Ankara Travesti ve Çankaya Travesti: Bir Topluluğun İhtiyaçları ve Yaşam Alanları

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti olarak pek çok farklı kültür ve topluluğa ev sahipliği yapmaktadır. Bu topluluklardan biri de travesti bireylerdir. Travestilik, bireylerin cinsiyet kimlikleriyle uyumlu olmayan bir dış görünüm sergilemesiyle ilgili bir kavramdır. Ankara’da bu kimliği yaşayan pek çok insan, toplumsal zorluklarla karşılaşsalar da, destekleyici topluluklar ve güvenli alanlar yaratma yolunda önemli adımlar atmaktadırlar. Çankaya ise, bu bireyler için özellikle sosyal açıdan daha erişilebilir ve kapsayıcı bir bölge olarak öne çıkmaktadır.

Travesti Kimliği Nedir?

Travesti, cinsiyet kimliği ve dış görünümünü değiştirme arzusuyla, doğuştan atanan cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir şekilde yaşamayı tercih eden bireyler için kullanılan bir terimdir. Travestilik, cinsiyet geçişi süreci ya da sadece dış görünüşteki değişimi ifade edebilir. Bu, tamamen kişisel bir tercihtir ve her bireyin deneyimi farklıdır.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, travesti bireylerin hem sosyal olarak varlıklarını sürdürebileceği hem de kendilerini ifade edebileceği çeşitli alanlara sahiptir. Kentin çeşitli mahallelerinde, özellikle gece hayatı ve kültürel etkinliklerle tanınan bölgelerde travesti bireyler bir araya gelmektedir.

Ankara’daki travesti topluluğunun, hem sosyal hem de psikolojik açıdan birbirine destek olabilmesi için bir dizi mekan ve grup bulunmaktadır. Bu gruplar, güvenli bir ortamda travesti bireylerin deneyimlerini paylaşmalarını ve birbirlerine yardımcı olmalarını sağlar. Ayrıca, toplumsal farkındalık oluşturan etkinlikler ve organizasyonlar da, travesti kimliğini kabul eden bir toplum yaratma amacını taşır.

Çankaya Travesti Topluluğu

Çankaya, Ankara’nın en gelişmiş ve modern ilçelerinden biri olarak, travesti bireyler için özellikle dikkat çekici bir bölgedir. Çankaya’da travesti bireyler için çeşitli sosyal mekanlar ve destek grupları bulunur. Bu, bölgedeki travesti bireylerin, kimliklerini özgürce ifade edebildikleri ve toplumsal destek alabildikleri anlamına gelir. Özellikle Çankaya’nın daha açık fikirli ve hoşgörülü yapısı, bu bireyler için önemli bir güvenli alan yaratır.

Çankaya, sosyal yardımların ve kültürel etkinliklerin yaygın olduğu, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğunun daha fazla görünür olduğu bir ilçedir. Travesti bireyler, burada hem kimliklerini daha rahat ifade edebilir hem de toplumun diğer üyeleriyle etkileşime geçebilirler.

Travesti Bireylerin Karşılaştığı Zorluklar

Türkiye’de olduğu gibi, Ankara’da da travesti bireyler toplumsal önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Bu, özellikle iş hayatında, eğitimde ve sosyal ilişkilerde kendini gösterir. Çankaya gibi daha kapsayıcı bölgelerde bile, bazı travesti bireyler hala ayrımcılığa uğrayabilir.

Ayrıca, güvenlik sorunları da travesti bireylerin yaşadığı zorluklardan biridir. Güvenli bir yaşam alanı bulmak, kimliklerini açıkça ifade etmek isteyen travesti bireyler için önemli bir sorundur. Ancak, Çankaya’daki sosyal yapılar, bu tür zorlukların üstesinden gelmek için daha fazla fırsat sunar.

Travesti Bireyler İçin Öneriler

  1. Topluluk Desteği: Travesti bireylerin, kendi deneyimlerini paylaşabileceği ve birbirlerinden destek alabileceği güvenli alanlar oluşturulmalıdır. Çankaya gibi ilçelerde, topluluklar bu konuda önemli bir rol oynamaktadır.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Toplumda travesti kimliği konusunda daha fazla bilinç oluşturulması, önyargıları azaltacaktır. Eğitim ve kültürel etkinlikler bu anlamda çok değerlidir.
  3. Güvenli Alanlar: Travesti bireylerin sosyal ve kişisel haklarını güvenle kullanabilmesi için, özellikle Çankaya gibi gelişmiş bölgelerde güvenli sosyal mekanlar sağlanmalıdır.
  4. Yasal ve Psikolojik Destek: Travesti bireyler, hukuki ve psikolojik destek alabilecekleri platformlar sayesinde kendilerini daha güvende hissedebilirler.

Travesti & Travestiler

Ankara ve özellikle Çankaya Travesti bireyler için sosyal açıdan daha açık ve kapsayıcı bir alan sunmaktadır. Ancak, toplumsal farkındalık ve eşit haklar konusunda hala yapılması gereken çok şey vardır. Travesti bireylerin toplumda daha rahat bir şekilde kimliklerini ifade edebilmesi için, hep birlikte daha hoşgörülü ve anlayışlı bir yaklaşım sergilemek önemlidir. Çankaya, bu bireyler için önemli bir yaşam alanı sunmakta olup, daha fazla destek ve fırsat yaratılması gerektiği açıktır.

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Ankara Travesti: Bir Topluluğu Daha İyi Anlamak

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Ankara, Türkiye’nin başkenti ve en büyük şehirlerinden biri olarak, çok yönlü kültürü ve çeşitli topluluklarıyla dikkat çeker. Bu çeşitliliğin bir parçası da travesti bireylerdir. Ancak, toplumda travesti kimliğiyle ilgili yanlış algılar ve bilgi eksikliği, bu bireylerin yaşamlarını zorlaştırabilir. İşte bu makalede, travesti bireylerin kim olduğu, Ankara’da nasıl bir topluluk oluşturdukları ve karşılaştıkları zorluklar hakkında bilgi veriyoruz.

Travesti Kimdir?

Travesti, genellikle doğuştan atanmış cinsiyetlerinden farklı bir cinsiyet ifadesine sahip bireyleri tanımlayan bir terimdir. Travestilik, bir bireyin cinsiyet kimliğiyle uyumlu bir dış görünüm sergileme isteğiyle ilgilidir ve kişisel bir ifadedir. Travesti olmak, bir cinsiyet geçiş sürecini içerebilir ya da tamamen bireysel bir yaşam tercihini yansıtabilir.

Ankara’daki Travesti Topluluğu

Ankara, çeşitli sosyal ve kültürel etkinliklerin yanı sıra, Ankara Travesti LGBTQ+ topluluğu için de bir yaşam ve dayanışma alanıdır. Şehirde, travesti bireylerin destek aldığı gruplar, etkinlikler ve sosyal mekanlar bulunmaktadır. Bu topluluklar, bireylerin bir araya gelip deneyimlerini paylaştığı, dayanışma gösterdiği alanlar yaratır.

Ankara’daki travesti bireylerin en sık buluştuğu noktalar arasında kafeler, barlar ve sosyal platformlar yer alır. Bu alanlar, bireylerin hem güvenli bir şekilde sosyalleşmesine hem de kimliklerini özgürce ifade etmelerine olanak tanır.

Karşılaşılan Zorluklar

Ne yazık ki, travesti bireyler Türkiye’nin birçok yerinde olduğu gibi Ankara’da da ayrımcılık, dışlanma ve önyargılarla karşılaşabilmektedir. Çalışma hayatında eşit fırsatlar sunulmaması, toplumsal şiddet ve kimliklerini açıklama konusundaki çekinceler, en sık rastlanan sorunlardır.

Bununla birlikte, Ankara’da faaliyet gösteren LGBTQ+ destek grupları, bireylerin bu zorlukları aşmalarına yardımcı olmak için önemli çalışmalar yürütmektedir. Bu gruplar, hukuki danışmanlık, psikolojik destek ve toplumsal farkındalık yaratma gibi alanlarda aktif rol oynar.

Ankara Travestileri İçin Dayanışma ve Destek Önerileri

  1. Topluluk Oluşturma: Travesti bireylerin, kendi ihtiyaçlarını anlayan bir topluluk içinde bulunması önemlidir. Sosyal medya grupları ve dernekler bu konuda yardımcı olabilir.
  2. Farkındalık Çalışmaları: Daha fazla insanın travestilik hakkında doğru bilgi edinmesi, önyargıların azalmasına katkı sağlar.
  3. Destek Altyapısı: LGBTQ+ bireyleri destekleyen yerel gruplar ve kuruluşlar aracılığıyla psikolojik ve hukuki destek sağlanabilir.
  4. Güvenli Mekanlar: Travesti bireylerin rahatça zaman geçirebileceği güvenli sosyal alanlar oluşturulmalıdır.

Kısacası Ankara Travestileri ;

Ankara, travesti bireyler için sosyal dayanışma ve farkındalık alanlarında gelişim gösteren bir şehirdir. Ancak, toplumun daha bilinçli bir yaklaşım sergilemesi ve bu bireylerin yaşamlarını kolaylaştıracak düzenlemelerin yapılması gereklidir. Travesti bireylerin özgürce kimliklerini ifade edebildiği, ayrımcılığa maruz kalmadan yaşayabildiği bir toplum yaratmak, hepimizin sorumluluğudur.

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Nocturnal Emissions

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Big Dick

This story contains elements of non-consensual sex. If you find this offensive, please do not read further.

“Whoa, will you look at you! When the hell did you grow muscles kid?”

I glanced up from chopping wood to see my Dad’s friend Bill standing at the bottom of the driveway to our cabin with a duffel bag slung over his shoulder. I hadn’t seen or heard a car so he must have walked from town. He really wasn’t my uncle but Dad and Bill had been buddies since school so to me he had always been known as Uncle Bill. In recent years, Bill had been stationed overseas with the army so we hadn’t seen him as much.

Speaking of muscles, Bill had always been fit but it looked like the army had added 20 lbs of chiseled brawn to his frame and he looked fine as fuck. I had always had a secret crush on the handsome man and I was floored by the changes to his body. He was a walking wet dream all tanned and gorgeous in his snug khaki uniform. His short sleeved shirt barely contained his baseball biceps and massive chest, and his pants clung to his thick thighs and calves. I couldn’t help but notice the sizeable khaki-covered bulge between his legs as well.

Mentally giving my head a shake, I grinned, put down my axe, and walked over to him to greet him. I was only wearing shorts to split wood so I loved the feel of his hard body pressed against my bare torso and his strong arms wrapped around me as we hugged. “Hey Uncle Bill! Nice to see you but I’m 18 now so go easy on the kid references.” While I had bulked up over the last couple years thanks to regular gym visits, I was lean, sinewy, and about 6 inches shorter than Bill. I knew I would never reach his beefcake status but I was happy with my progress and pleased that Bill had noticed. Acknowledging Bill’s compliment, “Thanks for noticing my muscle gain. I’ve been trying but it looks like I have a long way to go to catch up with you. Jesus…you look like a superhero!”

“Sorry Paul, old habits, I can definitely tell you’re not a kid.” Glancing down at his fit body, Bill acknowledged his own progress, “What can I say, the Army works you hard whether you like it or not, but seriously you’re really looking great. You must be a big hit with the ladies.”

I had noticed interested looks from girls at work or school and I’d even had a few hints or offers of more but to be honest I really wasn’t into women. After years of pretending I was straight and then wondering if I might be bisexual, I had recently admitted to myself that I liked men, period. They were all I thought about and all I jerked off to every chance I got, but to date I had done nothing about it. I was just too freaked out to take the first step although I had come awfully close a couple times. I was planning to come out to my parents at the end of the summer before returning to school and hope for the best. It was a relief to finally accept my orientation and I hoped my parents would be supportive and accepting.

“Oh yeah, that’s me for sure. A regular lady killer,” I lamely replied before changing the subject, “When did you get in? Mom and Dad weren’t expecting you until tomorrow. They’re in town picking up groceries.”

“I was able to catch an earlier transport and thought I’d surprise them.”

At that moment, my folks pulled into the driveway with a car full of groceries and Bill was lost in a flurry of hugs and greetings as he was hustled into the cabin. I helped bring the groceries in and finished up with the firewood while the three of them got caught up. Our cabin was on Lake George and we spent most weekends there in the summer. It was a simple two bedroom cabin perched on a hill overlooking the lake. My parents used one bedroom and we normally kept the other one for guests as I preferred to sleep in our boathouse.

“It’s so great to see you Bill, it’s been far too long,” my Dad said. Bill had changed into a worn t-shirt and old cut-off shorts and looked much more at ease, and hot. He really was my Dad’s best buddy and they always had a great time together. My mother was also fond of Bill and was happy to let the two of them hang out, fish, and generally drink too much. My Dad wasn’t normally much of a drinker and I guess my Mom felt he deserved to cut loose once in a while. Turning toward Bill, my Dad said, “By the way, Mary’s sister and her husband are arriving tomorrow and we were going to put them in the guest room given there’s two of them if you don’t mind, so you have a choice of the sofa pull-out in here or you can bunk up with Paul in the boathouse.”

Bill looked at the sofa bed in the middle of the living room and then over at me, “Hmm, I think I’ll crash in the boathouse so I won’t be in the way in the morning. That is, as long as you don’t mind Paul? I have to warn you though, I do snore, or so I’m told.”

Bunk with me? Bill knew there was only one bed in the small boathouse so bunking up meant sharing a bed. “Uh, no worries Uncle Bill. I sleep pretty soundly anyways. Let me grab bayrampaşa escort bayan your stuff and take it down to the boathouse.” Bill smiled and thanked me as my Dad handed him a beer and the two of them wandered out onto the deck. As my Mom started putting dinner together, I picked up Bill’s duffel bag and walked down to the boathouse as the sun neared the horizon. I wondered how I was going to manage sharing a room, let alone a queen-sized bed, with a stud like Bill without throwing wood. Based on past visits, Bill and Dad would be up late drinking beer so I didn’t blame him for choosing the boathouse so he would be able to sleep undisturbed in the morning.

I climbed the stairs to the upper floor of the boathouse and tossed Bill’s bag onto a chair beside the bed. The boathouse sat on piers at the edge of the lake with a garage type door on the water that opened up to store our boat. There was a second floor with a window facing the lake and a skylight on the flat roof. I loved the small space for the view of the lake and the sky, as well as the privacy from the main cabin. It was perfect for rubbing one out without fear of interruption. Given my lack of sexual experience to date, I jerked off often and had spent many nights edging my cock while lying on my back looking up at the stars. To be honest, I had probably shot a number of loads imagining what it would be like to get it on with Bill. I would need to put that kind of thinking aside for the duration of his visit. Straightening up the room and the bed, I headed back up to the cabin.

After a great dinner and an evening of playing cards and games at the table, my Mom headed off to bed. It was getting late but my Dad and Bill were wide awake and still catching up. I finished up my beer and said goodnight as well before walking down to the boathouse. It was a warm summer night with a full moon hanging above the tree line across the lake. With the bright moonlight, it was easy to navigate my way along the path without a flashlight. The bed in the boathouse faced the window so I decided to take the side away from the door so Bill wouldn’t have far to go when he eventually came to bed. I stripped down to my boxer briefs and removed the blanket from the bed as it was warm in the small room. Crawling under the crisp sheet, I curled up on my side of the bed and slipped off to sleep with the breeze from the open window providing some relief from the heat. Based on past experience, Dad and Bill would be up for a while.

I’m not sure what time it was when I woke up to a noise. I quickly realized it was Bill arriving at the boathouse. I was lying on my side facing the entrance and could see Bill closing the door behind him. The light from the moon was reflecting off the lake and it was easy to see even with the lights off. I pretended to be asleep and squinted my eyes so I could secretly watch Bill undress in the moonlight. He seemed pretty unsteady as he navigated within the small space and removed his shoes. I heard a muffled, “Shit…” as he stubbed his toe on the bed frame. I smiled knowing Dad and Bill had probably had one too many beers.

