve bir müddet gecikeceğini annesine söylemiş. Tabi ki canan teyzede bana. Serdarın odasına geçip bilgisayar ile oynamaya başladım. Mutfağa bir şeyler almak için giderken canan teyzenin banyoya girdiğini gördüm.Kendime engel olamayarak onu izlemeye başladım. Eteğini yukarı bursa escort kaldırınca uzun ve sütun gibi bacakları ortaya çıktı. Kilodunu indirdiğinde ise o muhteşem kalçalar göründü. İşini bitirip klozetten kalkarak üstünü düzeltirken yere düşen bir bez parçasını almak için eğilince eteğin gizlemesine rağmen muhteşem kalçaları tam karşımda duruyordu. Ne yapacağımı bilemeden odaya geçtim.Canan teyze mutfağa geçip bir şeyler yıkamaya başlamıştı. Onu arkadan seyrediyordum. O sırada sertleşen sikim kotumun içerisinde duramayacak kadar sertleşmişti. Onu dışarı çıkardım. Canan teyze arkasını dönse onunla göz göze geleceklerdi. Artık kendime hakim olamayarak ona arkadan yaklaştım. Sikim arkadan kalçalarına değmeye başlamıştı bile. Ama canan teyze birden bire ne olduğunu anlayamadı ama sonradan ne yapıyorsun bırak beni diye bağırmaya başladı. Ben sol elimle ağzını kapamaya çalışıyordum.Sağ elim göğüslerinin üstünde dolaşıyordu. Sikimi arkadan kalçalarının arasına sürtüyordum. Ayaklarını ayaklarımın bursa escort bayan arasına alarak sıkıştırmıştım. Kurtulmak için çok çalışıyor ama başaramıyordu. Ona onu çok istediğimi ve kurtulamayacağını söyledim. Hala kurtulmak için çabalarken sol elimi onun sol kolunun arkasından geçirip boynunun arkasında kilitledim. Canı çok acımaya başlamıştı. Artık kurtulmak için fazla çalışamıyordu. Çünkü ona eğer daha fazla debelenirse kolunu kıracağımı söylemiştim.Onu mutfak tezgahından alarak 4 5 adım ötedeki yemek masasının üzerine yatırdım. Tezgahtan aldığım bıçağı kalçalarının üzerinde gezdiriyor ve ona sahip olacağımı ve engellemeye çalışırsa bıçağı kullanmak zorunda kalacağımı söyledim. Aynı zamanda bıçağın ucunu hafif hafif kalçalarına batırıyor ve canını yakıyordum. Saatimin kordonu uzuyan çelik kordonlardandı.Onu çıkarıp canan teyzenin ellerini yukarda birleştirip saati taktım artık bana karşı koymayacağını iyi biliyordum bu sadece küçük bir tedbirdi. Onu yüzükoyun çevirip göğüslerini ortay escort bursa çıkarıp yalamaya başladım. İri göğüs uçlarını yalarken müthiş bir zevk alıyordum. Canan teyze birden bire kızgın bir sesle bana hadi ne yapacaksan yap ve defol git diye bağırdı. Onu tekrardan ters çevirdim ve eteğini yukarı kaldırarak kilodunu yırtarak çıkardım. 3 Senedir hayallerimi süsleyen göt tam karşımdaydı şimdi.Sikimin kafasını o taş gibi kalçaların arasına sokmak isterken canan teyze hayır hayır olmaz yapma ne olur diye bağırsada onu dinlemeyip arkasında sert bir biçimde gidip gelmeye başladım. Artık her şeyi göz önüne almıştım başıma gelecekleri biliyordum ama aldığım zevkten başka bir şey düşünemiyordum. Her gidiş gelişimden sonra canan teyzeden müthiş bir inleme geliyordu. Boşaldığımda menilerimi kalçalarına sürüyor ve tekrardan götüne sokarak boşalıyordum. Tam 3 kez arka arkaya boşaldım. Sonra evden ayrıldım.Artık polisi evimde bekliyordum. Ama gelen serdar oldu. Onu karşımda görünce şok oldum. Birden içeriye girdi. Beni niye beklemedin diyerek bana kızdı. Biraz konuştuk ve annesinin ona hiç bir şey anlatmadığını anladım. Sonradan evlerine gittiğimde canan teyze bana çok güler yüz gösterdi. İlginç ama gerçek bir olay işte. . .

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Becoming a Submissive Ch. 03

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Encore Merci Monsieur


Chapter 03: Deeper into Submission and Pain


Marge reassured me she would not herself or let her friend use the violet wand on me. I was relieved. She would be in charge and I trusted her completely.

“Fran It is time for lunch. You will prepare sandwiches and coffee.”

“Yes Mistress, right away.”

“Before you go, let’s make sure you will not play with yourself when I am not looking. I want you good and horny tonight.”

She took two lengths of fine chain and snapped them to my wrist bracelets and the side rings on my collar. I could use my hands but not lower them enough to touch my pussy. Then another length of chain between my ankle cuffs. I could walk, but small steps only.

“Follow me to the bedroom, slut.”

She took out of one of the suitcase a sort of bra. The cups were concentric rings of metal. She fitted it to me.

I felt totally under her control. A bit humiliated, but at the same time thrilled to have her control me to that extent.

“Now this will prevent you from playing with your tits.”

Back in the kitchen later.

“There is cheese, ham and tomatoes, I take ham. You have permission to make yours anything you want. Make a salad, also.”

Sitting to eat, she looked at me long and it seemed to me, with great softness.

After lunch, she sat on the sofa and I knelt in front of her.

“Now we have to talk seriously, slut, you told me before you do not want to be caned, burned or pierced. A little while ago you said no to the violet wand. It can be set very low, you know, for a first experience with it. You have to tell me freely your fears and limits. If you have second thought about going to Bob’s place to play, that is his name, be honest. I will not hold it against you.”

“No. I have no reservations. Your slut is rather looking forward to it, Mistress. The wand scares her. You know she always was afraid around electricity. “

“Okay, but you know your safe word will always stop everything at any time.”

“Mistress, about the safe word, what if I want something in particular to stop, but keep playing with something else?”

“What exactly do you mean, slut?”

I could tell that she really wanted to use the violet wand on me. It scared me but I also wanted to please her in the worst way.

“Let’s say I accept submitting to the wand and don’t like it but don’t want to end the play.”

“Ok slut I will give you yellow as a word for that. Use it and I will stop and ask you if you want to stop or continue with something else. But the something will be up to me.”

“That is fine with your slut Mistress. I am impatient to have the wand used on me, if it is Mistress using it.”

“I promise it will be just me. I will never allow anyone else to punish you. It will be me and only me. I will allow him to please you with his cock, maybe tie you up. He likes doing that. It will be your reward for being such a good slut. But that is all I will permit. I told you, you are more to me than my other pets.”

I was kissing and licking her legs and thighs. She was caressing my shoulders and playing with my hair.

“You got me all wet and horny slut. Come in the bedroom I need to cum, If you make me cum good, I will reward you with a nice spanking after. You love that, don’t you?”

“Yes, Mistress. I love to be spanked for your pleasure and mine. I will make you cum hard and clean you after.”

On the bed she untied my wrists and removed the metal ring bra before lying on her back and taking me to her by my hair. She put my mouth to her tits.

“Lick and suck them slowly and gently slut, and don’t play with yourself I will decide later if you deserve some pleasure.”

I liked and sucked her nipples, giving little bites on her tits as she had trained me to do, slowly with passion. Her moans were music to my ears. I was getting hot and wet. I hoped she would give me some pleasure soon. After while, she moaned louder. I caressed and rubbed her pussy with one hand. She started to hump my hand.

“Don’t finger fuck me yet slut.”

She pushed my head slowly down toward her crotch. I kissed and give little bites on the way. I lifted her legs to my shoulders and started to lick kiss and bite the inside of her thighs and around her pussy, biting her cunt lips and lightly pulling on them with my teeth. She moaned and made throaty noises. It encouraged me to put more energy into it.

“That is good bitch. Don’t stop. Bite my cunt harder and lick around it.”

Her hips were moving and gyrating. I loved pleasing her.

“Now bitch, tongue fuck me and take care of my clit. Make me cum.”

I licked her slit and pushed my tongue in as far as I could. She humped my tongue hard, telling me not to stop and how good it was. Her pleasure was all the reward I wanted. I finally started to suck and lick her clit and finger fuck her at the same time. She bahis firmaları moaned and screamed. She had a big orgasm. I swallowed her juices and cleaned her.

After she subsided a bit, I pushed her legs further up and started to lick her back hole slowly.

“Don’t stop bitch. You are getting to be a good slut for your Mistress. I love your tongue there push it in slut.”

I licked her ass and tried to tongue fuck her there, something I would have never dreamed of doing before this weekend.

She finally let go with another big orgasm. She was shaking all over. I cleaned her again,

“Your turn, slut. You have been good. Your mistress will give you some pleasure.”

She took again the silk rope and tied my tits. Took me to the foot of the bed facing it , tied my hand behind my back and tied the ends of the ropes tying my tits to the top of the posts and my ankles to the bottom of the same posts. I was held up by my tits. It was painful if I moved.

“Now slut, I will reward you with pain and pleasure.”

She took the crop to my ass and thighs, hard enough to make me yell in pain and pleasure. I was begging.

“Please Mistress. Your slut has been punished enough, she wants to cum.”

My pleading only encouraged her to use the crop with more energy, it seemed. I was besides myself, not with pain, but pleasure. I wanted to cum.

“Now slut I will give you a different type of pleasure.”

She went to her toy suitcase and took out a crop. This one was flexible. It was narrower and longer than the one she had been using. She brought up between my legs, from behind. Being flexible, it caught my whole cunt with every slap. The pain was very intense. My cunt and clit were red and in pain, plus the fact I was held up by my tits. They hurt a lot because every time I received a slap from the crop between my legs, my whole body jerked.

I was twisting humping and gyrating, screaming loudly. Tears were flowing. Then, I started to spasm and jerk. My breath came in short spurts

“Please Mistress. You slut has had enough. Let her rest and make her cum.”

“Two more shots slut.”

Those two were hard. I nearly fainted with the pain, but the pleasure was also intense. I had a big orgasm. Mistress put her arms around my hips and pulled on my clit hard to extend and add to my orgasm.

She untied me and let me lie on the bed to recover. I realised again, I was not only her sub, but I was turning into a pain slut for her.

“Thanks Mistress, that was so good.”

“Now slut we have to start getting you ready for tonight. I know you would like to have your ass fucked, but we will keep it nice a tight for tonight. We will have to leave soon it is a two hours drive”

“Yes Mistress I am ready to please you and your friend.”

“Not yet slut, you must be clean for tonight.”

I was glad to hear that, a good long hot shower would be welcomed. She went to her toys and pulled out a kit. The realisation of what she meant hit me, it was an enema kit. I had not foreseen that.

Being given an enema by my Mistress/sister would be humiliating, I sat on the bed while she went to prepare the enema. I had great misgivings and hesitations to submit to that A part of me wanted to experience such an humiliation. She cut my reflex ion short

“Come here slut.”

I still hesitated. I was in some shock I think. I did not move from the bed. She came over, pushed me on my back, straddled me and slapped my tits hard, twisted and pulled my nipples till I screamed loudly.

“Now bitch will you get in that bathroom?”

I realised she was very serious.

“Yes Mistress You slut will do as she is told.” She had really hurt my nipples.

“On all fours in the bath bitch, with your ass up.”

She slowly inserted the probe in my ass. It was humiliating but not unpleasant. She let the liquid come, at first the warmth was pleasant. It made me a little horny and as more liquid filled me it became more pleasant. I was moving my ass and hips slowly.

“You are not supposed to enjoy this bitch, wait till you get all of it.”

She was right. I became full and the pressure for release became more and more {intense}.

“Please Mistress, This is giving your slut cramps. Let her have release.”

“Not yet slut, you have to be really clean. Keep it in for now.”

