The Waxing Scene

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Since I can’t say names and places, I am just going to make some things up. We’ll call these people just a, b, c and so on. I signed a legal contract, so I am bound by law not to say anything about such people in detail such as names and places. So bear with me here!

I went with a and b to a BDSM club on Saturday night. Actually, I went with a, but b showed up later. Originally, a and I were just going to stay for a introduction and then the workshop following and then we would decide later if I wanted to stay while the club was actually open. Turns out, I wanted to stay. So I did!

*Caution* Even if I have to repeat myself…SEXUAL CONTENT!!!

While watching a and b get there grove on in their own scene, I watched another couple doing a “wax” scene. A and b were doing their own “who’s in charge” scene in a large room where there are other tables as well as other “kinky” toys.

Couple c and d were totally erotic. C had tied down d with some long ass nylon ropes in a very interesting knot format. D laid there completely nude, spread eagle, and blind-folded. From afar I watched as c teased her with hot dripping wax all over her body. First running the hot candle along her body, changing from heat to blowing on her skin causing her to stir her senses in such I way that I could feel myself getting turned on.

While observing, I found myself wondering what it would truly feel like if I was in d’s position. I imagined c’s hands running along my body the way he was doing to d’s.

Since this was that couple’s first time doing the scene, D wasn’t able to handle as much as she thought she could. She was laying there nude for about an hour and I could totally see why she was having a hard time with it. Or so I thought.

After a and b finished their scene, I joined the couple in the social lounge where I observed other couples in their flogging and their pulling their significant others around in dog collars. C and d joined the lounge later on. I told C that I thought that their scene was totally erotic and would have to try doing something like that sometime. Little did I know that c would offer to actually do it.

At first, I was hesitant because I didn’t want to cause any trouble Ataşehir Olgun Escort with the couple, but upon d’s insistence, I was given full permission. I stood there completely torn between going nude in front of all these people and then feeling the strong desire of wanting to experience it. So after consulting with a and b, I went ahead and joined c in the other lounge.

First, c laid out the plastic in which I would be laid on, lit the candles, while I undressed. Standing there, in front of a and b, feeling a bit braver than I had ever felt in my life, I peeled off the blanket in which was wrapped around my now aroused body. Since A had stripped in front of me without a second thought, I felt more comfortable in returning the favor.

C laid my down on the table, blind-folded me with a special blind-fold that would completely shut out any light or any ability to see anything. I laid there while the ropes were tied around my arms and legs. Starting to feel the apprehension that comes from being blocked from my primal source of senses, my body went tense. But I didn’t back down, because I knew that if I was going to try new things, I needed to be upfront and just do it.

Since I had no idea what was going on around me, my hearing actually became sharper. Funny, coming from someone who is hard of hearing, that actually surprised me. I could hear things going on in the other room that I would not have heard unless I had focused on such things.

C began to talk to me, asking me if I was ready. In my firm yet shaky voice, I said yes. Laying there completely nude, tied down, and blind-folded, I was left to wonder what was going to happen next.

Suddenly, I felt the strong sensation of heat along my body. Every part of my body instantly responded, not jerkingly, but in an arousing sort of way. I crooned to the feeling as he slowed the candle along my body and blew cold air on its path. The mixture of sudden heat and cold made my toes curl.

I began to focus on the sensation welling inside me. I became acutely aware that I was very tied down. So tied down, that pulling only made the sensations stronger.

Suddenly, there was nothing there but air. Not heat, Ataşehir Sarışın Escort not cold, but just normal air. Confused I “looked” around trying to figure out what was going on. Out of nowhere I felt a hot spot on my stomach from wax being dripped on me. My reflexes sent me nearly right off the table had I not been tied down, I would have flown right off.

The sudden heat drops on my stomach made my body flinch as more was dripped on me. Amazingly enough, it wasn’t painful. I thought it would be. But it wasn’t. If anything, it was teasing me. Teasing me to take more. Begging me to call for more.

Toes curled, arms tensed, my breath shortened, I waited for the next drop to fall on my stomach. Boy was I ever wrong, I felt heat along my right leg, then my left, then going up my legs towards my crotch. With c’s breath following the trail of hot wax, my body arched in a way that only happens when severe pleasure is reached. Closer is all I could think of. …CLOSER…

Being left again with air, I felt the strange sensation of wanting to scream and moan at the same time. Then…my left nipple felt hot. Combined with the deprevation of senses and being tied down, my nipples were very very hard. Don’t ask me why. The sudden heat..omg…just writing this…making me beg for it again…the heat of wax being poured all over my chest and nipples made me pull tighter on the ropes. My moans escaped in such a way that I only moaned more.

Asked again if I was ok, I said yes, please continue. I wanted more. I wanted all of it. I had never felt so alive and so deprived at the same time. Without thinking about what I said, I made the comment that this was so much better than sex. I heard a few laughs around me, instantly I became aware of the audience that surrounded me, I became even more aroused than ever. C laughed and said that it was so much better than sex at times. Feeling relaxed once again upon hearing his voice in my ear, I continued to focus on my body.

My arousal so evident, I began to feel more and more alive as the wax continued to tease my body. I felt the wax slowly going towards my breasts and then suddenly hitting my crotch. My breath suspended, I gasped Ataşehir Şişman Escort in surprised. Every inch of me moaned in the surprise of hot and cold on my soaking pussy. My arms and legs pulling on the ropes increasing my desire, I croaked my plea for more. And I was awarded with a ample supply of wax right where I wanted it.

C blew on me once again, slapping my legs away from his path. I responding in only moaning more.

My mind going stir crazy thinking about the anticipation of his next spot, and trying to keep from tearing out of the ropes, I could only moan louder and harder.

His voice softly speaking in my ear again, “Where do you want it?” My answer, breathlessly, “EVERYWHERE.”

Once again, I was awarded with a much bigger drop of wax on my breasts again. Slowly, he teased my chest and continued up on my neck, and so close to my mouth, I almost welcomed it to my mouth. So close, I nearly kissed him. The temptation alone was driving me wild.

The excitement was starting to make my head float. I figured ten minutes was enough for me to get a feel as to what the “big” deal was about it. So, reluctantly I said I was ready to stop.

Upon being unblinded and reblinded with the soft light around me, I felt the sudden case of nervousness as I sat up, but instantly felt more alive than ever. A was next to me smiling as I suddenly shouted out something, only to realize that I was talking rather loudly. Actually, it was pointed out.

A and I sat there peeling off the cooled wax off my body. The feeling of having my arms again was rather liberating. The room in which I was in was rather different to me. I had a whole new outtake on what I saw. The “toys” as I referred to them, became things that caused pleasure, or the appropriate way to say that, would be to AIDE in pleasure. They are designed to let the imagination flow and to help administer those creative juices.

Upon dressing and thanking C for the wonderful experience, I went back to the social lounge and started talking about the scene, and said that it was the best ten minutes of my life. Boy did I get some laughs and looks out of that statement. Confused, I looked at A and D explained to me that I was “under” for more than an hour. I didn’t believe her. Everyone around me said that it was true. I was so shocked. I kept saying I couldn’t believe it.

I will save what happened next for another entry since I am quickly approaching my limits for this one.

So share your thoughts with me on this one.

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Türbanlı Karısını Siktim

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merrhaaba been barbaros 22 yasında esmer iriyapılı biir beyim daha oncede yasadıgım bazı olayları yazmıstım simdiki yazdıgımda digerleri gibi gercek yasanmıs biir macera daha once biir cok ciftle biirlikte oldum gurup seksi yasadım biir gun emaillerimi kontrol ederken sami diye biirinden biir e mail aldıım kendisinin evli oldugunu karısını biir baskasıyla izlemek istedigini ve beenimle tanısmak istedşigini yazıyorduyalnız karısının turbanlı ve asla gurup olayına sıcak bakmadıgını eger bu olanlardan haberi olursa evliliginin bitecegini yazmıstı beende n ne istiyorsun diye biir cevap yazdım banaa hemen karsılıgı geldi ve resimle biirlikte geldi been pek inandırıcı bulmamıstım baya biir sure yazıstık karısının sevisirken sesini kaydetmis ve kendi isminin yerine beenim ismimi duyunca hem sevindim hemde oldukca sasırdımcunki karısı sik beenii barbaros diye inliyordu banaa bunların sadece biir fantazi oldugunu kendisinin cok istemesine ragmen karısının bunları gercekten yapamıyacagını anlatdı beende ona telf vermesini ve karısını beenim tesadufmus gibi arayıp gorusecegimi soyledigimde cok zor ortim amma peki dedi kendisinin iste oldugunu bildigim biir anda telf actıgımda cok tatlı biir ses efendim dediginde cok heyecanlanmıstımbu beenim asla yapmadıgım biir seydi amma yapacaktım selmanın oyle tatlı sesi vardı ki biir anda sik beenii barbaros dedigi aklıma geldiginde sikim dimdik olmustu bile been pardon sanırım yanlıs aradım biir arkadasımı arıyordum dedigimde iyi gunler deyip telf kapatdı dusundum biiraz acaba biirdaha arayıpda konuya nerden girebilirim diye dusunuyordum tekrar aradım kusura bakmayın rahatsız ediyorum amma sesiniz oyle hos ve tatlı ki sizi Anadolu Yakası Ukraynalı Escort aramadan duramadım dedigimdes: kusura bakmayın beyfendi been sizi tanımıyorumb : evet biliyorum amma sesiniz oyle tatlı ki amacım sadece sizinle sohbets : teskkur ederim amma been evli biir kadınımb: esiniz cok sanslı biir adams: bilmem bunu ona sormak lazımb: beence sormaya gerek yok oyle olduguna eminim ?? daha once resmini gormustum )s : peki siz evlimisinizb: biir zamanlar evli idim amma 3 yıldır dulums: neden ayrıldınız been ayrılanlara hepp uzulmusumdurb: isterseniz bunu daha sonra size anlatırım siz kendinizden bahsedermisinizs: bakın size evli oldugumu soylemistim ve isterseniz konuyu daha fazla uzatmıyalım ne dersinizb: lutfen egerki sizi rahatsız etmiyorsam sizinle sohbet etmek istiyorum bilgisayarınız varmıs: evet varr amma dedim ya evliyim amma size durust olcam sesiniz etkileyici sohbetin sonunun nereye gidecegi belli ve been bunu istemiyorumb: esiniz kıskanc galiba beende size durust olcam sizinde sesiniz cok hos ve biir o kaddarda sekssis: esim kıskanc biirisi degil tamam emailim [email protected] msn yazısalım.
dediginde nerdeyse cıglık atacaktımneyse fazla uzatmıyayım uzun ca biir sure yazıstık ve biz tanısmaya karar verdik salime mesajda her seferinde diyordum ortim buynuzlarını cılala karını sikecegim dedigimde oda sik ortim karım sana feda olsun o artıkk ikimizinde karısı onu karın yap oruspun yap sik bagırt amını götünü dagıt diye banaa mesaj atdıkca beende aynı seyleri selmaya diyordumselmada sik beenii kocacıgım amımı götümü parcala salimin karısı artıkk seninde karın ne zaman istersen sik beenii diye Anadolu Yakası Üniversiteli Escort telf emailde bosalııyorduk biir gun tanısmaya karar verdik salime bunu soyledigimde nerdeyse zevkten bayılacaktı been eve gidecektim salim iste olcaktı selma oyle olcagını biliyordu amma salim been eve girdikten sonra eve girecek bizi yakalıyacaktıeve girdigimde selma beenii kapıda karsıladı hos geldin kocam erkegim diye banaa sarıldı uzerinde biir kazak altında ise biir etek vardı bası turbanlı idi ayakta sevismeye basladık biir an once sikmek istiyordum cunki daha oyunun devamı vardı selmaya yaragımı agzına al o artıkk senin sikicin erkegin dedigimde evet haklısın kocacıgım artıkk beenim iki kocam varr ve amımı salim bozdu sende gotumu bozacaksın amma been korkuyorum yavas sik ne olur beenii diye inliyordurbiz yatak odasına gectigimizde been selmayı yavas yavas soyuyordum oyle tatlı vucudu vardı ki balık etli amma cok diri ve seksi sikte nerden sikersen sik diyordu tum vucudu kapıda biir karaltı gordugumde salimin evde oldugunu anlamıstım karısı gormemisti ve been soyle banaa salimin karısı beenim neyim dedigimde selma seninde karın senin orospun senin kolen diyordubeende o buynuzlu salime bundan sonra am vermek yok been izin verirsem oyle vereceksin tamammı evet askım tamam sana soz bundan sonra beenim gercek sikicim sensin salim buynuzlusuna am vermek yok o anda vay adi serefsizler demek banaa bunudamı yapacaktın adi kaltak karı oldurecem len ikinizide diye habiire bagırıyorduselma utanmıs yuzunu saklıyordu gel len buynuzlu pezevenk dedigimde salimi ellerinde yakalamıs kafasını boynundan tutuyordum len pezevenk simdi senin karını gozunun onunde sikeyimde gor len karı nasıl sikiliyormus avradını siktigim dedigimde selma hayretle izliyor salimse zevkten titremeye baslamıs yuzume yalvarır gibi bakmasına uzulmustum amma bu oyunu salim istemistisandalye getirtdim salimi sandalyeye bagladım yapma ne olur yalvarırım karımı sikme ne istersen veririm onu bırak yeterki karıma dokunma diye yalvarması tam biir oscar lık oyundu salim bu oyunu hazırlamamıs olsaydı yeminle inanırdım zaten yapmazdım amma karısını sikeceksem bu oyunu oynuyacaktımsalimle oyle konusmustuk selma yatakta buzulmus olacakları bekliyordu biir ara yapma ne olursun hayır istemiyorum diyordu beende tepem atmıstı yeter len siktigiminin oruspusu seni sikmeden bırakacagımımı sanıyorsun zaten cıplaktı biir elimle yuzunden yataga bastırdım diger elimide amına soktum amı su icinde amma hala istemiyorum bırak beenii hayvan diye debeleniyorduonunda naz yaptıgını anlamıstım cunki amından nerdeyse bardak bardak su bosalııyordu bacaklarını havaya diktim sikimi amına sokmaya basladıgımda selmanın sesi yapma demekten kısılmıs amma nedense bacakları belime dolanmıs kendine iyice cekiyordu been oldukca cok gec bosalııyorum selmanın sesi kesilmis kolları yana dusmustu amma been hala amından pompalııyordumbosalacagımda cıkartıp selmanın agzına verdım hayır istemiyorum dediginde agzı zaten acıktı yuzune bosalmaya basladım biir cogunuda yutmustu yutkunmasından anlayabılıyordum cunkısalimse gozleri zevkten yerinden fırlamıs siki dimdik olmustu pantolondan belli oluyordu cunki durlen gavat pantolonunu cıkartayımda rahatlasın senin sikde dedigımde salim nerdeyse sevincinden aglıyacaktıgordunmu len avradını siktigim turbanlı karını nasıl siktim dedigimde salim coz beenii artıkk nasılsa hersey oldu bitdi oturup konusalım selmada yatakta oturuyordu salimi cozdum ucumuzde simdi cıplagız ve yeni zevklere yelken acacagımızdanda eminiz sohbetden sonra tabiki o gun cok seyler yasandı ve cokda guzeldi.