Bill had moved to the head of the bed and was pulling his t-shirt up over his head. I could feel my heart pounding as I tried to soak in the male beauty within arm’s reach as he carelessly tossed his shirt onto the chair. I tried to control my breathing as Bill undid his shorts and slid them off before tossing them onto the chair as well. Bill was left wearing a pair of snug, white, boxers that glowed in the moonlight in contrast to his smooth, tanned skin. I could make out the bulge of his cock pressed against his shorts as he reached down to readjust himself. My cock was semi-hard as my longtime fantasy prepared to join me in bed. Pulling the sheet back, Bill sat on the edge of the bed to take his watch off. With his back to me, I was free to admire his broad, muscular back and his ridged obliques as he turned to place his watch on the night table. Seemingly exhausted by the long day and late night of beers, Bill slid under the sheet lying on his side facing away from me. I was keenly aware of my hard-on and how close this half-naked hunk was to it as he let out a sigh and settled onto the pillow. It wasn’t long before Bill’s breathing settled into a noisy rattle as the threatened snoring arrived. Bill was out for the count.

Frustrated by Bill’s unintentional erotic performance and my inability to relieve my swollen cock, I stored away the last 5 minutes of steamy imagery for future jack off sessions and closed my eyes. Despite my horniness, it wasn’t long before I must have drifted off to sleep as well.

It was the middle of the night when I woke up again forgetting where I was for a moment, and more importantly, who was in bed with me. Opening my eyes, I immediately saw Bill lying inches away from me on his back with one arm tossed over his head and the other resting lightly on his sexy, flat stomach. With bayan escort the warm night, he had tossed off the sheet with nothing covering him other than his skimpy boxers. The moon had moved higher in the sky and was directly above us shining through the skylight so I was able to see every inch of Bill in glowing detail while he slept. My eyes bulged in lust as I feasted upon the sight. Bill was as beautiful as Michelangelo’s David as he lay prone on the bed. The bright moonlight highlighted his chiseled definition as I watched his broad chest expand with each noisy breath.

With Bill’s snores assuring me that he was asleep, I dared to open my eyes fully and lift up my head to see him better. He was the perfect male specimen and I was incredibly jealous of the gains he had made in his body. My eyes traveled down his strong, masculine facial features and sexy moustache, following his draped arm, bulging bicep, and furry armpit to his broad chest and prominent nipples. I so wanted to lean over and suck and chew on his perky nubs but controlled myself. My eyes continued down across his tight washboard abs and furry treasure trail that disappeared under his resting hand and the waistband of his boxers. Even on his back, his boxers were pushed upwards by what lay underneath. As I looked closer, I realized the fly of his shorts was gaping open about a half inch and I could clearly see his veiny cock lying along the length of the fly, as well as the ridge of his cock head. Holy fuck! From what I could tell, he had to be 5 inches or so soft. My 7 inch hard cock throbbed in appreciation as I strained to see more of his tool. Looking below this miracle, I could see his heavy balls pressing against the thin, worn fabric of his shorts, followed by his spread muscular thighs, calves and sexy feet.

All the time I was propped up to better ogle Bill, he continued to snore unaware of his appreciative audience. My thinking was that as long as I could hear Bill’s snoring, I was safe. It was this type of logic that made me take another risk. My eyes kept returning to his cock through the fly of his shorts and I so wanted to touch it at least once knowing that I’d probably never get another chance. Saying a silent prayer, I held my breath and reached out to lightly stroke a small section of Bill’s cock with my fingertip through the open fly. The motion was so light, I wasn’t even sure if he’d notice if he was awake but I had just touched Bill’s thick shaft for the first time. What a rush. I could even feel the bump of one of his veins as my finger grazed along a half inch of skin. Of course I wanted more. Fuck, I needed more!

Under the cover of Bill’s steady breathing, I reached forward and lightly stroked my fingertip along the full length of the exposed section of his cock. It felt like his dick went on for days as I moved as gently and carefully as I could along the hot, spongy surface of his cock.

Feeling emboldened, I continued to explore Bill’s cock with one fingertip marvelling at the feel of his skin and bulging veins. After a few more strokes, I noticed that Bill’s cock was less spongy and seemingly firmer. Was I making Bill hard? Shit. I looked at the distance from the head of his cock to the top of the fly and there was now only about an inch where before it had been closer to 2 inches before. Bill was definitely getting a hard-on. He was closer to 7 inches in length now with the head of his cock starting to move beyond the upper opening of his fly. Realizing it would soon be difficult to view the thick ridged head of his cock, I took an unbelievable chance and carefully reached into the fly of his boxers gently wrapping my thumb and finger around his hardening cock, and maneuvered the tip out through the fly opening so it was lying exposed on top of his boxers free to expand.

As before, Bill’s breathing hadn’t changed in the slightest so I assumed I had gotten away with my risky move. My logic was if Bill did wake up, he’d just assume his cock had slipped out of his boxers on its own. Meanwhile, I wanted to feel more of Bill’s dick and I was more than curious to see how big he’d get. Taking care, I ran my fingertip from the lower end of his cock up along the shaft to the thick head. I noticed the tip was damp with a drop of pre-cum so I started to lightly smear it around the head with one finger, while stroking the length of his cock with another finger. Bill was displaying at least 8 inches of thick cock by now with the head extending beyond the waist of his boxers, reaching towards his belly button. I was mesmerized by the steamy scene before me and was grateful for the bright moonlight.

At this point, Bill murmured in his sleep as he shifted and thrusted against my hand. My heart leaped and I froze thinking I was busted but Bill settled back into measured snoring. Was he having an erotic dream fuelled by my caresses? I was curious to see how much I might be able to influence his subconscious while he slept. As bağcılar escort bayan I continued rubbing pre-cum around the head of Bill’s cock, he seemed to max out at an impressive, rock-hard 10 inches. I couldn’t believe that Bill had a porn star worthy dick on top of his many other physical attributes. Given this was my first cock, I was in heaven and marvelled at its length and girth. Was this going to ruin me for any future cock? Probably. Bill’s dick was so rigid, it was slightly elevated above his washboard abs as it strained against my touch. Carefully encircling the raised portion of his shaft with my fingers, I ever so lightly stroked his cock up and down the length where it wasn’t in contact with his stomach.

While most of Bill’s impressive club-like cock was exposed in the moonlight, I was eager to see the base and his balls if possible. Buoyed by my earlier success and horny as fuck, I took another chance and gingerly reached into his fly, carefully wrapping my hand around the loose, warm skin of his sack and hefted his heavy balls up and out of the fly laying them gently on top of his boxers. Both Bill’s big cock and cum-filled balls were now wedged through the fly of his shorts and lying in clear view. Belatedly, I realized it might be harder to explain how his balls had managed to accidentally fall out of the fly of his shorts but I was no longer thinking with my big head as I drooled over the hot buffet in front of me. I was guessing Bill shaved his balls as I lightly stroked and rubbed his satiny, smooth sack.

I shifted to get more comfortable and closer to Bill’s thick cock, while he dreamt. With the full length of his tool and hefty balls on display, I wasn’t sure where to start. Noticing a small puddle of pre-cum gathering on his tight abs under the thick ridged head of his dick, I scooped a glob of it onto my fingertip and lifted it to my mouth. Slurping the thick cream off my finger with my tongue, I savoured the taste and consistency. It had a slight salty and chlorinated taste. I had sampled another man’s cum for the first time and I knew I wanted more, and preferably directly from the source.

I glanced up at Bill’s handsome face with his mouth slightly open as he slept. He looked out of it despite his raging hard-on. Here goes nothing. Leaning over Bill’s torso, I carefully lowered my head until my mouth was inches from the end of his lumbering cock. I could see fresh pre-cum oozing from the tip in the soft moonlight as I reached out with my tongue and licked it off. Mmm, oh fuck, that was damn good. Careful not to disturb Bill’s sleeping form otherwise, I delicately licked around the bulbous head with my tongue to capture any stray splooge. I heard a rumble from Bill’s chest as his dick jerked in response. Pausing to make sure he wasn’t waking up, I noticed another pearl of pre-cum had formed at the tip and reached out to slurp it up as well. Cum tasted so much better directly from a big, thick cock. Needing more, I placed my lips around the thick end of Bill’s cock and softly suckled the tip coaxing more pre-cum onto my tongue. Fuck, I could do this all night.

For his part, Bill seemed to be enjoying my treatment of his cock based on the steady volume of pre-cum he was producing, and the occasional soft moan he’d make in his sleep. I’d love to know what he was dreaming about while I teased his dick. Other than the occasional murmur or hitch in his breathing, his snoring was a constant drone in spite of what I was doing to his cock. I thanked the many beers he had had with my Dad as Bill seemed to be in a deep sleep leaving me free to continue my exploration of his amazing body.

I could feel a large wet pre-cum spot forming in my own shorts as my rigid tool strained against the material. After years of imagining what it might be like to touch another man’s cock, the actual reality was blowing my mind. I was horny as fuck as I nursed more pre-cum from the glistening, bulbous head of Bill’s porn-worthy cock in the quiet, moonlit room. I was hoping this night would never end as I worked my cock and balls free from the fly of my boxer briefs so I could stroke myself while teasing Bill’s cock.

Wanting to further expand my pitiful lack of sexual experience and soothed by Bill’s snoring, I carefully slid one hand under the base of Bill’s hard-on and raised it slightly. My goal was to play with his cock and gently feed his subconscious without waking him. Placing the palm of one hand lightly on his hairless balls, I opened my mouth and slid my lips gingerly over the head of his cock until the thick head filled my mouth. Careful to avoid any contact with my teeth, I softly tongued and suckled Bill’s knob. Curious to see how much of his tool I could take without forcing it, I slid another couple of inches of his rigid cock towards the back of my mouth. His thick head was lightly pressing against the back of my throat when Bill started to talk in his sleep. I couldn’t make out what he was saying but it was more than an occasional murmur. I froze with my eyes open wide and my mouth full of cock, praying for the snoring to resume. Bill may not be aware of what was going on in the boathouse, but he seemed to be enjoying a parallel dream fed by my exploration of his beefcake body.

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All characters in this story are over 18.

I slipped and the moment of imbalance cost me the fight. My mistake was seized upon. The lad punished me. He deftly grabbed my neck into a lock and lifted me up backwards. The audience – three of the boy’s college mates in this garret room – cheered. Then he humiliated me. He pulled down the boxing shorts I had (we both had) donned for this little display.

This situation had been my attempt to impress Tommy, the beautiful young man I had been courting, and to show him and his mates that this middle aged dude (me) could still cut it grappling like I had done in college. That had been in 2000. Y2k. To me, it seems like yesterday. But my body has other ‘ideas’. I’m not that fit, lean young dude anymore. And this boy was showing me up in the most humiliating (and, honestly, kinda titillating) way. In front of his friends too. I had met Tommy when he and a college pal had shown up at my door one sunny afternoon.

The two lads who stood there when I opened the door were definitely well cute. They must have been around 20. Fit, lean with shaved back and sides and moppy dark hair. Pretty twinks, yet not an effeminate bone in their bodies. Not that I mind effeminate twinks though, especially when they’re real pretty. But these were lad’s lads.

“Fancy someone power hosing your passage, sir?” one asked, a hint of a knowing smile on his boyishly good looking face. That was Tommy.

I laughed. That was beşiktaş escort bayan enough for them. They knew they had a customer for both services. Unlike some of these gaming entrepreneurs, the lads actually did have hosing the front passage and tidying the garden on offer — as well as their other trade. They got to the respectable work first while I watched, lust rising, and got a few beers out for their refreshment. They were really hot dudes.

As we settled back to enjoy the beer they got to flirting.

“Im sweating buckets” said one “im sure an older queer like you wouldn’t object if we got out of some of these sweaty clothes, would you?”

“Course not!” I chuckled as the lads took off their tops revealing chiseled white torsos. Even better came when they dropped their pants. They were both in jockstraps. Their pert white young arses glistened with sweat. I was almost cumming just looking at them. I stripped off myself and got down on all fours.

“Oh, you wanna play that way? Ok. Doggy wants a whiff of this young asshole, huh?” Tommy turned and presented me with his luscious buns.

I panted and crawled over. Just as I was about to dive in with my tongue, he turned and gave me a playful smack across the face. This was their moment to haggle up the price for their service. Smart move actually, now they had my lusting naked arse on all fours, gagging for a taste. We agreed and I was allowed to get in there. His glorious istanbul escort boy hole tasted sublime. Sweaty, musky young jock flavour is my favourite. Meanwhile the other got behind me and started punishing my ass with smacks before getting rubbered up and doing me like a bitch. He fucked me good and hard as I was engrossed in his mates tasty young asshole. If anyone had looked in the kitchen window, they would have seen something unexpected!

Finally I treated the kitchen floor to a hot, salty, power hosting of my own and rolled over in ecstasy.

That was a week before this arranged combat. I had decided that I didn’t want to solely play the sub for Tommy. I wanted to show him I was and could still be an alpha top.

But, there I was, pink in the face and sweaty, the lad of my desire reefing me up off the carpet in a disabling headlock, my skin pressed close against the warmth of his immaculate beige pecs and washboard torso- and I was defeated. Most definitely so. And now he had dragged down my jocks. My 43year old tool hung out there, beneath my modest paunch, limp and pathetic in front of his mates faces, who responded with derisory laughter.

I couldn’t tell them, like I desperately wanted to right then, that that tackle had once been prime, sought after boy-meat. That twenty years ago, good money was forthcoming from photographers and older guys in general, just to see that schlong and maybe even get a whiff of the escort bayan rus fine young arse the other side. No.

And even if I could tell them, what would that do but make me look even more pathetic and humiliated before the object of my lust? What was before them now was just a slightly saggy middle-aged guys dick.

The boys cheered again. The lad mercifully let me loose a moment. It was vanishingly brief. He bent me forward, my forehead touching the carpet, and gripped up my waist, pulling my ass into his groin. I felt his rock hard young dong through his shorts.

What the fuck?! Was he really going to…i mean, right here right now…in front of his mates??!!

“no Tommy!” I yelled (not actually resisting) “dont! Please! Not here!! Agghhh!!”

But my protests were in vain. He shoved his raging young schlong right into my greying manhole and began pounding away.

My face was red now as I roared in (pretended) objection. On and on – the slapping and squelching of hot, wet flesh. Up stood the other lads and whipping out their boyos, they began jacking over my defeated, submissive head and shoulders.

“Yeah man, give it to him!” they jeered.

“fuck, yeh! Take it bitch!!” grunted Tommy, slapping my quivering arse cheeks as he did. For my part, I got a hold of my (now blazing hard) cock and began jacking furiously.

“awwhhh! Tommy boy, give it to me!!.. etc.

Then, in a glorious moment and in almost perfect harmony, the boys soaked the head of the defeated and humiliated (and blissfully so) wretch before them with fountains of hot boy cream while they kissed in turn the beautiful victor and champion behind me who shot his load into me, panting in his sublime display of dominance.

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I Never Gag… He Said Too Loudly…

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My name is Paul and I got to tell you what happened to me yesterday. A brief description of me, I’m a 38 year old white male. I’m a practicing dentist and I make a very comfortable living. I got divorced about 2 years ago. I’m 6 foot tall, about 185 lbs., still in pretty good shape as I surf once, maybe twice a week if the waves cooperate and if I have time. I pride myself on being well groomed, sporting a close cropped goatee and mustache. I modestly think I’m better than average looking facially, but hardly ready for the cover of GQ.

Remnants of my divorce, I still have my motorcycle, that I ride a few times a week, especially on the weekends if the surf is crappy. I have a favorite outdoor bar, that has become a gathering place for motorcycle riders. It’s not a biker bar by any means and I don’t consider myself a biker either. I’m just a dentist that owns a motorcycle. There’s usually a few bikes parked out front and I have made several friends there over the last few months, but none were there yesterday. The bar faces a lake with a pier, A lot of locals tie their boats up to and come into the bar to eat and drink.

