Annemin Sikicisi Ablamın Kayınpederiymiş!

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Annemin Sikicisi Ablamın Kayınpederiymiş!
Selam ben Frankfurt’tan Cansu. Şu anda 18 yaşındayım, 1.65 boyunda, 60 kiloda ve esmerim. Ablam geçen sene evlendi. Ablamın kayınpederi Kaya amca, 53 yaşında olmasına rağmen, yaşından çok genç gösteriyor, çok yakışıklı ve çok da karizmatik biridir, vücudu çok kaslı. Anlayacağınız herşeyiyle dört dörtlük bir erkek. Kaya amcayı gören her kadının amının suyunun akacağından eminim. Kaya amcayı ilk gördüğümde ona aşık oldum, ama bu aşkımı hiç söyleyemedim kendisine.

Geçen sene, bir akşam, annem mutfakta fısıldaşarak telefonla konuşurken kulak misafiri oldum. Baktım canımlı aşkımlı konuşuyor, gizlice dinlemeye başladım. Telefonda konuştuğu kişi babam olamazdı, çünkü babam salonda oturuyordu. Ayrıca annem babama canım aşkım demez, çünkü babamı sevmez orospu. İyice kulak verdim, konuştuğu kişi artık kimse, onu eve davet ediyordu, “Sabah saat 7:30’da herkes gidiyor, evde tek ben kalıyorum, yarın gel, hem kahvaltı yaparız, hemde pezevenk kocamın yatağında sikersin beni!” diyordu. Çok sinir olmuştum, ama sesimi çıkarmadan dinledim. Karşıdakinin ne dediğini bilmiyorum, ama annem, “Tamam canım, tamam aşkım, tamam sikicim, yarın sabah bekliyorum!” dedi, telefonu kapattı.

Ertesi gün okula gider gibi evden çıktım, bir apartman ilerde beklemeye başladım. Yarım saat falan sonra Kaya amcayı bizim evin ilerisindeki fırına girerken gördüm. Önce anlam veremedim, niye ta buraya fırına geliyor ki diye düşünürken, Kaya amca elinde birşeylerle çıktı fırından. Ama arabasını orada bıraktı, bizim eve doğru yürümeye başladı. Olamaz dedim, annemin sikicisi Kaya amca olamazdı! Ama malesef ta kendisiymiş, gitti bizim binaya girdi. O an dünyam yıkıldı. Arkasından yürüdüm, eve gidip onları rezil edecektim. Binaya girdim, evimizin kapısına kadar vardım, sonra vazgeçtim. Çünkü onları rezil etmekle elime birşey geçmezdi. Hatta annemin canına bile minnet olurdu, babamdan boşanmak için bahane arıyordu zaten orospu. Olan bana olurdu, Kaya amcayı kaybederdim. Onu kaybetmek istemiyordum, onu gerçekten çok seviyordum ve aşıktım ona.

Tekrar binadan çıktım, ne yapacağımı düşünmeye başladım ve biraz daha bekleyip, tam onlar sikişmeye başlayınca girmeye karar verdim. Yarım saat kadar dışarda dolaştım ve sessizce eve girdim. Annemgilin odasının kapısı yarım açıktı ve acayip inleme sesleri geliyordu. Sessizce kapıya iyice yaklaştım. Kaya amca sırtüstü yatmış, annem yarağının üstüne oturmuş, üstünde deli gibi zıplıyordu, acayip sesler çıkarıyordu. Bir ara annem, “Aşkım orospunu altına alda sik!” dedi. Kaya amca, “Tamam!” deyince annem üstünden indi. Aman Tanrım o da neydi öyle? Kaya amcada öyle bir yarrak varmış ki, bana küçük dilimi yutturdu. Annemin o kocaman yarrağı içine aldığına inanamadım, çünkü annem minyon tipli, ufak tefek bir kadın. Kaya amca annemi altına aldı, o kacaman yarrağını annemin amına dayadı ve öyle bir girdi ki, annem derin bir, “Oohhhh!” çekti. Annem bu arada Kaya amcanın altında kayboldu gitti.

Kaya amca annemin amına öyle bir pompalıyordu ki, o pompaladıkça benim de amımdan sular yürüdü. Pantolonumun içine elimi soktum, külotum su gibi olmuştu. Başladım amımla oynamaya. Fazla dayanamadım, elektrik çarpmış gibi oldum, orgazm oldum, kendimden geçtim. Annemin çığlıklarıyla kendime geldim. Annem, “Aşkım çıkma, içimi döllerinle doldur sikicim!” diye bağırıyordu. Kaya amca da acayip sesler çıkararaktan annemin içine boşalmaya başladı. Boşaldıktan sonra annemin üstüne hareketsizce yığıldı kaldı. Tabi ben de hemen kendi odama girdim. Kapıyı hafif açık bıraktım ki odamdan onları gözetleyecektim.

Birkaç dakika sonra Kaya amca annemi kucağına almış, yarrağı halen annemin amının içinde banyoya girdiler. Banyonun kapısını kapatmışlardı. Biraz sonra su sesi geldi, ben de odamdan çıkıp, banyonun anahtar deliğinden baktım. Annem Kaya amcanın yarrağını yıkıyordu. Yarağı inmişti, ama inik haliyle bile çok büyüktü. Anlayacağınız gözüm baya korktu. Yıkanmaları bitip te kurulanmaya başladıklarında, ben tekrar odama geçtim, beklemeye başladım.

Biraz sonra banyodan çırılçıplak çıktılar, tekrar yatak odasına geçtiler. Ben de ne yapacağımı düşünmeye başladım. Aklıma bir cinlik geldi, onlar tekrar sikişmeye başlayınca, sessizce kapılarına gidip, bir şekilde kendimi Kaya amcaya gösterecektim. Bir süre odamda bekledim ve annemgilin odadan tekrar inleme sesleri gelmeye başlayınca hemen kapılarının kenarına yanaştım, baktım. 69 pozisyonuna geçmişler, Kaya amca alttan annemin amına yumulmuş, iştahla yalıyordu. Annem de Kaya amcanın o kocaman yarrağını iki eliyle tutmuş, aynı iştahla yalıyordu, ama ağzı yırtılacak gibiydi. O koca yarrak annemin ağzına zor giriyordu, yinede annem byük bir zevkle yalıyordu.

Tabi bu ara ben de boş durmuyordum, kendimi annemin yerinde hayal ederekten elim amımda deli gibi mastürbasyon yapıyordum. Onlar halen birbirlerini yalıyorlardı, ama ben bu arada yine orgazm oldum. Ama ne orgazm, hiç bu kadar zevkli orgazm olmamıştım, kalbim duracak gibiydi. Annemlerin ahlamaları ohlamaları yine birbirine karışmış vaziyetdeydi. Annem, “İçime gir aşkım, dayanamıyorum!” diyordu. Kaya amca da, “Gireceğim orospu, daha senin götüne de gireceğim!” diyordu. Annem, “Gir ekeğim gir, istediğin yerden gir, deliklerimin hepsi sana kurban olsun!” diyordu. Ama ben annemin o kocaman yarrağı götten albileceğini hiç tahmin etmiyordum, çünkü amına ve ağzına alırken okadar zorlanan biri, ufacık götüne nasıl alacak diye düşünüyordum.

Bu arada annem yine Kaya amcanın o koca yarrağının üstüne oturdu ve zorlana zorlana köküne kadar içine aldı, biraz bekledikten sonra kalkıp oturmaya başladı. O koca yarrak annemin amında bir görünüyor bir kayboluyordu. 10 dakika kadar böyle sikiştiler, sonra Kaya amca anneme, “Domal da sikeyim!” dedi. Annem Kaya amca ne derse yapıyordu, yatağın kenarına köpek gibi dörtayak domaldı. Kaya amca tam yataktan doğrulduğunda, benimle göz göze geldi ve dondu kaldı. Ben hemen kenara çekildim. Ne yapacak diye beklerken, Kaya amca anneme, “Bekle, ben bir tuvalete gidip geliyorum!” dedi ve yanıma geldi. Bir eliyle ağzımı kapattı ve kolumdan tuttuğu gibi beni de banyoya götürdü, “Eve ne zaman geldin?” dedi. “Hep burdaydım!” dedim. “Sessizce çık git, kimseye birşey söyleme, ne istersen vereceğim!” dedi. Ben de, “Seni istiyorum!” deyince, çok şaşırdı. “Şimdi git, bu meseleyi sonra dışarda konuşuruz!” dedi.

Yarrağı halen kalkıktı, “Ozaman bir kere yalayım!” deyip elime aldım, ama elime sığmıyordu. Önüne çömelip ağzıma almaya çalıştım, başı ağzıma zor sığdı. Başını emmeye başladım. Okadar güzeldi ki, saatlerce emebilirdim. Fakat Kaya amca, “Yeter bukadar, hadi git şimdi!” deyip kaldırdı. “Hayır, kalıp annemin götünü siktiğini görmek istiyorum!” dedim. Yarrağı halen elimdeydi, “Klozete doğru tut şunu da işeyim bari, annen şüpehelenmesin!” dedi. Yarrağını klozete doğru nişan aldırdım ve Kaya amca işemeye başladı. İşemesi bitince, “Peki izle, ama annene yakalanma, sonra hemen çık git!” dedi ve sifonu çekip banyodan çıktık. Kaya amca annemin yanına gitti, peşinden ben de gittim, kapının yakınında bekledim…

Annem bu arada herhalde pozisyonunu bozmuştu ki, Kaya amca yeniden domalmasını söyledi. Annemin beni görmemesi için uygun pozisyon ayarlıyordu. Anneme, “Kafanı yastığa göm iyice… Hah, işte böyle!” dedi. Bu aynı zamanda benim izlemem için işaretti. Kapıya yanaştım iyice. Kaya amca annemin arkasına geçti, yarrağını annemin amına aşağı yukarı sürtmeye başladı, sonra amına girdi. Önce yavaş yavaş, sonra hızlı hızlı sikmeye başladı. 5 dakika kadar amını siktikten sonra yarrağını annemin amından çıkardı, bana doğru göstererek yarrağının kafasını tükürükleyip sıvazladı. Benim elim yine amımdaydı. Kaya amca sonra annemin göt deliğine de bolca tükürük bırakıp, o kocaman yarrağını annemin götüne dayadı. Annem, “Yavaş gir aşkım, canımı acıtma! Götümü nezaman siksen, bir hafta götümün üstüne oturamıyorum!” dedi. O da, “Tamam acıtmam, kendini sıkma yeter!” diyordu.

Annemi belinden tuttu ve yüklenmeye başladı. Herhalde başı girdi ki, annem bastı feryadı. Kaya amca bana bakaraktan, “Tamam aşkım kafası girdi, zor kısmı geçti!” dedi. Kaya amca yine yüklendi. Annemden boğuk boğuk sesler çıkmaya başladı, ama bu arada Kaya amca yarrağının yarısından fazlasını sokmuştu annemin götüne. Sokarken de habire bana bakıyordu. Derken kalanını da birden kökledi. Annem, “Biraz bekle aşkım, çok acıdı!” diye inledi. Kaya amca biraz bekledi, bu arada da elinin birini annemin amına attı ve oynamaya başladı. Annem bu sefer zevkten inliyordu. Kaya amcanın yarrağı annemin götüne girip çıkmaya başladığında, annem, “Sik götümü aşkım, dağıt!” diyordu. Kaya amca 20-25 dakika anneme götten pompaladı, sonra böğürerek içine boşaldı. Ama bu arada ben de bittim. Kaya amca eliyle bana git işareti yaptı. Sessizce evden çıktım, yine az ilerdeki apartmanın orada oyalanmaya başladım.

Ben evden çıktıktan yarım saat kadar sonra Kaya amca da çıktı. Ben biraz yürüdüm, arkamdan arabayla geldi, yanıma durdu, “Bin hadi!” dedi. Arabaya bindim, hareket ettik, mahalleden uzaklaştık. Epeyce bir süre ikimizden de çıt çıkmadı. Bu arada şehir dışına çıkmıştık, otobanda yol alıyorduk. Sessizliği ben bozdum, “Nereye gidiyoruz?” dedim. “Bilmiyorum, gidiyoruz işte…” dedi. “Gidiyoruz işte olmaz, çek bir yere, konuşacağız!” dedim. Otobandan ayrılıp bir orman yoluna saptı ve parkedecek yer aramaya başladı. “Annemi yatakta sikiyorsun, beni ormanda mı sikeceksin?” dedim. “Ne sikmesi, sadece konuşacağız! Hem sen benimle böyle konuşmaya utanmıyor musun?” dedi. “Sen annemi sikmeye utanmıyorsun da, ben böyle konuşmaya niye utanayım? Konuşacak birşey yok, annemi siktiğin gibi beni de sikeceksin, ben de sikilmek istiyorum!” dedim.

Kaya amca arabayı kuytu bir yere çekip, kontağı kapattı ve “Saçmalama! Olmaz öyle şey!” dedi. “Ama ben istiyorum!” deyip dudaklarına yumuldum. İlk başta tepkisiz kaldı, ama sonradan o da karşılık verdi ve dudaklarıma öyle bir yapıştı ki, heyecandan heryerim zangır zangır titriyordu. Deli gibi öpüşmeye başladık, dillerimiz birbirine dolanıyordu. Elleri de boş durmuyordu, tişörtümü yukarı sıyırmış, memelerimi birer birer okşuyordu. Ordan elinin biriyle pantolonumun düğmesini çözdü. Sonra elini içeri soktu ve ıslanmış külotumun üstünden amımı okşamaya başladı. Ben tamamen kendimden geçtim, bulutların üstündeydim sanki. Ben de Kaya amcanın fermuarını açtım, elimi içeri soktum ki, yarrağı demir gibi olmuştu, sıvazlamaya başladım. Ama bu arada ben kendimi daha fazla tutamadım, titreye titreye orgazm oldum, nefesim kesildi, Kaya amcanın kucağına yığıldım kaldım. 10 dakikada ancak kendime geldim, nefes alışverişim düzeldi.

Kaya amca, “Mutlu oldun mu şimdi?” diye sordu. “Hemde çok! Nezamandır hayalini kurduğum yarrak şuan elimde, bundan daha büyük mutluluk olamaz!” dedim. Kaya amca çenemden tutup başımı kaldırdı ve “Hadi sen de beni mutlu et! Elindekini ağzına al da, ben de mutlu olayım!” dedi. Hemen yarrağını pantolondan çıkardım, ama yarrağı öyle olmuştu ki, kafası şişmiş mosmor olmuş, tüm damarları belli oluyordu. Yarrağını biraz sıvazladım, sonra bir elimle orta yerinden tuttum, eğildim kafasına öpcükler kondurdum. Sonra dondurma yalar gibi kafasını yalamaya başladım. Ağzıma almak istiyordum, ama kafası şişkin olduğu için ağzıma sığmıyordu. Biraz uğraştım, zorlana zorlana ağzıma aldım. Sırf kafası ağzımı doldurdu, o şekilde kafasını emmeye başladım. Ama tadı güzeldi, 20-25 dakika kadar yaladım, emdim…

Kaya amca başıma bastırmaya başladı. Boğulacak gibi oluyordum. Bu arada kasılmaya başladı, meğer boşalacakmış. Ağzıma öyle tazzikli boşalıyordu ki, döllerinin çoğu direk boğazımdan mideme indi. Ağzım da doluydu, yarrak ağzımdan çıkınca tükürürüm diye düşünürken, kafamı bastırıp, “Yut hepsini, yut!” dedi, mecburen yuttum. Yarrağını ağzımdan çıkardığında kafasında halen döl vardı, “Yarrağımın kafasını yala, temizle!” dedi, güzelce yaladım, temizledim…

Bu sefer ben Kaya amcaya sordum, “Mutlu musun?” diye. “Evet, dünyanın en mutlu erkeğiyim, çünkü son bir senedir seni çok arzuluyordum!” dedi. Bunu duyunca benim mutluluğum bir kat daha arttı, önce dudağına, sonrada yarrağının kafasına güzel birer öpücük kondurdum. O da beni öptü. Sonra üstümüzü başımızı toparlayıp konuşmaya başladık. Ona, “Madem beni arzuluyordun, annemi niye siktin?” dedim. “Anneni sikmeye başladığımda sen daha küçüktün!” dedi. “Annemi ne zaman sikmeye başladın ki?” dedim. “Ablana söz kestikten 2 ay sonra anneni sikmeye başladım!” dedi. Yani hemen hemen 3 senedir annemi sikiyormuş. Haklıydı, o zaman benim yaşım çok küçüktü. “Şimdi ne olacak peki?” dedim. “Anneni bırakamam, çok üzülür! Seninle ancak annenin haberi olmadan buluşuruz!” dedi, ben de kabul ettim.