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Freshman Fun

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During high school I didn’t have much luck with women. Aside from a few minor relationships, I always seemed to get stuck with being their sensitive friend. I would listen as they complained about their boyfriends but never had the nerve to make a move. It’s not like I’m an unattractive guy. Tall, wavy dark hair, good build. I guess I just should have been more direct. I’d had sex a few times, but I was nowhere near a stud.

All that changed in college, though. I left my mid-sized town for a large state school in New England. During the first semester alone, I got more action than I had during all of high school. This is my story.


After a five-hour drive, we pulled up to my new home. My parents, brother and sister had all come to help me move in. We unloaded the car and hauled everything to my room. After lunch, we hugged goodbye and they left. We’re a close, healthy family, but it’s a short train ride home so I can come back whenever I want. I finally got a chance to examine the room. It’s a double, but my roommate hasn’t shown up yet. The room is about 15 by 20 feet, with 2 beds, 2 desks, 2 closets and 1 sink. After unpacking and making the bed, I go downstairs and outside for a cigarette. There were some picnic tables set up in the courtyard that some other freshmen were sitting at, smoking. I introduced myself.

“Hey, I’m Ian.” We all shook hands and talked about college, what we’re studying, usual getting-to-know-you stuff. After the cigarette, I went back to my room to find my roommate unpacking. He introduced himself has Chris. He seems like a really friendly guy. Tall, blonde hair, muscular. It doesn’t surprise me that he comes from California and surfs. It turns out we’re both art students, so we get off to a good start. We spend a few hours talking about music, school, classes and it looks like we’re going to get along really well over the year.

Around 7, someone knocks at the door. We both get up to answer it. Two beautiful girls are standing there. “Hi, I’m Krysti.” “Hi, I’m Jane. We’re you’re neighbors.”

“Hey, I’m Ian.”


“Want to get dinner?” Krysti asked. I was immediately attracted to her. She was Japanese, wtith dark curly hair, at least 5’9″ tall, and a voluptuous figure. Just by estimating, I would have said at least a 36DD cup and a full, toned butt.

Jane wasn’t as tall, but her red hair and even larger breasts straining against her cropped baby t more than made up for it.

We went to the dining hall and then sat outside in Anadolu Yakası Türbanlı Escort the courtyard smoking and enjoying the sunset. After a few cigarettes we went back to their room where they locked the door behind us.

“I’ve got a little surprise to celebrate our new chapter of life,” Jane said. She unzipped a track bag next to her bed and pulled out a bottle of rum and some soda. We spent the next couple hours doing shots and sipping on mixed drinks. It didn’t take long before we were all pretty trashed. Chris and Jane were flirting with each other on her bed, while Krysti and I sat on the floor, talking and laughing. I hadn’t had nearly as much to drink as everyone else; I’ve always been more of a stoner myself. So when Krysti offered me a joint, I jumped on the offer. We cracked open the window as she packed a bowl. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Chris stroking Jane’s leg while she rubbed her massive breasts up and down his arm as they talked. Krysti took the first hit and held it in. She wrapped her arms my neck and blew the smoke in my face. After a few hits each, we were both starting to feel pretty good.

“Anybody feel like some real fun?” Jane asked.

“What’d you have in mind?” Chris replied. Jane pulled a pack of playing cards out of her bag and put it on the desk. “Strip poker.” We all laughed, but at that point we were up for anything. We all pulled up to the desk and were dealt cards. Chris lost the first hand and took off his t-shirt. We got our first look at his muscular torso. He had an incredibly well defined 6-pack and pecs. The girls whistled and hooted and he just laughed it off and took another shot.

Krysti lost next and took off her blouse. Her huge breasts were putting a strain on her bra, and it showed. However, so did her erect nipples poking through the thin silk. Jane lost next and was all too eager to discard her baby t. Chris and I were awe-struck by her tits. They were literally spilling over her bra. We looked at each other like two kids in a toy store.

I lost the next hand and took off my shirt. “Not bad,” Krysti said as she rubbed her hands over my flat, hard chest. The shirt wasn’t such a problem, but I was guessing that if either Chris or I lost, we’d have trouble concealing our excitement. Luckily that wasn’t the case, as Jane lost next. She stood up and slid her way out of her skirt. When she stood back up, we saw she wasn’t wearing any panties. She was already naked! She sat down with her legs stretched over Chris’s lap. His Anadolu Yakası Otele Gelen Escort hands moved further up her legs in slow circles.

Krysti lost next and took off her jeans. She was wearing a red thong under them. “Sorry, looks like you’ll have to wait,” she whispered into my ear and started kissing my neck. My cock twitched at the feel of her hot breath. By the time I lost the next hand, I was almost fully erect. I downed another shot and took the plunge. After stripping my jeans off, there was no question about it. It’s not easy to hide an erection as big as mine. I was probably 8″ by then, but can reach over 9″ at full mast and almost as thick as a soda can. Both girls eyed it with lust. I sat back down next to Krysti and she put her arms around me again. She began rubbing my crotch through my boxers as my cock began to peak out through the bottom of the leg.

Christ lost next and gladly stripped off his pants. I couldn’t believe it. I thought my dick was huge, but this was unbelieavable. It was rock-hard and straining with all its might against his boxers. At least 3 or 4 inches, including the enormous swollen head, were peaking out of the bottom.

By this time, the game was pretty much forgotten. Jane didn’t waste time getting her hands around Chris’s monster cock. She pulled his boxers off and wrapped both hands around his shaft, pumping like a madman.

Krysti stood up and straddled my lap. She began grinding her crotch against mine through our underwear. After we were both wet, she led me to her bed by the hand while we removed each other’s underwear. She pushed me down on the bed and grabbed hold of my cock. As she stroked with one hand, she fondled my large, heavy nuts with the other. She leaned down and slowly opened her large, pouty lips to swallow the head of my swollen cock. After slurping the head, she bobbed up and down taking more and more of the shaft with each try. Although she couldn’t deep throat the whole length, she did more than anyone had before.

On the other bed, Chris and Jane were locked in a noisy, passionate 69. He had his entire face buried within her pussy, greedily licking away while she struggled to swallow his cock.

As I felt my orgasm closing in, I brought Krysti up and we made our as a I massaged her massive breasts. I moved down and took a nipple in my mouth. She moaned as I twirled it around my tongue. As I licked and sucked her tits, I moved a hand down to her clean-shaven pussy and starting massaging her clit. Anadolu Yakası Ucuz Escort Her moaning got louder and louder. “Oh god….Ian…harder…” I plunged two fingers deep in her pussy and her body started shaking. Her pussy exploded and her juices began flowing out. She collapsed on the bed and caught her breath.

“Jesus….” She panted and wiped the sweat from her forehead. I moved on top of her and put my cock to the slit of her pussy, which was more than wet and open by now. She grabbed my by the hips and I plunged myself in. She wrapped her legs and my waist as I fucked her wildly. For the next hour, we fucked in every position we could think of, only stopping to take a breather and watch Chris and Jane. They spent most of the night with Jane riding him like a cowgirl, her enormous tits bounching up and down. As I fucked Krysti doggy style, she came for the fourth time, setting off my own orgasm.

“Oh shit, I’m coming….” She pushed off my cock and turned around.

“Cum all over my tits.” She jerked me off as until I came. I fired almost a dozen long, thick streams of cum across her chest and a couple on her face. She began to clean herself with her fingers when Jane stopped moaning. “Krysti, came over here. I want to taste it. Please?” As I lay down to collect my breath, Krysti went to Jane’s bed, where Chris picked her up and sat her on his face, facing towards Jane. He licked her pussy while Krysti and Jane rubbing their tits together and took turns licking my cum off each other. As strong an orgasm as it was, with all this excitement, I was getting hard again soon.

Jane was getting more vigorous with pounding Chris’s cock. She had stretched enough to take it and was lustfully riding up and down the length of his monster cock. She called to me next and I walked over. She took my cock in her hand and stroked it until I was at full erection again.

“I want you in my ass, now.” She practically commanded. Chris stopped licking Krysti’s pussy and looked at Jane disappointingly. “Don’t worry,” she said. “I meant at the same time.” She leaned forward to give me better access and I climbed behind her. I fingered Krysti for some lubricant and fingered Jane’s ass with it. I slowly pushed my huge cock up her ass while Chris pumped in and out of her pussy. He still hadn’t cum, it was amazing. Eventually we fell into a rhythm of fucking her as she lay sandwiched between us, taking turns with Chris at licking Krysti’s pussy and sucking on her tits. “Oh God, I’m cuming!!!” Jane shouted as we fucked her holes. Her pussy and ass clenched, forcing myself and Chris to start cumming. As she felt us quicken our pace, she pulled off and lined up next to Krysti. Chris’s enormous cock began pumping wad after wad of cum onto their faces, as I shot another 7 or 8 thick wads on them. By the end, their faces were completely soaked and cum was dripping down onto their chests.

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“But I . . .”

“Shh sweetheart, just let me enjoy you.”

“But I’ve never been tied up before, I don’t know . . .”

“Darling . . .” he whispered, brushing the hair away from my face. “I promise, I will make you cum harder than you ever have before if you let me do this to you.”

“Ok . . . ok . . .” I complied, giving into his fantasy. Last night he had given in to mine, touching and stroking me to orgasm while we dined at one of the fancier restaurants in town. I had to grip on to the cushion as hard as I could to keep from collapsing, and it was all I could do not to scream when he went under the table and brought me to a second orgasm with his tongue. I told him I’d do anything he wanted in return; just so long as I could give him the same pleasure he had given me. I didn’t expect that’d he’d want to tie me up though, leaving me next to helpless, but I had promised him. And I knew that if tonight was anything like last night, I would be in ecstasy.

He lost no time in beginning the torturous seduction. He already had my left hand in his, and had been gently tracing my skin with his fingers. After a minute or two he finally brought my wrist to his mouth, skimming his lips lightly at first, and then becoming more heated in his attention. Soon he was nipping at my skin, his teeth drawing sighs from me. It was difficult not to be incredibly aroused already since he was straddled on top of me, completely naked. He had made me keep my clothes on though, as he had done so many nights before.

After one last bite, he wrapped one of his scarves around my pale wrist. He tied the knot loosely, kissing my palm after he finished, and brought my hand up to his bedpost. After lashing me to it, he began on my other hand and wrist. He didn’t kiss my wrist this time though, but instead brought my hand to his chest. He slowly stroked my hand across himself, over his nipples, and then just as slowly guided me down his torso. His sweet skin was starting to sweat, making him slick to the touch. My eyes trailed along as he drew my fingers across his pelvic bones, letting me trace every line that was so wonderfully close to his hardening cock. I finally tore my gaze from his body and looked him in the eyes, silently begging him to let me touch him, to let me get him hard, and I sighed with joy as I felt him push my hand lower. I wrapped my fingers around him and stroked him. With each pass he grew harder and harder, his breathing becoming more laboured. He stopped my hand with his and moved it to his balls. He groaned as I felt him, massaging him gently. But he still would not let me take him to orgasm. He moved my hand away and quickly tied a knot around my wrist, and then tied the other end to the opposite bed post. He looked into my eyes and brought his mouth back to mine, istanbul escort kissing me fiercely and then whispering one last request. “Let me blindfold you,” he said, his breathing ragged and his lips against my cheek. “Please, let me have you completely.” All I could do was nod.

He leaned back and sighed, his eyes closed. I could tell he was trying to calm down, trying to restrain his need. He took a breath, and then reached over to the side table and picked up a silky black scarf, which he laid over my eyes. He lifted my head and tied it in back, blocking all my sight. I could still smell his scent though, mixed faintly with that of cigarettes. The taste of his mouth lingered on my lips, and I licked them slowly, savoring him. I heard a contented sigh escape his lips, and then felt his body shift slightly. He lightly kissed one of my covered eyes . . . then the other . . . then my nose, my cheek, and finally my mouth. The kiss started sweet, but soon his intensity returned, and my mind was obliterated. I struggled against my silken restraints, even just so I could be free to run my fingers through his hair.

Nothing could make him unbind me now though. “Darling,” he whispered, his breathing still unsteady, “That . . fierce need to be released, the intensity . . . that’s how you make me feel . . . that’s why I have to have you this way . . .” He kissed me one last time, provoking my need, and then slowly sat back, dragging his hands along me as he went. I was left speechless and waiting for his next move, his next touch. My pulse spiked again as I felt his hands run up the sides of my torso. I arched slightly, inviting him to touch my already hard nipples. I felt his fingers slowly come up my body again, this time reaching my breasts. I sighed his name, and at last he started unbuttoning the thin blouse that separated my skin from his. The fabric fell to the sides of me. His hands were on me again instantly, massaging me and forcing me to grip on to the scarves that held me. He groaned lowly as he felt me, paying careful attention to every centimeter of my skin. The feel of his fingers on me had me arching more. I felt him shift again, and then felt the shock of his hot mouth on my nipple. He sucked at me, bit me, tasted me. I was barely breathing now. He moved his head down and licked up the length of my torso, up to my throat, and bit me again.

I grabbed at the scarves, barely able to contain myself. I said his name over and over again, demanding he stop and continue at the same time. He moved down and licked my other nipple, kissed it and then began sucking at it with the same ferocity he had with the other. His right hand moved under my arched back and shifted me upward. Now he was kneeling between my legs, and he hiked my skirt up around Escort Anadolu Yakası my waist. The head of his cock brushed against my silk panties, and he pushed gently, teasing my already wet pussy. “Please . . . please . . .” I begged him breathlessly, but he just let me feel him there. I tried shifting down on to him, but he held me in place, his hands still working over my breasts and torso. He leaned forward and kissed between my breasts, placing his hands on either side of me. The head of his cock was pushing just at my clit now and I couldn’t help but move my hips, desperately needing him in me. But with his wicked slowness, he kissed down my stomach, sighing each time his lips met my skin. I felt his hands follow, and they finally reached the edge of my panties, yet he still did not remove them. His fingertips wove serpentine trails of sweat on my skin just above my slit. Just as I was about to cry out with need, he moved his whole body down, taking my panties with him.