I have been on a bit of a bad streak with meeting new women lately. I do have a couple of women that will come take care of my sexual needs with just a phone call. Just physical relationships that are beneficial for both me and them, strictly booty calls for the most part. But I have really been devoting my time to chasing a waitress at the bar. Becky is hot, probably a bit out of my league, but that hasn’t deterred me. She dotes on me when I go to the bar and I love her attention as she hangs out at my table talking to me in between her orders.

The all female waitstaff crew there wears these really skimpy tight orange short shorts and tight white V-neck t-shirts with the bar’s logo on the front. She has a really sweet ass and also really fills out that t-shirt with her ample cleavage bulging out to feast your eyes on. I feel it’s just a matter of time before we hook up, but sadly she was off yesterday.

I pulled up on my bike and parked in front, planning to gonna have a have a beer or two. Walking up the deck I see this young guy totally staring me down. This twink looking guy was wearing a tiny wet bathing suit, that was easily visible as his tight t-shirt barely came to his waist. It looked like a woman’s bikini bottom. I guess he had been swimming in the lake with all the other locals and tourists in town. I purposely took the table right next to him, as I was a little curious about him. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not gay or even bi, I just wanted to get a closer look at this fairy.

When he stood and walked to the counter to get a bottle of ketchup, I couldn’t help but stare his unbelievable feminine bottom. With the tiniest waist, thickest thighs and widest hips I had ever seen on a man, I would of sworn his body was photo shopped like some of those pictures you see on the Internet. That ass was absolutely fetching I must admit.

It seemed like he purposely made quite a display as he stood, prancing around the room flaunting his tight little body. This kid had a rump on him that most women would die for. Well rounded, plump but firm, it stretched his bathing suit to the edge of seam busting. He was acting like a little slut as he sashayed back to his table, not ashamed to flaunt that big booty publicly. Every man and woman at the bar watched him parade around the room.

Skinny and frail, almost fragile looking, except for that ass, he had these big fat “dick sucking lips”. These over sized bimbo lips that looked like he had gotten collagen injections in them. The kind of lips that you would love wrapped around your cock.

He had an extremely delicate and slender neck that looked so effeminate. Longish blonde hair to his shoulders, soft eyes and legs as smooth as a baby’s butt, he was almost too pretty to be a man. He wore an earring in one ear, and what appeared to me to be lady’s sandals.

I ordered a beer and a burger as I watched him gulp down his giant shrimp poor boy and fries at the next table. He had the most sissified looking drink with an umbrella and a pineapple slice on the rim. When he wrapped those big plump, puffy lips around his straw, staring directly at me, the way he sucked on it was almost obscene. He was devouring that poorboy, taking these huge bites and literally wolfing them down. Big doggy bites, like he was starving.

Glancing over at me while I waited for my food, our eyes locked on each other again and I finally spoke jokingly, “Hey man, don’t hurt yourself there and watch your fingers I joked. I don’t want to have to take you to emergency room or grab you from behind and perform the Heimlich maneuver on you.”

He giggled like a little girl that was caught doing something naughty and replied proudly and way too loudly, enough for any nearby tables to hear, “I never gag.” he said boldly, “No matter what I put in my mouth, I never gag and if you grabbed me from behind, Oh my God, I would maslak escort probably just faint.”

Maybe it was just my imagination, but as I glanced at the tables around us, it seemed like everybody was now intently listening to us and what I would say next. I was more than a bit flustered as I thought, was this kid coming on to me? All I could think of to respond was, “I bet I got something that could make you gag?”, I mused to myself, not daring to say that with the audience surrounding us.

We chatted a bit, mostly him talking and me just listening. Everybody seemed to go back to their own dinners and conversations, still glancing over occasionally to see or hear what we were talking about. We introduced ourselves, his name was Kyle, but said all his friends called him Kylie, telling me he would like me to be his friend. He told me he worked at a tanning salon in town and went to the local community college. He was studying fashion. “What sort of man studies fashion?”, I thought to myself.

I gauged his age as 20ish. He was articulate and seemed very intelligent for his age, it’s just that I couldn’t get over that he was such a poof. So petite, so effeminate, almost fragile looking, except for that ass that was so packed and those big fat dick sucking lips.

As he finished his food and stood up, still intrigued by his gag comment and fishing for maybe more, I said, “I hope I didn’t run you off.”

“No, not at all. You are mysteriously interesting Paul. I’m really delighted to have met you today and would love to get to know you better. I need to tinkle, but I’ll be right back.” he said as he started to scurry off, giving me a good look at that firm fat ass again.

Again, I thought to myself, “What kind of man says tinkle?”, then I said, “Join me when you get back, I’ll buy you another drink if you got time.” which made him smile broadly.

Now I’m no saint, but I’ve been in a bit of a dry spell lately and a blow job is a blow job, especially from someone with lips like his that’s brags about never gagging on anything. So throwing caution to the wind that one of my friends that comes to the bar regularly, might show up and see us sitting together, made me a bit nervous, but I figured what the hell.

When he returned, we drank our drinks and he asked for a ride home, as his friends who brought him had left earlier. I told him I was on a bike, pointing to my motorcycle, and he giggled, “Oh my God, I’ve never ridden on a big Harley before. This sounds like the beginning of an adventure.”

I gave Kylie my only helmet and when I started my bike, he was visibly startled as it was so loud. He fumbled to strap it on his head correctly, so I had to do it for him. It as like putting an infant in a child’s car seat, he seemed so helpless. Instead of being embarrassed, he seemed to relish my attention in buckling him up. When he straddled the bike behind me, he pressed his groin deep into my ass, wiggling and scooting even closer into me until he was satisfied. He actually wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, well not exactly my waist, more like my lap, dangerously below my belt. I followed his directions and drove him to an apartment complex.

When I parked my bike, he seemed reluctant to remove his grip from my lap. His hands lingered for a while until he seemed to give me an affectionate hug before dismounting.

“Paul, would you be up for another drink? I don’t have any beer, but I know I have some wine. I would love to thank you properly for the ride home and the drink you bought me.” he almost pleaded.

I smiled to myself, thinking this might be playing out in some fashion as I hoped. Maybe there would be a blow job from him at the end of the rainbow. Hoping he was thinking the same thing too, I followed him upstairs.

His doorstep to his apartment had a mat with the “LGBTQ” flag emblazoned on it. Pretty bold I thought. Once inside, I immediately noticed his apartment was decorated more brazenly than even I thought it could be. Lots of art hung on the walls. Pictures of naked men and male couples. A few statues of nude men scattered about here and there and some fresh flowers in a vase. There was even a book on the table with the title, “Are You Man Enough To Be A Fag?” If I was gay, I would have been too embarrassed to even buy that book, much less leave it on my coffee table for any guest to see.

I kind of admired that in this kid. That he had the balls to be what he wanted to be and obviously didn’t give a fuck if anyone liked it or not. Definitely full blown out of the closet. Good for him I thought.

As I was standing in his living room, Kylie brought me a glass of white wine, and if I thought his choice in decorating was a bold statement, what he did next floored me. Kylie just dropped to his knees on the carpet, right in front of me and took his shirt off.

He stared up at me, gauging my reaction and said, “I’m gonna suck your dick Paul. I’m gonna suck it so good for you. You know you want escort gebze me to. Please get undressed and sit down on the couch and relax. Let me thank you properly.”

I had been hoping this was gonna happen and I was ready for it. By the time I got my boots, socks, pants and underwear off, I already had a full erection. My 7 1/2″ cut cock was standing up proudly from my lap.

Sitting down into the couch, as I was unbuttoning my shirt, Kylie just said, “Oh Daddy, you got a nice big fat one. I just knew you would. I’m gonna enjoy this.” he purred. “Paul, just relax and go with it. I don’t expect any reciprocation. You just lean back and let me suck your big hard cock so good for you.”

Who could argue with that? Finally getting my shirt off so I was now completely naked, I just leaned back waiting for him to start sucking my hard cock.

“Paul, I just have to get this bathing suit off, I hope that doesn’t bother you. My hard dick is so cramped up in this tight bathing suit and I firmly believe that when someone sucks your cock, they should be naked. Also it makes me feel so exquisitely submissive, which I really like. Again, don’t worry about it, I’m not expecting any return of my favor on your part. This is all about pleasing you. So just relax and let me make you feel good.” Kylie said so obediently.

I was totally surprised when I saw his cock. It was actually as big as, or even bigger than mine. I’m guessing it was at least 8″s long and it also possessed some considerable girth, again thicker than mine I estimated. His cock was also rock hard as it bounced up and down when he knelt back down between my knees.

As he leaned forward and wrapped those over sized plump lips around my swollen cock head, he was so gentle. He nursed so softly and deliberately on my head cock as he seemed to relish this moment. I just leaned back and enjoyed his oral manipulations as those plump lips skillfully sucked on my cock. Kylie, with his eyes glazed over with passion, just stared lustfully straight into my eyes as he feasted on my cock.

This boy knew exactly how to suck a cock. He really did. He knew how to treat a man’s cock. The first thing I thought of was, I wish I could get him to teach the women I know how to suck a dick? Knowing that could never happen, I just relaxed and watched him expertly swallow my cock a little deeper. Kylie didn’t rush anything. I could tell he wanted to savor this moment. It was hard to tell which one of us was actually enjoying this more, as he seemed to revel in the moment of having my hard cock in his mouth. This was definitely the most passionate sucking I had ever received.

He must have suckled on my cock for at least 10 minutes, before he released the shaft from his warm velvety mouth. My cock stood proud and erect as he just devoured it with his eyes for a few moments. He then put his lips on the side of my shaft, way down at the very base and slurped and slobbered back up my shaft enjoying the rigidity and heft of my tool. When he got back to the tip, he enveloped in his greedy mouth again and polished it with his tongue. The way he sucked so hard on the tip while massaging it with his tongue was euphoric.

I was starting to feel that all too familiar itchiness in my balls. That feeling where you just know that once it grabs, there’s no stopping your orgasm. It started to tingle deep in my balls and crept up towards my cock. I tried to suppress it. I wanted this to last longer as it felt so fucking good, but that feeling was getting too intense. Kylie must have felt my legs begin to tremble as he suddenly swallowed my entire cock to the root.

In one swift, deft motion, he plunged his esophagus down and my entire cock effortlessly went into his throat. He moaned and hummed extremely loud and deeply on my cock causing these heavy vocal vibrations that added to my cock’s stimulation. Kylie went up and then down to the root of my cock methodically and insatiably. Over and over the friction of his tight throat on my cock head pushed me over the limit until I had no chance to resist it anymore. My legs trembled spasmodically as I fought it, trying to savor every second as I bit my lower lip and exploded my first volley deep into his esophagus.

The first spurt, it was a deep, heavy, voluminous ejaculate of a semen that gushed out. I usually squirt about 6 or 7 blasts when I cum and I’m sure the first one was positively massive. Kylie moaned louder as he gulped it down deep into his stomach. I could actually see his slender neck expand slightly each time my cock plunged deep into his throat. His neck distended and bulged from my girth, but true to his word, he did not gag, not even a bit. No choking, no sputtering and no whining. This little twink’s throat didn’t know the meaning of the word gag. He used his throat like a masturbation sleeve, coaxing all he could from my cock. Like the little slut he was, he ingested one spurt after another.

Over and over I blasted more escort merter semen down his throat. Kylie never faltered for a second, as he now greedily struggled to consume every drop of my seed which was becoming overwhelming. My heart was pounding and I almost saw stars as my orgasm lasted so long. After the last squirt, Kylie stopped fucking my cock into his throat. Like a pro, knowing that some men get very sensitive after they cum, he quit thrusting and just nursed on the top 3 or 4 inches ever so gently. Looking up at me, I nodded my head and waved him off, signaling for him to stop.

Kylie reluctantly let my cock fall from those plump lips and leaned back on his knees. “Oh my God Daddy, you cum so much. I don’t think I have ever swallowed that big of a load before, and it was delicious. Nectar of the Gods. I hope this is not a one time hit and quit deal. You can use my throat anytime you need it Daddy. You have made this my best day ever.” he giggled.

I kind of felt sorry for him. He had made such an effort to please me and had received nothing in return. His poor cock looked like it was ready to bust. It was so angry and needy looking, all red and swollen, still rock hard, as a drool of precum actually dangled down from the tip, suspended in mid air at least 6 inches.

After he wiped the slobber and drool from his face with the back of his hand, he ran to the kitchen and refilled my glass of wine. He brought it to me like a submissive servant and then ran to the bathroom as I relaxed. I heard the bathroom sink water running as I tried to catch my breathe and recover. He returned with a wet washcloth and something in his other hand as he dropped to his knees again. He actually washed my cock and balls clean of any trace of his DNA slobber with the washrag that had been soaked in hot water. It felt so damn nice. Nobody had ever done that to me before and I admired his dedication to pleasing me.

After he thoroughly cleaned me, he finally spoke softly and almost pleadingly, “Paul, I have a question please.” He hesitated for several moments before he finally said, “Have you ever fucked someone’s ass before?”

I knew where this was going, but felt like playing dumb and teasing him just a little. While I had been in a few women’s butts in my life, and loved the experience, I replied with a little white lie, “No, but I would love to find a woman that would let me experience that. It’s on my bucket list.”

He let that sink in, probably trying to figure out how to proceed with caution, when after a long silence, he finally said, “Would you consider doing a guy?”

“Kylie, are you asking me if I would stick my cock up your butt? Is that what you’re asking me?” I replied smiling while stifling a laugh.

Almost replying like he feared he had gone too far, he tested the water and cautiously said, “Yea Paul, if that’s not too gay for you. Would you have any desire to fuck my ass? Cause if you want, I’ll do that for you?”

Just talking about this had my cock waking up. I could feel it starting to swell up against my thigh as I imagined popping his big firm girly butt. Kylie noticed it rising up on it’s own off my thigh and just smiled.

“It looks like your cock adores the idea. Wanna try? You might really like it.” he giggled as he pulled out a tube of lubricant from under the couch.

It was a little mean of me to tease him this way, as I knew I wanted to fuck that sexy girly butt of his, so I told him to get buns up kneeling and lube us both up. Poor Kylie, his cock had been hard for so long that it must be aching. He poured a large dollop into his palm and spread it liberally over my now rock hard cock. Like a little junkie, hungry for her fix, he assumed the position. Buns up kneeling like I directed him, He then smeared a huge glob of lubricant right on his pretty little butt hole.

When I knelt behind him, I was truly amazed how hot his sissy ass looked. It was so perfect, completely hairless and baby smooth, it was breath taking. So well rounded from his flared hips and so firm, it was spectacular, a thing of beauty. His tiny pucker was so pink and fresh looking, not even one single hair on it. His ass cheek globes were perfectly symmetrical and looked so inviting. If this view was all any man saw of Kylie, they would have sworn what they were looking at, was a 100% female ass, and it was mine for the taking.

I pressed my blunt cock head up to his little pink starfish of a hole and nudged him just a little. I didn’t even try to enter him, I just kept enough pressure there so he could press onto it. He understood my method and pushed slowly til his sphincter opened it’s muscular ring and my head popped in. This boy was a pro, he took my cock head into his tight hole like second nature.

The feeling was incredible as I felt his silky smooth, warm bowels open up and swallow my cock in it’s entirety. Kylie’s tight ass consumed my cock and gobbled it up to the root in just seconds. Propping his upper body up with just his forehead and shoulders, I felt him reach back with one hand between our knees and squeeze my balls ever so gently. With his other hand I felt him grab his own cock and start to stroke it slowly. Kylie just moaned loudly as he skewered his hole up and down on my cock.

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Apartment Hunt Fuck

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Author’s Note: This is my first story in a while, and potentially the start of a new series. Let me know what you think, which will help as I keep writing about these characters.

For the last year, Jon had lived by himself in an expensive studio apartment in the heart of the city. As a 23-year-old twink, he loved having his own place because it allowed him the flexibility to do whatever — or whoever — he wanted at any time, without having to worry about roommates getting in the way. Unfortunately, he had recently lost his well-paying job and was having trouble making rent. As a result, he had started apartment hunting.