Kaya amcayı çok seviyorum, ne derse yaparım, yeter ki beni bırakmasın, onun ikinci değil üçüncü karısı olmaya bile razıyım!


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Karım ve Volkan

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Karım ve Volkan
Ben ve karım Özlem daha önce 2 çiftle grup yapmıştık.Karım çok seksi ve balıketli güzel bir afettir.Daha önce yaşadığımız 2 olaydan sonra uzun zaman geçmiş fakat yine grup yapma imkanı bulamamıştık.Bir gün Ankarada oturan bir arkadaşım Antalya ya geldi iş için ve 1 Gün bizde kalması için yaptığımız ısrarlara dayanamayıp teklifimizi kabul etti.O akşam karım Özlemide alrak yemeğe gittik.Geç vakit yemekten döndük ve biraz televizyon izledikten sonra karım ve ben biz yatıyoruz diyerek odamıza çıktık.Volkan ben biraz daha televizyon izleyeceğim deyip iyi geceler dedi.Ben yine çok azmış özlemi öpmeye başlamıştım.Özlem ise soyunup üzerine sadece sabahlığını giyip ben su içip geliyorum demişti.Ben yatakta 10 dakika kadar beklemiş özlemin gelmediğini görünce aşağıya mutfağa gitmiştim.Fakat ortalarda karım yoktu.Derken oturma odasına doğru ilerledim.Odada sadece televizyonun ışığı vardı.Volkan büyük koltukta oturmuş porno kanala bakıyordu.Koltul kapıya arkası dönük olduğu için Volkan beni görmüyordu.Birden Volkanın:

Nasıl yarağım büyük mü, Kocanınki de böylemi güzelim dediğini duydum.Ve karım Özlemi Volkanın yarağını yalarken gördüm. Karım büyük bir iştahla yalıyor köküne kadar ağzına alıyordu.Ve büyük yarak yalamayı çok sevdiğini söylüyordu.Benim yarağım da büyüktür ama Volkanınki daha kalındı.Yaklaşık 19 cm vardı.Bende çok azmış ve onlara katılmaya karar vermiştim.Kapıdan kafamı uzatıp karımı gördünmü dedim Volkana.Volkan biraz panikle karışık hayır dedi.Fakat ben hemen odaya daldım ve karım hiç istifini bozmadan devam ettiği için vay buldun koca yarağı bırakmazsın tabii deyip üzerini çıkarttım. Karımın dolgun kalçaları vegöğüslerini avuçlayıp hemen amını yalamaya başladım.Volkan o ilk şaşkınlığı attıktan sonra karımın başından daha çok bastırıyordu artık.Bende yarağımı Volkanın yarağının yanına getirip karımın ağzına verdim.Şimdi ikimiz birlikte karımın ağzına verdik.Büyük bir iştahla yalayan karım daha sonra ban dönüp şimdi koca yarayın üzerine oturacağm,bu hoşuna gidecek senin deyip Volkanın sikinin üzerine oturdu.Koca yarak yavaş yavaş amının içinde kayboldu ve oturup kalktıkça göğüslerinin sallanması çok güzel görüntüler oluşturdu.Ben de hemen ağzına verip sikimi yalatmaya devam ettim.10 dakika öyle devam ettikten sonra bu sefer benim kucağıma oturdu ve ben hızlı hızlı sikmeye devam ettim. Bu arada Volkan gelip götüne girdi ve şimdi sevgili karım aramızda sandviç olmuştu. Git geller 15 dakika sürdü ve karımı ortaya alıp yüzüne sırayla boşalmaya başladık.Önce Volkan yüzüne ve ağzına attırdı.Karım ağzına gelen bütün dölleri yalayıp yuttu.Sonra ben ağzına verdim.Sıcak ve döllü ağzında daha fazla dayanamayıp ağzına ve göğüslerine boşaldım.Heryeri döl olmuştu karımın.Fakat hala doymamıştı.Vakit kaybetmeden bizim yarakları tekrar ağzına aldı ve kaldırdı.O gün gece sabaha kadar tam 5 er posta karımı bütün deliklerinden siktik.Sabah uyuduğumuzda saat 8 idi.Volkan arada sırada işi olmasada bize giyor artık.Şimdi sırada Volkanın karısı Pınarı da aramıza almak var.En yakın zamanda bu isteğimizi gerçekleştirmek için sözleştik

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Our Man in Torquay Pt. 02

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Telefon Numaram: 00237 8000 92 32

Solo Male

Our man in Torquay.

part two. Johnny’s story.

It’s been about six weeks now since I got that Devastating note from Jilly.

To be honest my life seemed to fall apart after receiving that note, especially when to think of it I had only known her for two days.

For fuck sake listen to yourself, your like a love sick teenager, your nearly sixty years old and acting like a fucking big baby.

Come on get over it, she’s gone that’s it game over!

Since my disaster with Jilly I had put a lot more effort into my literary readings and presentations.

This week I was in Ilfracombe for a literary group presentation on Friday night.

I had been walking for just over an hour along the cliff path lost in my thoughts and oblivious to the goings on around me.

Time for a pit stop, nice looking cafe up ahead, it was a warm day so I decided to sit out side.

The waitress was serving tables adjacent.

Nice firm little tits, can’t be more than eighteen.

My mind started to reminisce about my earlier days as a Lecturer at Cambridge and some of my shall we say indiscretions.

let’s put it this way, if you live in a large orchard with so much ripe low hanging fruit, it would be sinful not to sample some of the delicious bounty from time to time.

The waitress eventually came over to me, I had chance to study her close up, what a sweet little thing, she wasn’t wearing a bra, the tips of her little tits shimmering under her tee shirt fantastic.

I ordered my coffee and watched her as she walked away.

What a nice tight little ass, Oh! How I could make music with that.

I took out Jilly’s note with the intention of reading it for the last time and closing that particular door for ever.

My Darling.

I am distraught having to write this note to you.

Something has come up that makes it impossible for us to continue.

Our meeting was one of the best things in my life.

Please try not to judge me, and forgive me.

Your loving friend


Just as I had finished reading my note, the waitress returned with my coffee.

“Cheer up Granddad, it might never happen.”

Cheer up Grandad! Cheer up! You fucking tight assed, bee stings for tits cunt, I’ll give you cheer up Granddad.

I detected a Suffolk accent, charm school time!

Thank you, sorry I was carried away there for a moment.

You’re not from around here.

“No I am from Stowmarket, I just started here this week, I knew the girl that was here before me she has just gone back to college and I got a trial.”

Chatty, new to the area

So do you have any friends here?

“No this is my first time away from home, I am very homesick, but will try to stick it out.”


The last of the customers were drifting away, I had the place to my self.

Johnny Lawrence.

“Patsy, Patsy Tuck nice to meet you.”

Come on in for a penny in for a pound.

Can I ask what age you are Patsy.

“Nineteen going on twenty”

perhaps, as you have no friends here you would like to go for a no strings attached drink later?

We are both strangers here, I thought it may be nice for you to have a bit of company.

She did didn’t answer and went into the cafe.

A few minutes later she came back to my table with the bill.

“We are closing now”

I payed and included a tip.

“The galleon Inn seven thirty, if you want”

See you there then.

I went back to my hotel, cleaned up, changed into what was the most casual clothes that I owned, tidied up the room a bit and headed for the Galleon Inn.

When I arrived she was already there, I got some drinks and we sat in a corner. The bar was not busy and I guessed with us both being strangers nobody would know weather we were father and daughter or anything remotely more sinister.

“What brings you to Ilfracombe Johnny?”

Actually, I am doing a literary reading here on Friday evening and like to take a few days to explore areas of interest when in a new town,

She looked impressed, no need to expand to much on the theme, she will soon find out what I really want.

And you Patsy, what brought you all the way from Stowmarket to here?

“I just needed to get out of the claustrophobic atmosphere at home, this job was coming up, my friend gave me a recommendation and I took it on line, so here I am”

I think you are a very attractive girl Patsy.

“What do you like about me then”

When I saw you in the cafe this afternoon, now please don’t be offended, but I was attracted by your small pointed breasts, as you stood in front of me. I could see them moving under your tee shirt and we’ll,I wanted to caress them with my mouth.

She looked at me wide eyed and a little embarrassed.

“Do you say that to all the girls you meet?”

Well not all, only the ones that turn me on.

Now tell me Patsy Tuck, why did you agree to meet me?

She looked a little embarrassed again, tell me, let’s keep this an honest chat.

“Well I wanted someone to chat with and if it Escort developed into something a little heavier like maybe kissing and a little cuddling, then that would be ok.”

I went to the bar and got another couple of glasses of beer, also two double vodkas as chasers.

Now tell me what do you really mean by a little heavier?

“Are you married Johnny?”

No my wife died some years ago, so I am all alone in this world.

That always gets the sympathy vote. Next the million dollar question.

Am I correct in thinking you like older men Patsy?

“Yes I think I do, if my thoughts wander, it is always with a maturer person, I don’t have much experience in that department so I think someone who can teach me would perhaps be more beneficial to me.”

The alcohol was starting to take its designed effect.

I could see she had downed her vodka before finishing the beer.


“Are you trying to get me drunk Johnny”

I can assure you my intentions are quite dishonourable.

I got two more drinks from the bar but this time I substituted my drink with water.

“Do you have children Jonny?”

Just one daughter, she works in Strasbourg so I don’t see much of her.

“So you are quite alone in the world then Johnny?”

When you have been in the world as long as I have and are a professional lecher like me you can recognise fucking signals from a distance.

This is a “fucking” signal.

Yes I am, but occasionally I meet someone just like you who is happy to help me overcome my loneliness. Am I correct in thinking that’s you Patsy?

I could sense the alcohol was starting to take it’s expected effect.

“Yes I think so, but I have never been in a situation like this before.”

Maybe we should get something to eat and a couple of drinks and bring them back to my place?

Isn’t that something “you” would like Patsy?

The propositional question.

“That would be nice, thank you.”

Fucking time.

Now don’t judge me here, I am not going to do anything more to her than any full blooded man would not do in this situation, ok, maybe the alcohol is acting as an inhibition suppressant, but I haven’t got all night to fuck about playing footsie with her.

As we finished our drinks, I felt her hand just above my knee.

Fucking brilliant, alcohol makes her horny.

It wasn’t long before we were heading back to my hotel room. I had bought a nagigin of vodka just in case a little more coercive persuasion was needed.

As soon as we entered the room, I called her over to me, lifted up her arms over her head and swiftly took off her blouse and excuse for a bra.

Her exquisite little tits stood out like tiny beacons in front of her. I could not resist it any longer I took each of them consecutively into my mouth and feasted on them. I could hear her groaning in delight with my advances on her tiny little tits.

carefully I moved her hand down to my fully erect cock, again I could hear a compliant sound from her.

Gradually I pushed her to the bed and she easily lay down still rubbing my cock.

Would you like to see it.


I unzipped my trousers and lowered them down exposing my cock and moving her hand back to to my member.

“That’s nice I like touching you”

I slid my hand down to her pubic mound and started to caress it.

I could feel a little precum developing at the end of my helmet.

Time to see if she will go to the next step.

Can you see the little bead of precum et the end of my shaft?


Taste it with your tongue.

“I have never done that before, I am not sure about it’

Go on you may like it, you can always stop if you don’t.

She slowly moved down to my head and tipped the end with her tongue.

That’s nice isn’t it? Swirl your tongue around my knob.

I pulled back the foreskin as far as I could to accommodate firstly her tongue and then her mouth as I coaxed her further and further into a full blow job.

My hand worked gently on her mound, gradually sliding under her panties to that wonderful goal her clitoris, as soon as I touched it her mouth enveloped my cock totally in unison with my action.

Is that nice? Are you enjoying it?

She took a short break from her ever increasing effort on my cock.

“Yes I like it, it’s lovely, you can do some more if you want”

I increased my focus on her clitoris, gradually moving my middle finger to the opening of her cunt, as I gently probed I could feel that her hymen was in tact.

I turned slightly down to a sixty nine position and enveloped her mound and clitoris with my mouth.

I could feel the intensity of her response increasing as I caressed her clitoris with my tongue, sensing that she was about to orgasm,

Decision time.

Do I keep going and cum in that lovely mouth of hers, or do I stand up and drive my eager cock into that virgin cunt and deflower her before she has time to resist?

No it’s to late, I am about to cum.

I moved my free hand to the base of my cock Escort Bayan and pulled my foreskin down as far as I could.

Poor Patsy you are about to get my full load down that tiny throat of yours.

I pushed my cock into her mouth as far as I dared and shot my entire load into her gaping receptive mouth.

She gaged a little I think more in surprise than dislike, I could hear her groaning in pleasure as she strived to keep up with my ejaculation, as the pulses in my cock started to subside, I could feel her mouth still sucking out every last spasm and drop from me.

As I finally slid from her mouth, I could see she had enjoyed the experience more than I ever thought she would.

Now is not the time to ask her if she wanted me to fuck her, while she was sucking me off.

Plan B Time.

Oh! My beautiful darling that was wonderful, is that the first time you have sucked someone off and let them cum in your mouth? Wow you are so wonderful, would you like to rest a little now?

“Yes I think I would, I have never done that before, I have thought about it and seen it on some porn stuff, but never done it before, thank you for being my teacher Johnny.”

What time can you stay till? She cuddled up to me.

“I am off until twelve tomorrow, so I can stay all night if you want”

If you want! if you fucking want! What an understatement.

Now I have to come clean here, but I have my academic career aside, made it my life’s work to study and understand the female psyche. For no other reason than to seduce and bed as many girls as I could possibly manage, whilst I am still able.

There are several trigger points to identify and understand for a successful outcome.

I have always targeted girls who are.

First time away from home,


No current relationship,

Young but legal.


looking for a father figure.

And most importantly mid way in their menstrual cycle.

Obviously you have to guess a bit there but it is a fact that most girls at this time masturbate five times more often than they do normally. These factors amplified with liberal amounts of alcohol makes them In a word.


I have always been aware that it is my moral duty to facilitate this yearning in not only my students but all girls who are in need of my educational services.

So my little Patsy Tuck it was inevitable for you to finish up in my bed and what is going to happen next is written in your life plan.

Patsy, from the combination of alcohol and recent sexual activity was falling asleep.

Reaching into the bedside locker I took out a viagra tablet and downed it with a good drink of water.

Not being a fucking superman, at neatly sixty years old I need a bit of help from time to time.

Sleep was not my intention, I rubbed my hands over her young slim body, cupping my hands over her breasts and exploring her tiny nipples. I kissed the nape of her neck and down her back.

I drank in her scent as I smelt every part of her body and hair. It wasn’t to long before I felt a stirring in my loin. Nearly time my beautiful Patsy for the final tutorial in your sexual education program and time for my payment for all my expert tuition.

Quietly I went to the bathroom, washed off my earlier activity, my cock was hardening in anticipation of the prize yet to come.

Standing at the foot of the bed my hands moved up to Patsy’s feet, she was easy to turn on to her back. Pulling her feet down to me and lifting her legs over my shoulders, I could hear her stirring.

like a matador in his final act at the Corrida, she was impaled on my shaft in one fast move to the hilt, taking her virginity in one deep thrust.

The poor girl woke in an instant and tried to say something but soon realised what was happening and began to move her hips in acceptance of her inevitable fate.

Patsy was so tight I had to control my thrusts as i wanted to make it last as long as possible.

Each time I pulled back I could see her inner labia griping my shaft like a tight pair of lips was this the tightest cunt I had ever fucked?

Nearly, but I think that accolade still goes to Chala Liu one of my young Thai students from my earlier lecturing career, she was almost impenetrable no matter how much I tried to fuck her, eventually she squatted on my dick and pressed herself on to me the sensation was amazing, her enthusiasm was so athletic she eventually completely tore my frenulum allowing for ever more my foreskin to totally retract to the base of my shaft.

To my amazement Patsy was starting to enjoy the excitement of the pounding I was giving her.

Determined to last as long as I could I could feel her orgasam sending spasms down the inner length of her vagina.

“Johnny fuck me, don’t stop, fuck me, harder, Johnny harder, I am cumming again, Johnny”

It was more than any man could resist, I came inside her my cock throbbing in unison with her orgasmic throbs, every throb driving another spurt of cum into her cervix.

Slowly Bayan Escort I slid down the bed and lay beside her still coupled to her.

We fell asleep in each others arms.

We woke about nine o’clock, the magic and passion of the previous night had started to subside.