I was suffering and begging for release. It was a sensation completely new to me. Cramps, humiliation and horniness all at once.

“Now slut. You can relieve yourself and clean yourself in the shower I will wait for you in the room.”

I must honestly say that enemas will never be something I will enjoy. I will submit to this to please my Mistress. But I hope it will never be part of regular play. I will have to talk to her about that.

After I had a shower, I joined her in the bedroom.

“Good now we have to get ready and leave slut.”

She give me a robe to wear, it was open in the front with just a belt to keep it closed.

“Slut you will wear this, you won’t need anything more tonight. Now kaçak iddaa it is time to go.”


On the way, I was doing some thinking, while Marge was driving.

I was hot and impatient. I craved a real hot cock. Marge had been pushing my buttons since Friday evening to get me to accept an evening of playing with her friend Bob. I did not hold this against her. It is after all in the personality of a Dominant male or female to know when they deal with a submissive how to push their buttons, as it were, to take them in hand. It is an inborn trait of their personality.

A submissive personality does crave to be controlled. So the fact she brought me where she wanted me, was not surprising. But, why this particular man? Did she have some sort of special relation with him? I knew she stepped out on Jimmy with other men, this at the risk of having her butt kicked to the curb. He accepted her playing with women but drew the line at other men.

I had to be careful not to be taken to places I did not want to go, Gang bangs, sex with animals and scat. I had no reason to think she was into any of this but I had to keep an eye open.

“You seem to be lost in thoughts, my slut.”

“Yes Mistress I am impatient to serve a good cock.”

“I am also impatient to see you serve him. The sexiest hottest thing I ever saw was you with Rick’s cock in your mouth in my van. I get hot and have to masturbate every time I think about that.”

So that explained why she was taking me to a man instead of a woman.

“You are really beautiful and sexy with a cock in your mouth, slut.”

By this time we were there. She took me to the basement. She seemed quite used to the place. I s was wearing my wrist and ankle bracelets and my collar. She put them on me before leaving home.

She took me to a small carpet I knelt on it. Looking around, the room was equipped for play with a small bed in a corner, some tables with matted tops and rings and hooks in the ceiling and walls with ropes already attached. Different tools were on racks around the room. I was bit worried and afraid.

“Don’t worry slut, I am here to protect you and not all these things will be used on you, as a matter of fact very few will be used and I will be the one using them, not him.”

That reassured me I trusted her completely.

“Thank you Mistress Your slut feels better.”

He came into the room .wearing a Speedo. I could see he was well endowed. I stood and presented myself, hands behind my head legs spread and hips forward.

“You were right Marge. She is a beauty.”

He was nice looking, perhaps in his early forties. Then I saw something that almost turned me off. It certainly cooled me off a bit. He had a tattoo on his right arm. I find tattoos gross. This one was particularly gruesome. It was a big blue and yellow snake and it rolled around his arm. If I had been alone with him, I would have left. Any man with such a tattoo must be very mean. I only hoped I could keep my eyes off it as much as possible. And trust Marge to protect me from his abuse He really scared me.

He ran his hands over my body. Slowly they were soft and warm. I was becoming hornier by the second. He kissed and sucked my nipples while cupping my cunt in one hand. I humped his hand and moaned.

I received a hard whack from a crop that Mistress had in her hands.

“Don’t move slut.”

“She is hot and all wet, Marge. I will really enjoy making her cum.”

“But first she will have to be punished for having moved.”

“Good, I love to see you punish and abuse your sluts before I get to use them.”

“She is still in training. I am still exploring her limits, but she takes a lot. She is my best slut, so far. Also, she is very special to me, this one. There are things I will not submit her to.”

This pleased me.

They were talking about me like I was some unanimated object. It was humiliating, but the realisation that I was there for their pleasure, not necessarily mine, was thrilling.

“Tonight I will introduce her to the wand.”

“Good I hope she squirms a lot.”

This scared me some but I did not let it show. All through that, he was running his hands over my tits and cunt, I could not help moaning and trying to push myself against his hands.

Mistress had a crop in one hand and a small flogger in the other. She gave me a shot every time I moved.

“Hooch” I yelped at every shot she was hitting me hard enough to pinch, but I was beginning to enjoy the pain I was wet and my pussy lips and nipples were tingling. My juices were running down my thighs.

“I told you, bitch, not to move. You will be punished more, later.”

“Please mistress, I need to come.” I got two hard whacks with the flogger on my tits. It stung as I yelled loudly.”

“I decide if and when you deserve to cum slut.”

“Now slut, time to introduce you to the wand.”

She took me to the middle of the room, under the ropes hanging from rings in the ceiling. She tied my hands up over my head while Bob kaçak bahis tied my ankles to other rings in the floor. He made sure my legs were well spread. I was completely helpless at their disposal.

Both of them started to caress me and Mistress kissed me with passion. Bob sucked one nipple and Mistress sucked the other. The feeling of lust was intense. Any woman who has not had both her nipples sucked at the same time cannot understand the feeling. I was moaning and pushing my chest forward as much as I could.

Bob was gently cupping and rubbing my cunt with one hand and running a finger up and down my back crack with the other, giving little caresses to my back hole I was in heaven. I was so hot, I pushed my ass on his finger and he removed it.

“Your Mistress did not yet give permission for your pleasure, slut.”

“You are right. I will give her something else to think about in the meantime. Get me the wand.”

She still had the short flogger and she started on my ass thighs and pussy with it. She hit me hard enough for me to yell, groan and breathe in spurts.

“That is it bitch, Bob likes to hear a slut scream a bit with pain and so do I.” With that she increased the strength of the flogging to make me yell louder.

I was begging her to stop between yells, but I knew that as long as I did not use my safe word, she would not.

Bob finally arrived with the wand and handed it to her, the blue light coming from it was scary and hypnotising. I was scared and at the same time I wanted to submit to it.

She slowly brought the wand close to one tit. At a certain distance, there was sparks and I felt a tingling in my nipple. It was not painful, but strange. It made me shake in my bonds. She then did the same for my other tit. It was more like tickling, but it affected my complete breasts not just the nipples. She ran it up and down my thighs and finally my pussy. This caused the whole inside of my vagina to spasm and tremble. I twisted hard in my bonds and screamed with pleasure.

“Please Mistress, again. This will make me cum. Please don’t stop.”

“Bitch you are enjoying this too much. You need a lesson.’

She adjusted something on the wand and brought it again to my pussy. This time the tingling was intense and made me shake and squirm in my bonds. My pussy hurt it was not pleasant. I screamed hard and begged her to stop. My hips were moving back and forth on their own. She stopped and handed the wand to Bob.

“Now she knows what this can do, it is enough.”

“You don’t normally go this easy on your sluts with the wand Marge.”

“I told you this one is special and warned you that I would be in complete charge of her. You know the consequences of not abiding by my decisions.”

I was relieved to hear this, she had some hold over him and control.

“Now slut you will be permitted your pleasure.”

“Thank you, Mistress.”

They untied me and brought me to one of the small tables. It was not long. There was an opening in it. After getting me to lie on my belly, my tits were sticking out under the table in the opening. My head was over the end and the other end pressed into my abdomen. There was a belt attached to the table. Mistress tied my waist to the table using that belt then my knees to the legs of the table pulling them forward and to the side making my ass and cunt well exposed.

Bob tied my hands behind my back and adjusted a small belt around my head. It had a ring on the back. He then held up a large hook on a rope, it had a bulb on the end. Mistress lubed my ass and inserted the hook. The metal hook was cool but pleasant. I moaned with pleasure. She tied the rope to the ring on the belt around my head adjusting it to hold my head slightly up. As she came to the side I saw she had a harness and dildo.

“Warm up time my slut”

With that, she started to use a crop on my ass and thighs. Every four or five shots, she brought it from underneath and let my pussy and tits have a couple hard shots, just enough to make me yell and beg her to stop and let me cum.

“Please Mistress I have been punished enough let me cum. I beg you.”

“Shut up bitch, quit complaining. Bob fix her tits and fill her mouth with cock. She needs to shut up.”

He wrapped my tits with a rope and tied it to a hook on the floor under the table. He made sure they were good and tight. Then, he brought his cock next to my mouth. It was nice, about eight inches and fairly thick.

“Lick it slut.”

I started to lick the head slowly, with gusto. I needed some satisfaction. I was so hot and in need.

He slowly pushed deeper in my mouth. I caressed the head with my tongue and sucked gently at first. He slowly humped my mouth, going deeper with every few strokes. Mistress was still cropping my ass and thighs. It only increased my lust and need to cum.

“Now slut, I will fuck your mouth. Get ready to take it all deep in your throat.”

I nodded as much as I could. At the same time, Mistress stopped the cropping of my ass and I felt the dildo against my opening. She had a big one, bigger than the ones she used before. As wet as I was, it went in easily. It was also longer than the other ones I was filled like never before. I moaned, even with Bob’s cock in my mouth.

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Becoming Melissa’s Cuckold Pt. 04

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The next morning I woke up feeling hopeful. I’d suffered a terrible humiliation but I think that I managed to talk myself out of it, and I was pretty sure that I could trust both Melissa and Victoria to not tell anyone else about what happened.

I was also happy to learn that it seemed like Melissa was pretty open-minded about my panty fetish. Initially she was furious with me, but Melissa became pretty accepting once she’d spoken to Victoria. Whatever Victoria said, it worked and I’d forever be in her debt for it.

I woke up before Melissa and decided to do something special for her. I made her breakfast in bed. Once I heard her stirring in her bedroom, I told Melissa that I had a surprise for her if she stayed in her room. The smell of bacon cooking probably gave it away, but Melissa appreciated my effort. After making her eggs and bacon, I loaded the dish onto a serving tray with some orange juice and brought it to her room.

While she ate, we laughed and joked like old times. We didn’t talk about anything that had happened the night before. We just chilled like best friends. When she was done, I gathered everything together to bring back to the kitchen. Before I left her room, Melissa did something really unexpected. She stood up out of bed — dressed only in a t-shirt and her panties — gave me a hug and kissed me on the cheek to thank me. It was the first kind of affection of that nature that she’d ever shown me.

“Clean up, and I’m going to take Victoria’s advice and call Diane. We’ll talk afterwards.”

There was that name again, Diane. I really wanted to know who she was.

“Who is she?”

“We’ll talk later, ok?”

I was really curious, but it seemed like if I let things be for now I’d find out soon enough. “Ok”

An hour or so later, we found ourselves sitting in our living room facing each other.

“Last night” Melissa started, “after – you know…Victoria and I had a long talk, about everything and she made me think about some things.”


“I feel like things are complicated right now, but Victoria reminded me about someone who might be able to help. You know Philip, right?”

Philip was a guy who occasionally hung around with us. He wasn’t exactly a part of our circle of friends, but he was around often enough for me to know who he was. Philip was a big black guy, he was nice to those who knew him but probably intimidated anyone who didn’t. I was pretty sure that he was also one of Victoria’s fuck-buddies before she settled down with her current boyfriend.

“Yeah, I know him — why?”

“Have you ever seen him bring an older woman around, she’s in her forty’s but still a really hot milf type? She’s always wearing short skirts, has blond hair and big fake boobs?”

I knew exactly who she meant. I’d never spoken to that woman before, but she’d caught my eye more than once when I’d seen her out. She had a bit of an older porn-star look to her and definitely dressed to be noticed.

“That’s Diane. Know what she does?”

“No, what?”

“She’s a relationship and sex expert – of sorts.”

“Really? What do you mean by ‘of sorts’?”

“She specializes in counselling couples who live a little differently than other couples do — ‘alternative lifestyles’ is what she calls it.”

“Um, ok”

“What we have between us, it’s a relationship, isn’t it? We care about each other right? You jerk off for me, you perv-out with my panties and who knows what else you get up to. Plus we live together, we’re around each other all the time, we go out together, we eat together, we have all of the same friends – that’s a relationship, isn’t it?”