He quickly learned that there wasn’t much cheap housing in his area. After scouring the housing apps, he realized there was no way he’d be able to live alone. Even old, dilapidated studio apartments were more than twice his budget! Soon, he turned to looking on Facebook Marketplace for open rooms in bigger houses, in which he’d have to put up with a few roommates. There were lots of places in his price range, although many of them specifically wanted female roommates, or people older than him. Still, he was able to find a few promising options and sent off messages to each of them.

Just before he was about to close his laptop, a very unique post caught Jon’s eye. It was for a room in a recently-renovated, 3 bedroom house near his current place that was only $300 a month — less than half the price of his other options, even those with many roommates. At first, he figured it was scam. But the ad was linked to two profiles that seemed real. The ad’s text said they were looking to fill the room of a friend who’d recently moved out, and the price was low because it was the smallest room in the house. Still, it seemed too good to be true.

Quickly looking over the profiles of the current tenants, Nick and Blake, it seemed like they were recent college grads who had been in the same fraternity together. Despite (or maybe because of ) their very straight appearance, Jon couldn’t help but get a little turned on by them. Nick was extremely muscly, while Blake had a slighter frame. They each had lots of shirtless photos in which they were partying or close to attractive women, so they clearly enjoyed having a good time. Although Jon wasn’t very keen on living in a frat house, the price was so good that he sent them a message. What did he have to lose?

A few hours later, Jon’s phone pinged with a notification.

Hey dude, want to come check out our place? The message was from Nick, one of the frat guys with an open room.

Sure, Jon responded. When’s good?

Can you come over now? We want to get the room filled ASAP bro

Jon thought the message was a bit strange, but also figured that they were probably just trying to avoid people flaking. If the room was real, he would need to be quick if he wanted a chance at the place.

No problem, I’ll head over now, Jon responded a moment later. He threw on some shorts and a tank top and left his apartment.

When Jon parked in front of the house, he was impressed. Although it wasn’t big by any measure, it seemed to be in good condition and had a well-manicured lawn in front. As he walked up the steps to the house, he saw the front door swing open, with two guys in the doorway.

“Hey bro, I’m Nick. Thanks for coming over,” the muscly man said in a deep voice.

Jon was taken aback by Nick’s appearance. He was clearly a muscle bro through-and-through, from the fitted athletic shorts that hugged his enormous thighs to the Y-backed tank top that hardly covered his bulging chest. Black hair coated his upper chest, armpits, and legs.

“No problem,” Jon responded, fighting the urge to stare at Nick’s gorgeous body.

“And I’m Blake,” said the other roommate. He was very tall and a bit skinnier, wearing gray sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. He had tanned skin, soft blue eyes, and curly blonde hair on top. Still, he had a strong masculine energy, perhaps from his confident posture.

“Good escort taksim to meet you too,” said Jon. Nothing seemed strange so far.

“Come inside,” said Blake. “We’ll show you around.”

As they walked through the small house, Jon noticed no serious problems. The house was relatively tidy, although there were a few empty beer cans lying around and a huge amount of liquor on the shelves. The appliances were all new, a bit of art on the walls, a huge TV… everything seemed as nice as you could expect from a shared house.

“So this would be your room,” said Blake in his deep voice as they entered an empty, modest room off the living room.

“In case you’re wondering, bro, it’s pretty soundproofed from the rest of the house,” Nick chimed in with a deviant smirk.

“Bro, it’s not that soundproof,” said Blake. “I used to hear you fucking chicks all the time in here.”

“Well not everyone makes the girls moan like me!” Nick countered.

Jon laughed at their banter. He was excited about the room, feeling that it wasn’t nearly as small as Nick had made it out to be in the ad. It would be no problem for Jon.

“So are you still interested?” Nick asked as they walked back out to the living room and sat down on the bend of their huge, L-shaped couch.

“For sure,” Jon responded, sitting on the other end as Blake sat between them. “This place is really nice, and the rent is cheap.”

“No kidding,” said Blake with a smile. “I’m guessing you’re wondering why it’s so low?”

“Yeah,” said Jon with a laugh. “This place seems too good to be true.

“Well after our last roommate moved out, Nick and I decided we’d pay for part of the third person’s rent as long as they did some of the…uh…housework for us,” Blake said with a certain hesitation in his voice.

Jon was now a little confused. “So, you’ll pay part of my rent as long as I clean the place?”

“Yeah, man,” Nick responded. “It’s mostly doing the dishes, taking out the trash, stuff like that.”

“Still seems like a good deal to me,” said Jon enthusiastically. Although he didn’t want to clean, it would be well worth it for the low rent, especially considering his current employment status. “I’m in.”

Just then, Nick scooted over to where Blake was seated on the couch and leaned forward, as if he was about to divulge an enormous secret. Jon was surprised, knowing how rarely straight boys got this close to each other.

“There’s one other thing we’re looking for,” Nick said quietly, in almost a whisper. “Basically we’re just looking for our next roommate to fill all of the uh…duties…of the girl who lived here before you.”

“What do you mean?” Jon asked back. “Didn’t you just say I’d be doing some cleaning and whatever?”

“Well, yeah,” Blake started, cutting in. “But she took care of some of our other needs too.” He had a nervous smirk on his face.

“Bro, let’s just show him what we mean,” said Nick, smacking Blake on the chest.

Blake nodded, then pulled up a video on his phone to show Jon.

Jon was shocked to see a video of a naked girl on the couch, precisely where they were sitting, with her ass to the camera. Directly in front of her was a naked Nick, whose cock was being sucked passionately by the girl. Blake was clearly filming, as his voice could be heard encouraging his friend from behind the camera.

“She sucked my cock so good, bro,” said Nick while watching the video over Blake’s shoulder.

Jon continued watching, quickly seeing Blake’s sizable cock come onto the screen and enter the woman from behind. Soon, he was thrusting deep inside her while grunting loudly, even occasionally smacking her ass. After about 30 seconds of watching the video together, Blake locked his phone and put it down.

“Wait, so you want a chick you two can fuck for a roommate?” Jon asked, now terribly confused. “You know I’m not a girl, right?”

“Yeah bro,” Blake responded as if Jon was being a complete idiot. “We’ve been through a few escort izmit chicks at this point, and they always get tired of our arrangement after a few months,” he started.

“Can’t handle us pounding them a few times a week,” Nick cut in with a laugh.

Blake laughed too, then continued. “So we figured that if we found a dude who looked kinda girlish, we could still get off and wouldn’t have to worry about them getting tired like chicks do.”

“Yeah man, we saw on social media that you’re gay so we thought it could be a good fit,” Nick added.

There was a long pause while Jon tried to understand what they were saying. “Let me make sure I have this right: You two want a roommate who you can fuck whenever you want, but can’t find a girl slutty enough for you, so you instead want a horny gay guy who looks like a girl?”

“Bro! Exactly, man,” Blake said with the dumbest, fratty-est smile ever on his face.

“This guy fucking gets it,” Nick said, beaming, while patting his friend on the shoulder excitedly.

Jon didn’t know how to react. He was stunned that these two men would even consider using him as their fuck toy, but could sort of make out their logic. Besides the sex, having to clean for former frat stars was daunting, but the low rent would be amazing.

As Jon thought, he noticed the bulges growing in Nick and Blake’s laps. Clearly, the two men were becoming horny at the thought of a new fuck buddy. The synthetic fabric of Nick’s fitted shorts became stretched to the max as his cock stiffened, creating a well-defined outline of his manhood. Blake’s dick was protruding outward, forming an enormous tent in his gray sweatpants. Without even seeing their dicks, Jon knew these men were absolutely hung. His decision was made.

Jon got on his knees in front of Nick and Blake. “I’m in,” he said before swiftly taking off his shirt.

“Oh fuck yeah,” Nick shouted enthusiastically, standing up to lower his shorts to his ankles. As Blake did the same, Jon leaned forward to grab Nick’s dick.

Nick’s cock was about 6.5 inches long, with a thick shaft and fat tip. His groin and balls were coated in thick, black hair, giving his groin a musky, manly scent which Jon inhaled deeply. Before Jon could even wrap his lips around the tip, Nick grabbed the back of his head and lowered him down onto it, thrusting deep inside his mouth.

“Fuck yeah,” Blake encouraged his friend, who was now grunting loudly as he gagged Jon with his thrusts. Blake was stroking his cock as he watched the action taking place next to him.

Soon after, Nick pushed Jon up from his now-slobbery cock and onto Blake. Jon noticed that Blake had trimmed, dirty blonde pubes and low-hanging balls. His cock was definitely on this skinny side, but even longer than Nick’s at about 8 inches. He knew it would be a hard cock to swallow, but he was up for the challenge.

As he began to suck on the tip of Blake’s cock, he noticed the two men taking off their shirts. Nick, who had been wearing only the smallest of tank-tops, had little more to reveal. Even so, the full view of his torso was magnificent: He had well-defined pecs under some black chest hair, smooth abs, and hairy, sweaty pits. On the other hand, Blake had a thinner frame, with smooth, tanned skin that revealed a nice set of abs, and dirty-blonde pit hair.

“Let’s see if you can take all of Blake’s big dick,” Nick said as he leaned over and pushed Jon’s face down onto Blake’s groin.

Jon could tell Nick loved forcing him down, whether it was for his own cock or his buddy’s. But Jon didn’t mind. In fact, he loved the feeling of being absolutely used by the men. His eyes watered as he held back his gag reflex. Finally, he felt his lips touch Blake’s pubes and knew he had completely bottomed out on this massive cock.

“Fuck,” Blake moaned in pleasure. “This slut gives great head, bro,” he added for Nick.

As Jon continued sucking Blake’s cock, Nick stood up, fully removed his shorts, and got escort kağıthane on his knees behind Jon. Without a word, he pulled down Jon’s shorts and underwear just enough to reveal his ass, giving it a good, hard smack which made Jon yelp.

“Give it to him,” Blake encouraged Nick, knowing what his friend was about to do.

“Gotta make sure this slut’s tight little pussy can take us, bro,” Nick said in his deep voice as his spit on his hand to lube up his cock.

Jon felt his ass being pulled apart as Nick’s girthy cock pressed against his hole. He was happy his ass was so hairless, knowing it would help the illusion for Nick and Blake. Soon after, Jon felt Nick’s cock enter him.

“Fuck,” Jon gasped as he took all of Nick. “You’re so big!” His breathing became heavy as he felt a surge of pain. But soon, the feeling turned to pleasure as his hole stretched just enough to let in Nick.

The two men laughed at Jon’s struggle to take both of their cocks at once.

Nick held Jon’s waist with his huge right hand, while his left pressed down on Jon’s head into Blake’s groin. Blake was enjoying the assist from his buddy, leaning back on the couch with his hands behind his head, showing off his armpits as they emitted his natural scent.

“Oh fuck bro, I think I’m getting close,” said Blake.

“Give him your load, bro,” Nick encouraged as he held down Jon’s head on Blake’s dick.

Blake placed his hands on top of Nick’s as he began to thrust inside Jon’s mouth. Jon could hardly take it anymore, with Blake’s impressively long dick pressing deeper down his throat than any he’d taken before. Tears were streaming down his face. He loved every second of the experience.

Jon felt Blake’s cock throb as his orgasm built. Finally, it unleashed a torrent of jizz straight down Jon’s throat in at least 6 huge wads.

“I’m cumming,” Blake grunted, stating the obvious. Nick continued to hold down Jon’s head so that he swallowed every last drop of Blake’s cum.

Jon loved the intense expression on Blake’s face as he orgasmed, his face contorting from the intense pleasure of a release. Beads of sweat formed on his tanned skin, making the couch a little damp around him, especially near his ass.

“That was fucking intense,” said Blake, finally addressing Jon directly. “You’re a good cocksucker, bro!”

“Thanks,” said Jon with a smile. He was still on his knees, with Nick inside him from behind. As Nick’s girthy cock slid in and out of him, Jon smelled Blake’s cum and sweat from his softening dick, just inches from his face.

Nick was now thrusting harder than before, so that each time his balls clapped against Jon’s hairless taint. He groaned in pleasure.

“Give it to him,” Blake encouraged. “Stretch out his pussy, bro!”

Nick held tightly onto Jon’s hips with both hands, ramming his cock inside Jon. Jon squealed each time Nick bottomed out from the satisfying tinge of pain.

“I’m close,” Nick said through gritted teeth. “I’m gonna fill your pussy with my load, bro!”

“Fuck yeah,” shouted Blake.

“FUCK!” Nick shouted as he came inside Jon. As his cock sprayed cum, Nick’s body collapsed on top of Jon’s, so that his sweaty, muscular chest was pressed against Jon’s back and both their heads were near Blake’s cock on the couch.

Blake’s scent and the feeling of Nick’s pulsating cock was enough to push Jon over the edge. With his cock still covered by his underwear, he came powerfully into his shorts. He hadn’t even stroked himself once.

Jon knew this was one of the biggest loads he’d ever taken. For over a minute, Nick held him tightly as he came down from the high of a powerful orgasm.

“Damn, that was awesome,” said Nick when he finally pulled out, allowing a stream of jizz to drip out of Jon’s ass, soaking the back of his shorts which were still around his thighs. Jon collapsed to the ground, realizing he was desperately in need of a new changes of clothes.

Nick joined Blake on the couch. The two sweaty frat stars sat naked next to each other, and Jon looked up at them admiringly from the ground.

“So what do you think, Jon: Want to be our new roommate?”

Jon couldn’t believe it. Being their roommate would mean constant sex like this, plus dirt-cheap rent.

“When can I move in?”

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When Opportunity Cums Your Way

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Hello fellow Literotica readers. This is my first ever story. I have lots of ideas for more stories in the future…so if you could rate and comment (for my encouragement) it would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you enjoy it. S

The gym was even quieter than usual for a Friday evening, just the way I like it. Empty of the meat-head gym rats filling the room with their intimidating toxic atmosphere. Posing for each other, intoxicated in mutual admiration of biceps, hard quads and tight glutes. All under the guise of achieving perfection.

At 6.32 pm on a Friday, those types would by now have finished preening themselves and already be nose deep in a £20 bag, on the hunt for some weekend pussy. The room was also vacant of the annoying newbies, hogging space and mixing up the dumbbells. I wasn’t in the mood for those. It had been a long hard week at work and I just wanted to release a little bit of tension on the punch bag and run a few miles or so.

“See you later lads, see you Monday, yeah,” I shout to Rob and Connor. They have been regulars here at BodyPro for longer than I have. That left me and another guy, Caden, I think I’d heard people call him.

Caden has been coming to the gym two or three times a week for the last couple of months or so, we haven’t spoken apart from a few hello’s. He is a popular guy, but pretty quiet, and keeps himself to himself, much like myself. He arrives, trains with his air-pods in, showers and leaves. That’s pretty much everything I knew about him – up until this evening, like, up until right now. Now, I know that Caden is hung. I know this because I have spent an extra half hour on this treadmill, watching him, watching it, captivated by it…swinging and flopping around in his shorts.

I’m not bad looking and I’ve had my fair share of compliments but Caden is Calvin Klien model standard. Tall, at least 6’1″ with a chiseled, stubbled face. Outstanding physique but no muscle-bound meat-head by any means. The thin strands of his gym vest hang on his sculpted, tanned broad shoulders and he looks so sexy with his sweat-soaked hair swept up in a top-knot.

I’m consumed in fantasy watching, imagining its girth, its weight. I want to see it, taste it. I stop the treadmill and lean forward resting upon my forearms hoping for a peek up his shorts as he lays himself back on a bench. His biceps and triceps flex under the weight of a barbell. I can feel pre-cum oozing from my cock as the movement from his tapping feet makes his cock fall from laying on his thigh to nestled between what I imagine are big, heavy manly balls. I towel my face while heading for the showers, leaving before I start to drool.

Up to this point in my life I had never considered myself anything other than completely heterosexual; well, actually that’s not strictly a true statement if I’m honest. The last 6 months have been a rollercoaster of emotions, questioning my sexuality. I love women – all women, I wouldn’t say I even have a type. Older, younger, blonde, brunette. I’m not particularly fussy, if they are pretty and fun, that’s enough for me. Funnily enough, it was an ex of mine that had started me fantasizing about cock. It had taken a few weeks of persuading but it was Emma that had introduced me to pegging – getting fucked with a strap-on cock. I have always been willing to try new things, you don’t know you don’t like it if you don’t try it…right?