He quickly pushed my legs apart even wider than they were, and I was fully exposed to him at last. I badly wanted to see him at that moment, to watch him touch me, explore me, to see the heat in his eyes. But instead I felt him. I felt him as he ran his fingers up my inner thigh, sending a shudder coursing through my body, quickly followed by another as he traced up my other leg. I was panting now, holding on to his headboard as tightly as I could. His fingers finally spread my wet lips and began to touch me as I desired. “Ohh, yes . . .” I heard him whisper with bare restraint. The feel of his fingers exploring my wet pussy was almost more than I could take. I shivered as he explored, and my breath caught as he found my clit. As he started massaging me all I could do was breathlessly say his name over and over again and beg him to fuck me. I was starting to shake with need, and he moaned with me as he slid a finger deep inside. He kept rubbing my clit as he fucked me with one finger, then two. I thrust my hips against him, my body begging to feel more, but he slid his fingers out of me. I pleaded with him to keep going. I heard him lick his fingers, and when his tongue came down on me, hot and fierce, I dug my nails in to the scarves, wishing it was his skin. His tongue entered me and I screamed his name again, sure that I was going to be driven over the edge any second. His face was buried in my pussy, his tongue deep in my wetness, darting in and out, tasting every inch of me. My hips wouldn’t stay on the bed anymore, but suddenly I felt a quick change in his position, and I moaned in ecstasy as he buried his cock deep in my pussy. He pounded in to me, each time going deeper and deeper. I begged him to fuck me hard, pulling at his dick with my pussy, barely able to hold on to the Anadolu Yakası Rus Escort headboard anymore.

I could feel the first waves of orgasm searing my body as he thrust into me, his hot cum filling my dripping wet cunt. He held his cock deep inside me as he came, swearing over and over again, and started to pump me again moments later. My whole body was still shaking as he pulled out of me, and my pussy had barely stopped pulsing from orgasm. I demanded he fuck me again but I felt him move up on top of me, pushing me deep down into the pillows. He slid a finger in my mouth, and let me suck at it. I desperately wished it was his cock, and quickly my wishes were met. His head met my lips and I kissed him, letting my lips spread over him before he gently pushed himself into my mouth. With his maddening slowness he started fucking my mouth, making me taste our cum, letting me suck him dry.

As he filled my mouth with his dick he undid the knots on the bedposts. Soon one of my arms was free, then the other. The second I had both of my hands free I took his cock with one hand and grabbed his ass with the other. He moaned as I took him deeper into my mouth, and finally pulled the blindfold off of my eyes. I kept one hand on his cock, stroking him as I sucked his head . . . then moved down to his balls as I took him repeatedly into my mouth. I let my other hand travel down the back of his leg to my own leg, and he had to steady himself against the wall. I felt him shudder and heard him whisper “ohh my god . . .” as I ran my tongue up the underside of his gorgeous dick. He had another orgasm building and I began rubbing my clit, building my own.

He started fucking my mouth again, bringing one of his hands off the wall to guide my head down on him faster. I could taste his precum and he begged me to take in his whole cock. I slid him into my mouth, and then deep into my throat and held him there. He gasped with need and grabbed at his throbbing dick, pulling himself out of my mouth, and then slipping it back in again, pushing me to my limits. I let him have my mouth as he had had my pussy, and my own orgasm built as he shoved into my throat over and over. He pulled out again, and just as he was about to thrust into my throat again, my body shuddered violently and I swore as an orgasm wracked my body. I pulled at the bed, my nails digging into the sheets, and he started stroking himself fiercely over my body. Seconds later he let out a loud moan and I felt his cum hit my face and neck. He kept jerking himself, his cock slick with cum, but I took his dick from him and licked him from base to head, tasting his load, tasting his skin.

He collapsed back onto the bed after I was finished, panting and sweating, and swore as he tried to catch his breath. I couldn’t help but smile, and I crawled over to him, letting my breasts graze against his skin as I went up his body. I rested myself on top of him, and he smiled as my hair cascaded over his chest. “I have no words,” he whispered between ragged breaths.

“Good,” I answered, and I knew I had fulfilled his desire.

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JoJo Receives a Letter

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Mistress Del has left JoJo to visit a new friend on the west coast. She has been there a few weeks and decides to send JoJo a letter updating her as to Mistress Del’s whereabouts and why she had to leave so abruptly. JoJo receives the letter and takes it to her bedroom to read. She decides to get into bed and after putting on her classic pink baby doll she opens the letter.

Dear JoJo,

I am sorry I had to leave so soon but I want you to know that my work here is almost complete. My friend from school called and told me her husband has a desire to become her bitch boy. He would like to become a cross dresser like you but she does not know how to train him. Since she knew I did she called and pleaded with me to come and visit. His name is Graham but I will refer to him as Frannie throughout this letter. He is about 10 years older then me but in very good shape, a little taller but built like you my little pet.

After consulting with my friend Alice she told me to go ahead and do as I must to make Graham into a sissy husband. She loved the idea and asked if she could watch. I told her I did not mind as long as she did not interfere with my training. She agreed and we started the next morning, since it was Saturday and he was to be home all day. He was told to tell his co workers that he would be off on Monday and possibly Tuesday for personnel reasons.

In the morning after breakfast I told Graham that from now on he would be called Frannie at home and then I said loudly with an stern voice,

“I want you to do anything I say without question, starting from now!”

Graham replied, “My, you don’t waste time do you? Ok then, I’m yours to command.”

I knew he was mine then and as I slapped his face hard I replied.

“Listen Bitch this is the last time you will speak to me like that. From now on I am to addressed as Mistress, DO YOU UNDERSTAND?”

His demeanor changed, he immediately looked to the floor as said, “Yes Mistress.”

“Take a shower then and put these on afterwards” I ordered.

He looked surprised as I handed him a pink nylon thong, which would barely cover his cock and balls, matching pink see thru bra, pink stockings and garter belt. I knew that this would become the initial humiliation that is so needed to train a male Bitch.

When he returned I was dressed in my red patent leather high heels, red stockings and red leather teddy, my “Mistress in Charge” image. There was this hairy six-foot tall professional man dressed in girly pink, which obviously turned him on as well, the thong was barely able to contain the swelling cock as it pushed the material to it’s limits. If you were here JoJo I would have had you drop to your knees and suck his cock until it exploded. As you know when I am in charge I get very horny and this was no exception.

I walked behind him inspecting him as I stroked his stocking clad thighs and caressed his ass, mmmmmm his hairy tight ass. Then I reached inside his panties to squeeze his powerful erection, as he moaned I squeezed harder until he screamed in pain. Laughing at my “Bitch in training” I moved him to a small table and pushed him over it, forcing his ass up in the air I slapped it hard and moved to the other side of the table. As I approached his head, my pussy was dripping with anticipation, I could not contain myself any longer. I grabbed his hair pulling him to me and positioned his head so his chin was resting on the table. I pulled his face to my pussy and told him to watch and obey as I swayed back and forth, I masturbated furiously, my fingers fucking in and out of my sopping wet pussy. Using the back of my hand to massage my clit bringing Anadolu Yakası Fetiş Escort me to an explosive orgasm. I screamed at him,

“Yesssssss, OOOOOOO, YESSSSSS Bitch we have just begun”

I was now in that place I am with you, so fucking hot all I wanted to do was to humiliate him. I wanted Graham to realize he now was Frannie, my bitch Frannie, so I turned around, bent over and backed up to push my very wet pussy and ass into his face.

“Lick my cum Bitch, make me cum again, BITCH!” I demanded.

He did beautifully, licking my clit and ass as I swayed back and forth, turning around to expose both of my pleasure places to his willing mouth. His tongue was now moving like a piston, in, out, in and out again trying to please his Mistress. The sensations were too much and I shuddered to another glorious orgasm before falling to my knees to compose myself for the next stage of my plan. As I gradually recovered I wiped my “juices” onto my hand then wiped my hand across his nose and mouth so that he would remember this night forever, the night he became my “Bitch Frannie”.

JoJo is now shaking as she reads this letter, she is in a state of high excitement reading how her Mistress is taking command of Graham. She is training Graham to become a sissy Bitch just as she did to JoJo. JoJo was starting to feel that stirring in her groins, that longing she always felt when Mistress Del was there. She put her free hand between her legs, caressing her cock as she continued to read the letter.

Time for a little reward for Frannie, I had just completed two climaxes and now felt she should be allowed to become a satisfied Bitch. I went behind her and pressing my fingers between her legs stroked the flimsy nylon covering her now very, very stiff cock. I ordered that she must not shoot her cum into these nice clean pink panties or I would have to punish her. She nodded her head affirming my order but I knew that the sensations of my caresses on her cock and balls were far too strong and her twitching cock totally betrayed her, showing her mounting excitement. But even I wasn’t prepared for the spectacular eruption as she screamed,

“OOOOHHHH MMM MMYYYYY GGGGOOOODDDDDDDD, no, please no, I’mmmmmmm ccccuuuuuummmiiiinnnnggggg. NOOOOO, PLEASEEEEE NOOOOO”

Then her cock exploded, exploded and exploded, spurting gob after gob of thick white cum into her pink panties. I had never seen a cock cum with that force, the panties became so saturated from the cum it started dripping through onto the floor, making a small puddle. A puddle of thick white fabulous cum.

“Oh you are a very bad sissy” I yelled “Look at the mess you’ve made in your new panties, you’ve ruined them, now I have to severely punish you.”

As I contemplated her punishment I heard a sound and realized that Alice had been watching and was also masturbating. As I looked up her finger was fucking her pussy, in a fury that was bringing her to shudder as she screamed,

“Mistress beat him, beat the Bitch , Mistresssssss, YESSSSSS, OOOOOOOO, YESSSSSSSS, I’MMMMMMMM Ccuuummmiinnngggggg.”

Frannie looked in shock but said nothing as she continued to breathe heavily in the wake of her powerful ejaculation. I went over and picked up a knife and cut the panties, ripping them off I used them to clean up the puddle of cum on the floor. I brought them up to her face and wiped them under her nose before saying angrily,

“Look what you’ve done to them you filthy BITCH.”

I pushed them into her mouth, then cut a stocking from her leg and used it as a gag. When I cut the garter belt from her waist she started to scream Anadolu Yakası Gecelik Escort in fear, the fear of not knowing what was to come next, as I tied it tightly around her neck and pulled her to me.

“You must be punished you know that don’t you?” I said. “You can only cum when I allow you to, you understand BITCH?”

By now JoJo was in a state of erotic excitement, her cock growing redder and redder. He hand now grabbed her cock fully and she started to stroke it, very slowly at first, she was in a trance, her motions were automatic as she turned her attention back to the letter.

Frannie mumbled through her gag and nodded her eyes grew larger, now she knew I was in charge and could do anything I pleased. Frannie knew who was in charge and now had that look on her face that you get when I start to demand more and more from you. JoJo I hope you have not cum yet I have not completed my training and the rest should get you so hot you will beg me to cum.

“I have to gag you, because I don’t want to hear you whimpering while I whip your ass.”

I pulled out a cat of nine tails and waved it in front of her face saying,

“I’m going to have to use this because you’ve been a bad sissy Bitch, shooting your cum into your panties.”

She looked, a sort of pleading look, but I could see by her cum stained cock that her excitement was building again.

“If I hear a noise from you I’ll have to punish you more severely, so I want complete silence.”

With that I turned her around and pushed her over the table. I whipped her ass, lightly to start with until it was obvious that she could take more and more. I hit her harder and harder until her prick stiffened more and more, while the cheeks of her ass become redder and redder.

“No noise Bitch” I said as I increased the force of the whip. I always enjoy this part of my training session and again I went too far. Frannie couldn’t refrain from a little whimper as the stinging became too more sever. I was whipping her so hard it caused her ass to welt up.

“Frannie oh you’re in for it now!!” I bellowed.

“You’re ass is mine!” I was screaming as I watched her cock twitch again and again with anticipation of the unknown.

I reached for some oil I had left on the table and put some on my hands and went behind my Bitch again. She could not see or know what was happening until she felt my oily hands on her reddened ass, rubbing some soothing liquid into the sore skin. She sighed with relief and I could tell it felt good, even more so as I fondled her balls which had her cock ready to explode. I stroked up and down her bare thighs, god I was turning myself on as my fingers moved back up to her anus before focusing on her tight hole.

I slipped one, then two fingers in and then suddenly felt her sphincter being stretched as my well lubricated finger pushed deep into her ass. I could tell by the way her body stiffened and her fingers clenched that the realization finally dawned on Frannie. She knew that her ass was going to be sodomized. I started to increase the tempo of my fingers and then I motioned to Alice to strap on the big thick and ridged cock I had brought along. Graham was about to be used by his wife who was now going to feel what it was like to fuck someone. To dominate a sissy Bitch husband, her Graham was now to become her Bitch Frannie.

She positioned herself behind Frannie and as I guide the cock she began to push the powerful monster into that forbidden ass, Alice began to realize that the motion, rhythm and sensation was the power, which is the ultimate aphrodisiac. She was now completely Anadolu Yakası Genç Escort in charge, dominating her Bitch Frannie.

The power started to over take her, which caused her to push in and out faster and faster, deeper and deeper, causing her body to slam into Frannie. Her hips moved backwards and forwards as she grabbed the garter belt, like reins on a horse, she reached around to grab the prick, that enormous thick eight inch prick. She realized that the knob end of “her” cock must have been stroking Frannie’s g-spot by the moans of delight escaping from her mouth. Frannie started to moan,

“Yessssss, please Mistress Alice, fuck me, take me like the Bitch I am, please fuck your Bitch, please”.

Then her cock started to twitch, becoming redder and redder until finally turning purple feeling that big long thick cock pounding her ass. Frannie was now in that state of grace between heaven and hell, her body screaming for release and her mind saying no you must obey. As always the Bitch gives in and begins shooting cum all over her Mistress Alice’s’ hand. As Frannie scream in ecstasy when she exploded, Alice took her hand to her mouth laughing as she licked her fingers clean, loving the taste of her Bitch’s sweet cum, then continued fucking until she shuddered to her own climax.

As I watched this changing of the guard my own pussy became hotter and hotter. I could not stand by anymore so I also used the other dildo I had brought along to fuck myself. I switched on the controls to high and began to fuck my wet pussy faster and harder until all you could hear was a chorus of


They looked like dogs in heat until she finally withdrew from his asshole which still gaped even after the dildo was long gone. She glanced over to me, a look of what do I do next as I went over to her and told her to get on her knees. She immediately did as I commanded. I turned to Frannie and told her to kneel, then I walked between them and commanded,

“I am your Mistress, both of you are to please me now”.

With that Alice started to lick and suck my wet pussy and Frannie began to kiss and probe my ass with her long firm tongue. My body started to sway faster and faster and in a few seconds it exploded in a deep and long orgasm. When I subsided I fell into their hands, now both of them held their Mistress.

Yes JoJo my work is now completed and I should be home soon. Please be prepared to obey and serve your Mistress.

P.S. You may cum JoJo

As always


Mistress Del

As JoJo finished the letter her little clitty cock was very hard, playing with it as she read the letter it was now ready to explode.. She was at the end of her limit, her body was pleading for release as she turned over and began to fuck her pillow. She reached into her pier behind the bed and pulled out her double headed dildo. She put one end against her cock and the other in her mouth. She jerked one end against her hard cock and sucked the other end harder and deeper, faster and faster as if it were real, until she felt her climax nearing. She turned over and JoJo screamed,


With that she put the end next to her cock and shot a thick white stream onto it. Exploding over and over until the cock head was pure white from her cum. She could not contain herself and placed the end near her lips then opening her mouth she licked the cock clean, saying to herself, “mmmmmmm just pleasing my Mistress”. JoJo rolled over, curled up and went to sleep hoping to dream about the day her Mistress will be back.