“I better go soon, I have got to get ready for work later”

The reality in the light of day of what had happened during the night, and the partial morning after self loathing had started to set in.

This is nothing new to me, it’s a natural reaction after fucking an older man, the passing of the fertility cycle from its peak, often brings on a period of reflective conscience.

This is the time to gently let your partner in crime go, after all the deed is done and it will never be the same again.and she maybe sad for a time.

It may sound a bit harsh but remember, Sadness is caused by the memory of happiness and it would be ungrateful to deprive her of this emotion.

We loosely agreed to meet at the cafe later.

It was time for a walk and to clear the head and maybe mentally reminisce on last nights activity.

My phone pinged as I was leaving the hotel.

I looked at the message, it was from my daughter Milly, but it had a small yellow star beside it.

It is the code my eldest daughter Beatrice uses to rarely contact me.

Due to the nature of her job and my signing of the official secrets act, I can only outline what followed.

I found a quiet area, following a rehearsed protocol I called the burner phone number.

“Hi Daddy how are you? It’s been a long time since we spoke in person”

Hello Bee are you alright? It’s not often that we speak directly.

Yes Daddy, I wanted to tell you that I have a new job and will be able to contact you more often in the future, also we will be able to drop the one daughter charade as I am moving departments.”

Wow Bee that’s great, I never was comfortable with the whole thing and was always worried when you were in the field.

“Yes the opportunity came as a bit of a surprise really. I think you may have had an innocent hand in the unfolding of events.”

How on earth could I have possibly had an influence on events in fucking MI6?

Tell me more I am intrigued?

“Well a few weeks ago the head of section A Tommy Harris apparently put out a an informational search regarding a guy called Johnny Laurence, “

Oh fuck!

“Sound familiar Daddy?”

“Well the whole thing grew legs, and wether you knew it or not, you are legion in the service even though you have never done a fucking hands turn here.”

That’s my girl nearly as fouled mouthed as your father.

“Well when I am introduced to-any of your old Etonian chums, nice to meet you. Beatrice Laurence”

“Hi anything to Johnny Laurence?’

“No I am afraid not”

“Daddy! It’s a nightmare being related to you.”

Ah! Beatrice, don’t be so hard on your poor or old Dad.

“Well to continue.”

“Tommy Harris must have got my name and expanded his search to me at 6. this set off alarm bells and they instigated an investigation into what was going on and that brought them back to section A and eventually to a girl called Mavis Wall, who I believe is a bit of a star in her sub department.”

“Ring any bells Daddy?”

I am well and truly fucked.

“Anyway Tommy Harris tried to cover up the whole thing which was only a storm in a teacup really by digging a deeper hole for him self by putting pressure on Piggy Benson over some old Cold War stuff.”

Piggy Benson, another old Etonian, that takes me back a bit, his nickname at school was fuck pig Benson, it was said he spent the summer on his uncles farm in Shropshire and fucked a pig there, the name has followed the poor chap the whole of his life.

“The outcome was, Harris who was quite near to retirement was urged to retire on medical grounds and of course full pension, in tandem GOD had also decided it was time to go, so this left a bit of a vacuum in the service. Piggy was kicked upstairs to the god slot and I was asked to take over as a new broom in section A. Reporting directly to god.”

Fucking hell, what’s coming next?

“So Daddy your, shall we say, love interest will be reporting directly to me as section head from Monday.”

Oh! Bee, what can I say, I only knew her for a couple of days last month, she certainly had an impact on my life. I don’t think since Mummy died that anyone has had such an influence on me in such a short time.

We never discussed work, so I didn’t know she was involved in the service.

“Well let’s leave it there then for now, I also have some other news for you.”

Oh! god what next?

“Daddy I’m getting married in January, I hope you will be able to give me away”

Darling I am delighted for you Who is the poor individual that is going to take you on?

“His name is James Mullen, he has nothing to do with the service.”

Thanks be to fuck for that.

Tell me more about him darling.

“He is an actuary in the city and he is 39 and unmarried.”

Fuck me, “actuary,” you know what an actuary uses for contraception? His personality.

Sounds wonderful Darling, I am so happy for you and James, of course I can’t wait to meet him and certainly will be there to give you away.

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Lesbian girl dominated me by pushing the gas pedal