It started innocently enough with analingus during amazing blow-jobs, fingering my ass and giving me the most incredible prostate orgasms. We eventually progressed to sex toys and using dildos during amazing wank play. The experimentation took a dramatic turn one day when she announced. “I have a surprise for you,” Emma beamed a huge smile sitting next to a large cardboard box.

“What is it?” I asked. She grinned back at me, excited for me to open it.

“Open it and find out.” I tore off the tape, excited and curious. “Now don’t freak out!” Emma warned. I opened the box and rummaged through the styrofoam.

“Really?” I questioned. Holding up a harness and a 7″ silicone cock. “Don’t you think this is a step too far Emma!” Inside, secretly I was excited at the prospect.

“Why? You enjoy it, I enjoy it, so why not? No one’s gonna know, it doesn’t mean you’re gay or anything. There’s more by the way,” she laughed. Emma had perched herself on the edge of the bed with her legs crossed, temptingly revealing her stocking tops. She tapped the box, excited for me to see it.

I returned to the box searching Its depths. I pulled out a bigger 10″ cock. It was magnificent, thicker than the 7″ one. It had balls, veins and flared glans. The girth of its shaft made it hang under its weight. “Now that is a bit much Em! I can’t take that, that’ll do me damage,” I said. Holding it to my crotch, flopping it around.

“Don’t be ridiculous. We’ll use the lube and a smaller one first to open you up. You’ll fucking love it…you dirty slut!” Emna mocked. I loved it when she called me dirty escort topkapı names, it made everything feel so naughty and sordid.

“I’m not sure Em?” Emma fucked me that night, I loved it!” It wasn’t long before Emma became sexually dominant, making me her bitch. Abusing me, she would fuck my ass every night and force me to gag on those cocks. We split up a few months after that, I missed Emma but I quickly realised I missed getting fucked more. Was I Bisexual? Possibly. So, yeah, the last 6 months have been different.

I fantasize now about sucking cock, any cock, think about it weekly. No daily. I watch porn, now envious of the girls submitting to the power of big thick cocks, gagging and slobbering making them pulse and spasm as they shoot their cum. I’ve found myself looking at men to see if I am attracted to a certain ‘type’. Young and girlish or the masculine type or older and experienced. The dilemma I now face is does this fascination remain a fantasy or do I go for it and finally suck a real cock.


The showers and changing rooms at BodyPro had not yet been renovated from the old team shower set up of the old Feltham rugby ground. Group showers can be quite an intimidating place amongst hard bodies and endowed, confident men. The changing area was underwhelmingly finished in plain white tile. Slatted wooden benches lined its perimeter with a further bench down the center of one big open area. I had retrieved my belongings from the wall of lockers and set them down near the shower entrance on the right.

I was pleased to have the place to myself as I stepped into the showers with a rock-hard cock. Luckily I am now limp under one of the six shower heads. Caden is 3 shower heads along on my right. My insides are fluttering with nervous excitement at having him next to me – naked. I can see him out of my peripheral vision, I plunge my face under the stream of water to resist the temptation to watch. The body and the bare cock I have been lusting over for the last hour is right there next to me, hanging, swinging. I desperately wanted to let my eyes fall on it. I turn to my right, casually as I wipe the water flooding my face. I see it, it is huge. A monster, thick even in its flaccid state. Holy fuck!

In a split second, I watch hot soapy suds cascade down his hard body and waterfall off the tip of his big cock-head. I wish his hands were mine as they smooth over his tattooed thigh and across his tight buttocks, dipping his fingers in between his cheeks to clean his asshole. The water ripples off his tight, muscular torso and streams from his ballsack. Cleaning the length of his cock he jerks it to rinse under his foreskin, it flops down onto his soapy hanging balls. My heart sinks to my stomach as we catch a gaze into each other’s eyes. A smirk spreads across his face and I know he’s caught me. I quickly turn off my shower and leave as he fills a hand with shampoo and lathers his hair.

I quickly towel myself dry. I throw on my jeans and my Timberlands hoping to get out of the changing rooms before he’s finished. Fear and dread overcome me. I gulp and freeze for a second as I hear the water stop. Caden steps out of the shower, and his glorious cock passes me right at my eye level. Fuck! ok Jay, what are you gonna do now? I think to myself. Stepping to the mirror to comb my hair I see him, he’s staring straight at me as he towels himself off. My insides are swirling with nerves as I watch him, watching me. He stares. I think, I think he wants me to watch him. Ok, I’ll fuckin watch him!

I return to my seat and his eyes lock onto mine – I stare back. The room is deathly silent but for the sound of the towel on his skin. Lifting a foot onto the bench he displays his cock and balls to me proudly as he whips the towel over his head to dry his back. Oh my god, his body is flawless, I hold his gaze. My inner voice is going wild…he’s daring you, Jay, daring you to look at it. He looks away. I instantly explored his body. His thick chest has a light covering of dark hair wisping down over a ridged six-pack. Defined oblique muscles form a v-shaped torso and point down to a neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. I feel a twinge in my cock as I watch him stroke his foreskin back and forth making his heavy balls dance. His cock is thick at the root with a nicely veined soft-skinned shaft and a thick, flared dark red glans.

The air in the room is thick with tension and I’m so turned on. I turn away as I pull my T-shirt on.

“Are you off anywhere nice tonight?” he asked. Suddenly, breaking the tension and the silence.

“Sor…sorry what?” I answer.

“You off out? anywhere nice?” he repeats.

“Ah, sorry, No just over to The Crown for a couple, It’s been a long week y’know.”

“Yeah,” he replies. A cunning, wily smile spreads across his face as though he’s thinking or planning something.

Feeling a bit foolish and embarrassed I pick up my bag and jacket and leave.

“See you next escort kocaeli week, maybe.” I don’t look at him again or even wait for a response. I’m shaking like a leaf, I can’t get out of the place quick enough. My heart is racing and my mouth is so dry I feel sick. Finally, I hit the cool fresh air of the evening, I take a couple of deep breaths to calm myself. “Holy shit Jay, what the fuck? How did that happen?” I verbally ask myself in the dusk of the evening.

I jog myself over the road between the traffic, heading straight for the bar at The Crown. “A bottle of Peroni, and eh..2 shots of Don Julio please.” I rub my brow, mulling over what had just happened and replay the full scenario over again in my head, berating myself as I waited for my drinks.

“Hey, if you’re ever gonna suck a real cock Jay you’re gonna have to be a bit cooler than that,” I tell myself. “You could have sucked him off there but you bottled it, bottled it!” I shakily pay the barman, instantly shooting one of the tequilas at the busy bar, raucous with inaudible chatter.

I quickly snap up a table in the corner as a group of squawking middle-aged women leave, off to continue their Friday night. I sit myself down and take my second shot. I discreetly scan the room still feeling the nerves, still feeling the rush from the adrenaline surging through my body. Pulling out my phone I thumb through it, regretting my decisions.

“You completely bottled it there Jay, you pussy! That’s the closest you’ve come to a real cock, a fuckin amazing cock and he’s fuckin hot,” I say in my head.

Suddenly I feel the atmosphere around me change, someone standing close.

“Hi, mind if I join you? You kinda rushed off back there.” My heart drops into my stomach again, and a rush of energy tingles through me from radiating from my guts. I feel my pulse quicken at the sight of him and a thrill of goosebumps cloak my skin.

“E..erm,” I stutter. “Yeah, sure.” He offers a hand as he sits down right next to me, close to me.

“I’m Caden by the way.”


I tentatively put my hand in his and we touch for the first time. A shudder tingles through me like electricity. His touch lingered, and his thumb stroked my wrist, gently; a minuscule movement that didn’t go unnoticed.

“Nice to meet you, Jay. So, did you like it?”

“Sorry?” I question.

“Did you like it? My cock, did you like it?” I quickly looked left, right and all around to see if anyone might have heard.

“Oh, ehm, sorry about that.”

“Don’t be,” he answers, looking deep into my eyes, waiting for an answer. My guts swirl in flight turmoil. Do I run? Do I pursue this and submit to this long-held fantasy?

“So, did you like it?” He persists, making me squirm. I scan the room to see if anyone is watching us.

“Don’t worry, no one is listening, no one cares. Tell me.” He wants to hear me say it, admit it out loud.

“Y-yes,” I sheepishly reply. My voice cracking under the pressure.

“Yes, what?”

“Yeah, I liked your cock. Ok,” I answer. My voice trailed off, to almost a whisper. I feel my face flush like a teenager. He smiles in celebration of his victory, right there, he knew he had me. I gaze at him in awe. His chiseled jaw muscles twitch as he grins. He is so fuckin sexy and so brazen. I feel vulnerable and meek next to him, a feeling I’ve never had before, ever.

I watched a dimple form on his stubbled chin as his lips slowly part. His tongue moistens the soft plump mounds as he speaks.

“Good. You’re not gay, are you? You’re curious though aren’t you,” said Caden.

“Ehm Yeah, I guess so.”

“You guess so?” There’s no need to be so coy about it,” he chuckled. “Let me tell you what I think. You’re what, about 27,28. You’ve been curious for a few years, maybe even since school but you either denied it or you didn’t know how or even want to pursue your secret feelings. How am I doing?”

“Ehm, yeah.”

“But your fantasies are getting stronger now…and you don’t have a clue what to do about it, cos you’re a man!” he said clenching his fist at me.

“Ehm, well yeah that’s pretty much spot on. Apart from I’m 26.”

“Ha, I knew you were a newbie, so…the question is – are you gonna be brave enough to do something about it?”

“Yes,” I answer quickly, to my surprise.

“Ok, well, let me tell you, gay pickups work the same as hetero pickups work. You chat someone up, if you get good vibes then you take it from there. Simple as that – so just to make it blatantly obvious Jay, I’m chatting you up,” he says.

“Why? Why me?”

“Because Jay, you turned me on, spying on me working out in the gym and watching me in the shower.”

“You knew I was watching you in the gym too?”

“Yeah, the staring and the open mouth gave you away.” We both laugh, mine mostly from embarrassment.

“Can I get you another drink?”

“Ehm yeah, yes please”.

I watched him walk to the bar, I couldn’t keep şişli escort bayan my eyes off him. His ass was tight, his muscular thighs and hard calves looked strong and sculpted. On his return, I could see the outline of his glorious thick cock bouncing around in his shorts. He sat close to me again. I could feel the warmth of his thigh against mine and I was desperate to touch it.

“You still like what you see?”

“Yes, it looks delicious.” It thrills me to say the words, finally giving in to my fantasy.

I had checked out other men before but I was either instantly repulsed at the thought of touching them or quickly found some reason to turn myself off them, any reason. But Caden, I was, to my surprise, actually attracted to him and I had never had any attraction to a man, not a real man, in the flesh. I couldn’t keep my mind off flesh, big, thick, throbbing flesh. Caden catches me glance down at his thigh as it nestles against mine. “That.” I nudge him with my thigh, “That feels nice.”

“You can touch it if you like.” He holds my gaze, tempting me, testing my resolve.

“What, here? This is my local?” I scan around the room to see if anyone is taking any notice of us. “Listen, I want to. I want to. It’s just….Sorry. I, I’m just scared y’know,” I reply. My words almost mumbled in between nervous giggles.

I tentatively lower my hand below the table, wanting to show my willingness, wanting to please him. I rest my hand on his thigh, his soft warm thigh and it feels electric. I spread my fingers out over his soft skin, he smiles at my enjoyment. The risk of getting caught is intoxicating and I love it. Feeling brave I move my whole hand stoking up and down his thigh, he hitches the leg of his shorts up a little to tempt me further. His skin there is hotter, softer. My cock is stiff in my pants. I’m so aroused I want to go further, I want more, I want to feel the heat in my hands.

“Ok, I think that’s enough of that, this is my local, I know people here. So, how does this work now? I think I’ve given you enough vibes, what happens now?” I say, finally biting the bullet. I gulp at my beer and pick at the label with my thumbnail.

“Are you nervous?” He questions.


“What happens is up to you Jay. What do you want to happen? We can sit here and chat, we can go somewhere else if you feel uncomfortable here.”

“Hu ehm,” I laugh nervously.

“Don’t be shy, just tell me.”

“Listen, I’ve never done anything. But I want to. I want to go back to your place or we can go to mine. I, I’m just round the corner,” I stutter.

“Well, I think you’d be a bit more at ease at your place, wouldn’t you.”

“Ok, yeah. Let’s go before I bottle it.”

My pulse quickens, my head is a bumbling mess, and my skin is starting to get clammy in the realization of what I have just said. I need air.

“I tell you what, I’m gonna go now. I live on Hawthorne, literally just around the corner. Second block, number 6. Gimme 5 minutes and then come round. Is that ok?”

“Yeah, perfect., I’ll finish this drink and I’ll be there.” Caden agrees, to my delight.

“Ok then, I’m gonna go, I’ll see you in a bit then.” I feel his eyes on me as I leave, my knees feel weak as I try to walk out casually. I’m out, I’m running. My heart is racing in anticipation, my mind racing faster with scenarios of him, me, and us. Once again I talk out loud in the street to myself as I hurry home. “Holy fuck. I can’t believe this is happening. Oh fuck, calm down Jay. calm down.”


The longest 5 minutes of my entire life is slowly ticking by, waiting for Caden to show. I check the window again, craning my neck to see up the street.

“Fuck, He’s not coming.”

I feel, I actually don’t know what I feel.

Nervous, anxious, excited. I’m definitely aroused, my pulsing hard cock is evidence of that. I straighten the cushions on the sofa, again. I rush to the bathroom to check my appearance and a squirt of cologne. As I hurry to the window to check up the street once more, a knock at the door sends that butterfly feeling tingling through me. I feel sick with nerves. I take a second to calm myself and then I open the door. “Hi, did you manage to find it alright?”

“Yeah, yeah no problem.”

“Come in, come in, would you like a drink? Can I take your clothes?” I say with a nervous chuckle.

“Very clever,” Caden replies as he removes his shoes.

“Seriously though, would you like a drink or something? I don’t know how you wanna play this, I’m having tequila.”

“Yeah, that’d be good.”

I take a deep breath trying to control myself as I’m fully aware Caden can see my nervousness, I try but I can’t stop my hand from physically trembling as I pour us each a drink.

“Hey Jay, relax, come sit down and chat for a minute or two yeah.” I can’t quite believe what is about to happen or even that a man is sitting on my sofa, so confident and commanding. His shorts are stretched tight over his muscular thighs, his barefoot tucked under his other leg. I sit down next to him facing him, he smells divine and looks even better, damn even his feet are beautiful. “So, tell me, Jay, what type of men do you usually go for?”

“Urgh, none.”

“Oh?” he replies with a confused look.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Muhasebeciyi Yatağa Attım_1

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Muhasebeciyi Yatağa Attım_1

Olay geçen nisan ayında yaşandı. Kişilerin isimlerini güvenlik gerekçesiyle değiştirdim ancak yaşananlar gerçektir. Bir inşaat firmasında çalışmaktaydım. Serpil de aynı firmanın muhesebesinde çalışıyordu. Serpil evli bir çocuk annesi benden 5-6 yaş büyük 34-35 yaşlarındaydı. Vücudu çok güzeldi hafif balıketli ve kalçaları beline göre genişti.

Onunla uzun süre hiç muhabbetimiz olmamıştı ama onun sürekli göğüs dekolteli giyim tarzı ve dar pantolonlara olan hevesi ona karşı bir heyecan duymama neden oldu. Sürekli yanına gidip geyik muhabbeti yapıyordum. Bir süre sonra o da bana alıştı.

Benim de giyim tarzım genellikle bol kot pantolonlardır ve kemeri sıkınca beli toplandığından sikim kotun üzerinden belli olur. Bazen sırf heyecan olsun diye bayan çalışanların yanı gidip (başta serpil olmak üzere) iş bahanesiyle teşhir yapardım. Onların kaçamak bakışları hoşuma giderdi ama belli etmezdim.