JoJo has a friend named Jackie or Jax for short, that so wants to meet Mistress Del. She will arrange for that when Mistress returns. Her adventures will continue as she will introduce Jax to Forrest. Who knows somehow Mistress Del will appear again, it could become a fun to see who becomes JoJo’s Master/Mistress. Only the future will hold the answer.

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Julia, Ben and Lisa Ch. 04

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A few quick notes:

1. this is the fourth chapter of a longish story, a novel in many chapters

2. everyone is 18+

3. there is no safe sex here – cause it’s a fantasy, not an instruction manual

4. crossdressing and gender bending, not everyone’s cuppa tea – be forewarned

Julia said, “Yeah, for a minute there I thought she would think we were fucking.”

“Oh my God. That’s all we need.”

“Yeah, your undies on display there on the chair, just the way they would have been if we …”

“I know. Damn.” I mean the thought definitely turned me on, made me picture myself as a stud again. But it would have been a nine-headed baby disaster.

“Yeah. But you know Mom – she got over it. I think. She really is so pure. Thought you were in there vomiting or something. She went up and disinfected my bathroom after dinner last night.” She giggled. “After you left — and, by the way, very smooth, very, very smooth!” she rolled her eyes, “I got her into the suits. I had calmed down and she modeled two of them. So nice, a 2-piece and a 1-piece. I could tell they were expensive and they were really sexy too. She looked fantastic! Her new boobs and tummy are perfect. The 3rd one she said was ‘just for Daddy’ which I thought was soooo sweet.” Which got Julia giggling again.

It was the day after our near miss with Aunt Beth. We were up in Julia’s room again, preparing for another day of practice. This time we agreed that I would leave by 3 p.m. to avoid any possibility of her finding us again.

Julia had to use the ruler on me twice. I settled down and we flew through the tuck and panties. Julia noticed my purple bruise and covered it with some body-makeup. It wasn’t a great match on skin tone, she being lighter complected than me, but it looked OK. Then she remembered something and went in the bathroom, emerging with an electric razor to trim the tiny hairs on my big toes — which no one would ever have noticed anyway. She practiced me walking for a good half hour before she would take out the bra, socks and the dress. She dressed me and we walked some more. We paid a lot of attention to my hands, arms and posture till she thought it was pretty good. I was beginning to think I almost understood how the hips and ass coordinate into a cute, non-slutty wiggle.

She had me practice sitting. Who knew sitting was a skill? How to sit down gracefully, to smooth the skirt, how to turn my lower body and keep my knees together so sketchy guys wouldn’t look up my skirt, how to position my feet and to sit forward in the chair, my posture in the chair and how to rise gracefully.

We did similar things with me kneeling in the skirt (blush!), how to get down and get back up gracefully and how to be careful not to wrinkle or catch the dress under my knees.

This all lasted the entire morning, and believe it or not, she and I were having a ball the whole time. I mean she was strict with me. Coach had to be. For my own good. But as I went through repetition after repetition we found time to talk just like we always had. We had a distant cousin with tonsillitis. Julia knew a girl at college with Hep-C, which she never should have let her roommate know about. The Lakers were losing again. Bobo was trying some new kind of worm-pill. She’d received an A in her freshman French class, plus an A-minus, two B-pluses and a B. Mine were all A’s except for a B- in Calculus. Republicans are idiots. Her best friend Amanda was heading to Spain. They’re so stupid. She thinks Spanish men are uber-sexy. And did she, Amanda, look a little like Mila Kunis, her face she meant? Maybe. That sort of thing.

I knew it was weird to be discussing grades and Republicans while learning to get from my knees to a standing position without ruining the tuck. But there it was.

Suddenly it changed to sex talk. She must have been thinking about those bathing suits her Mom bought. Julia said, “Weird to think of my parents fucking down there, down in the Bahamas.”

“Yeah, I bet.”

“But I guess it’s even weirder when they fuck here. Keep those knees together!”

“Yeah, same here. You hear them?” I rose from the chair and brushed down the skirt around the backs of my thighs as I’d been instructed. Everything nice and smooth. I walked the room and then back to sit on the same chair that had held my things the day before.

“Not really… Posture!…sometimes I think they are, but I’m never sure. I think Mom would like to …you know she can get a little wild with a few drinks in her …good boy!…but Daddy’s too much of a stick-in-the-mud …good girl!… to really let loose. I can’t imagine him fucking at all! And yet! Here I am!” Her smile lit up. Then, “Good. Up-down-up-down. Good. They’re quiet whenever they do it.”

“My Mom gets noisy sometimes.”

“Aunt Jane is a sweetie. You think your Dad’s going down on her?”

“Oh fuck! Don’t ask me that. I don’t like to picture it.”

Julia giggled at the thought. “Or that she sucks his dick?”

“Oh, fuck! Please…” I could feel my balls stirring down there.

Julia went on, “Cause I know Aunt Jane is a good woman who would never Anadolu Yakası Grup Escort leave old Ed hanging when he needed his dick sucked.”

“JULIA!” She looked from my legs up to my face, startled by my voice. Honestly I didn’t know whether I would be sick or get a hard-on from the sex talk, but it needed to stop. She could see my distress.

“Oh my God! My poor baby. I’m so sorry. I’ll stop.” Her face was flushed and she adopted an apologetic grin. She walked to me and smoothed the material at my hips, whispering “Sorry!” Then she went right back to work. “But now do it again. Better.”

I took the opportunity to ask something I’d been wondering about, from her story the day before. On my knees, the skirt flared on the floor around me, I asked, “So the Andersons. I mean if you don’t mind a question.”

She looked at me skeptically. “We’re not starting this again.”

“No, no. Just one question I swear. Cause I don’t understand.”

“You’re not going back on your deal, are you? Cause I told you absolutely everything.”

“No. It’s not that. I’m working hard at this, aren’t I?”

Julia sighed. “All right. One. Go for it dweeb. And don’t let your tits get out of whack like that!”

“It’s not my fault,” I whined.

Julia came over, cupped my breasts and put them back to even.

“So…so the question is: Why did they come home so early? I mean they caught you cause they came home too early, right?”

Julia laughed like a hyena at this. “That’s it? That’s the one question? You really are a dweeb.”

“I just…am trying to put together the whole story, and that’s, you know, a missing part.”

“But why do you care?”

“No, but like, did some nosy neighbors call because they saw your boyfriend come over? Or maybe Mr. Anderson got sick or something? Or…”

“Nah, it wasn’t…” she began.

“Or what if he…you know, Mr. Anderson,…somehow planned it? Like he planned it to catch you? I’m just wondering.”

Julia’s head snapped back and she gave me a strange, wondering look. Her eyes narrowed and she said simply “No. It wasn’t that.” As if it made her sad somehow.

“Then what?”

“Ok. OK! She turned her ankle. They were dancing right after he got his dickwad trophy or whatever the fuck it was. She thought she needed to go to the ER but changed her mind when they were in the car. So Mr. and Mrs. Cocksucker came home instead.”

I was taken aback by her harshness. Mr. and Mrs. C-sucker? Now she looked really angry. But I couldn’t stop myself, I blundered on, intrigued.

“And how? I mean how do you know this?”

“I…well he…he told me afterwards.”

“You spoke to him? Like the phone or in person?”

Now she was even more angry. “Hey! What happened to one question?”

“No, but…”

“Well, it was just a text if you must know.” All of a sudden her face went bright red. “A fucking text, got it? And that’s all I’m saying. Cause you’re pissing me off big time now.”

“Julia. I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to…you know…I wasn’t trying to get you pissed at me.”

Her face had turned red. “Well, you’re doing it whether you were trying or not…” sort of spitting out the words now, her dial up to eleven. “Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing. Getting me to talk about him. That really sucks.” She paused, glared, looked away. “And know what? You suck too.”

Now she was marching around the room. Folding some clothes out of a laundry basket that was on her bed. She slammed some clothes in a drawer. She was glaring at the clothes as though they pissed her off too, avoiding me, the way you do when you’re too angry to even look at the other person.

What had I done? I was shocked. How had this escalated so fast? Why had she called him a cocksucker? Why did this piss her off so much? And why take it out on me?

But I did feel bad about it. Right away. She was right that I had played a little game. The game of finding out whether Mr. Anderson had been a real wolf or a fake wolf. Starting with: had he been in contact with Julia after the big event? Cause if he, or even Mrs. Anderson, had not been in touch afterwards, then there’d be no way for Julia to know why they had come home early. I was digging to see if there had been any followup sex thing, and even if he, Mr. A., was now doing or had done Julia himself. Whether they had played out the fantasy I’d jerked off to the night before And now she knew it.

But why such anger? She was boiling as I tried the walk again. We let a minute pass. I felt a little sick.

“Get that dress off. We’re going downstairs. I don’t know about this afternoon but I don’t want a little princess at the breakfast table. So get in your own things.”

She paused to glare. “Besides, your walk sucks today. We’re getting nowhere.” With that she stormed out of the room and downstairs.

When I got to the kitchen she was nowhere to be found. I looked around but had already guessed. So I looked in the driveway. The old Toyota Corolla was gone. Bobo was gone too.


I guess I was worried but not worried, Anadolu Yakası Manken Escort and mostly confused later that night alone in my room. What exactly had set her off so badly? What I’d done had been a little sneaky, a little pervy I guess, but still didn’t seem that horrible to me.

I texted her cautiously around 6 p.m., “Julia?” and then again at 7:30, “Julia, SORRY!” I got no response.

I could only remember one other time she’d been this mad at me. We must have been about 12 or 13 when there was a big family cookout in my back yard. All of us cousins had our own table and were eating burgers, hot dogs and corn-on-the-cob together with soft drinks. I had the yellow mustard right in front of me and suddenly thought it would be fun to squirt it at Joey, Julia’s little 8 year old cousin on her Dad’s side. He and I had been goofing around all day playing tricks on one another, chasing each other, dunking each other in the pool and generally being boys. This one might be the piece-de-resistance. So I picked up the mustard and squeezed hard at him across the table. Got him too. At least with some of the mustard.

Mostly I missed and hit Julia, who was sitting beside Joey. I got Joey just in the shoulder, but I got Julia all down the front of her pretty new dress. She and her Mom had been showing her off to the adults all morning long. Us boys didn’t care about it, but she was pretty proud of the way she looked in that dress. And now it was ruined.

Julia wouldn’t speak to me for two weeks afterwards, even though my Mom and Dad replaced the dress. I was so lonely without her. Even at that age I knew how much I loved and needed her. Lonely, and guilty. At that age you feel like you’ve lost everything forever. I was miserable.

Then she called me out of the blue: “Hey, dweebmeister, my Mom is taking me bowling. We can pick you up.” Forty-five minutes later we were hugging and kissing and making up once we started laughing at her Mom, who was setting the world, indoor record for consecutive gutter balls. Once we broke the ice, we went back to best friends, stronger I thought than ever.

I knew Julia. She could be hot-headed. But I knew she loved me, just like I loved her. She wouldn’t hold the grudge forever.

I was counting on a lot sooner than forever. We’d already lost our afternoon session of makeup, first lipstick, first blush, etc. My breast forms were due to arrive the next day, a Friday. The two days after were out since her parents would be around for the weekend. They were leaving on Tuesday, but not till the afternoon, which mostly ruled out that day. And apparently Aunt Beth had been making noise about taking Monday off to get her packing done.

We were potentially dead for the next five days; I didn’t think I could handle it. We had 14 days to ourselves after that. But what if in the meantime she gave up? What if I gave up? What if she stayed mad at me for weeks? What if she threw out my new panties and skirts and tops? What if she returned the bras and tits? Then it would be over.

I was scared, but by 9 that night I knew I had to try to reach out to her, to try again.

I texted her: “I’m really sorry about today.” I knew not to say more, not to dilute the message with pleading or begging or explanations.

It took her an agonizing 25 minutes to respond: “I’m sorry too.”

Ah! Good! I knew not to dive deep too fast, and texted: “Can we talk? Can I call?”

Julia: No. Finishing a movie with Mom and Dad, have to.

Me: OK.

Julia: Original Godfather, pretty cool.

Me: Yeah.

Julia: Someday, and that day may never come, I will call upon you to do a service for me.

Me: Huh?

Julia: I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.

Me: OK. What’s it mean?

Her: Sorry.

Me: I just want you to know that I really am sorry. I was a jerk.

It took five minutes, then:

Julia: I think I was an even bigger jerk.

Me: No. My fault.

I waited two minutes.

Me: Are we on for tomorrow?

Julia: Hope so. Your tits are arriving. (A loving heart emoji)

Me: Yeah. You’re not sure? Tomorrow?

Her: No. I’m sure. Make it 9:30.

Me: Thank you. (the same heart emoji)

Her: Tits. Makeup. Dress. A big day.

Me: (3 loving hearts)

Her: We can’t go the 4 days after. Mom or both are here.

Me: I know. (Sad face)

I wasn’t sure what else to say. Finally:

Me: I was thinking of the mustard incident. (Sad face)

Julia: Me 2! (Laughing and clapping)

Me: Sorry I’m such a jerk sometimes.

There was a long pause, like 15 minutes. I needed her to go next.

Julia: Sorry. Was fixing snacks with Mom in kitchen.

Me: Aaah.

Her: You’re not a jerk. It was me.

Me: Well, never mind. I love you Julia.

Her: Luv you 2 Ben. (Heart)

Me: Good night kiddo. And thanks. (Triple heart)

There was no response so I figured we were done. A huge weight lifted. I was still a bit nervous but happy to have at least our Friday back on track. And the boobs were coming!

I locked my bedroom door. Anadolu Yakası Masöz Escort Mom and Dad were still prowling around doing Mom and Dad stuff. The panties Julia had given me three nights earlier, the ones she stripped off right in front of me, the ones that still had a trace of her scent, were hidden in a desk drawer. I got them and slid them up my legs. I kept my teeshirt on so I could react in a hurry if needed. Then I practiced my tuck and walk. I was actually starting to like what I saw when I looked in the full length mirror in my room, unless of course I looked right at my unfeminine face (or God forbid right in my eyes).

My phone buzzed again right around 11 o’clock. A text from Julia. I untucked and put on jeans over the panties.

Julia: Can I send you something?

Me: Sure. What is it?

A buzz went through my brain. Was it going to be something sexy? Something sexy of her? Maybe a picture of her in her bra? Or even bra and panties? Maybe more? As a peace offering?

Julia: Just read it.

So no, not sexy. Idiot I am!

Me: OK.

Her: Here it comes, Check your email.

I opened email and waited. It clicked in. It was a Word file called ‘MRA TEXTS.’

Me: Got it.

Her: Just read it tonight. We’ll talk tomorrow.

Her: Not tonight. Exhausted. Going to bed.

Me: Ok. Good night again.

There was no response.

A lot of things Julia does kind of scare me. She’s so brave, so unpredictable, so free. And this one scared me too. I mean, what could it be? Something about me? about cross-dressing? about the new boobs? about how to give a good blowjob? about being queer? about??