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Lesbian girl dominated me by pushing the gas pedalI met Roarie after she called inquiring about a pedal pumping video shoot. I ran an ad on craigslist looking for local fetish models in clearwater to drive and or rev up cars for a video shoot. She was interested and showed up with her girlfriend Leslie. Roarie was not really that sexy at first but once I showed her how to rev up a car and that it would not break the car she was all for pedal pumping. We immediately became best friends and were doing just about everything together minus fucking. We even made halloween horror videos that went virul me playing Michael Myers and her being the innocent female driver with a car that won’t start until the last minute. We worked good together and we started a partnership on a seperate video clipstore from my clipstore that we split 50/50. She also found some of the best models that I worked with who were natural car girls or just awesome fetish models with a following. Ashley Grace and Sabrina were two of them. The reason I worked well with her was in my opinion because she was a lesbian and there was no chance on us having sex or her touching or having anything to do with my dick. She made it clear that she does not like the penis and if I could refrain from touching it or moving it around in my pants. Something I did if it would get halfway hard and I had adjust it around in my boxers or briefs. She kindly asked me not to do that in front of her because it made her sick thinking about a dick. Other than that we were awesome friends and when it came to video production we were like a hand in a glove. She started revving her girlfriends late model Gallant really hard ridiculous it was to the point I was sure she caused some engine damage it started knocking a little. Her girlfriend was all for it she would tell her rev it harder. Her girlfriend attended the first couple shoots we did. I thought her girlfriend was cool. They both worked at Best Buy but her girlfriend was like a manager and she slashed the price on a camcorder I was purchasing and a few other things she used her mark down power and gave me almost half off remarking open box or something. Roarie was just a part time cashier. Roarie started on a new thing she wanted really good lotion for her feet. She also wanted me to rub the lotion on her feet and when we were hanging out at her apartment she started tapping her foot on me usually my side my leg never anywhere near my certain area that would cause excitement or arousal but it was weird. It would usually be when I was sitting at the end of her bed using my laptop on a little table she had and she would be laying down in the bed. I just ignored it because I did not know what to do. She got fired from Best Buy and I guess her and her girlfriend had got into some kind of a fight at work. I stayed neutral her girlfriend was trying to get back with her but Roarie was not having it. She said that she got violent and broke something and that was the end of it. The girlfriend still let Roarie use her car for video shoots amazingly. The crazy thing about it Roarie treated the car like it was a tool for her to take her anger out on abusing it everyway possible. I did not like the idea because it was almost like she was trying to break the car and ruin the engine. I mentioned it to her several times and she just blew me off. Around this time I started to be very careful with my own car. I still was not 100% sure how much high revving and aggressive operation it could handle. I had recently added a race header and removed some emission stuff. I felt as though it made a little bit more horsepower and the CAI made it sound louder but it needed to be dyno tuned and the ecu needed to be reprogramed because it was running rich. I was told it running rich not only would hurt my fuel economy real bad something I was not even concerned about because I was happy with the gas mileage. I was concerned about the second issue I was told it could foul up the plugs and damage a piston or burn a valve. I found out later that it was not a serious issue to be concerned about. The only thing to be concerned about was someone mis shifting at a high rpm and going into a lower gear causing the engine to over rev by spinning it faster than it was mechanically intended from the drive train thus the fuel cut off in the rev limiter would not protect it because it was being over spun by the transmission going into 2nd gear instead of 4th gear. This could be an immediate engine failure and about $2000.00 at the least engine damage would occur. I did some more modification with some very expensive aftermarket engine mounts and high performance incerts. I installed the most expensive spark plugs they sold but then had to take them off and go back with the OEM spark plugs. Everytime I did something to my car I was more and more hesitant to let a female get behind the wheel. I was at the point were nobody drove my car except me and occasionally my roommate Kelly who I lived with in Clearwater and that was because I parked behind her Jeep that was parked in the garage because if I parked on the other side of the driveway the tree would drop leaves and these seed things all over my car. So if I was gone or sleeping she would just take my car to the 7/11 or to run around to take care of whatever she had to and for the most part it would be less than a mile. I trusted Kelly she was my best friend who was there for me no matter what. I wouldn’t mind her if she did hot rod my car. Although she did make a comment about barking second gear this one time she had to do it and I was even a bit concerned about that but knowing Kelly she was probably just goofing with me she was around 40 years old and was very mature. Whenever I rode with her in her Jeep Cherokee she would drive so slow that I would consider jumping out and would think I could damn near Jog faster than she would drive. Anyways I ended up buying a Dodge Daytona that was suppose to be for shoots but another model I had just started working with Lexi was the only girl who could start it up. It was fucked up it needed some work. I also would try to work out deals through a friend of mine Cici she worked at the original hooters in Clearwater her brother sold used cars one at a time and she would be the person who would meet the buyers she also did this for other car sellers who were trying to get away with selling one car at a time without a dealer license. She was able to put together some older car’s we could use to shoot in but it was usually only if she was the model driving it. Roarie ended up with no car eventually her ex-girlfriend took the car away for good and Roaie had no car. She did not know how to drive stick shift and she started to hint the idea to me about teaching her how to drive stick. I gave her one lesson but she stalled and she started to get mad and I felt like she was going to do something drastic out of anger and hurt my car so I was able to get out of it when a police car entered our little practice area and she freaked out because her license had expired or been suspended. We hung out for a minute until the police officer left and Roarie had put on these really sexy brand new stripper heels that were super sexy. She said one of her fans bought it for her. She had just started back working at the Doll House in Clearwater a couple nights a week for extra money. She even had this sexy outfit on that was under what she was wearing and she revealed the sexy outfit and she asked me what I thought about her sexy new heels. I will never forget this day because I was praying the whole time that my cock not get hard in front of her because I was only wearing like some loose basketball shorts and boxers. It got warm so I took off this large over shirt that I had on and only had a tank top and nothing to hide it. She started to give me these crazy looks then all of a sudden she told me to get out of the car. I was sitting in the drivers seat. She started to order me around with orders like Get your Camera ready. She sat in the drivers seat and she said show me how to fix this damn seat so I can be comfortable again. I had to show her the seat adjustments. She was ordering me around and before I knew it she said give me the car keys. I handed them to her without thinking. I was under her spell and did not even realize it. I was never planning on letting her do a revving video with my car. I would have never agreed to it I could not risk her right foot being in control of the gas pedal and her being able to press it down really hard. I was still not even thinking at this point. I was getting my camera ready to film her doing whatever it was that she was going to do I was mesmerized by her and under her spell. I don’t even remember if my dick was hard and it might of been something that was pissing her off and I did not even know. She looked a bit upset but then she had a nice sweet voice. She said ” ok 3 2 1 start filming. I did, ” She pushed the clutch in and she said am going to softly rev your engine with care because you have been good. You have done everything I asked so perfect Sean I am going to be gentle with your car. Don’t worry I am going to softly rev the engine with care I won’t hurt it. She had this strange tone in her voice it made me feel relaxed and chilled out. I was filming her sitting in the drivers seat amazed at how sexy she looked with her sexy outfit and the new heels that were super sexy. She started the engine and did not Escort even tap the accelerator for a while. When she did she very carefully and gently nudged the pedal and lightly revved the engine. I remember looking at her lightly push the pedal with her sexy high heels on and felt another relief that she was going to do a soft revving video and not go crazy like she did to her girlfriends car. I started to think about it I could imagine her sexy high heels that she had on the stripper kind with her toes exposed and a high heel and platform could easily pound my car into submission ruin my motor and all the time and work that I had recently put into it would go down the drain. Her heels may have been ultra sexy and all but could stomp my car’s gas pedal into the floorboard maybe even drilling through the pedal with the heels of it if she was mad and wanted to do that. Roarie was talking to me but I was not even paying attention to her. I was mesmerized by the sight of her sexy heels on her pretty foot she had beautiful toes and a soft slender foot with amazing arches her legs were skinny but tan she was a sexy pedal pumper her feet did all the work but I was in a trance. I liked the way she lightly touched the gas pedal and just barely made the engine work hard revving it lightly each time. I almost wanted in the back of my head for her to just rev it hard one time before the end. I was going to be ok with it she could press it down all the way to the floor really fast once or twice I started to plan to tell her she could do this in my head. I was going to give her permission to rev it hard no more than two times really quick and not to hold the pedal down. She would just press it down and release it real quick making it rev hard but not dangerously and hurt damage or ruin my perfect Acura engine. It was funny because I felt all of a sudden like I was in charge of Roarie and I had the power and control. Suddenly Roarie’s foot made an aggressive move on the gas pedal it just like took control and she revved it no all the way down but she pushed it like halfway and held it for a minute working the engine hard. I woke up suddenly and she was telling me to get the Lotion out from the back and I was to get it and rub lotion on her feet. I froze she gave my engine a couple more slightly harder revs. Then she gunned it planted her foot all the way down. I was confused she was in control I was not in any control I was to serve her and do anything she wanted me to do. She must of held her foot down on the floor revving my engine at full capacity for a few seconds then she did it again. She said why aren’t you getting the Lotion from the back already you. Sean you better hurry up and snap to it and get yourself on task because the longer you take the MORE DAMAGE I am going to do to your car. The more Damage my heels are going to do to your precious engine. She pressed her foot all the way down again and did not seem like she was going to lift it up anytime soon my engine howled for mercy. I lunged quickly to reach in the back and grab the lotion but I grabbed the wrong one and she went furious telling me not that one I told you the Heart lotion and she slammed the pedal down to the floor and held it down. I felt like she was going to ruin my engine at any moment I remember reaching quick to grab the other lotion bottle and it felt like she punched me in the balls with her fist not really hard but hard enough to feel a pain in my balls. I did not see her hand make a fist or anything but it could have been her elbow. She was revving my car hard and harder I was nervous I now had the correct lotion in hand and presented it to her and she immediately took her foot off the accelerator and my car stopped revving hard and was able to take a break from her aggressive right foot. She put her left foot on my thigh and she said now take my shoe off and rub lotion really nice on my foot. I took her shoe off and was about to put lotion on her foot. She reached her right foot over and pushed the gas pedal down revving my car again. She said “Faster” “I want lots of lotion also and you better rub it in real good or your engine will get punished and maybe ruined. She tapped the gas pedal again and moved her right foot over to the edge of the car where she was turned out sitting in the drivers seat but her legs were out her left foot on my leg and I rubbed a lot of lotion all over her foot really good. She expressed how good it felt and that maybe my engine will not be punished so severly as long as I do a good job. My engine will make it but if I mess up and don’t do her right foot as good. It will be my car’s engine that will be punished and her sexy heels can easily ruin and destroy it forever with hardly any effort. My engine would be done for and I would never ever have a working car that I loved so much and cared about it would be a useless bucket of bolts and it would be towed to a junk yard to sit and rust out never ever again to be driven and enjoyed. I would have to get a bus pass and I would have to ride the bus with her. When we made enough money it would go first for her to get a car and I would be lucky if I could ride in it anywhere else other than the trunk of the car. She continued to torment me with words and after I was done lotioning her feet she started back revving my car lightly but then she wanted a foot massage. I did this but she taunted me with a couple extra hard revs and she would say that before she revved my car. She would say am going to give it now a few extra hard revs pay attention and learn from this lesson. When I fail her and do not do a good job it is my car that is abused. The longer I take the more abuse my car will get and I can not do anything about it I have to accept it and even say Mistress Thank you for revving my engine really hard will you please rev it again harder Mistress. I was ordered to do this several time or she was going to hold her foot down and rev my engine until the pistons blew up she was serious. She even made me run across the parking lot to a small grass median area were a tiny flower was blooming I had to run and go pick the flower and bring it back to her. All the while she was slowly revving my car from soft to harder and harder. I could hear my car’s engine revving under her aggressive powerful high heel foot or barefoot. She would take her high heel off and use her barefoot at times to push the gas pedal down. It was a strange and different form of female domination something that she was able to use to work me for about 20 minutes she had her way with me. The video clip turned out to be a top selling clip in our clipstore on c4s. It was a number one selling clips for almost a whole year. At the end of the clip I was totally trained and somehow brainwashed into being her submissive servant. I am not sure how it happened but she came up with a final task that she was going to drive stick shift this instant. She was going to learn and at least be able to shift from 1st to 2nd and then to 3rd and drive around the parking lot. If not it was my car the engine that was going to be punished brutally that she would rev it until she was sure the engine was not perfect anymore she would not stop until she heard it making extra noises and could feel that the engine was weaker by the way it felt under her foot when she pressed the gas pedal. She was rather detailed in explaining this so detailed that I crinched as the words came out of her mouth. I was not even able to do something to protect it. All I could do was hope and pray that she would be able to learn to drive it. I was not even allowed to sit in the passenger seat she made me stand outside of the car almost to the front of it she allowed me to stand slightly to the right by the drivers side fender. I had to stand there in front of her and instruct her on what to do. It was a horrible spot because I stood right in front of her as she sat in the drivers seat looking at me in control of my car and I was right by my car’s engine so I could feel every bit of her working my car. I watched her sit there and work the engine accelerating it and I could almost hear her engaging the clutch and when she made it buck and stall I witnessed it first hand. The insane part was when she restarted it I didn’t know what she was going to do either rev it really hard in anger or what. Once or twice she must of gotten confused or forgot she had the gas pedal pressed all the way down when she turned the key and the engine roared to life and stayed revving until she decided to release her foot from the gas pedal after I told her to take her foot off the gas pedal. Another insane part was standing there when she was able to make the car go in first gear but she gunned it and when she let the clutch out the tires spun real fast doing a burn out and she drove past me laughing. She drove around in first gear the engine was almost redlining but she tried to go into second gear and she stalled it. She was now a short distance away from me about 200 feet or so and I was worried she was going to do something horrible to my car because she was unable to shift it into second gear. I tried to run over to wear she was across the parking lot as fast as I could before I could get there she started the engine and began grinding the gears like crazy. She forced it into gear somehow and accelerated in first gear chirping the tires she drove in first gear for a moment making a complete uturn and now the car was Escort Bayan pointing straight in the direction I was standing and coming towards me. It sounded like she floored it and I realized she was heading straight at me. She put it in second gear while still pressing on the accelerator the engine revved slightly and she got second gear. I looked at her and raised my hand giving her a thumbs up. I heard the engine accelerate she floored it and she was coming right at me. I realized she was gunning for me maybe not on purpose but I started running in the opposite direction. She was right on me about a car length distance I could feel the heat from the engine she got so close at one point never letting up on the gas pedal. For a few seconds I feared for my life but she cut the steering wheel really hard grazing my right arm with the drivers door mirror. It forced the mirror to fold in she was yelling “that is what you get for standing in front of me while I am trying to learn how to drive stick are you stupid” She slammed on the brakes and forgot to push the clutch in and the car stalled making all kinds of horrible clunking and shaking noise as the engine turned off as she stopped with it in gear. She said “that it was totally my fault” Now i’ve done it since I want to get run over apparently I had to now stand in front of the car with my knee touching the front bumper and teach her how to go in reverse if she got it wrong my punishment might be getting run over by my own car she yelled. At this point I was actually up for the challenge. I stood there as she started the car it sounded like she put it in reverse like I explained it to her all the way over to the right and back. I was a little concerned when she started to push the accelerator that maybe she put it in a gear and she started revving the engine high I could not really think I was just a little bit nervous as to what was going to happen. She turned her head looking back. She turned and looked at me again gave me a short smile and I read her lips she said you are doing a good job. She revved the engine again then she revved it again and she slowly moved the car in reverse like a pro she went about 20-30 feet and then stopped did not stall put it in first gear. I heard the shifter linkage I moved out the way for good measure. She accelerated and drove forward she came near me put it in second gear and drove away she did a big turn in the parking lot and she even put it in third gear she punched it and it sounded like she was racing the car already. I could hear her yelling HELL YEAH I can drive stick. She drove all the way around the parking lot two times and came right up to wear I was standing and stopped without stalling and asked me if I wanted a ride. I said yes I would and she started to say something but she accidentally let her foot off the clutch with it in gear and it stalled. She blamed me and went from behing happy go lucky smiling to really upset and had the mean face on. She started blaming me then she said no its not your fault its your car that needs to be punished she told me to stand at the front and put both of my hands on the front fender while she decided what she was going to do. I could hear her pushing the pedals and moving the shifter around she was talking to herself. I could hear her she was going to punish the car and make its engine not be perfect when she was done it was going to be slower and make extra noises sounding like it was old and she was going to make it so I would not be proud of it any more. I feared but at the same time I knew there was nothing I could do and I felt powerless I could not do anything to save my car from its fate. She started it up and she began revving it I could feel each rev through my hands that I still had to have on the front fender. I looked at her and she appeared all powerful and in control and I felt like I was under her control powerless and at her mercy. She started to hold the pedal down revving it floored it went on for about 20 or 30 seconds I grit my teeth and cringed at any moment my perfect engine would be forever ruined it would be slow and not have as much power and everything that made it awesome. Suddenly she stopped revving it and she jumped out yelling at me that even if she wanted to she didn’t think there was anything she could do to wreck the engine by just pushing on the gas pedal I was awesome perfect and she gave me a huge hug telling me to stand the fuck up and get in your car and drive me somewhere she was going to reward me with lunch. She had two for one coupon for Boston Market. It felt so good being in my car driving it. She still had control over me though I could not break free of it. Everything she told me to do I was like on point. We got to boston market and she wanted me to park in a certain parking spot so we could see the car from eating inside. We got our food I got extra points because when she asked me what I wanted to drink I said just a water cup. She liked that she got herself a sweet tea. When we sat down she looked at me and smiled as I took a sip of my water. I felt something that almost felt like it was a dream. She sat across from me and just before she did she said don’t you say one word or move or make any extra motion about anything YOU . She squinted her eyes at me a little and suddenly I felt her foot rest between my legs. She was barefoot her heels were in the car and she walked in with flip flops. I did not move an inch I pretended nothing was happening. I ate my cream spinish and slightly glanced down and saw her right foot resting between my legs and that same moment she flexed her toes and lightly pushed my cock and balls my cock was hard and the sole of her foot pressed it back making it point straight up under the sole of her foot. She just sat there with it like that under her foot. Omg I tried so hard not to but it started to throb and flex on its own. I knew that she must of felt it under her foot. I was worried she would get upset but she just continued eating her foot and she looked at me smiled and said I don’t see it so am good but I have been wanting to do this for the longest time. I don’t know why but I may not ever do it again and don’t ever ask me to. My cock was going throb crazy and she pressed it a little harder and it stopped. I seriously felt like I wanted to cum. So I started to eat my chicked and focus on eating my food and drinking my water. She pushed her Ice Tea towards me and told me to help myself. Her ice tea was in a huge super size like cup bigger than the large soda cups. I took a sip of her ice tea and just tried to stay busy thinking about other things. She started talking about how we were going to use my car for shoots. She told me to make sure and stay on top of the oil change and that I should change the oil today after I dropped her home. She said as long as I stay on top of the oil changes and coolant the car would be a good revving car. She could get any girl from the club that has pretty feet and I would bring my car and we could always make a quick revving video. She mentioned this would be a regular thing we would do film a quick revving video 10 – 15 minutes every other day. I needed to figure out how to shoot at night with lights she ordered as a task I needed to jump on asap. I may have to leave my car at her apartment complex and catch a ride home the bus or use her bicycle and bike home since I lived only about 1 1/2 miles away. She had a boys bike so there was no excuse for me to complain. After work or early in the morning she could get a couple of the girls to come to her apartment and chill out and then in the morning early film them revving my car one at a time. She had the whole thing planned out. She continued “don’t worry about your car I have a perfect parking spot on the side of my building right next to my apartment actually.” “Its a safe spot” “a perfect spot for filming I could film them revving it as hard as they could without raising any attention from my neighbors. Don’t worry your car will be out of site but only a few foot steps from my back patio! “I will have them sign the 2257 and a content release” “You can edit two clips out of each shoot, one for your store and another one for our store” “Another thing we won’t have to pay the girls because I will tell them it is an audition shoot and if our customers and fan base show an interest I will schedule a paid shoot with them.” She went on about another thing I needed to do tonight was come up with a fix mounted floor camera that we did not have to charge battery, I needed to come up with a way it could operate off the car battery and it needed to be mounted to the seat so if the girl was tall and needed to move the seat back it would move with the seat and if she is short and needs to move it up it would move with it, she added that it needed a wide angle lens and if it could automatically start recording when the door is opened or when someone moved to sit in the drivers seat. I agreed with her that would be a good idea and I would come up with something. I liked her idea and felt comfortable with her she started talking about how my car needed to be utilized as much as possible right now. Instead of it just being parked doing nothing it can be used for producing video clips thus making us money money money we need money right now that is very important she firmly stated. I felt her foot even press a little pressure on my cock that was still under the sole Bayan Escort of her foot. I started to get real horney but had to resist. I started to think the way my cock was under her foot at the moment it was almost like how the gas pedal of a car is under her foot but its my dick wow. I like it she did not know but at that moment if she had applied any extra force or pressure with her foot I would have cummed so hard it would have soaked through my shorts and everything getting her foot wet. I do not think she had even considered that would happen. For the next 3 minutes I had to focus with everything I had in me not to start cumming. She started talking again about my car making it sound like it was going to be some kind of tool that she was going to use and her only concern was about making video clips and it being available for her when she planned on needing it. She may need it and have me leave it there and she may not even get around to using it for any video clips it may just sit and do nothing but she wanted to have the option. If she had other things going on and a girl that was capable and willing to sit there and rev it she said she could put it on auto pilot. Get the girl situated inside the car and show her how to press the gas pedal and then she could leave her for 10 or 15 minutes and go inside and take care of other things. When the girl was done via a timer or something she could simply turn the car off and bring the key back inside. The floor mounted camera would do all the work as it would automatically turn on and then off when the girl exited the car. She said “If I see a woman out and about with cool heels on or boots or whatever I could just ask her to come by my apartment and I need her for 10 minutes to just sit and rev up this car and film her foot in the heels I think are cool for my website. We don’t have to film every womans face anyways.” “A lot of our fans just want to see the foot push the pedal down” “I may also film some gay foot fetish why not for my clipstore am sure you don’t want to put any male feet videos in your clipstore I totally understand” “I have no problem filming and posting in our clipstore gay clips are very popular gay guys have foot fetish also and if I decide to film guys I will edit and post the clips i won’t make you suffer and have to look a guy feet and edit those videos. I don’t really see the big deal its money for us!” I started to lose my erection I could feel my cock getting soft. Roarie continued on the subject of gay and male clips. I wanted her to stop and move on but she started getting excited saying “omg I could film so many guys revving your car!!” “I think it would be fun I could run a contest who ever revs it the hardest after we review the video at the end of the week gets some kind of prize” hmm maybe a prize could be “a weekend with the car the winner could use the car for a whole weekend to drive it around take it out with his or her friends” “Maybe not a whole weekend but the winner gets the car and can use it Saturday night” I didn’t really like the idea and I think she knew it but she kept going on and on. I lost my erection and all of a sudden Roarie had a change in attitude. “WTF are you doing I told you not to make a move or do anything” She started to toy her foot around my crotch area with minimum movement and she said What have you done? She pressed her foot down and my previously hard cock was gone. She reached her foot all she could and she could not find it. It was wierd big time wierd. She stopped and moved her foot down I noticed she was putting on her flip flops. She just stared at me with this wierd look squinting her eyes. In a low voice tone she said “Give me your car keys Now!” I reluctantly handed them to her as my mind raced imagining what she was going to do. She got up and told me to wait here do not move and fix that so I can put my foot back there on that if I come back in here. If I decide not to I will text you and you may have to find a ride or walk but we will see.I watched her walk out and just before she made it to my car a young man was walking into the Boston Market and he asked her if that was her car pointing at it. She said yes it is my car I just got it today. Its an amazing car am just going to go sit in the drivers seat and rev up the engine a little my instagram and facebook friends want me to post a video revving it. Its all mine she pointed at me and said see that guy there he is the loser. She laughed he lost the car in a poker game last night to my roommate. My roommate made him title the car to me to clear up back rent so I got the car its all mine. Look at him he is all sad sitting there this is his beloved car he cheerished it so much. The guy was loud and said he was a dumb ass for wagering his car if he loved it so much why would he do that he has to be stupid put his car up in a poker game. Enjoy your car he said you should rev it all the way to the redline for kicks to see if he cry’s hahhaa. Roarie said ” I may just do that what a wonderful idea its my car anyways all mine!” The dude walked into the Boston Market and his two friends were already in there ordering as soon as he walked in he started talking about how dumb I was pointing me out to his friends and telling them about how I lost my car in a poker game and that chick out there got the car and he went on and on and on. I tried to ignore him but they sat down and he was staring right at me shaking his head and saying wow she is really revving the engine up his friend was like holy shit she is going to blow it up. He said no its an Acura RSX it can take just about anything its has one of the best engines. I told her to rev it hard and she thought it was a good idea. I don’t think he thought it was a great idea look at him he looks like he is going to cry. I sat there trying to ignore them and was wondering if Roarie was going to leave me and try to drive my car. I didn’t even care any more about how hard she revved my car. I was under her spell. She turned my car off and walked right back in she passed the dude with his friends and said how did my engine sound in my Acura. The guy said it sounded amazing. Roarie said Yeh really funny thing it felt amazing to me the feeling of that gas pedal under my foot as I revved it felt GOOD I like the way it felt under my foot mmm she walked away leaving them looking a bit confused him and his two friends were starring at her as she walked up sat down slipped off her flip flops and she sat on her left foot and stretched out her right foot and placed it between my legs right on my once again erected hard cock. She said kind of loud I like the way this feels even better under my foot. She drank her ice tea and just gave me a look i could feel her applying pressure to my cock with her foot though. The dude and his friends got quiet. The two friends looked away but he kept on looking I could tell he was somehow wishing that she had her foot on his cock. Roarie started talking loud about how that dude over there told me I should rev it really hard and maybe you would cry but it looks like you just got your own gas pedal in your pants I like this one more though it feels amazing under my foot. Roarie grabbed my hand and got up she said lets blow this popsicle stand she placed my car key into my hand and said I want you to show me what my new car can do. We left out of there and I flicked off the dude and his friends with the middle finger as I walked out the exit. Once we pulled out onto westbay Roarie started on about another idea with my car she came up with “She would set up a display and we would leave the car in a high traffic area with a lot of people walking through and the sign would read. Take a moment to sit in the drivers seat turn the engine on and feel what it feels like to rev this car up as hard as you want. Need to destress just press the accelerator down and rev this car’s engine up it will make you feel better try it its free. She also said are you angry at someone the display will also read Sit down in the drivers seat of this car and take your anger out on the gas pedal give it hell rev it hard as you can see if you can take your anger out on the engine! Disclaimer will read interior of vehicle may be video recorded and used for any purpose. Optional if the person wants to participate in a random drawing and contest they provide name phone number and email and can win a weekend joyride to enjoy full use of the car for a whole weekend unlimited miles to use as much as they desire drive across the state take it to the race track use it abuse it for a whole weekend the winner will have a whole weekend to see how much your car can take isn’t that a great idea imagine how much video footage we will get for free Sean. My idea is great isn’t it Sean we are going to make so much money with all the variety of people revving your car. She kept going on and on I was not at all excited about the idea I was not sure if she was serious but she seemed like she was and I started to get a litte nervous because I realized that she was serious she actually was my car that I wanted to stay perfect and everything was going to be nothing more than a carnival ride that anyone could put a quarter in and get in and rev the hell out of it trying to blow up my engine and I would not even be able to drive it. Roarie was in control and I realized if she really wanted to do it I probably could not do anything about it. I was powerless and she was in control if she was behind the wheel or even when she was not she had done something to take full control over me and brain wash me. She dominated me by pressing her foot down on my car’s gas pedal and now I was her submissive slave boy. to be continued….

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Sarah’s Tale Ch. 02 “Outfits”

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Big Tits

Sarah stretched her arms up into the sky, linking her fingers together and bringing them down behind her head, resting her palms on the golden locks of her hair. It was the weekend and she had just stepped out of the bathroom, clean and fresh from the morning shower she had taken after working out at the campus gym. Her slim athletic torso felt pumped up from the exercise and her whole being vibrated with energy at the thought of what the day had in store. There were some days that she woke up and fiercely appreciated how good it was to be a woman whose only responsibilities were to learn and to make sure her father was happy.

Sarah and her dad liked to go to the gym early to avoid the crowds of people that tended to gather there later in the afternoon, plus it left her feeling energized and invigorated for the day to come. There was a hiking trail that ran from the school campus past the house she was living in, so she often ran to and from campus. Her D cup breasts could make exercise a challenge, but she had found a fantastic sports bra that kept them tightly in place while also being cute and flirty. She had a car, but enjoyed the exercise and the looks she attracted from other young joggers as they passed each other. They ogled the contours of her lithe body in her dark form fitting sports wear, something which made her partner jealous in the best possible way.