Karşılıklı teşhir durumu bir aydan fazla devam etti. Bir gün Serpil sebilden su alırken hafif eğilmişti ve o biçimli götüne bakakalmıştım. O gün aklıma koydum bu hatunla sikişmem gerekiyor diye. Ama işler benim için yolunda gitmedi ve işten ayrıldım. Bir kaç ay hiç konuşmadık ama daha sonra mesajlşırken lafı bir şekilde ondan hoşlandığıma getirdim. Cesaretimi toplayıp buluşalım dedim. Önce yok falan dedi ama sonra kabul etti. Serpil kocasından şiddet gören ve mutlu olmayan bir kadındı.

İlk buluşmada eve gitmeye ikna edemedim. İkinci buluşma eve gel kek falan yaparım dedim şaka yollu. O da “yap bir de seninkini yiyelim dedi”. Bu sözden sonra tamam dedim ve iki hafta sonrasına sözleştik. Yarım gün çalıştığı bir cumartesi günü onu şirketin önünden aldım eve doğru eve gittik. Eve çıkınca montunu çıkarttı hemen.Biçimli vücudunu göstermek için daracık bir kıyafet giymişti. Hatta bir ara ayakkabınlarını çıkarmak için tam önümde bir domaldı aklımı aldı başımdan, iyice azmıştım. Önce mutfağa geçtik çay kahve sohbet falan derken pat diye ondan hoşlandığımı tekrar söyledim. Biraz utangaç tavır gösterdi sonra içeri geçtik çok geçmeden dudaklarımız buluştu. Çok keyif alıyordum ve sikim de kazık gibi olmuştu. Elbisesinin üstünden amını göğüslerini okşuyordum. Hiç sesini çıkartmıyordu ve utanmıyordu. Bi beş dakika sonra kaldırdım koltuktan ve arkasına geçip sikimi götüne yaslayıp yatak odasına götürdüm boynunu öperek.

Artık ok yaydan çıkmıştı. Tişörtümü çıkartmak istedim, tuttu, çıkartma dedi. Bi süre öpüşmeye devam ettik. Onu yatağa yatırıp altıma aldım hiç itiraz etmeden bacaklarını araladı. Bu hareketiden cesaret alarak birden pantolonumu donumla birlikte indirdim. Kazık gibi olmuş sikimi görünce bir an utandı ve “çok ileri gidiyorsun!” diyerek gözlerini kaçırdı ama kısa süre sonra elini sikime attı ve okşamaya başladı. Sonrasında bilgisayarda porno film açıp uyku moduna almıştım. Düğmesine basıp açtım ve film oynamaya devam etti. “Ne oluyor?” diye şaşkınlıkla sordu. Ben de havaya girmemizi sağlar dedim, güldü. Filmde kadın adama sakso çekiyordu, “ben de istiyorum” diyip sikimi ağzına yaklaştırdım, önce yine yok falan dedi ama sonra profesyoneller gibi emmeye başladı. Daha iki dakika olmamıştı ki aniden boşalacak gibi oldum. “Boşalıyorum” dedim duyunca hemen ağzından çıkarttı ve suratına doğru patır patır boşaldım. Spermlerimin bir kısmı elbisesine geldi. Sinirlenip banyoya gitti. Ben de o gidince üzerimdekileri çıkarttım sikimi temizldim. Beş dakika sonra temizlenip geri geldi. Yatağa sırt üstü uzandım. Önce sinirliydi ama sonra üstündekileri hızlıca çıkarttı.

Aylardır merak ettiğim o gürüntü karşımdaydı. Sikim yine kazık gibi oldu. Bu sefer çok kısa bir sakso çekti ve eliyle sıvazladı. Önce ben de senin ağzına vermek istiyorum dedi ve sırt üstü yanıma uzandı. Hemen bacaklarının arasına geçtim ve bşaladım amını yalamaya. Doğum yapmış bi kadına göre amı çok düzgündü. Ben yaladıkça amı sulanmaya başladı. “iki senedir hiç olmadı” dedi. Ne yani iki senedir hiç sikilmemiş bir kadın…Tam bunu düşünürken o da sarsılarak boşaldı. Ağzımda yapış yapış bir tat oluştu. Sonra yukarı çıkıp dudaklarına yumuldum. Benim ufaklığın kafasını Serpil’in amına denk getirdim ve bastırdım. “ohhh” dedik beraberce. Amı yanıyordu. Önce kibar tavırlarla girip çıktım zevkten kendimi kaybetmiştim, aradan ne kadar geçtiğini hatırlamıyorum kendime geldiğimde sertçe girip çıkıyordum ve her seferinde de şaak şaak ses çıkıyordu.

Serpil ben üstte geçmek istiyorum dedi. Hemen alttaki pozisyonumu aldım. O da yüzü bana dönük bir şekilde sikime oturdu. O anda karyolanın başlığına ellerini uzattı ve adeta benim bir fetişist olduğumu bana ispat etti. Koltukaltından yayılan deodorant ve ter kokusu beni bir aygıra dönüştürdü. Traşlanmış koltukaltından çok etkilenmiştim. Alttan amını parçalarcasına pompalıyordum. Onunda hoşuna gitti ve “sakın durma devam et” dedi. Çok geçmeden bir kez daha sarsılarak boşaldı. Ben o sakso çekerken boşaldığımdan daha finale biraz daha vardı.

Bilgisayardaki filmde hala oynuyordu ve filmdeki adam kadına yatakta yan dönmüş arkadan pompalıyordu. Öyle yapalım mı dedim. Olur dedi ve arkasını döndü önden kolunu boynuma doladım ve arkasından amına soktum. Başımı koltukaltına yaslayıp hayvan gibi sokup çıkarıyordum. Amı iyice sulandığından çok rahat kayıyordu. Kısa bir süre sonra bende boşalacağımı anladım ve beline sarılıp kasıla kasıla içine boşaldım.

Bir süre öylece kalakaldık. Sonra Serpil bana döndü ve öpüşmeye devam ettik. Duş alalım beraber dedim geç kalırım diyerek kabul etmedi ıslak medille temizledi kendini. Yolda keşke prezervatif kullansaydık dedi. Kocası eve dönmeden evine bıraktım. Bir sonraki sefere sözleşip ayrıldık.

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bir erkeğin gizli dünyası–ALIŞVERİŞ DEVAMI

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Bir erkeğin gizli dünyası–ALIŞVERİŞ DEVAMI
O gece bizim için yeni maceralara attığımız ilk adımdı.Çünkü yeni evlendiğim karımla aramızda ki bir duvarı yıkmış güven konusunda bir adım ileri gitmiştik.Şimdi bu süreçte nasıl ilerlememiz gerektiğine karar vermeliydik.Bunun için de karımla konuşmam gerekiyordu…

karımı koltuktan kucakladığım gibi yatak odasına götürdüm.onu yatağa bıraktıktan sonra bence içecek birşeyler almak için odaya tekrar döndüm.iki bira ve birazda meyve hazırlayıp tekrar yatağa döndüm.İkimizde yatak sohbetlerini çok seviyorduk.o yüzden onu yatak odasına götürmek istedim.
ben yatak odasına girdiğimde oda altına iç çamaşırını geçirmiş yatakta uzanıyordu.elimde ki tepsiyi görünce gülümseyerek kocam karısına iyi bakıyor diye seslendi.bende o benim herşeyim diyerek yanına uzandım.Biralarımızdan birer yudum aldıktan sonra da sırt üstü uzanmış karımın pürüzsüz teninde parmaklarımı dolaştırmaya başladım.ikimizde sessizce uzanmış müzik dinliyorduk.
bu sırada parmaklarım bacaklarından göbeğine çıktı.tam orada durup karıma seslendim.biliyor musun,sana benimle ilgili hiç bilmediğin bişe itiraf edeceğim.benim için bir kadının en özel yeri göbeğidir.neden bilmiyorum ama bana çok sevimli geliyor.başımı oraya koyup yatmak bana huzur verir dedim.oda sen çok garip bir adamsın,duyacağım hiç bir şey beni şaşırtmıyor artık dedi.
bende, birbirimiz hakkında birçok şeyi bilmiyoruz ama zamanla keşfetmek çok eğlenceli olacak birbirimizden sıkılmak için uzunca bir süre sebebimiz olmayacak dedim.oda haklısın derken dudaklarıma küçük bir öpücük kondurmuştu.
hadi dedim.başla…
neye başlayayım diye sordu karım.
bana ne sormak istersen sorabilirsin.istediğin herşeyi sorabilirsin.bu gece dürüstlük gecemiz olsun dedim bende.
karım ise,peki ozaman şöyle yapalım.bu gecenin konusu seks ve fantaziler olsun.bu gece sadece seksle ilgili konuşalım dedi.
bende bana uyar dedim.peki ahlak sınırı var mı dedim gülerek:)?
oda sınır yok ama dürüst olacağımıza söz verelim önce dedi.
bende anlaştık diyerek hadi ilk sen başla o zaman dedim.
birasından bir yudum aldıktan sonra o meşhur soruyla başladı karım.
kaç kişiyle birlikte oldun hayatın boyunca tahminen? hatırlıyor musun ?
🙂 güldüm.klasik sorularla ortamı ısıtmak istiyorsun öyle mi dedim.hadi cevap ver sırada bir sürü sorum var dedi.
tam hatırlamıyorum ama 30 u geçmiştir dedim.
tamam sıra sende dedi bana.bende biraz düşündükten sonra,
bana yaşadığın en ahlaksız seks anısını anlat dedim.
yuh aq ilk sorudan böyle giriş mi olur dedi omuzuma vururken bende güldüm tabi:) pardon aşkım çok yavaş ilerliyorduk dedim bende:)
ee cevabın dedim..karımda bir dikişte kalan birasını bitirip,dur o zaman kendime bi bira alayım o sırada düşüneyim hem diyerek yataktan atladığı gibi çıktı odadan.
onun gitmesiyle bende kendime bir sigara yakıp onu beklemeye başladım.
ve bir süre sonra karım elinde birasıyla kapının eşiğine yaslanıp bana bakarak dedi ki,
bu gece konuşulanlar bu geceye ait olacak sonradan kızmak uzatmak yargılamak sorgulamak yok ama tamam mı dedi.tamam karım söz verdik ya herşey geçmişte kaldı birbirimizi yaşanmış şeyler için kıracak değiliz ya dedim.
tamam ozaman dedi birasından bir yudum daha aldı.sırtını kapı eşiğine yaslamış karımın göğüsleri loş ışıkta öyle seksi görünüyordu ki..uçlarının iriliği nefes alışverişinde inip kalkmaları sikimi tekrar kaldırmıştı.nerdeyse oyunu yarıda bırakıp karıma tekrar saldıracaktım ki…
karım yanıma gelip yataga bi keresinde bi gecede üç farklı erkekle birlikte olmuştum dedi.
en ahlaksızı buydu sanırım dedi utanmış gibi yüzünü kapatarak.
yuh dedim.nasıl oldu ki o? grup seks mi dedim şaşırmış gibi ?
yok hayır.daha da kötüsü dedi.
nasıl yani anlatsana hadi dedim.tamam hiç lafımı bölme bitene kadar dinle o zaman dedi.
biz birgün kız arkadaşımla marmarise gitmiştik dedi.gençlik yıllarıydı işte nerde akşam orda sabah.akşama kadar deniz güneş,akşamda kafamıza göre bi bara gidip takılıyorduk dedi.
neyse böyle bir kaç gün geçmişti ki,bir gece bi bara gittik dedi.orda dans ederken çok yakışıklı bi çocukla tanıştım,gece de bizi evlerine davet ettiler dedi.nasıl yani kaç kişilerdi ki diye ben sordum bu defa.karım da üç dört arkadaşlardı işte istanbuldan gelmişler hepside kafa dengi kibar ortam çocuklarıydı dedi.bide böyle rahatsız edici tavırları yoktu herkes kendi halinde tiplerdi dedi.
ee devam et deyince,işte böyle onlarla o gece yazlıklarına gittik.sonra içmeye orda devam ettik dedi.
sonra içlerinden birisi sigara çıkartıp sarmaya başladı.bizde birer ikişer nefes içtik işte dedi.
sonra gece baya geç oldu,hepimizin kafası güzeldi ama ben kolay kolay sarhoş olmam dirençliyimdir yani,baktım etrafa biri biyerde biri diğer tarafta sızmış yatıyordu dedi.bende susadıgım için mutfağa doğru kalkıp gittim.tam içeri girecekken bu barda hoşlandığım çocuk elinde bi hap suyla onu içiyordu dedi.sonra yanına yaklaştım o kadar içki içtin dokunmasın o içtiğin neydi diye sordum.hani ben ağrı kesici flan mı acaba diye düşündüm dedi.ben güldüm o sırada tabi:) ee neymiş ya dedim?
yok ağrı kesici değilmiş.istersen bi tane de sana vereyim uyku bastı bu enerji verir deyince bende biraz cahillik biraz delilik birazda gençliğin verdiği cesaretle ver bende içeyim diyerek aldım bi tane suyla içtim hemen dedi.neyse çıktık mutfaktan salona geçtik tekrar.15 20 dkka geçmişti ki baktım herkes biyerde bayılmış uyuyor.bende biraz mayışmıştım ki kalkıp dışarı çıkayım biraz hava alırsam açılırım diye düşünmüştüm dedi.neyse ben çıkınca bu hoşlandığım çocukta peşimden geldi dedi.
biz orda onunla sevişmeye başladık bir süre,sonra bir anda bana bişeler olmaya başladı dedi.
ben güldüm yine tabi:) ee sonra dedim?
böyle içimde bi titreşimler bi baş dönmesi kollarıma doğru hızlı bir uyuşma flan..panik oldum çocuktan ayrılıp ayağa kalktım.inan çok korkmuştum hatta öleceğimi bile düşündüm o an dedi.
beni böyle panik gören çocukta geldi elimi flan tutup sakin ol iyisin bişeyin yok panik olmak uyuşukluk gececek diyerek beni sakinleştirmeye çalışıyordu dedi.gerçekten de dediği gibi oldu.kalp çarpıntım bir anda duruldu,uyusukluk geçmedi ama inanılmaz bir enerji doldum.yerimde duramıyor sürekli koşturmak hareket etmek istiyordum dedi.
ve o enerjiyle çocuğu kolundan tuttuğum gibi yukarı odaya çıkarttım sonrada onunla sevişmeye başladık dedi.ben ilk defa bu kadar kendimden geçmiş gibi seks yapıyordum,ve gerçekten çok haz alıyordum bütün sinir uçlarım uyarılıyordu sanki,inanılmaz bir zevk inanılmaz bir haz yaşıyordum dedi.ama çocuk çok kısa sürede boşaldı ve birdaha da sertleşemedi dedi.biraz bekledim ama baktım o sızmaya başlıyordu benimde hiç uykum yoktu giyinip duşa gireyim diye aşagı indim tekrar dedi.
duş ne alaka flan dedim ben oda ya aslında o an aklımda yoktu ama vucudum çok sıcak geldi bana ılık suya girersem biraz serinlerim diye düşünmüştüm dedi.
sonra alt kata indim tam banyoyu bulup girmiştim ki içerde birinin ayakta klozete işediğini gördüm.ama o kafayla hiç geri çıkmak içinde yeltenmedim gayet sakin birşekilde ben duşa girecektim diye banyonun perdesini açıyordum sonra dedim.
perdeyi açıp suyu ayarlarken başımı çevirip işeyen çocuğa baktım dedi.işini bitirmiş ama çıkmayıp bana bakıyordu öylece dedi.o bana bakınca dikkatlice bende şöyle bi üstüme göz gezdirdim ki..o anda şok olmuştum dedi.niye ki diye sordum ben tabi..
ya ben odadan nasıl çıktım hiç hatırlamıyorum bile,altımda iç çamaşırı üstümede tşörtü sütyensiz takıp öylece çıkmışım,bu çocukta beni öyle görünce ağzı açık bana bakıyordu işte dedi.
o an sevgiyi öyle bir hayal ettim de…ben olsam saldırırdım sana dedim gülerek.
oda öyle yaptı zaten dedi.nasıl yani deyince, bir anda bana saldırdı işte dedi.
ee sen ne yaptın peki dedim?
verdim ona orda dedi.(kişisel blogum,birerkegingizlidunyasi13blogspot)
yuh be karım bu kadarda açık sözlü olmasaydın keşke dedim biramdan içerken.napim dürüst olacağız demedik mi hem oldu bitti işte geçmiş geçmiştir dedi.
tamam bişe demedim.devam et hadi sen dedim bende.
sonra başladı tekrar,çocuk beni öyle görünce bir anda üstüme atladı,göğüslerimi flan sıktı bir yandan da kalçalarımı okşuyordu ben zaten kötüydüm karşı koyacak gücüm yoktu ama bende zaten çok zevk almıştım ve bir anda onunla sevişmeye başladık işte.tabi onunk**e çok uzun sürmedi bir iki git gelden sonra içimden çıkıp yere doğru boşaldı.zaten boşalır boşalmaz ben çamaşırımı giyip çıktım ordan.onu da orda bırakmıştım dedi.sonra ne yaptın peki dedim.
ya üstümü başımı farkedince tekrar odaya gideyim diye yukarı çıktım.ama üç tane kapı vardı.hangisi bizim oda karıştırdım biran.bende birinden içeri girdim.baktım sağa sola şansıma doğru odaya girdim diye düşünüp yorganı açtım ve yatağa yattı dedim ben gülerek:)?
evet yanlış odaymış aq dedi.yatağa yatınca yatakta ki çocuk gözünü açtı bana baktı.tabi şaşkın şaşkın sen kimsin der gibiydi.bende o an yanlış odaya girdim diyemedim tabi.güldüm ona boş boş bakarak.gerçekten salakça bir durumdu çünkü bozuntuya vermek istemedim dedi.
sonra arkamı ona dönüp uyumayı düşündüm.ama bir süre sonra çocuğun sikini kalçalarımda ara soyundu çıplak mı yattı anlamamıştım ben dedi.ama sikini kalçalarımda hissettiğim an bir süre sessizce bekledim belki istemediğimi düşünüp devam etmez diye dedi.ama benim hareketsiz kalmamdan cesaret bulup kilodumu kenara kaydırıp bir anda içime sokmak için zorlamaya başladı dedi.o anda anladım ki kurtulamayacaktım ama bu içtiğim her ne boksa herşey bana öyle çok haz veriyordu ki,karşı koymak bir yana ben bile istiyordum o anda seks yapmayı dedi.
ve üçüncü çocuklada yatakta birlikte oldum,ama bu digerleri gibi değildi,beni bir saat bırakmadı,ve bu bir saatte üç defa boşalmasına rağmen siki hale çok sert görünüyordu dedi.
ama artık içim kurumuş ve canım acımaya başlamıştı zaten saatler ilerledikçe bende ayılıp ne yaptığımın farkına varmıştım.o odadan çıkıp arkadaşımı bulup onuda kaldırdım biran önce kendimizi dışarı atıp biraz yürüyüp bir taksi bulup otele zor attık kendimizi.sonrada zaten tatilimiz bitmişti eve geri döndük diye anlattı karım yaşadıklarını bana.
ben ise onu dinlerken ikinci biramıda bitirmiş kafam iyice güzel olmuştu.
anlattıklarından mı yoksa karşımda heykel gibi duran vücudundan mı etkilendim bilmiyorum ama sikim taş kesilmişti yine.
ve yeni bir soru sormadan başını tutup sikime doğru bastırdım.oda hiç itiraz etmeden ağzının içine alıp emip yalamaya başladı..
bir süre sonra tam boşalacaktım ki,sikimi ağzından çıkartıp şimdi sen cevapla aynı soruyu tekrar sikimi ağzına alıp yalamaya devam etti.
ben biraz düşündüm ve grup seks yaptım dedim.
ama kiminle ve nerede olduğunu anlatmadan karımın ağzından sikimi çıkartıp onu yüz üstü yatağa yatırdım.bir hamlede de üstüne çıkıp iç çamaşırını dizlerine kadar sıyırdım.
kalçalarını ellerimle ayırırken karımın amı görünmüştü arası sikimi içine doğru sokup kalçalarını tekrar bıraktım avuclarımdan..dibine kadar soktuğum sırada inlerken karım ikinci soruyu sormuştu.kiminle yaptın ve nerede?
ben bu soruya cevap vermek istemiyordum aslında henüz bunun için erken olduğunu düşünüyordum ama karım kalçalarını yukarı doğru kaldırıp beni kudurturken bir yandan da hadi cevap ver diye inliyordu.bende bir anda eski karımla diyerek karımın içine doğru spermlerimi boşaltmaya başladım..
ve o anda başımı kaldırıp sevgiye baktığımda,başını arkaya çevirmiş put gibi bana bakıyordu iri gözleriyle…