“Yeah, I guess so….sort of”

“At first I didn’t really think of it as a relationship either. Last night though, Victoria made me realize that I wasn’t bothered by what you were doing with my panties. Don’t get me wrong, it’s weird but I’m ok with weird. What upset me was that it made me feel like you cheated on me, and if I didn’t think that we were in a relationship I wouldn’t have felt betrayed like I did.”

“I get what you’re saying, but this is nothing like a normal relationship.”

“I didn’t say that it was a normal relationship, just that it is a relationship. I knew a little bit about Diane and what she does but talking to her this morning made realize that maybe what we have is an ‘alternative’ type of relationship.”

“Wait, what did you tell her?”


“What do you mean by everything?”

“I mean everything. She knows about everything that’s ever happened between us and she’s interested in helping us.”

“You told her about…”

Melissa was growing frustrated with and lashed out at me “EVERYTHING! Your little dicklet, your masturbating, your panty sniffing, your cheating, every-fucking-thing!”

“You want me to go to this woman, who knows our friends and talk about all this embarrassing stuff with her? No way Melissa, I’m not going to do that.”

“She’s a professional! And besides, she already knows everything now.” I could sense that Melissa’s bahis firmaları frustration was turning into anger.

“I don’t know…”

“Our appointment with her is this afternoon, I booked it this morning. You’re going. Get your ass ready, we’re leaving in an hour.” And that was that.


Diane had a bungalow out in the suburbs which served as both her family home and office for her counselling sessions. It felt both welcoming and professional at the same time. When Diane met us at the door, she looked totally different than we’d ever seen her before — dressed conservatively, hair gathered into a bun and for the first time that we’d seen she was wearing glasses.

“Ah, ok — it’s you two!” was her greeting. “I knew who you were when you called me Melissa, but I wasn’t quite sure who Grey was but now that I see you of course I’ve seen you around. Come on in!”

Diane led us into a room that was right off the entry way to her house. It was a white room with a desk for Diane, a couple of comfy chairs for Melissa and I and couch that looked like it belonged in a psychiatrist’s office. There were some medical looking devices in the room, along with some charts and posters on the wall depicting things like different sexual positions. It more or less felt like being in a cross between medical doctor and shrink’s office.

Once we were seated inside, Diane told us about the confidential nature of our visit, that nothing that we would discuss would leave that room and stressed how important it was that we were totally honest with her.

“I got the basics from Melissa over the phone this morning, but it’s best that we go over everything together so I can get your input too Grey.”

We gave Diane a complete run down, starting with how we met in high school right up until the night before when Victoria and Melissa caught me masturbating in her bed.

“Ok, so based on everything that you’ve said to me I have a first little bit of advice for you.”

Melissa and I were both eager to hear what she had to say.

“Grey, you need to stop using and taking advantage of Melissa.”

I was not expecting that at all.


“You’re using Melissa for your sexual gratification and you’re taking advantage of your friendship with her to do it.”

While I was trying to wrap my head around that, Diane turned to Melissa and said, “And you’ve got to stop being a doormat for Grey. Be stronger.”

I was floored. “Wait, I don’t think that you understand….”

“I understand perfectly well’ she said cutting me off. “Melissa has given you everything. Your new life, your new friends, your new status and you’ve done nothing in return for her. On top of that, she makes herself available to you for your sexual gratification, allows herself to be the object of your sexual desire, even gives you her panties so that you can get off and what does she get in return?”

“It’s not like that…”

“It’s exactly like that Grey. What do you think Melissa?”

Melissa looked as surprised as I was. “I hadn’t thought about it like that, but I see where you’re coming from.”

“Grey, can you think of one thing that you do for Melissa that she doesn’t also do for you? I get it, you’re friends and you’re there for her and you support her and all of that stuff, but she does all of that for you too, right?”

“Yes” I had to admit that it was true.

“So what do you do for Melissa that she doesn’t also do for you? We know what Melissa does for you — she lets you listen to her have sex so that you can get off, she tells you about her encounters and watches you masturbate so that you can get off, you take Melissa’s panties from her so that you can get off — what do you do for her?”

I didn’t like how this was going at all. I didn’t feel like our relationship was being described fairly, but I was also having a hard time denying or explaining it any other way. More troubling was that I could see that Melissa was warming up to Diane’s point of view.

“She likes what we do together, don’t you Melissa?”

Before Melissa could answer, Diane jumped in. “Whatever amusement that Melissa gets from watching you do your thing, it doesn’t come close to what you get from her, does it?”

“No, I suppose not.”

Melissa tried to come to my rescue “I like the control that I have over his masturbating. I like that when Grey masturbates it’s for me — like a like tribute or something. That’s kind of thrilling in a way.”

“I’m glad that you realize that Melissa, because that’s at the heart of your feelings of betrayal. When you caught him masturbating behind your back with your panties it made three things undeniably clear. First, it showed that the control — the one single thing that you got from Grey – was a lie. Second, it showed that Grey was willing to violate your privacy by going through your things and using your panties to get himself off. And third, it showed how everything is about Grey, it’s all about him and his masturbation — you’re just there to facilitate his desires. kaçak iddaa You might not have understood all of that consciously, but your subconscious did and that’s why you feel cheated on.”

“Diane, you’re amazing! I never would have thought about it this way but you’re absolutely right!”

I had to try to defend myself, “I don’t think that this is entirely fair,” I started but wasn’t sure how to finish. “You’re…I don’t know”

“Grey, if you can offer another explanation I’d love to hear it. The truth is, I’ve been doing this sort of counselling for a long time now and men are mostly the same and very predictable.”

There was a long pause and an awkward silence until Melissa spoke up.

“So what do you think we should do?”

“Well, if you guys want to be together it’s pretty simple. You’ve got to start by being stronger. If you’re comfortable being objectified by Grey for his masturbation habit, you’ve got to get something concrete out of the relationship too, something equitable that validates you.”

“You mean like take control back?”

“Yes, at a minimum — that should be a first step.”

“You hear that Grey, from now on we go back to how things were — no more masturbating behind my back ok? And no stealing my panties either, if you want them you ask for them.”

I could tell that Melissa was proud of the stand that she was taking. And all things considered and how badly I thought that this might turn out, I was ok with this resolution. Then Diane stepped in.

“How can you trust him Melissa? Actually, that’s a better question for you Grey, how can Melissa trust you?”

“I know that I messed up and I feel bad about that, I won’t do it again.”

“Right, so the next time Melissa is away for a few days and you’re left all alone in your apartment and you know that Melissa’s panties are just waiting there in her room for you, you’re just going to suppress those feelings and wait for Melissa to get back?”

“Yes” I said, unconvincingly.

“Come on now Grey, we both know that’s not true right?”

I couldn’t answer her. I didn’t want to agree with her, but also knew that I couldn’t argue with her without lying, which she’d call me on. Diane let me stew in the uncomfortable silence. I looked at Melissa hoping for a life-line but it was clear that she was with Diane on this one.

“Can I offer a suggestion?” Diane finally broke the silence.

“Please do!” perked Melissa.

“Have you heard of male chastity?”

I wasn’t exactly sure what she meant, but I had an idea and I didn’t like the sound of it.

“No, what’s that?” Melissa asked.

“There’s a whole line of products that are designed to stop men from touching themselves , they’re sometimes called ‘cock-cages’. It’s a device that fits over the male penis, it prevents erections and locks shut so it can’t be tampered with.”

“That sounds so hot!” Melissa was excited.

“No way Melissa, there’s no way I’m going to wear something like that.”

“Grey, it’s about trust,” Diane said. “If you were to get a chastity device and give Melissa the key, she could have the control back that you stole from her when you cheated on her, plus she’d have the reassurance and peace of mind in knowing that you wouldn’t — couldn’t — cheat again.”

“Grey, this is fucking hot!” Melissa was lit up. “Nothing would really change, I’d still let you jerk off whenever you wanted to — you’d just have to ask me first. I’d love that so much!”

“Grey, remember when I asked you what you did for Melissa and you couldn’t think of anything? This is something that you could do for her. Think of how excited you get when you masturbate for her, or how excited you get when you get your hands on Melissa’s panties. Have you ever done anything for her that’s gotten her as excited as she is right now?”

I hadn’t, nothing even close to this. Melissa was glowing at the idea of it.

“We should try this Grey, even if it’s just for a bit! I need this Grey, you need to do this for me!”

I wanted to prove to Melissa that I could be faithful to her, but I was really worried about having my penis locked up.

“Let me offer my opinion, ” great, more of Diane’s advice I thought, “I can give you the address of a shop that sells chastity devices. Go and have a look at them, see what’s available and see what you think once you have an idea of what they are. Right now, I bet the idea is scarier than they actually are. If you decide to get one, great. If not, well we can explore other options in the future. For now though, I think it’s something that you should look into. Treat it like some sexy fun, it should be exciting — for both of you!”

I somehow didn’t think it would be fun for me at all, but I was feeling guilty and did want to prove myself to Melissa. Also, I have to admit that I was a little bit curious — what were these strange cock cages?

“Ok Melissa, I’ll agree to this — we’ll go and have a look. I’m not promising anything else, we’ll have a look and see what they’re about.”

“OMG! This is amazing kaçak bahis Grey, honestly this is the best!” Melissa reached across, wrapped her arms around me and gave me a kiss.

We left Diane’s place shortly after. She’d given us the address of a sex shop where we could check out chastity devices. I was hoping to head home and give the idea a sober second thought, but Melissa was way too excited and insisted that we went right to the store, so off we went.

The shop was over a half hour away which made for a weird car ride. I was lost in my own thoughts terrified of what I might be getting myself into while Melissa was beaming the whole time. I’d literally never seen her this happy before. I didn’t want to ruin her mood, but I also had to temper her expectations.

“We’re just going to look Melissa, don’t get too excited”

“Nah, you’re going to buy one” she said with a confidence that was beginning to worry me.

“We’re just going to have a look”

“Grey, no man with a little penis has ever made me as excited as I am right now. This is the hottest thing ever, and you owe me. You’re getting one.”

“I don’t want you to get too into this idea Melissa, we’re just going to have a look, that’s it.”

“Nope, you’re buying one, you’re going to wear it and I’m going to hang on to the key.”

She was determined, but I figured that she was still riding a bit of a high from the excitement so I left it there for the rest of the ride.

The shop was in a part of town that I wasn’t overly familiar with, but when we spotted the store there was no denying what it was. Out front it had a giant sign that simple read “SEX”. It was a small store, but absolutely jam-packed with all sorts of sex toys, pornography and other kinky things. When we walked in there was only one employee working. She was a beautiful woman, slightly older than us but still young — maybe 25 years old. She was tall and slender with smaller breasts but perfectly proportioned to her frame. She had a bit of a punk look to her with a few noticeable tattoos and piercings visible and super stylish haircut, a brunette with bright red highlights. We’d arrived just a few minutes before the store was set to close for the night.

“Hey guys, just to let you know we’re closing in about 10 minutes — if you know what you’re looking for, I can help you find it”

“It’s ok…”I began to say, but Melissa spoke over me. “We’re here to pick up a male chastity device, a cock-cage?” I was mortified.

“Back corner, left had side, we have a good selection of them.”

Melissa couldn’t contain herself and nearly ran to the back of the store while I followed slowly behind her. By the time I caught up with her she’d already had a few picked out and lined them up on the display shelf.

“What do you think Grey?”

“I think that we came to look and the store is closing soon and this isn’t a decision that we should rush into.”

“The decision has been made, it’s just a matter of which one. Which of these do you like?”

She had a metal one that literally looked like a bird cage, a hard plastic one that was moulded to resemble a penis and a softer silicone one that also looked like a penis. There were a few others on the shelf that she was examining as well.

“Melissa, this really isn’t something that I think we should do right now.”

From behind us I heard the shop clerk’s voice, “I have a lot of experience with chastity devices if you need some help?”