Speaking of her partner, he was laying on the bed in the master bedroom as she emerged from her shower wrapped in towels. He always took less time in the shower than Sarah did. Despite the early hour, there had been several creepy young men staring at her during her workouts, but Evan’s protective presence had quickly dissuaded them from approaching her. His physique was immaculate, and his demeanor made it clear who was in charge. Sarah tried to keep their public displays of affection to a minimum, but it was fun to flaunt their relationship in front of those pathetic excuses for men.

The sexual tension had been so strong that they had made love the moment they got home, sweaty and grimy from their workouts and ready for a shower but unable to keep from fucking each other’s brains out the moment the front door swung shut behind them. Sarah liked to remind her daddy that he needn’t be jealous for any reason, but she appreciated the way he protected her from guys who wanted nothing but a shot at hitting on her. She didn’t need it but it certainly saved her effort and frustration.

He always finished washing up before she did, but as she looked at him waiting for her expectantly she felt her need for his cock rise up inside like it always did when she saw him naked. She felt her powerful unfettered desire gently trickle down her thigh and smiled as she bit her lip, allowing the towels to fall to the ground one by one.

“What do you want to do today Daddy?”

Sarah asked as she clambered back onto the bed, falling into Evans arms as easily as if they were molded to fit around the curves of her slender body. Evan responded by kissing her before pulling back to consider an answer.

“You went shopping with Sydney yesterday right? Why don’t you show me what you bought?”

Sarah laughed, tracing her fingers over his body and letting his thick chest hair curl around them.

“I bought so many clothes I think it would take all day to show you them all, and then we wouldn’t have any time to play!”

Evan considered this for a moment before wrapping himself around his daughter, snuggling her and pressing his rising erection squarely between her plump asscheeks. The soft feeling of his warm skin on hers made her shiver with anticipation. Her nether regions were soaked and she knew how little it would take for her to just lower her hips and slide onto him.

“I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that. We really do have all day.”

His voice was course with desire as he whispered in her ear and casually fondled her in all the right places. Sarah almost let herself get completely carried away by his passion before remembering she had an important job to do. She snuggled her crotch down onto the hard prodding shape of his cock, gasping as the questing tip of his manhood pushed her lips aside and briefly slid into her before she sprang off him, prancing away from her naked father while making an absolutely pointless show of concealing her own nude body.

Sarah made her way to the cavernous walk in closet where most of her clothes were kept. Shopping bags from yesterday’s trip to the mall were draped over her favorite plush chaise lounger. Pursing her lips and cracking her knuckles, she put her hair up into a messy bun while she got to work sorting out the outfits. She imagined her dad waiting just outside and smiled. She wanted to rush back out there and sate the deep need building inside her, but she knew there was no harm in making him wait. She wanted to give him a show he’d remember and every performer worth their salt knows the value of Escort a healthy dose of anticipation.

Sarah tried several pairs of colored hip hugging panties on, sliding them over the rippled muscles of her legs, enjoying the way the seamless fabric clung to the taut contours of her lower body. She settled on a sky blue color that matched a gauzy bralette she had picked out that gathered and pushed her full perky breasts up even higher, presenting her tits like wrapped gifts while the silky blue of the fabric brought out the color of her eyes, drawing attention back to her angelic face in a way she knew her father would find irresistible. Sarah snapped a picture in the mirror and posted it to her social media. Immediately, hundreds of likes began to flood in. It had been a while since she’d posted something this risqué. She ran her fingers over the silky material that covered the pulsing flesh of her vagina, settling on the bump of her clitoris. She stroked it absent-mindedly while looking through the closet for her final pieces. The place inside where he had touched her ached with longing.

Letting her hair down, Sarah put on a comfy translucent lace shawl and emerged out into the bedroom and puttered over to her dresser, glancing up into a mirror where she could see Evan, who was casually stroking himself absentmindedly, nude on the bed, his steely eyes locked on her body. Her golden hair bounced against the small of her back and framed her every motion with little swishes of auric glow. His refractory period never ceased to amaze her with it’s ability to match her needs. She felt her demeanor and stance shift as her pussy tingled with the pent up urge to fuck her dad. Sarah’s eyes lay fixed on her father’s cock until she ripped them away, turning her head fiercely. He whistled in appreciation as she bent forward and arched her back. Rising back up slowly, Sarah walked past the bed in a perfect catwalk, swinging her plump butt sensually and appreciating the way Evan watched her every move. His voice, when he spoke, was gravely in a way that was intended to hide his arousal and emotion.

“God Sarah, that color looks so good on you! You are so beautiful, my perfect angel!”

Sarah laughed and twirled at the end of the room, perfect gold hair swung around her as she dropped the shawl and paraded by the bed, her chest pushed forward and ass swinging lustily for her father’s viewing pleasure. Her steps were placed with precision and purpose. She stopped in front of the door to the walk in and gave him a vigorous shake of her ample breasts, making him laugh.

“Not enough to get you up and bothering me though huh? Guess I need to look for something a little more scandalous then.”

Evan laughed and raised an eyebrow expectantly, but kept silently masturbating, entranced as she slipped back beyond eyesight.

Sarah quickly stripped down and then considered her options. Her was really starting to ache with longing so she decided to model a look her dad couldn’t resist. She put on a body suit, a sheer gauzy black v neck finely embroidered with wildflowers complete with a button flap crotch that hugged her body like a thong. Slits down the side trailed from her armpits to her hips showing off her lithe torso and plenty of side boob.

The backside was a collection of lacy straps that sat in the small of her back and made her ass look fantastic. Her tits were definitely a little too big for the top but the overspill certainly drew the eye. The bottom fit perfectly though and because the store hadn’t had a larger size in stock she had bought the smaller size, thinking that the fit had caught her attention straight away for a reason. It definitely wasn’t the most comfortable for her breasts, but Sarah bought it thinking she would really only be wearing it in the bedroom, and even then she wouldn’t be wearing it for long. Sarah put her hair up in a ponytail, tying it with a black silk ribbon that she made into a cute bow behind her head and clasped her favorite black lace choker around her neck to complete the look.

Sarah slipped out of the walk in and struck a pose. Evan loved it when she put her hair up like this and his reaction did not disappoint. He groaned and gripped the shaft of his thick penis as he struggled to keep himself on the edge of an orgasm.

“Holy shit Sarah.”

Sarah bit her lip and fixed his eyes with a smoldering look that could only mean one thing.

“Do you like the way I look Daddy?”

Evan looked like he had been struck dumb.

“Like isn’t strong enough. Come here baby I need you to sit on my lap.”

She approached the bed directly, slowly and daintily stepping towards her dad who laid there transfixed and erect, enchanted by her golden, lusty aura. When she reached the foot of the bed she leaned down so her torso slid forward across the silk sheets. She threw her head back to reveal the cleavage spilling out the top of her lingerie as she made her way to his naked body on her Escort Bayan hands and knees, swinging her hips sensually, one hand reaching between her legs to unbutton the flap at her crotch. She sank into his arms, kissing him frantically as she lowered her soaked pussy directly onto his cock, moaning as it filled her and spread her apart, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her young fertile body. Evan reached up and fondled her tits, slipping them out of the overloaded bra cups that were so futilely trying to conceal his daughters perfectly round areolae. Sarah leaned down and kissed him sweetly before whispering a calculated taunt in his ear.

“Time for some fun Daddy, every time you make me cum I’m going to switch outfits… I bet you won’t even last a minute.”

“Oh it’s like that then is it baby? Well I hope you bought enough outfits because I can keep this up all day and night.”

Sarah laughed and kissed her father again, starting to slide up and down the white hot hardness of his shaft, feeling her first orgasm build and put the lie to her bravado. It wasn’t long before she found herself sliding off the bed, her legs trembling with pleasure as she planned her next outfit, a black mesh two piece with cut outs that framed her privates more than it really obscured them.

He finally started to lose control while she was wearing a high cut yellow one piece that hugged her hips and could unzip all the way to her ass. She was splayed out on the bed in front of him, her hair loose and her legs wrapped around his hips as he railed into her with his relentless desire for her body. She matched his desire with a fire of her own, her pussy desperate to be filled, almost seeming to suck him into her, gripping tightly to prevent him from drawing back for yet another thrust.

This was where they were both meant to be, fucking each other like their lives depended on it. Sometimes at moments like this Sarah wondered what would happen if her Mother knew, or came in to the scene currently playing out in her husband and daughter’s den of lust. Sandra Marks was a remarkably generous woman, hardworking and flexible in the extreme when it came to her children’s upbringing, but Sarah had to admit that she knew very little about her thoughts regarding adultery or incest.

Her dad had told her that they had always had decent sex, but that he had never experienced anything like what went on between him and his daughter. It was the reason things had gotten so out of hand in the first place. Sarah pushed these thoughts back down below the waves of pleasure that were bouncing through her body, each jolt a reaction to the hot plunging mass of her father’s cock. She looked up into the mirrors above around her and had to admit they not only fucked well, but put on a hell of a show while they were at it. Their bodies looked so good together it made her all the hornier, and that in turn drove him to fuck her all the more passionately. She still hadn’t been able to convince her dad to take part in any video recordings of the two of them, but Sarah was beginning to feel that their coitus was art that deserved to be remembered, even shared with others.

She imagined what it would be like to know that other people had watched them fuck. She could even lean into the father-daughter fantasy, no one would ever know it was all real. The thought of it made her want to speak up and ask her father again, this time using the pout that got her anything her heart desired.

Instead, Sarah wrapped her legs around her dad and reveled in the joy of having him fuck her until he had enough, spilling himself into her with no thoughts about holding back. She was on birth control, and had very few intentions about getting pregnant while in college, but the feeling of her father filling her sinful insides with his forbidden heat made her long for more every time she felt it. The sensation was a powerful, bittersweet emotion that made her toes curl and back arch with the intensity of its grasp on her whole being. She had already been mid orgasm when he spilled himself into her, but the sensation was enough to send her into another dimension of ecstasy.

One day, they would be doing that for a purpose. All this was just nothing more than practice and fun while they waited for that day. The two of them laid there panting, Evan’s body pressing down onto his daughter’s, their bodies tightly interwoven. “Sarah you are too goddamn beautiful for your own good. I can’t stop fucking you baby!”

He kissed her, his erection throbbing gently inside her as she swept her tongue against his.

“I never want to stop doing this Daddy, I love you.”

“I love you too baby girl.”

They continued to kiss for a while before eventually decoupling. Evan pulled his cock out of her slowly, catching the slurry of cum that drooled out of her pussy so that it could quickly be mopped up with a tissue.

“You know I still think it would be hot to film ourselves. Bayan Escort The mirrors are nice and all but imagine being able to rewind and look back at our favorite parts.”

Evan laughed while he slipped a pair of boxers back on. It seemed like he was still doubting the risks and benefits of the concept, but he was smiling mischievously, which was always a good sign.

“What like that part where we flipped from missionary to doggy style without pulling out?”

“I was thinking more about the part when I was wearing the flowery romper and we were both on our knees. I don’t think we’ve ever done that one before and I really liked it.”

“I always tried doing that with Sandra but we never quite fit right. You’re a little smaller so you fit so much more snugly in my lap. It’s perfect.”

The reference to Sarah’s mom always sent a little twinge of guilt through her. Evan had always said it would be better if she didn’t know about the two of them, but Sarah didn’t know the intricacies of her parent’s relationship. Her father had told her they were more of an open thing most of the time, whatever that meant.

“Hey Dad?”

“Yeah Sarah?”

Sarah looked at her father and wondered if she should ask. The afternoon had been so perfect and she didn’t want to ruin the post coital bliss with a heavy and awkward conversation.

“What do you think Mom would say if she found out about us?”

Evan pondered the question, but before he could open his mouth to answer Sarah barreled on.

“Like, I know you said you two were in an open type thing and that we should keep it normal around the family, but its getting to the point where I really really love you and I want us to be ‘normal’. And I know that’s crazy but… This…”

Sarah gestured to herself and her father, and the room they shared.

“I want to be with you and for this to be our life, but there’s this other life we inhabit sometimes where I have to pretend to be something I’m not. I love Mom and I know you do too, but I also know what we have together and I don’t want her to get hurt when you eventually choose me over her.”

It all came out in a rush, and Evan quickly put his hands up in a placating gesture, trying to calm her down. He had a bemused expression on his face, and sat back down on the bed, taking one of Sarah’s hands.

“I’m sorry baby. We’ve done a decent enough job of wading through the complexities of our relationship, but there’s still so much that we have to share and talk about sometimes. It’s easy to get swept up in each other’s arms we forget to talk about the hard things that matter.”

The two of them shared a smile, and Evan put an arm around Sarah’s shoulder, his fingers absentmindedly stroking her nipple and the skin of her breasts.

“Like I said before, your Mother and I have been in an open relationship for a while. We’ve never had the most exciting sex life, and our kinks didn’t overlap as well as we’d first hoped when we got married. She took advantage of that quite a bit more than I did before you and I started to fall for each other.”

He squeezed her in his arms and planted a kiss on her forehead. His touch was enough to spread warmth and happiness through her even without the reassuring words.

“I honestly don’t know how she’d react if she discovered the exact nature of our new relationship. She’s a very open-minded person, but I don’t fancy risking my freedom and our love on the chance that she react badly. Like you said I don’t want to hurt her.”

“That makes sense. I guess as long as she’s ok with you loving someone else.”

“It doesn’t mean I don’t love her and that she doesn’t love me darling. We will always be a family, and we will always love you most of all.”

“What if she does find out though?”

“Then we have to make her understand how much it is we mean to each other. I’m sure she wouldn’t ruin me over this, but she could. If she did find out about our relationship we would have to make it clear how committed to each other we are.”

Sarah leaned her head into her father’s chest, her lust and desire pulsing beneath her calm exterior. This new information had if anything stoked her powerful need for him even more.

“I was made for you Daddy.”

“That’s right baby.”

“I love having your cum inside me Daddy.”

“I love filling you with my seed darling. You have made me the luckiest man in the whole damn world.”

They traded sweet nothings and talked about their love until Evan’s penis once again rose to fulfill the promise of their shared bond.

This time, Sarah wore nothing at all. Her body was slicked with sweat and shining as she bounced on her father’s lap. The feeling was visceral and powerful and filled her with an intoxicating lust.

His hands came up to fondle the fullness of her breasts, tweaking her nipples and sending pleasure lancing through her torso, joining with the pleasure building between her legs and blooming into a world-shaking orgasm that made her legs grab onto him instinctively. In return, he pumped his hips into her, erupting with cum again, spilling himself into her in another powerful flood of semen that sent her into yet further paroxysms of ecstasy.

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To the Accompaniment of Cannon

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Becky flinched at the dull thud transmitted through the cold concrete as dust drifted down from the ceiling. It seemed like hours since she had fled into the basement of the abandoned farmhouse, hours that those distant concussions had started hammering like some giant’s fist slamming time after time into the ground. A trickle of sand rained down from an overhead beam, the soft rasp of the grains falling against the concrete the only sound.

Becky tried to stifle a sob, palm away the trail of tears cutting through the dirt and grim on her check while ignoring the way the shadows jumped and danced from the vibration of the tiny candle lantern. She stared at that simple candle lantern, a reminder of happier days, of trips to the outdoor store to buy what was essentially a fancy toy for camping trips full of electric lights, plentiful food cooked on propane grills, and…


She stared at the flickering candle and wondered where she was going to find thirty-two more for her birthday next week, her stomach growling noisily at the thought of a red velvet cake that she always loved for her birthdays.

She flinched again as another concussion thudded through the concrete and then stifled back a scream as she heard the sound of the door to the basement being forced open. She had found the door down a steep set of stairs at the back of the house already partially open and barely hanging by one hinge. She had managed to squeeze inside and then close the door before jamming a broken board beneath the doorknob to hold it in place when she had arrived a little after sunset.

Now Becky scrambled backwards on her butt into the darkest corner of the basement as someone rammed against the door hard enough to force the board back several inches. Becky bit the back of her hand to hold back her sobs and used a mildewed blanket to cover herself as someone rammed the door again, the board falling with a sharp crack as it struck the floor.

The door shifted and lurched as it fell from the doorframe to lean drunkenly by the single hinge followed by a muffled curse from whoever was outside.

“Hello?” a voice called a moment later, “Who’s there?”

Becky peaked out from below the edge of the blanket as a man slipped past the door and into the basement, his head swiveling as he tried to look into every corner at once.

“Hello?” the voice called again.

Becky’s moment of terror passed as she realized the man was probably no more than a boy in his late teens, his voice cracking in his own nervousness as he continued to look around.