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
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Adanalı Hanımağa 14

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Adanalı Hanımağa 14
Arkasındaki yerimi aldım. Hanımağa’nın kaldırdığı yarağımı götünün derin yarığına sürttüm bir süre. Sürterken Hanımağa “Hadi ulan!” demeye başlamıştı kısık sesiyle. “Tamam!” dedim usulca ve başparmaklarımla amını iyice ortaya çıkardım.

Dudaklarının arasındaki etli boşluğa soktum yarağımı. Yoğun bir sıcaklık vücuduma yayılmaya başladı. Kısa sürede dibine kadar içindeydi yarağım. Bir süre o şekilde bekledim. Dolgun göt yanaklarını kavrayıp ağır ağır gidip gelmeye başladım içinde.

Acele etmeden, zevkine vara vara sikiyordum. Göt deliğini açığa çıkardım parmaklarımla bu sırada. Sağ başparmağımı deliğin ağzında oynatırken Hanımağa ağzından çıkan fısıltıyı andıran sesler eşliğinde inliyordu. Ara sıra hızlanıyor sonra yine yavaşlıyordum.

Amının yağlı sıvısının etkisiyle içinde gidip gelmem çok kolaydı. Ancak bu yavaşlık Hanımağa’nın hoşuna gitmemişti. “Adam gibi sik ulan, bu ne!” dedi başını çevirip. O zaman amında yarağımı sağa sola oynatarak sikmeye başladım. Yarağım amının duvarlarına sürtündükçe zevke geliyordu Hanımağa ama bu da yeterli değildi onun için. Daha hızlı yapmamı istiyordu.

“Az doğrul o zaman!” dediğimde dirseklerini koydu masanın üstüne. Götü biraz daha havaya kalkmıştı bu sayede. Yarağımı amından çıkarmadan pompalamaya başladım. Ecem’in şarkıları eşliğinde Hanımağa’yı istediği gibi hızlı hızlı sikiyordum. Yağlı göt yanakları löpür löpür oynuyordu her yarak darbemle.

Ama aklım götündeydi. Sağ başparmağımı yavaşça soktum içine. Göt deliği açılıp genişlerken ilk boğumuna kadar içine girmişti. Hanımağa bundan keyif almış gibi sarı saçlarını savuruyor, başını oynatıyordu durmadan. Göt yanakları kasılıp gevşiyordu. Deliği parmağıma yoğun bir baskı yapıyordu.

Ayaklarını oynattıkça siyah topuklu ayakkabılarının yerdeki mermer zemin üstünde çıkardığı sesler sikişmemizin seslerine karışıyordu. Hafif hafif götünü çalkalıyordu Hanımağa, birkaç defa kendisi ileri geri yaylandı ben sabit şekilde dururken. Pasif bir şekilde sikilmek yerine olayın içine katılmak istiyordu.

Büyük maun masanın üstündeki ıvır zıvırlar sikişmemizin etkisiyle yer değiştirirken açık duran laptopun ekranı sallanıyordu. Hanımağa keyifli iniltiler çıkarırken ben de ona katılıyordum. Ama birilerinin duymaması için kendimizi tutuyorduk.

Amından çıktım bir süre sonra. Hanımağa “Geldin mi!” diye sordu oysaki boşalmama daha çok vardı. Cesaretimi toplayıp “Arkandan girmek istiyorum!” dediğimde doğruldu. Amından sikilmek istiyordu, götünü vermek gibi bir niyeti yoktu. Hiçbir şey demese de yüzündeki ifade bunu gösteriyordu. Açık kahverengi gözleri çakmak çakmaktı. Hanımağa gibi bir kadını sikmek büyük bir olay iken götünden sikmeye kalkmak daha da zordu. Ona hakaret etmek gibi bir durumdu.

“Sen git karını sik götünden, adam gibi yapacaksan yap, yoksa siktir git!” dedi dişlerini sıkarak. “Tamam, kızma, sadece söyledim!” dediğimde bir şey diyecek gibi oldu ama sessiz kaldı. Ardından yeniden domaldı ve bacaklarını ayırdı. Yarağımı tutup soktum amına tekrar ve gidip gelmeye başladım içinde. Ama az önceki şevk ve şehvetin yerini şimdi sıradanlık almıştı. Sırf sikişmiş olmak için sikişen karı kocalar gibiydik.

Amına var gücümle pompalıyordum. “Şlop şlop şlop şlop!” sesleri sahnedeki Ecem’in şarkılarına eşlik ediyordu. Hanımağa ufak ufak inlemeye başlamıştı ama önceki yoğunluğu ve arzusu yoktu.

Üç kere boşalmanın etkisiyle dördüncüsü gecikiyordu ama Hanımağa bitirmemi istiyordu artık. “Belim ağrıdı, hadi!” derken daha da hızlandım erkenden boşalabilmek için.

Dolgun göt yanaklarının sallanışları, kasıklarımızın çarpışması, çıkan tok sesler, Hanımağa’nın savrulan sarı saçları derken kendimi kaybetmişçesine yükleniyordum amına. Zevkten inliyordum artık. Yarağım amında kolayca gidip geliyordu, içinin genişliği ve derinliği sayesinde kafasından dibine kadar girip çıkıyordu.

Açık duran laptopun ekranı şiddetle sallanırken masanın üstündeki kalemlik, zımba, sumen vs. eşyalar yer değiştiriyor, zıplıyordu. Hanımağa “Hadi ulan, her yerim ağrıdı!” diyordu kısık sesle. Klima kapalıydı. Üzerinde siyah kâğıt çekili pencere de kapalıydı ve oda çok sıcak olmuştu. Alnımda biriken ter damlacıkları yüzüme akıyordu.

Hanımağa’nın göt yanakları kızarmıştı artık. Kalkmaya çalışırken beline bastırdım. “Amına koyduğumun ibnesi, çabuk ol!” diye çıkışırken üzerimde hissettiğim baskı nedeniyle boşalmam daha da gecikiyordu.

Amından çıktım. Yarağım şişmiş gibiydi. Elinden tutup kaldırdım Hanımağa’yı. “Kasıklarım ağrıdı lan!” dedi. Doğrusu benim de taşaklarım ağrımıştı. Yüzü kızarmış ve ter içinde kalmıştı. “Gelmedin mi daha, ne kadar uzun sürüyor seninki!” dedi yüzünü kapatan uzun saçlarını geriye atarken.

“Gel şöyle!” dedim ve koltuk altlarından tutup masanın üstüne oturttum. Baskın erkek rolüm Hanımağa’nın hoşuna gitti. “Yat bakalım!” dediğimde laptopu kenara iterek uzandı masaya. Bacaklarını tutup ayırdım ve geriye attım. Pileli eteği aşağı kayarken kızarmış amı çıktı ortaya. Yarağım gibi onun da amı şişmişti. Dudakları nar gibi olmuştu.

Ellerini dizlerinin arkasına koydu Hanımağa. Yarağımın kafasını bir süre amının üzerine ve dudaklarına sürttüm. Hemen alttaki göt deliği açığa çıkmıştı, tüm cazibesiyle önümdeydi. Ama göt deliğini es geçip amına soktum yarağımı. Dibine kadar içine girdiğinde Hanımağa’dan ıkınma benzeri bir ses geldi. Başını dik tutmaya çalışıp bakıyordu bana.

Ellerimi kalçalarına attım ve amına yüklenmeye başladım. Yarağım boydan boya giriyordu içine yine. Her girip çıkışında şişkin dudakları yaprak misali oynuyordu. Hanımağa şimdi daha rahattı ve inlemeleri çoğalıyordu. O ara içinde kalemlerin olduğu metal kalemlik yere düştü ve mermer zeminde şiddetli bir ses çıkardı.

“Yavaş lan!” dedi Hanımağa. Dışardaki adamına kapının önünde durmamasını söylemişti ama belli de olmazdı. Ellerini masanın üstüne koyup destek alıyordu şimdi. Bacakları havada iki yana ayrılmıştı pergel gibi. Ayak bileklerinden sıkıca kavrayıp ağır ağır sikmeye başladım o zaman. Yavaş hareketlerle girip çıkıyordum amına. Hanımağa dudaklarını emiyor, ısırıyordu. Beyaz yüzündeki kızarıklık artarken ter damlaları saç diplerini ve alnını kaplamıştı.

“Götün çok harika, tam sikmelik!” dedim aldığım keyifle. Hanımağa ıkınıp inlemelerinin arasında cevap vermedi sözlerime. “Bir kere yapsak olmaz mı!” dedim bu kez de. Buna da yanıt vermedi. Yarağımda boşalmanın gecikmesiyle birlikte ağrı hissetmeye başlamıştım.

Birden Hanımağa “Çok mu istiyorsun!” diye sordu. “Her şeyden çok!” dedim. “Tamam, ama burda olmaz!” diye karşılık verdi. “Söz mü!” dediğimdeyse “Söz ama sen de bitir artık şunu!” dedi kısık sesle. Aldığım cevapla dünyalar benim olmuştu. Havadaki bacaklarını omuzlarıma attım. Amına yine hızlıca pompalamaya başladım.

Hanımağa’nın göz kapakları hızlı hızlı açılıp kapanıyor, burun kanatları genişleyip daralıyordu. Siyah gömleğinin altındaki şişkin memeleri oynuyordu sürekli. Aldığım söz beni boşalmaya yaklaştırmıştı. Yakın ve müsait bir zamanda götünü bana verecekti, Hanımağa sözüydü bu.

Sonunda uzun sikişmemiz boşalmamla sona erdi. Sikişimiz uzun ama boşalmam kısa sürmüştü. Ama kısa da olsa yoğun bir zevk dalgasının içinde yüzüyor gibiydim. Bütün enerjim tükenmişti, amından çıktığımda ayakta durmaya mecalim yoktu.

Kendimi koltuğa bırakırken Hanımağa uflayıp puflayarak doğruldu. “Bitirdin beni puşt!” dedi gülümseyerek. Onun da zevk aldığı belliydi. Saçlarını geriye atıp kutu mendilden birkaç tane çekip yüzünü ve amını sildi. Bana da uzattı mendil kutusunu. Birkaç tane çekip yarağımı sildim, döl niyetine çok bir şey yoktu üstünde. Ama sıcak suyun içine girip şişen sosis gibi olmuştu yarağım.

Hanımağa üzerini düzeltti. Ceketini çıkartmak aklımıza gelmediğinden hem gömlek hem ceket kadıncağız su içinde kalmıştı. Koltuğun üstüne attığım külotunu giyindi. Yanıma oturdu. Sol elini dizime vurup “Aslanım benim!” dedi neşeyle. Yanağıma bir öpücük kondurup “Hadi giyin bakalım. Ben çıkıyorum şimdi, sen burada bekle beni!” dedi.

Kalkıp giyindim. Kâğıt mendilleri aldı ve avucunun içine koyarak sıktı. Kimsenin görmemesi için banyoya atacaktı. Kilitli kapıyı açtı yavaşça ve dışarı çıktı. Kapının önünde kimselerin olmaması şansımızaydı.

Pencereyi açtım, önce güzel bir serinlik çarptı yüzüme ardından Adana’nın sıcak ve nemli havası girdi odaya. Klimayı açtım daha sonra. Koltuğa oturup kendime gelmeye çalıştım.