“That would be great!” Melissa’s enthusiasm continued, “what can you tell us about these, which do you recommend?”

“Well, the silicone one is more for play. Most guys can wiggle their way out of that one, so it’s more of a toy for casual use really. The metal one is great because when the penis is locked inside there’s still enough access to it for teasing purposes, but it’s a bit heavy for long term use and it can be hard to hide under some pants. That’s why I prefer this one, “she said reaching for the hard plastic one, “my partner wears this, so I have a lot of experience with it. It’s great. It’s light enough to wear every day, it’s got a low profile so it can be worn under most pants without being noticed and it locks shut like a vault — there’s no getting out of it!”

“You said your partner wears one?” Melissa asked.

“Yeah, he’s my little cuckold subby I’ve kept him locked up for over a year now.”

That was the first time that I’d ever heard the word cuckold, and I had no idea what it meant.

“Get the fuck out, he’s been locked up for a year?”

As she spoke she pulled a necklace out from under her shirt that had a small key on it, “Yup — a year and…4 months. I let him out pretty often, I just make him earn it!”

“Holy fuck Grey, this is so amazing!” Melissa was enthralled.

“I take it you guys are new to this? My name is Kassandra by the way”

“Nice to meet you, I’m Melissa and this is my…boyfriend? Grey — and yeah, we’re new to this.”

“Well, for first timers I’d probably go with the hard plastic shell. Like I said, it’s light, it’s pretty low maintenance and durable. When you’re first getting used to it you can pop it on and off and when you’re more comfortable with chastity you can kind of set it and forget it for long term wear.”

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Becky and Her Son Pt. 01

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Big Tits

This is story is based on a true-life experience. The people are real and the mother is in fact pregnant. They are very much in love and are living together as husband and wife. She read several of my stories and realized that she wanted/needed to act on her desire to make love to her son. As usual, this story has an illustrated version. Also, this story is in two parts. I will have the second part ready soon, and will post it, if people want to read it. *

Chapter 1

To the outside world Becky Loudon was a typical middle class mother; divorced with one son and living in a small town in a friendly community. The neighbors were friendly enough and gossiped about each other like people in all neighborhoods. Becky liked the neighborhood, but didn’t know many people, which was okay with her. She was pretty much like them with one exception; she had an overwhelming desire to make love to her son.

It started two years earlier, after Becky’s son John graduated from high school. He was a handsome boy, tall for eighteen years and looked older. His blue eyes, brown hair and strong facial features made him very popular with the ladies. Although not a straight “A” student, he had always done well in school. He played soccer and spent his spare time reading and exercising. Becky was proud of him and they became close when his father left her for a young slut. Becky wasn’t sure exactly when her view of her son started to change. It might have been an incident that occurred after his eighteenth birthday. She had walked into his room and saw him lying on his workout bench lifting weights. He was busy and didn’t notice her standing just inside the doorway. From her view of his legs she could see the muscles in his calves and thighs straining and glistening with sweat. Her eyes, almost unconsciously, traveled up his body. When she reached his midsection she almost gasped. He had on a pair of very tight stretch workout shorts and the bulge in the center was clearly outlined. As much as she wanted to she could not draw her eyes away. It had been quite some time since she had had real sex, although she did pleasure herself often with a vibrator she kept hidden in her underwear drawer. Now staring at her son’s clearly outlined testicles and cock made her quiver with unwanted pleasure. From that time on, as much as she fought it, her dreams were of her son.

For several years Becky chastised herself for her wanton thoughts about her own son, but that didn’t change anything. She wondered if there was something wrong with her and if she needed to seek help. Then something happened that changed everything. She was surfing the Internet one day and decided to visit an erotic story site. It was not the first time she had done so, but this time she searched the category for mom/son incest stories. She found several from one particular author and began to read. Before she was very far into the first story she was rubbing her pussy. The story portrayed a mother similar to her who agonized over her feelings toward her son. Eventually the mother had given in and made love to her son. The story really struck home with Becky. By the third climax she was exhausted. Still she went to bed that night and masturbated again, this time with John in the place of the son in the story. The following day she was reading the stories again and incredibly at the end of the story, the mother became pregnant with her son’s child. That was not something Becky had allowed herself to consider. But it must have been buried somewhere deep in her mind because the thought of being impregnated by her own son excited her like nothing ever had, so much so that she climaxed several more times before she fell into an exhausted sleep.

For the next week, Becky read more of the author’s stories and then looked at the statistic’s and comments sections. She was surprised to find that the incest stories were the most downloaded of all stories. In fact, several of this author’s incest stories had been downloaded almost two million times each. It occurred to Becky that there were at least two million people who liked incest stories as she did. When she read the comments she was also surprised that many of them were from women. Some were thanking the author for making them feel like they were not alone and giving them the courage to act on their desires. Suddenly, Becky too realized that she was not alone. If all these people found incest exciting, could it be so wrong, she wondered. From there Becky did more research and found that incest was not as uncommon as many people thought. She found that it had occurred throughout history and in some countries it was rampant. Many of the royalty in Europe were born as a result of incest. Even in the ancient world incest was rampant. All of this was quite an eye opener for her.

After her research Becky found that she was more excited then before and her dreams and fantasies became very graphic and, of course, always involved John. She wrote to the author of the stories and told him of bahis firmaları her fantasies. He forwarded her several more stories, which encouraged her to act on her fantasy. Becky, embolden now, began to plan on how to seduce her son. She printed and then left several of the stories lying around to see what happened. Over the next several days she found that the stories had been moved and she was certain that her son had seen them, if not read them. She was so excited she could have climaxed at a single touch. The following day she grew even bolder and took off her pink panties and left them under the desk where the stories were lying. Later, after her son had come home and gone to his room, she checked and realized, with great excitement, that her panties were missing.

Later that evening she noticed her son gazing at her with what might have been desire, but she couldn’t be sure. When she went to take shower that night she opened the hamper to throw in her panties and saw the pink panties lying on top. With a trembling hand she reached down and picked them up. She gasped … the crotch was soaked with what had to be sperm. As she stared at what she thought was fresh cum she found her shaking hands bringing the panties closer to her mouth. Suddenly she stuck out her tongue and tasted the creamy liquid. Oh my God, she thought, it is cum. Her hands were trembling as she pulled the panties from her mouth and on impulse stepped into them pulling them up her thighs. A gasp escaped her lips when the sticky fluid reached her freshly shaven pussy mound. She reached down and pressed the sodden crotch to her pussy and then she rushed to her bedroom and threw herself onto the bed. Without closing the door fully she began to masturbate. She pressed the sodden cloth to her swollen pussy as she rubbed her clit. She could feel her son’s sperm smearing across her smooth flesh and some even drip down her lips. Then she pushed the crotch into her pulsing opening, forcing some of the sperm inside her. The realization that she was pushing live sperm into her unprotected pussy took her over the top. She gasped and moaned as waves of pleasure rushed over her. When one climax ended, another began until she almost passed out. When she finally recovered and opened her eyes she thought she saw movement outside her door. Could that be John, she wondered? Incredibly the thought of that made her slip her hand between her legs and she began all over again.

Chapter 2

Several days later Becky had fallen asleep on the sofa a few minutes before John came home. He awoke her with a kiss. Becky stretched and groaned, saying that her muscles were sore for some reason. John smiled and asked if she would like a massage. Of course she said yes, but a bolt of excitement went through her because she knew that the most recent story had a scene where the son had given his mother a massage. She wondered if he had read that part and if so what he was planning. The two of them went upstairs where Becky got on the bed on her stomach.

“Uh … I can’t give you much of a massage with all those clothes on,” John said.

Becky giggled and said, “I guess not.” With that she stood up and began to unbutton her blouse. She saw John’s eyes on her as she slowly opened her blouse to reveal her white bra. The bra was rather thin and she knew that her nipples could be seen through the gauzy material. Instead of being shy she thrust her chest out slightly and felt a chill of excitement. That made her nipples even harder. Now they were obvious and poking through the material. Becky felt her pussy begin to swell with excitement. Her hands slowly went to her skirt but then she hesitated. “Uh … should I pull my skirt up or …”

John didn’t let her finish and said, “Take it off.”

Becky was trembling as she tried to unbutton the fastener on her skirt. After several attempts she got it lose and then unzipped the zipper. She turned around to hide her flushed face as she dropped the skirt to her feet and stepped out of it. Feeling her son’s eyes on her ass made her pussy quiver and she worried that her panties were getting wet.

She knew her panties had slipped between her cheeks so she reached back and pulled them out, smoothing the thin material over her ass cheeks. Because the material of her panties was so thin she knew that when she turned around John would be able to see the outline of her pussy. In fact, like her ass, the panties had slipped between her lips, which she didn’t remove. She turned around to face her son. A chill of excitement rushed through her when she saw his eyes dart from her tits to her pussy. The room grew quiet as the sexual tension rose quickly. “Uh … you want me on my stomach first?” she asked, breaking the silence.

John’s mouth opened but he didn’t answer.

She let him stare for a moment more and then quietly climbed onto the bed and lay down on her stomach. She felt the weight of her son as he climbed onto the bed too and then straddled her, like in the story, almost sitting kaçak iddaa on her waist. Becky jumped at the first touch of John’s hands on her flesh. He began by slowly massaging her shoulders and then worked down her spine.

“This is getting in the way,” he said as he pulled on the back of her bra strap and let it snap back. Then without asking he began opening the clasp.

Becky tried to control her breathing as she felt the elastic spring free and flip to the side. But John didn’t stop there. He tugged at her shoulder straps until she rose up and allowed him to remove the bra and toss it to the floor. Now Becky was topless with her son straddling her back. She could feel her heart beating hard as her nipples rubbed against the blanket under her. She moaned as John began to massage her back again, slowly working down her spine. When he could go no lower he moved until he was straddling her thighs. Suddenly she felt his hands on her panties and he began to tug. Oh my God, she thought, he’s pulling my panties down. Almost without thinking she lifted her hips and allowed her son to take her panties off. Now she was totally naked and trembling.

“I love your ass,” John whispered so softly that Becky could barely hear him. But she had heard him and her pussy throbbed.

“Oh God, John,” she gasped as his hands came down to her ass cheeks and he began to massage them. He squeezed and kneaded her soft ass flesh for a long time. Then Becky felt him pulling her cheeks apart and suddenly she knew he could see everything. Her son was staring at her asshole and her half hidden pussy. She could feel juice seeping from between her now swollen pussy lips. She held her breath when she felt her son’s fingers slipping down her cheeks until the tips of his fingers were almost touching her rear hole. Then he moved a little lower, brushing his fingers against her outer lips. Again Becky gasped. For a second she thought he was going to slip a finger into her. If he had she knew she would have climaxed. But instead he moved lower on her thighs, pushing them further apart. Becky felt incredibly exposed at that moment, but also incredibly excited. Then she felt something. It was gentle and light. Oh my God, he’s kissing my legs, Becky’s mind screamed. Even if she wanted she couldn’t stop him now. Her legs moved apart involuntarily as her son began to kiss the back of her leg, moving slowly upward. He paused at the sensitive area behind her knees before moving higher. Soon he was near her ass cheeks again. Another gasp escaped her lips when his mouth and then tongue touched her trembling ass cheeks. He kissed and licked the hot flesh until Becky could take no more. She twisted and then flipped over until she was on her back. She started up at her son who had a smile on his face. For a moment no one spoke. She allowed her son to stare at her nakedness. Then she reached up and grabbed his arms.

“Kiss me,” she whispered. To Becky the words sounded like they were coming from someone else. She knew she couldn’t be telling her son to kiss her. But she was, and he did kiss her.

A moment later their lips were locked together. She wasn’t sure whose tongue entered whose mouth first, but within a moment it didn’t matter. Their lips and tongues were dueling as they gasped for breath. Becky felt John’s hand cover one tit. She wanted him to suck it but she didn’t want to break the kiss. It was the sweetest and best kiss she had ever experienced. It made her head spin and her pussy quiver. John squeezed her nipples until they were rock hard. Then he pulled away breathlessly.