“I saw the light…” the boy called out and quickly pushed the door back into place before reaching down to shove the board beneath the doorknob again, “I… I was hoping I might be able to stay with you…”

Becky had been on the move for weeks, barely scavenging enough to make it day by day and one thing she had learned repeatedly was that strangers no matter how harmless they may look were dangerous. Becky’s hand shifted to the kitchen knife she had found soon after the invasion had begun that she kept hidden inside her purse and…

“I have food,” the stranger said quietly, “It’s not much, just some Spam, but I’d be willing to share…”

Becky’s mouth flooded with saliva, her jaw aching at just the mention of food, the knife, even her wariness of only moments before forgotten.

“Is it just you?” Becky asked quietly.

The boy’s head snapped over to look into the dark corner where escort Becky was hidden and after a moment nodded.

“Yea, only me,” the boy replied, “Is it just you too?”

Becky pushed the smelly blanket off and slowly stood up before giving a curt nod.

“I’m Daniel,” the boy replied without moving.

“Becky,” Becky said and walked slowly over to the candle lantern.

Both Becky and Daniel gave a jump when a concussive blast shook the basement and more dirt and sand rained down onto them. They both gave each other a guilty look before Becky sat down while watching Daniel warily.

“You said you had food?” Becky asked as her belly gave an audible rumble.

“Oh… yea,” Daniel replied and pulled a small backpack off before walking over to sit across from Becky with the candle lantern between them.

Daniel rummaged through his backpack for a moment before pulling out two foil packets of single serve Spam and three packets of saltine crackers. Becky’s belly rumbled again at the sight of the feast and tried not to snatch one of the foil packets and a package of saltines out of Daniel’s hand when he offered them to her.

“Never thought I’d enjoy Spam!” Daniel said with a grin as he watched Becky tear open the foil and take a bite.

“Mmmm,” Becky moaned as she chewed, “I used to only eat organic stuff, I’d have never looked twice at Spam!”

Both Becky and Daniel laughed softly before another concussion rocked the basement. Daniel glanced fearfully at the door while he hastily finished eating, even ripping open the foil packet to lick the inside clean before looking forlornly at the last of the three saltine packages.

“Do you know what’s happening?” Becky asked after licking the cold congealed grease from the inside of her own foil packet.

“No, not really,” Daniel said after a moment, “I heard from someone who heard from someone else that they are trying to take the 205 bridge after the I5 one blew up, you know.”

Becky’s eyes never left the saltines in Daniel’s hands and he glanced from her stare down to the cracker when he noticed.

“Share?” Daniel asked after a moment.

Becky quickly nodded and Daniel grinned before he came around the candle lantern to sit next to her.

Becky watched as moved, his chin and face covered in a soft, patchy fuzz of a beard with his stringy black hair hanging down into his eyes. He had obviously lost weight with his clothes loose and baggy but was still close to six feet tall with an athletic build. After so long without a haircut… or a shower she thought she probably didn’t look much better herself although she had managed to braid her auburn hair into a half dozen tightly woven dreadlocks. Daniel opened the package carefully and handed Becky half of the crackers before beginning to nibble at one himself.

“Are they ever going to leave?” Becky asked as she savored the dry salty flavor of the cracker.

“I hope s…” Daniel began before the ground lurched from a blast much closer than any of the others.

Becky gave a yelp of terror and wrapped her arm around Daniel’s shoulders as a cascade of dirt fell into the basement. A crash from upstairs sounded as something heavy toppled over before silence fell once more. Becky realized that Daniel was holding onto her as much as she was to him, his arms trembling against her back.

“That was…” Daniel began.

Becky nodded and then snuggled in closer to Daniel while pulling him against her body.

“That escort bayan was closer than any of the others,” Becky finished.

Daniel left his arm draped over Becky’s shoulder as they sat next to each other, both flinching at a distant concussion that sent tendrils of dirt raining down. Becky became more aware of the gentle pressure of his arm around her shoulder, his strong masculine smell and his deep, slow breaths. It had been weeks since she had felt the touch of another person, weeks since she would have even trusted someone so close to her, and now it was a boy not yet twenty who had shared his meager food with her in return for spending the night in a musty basement with a tiny candle lantern for light.

Becky turned her head to look at Daniel’s profile in that dim, flickering light while wondering who else would have even considered sharing food with a stranger for nothing in return.

“What?” Daniel asked gently when he noticed Becky’s scrutiny.

“Nothing,” Becky replied and lay her head onto his shoulder.

A series of three concussions sounded one after another and caused Becky to cry out while Daniel flinched and pulled her close.

“I just wish this would all just go away,” Daniel whispered after the dust had stopped falling from the ceiling, “Just go back to how it used to be, you know.”

Becky glanced at Daniel’s profile again to see a clean line drawn in the dirt down his check from his tears, the sight reminding her of her own tears from only a little while ago. Without thinking Becky reached up to trace that line along Daniel’s check down to his chin before gently tilting his head towards her.

“What… what are you doing?” Daniel asked breathlessly just before Becky’s lips touched his.

Becky let the kiss linger, Daniel’s hesitancy melting as she slowly pulled her to him.

Becky leaned into the kiss, her tongue pressing between Daniel’s lips as the weeks spent in constant fear, of having to move from place to place, of hiding at even a glimpse of another person or the soldiers no matter what uniform they wore were forgotten as she cupped the back of Daniel’s head. Another distant concussion sounded and Daniel jerked and pulled away at the vibration transmitted through the hard concrete floor.

“You don’t have to…” Daniel stammered, “I didn’t share my food trying to do anything!”

“I know,” Becky whispered and pulled Daniel gently towards her lips again, “It’s alright if you want too though…”

Daniel pressed into the kiss, his hands fumbling clumsily at the front of Becky’s bulky shirt with three other shirts beneath it.

“Wait,” Becky said breathlessly and tried not to grin as she pulled one shirt after another off until she was only wearing her sports bra.

She tried not to think about how dirty and smelly that bra was and watched Daniel’s eyes watching her chest avidly as she pulled the sports bra up and over her head to join the pile of clothes behind her back. Daniel reached out hesitantly with a shaking hand to cup one of her D cup breasts to squeeze gently while he licked his lips. As Becky watched Daniel’s eyes riveted to her dark areolas she had a sudden suspicion that he may have never been with a woman before.

“Would you like to suck on them?” Becky asked softly and reached down to lift and press her ‘girls’ together so that her hard nipples were pointed towards Daniel’s face.

“Yea…” Daniel breathed and leaned down.

Becky bayan escort gasped as Daniel leaned down and latched onto her breast taking her entire nipple and areola into his mouth along with a sizeable portion of her breast. Becky closed her eyes and leaned back as she let Daniel suckle, the soft wet sounds of his mouth pulling at her flesh filling the quiet basement.

Another concussion sounded and Daniel pulled away, his eyes wide as he gazed into Becky’s. Blue eyes with long, delicate lashes Becky noted as her heart beat in her chest.

“Can we…” Daniel asked breathlessly, “Would you let me…?”

“Yes…” Becky said huskily and stood up to unbuckle her jeans.

Daniel’s eyes lit up and he hastily began to take his jacket and shirt off, Becky trying not to smile at his haste as he managed to slip his jeans and boxers down before she had finished removing her own. Becky had a moment of anxiety at the thick, curly hair of her bush since she hadn’t been able to shave for so long before realizing that Daniel couldn’t care less as he stared hungrily between her legs. She took another moment to arrange her clothes and sleeping bag into a kind of padded nest before laying back and holding out her arms to Daniel.

“Have you ever been with a girl before?” Becky asked as Daniel scrambled across the concrete towards her.

“I… you won’t… I mean…” Daniel stammered which caused Becky to laugh gently before reaching up to pull his body down on top of her own.

“I’ll take that as a no,” Becky whispered and reached down to take Daniel’s length in her hand and guide him slowly to her vulva.

Becky spent only a moment to run Daniel’s head up and down between her already wet folds, only a moment to lubricate his glans before placing his head at her opening and letting her body welcome his length inside of her as he gave a jerky, uncertain thrust.

“Ohhhhh, that’s nice,” Becky moaned and pulled Daniel’s face with a comical surprised O of an expression down to her lips to kiss.

Daniel began to thrust into Becky, his enthusiasm matched by her need, her pleasure quickly building from a warm glow into a burning fire and she knew her new lover even in his haste and inexperience was going to make her cum. More concussions sounded in the distance, forgotten for the moment and drowned out by the wet slapping of Daniel thrusting into her accepting body.

“Ohhh, shit!” Daniel cried out, his body stiffening as Becky’s body began to clench down to suck greedily at his dick.

Becky felt the warmth of Daniel’s seed fill her while she pulled him down for another kiss.

“I’m sorry,” Daniel whispered finally and tried to climb off Becky.

Becky wrapped her legs tightly around Daniel’s waist to hold him inside of her and pulled his face down to kiss him again.

“For what?” Becky finally asked once she was sure Daniel wasn’t about to bolt out the door.

“I was so quick…” Daniel confessed.

“You made me cum though,” Becky whispered and began to gently rock her hips with Daniel’s semi flaccid dick still inside of her body, “And we still have all night to try again… maybe a few more times.”

“Really?” Daniel said hopefully, “This is going to sound stupid but… I didn’t want to die without… you know.”

Becky smiled gently and kissed his lips before pulling away.

“Yes, really, and no, that doesn’t sound stupid to me at all,” Becky whispered while they both ignored the distant concussions.

Becky pulled Daniel’s mouth down to hers again, kissing him slowly as she felt him beginning to swell, savoring the chance to celebrate life, of being alive even for just a moment while forgetting the death that lurked outside the door.

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The Bubbly

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Panda says tonight will be a special experience. “A model!” she types excitedly.

“Great,” I type back on Signal, our normal mode of communication. “I’ve always wanted to play with a model.”

“…and her husband the photographer.”

“Um – what?”

Do I get to fuck the model, whilst her husband is looking? How would I feel about it anyways, would I be able to get hard? What would the husband do?

I spend the whole day thinking about this one. Sure I am excited, but also a bit unsettled.

I go downstairs mid day to a Taipei supermarket, looking for something for tonight’s soiree.

Something refreshing, light, appropriate for a model.

The issue with Taipei supermarkets is that the selection is not that good. There’s not that many small vineyard wines, only the big brands, like Penfolds, Krug, Veuve Clicquot.

Champagne. That’s it.

After all, there are no calories in champagne. And the bubbles make it easier for everyone to get drunk easily.

Especially for me.


I arrive at the W. It’s a beautiful lobby, wide open space, with good looking people going in and out. I hear the W is the place to stay in Taipei, as it is popular for the rich kids of Taipei to head there and party.

I look forward to tonight’s good looking people. I head upstairs to our room.

I am introduced to the husband first. Half. He seems nice, with bohemian brown hair, dark John Lennon sunglasses, his Leica M11 nestled around his neck.

“Very photographer-like,” I say to myself.

“Nice to meet you,” he offers, probably knowing that I’m the interloper here.

I am introduced to Sandra.

I mutter under my breath- “hot.”

Strong jawline but feminine. Her makeup is done right, not too heavy, but the right touches to accentuate her eyes and her thick, gorgeous lips.

And her body, which I follow along with the curves of her jeans and her crop top. They’re flowing and cresting in the right places.

But it’s her hair that sticks out. Full and lively, with nice curves. It has volume, it looks gorgeous. It looks like she’s put some time in, heading to the salon, getting it blown dry, getting some product thrown in for it to hold.

I quickly move on to the champagne before I get too distracted by my own imagination.

I pop the bottle of the yellow labeled Veuve, surprising Sandra slightly. The bubbles leak out from the top, like a bit of pre cum from the tip of a cock.

“Ohh,” she giggles, “I like bubbles!”

“This is going escort to be fun,” I think to myself.


We get started.

Sandra disrobes, her just-showered body now glistening, revealing her curved figure. She’s got all the proportions of a model, tall and lengthy legs, with a size B cup. Her skin and figure are flawless.

But it’s still her perfect bob that makes me notice. Those perfect curves and layers. I’ve never seen anything like it.

Sandra starts modelling.

“Is this what I need to do?”, she asks Half as she starts posing, “like this?” as she looks for affirmation.

She has the energy of a cute girl. She asks for validation, questions on what looks good for the camera, her body to be commanded.

Half takes the lead, his Leica flipping vertically and horizontally.

“Move this way,” he barks, “put your ass here!”

Sandra complies, shifting her ass from the edge to the centre of the bed. She sits down, pulling her knees to her chest.

Half barks further, “move your tits up a bit,” he directs.

Sandra does so willingly.

So she is cute. Up to a point.

Sandra starts to settle in, and as she does so, she starts to model. She crosses her legs in a feminine way, scissors her legs to draw the eye towards her mound, only to cover it up slightly, leaving the mind to desire.

Half doesn’t speak any more, letting Sandra to do her work. Thank God.

She crosses her arms across her chest, pushing up her breasts up, cupping her perky tits.

Sandra draws the attention now to her face, putting her finger suggestively near the corners of her mouth, the finger tips not quite penetrative, touching the corner just slightly.

Suddenly, Sandra flips over on the bed, her ass in the air, her fingers in her mouth, awakening her desire.

Her perky ass lifts up – ready to take a cock in, her tight ass air fucking an invisible shaft.

I notice a palatable change in her energy, from just going through the motions of modelling to now going through the motions of seduction.

She no longer has the idea of attracting a man, a physical person, but is trying to court desire herself.

She spreads her legs while bending over, inserting her own fingers inside. Her arm between her legs, her face lying flat on the bed, her beautiful hair splayed across, sexily, alive.

“Yes,” she moans, “mmmmm.”

Her moans are full of desire. Of carnal pleasure.

She puts herself further in, her sounds with seriousness, ferociousness, escort bayan hunger. I see her manicured nails disappearing into her hole, hear her fingers going inside and out, the moisture amplifying the sounds.

“Yessss,” she gasps, “ummmm.”

Half takes pictures, he increasing the pace, the shutter going off, quickening.

He circles her from the front to the back, capturing her heightening pleasure.

She keeps on fingering herself. Moaning. Wanting. Biting.

“I’m cumming!!” she moans, her fingers fucking ferociously.

I am hard. The energy in the room, her carnal pleasures, all make me fucking horny.

Half senses the same, putting the Leica down, and taking off his shirt. It is time.

Sandra lifts her just fucked hair, her eyes with a daze of desire. She looks directly at me.

“No Half,” Sandra says, “I want the Gentleman.”


She slithers like a serpent of sex, towards me, towards my cock. Her eyes aggressive.

I, my apprehension present but courage reinforced by bubbly, with my soldier standing tall, ready to do its duty that his master was not ready for.

With her hungry eyes, she opens her mouth, begging for my cock to fill her mouth, her eyes saying “let me taste your cock and pre-cum.”

She takes my full cock, putting her thick full lips all over it.

“Mmmm,” she purrs, “that’s a big boy”, my warmth pushing her mouth to the limit.

Sandra goes to town with delight, sucking and slurping, looking sexily into my eyes.

I grab the champagne. “Open wide,” I growl, dripping the Veuve down her throat. Sandra sticks out her tongue to catch the drops, like she would with my cum.

I drip the Veuve over her body and I lick it off. At the same time, I penetrate her with my fingers, what she did to herself a minute ago.

“Oooooh,” she gasps, taking in my fingers, “put it inside,” as I finger her wet pussy.

Her pussy increases its desire, getting more moist and welcoming my two fingers in.

Half is behind me, I hear him clicking away on his Leica. And there’s nothing he can do about it but watch me about to fuck his wife.

“Fuck me hard,” she half gasps, half begs, “fuck me now.”

I insert myself in her well-lubed pussy, my cock thirsty for her now. It seems it’s even stiffer and harder, eager to do its duty and to show Sandra’s husband what fucking is.

Half stands by compliantly, taking pictures of a stranger penetrating and jamming his cock deep into his wife.

“Yes!,” she demands, bayan escort “just like that!” as I spread her legs wide and push my groin towards her, making sure that I push into her pussy walls.

She moans with a deep growl while I grab her ankles, so I can deeply access her vagina.

I pile drive her, thrusting myself fully inside her, intending to split her in half.

“Give me the champagne,” I command over to Half, this time me giving orders. It’s poetic, now I’m not only cuckolding his wife, but I’m also telling Half what to do.

He sheepishly hands it over to me.

I pour it over Sandra’s body and it drips over to the bed, soaking it just like with her pussy juices. I pour more of the bottle into my mouth.

“Open up,” I command Sandra, pouring the champagne into hers, she using her tongue to break up the flow of bubbles hitting her throat.

With a continuous motion, I slip my cock outside her, and quickly saddle her and insert myself into her mouth, like a cock-chaser with the champagne.