Hanımağa 10 dakika kadar sonra geldi. Yüzünü yıkamıştı. “Ufff, çok şükür serinlemiş içerisi!” dedi. Yerdeki kalemleri topladı, kalemliği masanın üzerine koydu. Ceketinin cebindeki altın tabakadan bir sigara çıkarıp yaktı, birkaç derin nefes çektikten sonra bana uzattı. Ben de birkaç nefes çektim.

Derken masanın çekmecesini açtı. Elinde bir tabanca tutuyordu. Usta ve seri bir şekilde tabancanın şarjörünü söküp namludaki mermiyi çıkardı, şarjörü tekrar takıp emniyetini kapadı. Ardından bana uzattı tabancayı.

“Ne bu!” dediğimde “Al işte, sana veriyorum, benim yanımda çalışmaya başlayacaksan alışacaksın buna!” dedi. Askerlikten beri elime silah almamıştım. Düğünümde hediye ettiği tabanca bile yıllardır dolabın içindeki işlemeli kutusunda kilitli duruyordu. Hayatımdaki ilklerden biriydi bu. Kendine yeni bir sigara yakıp viski doldurdu. Bana da doldurup uzattı kadehi.

Tabancayı tutarken “Ulan daha tutmasını bilmiyorsun!” diyerek çıkıştı. Yerinden kalkıp tabancayı nasıl tutmam gerektiğini anlattı. “Yeni gelinin yarak tutması gibi tutmayacaksın bunu, düzgün tut!” diyerek gösterdi.

Ama sonra yapamadığımı anlayınca “En iyisi sen ver onu, ben sana başka bir tane ayarlayacam, bu sana olmadı!” dedi ve silahı çekmeceye geri koydu. Birkaç yudum viski daha aldım. Ardından da isteği üzerine içeri geçtik…

Ecem sahneden inmişti. Şimdi bir dansöz yarı çıplak halde darbuka ve klarnet sesleri eşliğinde dans ediyordu. Yüzünde tül bir peçe olan kadının sallanan iri memeleri ve kalçaları müşterileri coşturuyordu.

Hanımağa ile boştaki masalardan birine geçtik. Müdür hemen yanımıza geldi. Hanımağa ona birkaç direktif verdi Sevda ve diğer kızlarla ilgili. Müdür kafasını sallayarak söylenenleri dinledi ve “Emredersin Hanımağam!” diyerek yanımızdan ayrıldı.

Derken fedailerinden birisi geldi yanımıza. Hanımağa “Abinize güzel bir makine ayarlayın!” deyince adam bana baktı. “Nasıl bir şey istersin abim!” dedi elleri önünde. Makine dediği tabancaydı ve adam da nasıl bir şey istediğimi soruyordu.

“Sen bırak şimdi onun ne istediğini, yarın ayarla bir şeyler. Poligona atış yapmaya gittiğimizde dener, hangisini severse onu alır!” dedi Hanımağa. Onun bu sözü üzerine adam “Emredersin Hanımağam!” dedi ve padişahın huzurundan ayrılan birisi gibi uzaklaştı…

Dansöz oynamaya devam ederken kıyafetinin üst kısmını çıkardı. Şişkin memeleri çıplak kalmıştı şimdi. Külot benzeri minik bir giysi ile yüzündeki tül peçeden başka bir şey yoktu üzerinde. Sarhoş müşterilerden bazıları sahneye dansözün yanına gitmeye çalışınca garsonlar araya girip onları durdurdu.

Kadın kıvrak bir şekilde belini yılan gibi oynatıyordu. Kalçalarının hareketi kulübü titretiyordu sanki. Masaların önüne geldikçe müşterilerin çoğu minik külotunun arasına para sıkıştırıyordu. Hanımağa kulağıma eğilip “Zerrin buraların en iyisidir!” dedi.

Derken kadın bizim masanın önüne geldi aralardan geçerek. Hanımağa ellerini çırparak tempo tutuyordu. Kadının meme uçlarında minik birer yıldız vardı. Çıplak vücudu simlerle kaplanmıştı. Her saniye memeleri sağa sola yukarı aşağı löpürdüyordu.

Hanımağa benden ellerimi kadının beline koymamı istedi. Çekine çekine yaptım dediğini. O an Zerrin adlı dansözün beli ve karnı titremeye başladı. Güçlü bir matkabı tutunca kollar ve vücut nasıl titrerse benim de kollarım ve vücudum öyle titriyordu. Zerrin tül peçenin üstündeki sürmeli gözleriyle bakıyordu bana. Uzun sarı saçlarını başını hızla çevirerek birkaç kez yüzüme savurdu. Saçlarıyla beni dövüyordu sanki.

Hanımağa’nın elinde 100 Dolar gördüm. Parayı uzattı bana ve Zerrin’in külotunun arasına koymamı işaret etti. Elindeki parayı alıp dediğini yaptım. Minik külotun lastiği arasına sıkıştırdım parayı. Zerrin eğildi, dudaklarıma bir öpücük kondurduktan sonra birkaç defa daha saçlarını savurdu yüzüme ve yanımızdan ayrılıp başka masalara geçti.

Zerrin’i izlerken Hanımağa’nın telefonu çaldı. Arayan kumarhane müdürü Cavit’ti. Hanımağa Cavit’in sözlerini dinledikçe sinirleniyordu. Sonunda “Sen işleri organize et. Avukatı da ara gelsin. Ben de geliyorum, kimseyi salma sakın. Yoksa senin de işini bu gece bitiririm!” diyerek kapattı. Öfkeden köpürmüş bir haldeydi. “Ne oldu!” sorularıma cevap vermedi.

İşaret edip adamlarından birini çağırdı. “Çocuklara söyle hazırlansınlar. Kumarhaneye gidiyoruz, tam tekmil, ona göre!” diyerek gönderdi. “Ne oldu, hayırdır!” dediğimde “Hayır mı şer mi göreceğiz!” dedi. Ardından “Kumarhaneye gidiyorum, sen de gel!” diyerek kalktı ayağa. “Olur, gidelim!” dedim. Artık o nereye giderse ben de oraya gidecektim.

Kapıya çıktığımızda araba hazırlanmıştı. Arkadaki siyah minibüse de ellerinde tabancalar ve otomatik tüfekler olan adamlar bindi. Onları öyle görünce tırstım. Arabaya binip yola koyulduk. “Ne oluyor böyle tabancalar, tüfekler? Çatışmaya mı gidiyoruz!” diye sordum.

Hanımağa elini dizime vurup “Ne oldu korktun mu!” dedi gülerek. Ardından “Bana borcu olan ibnenin birinin işyerine çökecem bu gece!” dedi. Bir süre sonra Mersin yoluna saptık. Şoför geçen seferki yoldan götürüyordu yine ama bana farklı yerlerden geçiyormuşuz gibi geliyordu. Kafam allak bullaktı. Göreceğim şeyleri düşünüyordum. Nihayet yolculuğun ardından kumarhanenin olduğu yere geldik.

Araçtan inerken birkaç adam önümüzde bitiverdi. Her biri “Hoş geldin Hanımağam!” çekerken bana da “Hoş geldin Abi!” diyordu. Artık benim kim olduğumu öğrenmişlerdi anlaşılan.

Binanın arka tarafına geçtik yine, demir kapının ziline bastık. Kapı açılırken mini etekli esmer bir kız göründü. Kız ürkerek kenara çekildi. İkinci kapıyı da geçip içeri geçtik, az sonra Hanımağa çağırmadan kumarhane müdürü Cavit göründü. Hanımağa’nın önünde el pençe divan duruyordu.

İçerisi yine oldukça kalabalıktı. Her bir masa ve slot makineleri kumar oynamaya gelenlerle dolmuştu. Hanımağa sert bir sesle “Nerde o pezevenk!” deyince Cavit “Odamda Hanımağam!” dedi. Hanımağa önde biz arkada koridoru geçerken silahlı adamlar da bizi takip ediyordu. Beyaz ceketi omuzlarındaydı ve attığı sert adımlar koridoru çınlatıyordu.

Odaya girdiğimizde iki adamla bir kadın korkudan ödleri patlamış halde karşılıklı koltuklarda oturuyorlardı. Her birinin yüzü kireç gibi beyazdı, titriyorlardı. Odada ayrıca Hanımağa’nın yaşlı avukatı ve eli silahlı birkaç adamı vardı. Gayet rahat ve sakin şekilde ayakta dikiliyordu avukat.

Hanımağa “Evet Şamil Efendi, ne yaptın!” dedi omzundaki ceketi koltuğun birine fırlatarak. Ellerini beline koyup adamın önünde dikildi, sağ ayağını yere vuruyordu. Adam korka korka ayağa kalktı. “Hanımağam, etme eyleme, ben ettim sen etme. Sözüm söz, borcum borç. Allahını seversen bana süre ver!” derken Hanımağa elini kaldırıp konuşmasını kesti.

“Ne süresi ulan pezevenk. Sana verdiğim süreyi babamın oğluna vermedim ben. Dalga mı geçiyorsun benimle!” diye kükredi. Şamil adlı adamın sesi titriyordu.

Kumarhaneye borcu olan galerici olduğunu o zaman anladım. Geçen hafta Hanımağa’nın Cavit’e patlamasına sebep olan adamdı bu. 2 milyon lira kadar borcu vardı. Hanımağa Cavit’e bir hafta süre verdiğini söylemişti ama bir hafta dolmadan galeriye çökecekti. Belli ki o arada bir şeyler olmuştu.

“Kredi başvurusu yaptım, bugün yarın haber çıkacak, birkaç gün daha istiyorum senden, başka bir şey istemiyorum!” dediğinde Hanımağa “Ulan her seferinde ayrı yalan söylüyorsun. Hangi banka sana kredi verir? İbne! Hem borcunu vermiyorsun hem de benden mal kaçırmaya kalkıyorsun, yer miyim ulan ben bunları!” diyerek adamın suratına şiddetli bir tokat attı.

Adam yerinde sallanırken kıpkırmızı oldu. Yanındaki adam ve kadın da Hanımağa’ya yalvarıyordu ama Hanımağa onları dinlemiyordu bile. Adam Şamil’in kardeşi, kadın da karısıydı.

Derken Hanımağa Cavit’in masasının üstüne elini var gücüyle vurdu ve “Evet Şamil Efendi, 2 milyonluk borcunu 4 milyona çıkarıyorum. Bu dakikadan itibaren de galerine el koyuyorum!” dedi tok sesiyle. Ardından avukata dönüp “Senetleri hazırla avukat bey!” dedi. Avukat Cavit’in koltuğuna oturdu. Çantasından bir senet koçanı çıkardı ve sakin sakin yazmaya başladı.

Her biri 500 bin liralık 8 senet yazdı avukat. Tarih kısımları boştu. Şamil senetleri imzalarken kardeşi ve karısı da kefil oldu. Hanımağa sadece galeriye el koymamış üstüne 4 milyon alacaklı olmuştu.

Şamil son senedi de imzaladıktan sonra Hanımağa elini onun omzuna koydu ve “Bana numara çekilmeyeceğini öğrendin mi aslanım!” dedi. Şamil cevap vermedi bu soruya çünkü kendinde değil gibiydi.

Hanımağa “İşlemleri sabah başlat avukat bey. Bu iş daha fazla uzamasın. Benim yerime Tuğrul devralacak!” dediğinde avukat “Tamam Hanımağam, nasıl istersen!” dedi.

Şamil, kardeşi ve karısı yine yalvarmaya devam ediyordu ama yorgan gitmiş kavga bitmişti artık. Adamlar ellerindeki silahları üçünün üstüne doğrulttuğunda her biri ödleri bokuna karışmış halde kaçıştılar.

Özellikle kadın korkudan kendini kaybetmişti, sesi bile çıkamıyordu. Elleri titriyordu durmadan. Hanımağa işaret edince adamlar silahları indirdi. Cavit krupiye kızlardan birini getirdi az sonra, kadını alıp tuvalete götürmesini, elini yüzünü yıkamasını istedi. Dört adam da Şamil ve kardeşini alıp çıkardı. Her biri ağlıyordu.

Hanımağa “Gidiyoruz, hazırlanın!” deyince önümüze geçti. Sıradaki iş söz konusu galeriye gidip el koyma işlemini fiilen gerçekleştirmekti. Hanımağa elleri omuzlarındaki ceketinde hepimizin önünde kararlı adımlarla yürüyordu yine. Avukat hemen yanımdaydı.

“Sabah sizinle buluşup işlemleri hallederiz!” deyince “Ne işlemleri!” diye sordum. “Galeri sizin üstünüze yapılacak, Hanımağa öyle dedi ya!” diyerek yanıt verdi avukat. Hanımağa beni galerinin sahibi yapmış, başına getirmişti, o hengâmede anlamamıştım. Ne diyeceğimi bilemedim.

Ben ve Hanımağa arkaya otururken avukat ön koltuğa geçti. Şimdi arkamızdaki minibüsten hariç önümüzde de içi silahlı adamlarla dolu bir araba vardı. Avukat yapılacak işlemlerle ilgili bilgi verdi gidene kadar.

Gideceğimiz yer oto galericiler sitesindeydi. Yaklaşık bir saatlik yolculuğun ardından sitenin önüne geldik. Giriş kapısını geçtik. Gecenin o saatinde ne kimsiniz diyen olmuştu ne de nereye gidiyorsunuz diyen. Her şey önceden planlanıp ayarlanmıştı.

Biraz sonra iki katlı yapının önünde durduk. İki farklı galeri yan yanaydı. Bizimkinin önünde orta yaşlı bir adam duruyordu. Galerinin önünde ve yan tarafında sıra sıra araçlar vardı. Orta ve üst sınıf arabalarla birkaç tane lüks cip yan yana dizilmişti.

Arabadan indiğimizde adam Hanımağa’nın elini sıktı. Sonra da bizi içeriye aldı. Üst katta ofis alt katta da birkaç arabanın sığabileceği boş alan vardı ve burada da arabalar bulunuyordu.

Adam bizi ofis katına çıkarırken Hanımağa’nın eli silahlı adamları etrafı kolaçan ediyordu. Adam buranın muhasebecisiydi. Galeri ile ilgili kabataslak bilgiler verirken Hanımağa dikkatle dinliyordu onu.

“Borca karşılık şu lüks arabalardan, ciplerden verse olmaz mıydı!” diye sorduğumda adam “Hepsi bizim değil. Çoğunu konsinye satıyoruz abi!” diyerek yanıt verdi.

Bir saatin sonunda ayrıldık galeriden. Hanımağa’nın birkaç adamı ve muhasebeci adam orada kaldı. Sabah yıllardır çalıştığım işyerinden istifa etmiş, gece yarısı ise bir araba galerisinin sahibi olmuştum. Adana’ya gelip Hanımağa ile tanıştığımdan beri en yoğun ve hızlı günümü yaşamıştım.

Cavit Şamil’in mallarını kardeşinin üstüne yapacağını, bu sayede evlerini ve araba galerisini Hanımağa’dan kurtarmaya çalıştığını haber almış, adamları vasıtasıyla da onları derdest edip kumarhaneye getirtmişti. Bunu yapmasa Şamil gibi onun da kellesi gidecekti. Adama kredi açan oydu.

Saat 02:00 civarı evimin önüne geldik. Hanımağa “Sabah işlerimiz var. Yat dinlen iyice. Sabah konuşuruz!” deyip dizime vurdu. “Tamam!” diyerek indim. Avukat önde kendisi arkada gecenin karanlığında yol aldı arabası.

Uyku gözlerimden akıyordu. Dairenin kapısını açıp girdim. İçeride yoğun bir çamaşır suyu ve temizlik malzemesi kokusu vardı. Işığı açtım. Emine evi pırıl pırıl yapmıştı. Her yer silinip temizlenmişti. Mutfak, banyo, salon, odalar hepsi pırıl pırıldı.

Hanımağa sayesinde evim tertemiz olmuştu. Ama bu eve yakın zamanda veda etmem gerekiyordu çünkü işten ayrılınca evi de boşaltmam lazımdı. Gülnaz aklıma geldi, emlakçı olduğundan bana yeni bir ev bulabilirdi.

Kendimi yatak odasına zor attım. Üstümdekileri çıkardım ve banyo bile yapmadan yatağa uzandım…

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