Then it hit me. “MRA Texts.” It wasn’t going to be me at all, it was about Mr. Anderson, he was the “MRA”. I knew then that I had started a wildfire with my foolish fantasies about him and Julia, about him wanting her, about him doing her, about him doing us both. Some guy I’d never even seen in person before.

I clicked on the Word icon for the file like it might explode. Here’s what I read:

May 21, 2015: I’m sending this to my cousin Ben. Just in case – JB

This is a history of the texts Mr. George Anderson sent me, and that I’ve sent him, since the night last August 23 (2014) when he and his wife caught me and my boyfriend having sex in their living room. I was their babysitter. I’ve included every one of his texts and my return texts since that night. I am doing so for my own protection since I do not trust him, i.e. he is a HORRIBLE person.

I have added some comments between texts about what I was thinking.

GA = George Anderson

Louise = Mrs. Anderson

JB = me, Julia Bettencourt

James = my boyfriend that night

8/25/2014 9:03 p.m.

GA: Hey Julia. Just letting you know all is fine.

GA: Not gonna tell your parents or anyone – be our litlte secrat. (wink)

GA: Louise agrees. Hope that guy is not abusing u!

GA: Maybe see u around some day – let’s have coffee!

8/28/2014 11:43 a.m.

GA: Hey Julia. Checking to see if u got my texts.

GA: We are supporting u in this!

GA: Just want u to be safe.

GA: Louise agrees. She’s still pissed – should avoyd her for now

GA: She’s not really so bad. But u should avoyd.

GA: Text me back. Maybe we should talk this over?

GA: But no biggie. Stay well!

GA: And good luck in colege. You must begin soon?

09/01/2014 1:25 p.m.

GA: Well looks like you’re not gonna write back.

GA: Wish u would.

GA: We should probly talk one of these days.

09/04/2014 2:15 p.m.

JB: Mr. Anderson. Thank you for your support.

JB: I really do appreciate it.

JB: And Mrs. Anderson.

JB: I’m so sorry for what happened.

JB: I know it was all my fault.

JB: And I am very sorry.

JB: Please accept my apology.

JB: Bye.

09/04/2014 2:29 p.m.

GA: Hey Julia! Good to hear from you.

GA: Of course I acept your apology.

GA: How is colege life treating u?

GA: Is this a good time to call?

JB: No. I don’t think we should be on the phone.

GA: But there are some things we shuld discuss.

JB: You said this was all over. What things?

GA: Well better to do in person or at least phone.

JB: Sorry, no. I don’t think Mrs. A. would appreciate that.

GA: But it’s inocent. Plus she wouldnt kno. (wink)

JB: It’s wrong. I’m not going to.

GA: Not even meet for coffee one day?

JB: No.

GA: Well, OK. If u won’t, u won’t.

JB: Good bye.

GA: I’ll still support u. It will be our secrat. (wink)

GA: If you ever need anything…

GA: And Louise is worried you maybe are getting abuzed.

GA: All right then. Take care of yourself.

GA: If you need me I’m here. (smiley face)

GA: Have a good life. Bye.

09/23 – After the messages on Sept 4 I was freaked out but hoping that that would be the end of things. I’d left all these messages on my phone cause it never occurred to me I should save them somewhere else. Till now that is. (Doesn’t his phone have spell-correct? What’s up with that?)

In late August I started my freshman year at the U, and I was still getting used to the new dorm, my new roommate Alicia, the workload, my classes, etc. It seemed like a pretty horrible time to have to worry about this douchebag texting me and hounding me to meet. As if I didn’t know why he wanted to see me!

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

The Secretary Who had to Pee Ch. 05

Ben Esra telefonda seni boşaltmamı ister misin?
Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


My interactions with Katherine Bond would surely have reached the inevitable climax had it not been for the worst late-spring storm to hit the south coast of Britain in decades.

I was getting ready for bed when the call came in from the night watchman at the Sewage Plant that the effluent was racing into the site, fueled by heavy rain. On the ocean side of the site, the tide, driven by winds gusting in excess of sixty miles per hour, was thrusting twenty-five-foot high waves against the walls of the holding tanks. The tanks, constructed in Victorian times and rarely renovated, would give way and release millions of gallons of untreated sewage into the harbour.

I re-dressed quickly, remembering to throw waterproof gear into the back of the car, and headed for the Plant. On the way, I called Fred Lammas who was on the night shift this week. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that he had anticipated an emergency and had already summoned the rest of the work force. I toyed with the idea of calling Kate, but that was purely selfishness on my part because I wanted her to be there with me. Site maintenance was hardly in her job description, and besides, there was nothing useful she could do. I decided to let her sleep, if she could sleep through the torrential rain and lightning now ripping the night apart.

Anxious faces greeted me as I entered through the main gates. Fred Lammas, the employee who had experienced the inside of a holding tank first hand, led me to look at the sewage intake. I caught my breath at the site of the Amazonian torrent. The muddy surface of the effluent was only eight feet below the top of the culvert that fed it into the various holding tanks to await commutation and subsequent filtration, instead of the usual twenty feet. If the storm did not ease up in the next few hours, the site would flood.

“That ain’t the worst of it,” Lammas informed me, raising his voice to be heard over the howling gale. “This way.”

I followed him up the ladder of the closest holding tank, then following him along the gantry, holding onto the rail for dear life lest I slip and fall into the black waters beneath me. The western-most tank was still a hundred yards away, but even from here I could see the explosions of sea spray as the waves rammed against the tank walls, the water droplets sparkling in the arc lights used to illuminate the site.

“Oh my God,” I muttered, my words swept away on the wind. Lammas was right: The old tank wasn’t going to take much more of this treatment. It was the day I warned the Divisional Director about time and time again, and yet every year he still cut my budget, preventing all but the most basic remedial work to be undertaken. “We reap what we sow,” I thought.

“What do you want me to do, chief?” Lammas asked.

“Nothing,” I shouted back. “I’m not sending anyone in there to do anything. The thing will just have to run its course, and we’ll hope for the best.”

When he didn’t respond, I glanced over at him and saw that his head was turned. His face, partially visible beneath his sou’wester, registered surprise. I turned to see Kate standing a few yards away on the gantry, dressed in a plastic rain coat with a hood pulled up and secured under her chin. She unshouldered a bag from her right shoulder.

“I brought some flasks of tea and coffee,” she explained as she set the bag down and stooped over it.

“Bless you, Kate,” I said as I stooped before her. “Not here. There’s nothing we can do out here. Let’s get into the office and I’ll see if I raise anyone at HQ to let them know what’s going on.”

We moved back across the plant, heads bowed low against the driving rain. I was soaked to the skin, and Kate clothing wasn’t as sturdy as mine. I used the torch to direct my key into the lock, but when I stepped into the office and tried the lights, nothing happened. “Damn,” I sighed. “The power’s out.”

“Actually, I think the power is out for the whole area,” Kate pointed out. “Everything was black as I drove down.”

“Ah, right,” I nodded. “Things were still lit when I came down. Mind you, the wiring on the entire site was a safety inspector’s worst nightmare, so we won’t really know unless we check it. The problem could be local.”

“Let me take the torch and I’ll find the fuse boxes,” Kate volunteered, her voice a little tense. In fact, she sounded worried, hardly surprising given the way the wind was rocking the entire portacabin. This, coupled with the wailing of power cables and phone lines as the wind plucked at them so that they sounded like demented seagulls, was enough to unsettle anyone. “Besides,” Kate added, “I wouldn’t mind using the loo.”

I directed the beam of the torch down at her legs, quite without thinking, and was just in time to see her right knee bent, her foot off the floor. She was actually pee dancing.

“Are you very desperate?” I wanted to know.

“My abdomen’s as tight as a drum,” she informed me, doubtless choosing her words with care because she knew how much they Anadolu Yakası Esmer Escort would affect me.

I was about to offer to feel it when her phone rang. It surprised me, until I remembered that phones always operate on an external power supply. Kate took up the receiver and said, “Downland Water Authority – Southbrook Regional Office.”

She listened for a few seconds. The corners of her lips turn down, and I knew it was not good news. “Yes, sir,” she said. In the shadowy area on the periphery of the torch beam, I saw her right leg cross in front of her left as she spoke these words. She held out the handset to me and whispered, “Divisional Director Thompson.”

I rolled my eyes and took the proffered handset. Forcing my attention away from Kate’s crossed legs, I said, “Good evening, sir. I’m afraid the situation here is–.” That was a far as I got.

“I’ve just had Damien Withers on the phone,” Thompson cut in. “Have you any idea who that is, Denes?”

“Um, yes, he’s one of numerous wealthy land owner hereabouts.”

“Not to mention a wealthy yacht owner,” Thompson said. “He has just seen turds floating past his vessel. I’m sure you can imagine what he had to say about the efficaciousness of this authority.”

“I’m sorry about that sir, but the fact is we-“

“What the hell is going on down there?” Thompson demanded sharply.

As I described the state of play with the most remote holding tank, Thompson punctuated my sentences with irritated sighs. “It’s highly likely that the tank wall will rupture if the storm doesn’t ease off in the next few hours.”

“How the hell did you let the plant get into such an advanced state of deterioration? I’m going to have every yacht owner in the entire basin area chewing off my bollocks before morning!”

Oh yes, I thought, dozens of affluent yacht owners whose vessels would soon be floating in effluent. The poetry of it appealed to me. I had to concede that Thompson’s interpretation was correct. After whining to him and listening to platitudes for a while — a very little while — they would start calling their local M.P.s, and in no time at all the Authority’s budget would be under threat.

My own inclination would be to tell the arrogant bastards to stop crapping in their toilets, or failing that, donate some of their obscene wealth to cover the costs of renovating the local sewage works so that their copious output of crap could be properly sanitized. They, in turn, would then gripe about all the taxes they paid to support public amenities, unaware that these funds rarely trickled down to where they would actually do some good.

“This is exactly what I’ve been warning you about,” I said, abandoning my half-hearted attempt at brown-nosing. “Until you see fit to allocate me a realistic budget to carry out repairs and restore a sewage treatment plant that hasn’t seen significant modernized since Victoria was on the throne, accidents will happen.”

“Don’t adopt that supercilious tone with me, Denes,” Thompson cautioned. “I’ve enough on my plate without having to deal with a parochial uprising.

“I hope you didn’t accuse Mr. Withers of being parochial,”

“Your problem, Denes, is that you seem to imagine your needs are the only priority this Division has.”

“As of tonight, sir, I should think that were true.”

Thompson fell silent for a few moments. As the silence lengthened, I let my attention stray back to Kate. Even without the torch light, she was intermittently visible each time lightning flashed outside. It caught her in an odd jiggling motion as if she were tapping a heel on the carpet. I listened, and could hear a very faint tapping sound. She had to be close to bursting. I hoped she would stay put until I’d finished with Thompson, and not head off to the main building and its solitary, primitive lavatory.

At last, Thompson resumed. “Alright. You’d better come down to Head Office tomorrow. I’ll convene the appropriations committee and see if we can address the situation quickly enough to minimize the damage. “

Why was it that the shit had to always hit the fan before Thompson agreed to take action on anything, I wondered. He was certainly past his prime, and in my view the job required younger blood, someone with the enthusiasm to see things through. Even no, he was unlikely to allocate anything more than a token budget to cope with this crisis.

“Thank you, sir,” I said, trying to keep the skepticism from my voice. “Shall I be there first thing?”

“I’ll advise you of the meeting time when I know myself,” Thompson said before hanging up unceremoniously.

I smiled, pleased that the old fart had shit on his face, and that I’d managed to piss him off. If at all possible, I would make sure that some of that shit stuck.

I replaced the handset and looked at Kate. “Are you up to a trip to Head Office in the morning?”

She nodded with a distracted air, now walking on the spot. “Of course,” she followed Anadolu Yakası Eve Gelen Escort up in a voice shaking with strain. “What time are we starting out?”

“No commitment from the old man yet, but be ready to get going early. It’s a two-hour drive, more during the main commuter time, so let’s aim to start around seven.”

“Okay,” she agreed, then blew out a breath that ended with a soft grunt in her throat.

“You sound like you’re on the verge of wetting yourself,” I told her.

“That’s because I am,” she admitted. “Now, tea or coffee?”

“Tea,’ I said. “You have some too.”

“I can’t.”

“I insist. Thompson said that if you wanted to keep your job, you’d better do as you are told, and we can’t argue with the Divisional Director, now can we?”

Kate managed a wan smile which looked a little ghastly in the torchlight. Her features were tense, her brow furrowed with lines of concentration. “I suppose not,” she said, and began unscrewing the flask containing the tea.

When she had poured tea into our office mugs and topped them off with a little milk, she handed one to me and sipped at the other while keeping her free arm folded across her stomach. As I drank, I watched her right knee come up for a moment, then she straightened her leg and raised the left. Her muscles were not going to help her for much longer.

“Should I book us accommodation in Bexhill?” she asked, her voice even more tremulous and strained than before.

“Um, yes, that would be wise, just in case things really drag on.”

“Okay,” she said, and took another sip of tea. As she swallowed, her body spasmed. “Oh my God. I can’t wait any longer. I have to go to the loo.”

She set the mug down on her desk and turned towards the door. I followed suit and hurried after her. “Kate,” I said, reaching the door just ahead of her and blocking her way.

“Oh please, I’m absolutely bursting. If you delay me, I’ll wet myself.”

“But you’re already wet,’ I pointed out. “Soaked to the skin.”

She swallowed hard, blowing out a series of short, sharp breaths as if she were going into labour. “I suppose is doesn’t matter then.”

Struck by inspiration, I said, “Take off your coat.”


Suiting my own actions to this suggestion, I peeled off my waterproof gear. The lightning illuminated Kate’s features for a moment, allowing me to see the frown lines on her brow. “Come on,” I urged.

She sighed, then sucked air back into her lungs through clenched teeth, shifting her legs with a jerk. She unzipped her plastic mac and awkwardly wriggled her arms from the sleeves. As soon as she was free of the coat, I threw open the door and promptly pulled her outside.

She gasped as the cold rain drenched her blouse in a matter of seconds. The lapels of her white shirt flapped as frenetically as bat’s wings in the breathtaking wind. We both blinked rapidly as rain streamed into our eyes. Grinning like an idiot, I grabbed hold of Kate, encircled her slim waist with both arms, and pulled her close. The kiss that followed banished the rain and wind from my consciousness. I was only aware of Kate’s mouth against mine; the smell of her skin directly beneath my nose; the feel of her breasts compressed against my chest; the pressure of my erection against her firm abdomen.

Her body relaxed for a few seconds, then suddenly tensed. She felt rather than heard the sound of straining in her throat, but I did not relax my hold on her. She fidgeted in my arms as the kiss continued, until finally her right foot came off the ground as she bent her knee, her inner thigh rubbing against the outer part of my leg. She moaned again, and this time I did hear it. Unable to resist the urge to squeeze her even harder, I reached down and grabbed her bottom with both hands, pulling her against me with so much force that my arms shook from the effort. Kate protested again, trying to pull away now, but I wouldn’t let her go. I just squeezed and squeezed, applying tremendous force to her swollen abdomen, my erection literally pulsing against her.