“You want me to suck your tits, Mom?”

“Oh God, yes, please,” she gasped. Suddenly there was no going back. She knew she could not stop him from making love to her now. All thoughts were washed away and another gasp escaped her lips as her son’s mouth found her hard nipple. She pulled his head tight and pressed her flesh into his devouring mouth. He sucked one nipple until it was throbbing and then moved to the other. Becky’s chest heaved upward as her son kneaded and sucked her tit. He moved his face between the two large orbs and began to lick there. Then he was sucking the other tit again. From one to the other he traveled until both tits were soaked with his saliva.

Becky was boiling hot and she had to have him. She no longer cared if it was right or wrong. She pushed him away. With her face a mask of wanton lust she said, “I want you. Take your clothes off. I want you to fuck me. Will you fuck your mother, John?”

“Oh God, Mom, you don’t know how long I have fantasized about you saying those words.” With that John jumped up and stripped in record time.

Becky gasped when she saw his virile and rock hard cock spring from his shorts. It was bigger than she imagined. The head was swollen and red and his balls were churning. She watched as he walked closer to the bed, his cock bouncing up and down hypnotically. God, this is my son, Becky thought, and I am going to fuck him. Becky opened her arms to him. He kaçak bahis crawled onto the bed and quickly positioned himself between her legs. Then he leaned down and kissed her again, pressing his body to her tits. When he pulled away he lifted his hips up and looked down at her.

“Take my cock and put it in your pussy,” he said.

Becky, trembling at his words, reached between them and found his pulsing cock. She moved it up and down between her wet and swollen pussy lips and gasped out a moan of pleasure. Then she put the head at the entrance of her pussy. She looked up at her son and almost screamed, “Fuck me, fuck me, oh God, John fuck your mother!!!”

John pushed down, forcing his cock into her waiting pussy.

“Johnnnnnnnnn” she screamed as his long cock went all the way into her in one movement … all the way to the bottom. It took her breath away. Becky grabbed his ass and held him tight as her hips bucked upward, forcing his cock even harder to the bottom of her canal. She held him deep for a moment until she could catch her breath. Then she let go. He knew what to do. She felt his sweet cock slipping out of her, only to plunge back in quickly. “Yes, yes, yes, fuck me.”

“Oh God, Mom, I’m fucking you. It’s not a dream. I’m really fucking you,” John moaned as he began to pump into his mother.

“Yes, yes, you are fucking your mother and she loves it. I have dreamed of this for so long. Fuck me hard, baby.”

Becky joined John’s plunging hips and moved her hips upward to take each downward stroke. She wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but was afraid the neighbors would hear, so she whimpered and cried out in pleasure.

The room quickly filled with the grunts and groans of the two lovers. Their hips slapped together and there was a sucking noise as Becky’s wet pussy produced more and more juice. Becky was overcome with love and passion. Her head spun and her body trembled. I’m really fucking my son, she thought. That thought was more than she could take and her body began to convulse. Her head felt like it was going to explode as a kaleidoscope of colors flashed behind her tightly closed eyes. She pushed upward one last time, taking her son’s cock as deeply as possible. Suddenly she was climaxing. It started in her toes and rushed up her body to explode in her head as wave after wave of pleasure racked her very soul. It could have been more than one climax, or it could have been one very long one. It went on and on. Somewhere in the distance she heard John saying something but she couldn’t make it out. She heard it again and she knew what he was saying.

“Mom, can I cum in you? I’m getting close.”

The words exploded in Becky’s mind. Her son wanted to cum in her pussy. That incredible thought prolonged Becky’s climax. Those were the words she had heard a thousand times in her fantasizes, and now her son was actually uttering them. In her mind she thought she had answered him, but it must have been only in her mind because he asked again.

“Oh God, Mom, can I cum in you?”

“Yessssss,” she screamed. “Cum in me, fill me with your sweet cum, baby.”

“Oh yes, oh yes, I’m cummmmmmmiiiiiinnnnnnggggg,” John screamed.

When Becky felt her son’s balls explode and begin to spew his hot seed into her she started to climax again. She could feel his hot and virile sperm pumping into her unprotected pussy. It was all she had dreamed for so many months. Her son was pumping his hot cum into her pussy for real … it was no dream. She knew his potent sperm was blasting deeply into her, so deep that there would be no stopping it if there were an egg waiting there to be fertilized. “Oh John, oh John,” she gasped.

Finally, John pulled back with exhaustion and his cock slipped out. He looked down and gasped when he saw his thick sperm trickling from his mother’s open pussy.

“Look at what you did to me,” she said with a smile. “My pussy is filled with your cum. I love it.”

“I love you, Mom,” John Whispered.

“I love you, John,” she returned and pulled him to her for a long, slow kiss. As they kissed is cock slipped easily into her very soggy pussy.

Chapter 3

The two lovers fell asleep in each other’s arms. Becky awoke several hours later and wondered if it had all been a wonderful dream. Then she felt her son lying beside her and realized that it wasn’t a dream. He had fucked her and as if too prove it she slipped her hand between her legs. When her fingers returned covered in sticky cum she no longer doubted that her son had fucked her. She turned on her side and saw him sleeping peacefully. While she didn’t want to wake him she could not control herself. With a gentle hand she reached down and grasped his soft cock. She moved closer and gazed at it in the dim light from the moon coming through the window. His cock was beautiful. As she began to stroke it slowly, it began to grow. It was amazing to see it turn from a rather small appendage to a pulsing rod. She continued to stroke it until a clear drop of juice appeared at the head. When the urge was too strong she leaned over and licked the drop from the head. She heard John moan and knew that he was awake. She turned and looked up at him.

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A New Experience

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Mya had spent the morning taking pictures of the vast state park she was visiting and had finally paused to enjoy a quick snack. She was sitting on the top of a picnic table crunching her way through an apple when she felt a thrumming vibration through the butt of her jeans. Frowning, she reached a hand down and touched the table to better to find out what it was when the rumble reached her ears.

It was faint, but getting closer and she still couldn’t figure out what it was. Gathering up her camera, she pitched the apple core into the nearby trash can. The rumble was coming closer but the park was thickly surrounded by trees and she couldn’t see anything but a large parking lot, her own car and the bathrooms off to the side.

She stood staring at the entrance to the park, listening as the distant noise turned into an astoundingly loud thunder. When the first motorcycle came into view, it finally clicked what she was hearing. With a grin, she jumped back on top of the table, this time to stand on it with her camera to her eye. Mya snapped pictures frantically, sending up a quick prayer of thanks that she had just put in fresh batteries and a memory card.

There seemed to be tons of bikes slipping past her with the most graceful precision she’d ever seen. They lined up in perfectly even rows through the parking lot, her shiny red car standing out like the worst kind of sore thumb. Her lips tilted in a humorous smirk as the bikes surrounded it, but maintained a respectful distance.

The noise level dropped as the bikes were parked and motors turned off. But now she could hear the voices of the people, mixing and mingling. Slapping high fives, pats on the back and laughter rolled on the breeze. She continued to snap picture after picture, capturing the camaraderie, the bond between the bikers.

As the riders closest to her began to dismount, she took pictures of their vacated bikes; the raw power of the machines holding her enthralled behind her camera. Zooming in close on a big brawly man’s back, she got a shot of the design on the back of his black leather jacket. It was a tan skull with tears of red blood dripping down its cheek and somehow was just as powerfully beautiful as the bikes themselves.

Finally they were all parked. The only sounds now that of the men and women talking in groups. Mya kept shooting, capturing the obvious love and friendship among these people. She felt the first strands of envy crawling up her back. To be a part of something this huge, this intimate would be a most amazing thing indeed.

“Impressive huh?” a smooth male voice sounded beside her.

Swinging her camera down, she caught his image through her lens. He was tall; even with her standing on the table she could tell he was nearly 6′. Amazingly broad shoulders stretched a black t-shirt tight across his incredibly sexy chest. He made her feel small and delicate next to him, her slim body dwarfed against the power that exuded from him. A strong handsome face with melted chocolate eyes looked up at her, showing a trace of amusement.

Lowering her camera for the first time since getting on the table, she looked him in the eyes and felt a strange tingle at the base of her spine. “It’s incredible,” she said softly.

“You do realize that I’ll have to confiscate your camera now.”

Alarm shot through Mya. Her camera was her baby, her lifeline; it was her reason for living. “What? No!”

The man’s soft chuckle washed over, sending the tingle shivering all through her. “I’m just kidding Green Eyes. Just messing with you.”

“Oh god!” Mya nearly collapsed in relief. Her knees were weak enough after her utter panic that she stepped onto the bench of the table and resumed her spot sitting on the top. “You scared the crap out of me.” She glared at him, her green eyes now narrowed in anger.

He laughed louder. “I’m sorry, just couldn’t resist.” He held out a hand, “Name’s Brody but they call me LC.” His head nodded toward the motorcycle group indicating that was a road name and not his real name.

She reached out and took his hand, and immediately the tingles shot harder than ever from her fingers straight to her crotch. “Mya. I don’t have a cool code name, sorry.”

“Very pretty name Miss Mya and I’m very pleased to meet you.” Since she was sitting on the table, she didn’t have to look up quite so far up into his eyes. “You also have very pretty green eyes. If you want, that could be your road name.”

Mya couldn’t stop the smile. “That would be cool. This whole thing is just amazing. I had no idea you guys would be here today.”

LC shrugged. “Unless you’re up on our movements, you wouldn’t know. We ride out here about this same time every year; an annual kind of thing. We’ll go further on down the road to another meet later.” He leaned a hip against the table top, his shoulder only scant inches from her’s, and Mya could feel her body heat respond to his, a spurt of wetness dampening the crotch of her panties and making her nipples bahis firmaları poke against her soft, yellow t-shirt.

Turning her gaze back to the group, Mya ordered herself to get a grip before she embarrassed herself. “So, who are you guys?”

“We are the Desert Warriors Motorcycle Club.”

“Desert Warriors? Since we’re pretty far from any desert I’m guessing there’s a certain meaning to that.”

LC was quiet for a moment before answering, his voice roughened. “Nearly everyone here was in the war at some point.”

“Oh my god. Really? That’s amazing and even more cool than just being a gang or something.” She gave a soft, half laugh before speaking, her voice reverent, “Heroes. I’m surrounded by heroes.”

LC’s gaze shot back to her, seeming to search her face, looking to see if she believed her words or was just speaking them. Mya continued to stare at the men and the bikes, her eyes gathering moisture at the thoughts of what they had been through. He cleared his throat before taking a deep breath, “We’re brothers and sisters. Family.”

“That is so beautiful.”

The smell of charcoal fires starting up drifted to them on the breeze. Mya could see some of the group gathering around picnic tables and the grills the park provided on the other side of the clearing. “We’re going to be cooking. You can come join us if you want.”

Longing filled Mya. To be in among them, to talk to them would be like a dream. “I don’t want to intrude.”

“You could get some more pictures.” His voice was soft, tantalizing.

Shaking her brown hair off her shoulders, Mya looked back at him. “I find it hard to believe that you’d just invite a stranger into your private gathering like that.”

He leaned in closer and she was caught by those brown eyes. His male scent whispered to her, musky and enticing. Her gut clenched hard in desire and her gaze dropped to his mouth, his lips close to hers. “We like meeting new people. You’d be quite welcome.”

Mya sighed softly as she felt her body respond to his nearness. “Maybe so. But I think you’re a dangerous man to me.”

A wicked grin lit his eyes and caused a slight dimple to appear in his cheek. “So come on over and take a walk on the wild side for a while.”

Mya bit her lip to stop the moan from escaping but that only seemed to encourage him more. With his eyes staring at her mouth she was afraid to move, afraid to speak, unsure of what might escape. A shout pulled LC back away from her and he turned, breaking the spell that had been weaving between them.