Sandra is surprised. But then she slurps in delight as I see the tip of my cock pushing her cheek outwards.

I push in, fucking her mouth with fury, Sandra barely able to breathe as I hear her gagging.

I withdraw, Sandra panting a breath of fresh air now that she can.

I flip her, her hair now flying, and lock eyes with Half.

“Watch this,” I directly say, “watch your wife fuck me.”

I enter Sandra from behind so that Half has a full, unobstructed view of his wife in front of him.

I put my hands on the point where the waist meets the hips, that little curve. I start the motion, pulling her hips towards my cock, her ass jiggling as it hits my pelvis.

I withdraw my hands from her hips. “Your turn,” I whisper in her ear, as I now use my free hands to sweep her hair up, her sweaty back getting a bit of respite.

Sandra complies, pushing herself into me, her ass shaking with ferocity, I pulling Sandra’s hair like a tiny horse rein.

Slap, slap, slap, she pushes backwards, the slapping sound the only sound we hear in the room. She quickens the slaps. Harder.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

Her butt and pussy swallowing my entire cock, it sliding smoothly inside, like a piston pumping.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

I stroke my fingertips along her back.

“Uuuuhhhhhhhh uggghhhh,” she pants.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Yeesssssss yeessss” she now moans, her voice punctuated by the slaps her ass makes by driving into my cock. Her fingers grasps the bed sheets in front of her.

Slap. Slap. Slap.

Beads of sweat at the small of her back, I careful to protect her curvy, perfumed hair from it. She lies flat, my 8 inches the only thing connecting us.

“I’m cummmmmmingggggg….”

The Gentleman

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Dunvock House Ch. 01

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Dunvock House

Chapter 1.

Chloe was good at so many things that she had assumed selling property would have been easy but four months into the job with Savills and she was yet to sell a single one of the homes and estates she was looking after. The clients were anxious and her boss, Simon was displeased. She wondered what she was doing wrong, the house she was trying to sell today was beautiful and good value. The problem was the location, the north west of Scotland. Chloe had been living there for three months and had failed to make any friends, hadn’t seen a man that she would speak to, never mind go to bed with and was becoming quite despondent. The weather was atrocious and she had questions about the sanity of anyone who would relocate to this area.

She drove down the narrow one track road watching the clock as well as the weather. The sun was trying to come out and the roads were steaming with recent rain. The client was meeting her at the house she was selling and she didn’t want to be late. A black Range Rover appeared in the rear view mirror of her VW Golf, flashing its lights and honking the horn. She pulled into the next passing place and the car roared past her, she stuck her middle finger out the window.

Chloe drove on and eventually after twenty minutes of up and down, hair pin bends and blind summits she turned off the road into the drive of Dunvock House, where of course parked right in front of the door was the Range Rover

“Oh god!” she thought, gritting her teeth for a difficult hour.

She parked her car at the side of the house and climbed out. Her short pink skirt and black high heels were the wrong attire for the west of Scotland and she self consciously adjusted her hem as she approached the car. The windows were blacked out and she waved to no-one to signal that she was ready. The car remained where it was, doors shut. She waited, smiling at the windows, her eyes betraying that this was pissing her off.

Inside the car Ethan watched her: he liked her legs and wondered if she was wearing stockings or had bare skin. He imagined sliding his hands between her thighs, and wondered if she had underwear on. He enjoyed making her wait and smiled at her obvious annoyance. The sun was out and she held a hand up to shield her eyes from the bright sky, let her wait he thought. He had seen the particulars for the house a couple of weeks before, and thinking that he needed a base in the Highlands for his hunting and shooting activities, he had made contact with the agents. He had not imagined, from a series of emails, that the agent that came to show him the house would be so promising. He picked up his phone, and the keys to the luxury car, and opened the door.

Chloe looked up as she saw the door open, and involuntarily ran her eyes up and down the tall, rugged, man that stepped out of the Range Rover. He was wearing clean dark jeans, and a checked shirt, and she couldn’t help but think what he would look like without them.

She called out, “Ethan?”

He nodded, with a smile, and she continued.

“Hi! I’m Chloe, from the agency.”

Ethan took her hand and shook it firmly. Chloe blushed as she realised how attractive Ethan was. His emails had been short and very business like, she hadn’t researched much about him at all and now she wished she had googled him to find out more. She also wished that she had made more effort with her hair and makeup: four months in Oban had led to a relaxed approach to things and she regretted the messy bun. She touched her hair unconsciously as she thought about it, Ethan smiled and took in the slightly ungroomed hair: nothing like London agents he thought.

She was lonely and missed physical touch, a man’s touch. It was hard to go months without kissing someone, even looking at this man was making her think of how it would feel to touch his chest and feel his mouth between her legs. She was staring too long, he was amused and kept hold of her hand.

“Are you alright Chloe?” Ethan asked.

He knew that women often found him attractive but she was like a schoolgirl blushing and staring at him.

“I’m not what you were expecting?” she asked.

Ethan held her hand a fraction longer than was necessary, admiring her minimal makeup and messy hair. He imagined wrapping his fingers in it and pulling her mouth onto his cock, which stiffened slightly as his mind wandered.

Chloe recovered and took her keys out of her bag. She shoogled the key in the lock and struggled to turn it.

“It’s stiff,” she said as she turned to look at him, thinking “Fuck!”

She felt flustered and annoyed. He smiled at her: she looked mortified.

“Hard… I mean. The lock is stiff.”

She pressed her shoulder against the door and managed to open it. They walked in together to the cool, dark hall,

“Get a fucking grip, Chloe, you are not to shag clients,” she muttered to herself.

Ethan stood very close beside her as he looked up at the chandelier.

“It needs a bit of love,” she said, “but it’s Escort got a lot of potential.”

He looked her straight in the eyes and leaned towards her slightly,

“I hope you are a better saleswoman than you are a driver. Show me the house, help me imagine myself here, living here, sleeping here,” he suggested.

Chloe looked back at him: this was not the usual request and she had no idea what he meant.

“Yes ok, let’s start in the kitchen. You can imagine cooking in there.”

She led him to the kitchen, and stood at the island, showed him the Aga, the view of the loch, the original sink. He stood behind her looking at the loch, staring at. her as she prattled on, waiting for her to finish.

“It’s a lovely view,” Chloe said.

Ethan placed his hands on her hips, and his mouth came close to her ear.

“It’s a fantastic view.”

Chloe was on unfamiliar ground. Usually buyers asked standard questions about the gas and electricity (there is no gas up here), how many ovens there are, square metres for buyers from London who are interested in the size of everything. They didn’t tend to look like this guy, have no wedding ring and to be so openly checking her out.

“Umm, so you could imagine yourself in here making breakfast, maybe having some bacon and coffee.”

She tailed off, he was smiling, almost laughing at her.

“That’s helpful Chloe, I can see how this kitchen is ideally suited to the preparation of both coffee and bacon.”

“Sorry Ethan, usually people want facts and council tax bands. What can I do to help you see yourself here?”

He stood closer to her and his hand slipped down over her bottom and he gently squeezed. Chloe stood still, not moving and unsure what to say. She closed her eyes as his other hand slid round the front and stroked her left breast.

“I can imagine being here in this kitchen, it feels nice.”

Chloe exhaled the breath she was holding.

“Good, I’m glad. It is nice. Let’s move on.”

She walked ahead of him across the kitchen floor, her heels tapping on the stone flags. Simon was unhappy with her as it was: if she slept with a buyer he might not keep her past the six months probation and she could not go back to Glasgow having failed. But if she was about to lose her job, having some fun with this man who she is unlikely to see again might take the sting out of being sacked. She pushed on the door into the dining room, and it swung open on its butlers hinge. Ethan followed he into the magnificent panelled room, its long oak table surrounded by leather backed chairs. A stag’s head, a magnificent nine-pointer, hung above a fireplace big enough to stand in.

Chloe waited for Ethan.

“Can you imagine yourself in here?” she asked, and Ethan nodded.

“Yes. I can… that’s a magnificent head. Do you like head, Chloe?”

Chloe looked him in the eyes and touched his arm,

“I like it all, Ethan.”

She let go of his arm and smoothed down the front of her blouse, then stopped, suddenly aware that it could seem like she was stroking her breasts. She felt her cheeks flush, as she lifted her eyes towards Ethan to see him smiling at her. He took a step towards her, and she stepped back, her way blocked by the edge of the table.

Ethan moved close to her, placing one hand either side of her on top of the ornately carved chairs. She was becoming much less interested in selling the house and desperately wanted to kiss him. She could smell him he was so close.

“Chloe it would help me image living here if I could eat something, if I could see what that was like.”

“Oh god he can eat me, he’s so very far out of line, he’s not here to buy this house,” she thought.

“I’m not sure I can manage that today, I haven’t brought any food. Unless you can think of something else you might like try?” she answered, biting her lip.

She had decided when she saw him get out of the car that she wanted to fuck him more than sell him anything. She really wasn’t very good at real estate.

Ethan moved closer to her.

“Turn around and bend over the table, Chloe.”

She did as he asked and bent over the hard wooden table. Ethan stood behind her and gazed at her arse. He pushed up her skirt, right up round her waist.

“Open your legs Chloe” he commanded.

She closed her eyes and spread her legs.

“Beautiful” he said as he knelt down between her high heels and pressed his face against her lace-covered pussy. He hooked his fingers into the waistband and pulled them down to her knees,

“Oh my gosh” she gasped.

Ethan’s tongue circled her arsehole and she felt her knees go weak.

“I like your arse Chloe” Ethan said,

He licked her and slid a hand across her soaking pussy.

“You’re soaking wet Chloe”.

He removed her underwear and pushed her legs wider apart.

“Do you like cock Chloe?” he asked, and Chloe could barely answer him her mouth was so dry.

“Yes,” she managed. “Yes I love it.”

He slapped his hand across her backside.

“Stand Escort Bayan up and take that skirt off. You don’t need it.”

Chloe removed her skirt and dropped it to the floor. In her tight blouse, hold ups and heels she looked amazing. Ethan’s cock was rock hard.

He slid his hand in between her legs and put two fingers inside her. He withdrew them and sucked them, tasting her.

“I can imagine being here,” he said.

He fingered her again but this time he slid his wet finger into her arsehole.

“This feels a good fit for me too.”

Chloe was mortified but also consumed with lust: her nipples were rock hard and she wanted more than anything to kiss him. He worked a second finger into her and smiled when it went with ease.

“Chloe you are a most willing slut. I think you are loving this. Take me to the bedroom.”

Chloe walked up the huge staircase with Ethan right behind her. He caressed her legs and behind and imagined her here, as the hostess of this hunting lodge. He knew his friends would find her attractive and wondered if Chloe could take on such a role.

Chloe stopped at the top of the stairs and turned to face Ethan, looking him straight in the eyes.

“There are seven bedrooms, all ensuite. Which one would you like me to show you first?” she asked.

Ethan ran his eyes down her from top to bottom, taking in her hard nipples denting the front of her white silk blouse, her shirt tails, which just covered her pussy, and her long stockinged legs accentuated by her high heels.

“I don’t mind,” he replied. “Let’s start with the largest.”

Chloe nodded, turned and walked across the landing pushing open a large door to the left. She gestured Ethan to walk through, ahead of her.

“This is the master bedroom, sir, and as you will see, it is very spacious with room for a large four poster bed, and has an excellent view of the loch,” she suggested.

Ethan stopped in front of the windows, and turned to face her.

“It is a decent sized room,” he suggested. “Get on your knees.”

Chloe stepped forward into the middle of the room, and with her eyes fixed on Ethan’s, slowly dropped to her knees in the centre of a large Persian carpet. She sat back on her heels, and rested her hands on her lap.

Ethan walked towards her, unbuckling his belt and the top buttons of his jeans. He stopped in front of her, his groin inches from her face.

“Take it out, Chloe,” he commanded.

Chloe reached up, hooking her fingers in the waistband of his shorts and pulled them slowly down to the top of his thighs. His heavy cock swung towards her lips, and she could see a bead of moisture forming at the tip. She gripped him firmly with one hand, pulling back the hood, and flicked her tongue across the tip, hearing him take a sharp breath in response.

She ran her tongue up the sensitive underside of his glans, kissing the tip before opening her mouth and sucking him gently. He tasted delicious, the first cock she had tasted in so long, and she wanted more of him. She sucked him further into her mouth and she massaged the underside of his cock as she moved her mouth slowly up and down his shaft.

Ethan reached down, winding his fingers in Chloe’s hair, and holding her still. He pushed his cock further into her mouth, and she had to will herself not to pull away. He started to fuck her open mouth, not hard, but firmly and deliberately, and she reached up to pull him towards her.

Chloe looked up at him as she sucked his cock deep into her mouth: she had missed this so much. She arched her back and stuck her beautiful bottom out, wishing there was a mirror so she could see what she looked like. He held her head and stroked her hair back from her face. She licked the tip and sucked the tasty, salty liquid from the end. He was as aroused as she was and she knew that when he fucked her it would be amazing.

Ethan pulled out of her mouth and stepped back.

“Stand up and take off your blouse,” he demanded.

Chloe got to her feet and slowly unbuttoned her top. The bra she had on was pale pink and white lace and her nipples were hard through the flimsy material.

Ethan’s eyes devoured her, lingering on the swell of her breasts above the lace of her brassiere. He reached up with one hand and stroked his thumb across her nipple, pressing the lace into the sensitive skin. She reached down to take his cock in her hand and stroking gently while Ethan’s fingers caressed her breast. He reached up and pulled the straps of her bra down her arms, and lowered his head to her breast, circling her nipple with his tongue before sucking it gently between his lips. Chloe moaned as he sucked hard on the first one, then the other nipple, his hands holding her firmly.

He lifted his face to kiss her hard on the mouth, the tip of his tongue flicking between her lips, before pulling away. His fingers reached for the bottoms of the shirt, and he started to unbutton it.

“Turn around,” he ordered. “Hands on the post of the Bayan Escort bed. Open your legs.”

Chloe did as she was told, unclasping her bra and dropping it to the floor as she turned to face the bed. Gripping the post firmly at shoulder height, and leaning forwards, she placed her feet about a foot apart, and waited in her stocking and heels, her ass towards him.

Ethan tossed his shirt to the side, and knelt between her legs. Chloe pushed her ass out towards him as he placed one hand on each buttock, and spread them apart. She gasped as his tongue pushed deep inside her pussy, and squirmed as he devoured her, his tongue flicking across her pearl, and probing into her asshole. She tasted divine. Ethan stood, and rested his hand on the small of Chloe’s back.

“How badly do you want to sell this house, Chloe?” he asked.

She twisted to look at him, letting go of the post.

“Keep still!” he growled, slapping her ass with his free hand. “How badly?”

Chloe grasped the post, looking down at the floor.

“Really badly…” she whispered.

“Louder!” he instructed, and she lifted her head.

“I really need to sell this house…” she replied. “I’ll do whatever it takes.”

He pushed her feet further apart with one of his, and stepped between them.

“Clever girl,” he grunted as he pushed deep into her pussy with a single thrust.

Chloe gasped. Wet as she was, he was big, and she hadn’t been fucked in a while. God it felt good. Ethan grasped her hips, and with a slow, firm motion, started to fuck her hard, his groin slapping against her buttocks each time he pushed into her. She pushed back against him, relishing the feeling of his cock stretching her pussy. She pushed back against him eagerly, delighted at last to have cock in her. He fucked her hard, holding her firmly by the hips.

Ethan gripped her firmly, his cock deep inside her.

“I have some conditions that need to be met before I make an offer on this house,” he said. “First of all I need to know that you will be available to me and anyone else I want to introduce you to, and to know that by ‘available’ I mean that your body, every inch of it, is mine”

He pulled out of her pussy as he finished and gently pushed his cock against her tight arsehole.

“Do you understand what I want from you Chloe?”

Chloe could barely talk. She wanted him back inside her and to sell the house and please her boss she was prepared to agree with whatever he said, especially now when he had her out of control with lust. She liked anal sex and pressed back against his hard cock.

“I’ll do whatever you want, whatever you need, please just put your cock back inside me…” she stammered.

“Not here, Chloe,” he said, “Let’s go somewhere else and you can show me the view of the loch. I want to take your arse somewhere with a view.”

Naked, she climbed with him to the turret bedroom and led him to the huge windows that looked over the loch. He pushed her to her knees and she once more took him into her mouth. He tasted of her now and she sucked and licked greedily at his beautiful cock. He didn’t want to come, and he was so on the verge with her clever mouth, he reluctantly pulled her to her feet. He placed her hands on the window frame and spread her legs again.