Lightning illuminated us again, allowing me to glimpse her hair plastered against her scalp, her right ear protruding through the tangled strands. Kate shuddered. Then pressed her cheek against my stubbled face, shouting to be heard above the cacophony of wind and rain. “Michael. You’re making me wet myself.”

She gasped in surprise as I quickly spun her through one hundred and eighty degrees and embraced her from behind. With her backside now pressing on my bulging penis, I waited for the warm sensation of her pee running down the fronts of my legs. I didn’t have to wait for long. Her pee felt hot, more so because of the contrast with the freezing rain. I felt Kate relax in my arms, but I still maintained a firm grip to prevent her moving away as she continued emptying her bladder. I momentarily caught the sharp odour of urine, but for the most part the driving wind swept away the acrid smell before Anadolu Yakası Evi Olan Escort it found its way into my nostrils.

So great was my excitement that it took some little time before I registered the fact that Kate had just used my Christian name for the first time.

“You called me Michael,” I said into her right ear.

“Would you rather I kept calling you Mr. Denes?” she countered.

I turned her back around to face me and planted another kiss squarely on her mouth. As our lips parted this time, I heard her say, “Apparently not.”

“Want to come back to my place for the night?” I asked.

To my surprise and disappointment, I felt her head shake. “No,” she said. “I need some sleep, and so do you if you’re going to do battle at HQ tomorrow.”

I had to concede the point. “Alright, I’ll pick you up at seven in the morning and have breakfast on the road. Okay with you?”

“Sounds fine,” she agreed as she pulled away and returned to her office to collect her coat. More lightning revealed her eyeing the garment ruefully. “Not really much point in putting it back on, is there?” she asked, the question clearly rhetorical.

“Not really,” I said.

“Goodnight then, Mr. Denes,” she said as she started towards her car.

“Er um.”

“Sorry. Michael.”

“Better. Goodnight, Kate.”

I stood and watched her rear lights fade into the restless veil of rain, then turned towards my own car. That was when I felt the ground shake and a deep roar, so loud that it momentarily banished the howl of the wind, burst across the night. I drew a sharp breath, confused for a moment before comprehension dawned. The holding tank wall had given way, opening a path for treated and untreated sewage alike to pour out into the habour.

So, it had finally happened. I knew that Thompson would try to save himself by trying to shift the responsibility for this disaster onto my shoulders, but I was damned well going to make sure the idiot paid for his own incompetence, whatever it took.


I arrived at Kate’s front door at six forty-five the following morning, having received word from Head Office that Thompson has scheduled the meeting for nine a.m. This news had only been passed on to me at 6:20 a.m., and I took it as a sign that Thompson was trying to put me at a disadvantage by making me arrive late, thereby flustering me. I was determined not to give him the pleasure. When I rang the doorbell, a part of me hoped I would catch Kate still in bed, and had that been the case, Thompson would most certainly have got his way. I was spared that ignominy when Kate opened the door, already dressed in a businesslike in a grey jacket and skirt suit, her hem brushing the tops of her knees. Her calves were elegantly lifted by three-inch heels; her hair had been drawn back and fastened in a short ponytail. She looked both stunning and slightly formidable.

“I had a call from one of the secretaries at Head Office to say the meeting had been set early, so I was expecting you,” she explained. “I gather the tank gave way.”

“Yes,” I confirmed.

“Is it really bad?”

“Pretty bad. I couldn’t see a lot last night, and I really haven’t had time this morning to go down there for a more thorough inspection. I’ve been spending time putting together arguments to make sure my career doesn’t come to an ignominious end at Thompson’s hand.”

“Can he really do that, when he’s ultimately responsible for sanctioning the funds to upkeep these facilities?” Kate asked, obviously concerned. She had, after all, only just started in her new job, and obviously didn’t want it to come to such a quick and ignominious end.

“Oh yes, but don’t worry. I’m not going to let him wriggle out of this one without a good fight. The first order of business is to be there on time.”

Kate quickly glanced at her watch, and nodded. Her heels made a rapid succession of clicks along the paving stones as she marched briskly along the garden path, her suitcase, obvious heavy, banging against her leg.

“Can I give you a hand with that?” I offered.

“No need. Just open the boot.”

I released the lock and watched as Kate heaved her case up over the rim of the opening, then slide it in next to mine. She slammed the door shut and slide onto the front passenger seat. I watched as the hem of her skirt rode up some four or five inches during this maneuvre. Kate caught me looking and smirked. “Shall we get going?” she prompted, her amusement apparent in her vocal undertones.

“You look great, if rather formal,” I told her as I slid in beside her.

“I presume that was meant to be a compliment?”

“You presume correctly, Miss Bond. You’re a ray of sunshine on such a grey, washed-out morning.”

She regarded me, frowning faintly. “Have you been drinking?” she asked.

“More to the point, have you?” I countered.


“Yes. We have a long journey before us, and I’m hoping that you might feel the urge to use a loo before we reach our destination. In fact, as your boss, I’m instructing you the purchase a coffee at the first opportunity.”

“Yes, sir,” she agreed with a vague salute. “You’re surprisingly full of the joys of spring this morning, considering where we’re going, and why. I presume that Mr. Thompson’s plans to drop you in it are not having the desired effect?”

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Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 04

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Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up.

For each of us, it’s different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and serene mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore.

One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone’s lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends.

We were a tangle of bodies, Melinda lay on her side; I was spooned up behind her. Leah’s body pressed against mine, her head nestled in the nape of my neck. Katie, Mimi and Geoff were on the other side of my blonde wife, their arms and legs intertwined.

Every part of me ached, and I was sure that the others were all worse for wear. All six of us reeked of sex. As we fell asleep, our bodies had been drenched in sweat and cum. My skin was clammy and stuck to my lovers.

And I wouldn’t have traded that feeling for anything in the world.

I lost myself to that blissful feeling, holding my wives in my arms. Cuddling with my soulmates. Wanting nothing. Content. Happy.

When Melinda stirred, I kissed her in the crook of her neck. She smiled as she emerged from her sleep. Turning her head, she kissed me, her lips tasting of pussy. And cum. And love.

The two of us carefully extracted ourselves from the intertwined bodies on the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I shut the door, just as the morning’s first rays began to shine through from behind the curtains. Melinda took her turn on the toilet while I started the large stand-up shower.

By the time I was done with my business, both heads were going, as were the body jets.

Neither of us spoke. Instead, we simply held one another as the water cascaded over our bodies. Our lips met in a loving kiss.

In that moment, the world consisted of me and my lovely wife. Her skin felt so soft against me. Her touch so gentle.

Our wives. Our children. Our friends. Everything else fell by the wayside. I gazed into her bright, blue eyes and lost myself to her.

Years ago, I took a vow in front of God and everyone I loved dearly that nothing would ever come between us. And through all the ups and downs of our lives, I’d like to think I have renewed that vow every day. Sure we share our love with two other women, but still, nothing separates us from the feelings we’ve shared since our first kiss all those years ago.

Her hands ran through my hair and down my back. Her touch was electric. No, I wasn’t aroused. After all of the last night’s fucking, I don’t think Mr. Happy was going to be getting up any time soon. After all, I wasn’t twenty-one anymore, and as the girls take much delight in reminding me, they’re just heading into their sexual peaks, while I passed my prime about a decade ago.

Morning time is our favourite time to be together. It always has been. There’s just something magical about starting your day in the arms of someone you love. Some days we make love long and slow. Other days—like this day—we simply hold one another. She tells me how much she loves me. I promise that I will never let her go.

Though our bodies were weary, we summoned the strength to wash each other, knowing that our children would be waking soon, as would our wives and our guests. Still, it was nice to share this moment together. That quiet, still moment of peace and calm. The one just before daybreak that enables you to face the day with a smile on your face and love in your heart.


“So what’s up today?” Mimi asked. The kids were sitting at the table, breakfast on their plates. Leah was still in bed; Geoff was in the shower. Katie and Melinda were manning the griddle, whipping up stacks of hotcakes, bacon and eggs. I filled cups with juice and milk, making sure each of the six children was eating.

“You tell me,” I replied. “You’re the ones who wanted to stay a couple of extra days.”

“We could go to the park, Daddy,” Bryan said, his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

“Yes, we could,” I laughed. He smiled, very proud of himself.

“I need to go down to school for a little while. I forgot about a department meeting we’re having at eleven.” Even though the primary schools had just gotten out, the university was in the middle of one of its summer sessions, and Melinda’s duties as department chair necessitated her being available more than some of the other professors. “Why don’t you guys come down to campus? We can get something to eat and let the kids play outside.”

“That’s a great idea,” Mimi said.

“It sure is,” I quickly agreed. “It’s going to be a nice halter-top day, too.”

All three women rolled their eyes at me. I just laughed.

After everyone was fed and dressed, the twelve of us piled into two cars and drove down to the university. Melinda went to her meeting while the rest of us took a leisurely stroll around the campus. It was warm, but not hot. Not too humid. I Anadolu Yakası escort think the late spring/early summer time is the reason why I love North Carolina.

Geoff and I did our share of ogling the college girls who were out in force and enjoying one of those perfect Carolina days. Although the campus was less crowded than in the Fall or Spring semesters, there were still enough kids around to make it worth our while.

We caught a quick lunch in one of the dining halls, which is quite a trick with six kids, four of them being under three years old. Then it was back home for another lazy afternoon. Even after the whole weekend together, the children seemed to be getting along fine. There was no little kid drama; it helped that they could pair off so no one felt excluded.

The little ones nodded off in the car on the way home for their afternoon nap. We carried them inside and up to their beds. Geoff and Mimi cuddled up on the downstairs couch as Kaylee and Tiffany started up a game of Mario Kart.

“We need to talk,” Leah whispered in my ear, her teeth nibbling on the lobe. I looked around and saw that my other two wives had disappeared. Steeling a glance over at our guests, I saw Mimi’s eyes were closed. Geoff’s were glazed over. I guess we had worn them out, too.

I followed my wife up the steps to our bedroom. Katie and Melinda were sitting on the bed.

Immediately, I knew something was up.

The last time the girls had conspired like this without me, we ended up making four babies. I felt like a lamb being led to slaughter.

For the record, I know who runs my household. I’ll give you a hint: It’s not me. To their credit, the girls do a good job of making me think that a lot of the things that go on are my idea or that I have some input. I have no illusions about how things go, and in terms of the day to day operations or when a project comes up, I run the show, but in reality, they’re in charge.

If there’s a guy out there who says he’s the true head of his household, he’s lying.

You know what they say: If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

That’s our house. Only there are three Mamas I’ve got to keep happy.

“Sit down.” Melinda patted the bed next to her. I climbed over my wife as Katie snuggled up to my other shoulder. Leah sat down. All three girls shared a predatory smile.

“What’s up?” I asked.

The girls paused for a moment. As she usually does, Melinda spoke for the trio.

“Beloved, you know how much we love you, right?” she began. That’s always a bad sign when they start that way. “Well . . . We’ve been talking . . . And we want to make our arrangements with Geoff and Mimi a little more . . . permanent.”

My eyes got wide.

“We like them,” she continued. “We really like them. And they like us, too.”

“Do they know about this?”

“Mimi does, Tiger,” Katie purred. “Geoff . . . well, he’ll go along with it because Mimi will tell him to.”

“You’ve been planning this from the beginning.” That wasn’t really a question.

“We wanted to see how this weekend was going to go first,” Leah said diplomatically. The girls all exchanged a glance. “Remember when we first started talking about this . . . you know, bringing in another couple? Well, we thought Mimi and Geoff would be perfect since you don’t go for some of the things they do.”

“You mean some of the things Geoff does,” I interrupted.

“Um, yeah,” Leah blushed.

Katie slipped her hand into mine. “We love you, but over the past couple of days . . . we’ve had some wild times with Geoff . . . and we don’t want to stop. At least not right now. Maybe the novelty will wear off . . .”

I snorted.

“It might,” my redheaded wife said sheepishly.

“We talked to Mimi and Geoff separately and together,” Melinda brought us back on track. “They’re on board. Our original deal was for one weekend. Which we extended a couple of extra days but will end on Wednesday morning when they leave. We want a running extra-marital relationship with both of them. No other partners for them or for us. And no jealousy.”

Leave it to my wives to have already planned this out. Who was I to argue?

“You must really like making Geoff your bitch,” I said. The four of us already knew what my answer was going to be.

“We do,” Katie smiled. “My love, the decision is yours. If you say ‘no’, we’ll be fine with that. We just want them for the sex. Nothing more.”

“And if I say ‘yes’?”

“Then you get to bang Yesmine Williamson whenever you want,” Leah purred.

“But what if I want to watch you bang Yesmine Williamson?”

“We’ll do anything for you; you know that. Hell, we’ll even let you fuck Geoff if that will make your day,” Melinda said and the four of us laughed.

I pulled the three of them close. Not sexually, just to feel my wives near me. I took a deep breath before continuing.

“I just don’t want this to break us up,” I said softly. “Remember what happened Anadolu Yakası escort bayan when an innocent, little redheaded girl was seduced by a hot sexy brunette, a blonde with big tits and the luckiest SOB in the world? She and her boyfriend broke up and could never go back to being friends. I don’t want us to end up like Katie and Carl.”

The girls all drew in a sharp breath, like I had slapped them. Leah’s eyes darkened with a tinge of anger. Katie’s face became sad. Melinda bit back a stinging reply. My invocation of Katie’s psycho stalker ex-boyfriend was deliberate. I wanted everyone to fully understand what we might be getting in to.

No one spoke for a long moment. I wondered if I had pushed things too far.

“We won’t,” Katie whispered, her voice laced with regret.

“How do you know that?” I pressed.

“We’re not the same people we were eleven years ago.”

“I know that, sweetheart,” I said gently. “Listen, I’m not one to be complaining, but I’ve spent the last decade living every guy’s wet dream. I’m married to the three most beautiful women in the world. We share everything, but we work because we’re willing to talk things out and make a go of even the worst days. We’ve got four kids and four more on the way. We can’t afford to screw this up.”

An awkward silence fell over our foursome. This was the moment I feared from the first mention of inviting another couple into our bed.

Would it break us?

“We talked about this when we got back from Georgia,” Melinda began. “We knew this would come up. Is it a problem? How do you feel watching us with another guy? Or with Mimi?”

Apparently the girls were united on this. Or at least they had hashed out their differences in advance.

“Truthfully? At first I wasn’t that thrilled,” I admitted. “It’s hard watching the three loves of my life having sex with another man. But then I remember that I have three loves. I was jealous watching the three of you plus Yesmine suck Geoff off . . . Wait, I’m not done . . . A part of me gets a little thrill watching you with him. Because I know you’re going to come back to me. I know you don’t love him. And I appreciate that he’s willing to let you do all the things I won’t let you do to me.”

I took a deep breath before continuing.