She took a deep breath to steady her nerves and ordered herself to calm down, to get a grip. This guy was a total stranger to her, hell he could be some sort of axe murderer for all she knew. Looking back at him as he spoke to an older man with gray hair and a beard that hung to his chest, and colorful tattoos lining his arms, Mya knew better. She was probably safer here among these scary looking people than she was in her own lonely bed at night.

She quickly snapped off more pictures of the obvious friendship between the two men. Focusing on the older man, she had to smile. He looked so much like a typical biker dude with the full flowing beard and black leather, but the kindness in his gray eyes told a different story. Once more she felt like an intruder into a close family reunion and wondered how to discretely get to her car and leave while it was surrounded by bikes and people.

As she started to ease off the table, LC turned back to her. He reached out a hand to her and she unthinkingly took it. His rough palm slid against her smooth one in a caress that shouldn’t have been as sexy as it felt. He gave her a tug and pulled her to him.

“Green Eyes, this is Cookie, he’s our chaplain. Cookie this pretty thing we’re gonna call Green Eyes for obvious reasons. She’s going to join us for lunch, aren’t cha darlin’.”

Cookie burst out laughing and held out a hand to her himself. Mya could only respond, letting her camera dangle from the strap around her neck to shake the man’s hand. “Of course she’s joining us for lunch. Anyone as pretty as this one is more than welcome.”

The older man’s voice was rough and gritty and she found that she instantly liked him. Giving him a smile in return she asked, “Is that so?”

Giving her a wink and keeping her hand in his, he gave her a pull closer to him so now she was strung between the two men. He leaned down closer to her and said, “I’m a lot prettier than he is though, you should leave him alone and come with me.”

Mya gave LC a mischievous grin, “Hmm… I wonder if I like this offer better?”

As Cookie burst into loud laughter, an equally gray haired and stout woman stepped up beside him. She took in the situation in a glance and gave Mya a smile. Slapping Cookie on the arm she demanded, “Let that girl go before you get into trouble.”

Cookie pretended to jump away from Mya and put on a outrageously innocent act. Before long the small group kaçak iddaa was in stitches from his antics. Mya was introduced to Cookie’s long-time wife known as Cupcake. When she asked about the unusual names, they laughingly explained that Cookie was well known for his love of sweets and the group decided that Cookie and Cupcake was the perfect road names for the couple.

Cupcake took Mya away from the men and they wandered through the large group. She was introduced to so many people, she knew she’d never remember their names and gave a silent thanks that everyone had their name stitched on patch sewn to the the front of their vest or jacket. As the smell of grilling meat began to take the place of the charcoal smoke, Mya knew she’d stay for lunch. Everyone she met was friendly and open to her and several asked for copies of her pictures.

Cupcake had introduced her to the president of the group and she was explaining about her website where she would post the pictures when LC found her again. He came up behind her and laid a gentle hand at the base of back, causing a warm flutter inside her. The two men shook hands while the president and Mya finished discussing the pictures. With his blessing to take all she wanted, he gave LC a clap on the shoulder before moving to another group of people.

“This is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me.” She turned and snapped a few more shots as a couple exchanged a soft kiss under a shade tree. Capturing the adoration on the woman’s face as she gazed up at her man brought a tug to Mya’s heart.

“Come on, let’s a take walk before lunch. It will be a bit before they’re ready.” LC’s fingers tightened on her back, urging her away from the crowd.

Since she was feeling a overwhelmed, Mya let him lead her to one of the many walking paths through the park. She could see other couples and small groups scattered through the park and laughed softly at a young woman feeding ducks near the edge of the lake. As they moved farther from the large crowd of people, and the noise level diminished, she felt the peaceful surroundings easing the tension she’d had.

But as the quiet began to close around them, she also realized that now they were alone. Her nerves returned but this time for a different reason. She was alone in the woods with a strange man. What could possibly happen? As her mind filled with grisly images, the path opened to a small clearing with a wooden bench and LC pulled her down to sit.

Looking around, Mya could see other people in the distance around the edge of the lake and felt some comfort in that. He obviously didn’t have a chainsaw in his back pocket to dismember her with so she chided herself for her fears and sat beside him, once again feeling his body heat soak into her’s. They sat close together and LC casually laid his arm along the back of the bench behind her.

His fingers found their way to the ends of her hair and began idly playing with them. A cool breeze brought his unique scent to her once more and a different kind of tension began to build. Sensing her discomfort, LC began to ask questions, engaging her in conversation, keeping the tone light until she relaxed next to him.

“So why do they call you LC?”

“That is a long twisted story that’s a little bit embarrassing and I’d rather leave that to the mystery for now.”

Mya’s eyes narrowed as she considered that answer. “Okay, so what do you do for a living then?”

“That’s an easy question. I’m a police officer a couple towns over from here. It was a job that just seemed to click once I got out of the Marines.”

She looked thoughtful. “So that’s the reason for the short hair and the buff body,” she said more to herself than to him.

“You think I’m buff?” he teased.

Mya snorted. “Yeah. I haven’t seen that many muscles in once place since I dated the quarterback in high school.”

Tilting his head to the side he looked over her firm body, taking in the softly rounded curves. “If you dated the quarterback were you a cheerleader?”

A quick burst of laughter escaped before she could choke it back, “Oh hell no. I was the school photographer. But getting dates with jocks was easy as they thought that meant they’d get their picture in the school paper and yearbook.”

“Hmm.” He considered. “And what else did these jocks do to get in your good graces?”

Mya giggled. “Not as much as they wanted to do. They were quite disappointed when I wouldn’t play favorites.”

LC gave a gentle tug on her hair. “So what’s it take to get you to play favorites?”

Just then her stomach gave a loud growl. Raising a brow she looked him in the eyes and answered, “Food. I’m starved.”

He gave a laugh and pulled her to her feet and they started back down the path. Before reaching the park picnic area, he pulled her behind a large tree and pressed her back against it. “Did I mention there’s a price for lunch though?”

Mya looked at him in suspicion. “No. You did not.”

Nodding kaçak bahis he answered, “Yeah, sorry. Gotta pay up before I can feed you.”

“What’s the payment?”

He leaned into her, his mouth a breath from her’s and whispered. “Just a kiss.”

His warm breath on her lips nearly made her groan. A low curl of heat slid through her belly. “That’s kind of a high price isn’t it?” She whispered back, her tongue darting out to wet her lips.

LC let out a low groan as he stared at her wet lips. “God woman you’re driving me crazy. You smell so freaking good I just want to…” his voice trailed off as his hand settled at her waist and tightened.

As the little voice in Mya’s head screamed that she’d lost her mind, she lifted her head the final fraction of an inch to touch her lips to his. The heat was immediate and intense and went straight to her pussy. She heard him moan again as her mouth softened and opened to him, her tongue darting out to taste his lips.

He quickly met her tongue with his, touching and tasting, flooding her mouth with his flavor. The world fell away as their existence shrank down to just the two of them. Her fingers twisted into his t-shirt, as they continued to explore each other’s mouths, liquid heat infusing her body. Just before the top of her head blew off leaving her completely breathless, he gently broke the kiss and pulled back a scant inch.

Their raspy breathing mingled as he lay his forehead against her’s. “Holy. Fucking. Shit.” His whisper was harsh, his body hot as it leaned close to her.

“Well said,” she managed before trying to unlock her fingers from his shirt. Mya finally brought her other hand up to smooth the wrinkles out of his shirt even though that little voice was telling her that she only wanted to touch his hard body.

“Damn you’re one hot little package.” His groin ground against her’s, his erection feeling huge and hard.

Mya groaned, unable to keep from grinding against him. Her body felt on fire, wet and tight, and lifting her lips, latched onto his again. She felt his hands grip her ass and pull her up into him and she brought a leg up to wrap around his hip. Rock hard nipples stabbed into his chest, as their mouths ate at each other, tongues swirling and sucking.

LC slipped a hand around and had her jeans unsnapped before she could think. When his fingers slid into her wet heat, they both moaned. While she humped against his hand, LC manipulated her clit, bringing her to the edge of orgasm.

Mya reached under his t-shirt to feel his skin on her’s. Shoving up both their shirts, she pressed her flesh against him, and gasped at the exquisite feel. LC gave her clit a strong tweak and she flew over the edge, shattering into convulsions of ecstasy. Once she settled, he pulled his hand free but kept her cuddled close until she was steady once more.

Clearing his throat, he pulled father away and looked down at her. “Green Eyes you are one potent little package.”

As her heart still raced in her chest, she grinned up at him, “So did I pay a good enough price to get dessert too?”

Surprised laughter escaped from him before he helped her with her clothes, adjusted his and taking her hand, pulled her back to the path. “Little one you can have all you want of anything you want.”

“Hmm, really?” Her voice was low and sexy.

Intense brown eyes gazed into her’s as his fingers brushed her cheek. “Sweetheart, I guarantee there are some things I’d serve you myself.”

Mya bit her lip and gave a quiet groan. She should have known better than to tease him as images of him feeding her his cock while she knelt in front of him on her knees caused another intense reaction to her crotch. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she decided to it best to wait for a better time and more privacy before going there.

The food was plentiful and cooked well. When she asked where it all came from, LC pointed out the saddlebags on nearly every bike. By everyone carrying a fair share, they were able to transport quite a lot. She was licking barbeque sauce from her fingers when he handed her a small Styrofoam bowl filled with a wicked looking dessert.

“Oh, what have we here?” She asked, taking it from him.

“A Warrior’s wife’s specialty, prepared by a wonderful woman named Angel who has the hands of an angel when it comes to making her strawberry trifle.”

Mya looked down at the bowl. There were chunks of cake and strawberries and some sort of creamy confection swirled all together. “Spoon. Give me a spoon.” She demanded, anxious to try the sinful looking dessert.

LC only smiled. “No spoon.”

Disappointment filled her, “Then how do I eat it?” LC dipped a finger into the cream and held it to her lips. “Like this.” When she only stared at his cream covered finger he leaned in and whispered, “Don’t worry, I washed my hands.”

Her mouth dropped open in surprise at how he’d read her mind. Taking advantage of it, he quickly slid his finger in her mouth. As the sweet cream teased her taste buds, she wrapped her tongue around his finger to clean it. Seeing the glazed look enter his eyes, Mya sucked his finger harder pulling it rhythmically into her mouth.

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The Trip Home

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It had been just over a year since they had first met online and now their 3rd weekend together was coming to a close. Each weekend had been more intense than the previous, both of them knowing that part of its intensity was the limited nature of their ability to be together. They had just finished taking a particularly invigorating shower together and were packing up so they could each head back to their respective worlds.

“Hey, come over here for moment my sexy slut.”

Rebecca looked up from her packing to see Andrew beckoning her over with his finger, a mischievous glint in his eye that she had come to learn to expect a bit of delicious trouble from. She raised her eyebrows, returning his look with one of her own. Maintaining eye contact, she turned towards him as she slowly walked towards him, dropping deliberately to her knees in front of him. Looking up at him through her lashes, trying to look as innocent as possible, she asked “Yes Sir, you wanted to see me?”

He couldn’t help but laugh quietly at her antics. While other doms might discipline her for such antics, he loved her wit and the ability she had to make him laugh, to keep him from getting too serious. “I have a little something to remind you of the weekend.” He pulled out a couple of packages from his luggage. “First, a little reminder that you are my personal fucktoy and no one else’s,” he explained as he showed her a necklace with a heart pendant which doubled as a locking clasp. “The key to this is already waiting for you at home, ok?” She nodded as he locked it around her neck. It settled with just enough weight to remind her of its presence.

“Thank you Sir”

“You’re welcome my toy. Now I need you to lean forward on all fours, I have something to keep you occupied on your way home.” She obediently leaned forward as he grabbed the other box and went around behind her. “Relax, you should enjoy this little toy,” he teased as he used his finger to add some lube to her tight rosebud before sliding in the new butt plug he had purchased.