He stood behind her looking at the grey loch, green hills and grey sky. It was beautiful but austere, he kissed her neck and then her mouth.

“You’re very beautiful Chloe, I want to do this again,” he murmured.

He put his hands over hers and slid his cock between her legs again, into her wet pussy. He fucked her slowly and firmly as his thumb pressed into her ass.

She was enjoying his cock in her, it was a beautiful one and she knew how good it would feel even deeper inside her. He pulled out of her, pressed his slippery wet cock against her arsehole and slowly pushed inside her.

Chloe nearly squealed as Ethan stretched her arsehole open. She had to force herself to stand still, her knees shaking, with her hands on the frame of the window, as Ethan’s cock seemed to slide impossibly deep into her arse.

“Fuck, that feels good,” she gasped, squirming on him as he held her still. “Fuck my tight arsehole, Ethan, please…”

Ethan needed little encouragement, and he slowly pulled away before pulling her back onto his rigid cock. She moaned, and reached down with one hand to stroke her pearl in time with Ethan’s purposeful thrusts. She sank two fingers deep into her soaking pussy, fucking herself with her hand in time with Ethan, then pressed her wet fingers ever more firmly on her swollen pearl. It felt incredible, and she knew she was going to come.

“Harder, Ethan,” she demanded, and he responded, his breath coming in short gasps.

Chloe moaned, “Ohhhh…. Ohhhh. Fuuuuck…!” as she came, shuddering, grinding herself back onto Ethan’s cock. He stood, buried deep in her arsehole, feeling her contract around him as she came.

As she relaxed, he started to move again, first slowly, then with more purpose, his hands holding her by the hips. She reached back and spread her ass open with her hands, encouraging him to push even further into her.

“Come for me, Ethan,” she demanded, twisting away from him and dropping to her knees.

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My Version of Waking Up

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As I lay next to her sleeping, she is fully awake and wanting more of what I had given her last night. After last night, our sex life was about to change forever, unknowingly to me. She had really enjoyed the new experience and now she was aching for more.

After trying to roll over several times, she realizes she will not be able to sleep or get any rest until she gets it again. She looks over at me and realizes I am dead to the world asleep, trying to whisper into my ear to wake me, I barely even move. Nearly completely exhausted from last night’s exhibition, I feel nothing at this point. She reaches down and feels my cock and it is very limp, not even moving as she plays with it in her hand.

“Damn it”, she whispers, “I really need this cock to be hard again and I need him awake”. She pulls her head under the covers and gently lowering her mouth to my cock, she starts to kiss it, fondling my balls. I slowly start to wake and realize what’s going on just as she takes my soft cock into her mouth. She knows I love growing big inside her mouth.

She sucks my still soft cock into her mouth, sucking on it all the while, I reach down under the covers and grab her head on either side with my hands. She is easily able to take all of my cock into her mouth as it starts to grow and harden in her mouth. I think to myself, this is such a great feeling, I love it when she does this. Still playing with my balls, my cock is growing ever harder in her mouth, and now I start slowly thrusting my cock Escort in and out of her mouth, holding her head still.

Bucking my hips with a little more force now, I am slowly gliding my cock in and out of her mouth and she loves when I do this. Remembering this, I begin to fuck her mouth with more passion. My cock growing now almost to its full length inside her mouth. In and out of her mouth, I am now fucking her mouth pretty hard and fast, each time hitting her throat, feeling her throat resist the head of my cock. I pull her head up off my cock and she lifts the covers, up over her head she looks at me.

“I want more of last night, honey”, she quietly whispers. Who am I to deny her the satisfaction of a our newly found sexual experience?

Releasing my grip on her head, she gets up and maneuvers to a position of being on all fours, her ass pointing up in the air awaiting my entry into her. I get up and getting on my knees behind her, I slowly push my saliva slicked up cock against her ass. She reaches back and her hand on mine around my cock, we both guide my cock into her ass. Feeling my head burst its way into her ass, she is still very tight, for last night was her first anal experience. Once my head is inside her ass, the rest of my cock easily glides into her ass as she begins to moan from the pressure she is feeling. I push my cock all the way up inside her ass as she moves her hands to a position behind her head, fingers intertwined.

I move my hand up to hold Bayan Escort her hands and pushing her head into the bed as she looks to side, I am now fully inside her ass with my rigid shaft. My balls up against her pussy. I begin to pull my cock until I feel my cock head just inside her ass. Then I push back in again. Once again, burying my cock deep inside her ass and my balls up against her pussy.

Now, it is my turn to fuck that ass hard, as she showed me how much she enjoyed it last night. I begin to fuck her ass, slowly at first and continuing to quicken my pace in and out of her ass, each time squishing my balls up against her pussy. After a few more slow strokes, I begin to fuck her ass hard and fast, hearing and feeling my balls slap her pussy lips. She is now nearly screaming in ecstasy, screaming with each thrust in and out of her tight ass from my rock hard cock.

I am how holding her hips as I bang her ass hard. Holding her hips still, her head still on the bed solid, I am fucking her ass with wild abandon, she reaches around and starts fucking her wet pussy with three fingers, knowing she is about to cum. Feeling my pressure within my cock and balls starting to build, we both know we like it when we cum together. I think she can feel my cock starting to pulsate as I can feel her ass tighten and her body starting to convulse, her fingers fucking her pussy while my cock thrusting in and out of her ass.

Then I feel it. I am about to unload my cum deep into Escort Bayan her ass and she is starting to drench her fingers with her cum. I push deep into her ass and hold my cock there as it pumps her ass full of my hot semen and her pussy dripping cum out around her fingers. I can feel her ass flood with my cum, I can feel it surround my cock inside her ass. She collapses on the bed, and I collapse on top of her. Her fingers still inside her pussy and my cock still inside her ass.

I start to pull my cock out as she moans and at the same time she pulls her fingers out of her pussy. Now it is time for the usual cleaning up. I get back to my knees, and pull her ass towards me I start licking her pussy, cleaning her cum off her lips and even pushing my tongue inside her and sucking as much of her cum out as I can. Then, running my tongue up from her pussy to her ass, I lick the cum that has oozed out of her ass, combining in my mouth for the best taste in the world, her cum mixed with mine.

Then I slide my tongue inside her ass, she moans a little, but I push my tongue inside her ass tasting my cum that is inside her ass. I lick around as much as I can before returning my tongue to the outside of her ass and ensuring I’ve cleaned up her ass and pussy from all left over cum, I slowly push her back down to the bed, so she can relax. I soon realize that she is starting to doze off to sleep.

But now, I realize, I am wide awake and even thought my cock has gotten soft again, I sit back on my haunches admiring her beauty, her beautiful sexy curves as the woman she is. I can start to feel a rise in my sexual tension as I look her sexy curvy figure up and down, starting from her long flowing red hair down to her sexy legs and feet.

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Erken boşalınca karımı masöre siktrdim

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Erken boşalınca karımı masöre siktrdim
Selam ben Selami, 26 yaşındayım. Karım Gülsüm 24 yaşında. Yaklaşık 1 yıldır evliyiz. Karım kapalı giyinen, fakat vücudu ve yüzü oldukça güzel bir hatun. Birbirimize deliler gibi aşığız. Bu olay nasıl yaşandı anlayabilmiş değilim, ama ikimiz de çok zevk aldık ve birbirimize daha sıkı bağlandık diyebilirim. Gerçi sevişmelerimizde hep tahrik edici konuşurduk, ama sıradan bir cinsel hayatımız vardı.

Haftasonu için kış olması sebebiyle Ankaradan kaplıcalarıyla ünlü Kızılcahamama gittik. Otele yerleşip, akşam yemeğinden sonra aileler için özel olan 2 kişilik sauna, hamam ve havuzun olduğu bölüme girdik. Benim üzerimde Boxer, karımda da de sütyen ve tanga vardı. Bir süre saunada kaldıktan sonra göbek taşına yatıp istirahat ettik. Bu arada bayan masör istedik, karıma masaj yapması için. Ama otelde bayan masör olmadığını söylediler. Karım da bana, “Aşkım ozaman sen masaj yap bana!” dedi. “Karıcığım çok yorgunum, nasıl olsa ben de yanındayım, masör gelsin, beline havlu sararsın, masajını yaptırırsın!” dedim. Israr edince karım kabul etti…

Biraz sonra, adının Deniz olduğunu öğrendiğimiz masör arkadaş geldi. 1.75 boyunda, geniş omuzlu, kaslı, biçimli vücudu ve kocaman elleri olan biriydi. Denizin üzerinde mavi bir şort vardı. Müsaade isteyip yüzükoyun yatan karımın omuzlarına, sırtına masaj yapmaya başladı. Ben de uzanmış dinleniyordum. Baktım karımın yüzü pembeleşmeye başladı. Bu arda Deniz de karımın bacaklarına masaj yapıyordu. 45 dakika sonra karımın masajı bitti ve Deniz biraz dinlenip bana da masaj yapacaktı. Deniz kendisine soğuk soda almaya gideceğini, bize de içip imeyeceğimizi sorarak yanımızdan ayrıldı…

Yalnız kalınca karıma, “Bebeğim ne oluyor, rengin değişti, yaprak gibi titriyorsun?” dedim. “Kocacığım ne yapayım, elimde değil, tahrik oldum, baksana amım sulandı!” dedi. Elimi bacak arasına attım ki, oyyy benim tatlı karımın amcığı kabarmış ve sulanmıştı. Deniz gelesiye kadar karımı hemen göbek taşının üzerinde domalttım, tangasını sıyırıp amına geçirdim. Karıcığım derin bir “Ohhhhh!” çekti, ama içine girmemle boşalmam bir oldu. Sikimi çekip, “Özür dilerim karıcığım doyuramadım seni!” dedim, ama çok mahçuptum. Karım da beni teselli etti, ama azdığı bir anda adam gibi sikilememenin huzursuzluğu oturmuştu yüzüne…

Kendime çok kızdım, o anda ağzımdan, “Ben boynuzlanmayı hak eden bir gavatım, karısını sikemeyen bir pezevengim!” sözleri çıkıverdi. Karım beni teselli etmeye uğraşıyor, ama bir türlü kızgınlığım geçmiyordu. “Karıcığım üzgünüm, haftasonumuzu mahvettim, ama senin mutsuzluğuna dayanamam, istersen masör çocuk yakışıklı, güçlü, kuvvetli, onla sikişebilirsin, zevk al, mutlu ol, kadınlığını yaşa istiyorum!” dedim. “Aşkım pişman oluruz, bir anlık şehvet için seni aldatmak istemiyorum!” dedi. “Bebeğim söz, senden soğumayacağım, daha çok seveceğim seni, hem ben de yanında olacağım, biliyorum ruhun kalbin herşeyin benim, zevk almak senin de hakkın, sen benimsin, bedeninin haz alması için şart bu!” ısrarlarımla karımı masörle sikişmeye ikna ettim. Karım, “Peki ama Deniz cesaret edip yapabilecek mi sence?” dedi. “O konuyu ben hallederim!” dedim…

Az sonra Deniz geldi. Sodaları alıp bir kenara koydum ve “Denizciğim, önce karımın havlunun altında kalan yerlerine de masaj yap, sonra bana masaj yaparsın!” dedim. “Olur abi!” dedi. Karım havlusunu çekince tangasıyla kaldı. Deniz karımın tangasının kenarından akan dölü görünce şaşırdı, bana garip garip bakmaya başladı. Hemen araya girip, “Denizciğim sen gittikten sonra karımı bu güzel ortamda sikmek istedim, ama hemen boşaldım, sen de istersen karımın zevk almasını isterim, Gülsümüm razı oldu, onu sikermisin?” dedim. Deniz karımın kalçasına bir şaplak vurup, “İstemez miyim abi, yengeyi ilk gördüğümde kapalı olduğu için yanaşmadım, yoksa burada kocalarının önünde çok karı siktik, çoğu müşterimiz özellikle karısını siktirmeye geliyor zaten!” dedi.

Deniz karıma da, “Yenge hadi önce bir duş al!” dedi. Karımı alıp duşun altına soktum, dudaklarını öpüp, “Rahat ol fıstığım, yanındayım hep!” deyip amını götünü bir güzel yıkadım. “Hazırmısın karıcığım orospuluğa, bak ben de senin boynuzlu pezevengengin olacağım!” dedim. Karım duştan çıkınca Deniz bana, “Abi bir ricam var, ilk defa kapalı birini sikeceğim, yenge günlük kıyafetlerini giyse de ellerimle tek tek soyarak siksem?” dedi. Karar vermiştik artık, mecburen olur dedik. Karım kabine girip hemen elbiselerini giyip geldi…

Muhteşemdi her haliyle, beyaz bir pantolon, beyaz badi, üzerinde dizlerine kadar inen mavi bir tunik ve beyaz başörtü. Deniz hemen yanaşıp Gülsümümün dudaklarına yapıştı, kalçalarını okşuyordu bir yandan. Karımın tuniğini, badisini, pantolonunu ve başörtüsünü çıkardı, dudaklarını boynunu öpüyordu. Karım yavaş yavaş gevşemeye başlamıştı. İkisi de ayakta çırılçıplak kaldı. Denizin sikini görünce karım da ben de donakaldık. Benimkinin iki katı, kalın, kocaman mor başlı bir yarak. Ayakta sevişmeye başladılar. Deniz karımın göğüslerini somrup amcığını okşuyordu. Karım birden, “Kocacığım artık dayanamıyorum, rahat davranabilirmiyim?” dedi. Ben de, “Tabii birtanem, artık Deniz senin sikicin, ikinci kocan, serbest ol, kasma kendini!” dedim.

Bu arada göbek taşının üzerinde 69 oldular. Deniz, “Yenge orospum olacaksın, bu güzel amcığı yara yara sikeceğim!” diyordu. Karım Gülsüm de inleyerek, “Sik erkeğim, kurban olurum bu koca sike ben!” diyordu. Deniz karımı sırtüstü yatırıp amcığını biraz daha emdi ve sikinin koca başını karımın amına sürtmeye başladı. Sikin başı azcık girdiğinde karım çığlık atıp girmesine izin vermedi, “Kocacığım çok korkuyorum!” dedi. Hemen yanına gidip karımın dudaklarına bir öpücük kondurdum, “Rahat ol bebeğim!” deyip elini sıkıca avucuma aldım. Yarak içine girmeye başladığında karıma, “Bir öpücük ver kocacığına!” dedim ve Denize işaret ettim. Deniz koca yarağını tükürükleyip başını hafifçe karımın amcığına soktu. Karımın eli avuçlarımdaydı, canı yanmaya başlayınca dudağımı öpmeye başladı. Deniz birden yüklenip yarağını yarısına kadar karımın amcığına geçirdi. O acıyla karım benim dudağımı ısırdı. Ben sürekli, “Birazdan rahatlayacaksın karıcığım!” diyordum.

Deniz sikini dibine kadar karımın amcığına geçirip içinde gidip geldikçe karım rahatlıyor ve gevşiyordu. Karımın elleri avuçlarımda zevk almaya başladıkça bana, “Boynuzlu oldun, pezevengim, canım kocam, sevgilim!” diye inlemeye başladı. Ben de, “Orospum zevk ifadsei çok yakışıyor yüzüne!” dedim. Deniz de, “Gel pezevenk yakından bak, nasıl sikiyorum karını izle iyice!” diye hakaret ediyordu bana. Denizin bacaklarının arasından, karımın amına her giriş çıkışını görebiliyordum. Karım Denize, “Daha hızlı erkeğim, sik beni, parçala amımı, arslanım, sikicim, kocacığım!” diyordu.

Bir müddet sonra Deniz karımı domaltıp arkadan amcığına girmeye başladı. Karım 3. orgazmını yaşıyordu ki, “Pezevenk kocam, Denize siktir beni hep, doyamıyorum bu yarağa!” diye inledi. Deniz, “Abi karının amına boşalmak istiyorum!” dedi. Karıma baktım, “Ne dersin karıcığım?” dedim. Karım da Denize, “Erkeğim pezevenk kocama sormana gerek yok, kölenim senin, istediğini yap!” dedi. Deniz boşalmaya başlamış, dölleri karıcığımın amından taşıyordu. İşleri bitince Denize teşekkür edip yolladık. Karım bana, “Teşekkür ederim kocacığım, seni çok seviyorum!” dedi. Benim sevgili meleğimi mutlu görmek beni de mutlu etmişti. Yıkanıp odamıza çıktık.

Ertesi günü yine Denize doya doya siktirdim karımı. Arada bir Denizi evmize çağırıyoruz, hem güzel masaj yapıyor, hemde sınırsız erotik zamanlar yaşıyoruz.


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