“More than anything, I want you to be happy. All three of you.” Reaching out, I squeezed their hands. “If Geoff and Mimi weren’t two of our best friends, I would have stopped this at the beginning. But I know that we’re strong enough to weather any of the little storms because we’re all in this together.”

We all shared a knowing smile. Everything was going to be all right.

“Plus you’re getting to bone the hottest girl in our class,” Leah snickered. The other girls started to laugh. I pounced on my wife.

“I’ve been boning the hottest girl in our class just about every day since we got back from Disney World,” I took her in my arms. We shared a deep kiss.

Two more bodies pressed against me. I felt lips on my mouth and behind my ears. Our clothes somehow vanished. The four of us fell into a familiar rhythm. We ended up in a tangle, our love enduring, our bond strengthened.

I guess now I had a girlfriend in addition to my three wives.


“You look very handsome,” Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I’m going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie.

The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah’s new hybrid Lexus sedan. It seemed that my five partners in crime had cooked up this evening’s plans without me.

Somehow I found myself all dressed up with a dinner date. Geoff, Melinda, Leah and Katie were staying behind to watch the kids.

“Tiffany and Jeremy are used to Mommy having to go out with clients for dinner,” Geoff waved off my concerns.

“And we’ll tell the kids that you’re going out with some of your computer geek friends,” Katie added.

“Not dressed up like this,” I pointed out.

“Just go,” Leah rolled her eyes. “They’ll forget all about you when we get out the new lightsaber attachments for the Wii controllers.”

“When did you get those, and why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, only half-joking. I hate it when the girls hide new toys from me. Interpret that anyway you want. I checked my watch. “What time do I have to be back?”

“No earlier than ten tomorrow morning,” Melinda pushed a handful of numbered envelopes and the GPS into my hands. She kissed me behind the ear. “Open the first one when you get there. Now go fuck her brains out.”

I managed to grab a handful of her wondrous backside. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”

“We won’t,” she giggled. “But we’ll make a video so escort bayan you can watch us raping Geoff. . . . Remember, we love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered. With that, I snuck out the back door and into the garage. I got in the one working car that didn’t have a child seat in it: my Corvette.

The top was down (of course) and I pulled out of the driveway to enjoy a nice early summer day. It was right before the evening rush hour and traffic wasn’t too bad. The GPS led me to a set of coordinates Melinda had programmed in.

As soon as “Gabby” (the Garmin) told me to get off the interstate, I knew where the girls were sending me. Following the roads up the mountain, I made my way to Asheville’s historic Grove Park Inn. It’s one of those places that’s featured on shows like “America’s Castles” and was built in 1913 as a resort for rich people who wanted to get away from the summer heat to the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Over the years, they’ve expanded the property and added wings and most recently a 40,000 square foot spa. If you’re ever up our way, drop by and visit, even if you just want to look around. It’s worth it, trust me. It still caters to people with upscale tastes. Every now and then, we stop in for the Sunday brunch, but we’ve never stayed overnight.

I pulled off to the side and opened the first of the envelopes.

Drop your car off with the valet then go in to the lobby.

Dutifully, I followed Melinda’s mysterious instructions. The next envelope told me to have a drink at the bar. The third envelope had a magnetic strip key in it. The room number was written on the outside of the envelope.

The attendant at the front desk directed me to the newest of the renovated “club floor” rooms. They were set up as suites and spared no expense. I got off the elevator and went down the hall to the last room on the left.

At first, I thought to just walk in, but instead I knocked. My heart pounded for a couple of long moments, then the door opened.

My jaw dropped. Yesmine stood there in her full, beautiful glory.

Her hair was pulled back. Evidently she had spent some time at the new spa getting done up for tonight. She hardly needed any make-up to highlight her exotic, angular features. A slinky “little black dress” highlighted her considerable curves but left enough to the imagination to be considered elegant instead of slutty.

Like my wives, Mimi never tries to dress like she is still twenty-three. We’re all in our early thirties, and while that hardly qualifies us as “old”, we’re parents and not young college-age kids anymore. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m liking women in the “MILF” age bracket now and Yesmine Meadows was fully in my crosshairs. Don’t get me wrong; I’ll ogle a twenty-one year-old co-ed just like the next guy. But there’s just something alluring about a woman who’s more . . . experienced.

I’d like to think that we’ve all aged gracefully. Sure there are streaks of grey in my hair. I’m sporting a few extra pounds. The girls have a few more lines around their eyes than they’d like. We have to eat less and work out more to keep the Wii Fit from plumping up our avatars. Yet, I wouldn’t go back to the drama that filled our lives when we were twenty or twenty-one for anything.

Instead I stood there like an idiot unable to speak. My eyes gravitated to the generous amount—but not too much—of cleavage that Mimi was putting on display.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Um, hey,” I grinned sheepishly, realising I had been busted for staring at her tits. Can you blame me? “Ready for dinner?”

“I am,” she didn’t invite me in. Instead, she retrieved her purse and shawl from the table that sat next to the door. Her hand slipped into the crook of my arm as I checked the last envelope.

You two have reservations at Horizons on the main level. Everything else will be taken care of tonight. Enjoy yourselves. We love you.

Mimi blushed as she read the card along with me. The two of us walked in silence down to lobby level. There was an odd tension in the air.

It’s hard to explain, but it was sort of like the first date anticipation you have the first time you go out with someone. Of course, this wasn’t the first time we had gone out. Back in high school, she was my date to see R.E.M. when they were touring to support their “Out of Time” album, and we went to see Jimmy Buffett about a month before graduation.

Still, there was no expectation then. Not from her and not from me. We were simply friends. Not like Leah and I were friends; there was never any sort of sexual tension between us or deep undercurrent of unrequited love. We were just two kids who had known each other since third grade and wanted a date for a couple of concerts. After the shows, we went back to school and our lives went on.

Now . . . now, things were different. On top of being lovers now, we were going to have an ongoing relationship. At least that was the impression my wives had left with me. Maybe I shouldn’t count my eggs before they hatch.

I gave my name to the hostess and she immediately seated us at the best table in the house. It was near the big bay windows that looked out on the rest of the resort. On the other side of the golf course, the view of the sun setting over the mountains was breathtaking.

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Foursomes and Moresomes Ch. 04

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


Picture in your mind the perfect way to wake up.

For each of us, it’s different. Some people would like to watch the sun rise in the solitude and serene mountain air of the Grand Tetons. Others want to hear waves crashing on the shore.

One of my favourites is to come out of that sleepy haze with a warm, wet sensation of someone’s lips or pussy wrapped around my morning wood. Yet even that took second place to the Monday morning I woke up in bed with my five best friends.

We were a tangle of bodies, Melinda lay on her side; I was spooned up behind her. Leah’s body pressed against mine, her head nestled in the nape of my neck. Katie, Mimi and Geoff were on the other side of my blonde wife, their arms and legs intertwined.

Every part of me ached, and I was sure that the others were all worse for wear. All six of us reeked of sex. As we fell asleep, our bodies had been drenched in sweat and cum. My skin was clammy and stuck to my lovers.

And I wouldn’t have traded that feeling for anything in the world.

I lost myself to that blissful feeling, holding my wives in my arms. Cuddling with my soulmates. Wanting nothing. Content. Happy.

When Melinda stirred, I kissed her in the crook of her neck. She smiled as she emerged from her sleep. Turning her head, she kissed me, her lips tasting of pussy. And cum. And love.

The two of us carefully extracted ourselves from the intertwined bodies on the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. I shut the door, just as the morning’s first rays began to shine through from behind the curtains. Melinda took her turn on the toilet while I started the large stand-up shower.

By the time I was done with my business, both heads were going, as were the body jets.

Neither of us spoke. Instead, we simply held one another as the water cascaded over our bodies. Our lips met in a loving kiss.

In that moment, the world consisted of me and my lovely wife. Her skin felt so soft against me. Her touch so gentle.

Our wives. Our children. Our friends. Everything else fell by the wayside. I gazed into her bright, blue eyes and lost myself to her.

Years ago, I took a vow in front of God and everyone I loved dearly that nothing would ever come between us. And through all the ups and downs of our lives, I’d like to think I have renewed that vow every day. Sure we share our love with two other women, but still, nothing separates us from the feelings we’ve shared since our first kiss all those years ago.

Her hands ran through my hair and down my back. Her touch was electric. No, I wasn’t aroused. After all of the last night’s fucking, I don’t think Mr. Happy was going to be getting up any time soon. After all, I wasn’t twenty-one anymore, and as the girls take much delight in reminding me, they’re just heading into their sexual peaks, while I passed my prime about a decade ago.

Morning time is our favourite time to be together. It always has been. There’s just something magical about starting your day in the arms of someone you love. Some days we make love long and slow. Other days—like this day—we simply hold one another. She tells me how much she loves me. I promise that I will never let her go.

Though our bodies were weary, we summoned the strength to wash each other, knowing that our children would be waking soon, as would our wives and our guests. Still, it was nice to share this moment together. That quiet, still moment of peace and calm. The one just before daybreak that enables you to face the day with a smile on your face and love in your heart.


“So what’s up today?” Mimi asked. The kids were sitting at the table, breakfast on their plates. Leah was still in bed; Geoff was in the shower. Katie and Melinda were manning the griddle, whipping up stacks of hotcakes, bacon and eggs. I filled cups with juice and milk, making sure each of the six children was eating.

“You tell me,” I replied. “You’re the ones who wanted to stay a couple of extra days.”

“We could go to the park, Daddy,” Bryan said, his mouth stuffed with pancakes.

“Yes, we could,” I laughed. He smiled, very proud of himself.

“I need to go down to school for a little while. I forgot about a department meeting we’re having at eleven.” Even though the primary schools had just gotten out, the university was in the middle of one of its summer sessions, and Melinda’s duties as department chair necessitated her being available more than some of the other professors. “Why don’t you guys come down to campus? We can get something to eat and let the kids play outside.”

“That’s a great idea,” Mimi said.

“It sure is,” I quickly agreed. “It’s going to be a nice halter-top day, too.”

All three women rolled their eyes at me. I just laughed.

After everyone was fed and dressed, the twelve of us piled into two cars and drove down to the university. Melinda went to her meeting while the rest of us took a leisurely stroll around the campus. It was warm, but not hot. Not too humid. I Anadolu Yakası escort think the late spring/early summer time is the reason why I love North Carolina.

Geoff and I did our share of ogling the college girls who were out in force and enjoying one of those perfect Carolina days. Although the campus was less crowded than in the Fall or Spring semesters, there were still enough kids around to make it worth our while.

We caught a quick lunch in one of the dining halls, which is quite a trick with six kids, four of them being under three years old. Then it was back home for another lazy afternoon. Even after the whole weekend together, the children seemed to be getting along fine. There was no little kid drama; it helped that they could pair off so no one felt excluded.

The little ones nodded off in the car on the way home for their afternoon nap. We carried them inside and up to their beds. Geoff and Mimi cuddled up on the downstairs couch as Kaylee and Tiffany started up a game of Mario Kart.

“We need to talk,” Leah whispered in my ear, her teeth nibbling on the lobe. I looked around and saw that my other two wives had disappeared. Steeling a glance over at our guests, I saw Mimi’s eyes were closed. Geoff’s were glazed over. I guess we had worn them out, too.

I followed my wife up the steps to our bedroom. Katie and Melinda were sitting on the bed.

Immediately, I knew something was up.

The last time the girls had conspired like this without me, we ended up making four babies. I felt like a lamb being led to slaughter.

For the record, I know who runs my household. I’ll give you a hint: It’s not me. To their credit, the girls do a good job of making me think that a lot of the things that go on are my idea or that I have some input. I have no illusions about how things go, and in terms of the day to day operations or when a project comes up, I run the show, but in reality, they’re in charge.

If there’s a guy out there who says he’s the true head of his household, he’s lying.

You know what they say: If Mama ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

That’s our house. Only there are three Mamas I’ve got to keep happy.

“Sit down.” Melinda patted the bed next to her. I climbed over my wife as Katie snuggled up to my other shoulder. Leah sat down. All three girls shared a predatory smile.

“What’s up?” I asked.

The girls paused for a moment. As she usually does, Melinda spoke for the trio.

“Beloved, you know how much we love you, right?” she began. That’s always a bad sign when they start that way. “Well . . . We’ve been talking . . . And we want to make our arrangements with Geoff and Mimi a little more . . . permanent.”

My eyes got wide.

“We like them,” she continued. “We really like them. And they like us, too.”

“Do they know about this?”

“Mimi does, Tiger,” Katie purred. “Geoff . . . well, he’ll go along with it because Mimi will tell him to.”

“You’ve been planning this from the beginning.” That wasn’t really a question.

“We wanted to see how this weekend was going to go first,” Leah said diplomatically. The girls all exchanged a glance. “Remember when we first started talking about this . . . you know, bringing in another couple? Well, we thought Mimi and Geoff would be perfect since you don’t go for some of the things they do.”

“You mean some of the things Geoff does,” I interrupted.

“Um, yeah,” Leah blushed.

Katie slipped her hand into mine. “We love you, but over the past couple of days . . . we’ve had some wild times with Geoff . . . and we don’t want to stop. At least not right now. Maybe the novelty will wear off . . .”

I snorted.

“It might,” my redheaded wife said sheepishly.

“We talked to Mimi and Geoff separately and together,” Melinda brought us back on track. “They’re on board. Our original deal was for one weekend. Which we extended a couple of extra days but will end on Wednesday morning when they leave. We want a running extra-marital relationship with both of them. No other partners for them or for us. And no jealousy.”

Leave it to my wives to have already planned this out. Who was I to argue?

“You must really like making Geoff your bitch,” I said. The four of us already knew what my answer was going to be.

“We do,” Katie smiled. “My love, the decision is yours. If you say ‘no’, we’ll be fine with that. We just want them for the sex. Nothing more.”

“And if I say ‘yes’?”

“Then you get to bang Yesmine Williamson whenever you want,” Leah purred.

“But what if I want to watch you bang Yesmine Williamson?”

“We’ll do anything for you; you know that. Hell, we’ll even let you fuck Geoff if that will make your day,” Melinda said and the four of us laughed.

I pulled the three of them close. Not sexually, just to feel my wives near me. I took a deep breath before continuing.

“I just don’t want this to break us up,” I said softly. “Remember what happened Anadolu Yakası escort bayan when an innocent, little redheaded girl was seduced by a hot sexy brunette, a blonde with big tits and the luckiest SOB in the world? She and her boyfriend broke up and could never go back to being friends. I don’t want us to end up like Katie and Carl.”

The girls all drew in a sharp breath, like I had slapped them. Leah’s eyes darkened with a tinge of anger. Katie’s face became sad. Melinda bit back a stinging reply. My invocation of Katie’s psycho stalker ex-boyfriend was deliberate. I wanted everyone to fully understand what we might be getting in to.

No one spoke for a long moment. I wondered if I had pushed things too far.

“We won’t,” Katie whispered, her voice laced with regret.

“How do you know that?” I pressed.

“We’re not the same people we were eleven years ago.”