She still was getting used to the sensation of ass play and knew that having something in there until she got home would be the longest period of time she had gone yet. It made her a bit nervous but as she trusted him, she took a breath and willed herself to relax and allow for easier access to her rear passage. It was something new he was sliding in. Smaller than the butt plug they had used previously but also more substantial than the beads they normally used causing her to gasp slightly as the widest part pushed past her spinter muscles. Her ass then naturally pulled it the rest of the way in, causing the base to settle firmly and deeply between her cheeks.

“Now, if this gets to be too much for you, you can take it out but I want you to try and leave it in until your plane has landed. No peaking at it either. If you need to take it out, then it stays out and you’ll receive the proper consequences. But if it stays in, there just might be a bit of treat for you. When you can, text me for further instructions, OK my toy?”

Rebecca nodded as she replied, “Yes Sir.” She was already squirming trying to adjust to the invader as it wasn’t quite like anything else she had experienced before.

“That’s my good girl. Let’s finished getting you dressed so you don’t miss your flight.” Andrew pulled her to her feet once again and lead her over to the suitcase she was re-packing after their time together. He looked at the outfit she had picked out for her travels home: a sensible knee length skirt, a red button down shirt with a black fitted jacket, matching undergarments including stockings with a garter belt, panties and a bra. “Very nice, but I don’t think you’ll be needing these, now will you?” He held up the panties for her to see before tucking them into her suitcase. He knew sending her without panties would make her extremely self-conscious in general, wanting to stay seated as much as possible during her travels, which would now remind her of the plug in her ass. If she wanted to get some relief from the pressure, she was going to have to get up and walk around which cause it to shift and move within her, adding to the sensations.

Rebecca was nervous but accepted Sir’s modification to her attire as she finished getting dressed and packing up the last of the things she had brought with her. As her luggage contained more toys than clothes, she was ever so thankful to have access to her family’s private jet which would allow her to skip the conventional airport security since she was on the pre-approved passenger list for the small plane. It was the only way she would consent to bring such items with her on the plane to meet up with Andrew.

He dropped her off at the small private airport about an hour later, kissing her goodbye as she got out of the car and retrieved her bag. She promised to text with an update when she was back on the ground and waved as he pulled away from the curb to begin his 4-hour bahis firmaları drive home. They never met in the same place twice and never close to either of their homes, for they both had a lot to lose should the exact nature of their relationship ever be exposed.

Everything went smoothly for Rebecca until her pilot was running through the last of the pre-flight check list. First it was a warning light which came on and needed to be investigated. Then a minor repair need was discovered. And in doing that repair, a larger repair need was discovered. And in attempting that repair, it was discovered that the part would not be available for a couple of days. The pilot and on site mechanic apologized profusely but by the time it was all figured out, the only option left to Rebecca was to call some commercial airlines and see about getting a seat on one of their flights back home.

After a three-hour delay, Rebecca had been able to locate a seat on a commercial airline flying a small charter plane out of the private airport she was already located at. However, in flying commercial, she would need to go through the official security line. By this point she was just so frustrated with the delays in general, she didn’t think twice about her “accessories” being a potential issue. She did, however, think about her bag and so was sure retrieve her alternative ID from it before heading towards the small official terminal on the airfield. It was something all the members of her family always had with them for security reasons should the unexpected hotel stay, or commercial flight, need to happen.

Because the security check point was so rarely used for this little airport, most of the flights being manned by private owners who completed a standard security check on a regular basis to avoid going through the hassle of an official TSA security check point, it was mercifully empty with just two guys manning the station. Rebecca was now anxious to get home due not only to the late hour but also due to the effects from so much walking and moving around with whatever it was that was in her ass. She had already excused herself a couple of times to clean the wetness which was leaking from her pussy to prevent a wet spot from developing on her skirt.

She tossed her bag up on the conveyor belt to go through the X-ray machine along with her purse, leaving her alternative documents on top of it all. “You can leave your shoes on if you would like. We only require tennis shoes and boots to be removed.”

“Oh, thanks.” Rebecca moved forward through the metal detector. As it beeped, she suddenly realized that she would not be able to remove the metal necklace.

“Ma’am, we need you to remove the necklace and try again please.”

“Um, I can’t.”

“You can’t? And why not ma’am?”

“It’s a locking necklace and I don’t have the key with me. I wasn’t planning on flying commercial today…” Rebecca let her voice trail off as the security guard held up his hand, indicating she should stop talking.

“That seems rather foolish regardless of your plans.”

“Yes sir, I know.” Rebecca lowered her eyes, a blush creeping up from her humiliation at having been caught.

“So why did you make such a foolish choice if you knew you were going to be flying today?”

Just tell them it is a favorite gift from your dad, a heritage piece you’re wearing in honor of your grandmother, anything BUT the truth! Her brain was screaming at her. But for some reason, she couldn’t stop herself. “This is the collar I wear to show the I belong to Sir, serving and submitting to him as he pleases. He has one key but is not from here and the other key is waiting for me at home. I do not have it with me because I have just accepted his collar earlier today.” SHUT UP! Her brain continued to scream at her from within her head. But with each humiliatingly honest word confessed to these two strangers, she felt her arousal grow deep within her core.

The two guards exchanged a look, the one behind the machine motioning his partner over. “Stay here. Do not move.” Rebecca’s submissive nature had her unquestioningly obeying his command as he went over to his partner. What was only a couple of minutes felt like an eternity to Rebecca as she waited for them to finish their whispered conversation. The main guard returned to standing in front of her.

“Look at me,” he demanded firmly. Rebecca’s eyes instantly flew up to meet his gaze. He was holding her ID documents in his hand. “Miss Rachel Johnson,” he read off of her alternative passport, “you have some interesting things in your bag with you today. Some of it is questionable in nature for carry-on luggage. However, if you will allow it to be checked, we can allow it through. Is that acceptable to you?”

“Yes sir”

“Alright then, we will be sure that is taken care of for you right away as we have already requested it be picked up by an official from the airline. However, we are still going to kaçak iddaa have to wand you and pat you down to be sure you are clear to board the plane. Please step off to the screen in area on your right.” The main guard motioned to a relatively discrete area with high partitions on her right. Rebecca compliantly made her way to the enclosed area.

“Please raise your arms and spread your legs to be shoulder width apart.” With her business skirt being a bit more restrictive than pants would have been, Rebecca found that it rode up a couple of inches in order to spread her legs the requested distance. The guard pulled on rubber gloves and began to take his time patting her down. He started from the top and worked his way down, taking extra time and care with her tits, her ass, her hips. As he knelt down to feel his way up and down her legs, taking the liberty to go up under her skirt a fair distance, Rebecca prayed he wouldn’t smell her arousal as she was exquisitely aware of her how hot her cunt had become with the treatment she was receiving. Not to mention the fact that Sir had stashed her panties away in her luggage leaving her open pussy to be discovered should his fingers wander too far north.

“Well, everything seems to be order so far. Let’s just double check with the wand, shall we?” He took his time waving the wand around her entire body, seemingly to leave her ass for the last section to wave it over. As it beeped, Rebecca’s eyes widened in horror realizing the gift in her ass from Sir had to be metal instead of silicon. Again, not a problem had her original plans not fallen through.

“Do you have anything in your ass you would like to tell me about?”

“My master inserted a toy this morning which I was not to look at or play with until I returned home so I do not know exactly what it is.” Rebecca figured that since he already knew the truth about her collar, she might as well not hold anything back at this point.

The guard gave her a stern look of disapproval. “I’m going to need to inspect that to be sure it is allowable onto the plane. Turn around and bend over and hold the armrests of the chair with your hands.”

Rebecca complied, humiliated at the thought that this stranger was about to see her exposed ass, aroused at the loss of control she had in the situation. She felt his presence behind her before he even touched her. As he leaned in close, he whispered in her ear, “Clearly, Miss Johnson, you are a wanton slut who desperately wants to be used. It’s such a shame that I have to clock out in the next 10 minutes or risk being reported for overtime. But I’m sure your master won’t mind if I have just a little fun with his toy before I have to go, will he?”

His words sent shivers of fear and arousal down her spine. She had to remind herself that nothing serious could happen to her because she was in a public place. She had to remind herself to breath and not let this man know just how turned on she was by his treatment. She had to maintain her composure so there was no reason to discover who she really was and she could get home.

“And now, slut,” his voice took on a more threatening tone, “you will stay absolutely silent, you will not cum, or I will ensure that you miss your flight and risk the overtime. Do you understand?”

Rebecca nodded in mute terror and humiliation.

“Good, now let’s see what your master has provided for me to play with.” He slowly inched her skirt up and over her ass, revealing her lack of panties. “Nice, plugged and ready to play with. Your master knows how to send his sluts out into the world.”

Rebecca willed herself to remain still and quiet as she fought both tears and arousal from her situation in equal parts. She tightened her grip on the armrests of the chair as the guard grabbed hold of the plug in her ass and roughly pulled it out, hearing it drop in some container behind her. She stifled her desire to gasp in pain as he roughly thrust first two, then three, and then four of his fingers into her hole without any lube. Knowing it would be less painful if she relaxed, she tried her best to fight against every natural instinct in her body fighting the degrading treatment.

“Hmmm…well, it doesn’t appear that you have anything illegal stored in your ass. I feel I should make sure I leave your ass as I found it as a thanks to your master. Don’t move and I’ll be back in just a second.”

Rebecca held perfectly still, willing him to return quickly from whatever errand he had deemed so damned important.

“Now, since I know I stretched it out a bit, it seems only fair that I help prevent some of the inevitable soreness in your muscles.” Rebecca was sure she would rather he just leave her ass alone at this point but he seemed intent on playing with her as much as possible. Just as he was once again exposing her now much more tender hole, she caught a whiff of the icy hot. Before she could react, he rammed the plug, now covered in icy hot, back into her kaçak bahis hole. As she began to feel the effects, she started to silently cry from the pain.

“Now, let’s make sure you don’t play with your toy until you get back to your master, shall we?” He quickly tied a crotch rope around her, pulling it tight to be sure the plug was held securely in her ass and making sure the knots he tied in it rest firmly against her clit and the entrance to her pussy. He secured it all behind her with a small luggage lock. “The key to this lock is somewhere in that bag we have so kindly checked for you,” he explained, “and as things such as scissors and knives are not allowed on board commercial aircraft, you should be able to appreciate the care I have shown your sweet ass to the fullest extent on your flight home. Now thank me for the lesson you have learned here today.”

“Yes sir. Thank you for teaching me how inappropriate it is to be an ill-prepared slut when I am flying. I should always take care to consider the security procedures when choosing accessories and ensure I leave adequate time for security to inspect them thoroughly upon arrival at the airport.”

He pulled her skirt back down over her ass and told that she could stand back up and face him. She tried to stand as still as possible before him, tears from the pain leaking out of her eyes, causing her mascara to run. He handed her a tissue, telling her to clean herself up and get herself under control as he escorted her back out to the main security area where the other guard handed her purse, identification, and ticket back to her. Seeing that she would have to now run to make her flight, she thanked them both and dashed off.

The flight home was mercifully short and on time. As soon as they touched down, she turned her phone on to see several missed texts from a worried Andrew as she was now 3 hours late in contacting him due to her change in flight plans. She quickly sent him a text back, assuring him that she was OK and alerting him to the unexpected flight delays. She also let him know that a complication had arisen and that she would call as soon as she was home.

Because it was a small plane, and hers was one of only two checked bags, her luggage was available for her at the gate. The burning from the icy hot in her ass had kept her squirming for most of the 90-minute flight which had caused the knot in the rope to rub against her already sensitive parts, driving her arousal to the level of desperation. She quickly made her way to the waiting car service which she had, thankfully, remembered to message just before she had to turn off her cell phone as the flight had boarded, and informed the driver that she needed to be taken home as quickly as possible. She was desperate to dig into her luggage and find the key but she didn’t dare rummage through the items with the driver able to catch a glimpse in the rearview mirror.

As soon as the driver dropped her off, she hit dial to call Andrew. “Rebecca, what happened, are you OK?”

“I can explain it all but first I need to know I have your permission to take out the plug and to cum. Please Sir. I promise, you’ll understand as soon as I can explain but please just allow me this relief.”

“Hmmm, I’m impressed with the delays you still have the plug in. Please go and present your ass to an open window, facing any direction you please, and then you may remove the plug and cum as many times as you are able to so long as you put this call on speaker so I may hear you.”

“Oh, thank you sir!” Rebecca had successfully found the key to the crotch rope, a good thing as she didn’t relish the idea of trying to find a scissors or control a knife in her current condition. She released the rope and with both a gasp of pain and a sigh of relief, pulled the plug from her ass. Not caring that her ass was on display to her back yard, she barely had to touch her now overly sensitive clit before she came, her screams releasing both her passion and her pent up humiliation and pain.

“Yes, that’s my good girl. Let me hear my slut as you cum again. Keep working that engorged, needy, greedy little clit of yours until I tell you stop. Be the whore I know you are and cum until you are utterly spent.”

Between Sir’s voice on the phone and everything which had happened during the day, Rebecca could only grunt and moan and scream as several orgasms rocked her body, each only given her the slightest of breaks to rest and try to catch her breath until finally Sir allowed her to stop.

As she lay on the floor, her skirt up around her waist, one shoe lost in the desperate scramble to position herself as Sir had commanded, trying to catch her breath, she heard Andrew trying to get her attention back onto their phone call. She winced as she reached for the phone. “Yeah, I’m still here.”

“Ah Rebecca, such a good girl you have been. I want you to go and take a shower, for I’m sure it will feel good after a long day of travel and cumming so beautifully for me just now. Then, when you are clean and dry, I want you to snuggle into bed and call me back on Skype. I’ll be waiting for your call.”

“Yes sir, I will call you as soon as I can.”

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Becoming Julie’s Governess Ch. 05

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[This story will gain from your reading the earlier chapters first, but you may also read it on its own. There is content about bodily functions and behaviors that may offend some, so if that refers to you, please read no further. All characters are 18 or over.]

It took me a few days, but I was becoming used to my daughter Lesley’s assuming the position of my governess in place of Susan, who had moved on. I missed Susan, including her having become intimate with me, and I now wanted sex. I refused to consider trying to get any such attentions from my daughter. The idea still was obscene to me.

Susan had apparently introduced Lesley to the other governesses who were in her group of Not Your Usual Nannies. That afternoon, Lesley had invited Lori and Helene to join her at our home for tea. They brought their charges: the sandy-blonde Lori was the governess for fiftyish dark-haired Deborah, who had hired her to improve Deborah’s life, which had languished after her husband had passed away. An older woman, Jeanette, had hired Helene, whose red hair was flaming, to be governess for her son, 34-year-old Robert, who needed some supervision as he still lived at time and had trouble holding a permanent job.

Susan had previously had these governesses and their charges over for tea, and these get-togethers included disciplining of all three: Julie, Deborah, and Robert. These three looked to the teas as fearsome occasions when they were likely to be punished by one of the other governesses instead of their own.

Lesley continued a ritual Susan had inaugurated: having each governess take her charge’s temperature rectally. Lesley decided that it would be most embarrassing for them to get on all fours on the bed next to each other with their panties or shorts halfway down their thighs and their bottoms spread and exposed.

When the three had moved into this humiliating position, each governess dabbed some Vaseline on her subject and slowly inserted the thermometer into the respective anus. They did look delightfully childish in this posture, Lesley chuckled to herself.

Then the three removed the thermometers at the same time and examined both the temperatures and the metal tips. All had normal temperatures, but Lesley noticed that the tip of the thermometer that had been in Julie’s anus had some brown smudges.

“You’ve left some residue on the thermometer,” she said sternly to her mother, who cringed with shame. “I’m going to have to check your oil,” she added, with a grin at Lori and Helene. “Do you need to make a doody, sweetie?” she asked, as if speaking to a child who was still being toilet trained.

Julie, rather shamefacedly, nodded that she thought she might need to go to the toilet. Still on all fours, she felt Lesley’s rubber-gloved finger probe into her anal rosette. Lesley pushed her finger into Julie’s rear hole until it encountered a solid mass.

“Yes, you do have a doody in there,” Lesley announced as Julie’s face turned crimson. She reached down into the corner of the room where bahis firmaları there was a plastic potty for a child that Susan had made Julie used for training and punishment.

“Sit down on the potty and make your doody,” Lesley ordered her mother.

Julie assumed the shameful position, crouching down on the potty, and first released some noisy farts and bowel noises before feeling a large turd slid right out of her anus and plop into the potty. Then she heard and felt her pee stream ping on the base of the potty as she released the contents of her bladder, which eventually tailed off.

“If you are finished,” Lesley continued, in her best governess tone, “you may take some toilet tissue and wipe from your front back through your legs and clean your hiney hole, too.”

Julie wiped herself between her legs in front of all them and asked permission to pull up her panties.

“No, not yet,” Lesley replied, “you will get back on the bed on all fours with the others.” She looked at Helene and Lori. “This would be a good time for disciplining if anyone has been naughty and needs that attention,” Lesley said to her colleagues, knowing of course that this would frighten Robert and Deborah as well as Julie, in their vulnerable positions on the bed.

“Debbie has been mostly good today,” Lori announced, using the diminutive to embarrass her fiftyish subject. “But she didn’t want to get up and get dressed at the time we have established for that,” Lori added. “And she continues to wear those awful granny panties,” a remark that caused Deborah to wince in embarrassment.

Helene said that Robert had been a good boy, a phrase that wounded him, since his mother had kept him in short pants

“Well then,” Lesley proposed, “do you feel Deborah needs some discipline regarding her unfortunate panties, Lori?”

“Yes,” Lori snapped, “she definitely does. Would you like to impose it?”

Lesley reflected and then smilingly responded that she would accept the assignment.

She opened a drawer in her bureau as they were in the bedroom and took out a rather charming pair of French pale blue hicut panties.

“Deborah,” she said, “you may get off the bed and come over here and stand in front of me.”

When Deborah had complied with that direction, Lesley told her to slip off her panties. Since they had already been down on her thighs, it was not revealing anything more for her to remove them entirely, which she then did.

“Now put these on,” Lesley said firmly, handing her the attractive French undies.

Deborah pulled the panties up and was surprised that they fit quite well. She did not know that Lesley had ordered and received some panties she intended for Julie to wear and as Deborah was about the same age as Lesley’s mom and similar in physique—she was in her early 50s and Julie in her late 40s—Lesley had figured the panties would fit her.

“Now do you need to pee, Debbie?” Lesley asked, aware that Deborah would be shamed by the query as well as by Lesley’s use of the diminutive.

“I’m kaçak iddaa afraid I do, Miss Lesley,” Deborah answered in a soft scared voice.

“You will then have to squat on the potty over there that Julie just used to make her doody,” Lesley said bluntly. “Do sit on it and wait for my further instructions before peeing.”

When Deborah had seated herself on the plastic child’s potty, Lesley walked over and told her what she would now be required to do: “You will pee right into these lovely new panties and let me know when you have finished.”

Deborah blanched at the order to pee her panties. She had been very pleased by the new panties, which she was now being made to soil. But she knew better than to protest, so she merely asked quietly, “May I begin to pee, Miss Lesley?”

“Yes, you may,” Lesley replied.

Then everyone heard a soft hiss as Deborah relaxed her urinary sphincter and let her pee burst out into her nice new panties. Soon all could hear it dripping through the crotch and hit the bottom of the plastic potty.

Deborah felt she had been forced to behave as a child who could not control her bladder well enough to avoid peeing in her panties.

Lesley seated herself in a chair and put a towel across her skirted lap.

“Come over here,” she said to Deborah when the latter had apparently finished peeing in her panties.

Deborah stood and was ashamed to be seen in the wet panties. She walked over and placed herself across Lesley’s lap with the wet parts of her panties apparent to all.

Lesley now picked up a small hairbrush and began spanking Deborah on the rear of the panties. She knew that the spanks would hurt more since they would hit the wet part of the panties and thus sting more.

When she had finished spanking Deborah, Lesley shot a glance at Lori, as the two had planned this treatment for Lori’s charge, Deborah. Lori then came over, had Deborah stand, gave her a kiss on the cheek, and took her hand to lead her off to the bathroom.

Once in the bathroom, Lori had Deborah slip off the soaked panties and show her red bottom.

“We’re going to get you cleaned up, sweetie,” Lori said, showing some feeling for the embarrassment and discomfort Deborah had experienced. She picked up a soft washcloth, which she had soaped up, and used to lightly clean Deborah off below the waist. When Deb had been cleaned and dried, Lori handed her another pair of the nice French hicut panties to put on.

“Don’t feel too resentful at Lesley,” Lori said to Deb. “She’s made you a present of a whole set of these nice panties that are in your precise size.”

Then Lori kissed Deb on the lips and let her fingers gently probe into Deborah’s bare sex. The fiftyish Deborah was not used to anyone stimulating her between her legs and she clasped Lori to her and kept kissing her governess by way of thanking her. Lori felt Deb getting wetter and then the characteristic movement of her hips let Lori know that Deb was about to orgasm, so Lori gave Deb’s clit a slight kaçak bahis tweak and felt the woman cum.

Helene was sitting with Lesley and began to discuss how Robert had begun to behave more maturely. Lesley smiled and then asked her if she thought he might be one to give her mother a bit of fun. Julie had not had real sex with a man for ages. Helene giggled but said she would be happy to work with Lesley to facilitate an encounter.

So, Helene spoke about the possibility with Robert and found that he liked Julie, mostly because she did not make fun of him when they all were being embarrassed. Lesley then asked her mother how she would feel about becoming intimate with Robert. Julie blanched but then responded, “Do you really think he’s interested in me?”

Lesley told her that he was and that she and Helene would arrange for him to visit Julie in her bedroom.

Soon Robert walked slowly to Julie’s bedroom and knocked. She said, “Come in,” and when he entered, he saw Julie with her hair down and clad in a low-cut soft gold blouse that exposed her almost transparent bra and a tight pair of tan shorts that made her nice rounded bottom look even better. She patted the bed next to her to indicate he should join her sitting on the side.

She decided there was no reason to hold back despite their age difference, so she put her arms around him and drew him to her. Robert proceeded to kiss her gently and hold her in his arms, feeling her tits press on his chest. She unbuttoned his shirt and unbuckled his belt. He stood and stepped out of his trousers and slowly lifted his tee shirt over his head.

Then he turned and unbuttoned Julie’s blouse and unzipped her shorts. She slipped herself out of both and was now in bra and panties with her hardened nipples visible through the bra. Julie reached over to tug down Robert’s undershorts as he slid her lovely blue panties down and off exposing her trimmed brown bush.

They then cuddled and Julie appreciated that Robert was considerate and showed a lot of what seemed like real affection for her rather than just plunging into her with his admittedly lovely cock. She liked the warmth of being in his arms and Robert found himself entranced by the pleasure of being caressed in turn by a nice-looking woman who didn’t now seem so much older than he was.

After they had held each other and kissed for some time, Julie lay back on her bed and comfortably spread her attractive legs. Robert climbed on and mounted her as he began to kiss her labia and tease her now-expanded clit. Julie felt herself get even wetter than she already was and was delighted at the size of Robert’s hard-on.

Soon he slid it into her opening and drew it out and then in, each time moving further inside her vagina. Julie loved the feeling of being filled that she had missed for so long and held her arms around him. Robert placed his hands under her bottom and kept thrusting slowly and deliberately to postpone his orgasm and bring on Julie’s.

Julie felt it rising deep inside her and suddenly, “Oh my, this feels so good, Robert, oh keep doing that” and then she let out a loud “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS” and felt Robert’s cock pump his cum deep inside her at that same moment. They exulted in their pleasure.

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