“I know that, sweetheart,” I said gently. “Listen, I’m not one to be complaining, but I’ve spent the last decade living every guy’s wet dream. I’m married to the three most beautiful women in the world. We share everything, but we work because we’re willing to talk things out and make a go of even the worst days. We’ve got four kids and four more on the way. We can’t afford to screw this up.”

An awkward silence fell over our foursome. This was the moment I feared from the first mention of inviting another couple into our bed.

Would it break us?

“We talked about this when we got back from Georgia,” Melinda began. “We knew this would come up. Is it a problem? How do you feel watching us with another guy? Or with Mimi?”

Apparently the girls were united on this. Or at least they had hashed out their differences in advance.

“Truthfully? At first I wasn’t that thrilled,” I admitted. “It’s hard watching the three loves of my life having sex with another man. But then I remember that I have three loves. I was jealous watching the three of you plus Yesmine suck Geoff off . . . Wait, I’m not done . . . A part of me gets a little thrill watching you with him. Because I know you’re going to come back to me. I know you don’t love him. And I appreciate that he’s willing to let you do all the things I won’t let you do to me.”

I took a deep breath before continuing.

“More than anything, I want you to be happy. All three of you.” Reaching out, I squeezed their hands. “If Geoff and Mimi weren’t two of our best friends, I would have stopped this at the beginning. But I know that we’re strong enough to weather any of the little storms because we’re all in this together.”

We all shared a knowing smile. Everything was going to be all right.

“Plus you’re getting to bone the hottest girl in our class,” Leah snickered. The other girls started to laugh. I pounced on my wife.

“I’ve been boning the hottest girl in our class just about every day since we got back from Disney World,” I took her in my arms. We shared a deep kiss.

Two more bodies pressed against me. I felt lips on my mouth and behind my ears. Our clothes somehow vanished. The four of us fell into a familiar rhythm. We ended up in a tangle, our love enduring, our bond strengthened.

I guess now I had a girlfriend in addition to my three wives.


“You look very handsome,” Melinda straightened my collar. I fidgeted uncomfortably. Who the hell thought hanging something around your neck was indicative of dressing up? If I find out, I’m going to throttle the bastard. With a goddam necktie.

The girls were still dressed casually. The kids were down in the basement playing. While the four of us were napping and making love, Mimi had disappeared. Well not actually disappeared, but she had taken off in Leah’s new hybrid Lexus sedan. It seemed that my five partners in crime had cooked up this evening’s plans without me.

Somehow I found myself all dressed up with a dinner date. Geoff, Melinda, Leah and Katie were staying behind to watch the kids.

“Tiffany and Jeremy are used to Mommy having to go out with clients for dinner,” Geoff waved off my concerns.

“And we’ll tell the kids that you’re going out with some of your computer geek friends,” Katie added.

“Not dressed up like this,” I pointed out.

“Just go,” Leah rolled her eyes. “They’ll forget all about you when we get out the new lightsaber attachments for the Wii controllers.”

“When did you get those, and why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, only half-joking. I hate it when the girls hide new toys from me. Interpret that anyway you want. I checked my watch. “What time do I have to be back?”

“No earlier than ten tomorrow morning,” Melinda pushed a handful of numbered envelopes and the GPS into my hands. She kissed me behind the ear. “Open the first one when you get there. Now go fuck her brains out.”

I managed to grab a handful of her wondrous backside. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”

“We won’t,” she giggled. “But we’ll make a video so escort bayan you can watch us raping Geoff. . . . Remember, we love you.”

“I love you, too,” I whispered. With that, I snuck out the back door and into the garage. I got in the one working car that didn’t have a child seat in it: my Corvette.

The top was down (of course) and I pulled out of the driveway to enjoy a nice early summer day. It was right before the evening rush hour and traffic wasn’t too bad. The GPS led me to a set of coordinates Melinda had programmed in.

As soon as “Gabby” (the Garmin) told me to get off the interstate, I knew where the girls were sending me. Following the roads up the mountain, I made my way to Asheville’s historic Grove Park Inn. It’s one of those places that’s featured on shows like “America’s Castles” and was built in 1913 as a resort for rich people who wanted to get away from the summer heat to the beauty of the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Over the years, they’ve expanded the property and added wings and most recently a 40,000 square foot spa. If you’re ever up our way, drop by and visit, even if you just want to look around. It’s worth it, trust me. It still caters to people with upscale tastes. Every now and then, we stop in for the Sunday brunch, but we’ve never stayed overnight.

I pulled off to the side and opened the first of the envelopes.

Drop your car off with the valet then go in to the lobby.

Dutifully, I followed Melinda’s mysterious instructions. The next envelope told me to have a drink at the bar. The third envelope had a magnetic strip key in it. The room number was written on the outside of the envelope.

The attendant at the front desk directed me to the newest of the renovated “club floor” rooms. They were set up as suites and spared no expense. I got off the elevator and went down the hall to the last room on the left.

At first, I thought to just walk in, but instead I knocked. My heart pounded for a couple of long moments, then the door opened.

My jaw dropped. Yesmine stood there in her full, beautiful glory.

Her hair was pulled back. Evidently she had spent some time at the new spa getting done up for tonight. She hardly needed any make-up to highlight her exotic, angular features. A slinky “little black dress” highlighted her considerable curves but left enough to the imagination to be considered elegant instead of slutty.

Like my wives, Mimi never tries to dress like she is still twenty-three. We’re all in our early thirties, and while that hardly qualifies us as “old”, we’re parents and not young college-age kids anymore. Maybe it’s just me, but I’m liking women in the “MILF” age bracket now and Yesmine Meadows was fully in my crosshairs. Don’t get me wrong; I’ll ogle a twenty-one year-old co-ed just like the next guy. But there’s just something alluring about a woman who’s more . . . experienced.

I’d like to think that we’ve all aged gracefully. Sure there are streaks of grey in my hair. I’m sporting a few extra pounds. The girls have a few more lines around their eyes than they’d like. We have to eat less and work out more to keep the Wii Fit from plumping up our avatars. Yet, I wouldn’t go back to the drama that filled our lives when we were twenty or twenty-one for anything.

Instead I stood there like an idiot unable to speak. My eyes gravitated to the generous amount—but not too much—of cleavage that Mimi was putting on display.

“Hi,” she said softly.

“Um, hey,” I grinned sheepishly, realising I had been busted for staring at her tits. Can you blame me? “Ready for dinner?”

“I am,” she didn’t invite me in. Instead, she retrieved her purse and shawl from the table that sat next to the door. Her hand slipped into the crook of my arm as I checked the last envelope.

You two have reservations at Horizons on the main level. Everything else will be taken care of tonight. Enjoy yourselves. We love you.

Mimi blushed as she read the card along with me. The two of us walked in silence down to lobby level. There was an odd tension in the air.

It’s hard to explain, but it was sort of like the first date anticipation you have the first time you go out with someone. Of course, this wasn’t the first time we had gone out. Back in high school, she was my date to see R.E.M. when they were touring to support their “Out of Time” album, and we went to see Jimmy Buffett about a month before graduation.

Still, there was no expectation then. Not from her and not from me. We were simply friends. Not like Leah and I were friends; there was never any sort of sexual tension between us or deep undercurrent of unrequited love. We were just two kids who had known each other since third grade and wanted a date for a couple of concerts. After the shows, we went back to school and our lives went on.

Now . . . now, things were different. On top of being lovers now, we were going to have an ongoing relationship. At least that was the impression my wives had left with me. Maybe I shouldn’t count my eggs before they hatch.

I gave my name to the hostess and she immediately seated us at the best table in the house. It was near the big bay windows that looked out on the rest of the resort. On the other side of the golf course, the view of the sun setting over the mountains was breathtaking.

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The Phone Call

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32


This is My second submission. I got no feedback on my first story other then 4 out of 5 stars so I kept this as a first person narrative of a night between a man and a woman from the mans perspective. I hope you enjoy.


It’s a nice fall night. The cool air rushes in the open bedroom windows. You had called home earlier and told me you had to work late. I fed the children, suffered through some math homework, and got the showered and in bed at a reasonable time. They had asked to stay up late to see you but it was just getting too late. It’s Friday and they will see you all weekend.

I made up a dinner plate for you and left it covered and on the counter, then I went up to our room and showered and put some music on. I was not planning on being awake when you came home but I just couldn’t fall asleep.

You come in the house with a bang but soon realize that there is a good chance everyone is asleep at this late hour and you are not heard again until I hear the creek of our bedroom door opening. You see right away that I am awake and you start to vent about your day. You flop down in the big chair in the corner of the room so that you don’t fall over taking your shoes off. I come over to the hassock and sit in front of you as you talk. You take advantage of this and ask me to rub your feet.

I do not have a foot fetish but I also have no problem rubbing your feet when ever put to the task. I love to just be near you and touch you. I am amazed that you just put in almost 15 hours at work and still smell so good. You lean your head back in the chair like you are going to go to sleep and close your eyes while I rub my thumb deep into your arches. My hands feel so rough compared to you silky pantyhose.

Then, like a dagger, your phone rings… it’s your work. I don’t pay attention to the conversation I just keep rubbing your foot. I take the palm of my hand and press it into the ball of your foot bending it back and stretching all the muscles. You look me in the eye and nod to let me know that what I am doing is helping and feels good. I did not intend for this to get sexual but as I sit there I cannot ignore the fact that your other foot is sitting in my lap resting gently on my penis. I am also getting a peek up your skirt as I move your foot and leg around. You slide down in the chair causing your skirt to rise even higher and I am not convinced that this was by accident.

Everything is Anadolu Yakası escort starting to come together. I can smell your sexy perfume, feel the heat from your tired body, and getting flashes up your skirt, what else am I going to do? I start to get really turned on. I am only human.

I switch feet and this time I place your foot directly on my growing member. I take the other one in my hands and start my normal procedure but then I rub a little further up the ankle. You don’t resist so I get a braver and venture up the calf. Your muscles there are very tense and the attention feels good.

Then I kiss the soul of your foot and you jump a little bit. You look at me and shake your head no but I kiss it again. This time I take a little flesh into my mouth and drag my teeth along as I move away. You tell the person on the phone to hold on a second and you ask me to “Stop that” I stop massaging you completely and fake like I am getting up to walk away. You say “no not that, kissing my feet.”

I say ok and take my place again. You start up your conversation again like it never stopped and this time I take your foot and kiss your ankle bone. You just roll your eyes at me knowing that I am incorrigible.

I work my way up your leg kissing and licking your stocking leg. When I reach the hem line of your skirt I switch feet and give the other leg a similar treatment. This time I am a little more aggressive with my tongue and you pull away a few times like you want me to stop but you at no point get up and walk away so I continue.

This time when I reach your knee I raise your leg high up in the air. This causes your skirt to go up even higher and gives me access to the soft area in the back of your knee. I kiss and lick this area and you try to muffle a squeal.

I kiss down the underside of your thigh and I am pushing your skirt higher with my chin as I go. When I get close enough to the point where your leg is no longer your leg but I am almost kissing your ass, I move your leg way out and kiss up around to the inside.

My head is now between your legs right in front of your crotch. There is no denying at this point that you are turned on. I can clearly see my efforts are not being ignored.

I grab your hips and move you down until you are almost falling out of the chair and I notice you are still trying to carry on the conversation with whomever it is that called from work.

I Anadolu Yakası escort bayan start to nuzzle and lick through the layers of cloth. Then I have an idea. I bite the pantyhose and pull back a little bit pulling them away from your body as I do so. Then I reach up with my hand and force a finger through the material. It tears away easily and you gasp a little bit when you hear the sound of the material ripping.

I wonder if the person on the other end of the phone has any clue what is going on. I also wonder just how much attention you are able to withstand before you are forced to end the conversation. I reach up with my other hand and pull the gusset of your panties to one side, returning to my task but this time my lips and tongue are in direct contact with your skin.

You taste so good. I suck on you like I am trying to get orange juice out of an orange without breaking the peal.

You wrap your legs around my head and raise your hips up off of the chair in ecstasy. I lick your full length then concentrate on your clit and you start to buck a little bit. I know that you are already having an orgasm and I can’t remember being this turned on fully dressed in a long time. I can feel my cock straining against my clothes begging to be let out.

I can tell by the sound of your voice that the call is coming to an end. I want to see your eyes so I come up from my perch just in time to hear you say, “I am really sorry I brought that file home with me. Yes, I will be up for a little while yet. No, it’s not a problem just stop by on your way home and I will have it ready. See you in about 20 then… ok bye.” Click…

You drop the phone on the floor and take my head in both your hands and tell me that your boss is on his way over so I only have 20 minutes to make you cum again. With that you kiss me and walk over to the bed, shedding your skirt completely on the way. You look so erotic standing there in your white button down blouse and ripped pantyhose.

You lie down on the bed and move the pillows under your head. You start to unbutton your shirt and I am still frozen in the moment. You tell me I better hurry and I snap out of my daze and undress on my way to the bed. I take up a position between your legs and I kiss you hard. Our lips are trying to pull each other closer. I am about to enter you when you break the kiss and push my shoulders away from you.

“I didn’t say make you escort bayan cum, I said make me cum” then your hand firmly on the top of my head pushes me down back between your legs. I sneak a few licks at your nipple on my way down. They are just sticking out past the cups of your bra. I reach your belly button and kiss all over your stomach as I reach down and start to slide your panties down. You remind me that we don’t have much time and I better finish what I have started. Without any obstruction I am able to do my best work. You are moaning and moving around almost right away.

I feel rushed playing your little game. There has to be about 15 minutes left and I still want to make love. I attack your clit with my lips and I start to hum. It almost sounds like you are crying and I know you have to be cumming now. Before you get a chance to stop me, I move up and bury my cock deep within you.

This time there is no protest. I start to push in and out but I know time is short and I want to try to make you cum again. I grab my shaft at the base and pull up on it as I pull out. This makes the head drag over your G spot every time I thrust. Your eyes are closed and your hands are mauling your breast. At first I thought maybe you were just trying to hold them from bouncing but now I clearly see you pulling on your nipples.

I lean down and kiss you and I tell you I am close to coming. Without opening your eyes you tell me you want me to cum on your chest. I can only do as I am asked so after a few more thrusts I pull out and you grab my cock and start stroking it fast and hard.

As I start to spurt you take aim at each nipple trying to distribute the cum evenly. Then to my surprise you push me back down and tell me you want just a little more.

I have never refused you anything in the bedroom so I settle back down between your legs and this time resume eating you with more love and attention then rushed passion. I look up at you and you are still pinching and pulling you cum soaked breasts. Rubbing the cum all over your chest then licking it off your fingers.

After a few minutes of this I am thinking to myself that either your boss is late or he is waiting outside wondering where you are at. When most of the cum is gone from your tits and you are settling down like you are about to go to sleep I ask you if maybe you should get cleaned up before your boss gets here.

You chuckle and ask, “Did you really fall for that? He hung up about 5 minutes before I said that. I was just playing the game you started.”

Relieved, I move up next to you on the bed and drape my right arm and leg over your heaving body. I plant little kisses on your neck, ear, and check bone.

I guess I deserved that… But I am glad you like to play.

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